Convergence Chart

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PA Common Core ELA Standards: CC.1.2.K.

A - With prompting and support, identify the main idea and retell key details of text. CC.1.2.K.E - Identify parts of a book (title, author) and parts of a text (beginning, end, details) CC.1.2.K.F - With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. CC.1.2.K.I - With prompting and support, identify basic similarities and differences between two texts (read or read aloud) on the same topic. CC.1.2.K.J - Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to texts. PA Academic Standards for Science and Technology: 3.1.K.C2. Describe changes animals and plants undergo throughout the seasons. 3.1.K.A3 - Observe, compare, and describe stages of life cycles for plants and/or animals.

Curriculum Materials: 1. Science Journals 2. Paper plates, dry pasta 3. Live butterflies, Dixie cups, boxes, aquarium tank, food 4. Informational text and fiction books on frogs and butterflies 5. Poster paper, sentence strips 6. SmartBoard 7. Digital camera

Knowledge of Students and Context: - Currently, the students are learning how to read informational text by discussing components of the book such as table of contents, index, etc. Utilizing this skill, when I conduct my curriculum unit I plan to use their prior knowledge. - As we transition into the spring season, we will discuss seasons. - I have several students who are ELLs and have developmental delays. I would like to differentiate my instruction using visuals like graphic organizers, journal writing, sequencing charts so the students can match the words using pictures.


Lesson How

Theories of Teaching and Learning: Constructivism: students will learn through discovery, activate their own learning Blooms Taxonomy: verbs to deepen their knowledge Hands-on learning: with live animals, learning directly from them using observation and learning about them using informational text Gardners Multiple Intelligence: students will activate their own learning through different resources Gillies et al. Cooperative Learning: students will work with one another to promote each others learning, have interpersonal skills to facilitate communication

Teaching Methods: Gather data using observations Learn how to record observations Learn how to read informational text and utilize their findings using KWL charts Use students prior knowledge, interests and experience to engage them Learn how to ask questions and answer them using supplemental resources Differentiate instruction based on learners needs Think-pair-share partner work during read alouds Cooperative learning Science Journals Science Word Wall Life cycle diagram

Educational Philosophy and Beliefs Collaborative learning is a strategy where learning comes from one another. This gives them a chance to grow and learn together in the classroom. We have a community of reading partners that I hope to implement into my curriculum unit. Connect to the world around them for a deeper understanding through conceptualizing main ideas. Classroom community is important when it comes to learning so everyone feels safe to share their thinking without the fear of being judged. Differentiating instruction for the diverse learners such as ELLs and those with developmental delays must be met while having high expectations for their success in learning.

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