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Number A8354 A8446 A8508 A8511 A8514 A8520 S2801A S5807 S5831 S5855 S50002 A4004D A7043 A8368A

A8496 A8510 S2800E S2803E S2807C S2808D S2809D S2810C S2811C S2812C S5845 S5846 S5851 S5856 S50001 S6732 S6610 S6733

Bill Year O'Donnell (MS) -- Enacts the Marriage Equality Act relating to ability of individuals to marry 2011 Lopez V (MS) -- Extends provisions of rent control law 2011 Lopez V (MS) -- Extends the provisions of rent control laws 2011 Lopez V (MS) -- Extends the provisions of rent control laws 2011 Morelle (MS) -- Establishes the New York Health Benefit Exchange 2011 O'Donnell -- Relates to the ability to marry; amends a chapter of the laws of 2011, as proposed in legislative bill number A. 2011 8354, in relation to the statutory construction of such chapter BUDGET -- legislature and judiciary 2011 SKELOS -- Extends the provisions of rent control laws 2011 SKELOS -- Extends the provisions of rent control laws 2011 SKELOS -- Establishes the NY-SUNY 2020 challenge grant program; appropriation 2011 BUDGET -- Enacts major components of legislation relating to issues deemed necessary to the state 2011 Budget -- CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET 2011 Millman -- Relates to signatures made on designating petitions 2011 Weinstein -- Specifies courts and types of actions in which pilot programs will be authorized to permit use of electronic means to 2011 commenceRelates to or special proceeding permits and increases the amount of taxicabs designed to foster increased access and Heastie -- an action New York city livery 2011 mobility to persons with disabilities NY act of 2011" Cahill (MS) -- Establishes the "power 2011 BUDGET -- state operations 2011 BUDGET -- aid to localities 2011 BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the public protection and general 2011 government budget for the 2011-2012 state fiscal year BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the education, labor and family 2011 assistance budget into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the health and mental hygiene budget for BUDGET -- Enacts 2011 the 2011-2012 state fiscal plan BUDGET -- Enacts major components of legislation necessary to implement the transportation, economic development and 2011 environmental conservation budget for 2011-2012 legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2011BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of 2011 2012 state fiscal year BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2011-2012 state 2011 fiscal year Relates to coverage for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder RULES -2011 ROBACH -- Relates to compensation and other terms and conditions of employment of certain state officers and employees 2011 HANNON -- Eliminates the 20 visits per year limit on medical assistance coverage for speech, physical and occupational 2011 therapies to persons majortraumatic brain injury with components of legislation relating to real property tax levies, rent regulation, exemption from local SKELOS -- Enacts 2011 taxation and mandate relief. BUDGET -- Makes appropriations for the support of state government 2011 RULES -- Relates to annual professional performance review of classroom teachers and building principals 2012 ROBACH -- Relates to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of members of the agency police 2012 services unit;Relates to DNArepealer of certain offenders convicted of a crime appropriation; testing SALAND -2012

S6735 S6736 S2230 A9700D A9705D A9706C A9709C A9711B A10468 A10469 A10610 A10740 A10847 A10848 A10924 A11012 A11104 A11108 A11308 A11309 A11310 A11311 A11313 A11438 A11440 A11514 A11515 A11567 A11597 A11598 A11608 A11612 A11678

RULES -- Relates to persons joining certain public retirement systems after April 1, 2012 SKELOS -- Enacts the Redistricting Reform Act of 2012 KLEIN -- Enacts the NY SAFE Act of 2013 Budget -- Public Protection and General Government Budget Bill Budget -- Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation Budget -- Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the Public Protection and General Government state fiscal plan forcomponents of legislation which are necessary to implement the Transportation, Economic Budget -- Enacts into law major the 2010-2011 state fiscal year Development & Environmental budget for the 2009-2010 state fiscal year Budget -- Enacts the deficiency Conservation Budget for the 2010-2011 state fiscal plan Rules -- Enacts provisions relating to an emergency spending plan for the period April 1, 2010 through April 11, 2010 Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through April 11, 2010 Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through April 18, 2010 Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through April 25, 2010 Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through May 2, 2010 Rules -- Extends certain provisions of the state finance law and other laws and relates to voting by the NY local government assistance corporation Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through May 12, 2010 Rules -- Relates to the effectiveness of the transitional care unit demonstration program Rules -- Relates to the issuance of revenue bonds and the general debt service fund Englebright -- Relates to resale of tickets to places of entertainment Rules -- Relates to real estate transfer tax deposits into the environmental protection fund; penalties; e waste and makes appropriations for appropriation to the state education department for services and expenses related to implementing a state Rules -- Makes an the support of government; repealer longitudinal data systemto the establishment, organization, and administration of charter schools Rules (Nolan) -- Relates Rules -- Relates to charter schools Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through June 9, 2010 Rules -- Relates to the New York state theatre institute; appropriation Rules -- Relates to licensing requirements for certain social work and mental health professionals employed by certain corporations Rules -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through June 28, 2010 Rules -- Enacts into law components of legislation necessary to implement the emergency appropriation Rules (Lopez V) -- Enacts provisions relating to interim multiple dwellings and the tax law relating to video lottery gaming Rules -- Makes technical corrections related to reporting requirements of the department of correctional services Rules -- Relates to budget appropriations for the medical assistance program Rules (Glick) -- Relates to stipends and funds for the state university of New York Rules -- Relates to rape crisis centers for services to rape victims and programs to prevent rape Rules -- Enacts legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2010-2011 state fiscal year

2012 2012 2013 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010

A41011A A42001 A42007 A42008A A42012 A42013 A42014 S5847F S7777 S7846 S7925 S7932 S8088 S8089 S8090 S8167 S8169 S8280A S8293 S8340A S8412 S8420 S8421 S8422 S68004 S68005 S68010 A150C A156B A163A A4919 A7131A A8180

Rules -- Establishes the FMAP contingency fund to address the failure of the federal government to extend enhanced Medicaid Assistance percentages New York Racing Network, Inc. Rules -- Establishes the Rules -- Renames the Brooklyn battery tunnel the Hugh L. Carey tunnel Rules -- Amends provisions of the education, labor and family assistance budget for 2010 relating to the elementary, middle, secondary and continuing education program construction code to address the requirements of the American Recovery and Rules -- Updates the state energy conservation Reinvestment Act of 2009 Rules -- Relates to green jobs-green New York on-bill financing Rules -- Relates to the powers and duties of the dormitory authority of the state of New York relative to the establishment of subsidiaries-- Enacts thepurposes state construction industry fair play act" ONORATO for certain "New York RULES -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through May 20, 2010 RULES -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through May 26, 2010 RULES -- Extends provision of law relating to multiple dwellings and the game of quick draw and relates to certain funds and accounts, and deposits and transfers RULES -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through June 3, 2010 RULES -- Relates to prior approval of health insurance premium rates RULES -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through June 14, 2010 RULES -- Enacts into law components of legislation necessary to implement provisions of law relating to the emergency appropriation RULES -- Provides for emergency appropriation for the period April 1, 2010 through June 20, 2010 RULES -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the health and mental hygiene budget for the 2010-11 state fiscal plan; the regulation of the use of the state's water resources; repealer THOMPSON -- Relates to repealer RULES -- Makes technical corrections to a chapter of the laws of 2010 relating to sales of cigarettes to Indian nations and tribes RULES -- Relates to resale of tickets to places of entertainment KLEIN -- Relates to compensation, benefits and other terms of employment of certain state officers and employees who are members of the Relates to establishing a head injury awareness act STACHOWSKI -- security supervisors unit; appropriation RULES -- Relates to budget appropriations for the state university of New York RULES -- Relates to the effectiveness of the authorization of certain payments and transfers by the state university chancellor RULES -- Relates to cost-sharing, deductible or co-insurance for tier IV prescription drugs and unlawful discriminatory practice in prescribing suchtechnical corrections to provisions of the multiple dwelling law relating to time to obtain certificates of RULES -- Makes drugs; repealer occupancy RULES -- Establishes a special commission on judicial compensation, and provides for their powers and duties and provide Budget -- PUBLIC PROTECTION AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET Budget -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the public protection and general government budget for the 2009 - 2010 state fiscal year made by chapters 50, 53, 54 and 55 of the laws of 2008 relating to Budget -- Makes amendments to certain appropriations support-- Deficiency budget; makes appropriations for the support of government Budget of state government Morelle (MS) -- Relates to the licensure of life settlement brokers; creates certain crimes relating to life settlement fraud; relates to premium finance agreements; repealer Silver (MS) -- Relates to implementing various supplemental fees and taxes for the metropolitan commuter transportation district; repealer

2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

A9033 A9035 A9036 A9037 A9038 A9039 A9040 A9049 A40003 A40008 A40011 A40012 A40021 A40022 A40023 A40026 S249A S3700 S50001 S50002 S50005 S50008 S50016 S50025 S50026 S50028 S50039 S50041 S50042 S50046 S50324 S50325 S66002

Gottfried (MS) -- Authorizes the purchase of coverage under family health plus by voluntary employee benefit associations Nolan -- Relates to streamlining planning and reporting requirements for school districts and boards of cooperative educational services -- Relates to extending the dates for increasing and imposing malpractice and professional medical conduct insurance Gottfried rates (MS) -- Relates to payment by the state of certain employer retirement contributions Abbate Morelle -- Provides for the extension of health insurance coverage to the unmarried child of an insured through the age of 29 years (MS) -- Extends provisions of law relating to low cost power to foster statewide economic development Cahill Cahill -- Relates to clean energy initiatives of New York power authority Sweeney (MS) -- Relates to the recycling, reuse and safe handling of electronic equipment sold in the state of New York Rules (O'Donnell) -- Relates to individuals ability to marry Rules (Weisenberg) -- Relates to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs with a child passenger Rules (Destito) -- Authorizes term appointments without examination for certain information technology positions Rules (Brodsky) -- Creates the authorities budget office; repealer Budget -- Authorizes commissioner of taxation and finance to administer accounts receivable discount program with respect to certain overdue tax liabilities Budget -- Amends various provisions of chapters of the laws 2009 making appropriations for the support of government Budget -- Implements savings adjustments to the state fiscal plan Rules (Silver) -- Provides retirement benefits for new entrants to certain public retirement systems BUDGET -- Enacts various provisions of law necessary to implement savings adjustments to the state financial plan RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government RULES -- Extends provisions of law relating to low cost power to foster statewide economic development RULES -- Extends certain provisions of law relating to the implementation of the federal individuals with disabilities education improvement act certain provisions of the New York state financial emergency act for the city of New York in relation to bond RULES -- Amends of 2004 anticipation notes the bond and note authorization of the NYS housing finance agency and the effectiveness of the powers of RULES -- Increases such agency to finance certain housing the sale of bonds and notes of the city of NY; NYS financial emergency act RULES -- Relates to the effectiveness of RULES -- Increases the amount of reimbursement the division of veterans' affairs shall provide to local veterans' service agencies Relates cost of implementation such agenc of a written agreement between CUNY and its employee organization; RULES -- for the to the maintenance of of the terms appropriation RULES -- Authorizes and empowers the county of Nassau to amortize the cost of payments to employees upon separation of service-- Extendscounty RULES from the until October 1, 2010, the expiration date for the city of Olean to issue serial bonds to finance a certain deficit RULES -- Provides for an extender of 2 years for the safe patient handling demonstration program RULES -- Extends to November 30, 2011, the expiration of the 5% hotel and motel tax in the county of Chautauqua RULES -- Establishes a mandatory surcharge for traffic offenses and infractions in Suffolk and Nassau counties RULES -- Authorizes the county of Schoharie to impose hotel and motel taxes not to exceed four percent RULES -- Raises from 3% to 4%, the maximum rate of taxation for the hotel and motel taxes in the county of Tioga STEWART-COUSINS -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary for the efficient operation of local governments; repealer

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

S66004A S66005 S66007 S66009 A9998 A10270 A10418 A10419 A10484 A11773 A40002 A40003 S6487B S6773 S6800D S6801B S6803D S6804D S6805D S6806C S6807C S6808C S6809C S7369A S7844B S8143A S8298A S8334 S8376A S8534A S8549 S8679A S8682B

THOMPSON -- Authorizes municipalities to create a municipal sustainable energy loan program VALESKY -- Relates to eligibility of certain felony offenders for parole and medical parole KLEIN -- Relates to home mortgage loans, the crime of mortgage fraud, and appropriations to the NYS housing trust fund corporation BRESLIN -- Relates to the licensure of life settlement brokers; creates certain crimes relating to life settlement fraud; relates to premium finance agreement; repealer Pretlow (MS) -- Relates to racing corporations and associations; simulcasting and imposition of certain taxes Abbate -- Establishes compensation, benefits and other terms for certain state officers and employees; repealer; appropriation Rules -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2008-2009 state fiscal year Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules (Sweeney) -- Relates to a New York city operated sanitation water-dependent marine transfer station to process recyclableMakes amendments to certain appropriations made byGan Budget -- materials generated in the county of New York on the chapters 50, 51 and 53-55 of the laws of 2008 relating to support-- Enacts government law necessary to implement saving adjustments to the state fiscal plan; repealers Budget of state provisions of MAZIARZ -- Relates to a review of the condition of cafeterias in school districts of N.Y. city; repealer ROBACH -- Relates to compensation benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of certain state officers state officers and employees; repealer;appropriation BUDGET -- Public protection & general government BUDGET -- Legislative and Judiciary BUDGET -- Education,Labor & Family Assiatance BUDGET -- Health & Mental Hygiene BUDGET -- Transportation & Economic Development & Environmental Conservation BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the public protection and general government budget for themajor components of legislation necessary to implement the education, labor and family assistance BUDGET -- Enacts into law 2008-2009 state fiscal plan budget for the 2008-2009 state fiscal plan BUDGET -- Enacts major components of legislation necessary to implement the health and mental hygiene budget for the 20082009 fiscal Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the transportation, economic BUDGET -- year development and environmental conservation budget forof insurance; repealer SEWARD -- Relates to licensing and authorizing new lines the 2008-2009 state fiscal year NOZZOLIO -- Authorizes the town of Webster, county of Monroe, to transfer ownership of certain parklands in exchange for an eight acre Establishes all home loans shall be park and/or town sports andand limitations; creates the crimes of residential FARLEY -- parcel solely to be used as a town subject to certain standards athletic facility mortgage -- Relates to 1st through 5th degrees HANNON fraud in the clarifying and strengthening the authority of the board for professional medical conduct to discipline physicians and to enhancing infection control training and practices funds from the indigent legal services fund to certain MORAHAN -- Authorizes the state comptroller to distribute certain counties -- Relates to identity theft, protection of sensitive personal information, employee personal identifying information FUSCHILLO and crime of unlawfulto the protection of children in residential facilities from child abuse and neglect; repealer MORAHAN -- Relates possession of skimmer device LARKIN -- Relates to the New York city off-track betting corporation RULES -- Creates a demonstration project to determine appropriate limitations on work hours for direct care employees RULES -- Relates to certain manufacturers

2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

S8700 S8702 S8705 S8706 S8708 S8709 S8710 S8711 S8713 S8714 S8715 S8717 A5843 A5844 A7334A A9296A A9304 A9305 A9309A A9310A A9363 S2100D S2101B S2103D S2104D S2105D S2106C S2107C S2108C S2109C S2110C S6422 S6423A

BONACIC -- Relates to capital investments by certain licensed video lottery gaming operators HANNON -- Relates to long term health care, education and outreach programs and establishment of an external review process for-- Relates to tax abatements and plans PADAVAN long term health care insurance tax exemptions for industrial and commercial work on properties in a city of one million or more persons SKELOS -- Relates to transmission of data relating to the possession and acquisition of a firearm RULES -- Relates to individual and group self-insurers and security for payment of compensation and a default offset fund, creates-- Relates to thoroughbred horse racing; repealer RULES a task force on group self-insurers MORAHAN -- Creates mental health incident review panels RULES -- Authorizes CUNY to implement the terms of an agreement between it and its employee organization; appropriations JOHNSON O -- Authorizes counties to increase fee for recording, entering, indexing and endorsing a certificate on an instrument NOZZOLIO -- Enacts provisions relating to post-release supervision RULES -- Establishes livery driver benefit fund MARCELLINO -- Relates to the brownfield cleanup program Abbate -- Relates to compensation, benefits and terms of employment for forest rangers; appropriation Abbate -- Relates to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment for certain members; repealer; appropriation the private activity bond allocation act of 2007 and provides for the expiration of certain provisions thereof Hoyt -- Enacts Brodsky (MS) -- Enacts the public authorities reform act of 2008; repealer Nolan -- Makes technical corrections to a chapter of the laws of 2007 relating to the relocation and employment assistance program-- Makes technical corrections to provisions of law regarding real property tax exemptions for certain multiple Lopez V dwellings -- Establishes felony offenses relating to endangering the welfare of an incompetent or physically disabled person Gordon T Lentol (MS) -- Relates to the dissemination of violent and indecent video games to minors Carrozza (MS) -- Relates to HAVA voting machine and system implementation; repeals certain provisions relating thereto BUDGET -- Public protection & general government BUDGET -- Legislature and Judiciary Budget BUDGET -- Education, Labor & Family Assiatance BUDGET -- Health & Mental Hygiene BUDGET -- Transportation & Economic Development & Environmental Conservation BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the public protection and general government budget for themajor components of legislation necessary to implement the education, labor, and family assistance BUDGET -- Enacts into law 2007-2008 state fiscal plan budget for the 2007-2008 fiscal year of legislation necessary to implement the health and mental hygiene budget for the 2007BUDGET -- Enacts major components 2008 fiscal Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the transportation, economic development BUDGET -- year and environmental conservation budget for the 2007-2008 fiscal plan to implement the revenue budget for the 2007-2008 BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary state fiscal plan NOZZOLIO -- Relates to the confinement conditions and treatment of convicted persons with serious mental illness; repealer NOZZOLIO -- Exempts county jails from the requirement to divert inmates with serious mental illness to a residential mental health treatment unit

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007

S6514 S6521 A9566A A12017 S3249D S3824C S4502A S6365A S6409 S7035C S8100A S8124A S8227B S8239 S8240 S8242 S8263 S8306 S8397C S8431 S8435 S8438 S8441 S8442 S8444 S8445 S8446 S8449 S8450 S8453 S8454 S8467 S8468

NOZZOLIO -- Relates to compensation, benefits and conditions of employment for certain state officers and employees who are members ofMakes provisions for unit; repealer;permanent or temporary disabilities of employees of voluntary hospitals in MAZIARZ -- the security services the deaths or appropriation connection with the World Trade Center attacks government Budget -- Makes appropriation for the support of Rules (Brodsky) -- Chapter amends voice over internet protocol 911 disclosure act, to provide for its application WRIGHT -- Enacts the "modem hijacking deterrence act": authorizing civil actions for damages, injunctions, civil penalties, and attorneys' fees VOLKER -- Establishes certain guidelines for judgment creditors for serving information subpoenas GOLDEN -- Prohibits indoor fireworks or other pyrotechnic displays without a permit and establishes procedures and penalties relating Relates to demonstration programs for alternative forms for nonhospital orders not to resuscitate;repealer ALESI -- thereto SKELOS -- Requires level one sex offenders to register for 20 years and level 2 sex offenders to register for life DEFRANCISCO -- Relates to the assignment of part-time city court judges and the salary of certain city court judges; repealer WRIGHT -- Authorizes the conveyance of certain real property of the state and an easement to the Development Authority of the North Country FUSCHILLO -- Authorizes motor fuel franchise dealers to obtain alternative fuels from a supplier other than a franchise distributor-- Establishes a statewide immunization registry of persons under nineteen HANNON DEFRANCISCO -- Permits the reopening of the optional twenty year retirement plan for police officer Donald Shaver MARCELLINO -- Sets standards for metal content in commercial fertilizers sold in this state PADAVAN -- Relates to the filing of annual disclosure reports by community council members, candidates for such councils, board members, officersidentity theft and unlawful possession of personal identification information FUSCHILLO -- Relates to and employees BRESLIN -- Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Bethlehem, county of Albany, as the "Captain Timothy J. Moshier Memorial York state court officer academy GOLDEN -- Establishes a New Highway" SALAND -- Adds school buses as a designated area for the purposes of controlled substances offenses MEIER -- Relates to permanency hearings BRUNO -- Authorizes the county of Saratoga to discontinue the use of certain land for reforestation purposes SKELOS -- Eliminates and extends statute of limitations for rape, criminal sexual act, aggravated sexual abuse and course of sexual conduct against a child in the first degree production tax credit; repealer GOLDEN -- Relates to the empire state commercial BRUNO -- Establishes Historic Saratoga-Washington on the Hudson Partnership ALESI -- Creates three new crimes regarding fleeing a police officer in a motor vehicle SKELOS -- Provides for DNA testing in felony cases and for certain misdemeanors GOLDEN -- Establishes the Brooklyn healthworks pilot program and the upstate healthworks pilot program SKELOS -- Creates the office of the Medicaid inspector general; relates to health care fraud PADAVAN -- Authorizes the dormitory authority of the state of New York to sell certain land in the county of Queens to the Indian Cultural and Community Center,wholly-owned subsidiary of the Educational Housing Services Inc. BALBONI -- Relates to the powers of a Inc.; repealer GOLDEN -- Relates to criminal possession of a weapon; repealer VOLKER -- Exempts the state and municipalities and their agencies and employees from certain requirements for service of information subpoenas by a judgment creditor

2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006

S8470 S8471 S8472 S8473 S8474 S8513A S8518 S70001 S26B S186C S484C S4040C S4270A S4271 S5565A S5567A S5688A S5810A S5829 S5833 S5862A S5873 S5898 S5905 S5908B S5909 S5911 S5913 S5918 S5919 S5920 S5921 S5923

BUDGET -- Budget cleanup BUDGET -- Enacts provisions of law necessary for the implementation of the state fiscal plan for the 2006-2007 state fiscal year; repealers-- Relates to charter schools, the temporary assistance to needy families and provides an early retirement incentive BUDGET program -- Relates to an appropriation for eligible TANF purposes BUDGET for certain public employees ROBACH -- Provides for the compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of agency law enforcement services -- Establishes the flood assessment relief act of 2006 LIBOUS unit police officers; appropriation RULES -- Relates to the crimes of vehicular assault and vehicular manslaughter VOLKER -- Provides for the civil commitment of sexually violent predators MAZIARZ -- Relates to temporary investments BALBONI -- Enacts the "consumer protection against computer spyware act" SKELOS -- Relates to procedures to restrict the sale of methamphetamine precursors FUSCHILLO -- Allows tier 2 members and the beneficiaries of such members to elect to receive death benefits in the form of an annuity -- Makes chapter amendments to budget bills of 2005 BUDGET BUDGET -- Makes chapter amendments to various bills relating to implementing the state fiscal plan for the 2005-2006 state fiscal year Extends the tax credit allowed for clean-fuel vehicle refueling property; repealer WRIGHT -YOUNG -- Authorizes certain counties to exempt clothing and footwear from local sales and compensating use taxes LIBOUS -- Extends certain filing requirements for licensed master social workers GOLDEN -- Relates to oversight, control and accountability concerning the placement of children in out-of-state programs and facilities-- Relates to procurements by the New York city transit authority and the metropolitan transportation authority LIBOUS MARCELLINO -- Enacts the interstate wildlife violator compact LIBOUS -- Includes other rail lines connected with the main line of certain railroads to the interstate compact between Connecticut and New registration filing fees for certain lobbying entities WINNER -- Relates to York RULES -- Provides for the granting of additional merit time to certain felony controlled substance and marihuana offenders VOLKER -- Creates the Erie county fiscal stability authority RATH -- Amends chapter 564 of the laws of 2005, authorizing managed care operating demonstrations to provide added services MORAHAN -- Relates to assisted outpatient treatment YOUNG -- Repeals certain sections of the education law relating to student financial aid for professional training MARCELLINO -- Authorizes the town of Oyster Bay, county of Nassau, to accept an application for real property tax exemption from the -- Relates to the conducting of an award of a procurement contract WINNER Gold Coast Public Library District VOLKER -- Amends provisions of a chapter of the laws of 2005 relating to creating the Erie county fiscal stability authority as proposed in bills S5905 and A8984 NOZZOLIO -- Establishes criminal offenses related to the manufacture of methamphetamine NOZZOLIO -- Relates to restricting the coverage under certain medical insurance programs of certain medications used to treat erectile dysfunction non-profit racing association oversight board and making various changes to the racing and wagering LARKIN -- Creates the industry

2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

S5924A S5925 S5926 S5927 S5928 S5929 S5930 S50001 S50003 A9712A A10401 A10402A A11066 A11067 A11125 A11129 A11277 A11281 A11282 A11283 A11343 A11344 A11723A A11760A A11761 A11775 A11776 A11817 A11895 S5533B S6051A S6054B S6055B

DEFRANCISCO -- Provides for additional court of claims, supreme court and family court judges WINNER -- Provides certain limitations on the number of cases of wine that may be shipped pursuant to an out-of-state direct shipper's license PADAVAN -- Provides for the repeal of a chapter of the laws of 2005 relating to the exemption of clothing and footwear from local sales Establishes the public authorities accountability act of 2005 LEIBELL -- and use taxes RULES -- Amends various provisions of law relating to implementation of the education, labor and family assistance budget; repealer Amends chapters 50, 53, 54 and 55 of the laws of 2005 relating to appropriations for the support of government RULES -RULES -- Omnibus act enacting provisions of law necessary to stimulate the economy of the city of New York and the state of New York-- Redefines violent felony offense, and elements of the crimes of criminal possession of a weapon in various degrees, GOLDEN and criminal sale of a firearm against police act; relating to minimum sentencing of imprisonment for certain offenses and GOLDEN -- Enacts the crimes in various degrees establishes crimes relatingof law essential to the fiscal stability of Westchester county Rules -- Enacts provisions to offenses against police Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government Rules (Weinstein) -- Provides terms and conditions of employment of certain nonjudicial officers and employees of the unified court system; makes antrooper annual therefor Rules (Abbate) -- State appropriation salary steps Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules (Abbate) -- Relates to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment for certain state officers and employees; repealer; appropriation operation of the lottery game quick draw and extends provisions relating to the lofts Rules -- Extends provisions authorizing the law -- Provides a quarterly authorization for the state's consolidated local street and highway improvement program (CHIPS) Rules Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government; repealer Rules (Lentol) -- Relates to anti-terrorism preparedness Rules (John) -- Enacts the empire state wage act of 2004 Rules -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government Rules (Bing) -- Relates to leasing the Seventh Regiment Armory which is located in New York city to a not-for-profit corporation Rules (Aubry) -- Makes comprehensive amendments to penalties for certain controlled substance offenses and further makes provisions relating to indeterminateof the new motor vehicle lemon law relating to mobile homes LITTLE -- Expands special provisions sentences; repealer BUDGET -- Legislative and Judiciary BUDGET -- Health and Mental Hygiene BUDGET -- Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004

S6058B S6059B S6060B S6206A S6329A S6473B S6523 S6524 S6932 S7108A S7117A S7192 S7193 S7260 S7264 S7360B S7367A S7399B S7419 S7441C S7473 S7485A S7559 S7566 S7584 S7631A S7632 S7635 S7636 S7637A S7640 S7642 S7643

BUDGET -- Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the health and mental hygiene budget for the 2004-2005 state fiscal year BUDGET -- Enacts language relating to implementing appropriations made in transportation and economic development budget pursuant -- Enacts intoof the constitution BUDGET to article VII law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 20042005 stateEnables taxpayers to make a gift for prostate cancer research, detection and education on such taxpayer's income tax BRUNO -- fiscal year return-- Relates to the residency requirement for certain offices in the town of Big Flats, Chemung county KUHL KUHL -- Authorizes the city of Corning to convey certain parklands BUDGET -- Relates to language for deficiency budget for 2003-2004 fiscal year BUDGET -- Enacts a deficiency budget for the 2003-2004 state fiscal year RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government FUSCHILLO -- Authorizes the Neighborhood Assembly of God of Nassau county to file an application for a real property tax exemption MCGEE -- Authorizes granting of the residential investment exemption in certain school districts RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government RULES -- Establishes the transportation safety account; repealer RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government DEFRANCISCO -- Includes the Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences Laboratory within the definition of qualified agencies -- Establishes the Niagara river greenway commission and provides for the membership and powers and duties MAZIARZ thereof MARCELLINO -- Requires the labeling and recycling of mercury-added consumer products RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government GOLDEN -- Adds public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools to the New York Power Authority's list of mandated customers RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government RULES -- Enacts the Leading Educational Achievement for Results Now (LEARN) Act; repealer LITTLE -- Removes the requirement that duplicate undertakings of county clerk and treasurers be filed with the state comptroller RULES -- Increases the fee for filing a petition to create a village; repealer NOZZOLIO -- Reopens plan 384-d of the New York state and local police and fire retirement system to certain police officers of the village of Newark "kosher law protection act of 2004" and provides for the repeal of certain provisions relating thereto GOLDEN -- Enacts the ROBACH -- Relates to implementing agreements between the state and an employee organization; makes appropriation RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government RULES -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government JOHNSON -- Authorizes the department of environmental conservation to adopt regulations for the management of lobsters LITTLE -- Relates to simplifying various procedures of local governments RATH -- Establishes comprehensive provisions relating to permanency hearings for children placed out of their homes; repealer JOHNSON -- Exempts owners of certain motor vehicles, leased for a year or more, from liability for the negligent use or operation of such vehicles

2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004

S7652 S7656 S7657 S7659 S7660 S7683 S7686 S7710A S7713A S7719 S7720 S7721 S7726 S7729 S7731A S7732 S7733 S7736 S7740 S7743 S7745 S7747 S7748 S7752 S7801 S7803 S50001B A15A A7963 A7964 A8036 A8037 A9073

GOLDEN -- Relates to fuel used to power vehicles used on the Lower Manhattan redevelopment projects and the effectiveness of such-- Relates to the Albany convention center authority; chapter amendment RULES provisions SALAND -- Authorizes the city of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, to discontinue and convey certain lands for waterfront park and commercial development VOLKER -- Makes all sex offenders required to register under the sex offender registration act, designated offenders for DNA submission purposes creation of the MTA bus company, a public benefit subsidiary corporation of the metropolitan RULES -- Relates to the transportation authority RULES -- Authorizes rebates of real property and school taxes to owner and tenant-stockholders of certain real property NOZZOLIO -- Makes technical corrections to provisions for designated offenders relating to the DNA identification index FARLEY -- Relates to the cashing of checks for payees that are other than natural persons FLANAGAN -- Authorizes counties and the city of New York to impose a fee on probationary people for the cost of drug tests ROBACH -- Relates to the compensation, benefits and conditions of employment of certain state officers and employees; appropriation; repealer VOLKER -- Relates to sentencing procedures in capital punishment cases MAZIARZ -- Creates the New York state water rescue team awareness and research fund MARCELLINO -- Makes technical corrections to chapter 1 of the laws of 2003, relating to brownfields and environmental easements;Relates to conditions on the right of entry for professional land surveyors performing surveying services ROBACH -- repealer RATH -- Authorizes the local county legislative body of the county of Genesee to establish a wireless surcharge RATH -- Authorizes the county of Genesee to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property -- Makes technical corrections to provisions establishing the fee-for-service continuing care retirement communities HANNON demonstration program; repealeror more to 10,000 or more, the number of cigarettes for which attempts to evade payment of PADAVAN -- Lowers from 20,000 the cigarette tax becomes a class E felony the holding of public hearings on the preliminary budget and the adoption of the ROBACH -- Relates to Monroe county and budget MORAHAN -- Relates to initial voter identification BRUNO -- Authorizes the construction of new school facilities in the city of Rensselaer; repealer RULES -- Provides for the disposition of lottery revenues and the establishment of a program for the promotion of horse racing and breeding MAZIARZ -- Establishes the "Assisted Living Reform Act" RULES -- Relates to state aid to certain cities containing state-owned lands RULES -- Alters certain dates for purposes of state reimbursement of certain health care services RULES -- Enacts provisions relating to the expansion and renovation of the Javits Convention Center; appropriations RULES -- Relates to providing the opportunity for a sound basic education and providing for accountability in the context of the public education system John (MS) -- Requires hospitals to provide information on emergency contraception and, upon request, emergency contraception to rape survivors duringsupport of government Rules -- Makes appropriations for the emergency treatment Rules -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government through April 13,Makes appropriations for the support of government Rules -- 2003 Rules -- Provides for the availability of the state's share of the health insurance program dividends to pay for health insurance premiums Rules -- Extends expiration of various provisions of law relating to rent control and regulation until June 18, 2003

2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

A9120 S3A S528 S992A S1711 S1712A S3060B S3274B S3283A S3377 S3615 S3616 S3775A S3871A S4179B S4866 S4867 S4883B S5489A S5493B S5503A S5514 S5581 S5585 S5635 S5650 S5653 S5657B S5658 S5670A S5673A S5674 S5675

Rules (DiNapoli) -- Enacts the brownfields cleanup program BALBONI -- Creates the crimes for money laundering for terrorism and the criminal possession and use of a chemical or biological weapon to variable rate debt instruments JOHNSON -- Relates TRUNZO -- Provides that persons with disabilities who have an annual income over twenty-four thousand dollars do not receive a property tax exemption for disability RATH -- Relates to the placement of devices and objects which falsely appear to be hazardous substances RATH -- Provides that the term "victim" for purposes of falsely reporting an incident shall include a municipality, school, fire district, fire company or other entity MARCELLINO -- Provides for the creation of the crimes of unlawful surveillance and the dissemination of an unlawful surveillance Relates to disclosure of records by veterinarians MALTESE -- image BALBONI -- Enacts various provisions of law granting certain benefits and relief to persons activated into military service; repealer -- Enacts a deficiency budget for the 2002 - 2003 state fiscal year BUDGET RULES -- Makes appropriations for the support of government RULES -- Enacts provisions of law necessary to implement emergency appropriations for the support of government through April 9, 2003 VELELLA -- Provides for the terms and conditions of employment for members of the collective negotiating units in the division of state -- Provides that a person or entity providing financial management and budget counseling shall not be required to FARLEY police; repealer obtain a license GOLDEN -- Provides for the enforcement of provisions prohibiting the attaching of handbills and other advertisements to windshields in the city of New Yorkthe support of government RULES -- Makes appropriations for RULES -- Extends provisions of law relating to permitting the secretary of state to provide special handling for certain documents and to the administration of and employees of the state municipal bond bank agency in indemnification coverage JOHNSON -- Includes directors, officers, certain funds MORAHAN -- Relates to the issuance of serial bonds by the Haverstraw-Stony Point Central school district LEIBELL -- Grants the dormitory authority the power to form subsidiaries for the purpose of exercising and performing powers to protect-- Excludes certain recreational vehicles from being considered real property for the purposes of the real property tax MAZIARZ the interests of the authority law -- Extends expiration of various provisions of law relating to rent control and regulation until June 16, 2003 RULES VOLKER -- Prohibits persons found not guilty of homicide by reason of mental disease or defect from receiving decedent's property Extendsor intestateof various provisions of law relating to rent control and regulation until June 17, 2003 RULES -- via will expiration succession LITTLE -- Chapter amends S. 1783-A and A. 3969-B to provide for a civil cause of action for the illegal cutting, removing, injuring or destroying of trees officers, members and employees of the New York city housing development corporation are subject to MARCHI -- Provides the certain conflictAuthorizes the city of Rome to discontinue as parklands and convey certain parcels of land within such city and HOFFMANN -- of interest provisions to use the proceeds for new parklands or improvements MORAHAN -- Authorizes the Congregation Mesifta Ohr Hatalmud to file an application for a real property tax exemption RULES -- Provides for an apportionment for salary expenses to city school districts in a city with a population between 195,000 and 219,000 LITTLE -- Provides for the amendment and ratification upon such amendment of a compact between the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and-- EstablishesNew York WRIGHT the state of a state energy planning board to create a state energy plan, and establishes a process for the siting of major electric generating facilities RULES -- Makes certain technical corrections to chapter 468 of the laws of 2002 relating to certain accidental death and health benefits related to September 11, 2001 RULES -- Extends expiration of various provisions of law relating to rent control and regulation until June 19, 2003

2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

S5676 S5679 S5682 S5686 S5687 S5688 S5689 S5690 S5691 S5692 S5693 S5694 S5695 S5696 S5697 S5698 S5700 S5728A S5729

RULES -- Relates to payments made to the survivors of certain New York city emergency medical technicians killed on September 11, 2001 provisions of law granting certain benefits and relief to persons activated into military service; repealer LITTLE -- Enacts various PADAVAN -- Extends the sunset date of the energy cost savings program, in addition to changes in the program MORAHAN -- Relates to eliminating punch card ballots and establishes the help America Vote act implementation fund MORAHAN -- Appropriates 3,000,000 to the Help America Vote act implementation fund PADAVAN -- Establishes the community district education council within the New York city community school district system RULES -- Makes technical corrections to chapter 53 of the laws of 2003 enacting the education, labor and family assistance budget relating to the education department GOLDEN -- Provides for various reforms to provisions of law relating to criminal sexual conduct; repealer VOLKER -- Authorizes submission to division of criminal justice services and federal bureau of investigation of fingerprints submitted by applicants for licenses to chapters of the laws of 2003 and other laws RULES -- Makes technical corrections RULES -- Extends the expiration of the provisions of law providing for rent control until June 15, 2011 RULES -- Enacts the brownfields cleanup program RULES -- Creates the Buffalo fiscal stability authority FLANAGAN -- Relates to lobbying and the awarding and procurement of contracts in relation thereto; and creating the temporary state commissionverdicts and awards of future damages in medical, dental and podiatric malpractice actions RULES -- Relates to itemized on judicial account MORAHAN -- Provides for the election of delegates to a national party convention or conference SEWARD -- Extends certain provisions of insurance law which expired on August 2, 2001 relating to automobile insurance rate setting -- Establishes a procedure for the approval increasing transfer capability of existing electric transmission lines WRIGHT SEWARD -- Relates to licensing of insurance producers; repealer

2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003

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