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Values and Ethics

Two hours of training Section I - What are Ethics? Section II - Values and Ethics Code Section III - Conflict of interest and postemployment Questions?

Why a Values and Ethics Code?

The Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector (VECPS) came into effect on April 2, 2012. It was created in accordance with subsection 5(1) of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA), which requires that Treasury Board establish a code of conduct applicable to the public sector. The VECPS also stipulates that all departments shall establish their own code of conduct to complement the more general VECPS.

LAC Code of Conduct

Objectives of the Presentation
Understand the concepts of values and ethics in LAC and highlight the importance of being a value-based organization; Understand personal and organizational values; Show why the collective organizational values of the employees are essential for overall organizational efficiency.

Section I What are Ethics?

What are Values?

Values are something intrinsically useful or desirable; something that is considered desirable, valid or fair, such as a belief, standard or moral precept. For the organization, this means recourse to desirable behaviours required to fulfill a mandate. Values help us establish standards, which allow us to choose our behaviour, make decisions, express our needs, and follow our personal path.

What are Ethics?

Ethics are a reflection of the manner in which values are applied in decision making. They involve distinguishing right from wrong and choosing the best option. For LAC, ethics correspond to the implementation of LAC values; they reflect the manner in which these values are applied to the decisionmaking process as such.

Methods of Behaviour Regulation


Heterogulation MORALS MORALE

Methods of Behaviour Regulation

Self-regulation Heteroregulation






Decision Judgment Compliance Submission Conformity Discipline Authority

Shared sense, Self-mastery Engagement and responsibility Adherence and sanction Conviction, awareness and sanction Conformism, routine, respect for others, fear of rejection Conviction and sanction Respect for rules, sanction

Statement of Values, discussion, dialogue, orientation Statement of Values, discussion, dialogue, training, decisions, counsel, mediation and conciliation mechanisms Codes of ethics, training, discipline committee, ethics committee Legislation, citizenship education, courts, police, prison Implicit cultural system and customs, rituals and celebrations, group pressure Scriptures, charters, gathering places, authority Transmission, monitoring supervision

Personal Values versus Organizational Values

What is meant by personal values?
Personal values are based on family or hereditary values as well as cultural norms linked to societal values. They are integrated into our habits, personal convictions and assumptions about ourselves and others.

What is meant by organizational values?

Organizational values are made public and are widely visible. They provide a collective vision of the ideas and behavioural standards expected in an organization, associated with what is appropriate, how it should be done, and the underlying reasons for doing so.

Section II Values and Ethics Code

Values and Ethics Code

LAC Statement of Principles

Leadership Service culture Compliance Responsible use of our resources Exemplary behaviour Respect Demonstrate openness

LAC Values and Ethics



Public servants uphold the Canadian parliamentary democracy and its institutions by: respecting the rule of law and carrying out their duties in accordance with legislation, policies and directives in a non-partisan and impartial manner; loyally carrying out the lawful decisions of their leaders and supporting ministers in their accountability to Parliament and Canadians; providing decision makers with all the information, analysis and advice they need, while always striving to be open, candid and impartial.


Public servants respect human dignity and the value of every person by: treating every person with respect and fairness; valuing diversity and the benefit of combining the unique qualities and strengths inherent in a diverse workforce; helping to create and maintain safe and healthy workplaces that are free from harassment and discrimination; working together in a spirit of openness, honesty and transparency that encourages engagement, collaboration and respectful communication.

Public servants serve the public interest by: acting at all times with integrity and in a manner that will bear the closest public scrutiny, an obligation that may not be fully satisfied by simply acting within the law; never using their official roles to inappropriately obtain an advantage for themselves or others or to put others at a disadvantage; taking all possible steps to prevent and resolve any real, apparent or potential conflicts of interest between their official responsibilities and their private affairs in favour of the public interest; acting in such a way as to maintain their employers trust.

Public servants use resources responsibly by: effectively and efficiently using the public money, property and resources managed by them; considering the present and long-term effects that their actions have on people and on the environment; acquiring, preserving and sharing knowledge and information, as appropriate.

Public servants demonstrate professional excellence by: providing fair, timely, efficient and effective services that respect Canadas official languages; continually improving the quality of policies, programs and services they provide; fostering a work environment that promotes teamwork, learning and innovation.

Employment in the public service involves certain restrictions. Public servants owe a duty of loyalty to their employer, the Government of Canada. This duty derives from the essential mission of the public service to help the duly elected government, under law, to serve the public interest and implement government policies and ministerial decisions. The duty of loyalty reflects the importance and necessity of having an impartial and effective public service to achieve this mission.

DUTY OF LOYALTY (continued)

As public servants, our duty of loyalty to the Government of Canada and its elected representatives extends beyond our workplace to our personal activities. Public servants must therefore use caution when making public comments, expressing personal opinions or taking actions that could potentially damage LACs reputation or public confidence in the public service and the Government of Canada.

DUTY OF LOYALTY (continued)

With the current proliferation of social media, public servants need to pay particular attention to their participation in these forums. Example In a blog with access limited to certain friends, personal opinions about a new departmental or Government of Canada program intended to be expressed to a limited audience can, through no fault of the public servant, become public and the author identified. The public servant could be subject to disciplinary measures. Only authorized spokespersons can issue statements or make comments about LACs position on a given subject. If you are asked for LACs position, you must refer the inquiries, through your manager, to the authorized LAC spokesperson.

Video (social media)

The Duty of Loyalty is Not Absolute The Government is engaged in illegal acts. Government policies jeopardize life, health or safety. Criticism of the public servant does not affect his or her ability to fulfill his or her duties effectively, or the public perception of this ability.

Do you have any comments and / or concerns in relation to Article 4.4.2? 2. Do you have any comments and / or concerns regarding the article about loyalty? 3. Do you have any comments and / or concerns in relation to other sections of the code?

Section III
Conflict of interest and postemployment

Conflict of Interest Triangle

LAC employee

Outside activities

Position LAC employee

Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment In the public service, the appearance and perception of a conflict of interest present just as much risk and, consequently, are just as important to manage as a real conflict of interest. These considerations extend to employees planning to leave LAC and, in some cases, apply for a one-year period after their departure.

Gifts and Hospitality: What can I Accept?

Acceptance of gifts, hospitality, travel and other benefits for workrelated activities is permissible only if these benefits meet all the following criteria: They are infrequent and of minimal value, such as low-cost promotional objects, simple meals or souvenirs with no cash value; They arise out of activities or events related to official duties of the public servant concerned; They are within the normal standards of courtesy, hospitality or protocol; They do not compromise or appear to compromise the employees or the departments integrity in any way.

Conflict of Interest
In your opinion, to what extent is it acceptable to help a supplier obtain contracts with the Government of Canada? 1. always acceptable 2. sometimes acceptable 3. dont know 4. unacceptable

Conflict of Interest (continued)

In your opinion, to what extent is it advisable to accept gifts or invitations from LAC suppliers? 1. always acceptable 2. sometimes acceptable 3. dont know 4. unacceptable

Courses of Action
An employee facing an ethical dilemma or wishing an interpretation of the VECPS and/ or the LAC Code of Conduct must: Step 1: Speak to supervisor about a solution or clarification. Resolution, or, if impasse, go to Step 2. Step 2: Speak to the conflict of interest administrator for a solution or clarification. Resolution, or, if impasse, go to Step 3. Step 3: The Champion, Values and Ethics reviews the issue and provides a decision or interpretation. Resolution, or, if impasse, go to Step 4.. Step 4: Grievance Procedure (contact union representative).

Courses of Action for Wrongdoing

An employee who believes that there has been wrongdoing in the workplace must:

Step 1: Speak to supervisor about a solution or clarification. Resolution, or, if impasse, go to Step 2.

Step 2: The Champion, Values and Ethics reviews the issue and provides a decision or interpretation. Resolution, or, if impasse, go to Step 3..

Step 3: Report the situation to the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada.

Questions ?

Resource Persons
Mark C. Melanson, CGA Champion, Values and Ethics Senior Director General Services Branch Laurie-Eve Bergeron, CRHA Director Human Resources 550 de la Cit Boulevard Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0N4 Telephone: 819-918-7451 Sylvie Houle Manager, Labour Relations, Compensation and HRIS 8-49, 550 de la Cit Boulevard Gatineau, Quebec K1A ON4 Telephone: 613-808-5874 Fax: 819-934-5393 Email:

Jos Vasquez Values and Ethics Senior Advisor Labour Relations and Compensation Section Human Resources Division Corporate Resourcing Branch 550 de la Cit Boulevard Gatineau, Quebec K1A ON4 Telephone: 613-410-4852 Fax: 819-934-4428 Email:

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