Final Response From The Lord Advocate

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March 24th 2013 RE: NAMELY:

Attn: The Lord Advocate URGENT MATTER I need a case file number in order to expedite my case in Vancouver.

BRIEF OUTLINE: Authority here have been careful to not give me a file number, during all my recent undertakings and i cannot proceed in filing my POST OFFICE theft as a criminal matter without a file number. As i see it, that's the only liability that i can proceed with because everything they did was legal because several AGs of Canada and the AGs in 4 provinces [BC, ALBERTA, ONTARIO, Quebec] insist they have such a right. The judge in Quebec actually wrote his ruling in red ink, and dismissed the case, without a face to face hearing. [all par for the course] I could create a file number if a junior registrar didn't start ripping my paperwork like that Common Purpose inductee did last time i tried to file. They simply refuse to let me file anything without a lawyer, and since i'm attacking the change of oath of 1993 they stand like Xian statutes united till the end. But then that's prophecy. Let me express that once Common Purpose inductees target you, your life is miserable; that mindset simply cannot be broken without Divine intervention, and it's a 2 nd Commandment promise to punish all those who hate him [hate defined as: shun ignore have nothing to do with] As i see it if there ever was a wicked generation, they wrote the epitaph to it. BUT THEN: You can create a file number for me to act on, and i'm confident that the Sheriffs here just might stand under and recognize its authority. I respect that without their past intervention that there never would have been 4-or 5 Solicitor Generals resigning from my past efforts to be recognized as a freeman. If my only option is to file civilly then i accept that by the very nature of this filing, of there being a 10 to 21 day delay in getting anyone before a judge, could be interpreted as holding back [2Thes2], and i have no problem with that, after all it's the law. BUT then someone could just call and say hey marc come and pick up a parcel here at Canada Post, and i would have no case to file. BUT then that's not part of their program, and again since i have no other case file i can bring up then it could be interpreted as holding back but that's not my problem, and exactly as to Isaiah 59, i'm just filing another brick in the wall. I intend to try to find a lawyer thru creative means and act on Tuesday, but then i might be forced to hold back, because i can't get anyone to intercede. In the mean time i can and i am asking for you to create a file number and forward it by 10 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time. This time frame gives you most of the day to comply in GMT. Sincerely, without frivolous or vexatious intent marc boyer

OFFICIAL RESPONSE [received here on March 25th @ 3:11 AM] Dear Mr Boyer,
Thank you for this additional information. Unfortunately, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Office is responsible for the prosecution of crime in Scotland and we only investigate crimes that have been reported to us from specialist reporting agencies such as the police. Form your e-mails it looks as if you are referring to an incident in Canada? If so you will need to take this up with them. I am sorry I cannot be of further assistance.

Kind Regards



it's just what i thought - no one will uphold the Supremacy of God and rule of law because it's not their job, but then i'm with the god of Canada and you're with the god of Scotland [not the same thing] BUT THEN EVERYTHING HITLER DID WAS PERFECTLY LEGAL TOO, With all due, sincerely GO FUCK YOURSELF - you failed a big test so go to hell - REPENT or PERISH is a choice BUT upholding your oath is not. As i said GO FUCK YOURSELF because you just fucked the last freeman in the Commonwealth [Fuck as defined as making A FREEMAN A SLAVE THRU FRAUD] You're the perverts who insisted the word itself must be banned that way it could never return As i keep repeating GO FUCK YOURSELF you're going to hell because you simply refuse the offer to lift a finger to be with God. Albert Pike called himself the Order of the Scottish Right and you're from Scotland, I honestly have never met a Scot who is not a mother fucking Mason. I assume one exists, i just can't find one [as in any Scottish oath holder, because i have Scottish friends] United we stand divided we fall is absolutely correct, but then that's the answer to Luke 11 where it asks 'how can you destroy the house that Albert Pike built without dividing it?' What impresses me is you refuse to refer me or forward to anyone who can help... Oh you can't think of one. Humm. GO FUCK YOURSELF - In regard to the Order of the Garter = i don't think its evil i know it is and if that makes me your antichrist then that's just the way it is. I'm here to liberate mankind from yourself BUT you choose to uphold your demonic creed. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Sincerely without frivolity BUT with true vexatious intent ___________________________ IN CONCLUSION TO THIS ROUND OF EVENTS. I just lost a huge biblical battle that could have lead to saving everyone, during Holy Week I carefully crafted a series of events, and frankly it does not surprise me that they failed the test. BUT then it's not as if i didn't expect the rejection and i created a trap, within a trap, etc... To outline my plan, set at the beginning. Back on Nov 5th i identified the stumbling block and the fact that the Mayor actually held the key to the equation and this was confirmed by the Lord Advocate NAMELY: we only investigate crimes that have been reported to us from specialist reporting agencies such as the police. - The Mayor can report a crime to the Lord Advocate under Commonwealth law as outlined in the Nov 5th filing? ALSO The Sheriffs can report a crime to the Lord Advocate under Commonwealth law? BUT will they? Everyone of these oath holders started their careers with an oath to defend what i'm calling for, and that's also prophecy. Meanwhile, i simply cannot file anything without someone rebelling in Vancouver, and there are several paths that could open BUT none of them are my choice - Therefor [as to 2Thes2] the one who holds back will continue to hold back, and this leads down a path of rotten first fruit. But then that's not news, in fact it's what every body expects. At the beginning of this i made it clear that i have no idea how to make anyone in authority repent for anything and i'll not shrink from triggering a rebellion but i simply cannot imaging 'saving everyone' and that means Jesus Christ died for nothing. [period chapter and verse] BUT then it's not as if i don't have any further moves to make, it's just that i can't discuss them now. BOTTOM LINE: If oath holders are not with God, then they are against God. AND either way mankind is liberated from evil created by this Nineveh Empire

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