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NEW YORK STATE PETROLEUM COUNCIL A Division of the American Petroleum Institute 150 State Street Albany, New

York 12207 Telephone (518) 465-3563 FAX (518) 465-4022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 27, 2013 Contact: Karen Moreau


Today, two prominent voices from Pennsylvania spoke out in encouragement of bringing safe natural gas development to New York State. Former Governor Ed Rendell and Gary Baker, President and CEO of Memorial Hospital in Bradford County, spoke loud and clear about the benefits this booming industry has had on communities throughout Pennsylvania. In his editorial for the New York Daily News, Governor Rendell made a strong and confident argument as to why Governor Cuomo should lift the ban on hydraulic fracturing. During his time in office, Rendell saw the possibilities safe natural gas development could provide to struggling communities and took action. He brought the industry to Pennsylvania under strong oversight, keeping in mind the concerns of others while paying attention to the facts. Using his knowledge that natural gas development can be done safely and securely, Governor Rendell helped to create thousands of reliable, well-paying jobs, revitalized a sluggish economy and put his state on a path to lasting success. As the head of a major hospital in Bradford County, where natural gas development has brought many communities back from the brink of disaster, Gary Baker has been exposed to all aspects of the industry, including its many benefits. On Fred Dickers Albany radio show this morning, Baker made it clear that there have been no new diseases or unusual medical problems popping up in the years since hydraulic fracturing began in Bradford. He repeatedly stated that there was no connection between an individuals health and hydraulic fracturing, despite environmental extremists calls to the contrary. Since development began, Baker says that the overall mental health of the region has improved, largely due to the economic stability the natural gas industry has provided. He has seen the local population increase, roads improve and young people eager to stay in their communities, but he has not seen anyone become sick as a result of safe natural gas development. These two individuals know what they are talking about. They know that safe natural gas development saved their state. They know that the economic benefits far outweigh any of the alleged risks the radical environmentalists have been using as scare tactics. Its time for New Yorkers to know what its like to have a strong economy, reliable jobs and a safer, cleaner energy source. Its time for Governor Cuomo to take the advice of Governor Rendell, Gary Baker and the countless others advocating for the end of the ban on hydraulic fracturing. Its time to bring safe natural gas development to New York. ###

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