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General Services Administration ALLOWANCES AND OFFICE STAFF FOR FORMER PRESIDENTS Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request CONTENTS Appropriations Language .......................................................................... 2 Program Description..................................................................................2 Explanation of Changes ............................................................................3 Summary of the Request...........................................................................4 Amounts Available for Obligation...............................................................5 Obligations by Object Classification ..........................................................5 Budget Request by Former President........................................................5

U.S. General Services Administration Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents Appropriations Language For carrying out the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1958 (3 U.S.C. 102 note), and Public Law 95-138, $3,779,000.

Program Description This appropriation provides pensions, office staffs, and related expenses for former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, William Clinton, and George W. Bush, and for postal franking privileges for the widow of former President Ronald Reagan.


U.S. General Services Administration Allowances and Office Staff for the Former Presidents Explanation of Changes
(Dollars in Thousands)

Budget Authority $ 3,671 3,779 $ 108 Budget Authority Maintaining Current Levels: Increased benefits for Former Presidents Program Reductions: Decreased franking privileges for Widow Ford Decreased personnel compensation for Former President G W Bush staff -$ 7 -$ 16 -$ 23 Program Increases: Increased contractual support costs for Former Presidents G H Bush, Clinton and G W Bush $ 129 $ 108 $2


U.S. General Services Administration Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents Summary of the Request
The FY 2013 budget requests a total of $3,779 thousand for the annual pensions of the former Presidents and compensation of their office staffs and related expenses, an increase of $108 thousand from the FY 2012 enacted level. The FY 2013 budget requests the following changes:

$129 thousand for increased contractual support costs for former Presidents G H Bush, Clinton, and G W Bush. $2 thousand for increased benefits (pension) costs for all former Presidents. -$7 thousand to decrease franking privileges for Widow Ford. -$16 thousand to decrease personnel compensation for the office staff of former President GW Bush. The Former Presidents Act, 3 U.S.C. 102 note, limits compensation for office staff of former Presidents to an aggregate of $96 thousand for each former President, except in the first 30 months of eligibility for these benefits, when the ceiling is $150 thousand. y for increased personnel benefits expired on January 20, 2012 and is not included in the FY 2013 budget.

Program Increases and Decreases by Former President:


For former President George W. Bush, $38.5 thousand: The FY 2013 budget request provides a decrease of -$16 thousand for reduced personnel compensation allowance, and an increase of $54 thousand for contractual support costs and $.5 thousand for increasing pension costs. For former President Clinton, $41 thousand: The FY 2013 budget request provides an increase of $40 thousand for contract support costs and $.5 thousand for increasing pension costs. For former President George H.W. Bush, $35 thousand: The FY 2013 budget request provides an increase of $34 thousand for contractual support costs and $.5 thousand for increasing pension costs. For former President Carter, $.5 thousand: The FY 2013 budget request provides an increase of $.5 thousand for increasing pension costs.


U.S. General Services Administration Allowances and Office Staff for the Former Presidents Amounts Available for Obligation
(Dollars in Thousands)

FY 2011 Actual $ 3,792 $ 676 $ 3,116 Net Outlays $ 3,294

FY 2012 Enacted $ 3,671 $0 $ 3,671 $ 3,521

FY 2013 Request $ 3,779 $0 $ 3,779 $ 3,623

Obligations by Object Classification

(Dollars in Thousands)

FY 2011 Actual 11.8 12.1 13.0 21.0 23.1 23.3 24.0 25.2 26.0 31.0 99.0 $ 301 184 805 55 1,194 139 41 243 53 101 $ 3,116 1,290 1,826

FY 2012 Enacted $ 400 277 818 123 1,114 195 63 429 62 190 $ 3,671 1,495 2,176

FY 2013 Request $ 384 277 820 123 1,114 188 63 558 62 190 $ 3,779 1,481 2,298

Budget Request by Former President FP-5

U.S. General Services Administration Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents
(Dollars in Thousands)


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