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| Aug Latest, Hottest New Games from rT Ta BLAKE STONE PINAL) 100 Re ER ey) n : Pe hte 4 Slobbering zombies invade New York City! Tee DUKE NUKEM II MMe aem OTT ACME M LEN 3 te erin RAPTOR a ot is future's most deadly attack ship—the Raptor’ Ente PLus: OO tO CSOT sree UM OL) © Meet the designers behind the games 50 aN SI Geet, ea THE HEIGHT OF GAMING EXCITEMENT president - jouve jfensteln 3D, or—the Software publisher itn intens®> virtual ally ection. W make \ you sked s\\ follow ye suc’ if wolf3D- After ayea ve the 2! 1 Blake SI Aliens of Gi 3D 100" you into the x. tryrust 1M! jor\d at W lake yookets YOU into the future sanere 2 S151 madman, using tics gate an army x bizarre uta is waging war on ane universe ke nas ™ erythi ore actions ore enel 1S, frepower ™ e grar pitfalls ore featur ike. eX x90 floors and ceilings: ein . tet OPPO! Blake may follow ne release we yat in alle yut 9 jrement 5 peyo! ia! jpyou've en waiting for AN eo’s S00! ‘our awat' ning D' e Nukem. we've 90) jo times fut Duke N twill e rele’ pefore Christmas 93. Dul 1 has the act jou ct fror uke ker and ore 2 r..atry oUt newly © \ lallowee” / We Dl ukers' ion plaster featur ie VGA , inet edivle O" yematics: ga Killer fe goundtract ture 9 es inctude 18 2" proi yg currently ny. id, releast em to out ‘pps first: So keel ane BBS (details on page 26)'° find the \ ‘test APOS! ames! now. go vem! Agcort Miller George proussard Execute vice president thai especie Onno Apogee (ap-jé) 1. 1. The highest point; the pinnacle. 2. The Height of Gaming Excitement. Apogee is redefining, the shareware industry. Our innovative concept for software lets you sample hot titles before you buy; then order further adventures to continue the action. Creative design is top priority. The talented game designers at Apogee have proven their ability to cre- ate unique games: they know what's hot and what's exciting in today’s gaming market. Based on the wealth of award-winning titles, it’s obvious they understand exactly what you want from a game. Fun—beginning to end! get games of the highest quality avail-—~ able in the market. With each Apogee order you can be certain this ‘ground-breaking’ software won't break your hardware. Three ways to order make it easy for you to begin the fun of Apogee’s games. © Call 1-800-GINE-125, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and talk to our customer service representatives, © Use our rapidly growing bulletin board system to download all the shareware games you want. And, of course, you won’t have to pay a BBS gub- scription fee. With this service you're assured of the latest releases and updates for all your Apogee games. See page 26 for more BBS information. te and mail the order formt © Or, simply compl found in the center of this catalg Innovatiyeunarketing. Creative design. Fast, easy [Ble brdering, aul this and games that are fun from. Apogee. The Height of Gaming Excitement! Pe ee Terror Unleashed—in this Hot 3-D Action Adventure! And now...the violence that plagues a distant research colony threatens the planet Earth. As British military agent Blake Stone, you're thrust into deadly combat against the malev- olence of a mad scientist and the insidious mutant army under his command. Doctor Goldstem, driven by his insanity and bent on the annihilation of mankind, won’t rest until he rules the known universe The forces of heroic good and villainous evil collide in this life-or-death struggle to control Earth’s future. Smooth scrolling 3-D virtual reality in 256 colors like Wolfenstein 3-D © Professional AdLib music and digitized Sound Blaster effects \¢ Four levels of skill Save and restore anywhere in the game © Battle thr pulse-pounding” excitement h 60 levels of “heart-rac © Built in automapping—there’s no need for 4 hint book Mandal and 11 page Blake Stone comic book include Sign up td fight as Agent Blake Stone The fate of\hurmanity is in your hands! Use the order form or call—24 hours a day, days a week. The toll-free number is 1-B00-GANE-123. Veds See page 24 for requirements legend. Mike Maynard, Jerry Jongs (seated), and Jim Row. io Productions says hey're sure you're gonna lyve Blake Stone of Gold S game they are fulfilling thel }oal for gaming— "We put You in the game n the group's not working hard, they're playing rd with jet fighter games, Wing, snow skiing, movies, music, fishing, bowling and more! De The reports are frantic!!! “Alien invaders are blasting New York City, shattering city blocks, and tuning its inhabitants into an evil army of slobbering zombies!” As Halloween Harry you must penetrate the alien warrens, free the hopeless hostages and find the sinister invaders’ buried mothership. Armed with your wits—and some impres- sive state-of-the-art firepower—you're off on the most dangerous mission of your life. ¢ Brilliant parallax scrolling graphics in 256 colors @ Digital music and Sound Blaster effects @ An unhealthy dose of aliens, zombies, and ‘super-monsters’ on each level ¢ Fly through huge levels with your jetpack Save and restore the action @ Stunning cinematic sequences @ Duke Nukem fans will love this game *heck! Flamethrower? Check! seeking missles? Check! All out, n and dirty fight to the death? Check!!! order—we never sleep—at 1-O00-GONE-T25, Was Jetpac Saving the world could get...Harry! lia is the home for this creative group. Tony Ball, Robert Crane, Steve Stamatiadis and John Passfield make up the team that developed Hail his ‘world turned upside down'! Their plans for the fjture? More action pack furious game play from the land down under Pa Duke Nukem is Back in Action! How did it happen? Duke Nukem, the world’s most ruthless warrior (and best selling author of Why I'm So Great) has been abducted by aliens! Duke has two choices. He can take his chances with the SuperMega EncephaloSucker or ‘kick-butt’ like there’s no tomorrow! You guessed it! Our hero is ready for action. Duke must escape, then battle to end the hideous plan of the Rigelatins. @ Vivid, parallaxing VGA graphics * AdLib music and digitized sound effects for Sound Blaster or compatible cards ‘¢ Super boss enemies to defeat © Engaging game play for all skill levels ¢ 32 puzzle-filled levels; 4 episodes Save and restore ° Sin and joystick modes Will/Duke Nukem survive this ultimate battle? Can\he save the planet once again? THe future of the planet) and Duke's memoirs, is once again at risk! Sign up to fight as Dike Nukem. Use the order form orcall Apogee anytime day or night at 1-O00-\6ANE-123. Vweds Thanks to Duke Nukem, the\w nario.” Duke Nukem is certainl/a fantastic example of fight or 6 id is a safer place. Okay...rmaybe tha believe world as we know it is a lot safer and much Nukem has brought the hero back. Tadd Replogle (left) and Allen Blum (right) like to create gartes that °...have a fight or die theme; a kill or be ki more fun with Duke in Pony Pena dee) Ha Fortune, Fate and a Fight to the End! re ‘The turbines’ roar—it is the signature of Dae your presence! Your wing cannons blaze to confirm the worst fears of a startled enemy. The target, now a shattered wreckage, plunges to the ground a mile below. You gaze at the controls—check shield and. weapon status—then tally the bonuses you've just earned. “Bonuses equal weapon- and weaponry adds to your fighter’s already bristling arsenal!” As a mercenary, you play no favorites. The Mega-Corps expect results and have no qualms as to how those resullts are achieved. @ Astonishing 256 color graphics @ Amazing cinematic sequences © 27 action packed levels of intense combat Sound support: AdLib, Sound Blaster Roland, Gravis Ultra Sound and Pro Audio Spectrum 16 © Mouse, joystick, Thrustmaster, and the Gravis game pad support The Meg; only w form or call—7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The toll-free Apogee order number is 1-O00-GANE-128. Veds Scott Host, Tim Neveu, Paul Radek, Jim Molinets, Rich Flieder, and Matt Murphy ‘a Corps’ call. You answer in the you know how! See the order Created Raptor. (Rich and Matt; not pictured) The Texas design team reports “We all enjoy playing paintball, role playing games ng movies.” And it's obvious they enjoy creating exciting computer e' it! MONSTER BASH” Bash’in, Dash’in; Fast Paced Action), Johnny Dash would have a million pets. This eight-year old loves ‘em! But the fact is, he doesn’t even have one now Tex, Johnny’s loyal Dalmation, and all the other pets of the world have been taken to the shadowy underworld by Count Chuck. Chuck’s plan—change the inno- cents into vile zombies who'll do his bid- ding against humanity In-polka-dot pajamas, with slingshot in hand, this fearless youngster heads off to rescue the helpless kittens and pups before it's ‘heads off’ to them and their masters. * Colorful, smooth scrolling graphics AdLib music and digitized Sound Blaster effects to ‘peak’ the scary tension ¢3 skill levels for engaging game play © 28 levels of ‘ghouling’ action @ Save and restore © A wealth of exciting weapons Help Johnny Dash bash thé Count while there’s still time to’save the world. See the order form 6r pick up thé phone. Call Apogee Software anytime at 1-800-GAKE-123. Bogs Greetings trom Frank Maddin and Tex (the true inspiration for buckets- hen asked what he d mming, S or reading Sci-F nster Bash). Frank sai ta real job! ting games like Monster Bash fe Lucinda m acket ball, ping pong what free time is right ng, enjoying water sj B10 MENACE” It’s Life on the Edge...of Annihilation! A villainous plot is growing and Doctor Mangle is at its roots. This twisted soul is ‘bent’ to rule the world with the army of hideous mutants released from his labora- tory. And the mutants? They’re out to destroy everything in their path! Can this Machiavellian scheme be ended? Is there no hope for the huddled masses of the world? did he get that name—Doctor Mangle?? sle Only super agent and weapons expert, Snake Logan, knows for sure as he fights to save the world from a fate worse than death. © Colorful smooth scrolling graphics © Multiple, high-powered weapons to use, @AdLib music and sound effects Three levels of skill—novice to pro @ 36 levels full of nasty mutants ¢ Save or restore the action Snake needs your help to stop the plotjand end the Bio Menace. Use the order form But ordering is faster by calling Apoged's customer service representatives at ITU -ERRe— les. Sow Jim Norwood likes to create games that requil that totally involve the player. “Th e concentration and skill; games hat make yolNeel like really accomp no is a licensed pildtJo\ and scuba for the future: Jim plans tre, ‘more heart-stopping, f ep the player coming ba J Red ee Warp Speed Action and Adventure! the planet depends on ‘our Success in this erate assignment to destroy the Kretons. As'space ace Major Harrison Stryker, vols your fighter back through the wormhole where you're thrust into the home world: vf these evil aliens. \ “Be certain...they're waiting for your arrival! And one more thing Major Stryker, the objective in this mission is simple—kill or be killed!” “ least we told you now!” @ Hyper-speed animated graphics with “triple-parallax scrolling’ | © Digitized Sound Blaster compatible sound effects ¢ Original AdLib soundtrack # Dozens of staggering scenariés with cine- matic sequences @ Save OF Festore up to 10 games 30 levels with massive bosses © Use the joystick or keybogndfér combat The launch is schedhfled! Rescue Earth from alienstavery. See the order form or orger*by phone. Call anytime, toll-free at 1-800-GANE-123. a’ede The Sirykerteam includes Allen Blum IM (picture; game design, prog Sirois (graphics), and Bobby Prince (music). The members hall from te far comers of the states. Blum resides in Texas, Massachusetts is the home of Sirois; while Prince creates his original scores ih Florida. Making awesome games is their first love, However, if time allows, you'l find them playing pin ball, vollayball or HackySack fing and graphics) Bay 10 Far-Out Fun, A Gala “clever and cute... “[An]...especially playable and extre addictive arcade the best tratdi- tion of the running, jumping, scrolling, die a-lot games.” Computer Gaming World Mom and Dad have vanished! Were they ‘parent-napped’ or the appetizer for some horrible alien lunch? Ominous footprints are Cosmo’s only clue to his parents’ where-abouts. Aided by special abilities, this lovable extra-terrestrial attempts a rescue on a planet teeming with danger and surprises! Cosmo kndws the odds are against him; but, “What the heck, they're my parents!” © Dual-scrolling graphics with nearly 2 megabytes of vivid graphics © AdLib music with 19 original scores © Many strange and exciting creatures © 30 massive alien environments, with built- in hints to aid you on your adventure © Joystick and keyboard support © Drop bombs and use suction cup hands His allowance is hanging in the balance. Help Cosmo save his parents by ordering now! See the order form or telephone us at 1-O00-GAKE-123. Boe Todd Replogle (pictured), Allen Blum Il, Stephen Hornback, and Robert Princ 's Cosmic Adventure. The group enjoys creating game: tion, attitude and ali team who created C ing and action packed. Well...Cosmo’s a healthly dose of ac a small, green package! A a tic Trip—from the creators of Duke Nukem! excitement in Award Winning, Addictive Action! “The first game technologically capable of... immersing the player ina threatening environment.” Computer Gating World “rips the state-of-the-art envelope for DOS systems wide open.” Electronic Games Imprisoned in a Nazi fortress, you are the free world’s only hope. You make a desper- ate attempt to overpower your cell guard. Standing over his fallen body, you frantically grab for his gun. Now, with danger behind each door and death at every turn you will have to fight for your life. Deep in the belly of this dungeon, you must escape—or die trying. Smooth scrolling 256 color virtual reality © Professional music soundtrack for AdLib and stereo sound effects for Sound Blaster or compatible © Four levels of game play, perfect for the novice to the experienced player © A wealth of deadly weapons © Save games in progress on 60 levels Easy to play and instantly engaging The fret world is counting on you to take the challenge!’See the order form or call Polina: Top Secret Wolf3D info—revealed! 73 page hint manual, only $10.00. See page 25 Not recommended for younger players due to realistic depictions af violence. Id Software is here to bring you games on the cutting edge of technology, both in programming and design. We a where near Dallas, Texas,” p> the team says “You'l a ue OF DESTINY™ A WOLFENSTEIN 3-0 ADVENTURE More Intense Worfoustein Adventure! “the sound and the visual action is fright- eningly realistic...” Computer Gaming World ”, .making such effective use of perspec- tive and sound [‘Spear’ evokes] intense physiological responses from its players...” VG&CE Magazine Infiltrate the Nazi stronghold to retrieve the legendary item Hitler believes makes him invincible—the Spear of Destiny. This ‘prequel’ to Wolfenstein 3-D hurls you into a life and death struggle against the forces of pure evil . You must regain the Spear at all costs! Amazing 3-D graphics in 256 colors Breathtaking soundtrack and digitized stereo sound effects for AdLib, Sound Blaster or compatible ¢ Four skill levels of play © Over 20 complete floors @ All new enemies to combat # Save multiple games in progress Save the world from the Nazi plague and save money on this addition to the Wolfenstein epic! Use the order form or call Apogee day or night toll-free at 10 ence ens.. VW 2ds This game contains off-disk copy protection \ This action-packed game, created by Id Software (the team says “that's Id, not |. D. Please read your Freud and get back to us”), is published by FormGen Corporation. It is not a shareware version. Ordering through Apogee saves you money. The order form has more details on how to continue the exciting Wolfenstein 3-D adventures B PRA | Na ais ‘a eae ee SOT Us Junk Food and Justice in Outer Space! “Playability on a par with Nintendo if not ona higher level!” Personal Computer Magazine “absolutely addictive...” PC Computing —Guide to Shareware A garbled transmission signaling the Vorticon’s invasion of the third planet is the only clue. And wouldn't you know, it’s after bedtime! For eight-year old genius, Billy Blaze, the mission is clear. Pack a lunch, build an interstellar space fighter (from common household items) and protect the Earth. Become COMMANDER KEEN—guardian of truth, justice, and alll the really cool ‘stuff’ at the Mall! Exciting, smooth scrolling graphics © Bounce to higher areas with your pogo stick Enormous, exciting areas to explore Game save and restore Keyboard and joystick modes Attack now or beleft holding your three ring hyperspace inertial Lbinder! Your / \ assighment information is found on the order form or call toll-free for all orders at -800-GANE-123. \ ae hy Time ft Id wil find John Carmack (pictured; counterclockwise trom bottom let) diving his Ferrari\ reading manuals and optimizing algorithms. John Romero will be playing games, eating, or playing ith his new dog. Kevin Cloud is usually watching his wife sky-cve or inuring himself in softball. Arian Carmack wil be out wearing his lucky boats and enjoying his house. \ 4 APOGEE SOFTWARE ORDER FORM Ordering is as easy as 1-2-3! Follow the count to complete this form. Information required for the “Iterns Ordered” section may be found on the reverse side of this form. PURCHASER/PAYMENT INFORMATION (Picase apply the catalog mail label pelow or print clearly.) Name:. Company: ave = ACA nist Dua soe eS et all eT Site lacs City; State: Zip: Phone: ( BD Check v one: O Check* O Money Order* Visa O MasterCard 2 Discover “Payment must be made in U.S. funds and drawn against a U.S. bank. Please do not send cash. AGCOURT UNDER ae cae gt Sv Oe Expiration Date: ____ Sonaturersa bo SYSTEM INFORMATION (Check the boxes which apply.) be Graphics: Q SVGA Q VGA Q EGA Q-. CGA Disk Size: @ 35° HD «1.44M) GQ 38" LD (720K) 525'HD (12M) @ 525"LD (360K) Computer Type: Pentium 486 Q 386 Q 286 fone Sh Make checks payable to Apogee When ordering by phone. | ‘For the status of your order, call 214-278-6655 sit you receive duplicate c¢ -800- ¥ Fax completed order Apogee Software 1-800-GAME-123 form to (214) 278-4670 P.O. Box 496389 (1-800-426-3123) — (24-hoursaday, 7 days) Garland, TX 75049 ITEMS ORDERED aly PRODUCT NAME ITEM CODE PRICE —__———$—$ uml | ____ ORDER SUBTOTAL 8.25% —Addison, Buckingham, Carrollton, Cockrell Hil, Dallas, Farmers Branch, Garland, Glenn Heights, Highland Patk, Irving, Plano, Richardson, Rowlett, University Pork 7.25%—All other Texas cities or towns USA: $5, Add $1 each additional item Canada/Mexico: $6, Add $1 each additional item All other countries: $8, Add $2 each additional item $4 each additional T-shirt UPS. Next Day> $19.00 conuaFist iter $1.00 Each additional item U.P.S, Second Day* $9.00 istitem $1.00 ............ach additional item *Not available outside of the United States: ORDER TOTAL ease give the customer service representative the following order code: COOIGAT alogs, please retum the duplicate mailing labels to our Customer Service Department. IW ONY TVS “104 ‘Wad LYSSNI ‘NOL WOR iv aval idaqyo UNOA HOI NOA YNWHL Please place stamp here. APOGEE SOFTWARE PO BOX 496389 GARLAND TX 75049-6389 More Challenge, Action and Fun! “the graphics are so ingenious that they appear to be three-dimensional. [Galaxy] represents the highest quality...shareware.” Shareware Update He’s back...and this time Billy Blaze faces his greatest challenge. What's at stake? The safety of Earth, as well as the survival of the entire Milky Way! This is a job for—COMMANDER KEEN! Homework will have to wait as Keen blasts off to find the secrets of the Shikadi. Who is this evil race which has its crosshairs trained on our spiral cluster? Anyway, don’t they know Andromeda would be an easier target? Smooth scrolling action with 2 megabytes of graphics © AdLib music and sound effects for compatible cards © Three levels of skill for the novice to the experienced player © Huge ‘worlds’ of alien adventure © Keyboard and joystick modes Help Commander Keen thwart the evil Shikadi plan, or it’s “goodbye, galaxy!” See the order form. Of course, you can call Apogee anytime. Use the toll-free number! 1-800-GANE-123. Boe Id continued: Tom Hall can be found watching movies, eating, reading, playing games, and amassing office supplies. Shawn Green likes to spend time off taking care of his kid, playing on the computer or brushing his hair. ‘Off time’ finds Jay Wilbur (center) caring for the kids or asleep on the couch. 6 i! 00 i a : iH | F AXY | Ne Alien Adventure in this Special Edition! “This is an excellent series...with adven- ture, humor and lots of surprises.” Shareware Magazine “Kids will be keen on Keen without stripping their parents of the green.” Computer Gaming World The clock is ticking. Your parents are due home any time. There’s pizza on the ceiling, ‘pop’ dropped all over the kitchen floor, and to top it off, aliens ate your babysitter! Explain that to Mom and Dad Commander Keen rockets to action in this mission of mercy. Hungry aliens beware: Next stop Fribbulus Xax in the battle to protect all babysitters! Keen must save Molly from her fate\Besides, who else is going to clean the kitehen for two dollars an hour? © Over 2.5 megabytes of praphics created especially for this episode @ AdLib music and sound effects for compatible cards © Three levels of skillnovice to pro Many enormous er\vironments to explore @ Save or restoré anywhere in the action ‘owzan’t wait! Help Gommander Keen rescue his babysitter from the clutches of these starving aliens. For easy ordering, telephone Apogee’s customer s 1-O00-GANE—123. aoe This game contains off-disk copy protection. rvice at jens Ate My Baby Sitter, created dering through Apogee sa umber or the order form ou money. To pure 16 eae ‘aaa Vi nae ahaa ACOMMANDER HEN ADVENTURE y Id Software, is published by FormGen Corporation. It is not a shareware version se any game in the Comm se the toll-free order Nukem's Action—Dynamic, Devastating! “ a top-notch arcade of the line...” PC Computing—Guide to Shareware “Bven non-areade addicts will be impressed.” Shareware Magazine Stop the evil sociopath and his Techbots hell-bent to rule the remains of post- holocaust planet Earth. As Duke Nukem, war hero of a turbulent past, you under- take this desperate assignment to destroy Doetor Proton. Your chase propels you deep below the Earth’s surface, onto its eerie devastated landseape and into the icy cold of Proton’s lunar space station This ultimate conflict will decide Earth’s new beginning or, finally, its end! © Dual-scrolling graphics © Engaging arcade sound * Exciting cinematic effects @ Staggering scenarios to challenge game players of any skill level ave and restore up to nine games © Joystick and keyboard support The future of the future depends on you! Jump into the action; see the order form We're here 7 days a week, 24 hours a day! SOS aE =e: - Todd Replogle says “We incorporat isually impressive game.” When ni studying new video gaming te playing video games or w W producing action packed entertainm: Covert Plots with Overt Action! Stolen plans for the ultimate weapon, an orbiting platform of mass destruction, lead you into a conflict with the world’s most iethal terrorist organization. You have the qualifications as the agent to accept this suicide mission. After para- chuting into the fortified island outpost of the DVS, you're alone to battle the terror- ist forces and regain the blueprints. It’s a desperate fight to escape with the plans and your life! © Colorful, smooth scrolling graphics ® Arcade style sound effects © Many ‘talented’ guards to overcome, while avoiding deadly traps © Massive map of areas to€xplore ® Joystick and keyboard support © Save and restore the action Your name tops the list ofagents who might survive! Acceptthi§ assignment to kick the DVS in the Blueprints! Use the order form gpyoit can also order by phone. Call us at SRS UCGE= es qa Peder Jungek designed and progratimed Seevet Agent and wrote the toolkit with which it was cre- ated, That toolkit is now ayaffable in a Prentice Halland R&D Publications book Graphics, Peder has wosKed with EGA and VGA since'their inception and has writen several art les on the subject in Windaws/DOS Developer's Journal and others. Time away from program ming and writing fingS Peder “working on his Mustangs and participating in a variety of sports. lied Animation 18 eee Hard Work for Easy Money—a Motherlode of Fun! “ and fun.” “addicting and frustratingly fun.” “the action is fantastic.” Shareware Update Mystery and danger await as you rocket with Mylo Steamwitz to the mysterious Crystal Caves of Altair. This ‘simple’ expedition to gather priceless artifacts turns into more than Mylo could have imagined when his schemes to strike it rich are foiled by the strange cave inhabi- tants who have an agenda of their own! Once again, Mylo Steamwitz finds that ‘easy money’ is hard to come by! © Vivid, smooth scrolling graphics © Stunning cinematic sequences # Engaging arcade sound © Dozens of strange alien cave dwellers © Many challenging levels, each with new graphics © Use joystick or keyboard to explore You can call toll-free to place your Apogee ES order—anytime day or night. Phone us at Mylo needs your help to change his luck 1 EIS RPh res. and finally strike it rich! The rush is on!! a Frank Maddin, the creator of Monster Bash, aiso authored the popular game Crystal Caves, Frank enjoys playing “...high action arcade games with puzzles to solve and inter- DP esting creatures to fight!” His gaming plans for the future include writing a high-action 3-D game—maybe a sequel to Mar but sometimes just bein ter Bash. He will confess a Solid lo -omputer hobbyist is a lot of fun, too!” 9 for programming Danger awaits as you meet your Aztec Ruin! “Consistent with Apogee's reputation, the graphics are outstanding and the arcade quality sound adds to the excitement.” Shareware Magazine Descend into danger at the site of the ancient Aztec ruin, Paganitzu. Deep inside the pyramid, Alabama Smith inadvertently releases a powerful spirit intent on destroying the world, Oooops!! Everyone's entitled to one mistake, right? There's plenty of action and humor as Al searches for clues that will help him halt the terror he has unleashed © Vivid graphics and brain teasing puzzles to solve e Arcade quality sound effects Built-in hints to aid your game play © Save and restore up to five games © Exciting skill levels to challenge any age New graphics and cinematics for each episode It’s just another, ‘shtine’ mess he’s gotten us into! Rescue’ Alabama Smith from the depths of Paganitzu! Call Apogee at TSE Orne 123 ges Keith Schuler of Colorado believes “a video game should do more than just tala story; it should be an interactive movie. Most developers ignore the customer who enjoy a good action game. In attempting to fill that void by creating interactive movies that are fast, furious and fun!" When not ore- ating ‘tun’, Keith enjoys video games, Star Trek, bicycling and more! a DE aa ae Entertaining, Exciting and Educational! [[ ses epueaTional sort wane 198] FOR THE ‘RESCUE’ SERIES There are no words to explain this educa- tional puzzler, and that’s the way the Gruzzles like it. In fact, they‘ve stolen all of the world’s words; ripped them right off street signs, out of the pages of comic books, and even from the heating instructions of microwave minute meals. It's just part of their ugly plot to make us more like them—a group of bit- ter Gruzzles who hate to read! Rescue the world of words while there's still time to say, “_____! ! # Intriguing puzzles help to build chil- drens’ vocabulary skills © Dual-scrolling animated graphics | © Arcade quality sound effects ¢ Original AdLib music © Exciting skill levels to challenge any age © New graphics for each episode “What horrors will be next?!!!!” Find the words and stop the Gruzzles before they set their sights on exclamation marks, commas, and periods. Use the order form or the phone, Call Apogee anytime at [=a ine — Tes). Gow , Karen Crowther (pictured) and Bud Pembroke make up the team that created Word Rescue. Karen's company, Redwood Games is located in California but she places the team location ‘in cyberspace’ > between California and Arzona. She began programming games for her children, “then,” she says, “I ot hooked!" Karen adds, “A game can avoid violence and sill be exciting.” al ‘un wit! Aue Old Gruzzles! FOR THE ‘RESCUE’ SERIES As if life without words wasn’t bad enough, now the Gruzzles are pilfering the numbers of the world. How are you going to know when it’s time to go to school? \ Okay ...then how about computer games without high scores? Yeah right, that is a | horrible thought! | Explore a fascinating world, and beyond, in this search for the numbers missing from our way of life. @ Fun and educational—teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisi @ Dual-scrolling animated graphics _/ ™# Arcade quality sound effects_~ © Original. AdLib musie—— © Save and restore the action © Exciting skill levels to challenge any age © New graphics and challenging puzzles for each episode It’s as easy as 1,2,3! Geepers, maybe it’s a bit more difficultt6 save the world! Sign up for the Math Rescue! See the order form oncall Apogee’s toll-free number 1-Q00-GANE-123. Sow For Math Rescue Karen Crowther teamed up with Maya Watson and Electric Paintbrush Karen says that “as the mother of three | don’t have any off time.” Dale Homburg (Electric Paintbrush) and Maya Watson are both attending college. Jimmie Homberg sails with the Sea Scouts. | aa aa ue Te Extra Action a Mee ‘The games that started it all, We like to call then! tha Apogee Classics and were nian you a special offer on these ‘blasts from the past’! DARH AGES: A Shining Star in the Darkness! As rightful heir to the throne you must return to liberate your kingdom from the evil reign of Garth, a wicked and powerful wizard. It’s an arduous quest, but you have a few ‘tricks up your cloak’ for Garth and his minions. Deliver the beacon of hope before your kingdom slips further into the Dark Ages! THE MONUMENTS OF MARS!: Enduring Adventure! © $24.95 The mysterious red planet holds the secret to why all previous Martian explorations have ended in disaster. The Space Administration has enlisted you to explore the eerie structures of the Martian surface. You are Earth’s only hope to uncover the truth as you discover the Monuments of Mars! PHARAOH'S TOMB: You'll cry ‘Mummy’ $24.35 For years you've dreamed of the fame which comes with a grand archeological discovery. But as the assistant to Professor Jones, you’re always left ‘watching the store’. The professor, however, is always holding the bag. The bag of riches, that is! We think it's time you basked in the glory. How about an expedition of mys- tery and intrigue to explore the Pharaoh’s Tomb? ARCTIC ADVENTURE: The Chill ofthe Frozen North! © $24.95 No...not even Professor Jones will take the risks involved in this expedition. With a tattered scroll in hand you're off to recover the ancient Nordic treasure hidden under the forbid- den landscape of the frozen north. This time you’ll reap the rewards of an Arctic Adventure! THE HROZ SERIES: Rule the Kingdom of Hroz! $04.95 With your lantern blazing, you emerge from the darkness into Kroz, a vast kingdom of great wonder and great riches. The search @ pushes on into the depths and into danger. Your persistence will Pay off as you unlock the secret of the Magical Amulet in the Kingdom of Kroz. Toll-free phone orders are taken 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call ]=§00-GAME-123. ase 23 Dae More hot games are coming your way—soon, from Apogee! We're excited about all the new Apogee offerings. And we just won't stop creating more! We currently have 18 games in production that will bring you more of the cutting- edge technology and fast-paced action you've come to expect from Apogee! HOCUS POCUS Coming second quarter 1994 The fair princess Angela has been swept away by the evil wizard Megameanie and the King has offered ‘all the land from here to the sea’ for his daughter's safe return. All the King’s a little vague. Any takers? Hocus, a wizard school dropout, will give it a try. He must rescue his love. Features: 256 color VGA, AdLib musi MEGALOMAK coming second quarter 1994 Sinister crime bosses continue their grip of terror. But one man has a plan. MegaloMan—the Janitor of Justice—is on the scene to save the innocents. He'll ‘clean up’ the city, the sewers, and even outer space! Sound Blaster sound and more! Features: 256 color VGA, AdLib music, Sound Blaster sound and more! REALMS OF CHAOS coming second quarter 1994 With practiced craft, Endrick and Elandra attempt to banish the shadow of terror and despair which now hangs over the Mysteria. But, the road to freedom is fraught with peril as Endrick and Elandfa return peace in the Realms of Chaos Features: VGA, AdLib music, Sound Blastersotind and more! The Search is on for Talented Game Designers! If you're a you! We ame programmer or computer graphic artist, Apogee would love to hear from ‘¢ always lboking for talented teams and individuals interested in creating excit- ames. Apogee accepts game submissions too, and pays outstanding royalties. Send submissiong‘or sample work to: Apogee Submissions Manager, P.O. Box 496389, Garland, TX 75049. requires a VGA graphics adapter or higher requires an EGA graphics adapter or higher supports AdLib music card or compatible * requires a CGA graphics adapter or higher * supports Sound Blaster sound card or compatible requires a IBM or compatible 386 processor or higher orh Ta ia tee ais 003937 SLN3N3HINORE * _ requires a IBM or compatible 286 processc OTHER DE sieve sade dilete and ti tanual i The hottest gamers should have the coolest ‘stuff’. And...we've got it for you! The shirts are heavyweight and 100% cotton. Top quality! The Manual? It’s top secret! The Apogee Tee! $13.95 A colorful t-shirt announcing you're interest in “the Height ~ of Excitement.” Gaming excitement, that is...from Apogee! = A white shirt with the red four-color process Apogee logo front and back. Also on the back—a listing of the exciting, award-winning titles Apogee offers. Nonster Bash—the Shirt! $15.95 Life will never be the same until you “...give ‘evil’ an atti- tude adjustment!” At least that’s what Johnny Dash would say! It’s even printed on the back of this white Tee along with the Apogee logo. The front reveals Johnny and Tex practicing what they preach’ in a high quality, four color process illustration sure to make the goose bumps jump up on your spine! Wolfenstein 3-0 Tee! $13.95 B,J. Blazkowicz and his chaingun—spewing hot lead and ‘blasting’ through-€astle Wolfenstein! This light grey shirt BJéin larger than life color with fgur-color c ee The back of the shirt has the Apogee logo/the Id logo, and B,J.’s motto: “Whatever the question; LEAD is the answer!” /The Official Wolfenstein Hint Manual! $10.00 This is it! All the classified information on Wolfenstein 3 and its creators, Id Software—revealed. The manual give: you hints, strategies, maps and behind the scenes game development notes! Don’t be caught in the Castle withouf it! To order any Get he Mesa abteey ase the onde force caf tre at -800-6AME-123. a5 A. _ aie ee cP a Apogee’s Bulletin Board System: Fast and Easy! Software Creations was rated the #1 most popular BBS in the United States in a poll conducted by Boardwatch Magazine. It's also the home BBS of Apogee Software! Software Creations has a section dedicated as a ‘store’ of the computer games we offer. Call the BBS to check out the cur- : rent game titles and the new releases. You'll get descriptions Dan Linton, the master. of the games from our on-line catalog to assist your selec- mind behind the system, tion, and...access is free when you call the Apogee system. With over sixty lines, the Software Creations BBS is cutting-edge—just like the Apogee games! It’s the most tech- nically advanced and fastest growing BBS system in the world. Currently the system has 83 nodes—all US ROBOTK 8gig, PCBOARD 15, NOVELL 4.0—and 10 base T networks, as well as intelligent diagnostic HUBS. Dan Linton, the owner and director of Software Creations, has plans for additions which will increase the amount of lines to over 100. he tions! The-BBS handles its own phone switching for current data Shore Sesclione! cables and has 10 1.5 Meg fiber optic lines which feed into the Subscriber Loop Carrier equipment. And very soon, their 16.8K lines will all be upgraded to 28. Now, as if that wasn’t enough, Software Creations has even bigger plans for the future. ISDN support for transfer of files to MAJOR HUBS throughout the world. X.25 access forall major cities and countries. Internet Access for newsgroups, files and email Whew! Isn’t this technology @ me—and it’s waiting for your connection! It’s fast, it’s easy and it makes getting the atest game releases a snap! Within minutes you're ready to play all the games you’ve downloaded. Dave White, working.on new Give us a call by modem! The BBS phone lines are: dopley aan © (508) 36: 2359: 2400 BAUD * (508) 368-7036: 9600-14.4K v. 32 bis * (508) 368-4137: 14.4-16.8K HST/DS Richard, Dave, Ranele, and Dan—they make it a a aa ha Dedicated, Knowledgeable, and Behind the Scenes! [Apogee is committed to producing high quality gaming products. We're proud of the line of games we offer and we enjoy bringing the fun to you. Here are a few more of the dedicated people who bring you the fun of gaming. Steven Blackburn, Apogee’s Vice President of Operations. Why is Apogee’s customer service so good? Because customer satisfaction is Steven's #1 priority! He oversees all operational areas including customer service, order fulfillment, shipping, purchasing, account- ing and human resources. In addition, he also formulates company policies, identifies marketing opportunities, coordinates promotion- al activities, and leads the Bashers—Apogee’s softball team—in base hits and runs scored! Dennis Scarff, Operations Coordinator. Dennis is responsible for Domestic and Overseas Re-Sellers, Vendor Support Services and Vendor Relations. He also maintains the Apogee Software Library of Shareware for Registered and Commercial Programs. Dennis also serves as “Press Secretary” for news releases. He was born, a lot of stuff happened, and now Tom Hall is —~ Apogee’s Creative Director. Some of those things in between were creating Commander Keen and his universe, and working on game level design on Wolfenstein 3-D. Ohyand he’s had over thirty games published, and has writtén articles for PC Games and the Journal of ae Design. You’re most likely to meet Joe Siegler, Apogee’s Online Support Manager, on our Home BBS, CompuServe, America Online, Internet, or Prodigy. Joe’s ih charge of uploading new releases, creating our disk masterg, and providing online cus- tomer support. Joe likes the fact pe pizza typically is served in bite-sized slices. As Apogee’s Senior Reopens Gerald Lindsly eats bytes for breakfast and masters all he can C! Gerald builds the “engines” used by other Apogee game developers to create the games. His bit manipulations can be seen in several upcoming 3-D releases; plus Realms of Chaos and the alrdady-released monster hit, Monster Bas \ Steven Maines, Art Director. I’m\here to make sure the print art is printable. Oh yeah and produce tatalogs like this one! I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I’ve enjoyed bringing it to you. I know you'll enjoy the games! N ORDER TOLL-FREE 24 HOURS A DAY. 7 DAYS A WEEK. 1-800-GAME-123 APOGEE SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 496389 GARLAND, TX 75049 Code: CO01CAT All prices subject to change without notice. All items listed in this catalog are subject to availability THE HOTTEST ACTION ma A ahd e a yf Ff ° we ct aT ie c sy f ey x Hs a iy TR 1a life or Po GS) eT) rf f ti rf 5 PCL . dm r f- a a Oh PLANET STRIKE . Evil mutant terror—unleashed—in 3-D! ic ee WACKY WHEELS Me eee ee cd MYSTIC TOWERS Baron Baldric is the last hope to save the kingdom. cc Te! “APOGEE MEANS ACTION!” Tea ea “Kill your enemies! Kill ees (7 You aré part of an elite task force called HUNT, and you have to stop a maniac cult leader from killing millions of people. What a chance to go ona wild spree of destruction! You are equipped with awesome, high-tech weaponty like heat-seeking missiles, split missiles, and the flame-wall, which leaves a trail of charred skeletons in its wake. You'll also find other weapons so advanced, they defy description, and magical instruments used by cult crazies and their military masters of death. Incredible modem play option allows you to challenge your friends in battle, using the special Comm-bat™ zones provided. 32 huge levels, plus 10 Comm-bat™ zones for more intense modem play. © Use jump pads to fly through the air or wait ona ledge for the enemy Mb of graphics, animation, and sound— by far the most ever in a shareware game! © Taunt your opponent with RemoteRidicule” during multi-player mode. © Violence level adjustment, from low to excessive, with parental password protection. In excessive mode, this is the goriest game ever seen}, © Two player head-to-head aetion by modem or serial cable, and mfifti-player network. Play ong of five unique characters (males & females) each with special attributes—this feature alone adds immense replayability 1-800-APOGEEI Rise of the Triad requires an IBM™ or 100% compatible 386DX-33 computer with 4 Mb RAM (8 Mb recommended), 2 VGA graphics card, and 25 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick, Gravis GamePad, Cyberman, eball, and mouse are optional. Rise of the Triad supports any of the following sound cards (or a 100% com- ible): Sound Blaster™, Sound Blaster Pro/16™, AdLib™, Roland Sound Ganvas™, MPU 401 General MIDI™, | Pro-Audio Spectrum™, Gravis UltraSound™ and Disney Sound Source™ 1 Plus infinite random evel generator! Ae “Can you save the Galaxy?” Once again, the galaxy’s greatest military agent, Blake Stone, will find himself ina life or death struggle for the control of humanity's future. This time, you're up against a deadly mutant army that’s under the control of the madman who escaped you in your last adventure (Aliens of Gold). Smooth, fast scrolling 3-D virtual reality in 256 VGA graphics. Professional music and digitized effects. Realistic, scary, and dark graphics and details. 39 different guards, aliens, mutants, traps, hazards, and bosses! Save and restore anywhere in the game Survive through 20+ gut-wrenching levels. Four skill levels, which add more enemies. Six futuristic weapons to choose from. Built-in, zooming automap—there’s no need for a hint book if you're stuck. Diminished lighting effects that add realism. Comes with several helpful cheat codes. Sign up today as Agent Blake Stone. The fate of humanity is in your hands! Use the toll-free number—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. and 5 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick, Gravis GamePad, and rouse are optional. Plane supports any of the following sound cards (or a 100% compatible): AdLib™, and Disney Sound Source™ Sound Blaster™, Sound Blaster Pro™ WACHY WHEELS “A race game you'll hate to finish!” Wacky Wheels is the wild kingdom of Formula-1 racing, No other race car game has this much animal magnetism. Choose to play any one of eight cool animals and hit the track in this highly addictive, 3-D point-of-view racing contest. Wacky Wheels is loaded with hilarious effects like RemoteRidicule™, which lets you tease and distract your opponent during modem play. Also, grab up to 20 uniquely animated hedgehogs that populate the track, and use them to knock out other racers! @ Race or battle against other human players via modem or serial cable, or two players can play each other on the same computer. © High-speed, vivid 3-D VGA graphics, © Super cool race music and multi-channel digitized sound, supporting all major cards @\Play as a tiger, elephant, shark, raccoon, éamel, moose, panda, or pelican. @ 15,unique race tracks, plus 6 Comm-bat™ head-to-head tracks (extra tracks available), © Includes jumps, oil slicks, obstacles, under water driving, and a whole lot more. Wacky Wheels is that rare game that grabs your attention fast, and hooks you so that ye Seay ntir 5 to play it mofe®.&nd e! To getyoursetf addicted, call us now. TE DOC APOGEE Wacky Wheels requirds an Mb free 5; M™ or 100% compatib on the hard disk drive. Joystick and Gravis GamePad are optional. Wacky Whee ind cards (or a 100% compatible); Sound Blaster™, Sound Blaster Pro/16™, AdLib™, Roland Pro-Audio Spectrum", Gravis UltraSound™, any General MIDI" device, and the Disney Sound 3 ee “Are you looking for something original and creative? This is it.” —— Game Bytes Magazine, June ‘94 ‘Mystic Towers is full of ingenious puzzles, yet it also delivers the action you expect from Apogee. As the unflappable Baron Baldric, you're called ; Jee? upon by the townspeople to rid the castle towers : : of the dark forces that have overcome them. It's not going to be easy though—there are over 530 rooms to explore, and every room has a combination of traps, puzzles, and very unusualy creatures roaming around oo ET Mystic Towers is also unique intHat each room is viewed from above arid!'at an angle, giving it a 3-D look and-feél. @Highly animated game characters, with comical VGA graphics. Multi-channel music and digitized sound effects. © Find and use many unique spells like teleport, levitate, heal, reveal, etc © Six Towers (or episodes) to explore, each with a different set of creatures. © Save and restore, and automap features You'll love the Baron’s mannerisms and quirky animations (he even picks his nose if you give hima chance). To wield your magic staff and enter the Towers, call: 1-B00-APOGEEI Mystic Towers requires an IBM™ or 100% compatible 286 computer with 550K of free RAM, a VGA graphics card and 3.5 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick or Gravis GamePad optional. Mystic Towers supports the following sound cards (or a 100% compatible): Sound Biaster™ and Sound Blaster Pra CU “So, you want to be a Wizard?” You are a young sorcerer trying to become a full-fledged Wizard, but to do so you must prove yourself to the Council of Wizards. Your missions to enter the dark land of Lattice, _ defeat the lurking evil, and finally rescue the princess. a In this action and puzzle packed game you will use spells and your wits to survive. Hocus Pocus has colorful graphics and a high replay Value due to the many secrets and paths that can\ Need to success—or failure. “Smooth scrolling parallax backgrounds and some excellent animated sprites.” ‘computer Gaming World, Aug. ‘94 You'll encounter 30 different monsters, plus four huge bosses! Explore 18 graphically unique worlds and 36 total levels Music system supports all majorSound cards, including cool multi-eNannel digi- tized sound effects. ¢ Fight imps, dragons, ghosts, demons, scorpions, and other beasts. @ Save games, plus multipleskill levels. ¢ Find many spell, power-ups, and secrets! To be @ Wizard, or not to be? To be, call 1-Q00-APOGEE Hocus Pocus requires an IBM" or 100% compatible 386 computer wittT5B5K-ok jee RAM, a VGA graphics card and 6.9 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick and GraviS GamePad are optional. Hocus Pocus supports any of the following sound cards (or a 100% compatible): Sound Blaster™, Sound Blaster Pro/16™, AdLib™ Roland Sound Canvai ™, Pro-Audio Spectrim™, Gravis UltraSound™, and any General MIDI device, and the Disney mm 5 Ta scrolling shooter, think’re bow to lose your cookies over Raptor. It has some of the hottest graphics ever seen...and \\ the sound will astound you. It’s a superstar!” — Interactive Entertainment, May '94 What sets Raptor apart is its attention to detail; its hard-edged realism. You won’t find cartoonish graphics in Raptor, the enemy ships, the missiles, the ground graphics, the shadows, the explosions, the action—it all looks real! Astonishing animated 256 color VGA graphics and realistic cinematic cut-scenes. 27 action packed levels of intense combat. Advanced sound support: AdLib, Sound Blaster, Sound Canvas, Gravis UltraSound, Pro Audio Spectrum 16. Mouse, joystick, Thrustmaster, and Gravis GamePad support. Four personalized pilots to choose from, including 2 female pilots. “Raptor's voracious gameplay eats other shooters for lunch!” — CGW, June “94 \ Raptor requires an |BM™ or 100% compatible 386 computer with 2 Mb RAM (4 Mb recommended), a VGA grap! ics card and 12 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick, Thrustmaster, Gravis GamePad, and mouse a optional. Raptor supports any of the following sound cards (or a 100% compatible): Sound Blaster™, Sour Blaster Pro/16™, Sound Blaster AWE 32”, AdLib™, Roland Sound Canvas™, MPU 401 General MIDI WaveBlaster™, Pro-Audio Spectrum™, and Gravis UltraSound™ 6 Pen “Did you like Wolfenstein 3—D? If you did, you'll love Blake Stone.” — PCM, February 94 “The first-person viewpoint and smooth move- ment will have you peering sideways into the monitor to see if there’s another monster around the corner.” — PC Magazine, April ’94 “Blake a wish list fulfilled, enhancing the Wolfenstein [engine] with many sensible tweaks and sounds. Detailed ceilings and floors. One-way doors, monsters hiding in cases, and. others that leap suddenly from gurneys. Gun turrets in the ceilings. Plenty to keep you on the, edge of your seat. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold is every bit a worthy successor to the clas: Wolfenstein 3-D.” — Electronic Entertainment, April ‘94 * Diminished lighting effects that heighten the sense of realism. * Built in automapping—there’s no need for a hint book. Smooth scrolling 3-D virtual reality in 256 colors like Wolfenstein 3-D. * Professional music and digitized sound effects. © 28 different guards, aliéns, mutants, and bosses to kill! -— $29.98) ° ‘Movie-like’ animations and effects. Full-Game j * Battle through 66 levels of “heart-racing, pulse-pounding” excitement aes OGEEI Blake Stone: Aliens oh Gold requires an IBM™ or 100% compatible 386 computer with 528K of free RAM, a VGA graphics card and 8 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick, Gravis GamePad, and mouse are gPtional. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold supports any of the following sound cards (or a 100% compatible) Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro™, AdLib™, and Disney Sound Source™ 7 HA “PC gaming does not get much better than this!” — Smart Electronics, March ’94 The reports are frantic!!! “Alien invaders are blasting New York City, shattering city blocks, and turning its inhabitants into an evil army of slobbering zombies!” As Halloween Harry, you must penetrate the alien warrens, free the hopeless hostages and find the sinister invaders’ buried mothership. Armed with your wits—and some impres- sive state-of-the-art firepower—you're off on the most dangerous mission of your life. Your arsenal includes a flamethrower, enemy seeking missiles, a photon cannon, micro-nukes, and grenades. ¢ Brilliant parallax scrolling graphics in 256 colors. * Digital music and digitized effects. An unhealthy dose of aliens, zombies, and ‘super-monsters’ on each level Have a blast flying through huge levels with your jetpack Save gaines and multiple skill levels, plus a cheat code Over a dozen cinematic sequences A high replay value due to many secret areas and bonuses “Alien Camage was formerly Halloween Harry,” {ai Alien Carage requires an IBM™ or 100% compatible 286 computer with 560K of free RAM, a VGA graphics card and 6.5 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick is optional. Alien Camage supports any of the following sound cards (or a 100% compatible): Sound Blaster)" and Sound Blaster Pro™ MS “The first game technologically capable of... immersing the player in a threatening environment.” — Computer Gaming World “ rips the state-of-the-art envelope for DOS systems wide open.” — Electronic Games Imprisoned in a Nazi fortress, you are the free world’s only hope. You make a desperate attempt to overpower your cell guard. Standing over his fallen body, you frantically grab for his gun. Now, with danger behind each door and death at every turn, you will have to fight for your life. ¢ Smooth scrolling 256 color virtual reality. ‘al ‘Top Secret WolfsD info—revealed! 73 page hint manual, ® Professional music soundtrack and stereo sound effects for Sound Blaster and compatibles. * Four levels of game play, perfect for the novice to the experienced player. *\A horde of deadly weapons. Save games in progress on 60 levels. SPEAR OF DESTINY Deep in the belly of Castle Wolfenstein, B.J. Blazkowicz, the Allies’ most durable agent finds hitnself once again knee-deep with deadly Nazis. B.},’s mission this time is to infiltrate the heavily guarded Nazi stronghold and recapture the Spear of Destiny. 1 ) The free world is'cbunting on you to take the challenge®Call today! Wolfenstein 3D requires\an IBM™ or 100% compatible 286 computer with 580K of free RAM, a VGA graphics card and 2.6 Mb tree space ob the hard disk drive. Spear of Destiny requires an IBM™ or 100% compatible 286 com- puter with 580K of free RAM, a VGA graphics card and 3.2 Mb free space on the hard disk drive. Joystick, Gravis | GamePad, and mouse arg optional. Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny support any of the following sound | Cards (or a 100% compatible): Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro™, AdLib™, and Disney Sound Source" 9 SON LINE WITH APOGEE AND UPCOMING GAMES Apogee’s Home Board: Software Creations BBS! Software Creations BBS is world renowned for its friendly nature, yet powerful features. In fact, readers of Boardwatch Magazine voted Software Creations the most popular BBS in North America two years in a row (out of over 80,000 BBS‘s). Software Creations was also featured on the ABC TV show, PrimeTime Live. What makes Software Creations so special? *Over 130 phone lines means there's hardly ever a busy signal. +The FREE Apogee file section (section #1, of course). Local Access calling (via SprintNet) means long-distance calls are reduced to as little as $3.95 an hour. (That's 6.5 cents a minute!) «Internet access and E-Mail. Internet is the information super-highway/ahd you are missing out if you're not on it. «The fastest access lines available in the world — 28.8k batid! *'The Apogee support conference and a list of games coming soon, with slide show previews. + Coming November : Order any of Apogee’s full version games online, via credit card, and download them immediately! (Saves you from waiting for delivery). For FREE access to all Apogee shareware games, call: * (508) 365-4035 @'28.8k class (v.fc) * (508) 365-2359 @ 2400 baud © (508) 368-7036 @ 9600-14.4k v.32bis Don’t Have A Modem? Shareware titles are also available directly from Apogee for $5 each (except Commander Keen: Aliens 1. My Baby Sitter and Spear of Destiny). This price includes shipping and handling. Call 1-800-APOGEE 1 to order. More Action Games Coming Up. Apogee’s extensive library of action games is continuously growing. On top of our current exciting new releases, there are even more games to keep a look out for in the near future. StarGunner, Boppin’, and Realms of Chaos are just a few StarGunner Pilot a starctuiser with scrolling at 60 frames per second and watch the dazzling graphics at a higher than normal resolution (320x240 pixels). Add to this, stereo music and multi-channel sound effects for the ride of your life Boppin’ Are you good at puzzle and logic games? You'd better be, because Boppin’ offers 160\levels of mind twisting puzzle solving and arcade action to boot! After you've mastered all of our levels, feel free to create your own with the level editor that comes with the game. Realms of Chaos You play the role of two unique characters in this fantasy game. Experience constant variety and intense action by switching between a male and female character, each with different personality traits, abilities, and weapons 10 994¢00D :‘Jd09 13390dV-008-1 “MIIM VW SAVG LZ ‘AVG VW SUNOH Ve 43ad4-1101 4iqgdo 6v0Sé XL ‘GNV1UVS 68E96r XOEB 'O'd “GL 3UVMIIOS 3I90dv 6r0SZ XL ‘pueyey 68696b x0G “O d “pl] ‘auemyjos eabody ‘Seung Ti, PAlayg, Poe font H dn ng Mystic Towers Bee oud Ut ig ture Ta] offs. ifs0 way 3 ves fe case LF Meg cc 9 cag eae orp ii) De ee Rate kestoal ya Tonspeops 18 ts st Pe Sea ae nc NEN Der Ld Bilelpalo patina baiicthapatiie ene. Ped DU ur Le yee ee PN CURecra ee) See eae Sepp cLey cry renee Seay SOA et ae ene tT Ua ‘spe Srapancaliianbcioratan eee eT ei Berea cere) Fe ph i daened Cee ee kL Cee ee te Gop cae een AM Be rd fepg cu Lurk Sd Ce ne cs a eee a Dew Sn a Ta eed Soo Se ed Cee es Se eee Ce es epee te SY) mao SE eC erent uke ee inhbitan' of Ns it Pee eee ne Sr TT ee ian aos Raptor: Call of the Shadows “Raptor i the best ite since DOOM.“ — (GN Br a OT ey Coy Re Ey Deed Le DO ea ‘won't find cartoonish gophics in Raptay, the enery Se a et ad Seer oly . Beer ero a iet cs piesa moe iast ag * Ten eh Tat ee sas pia Only $20 Aaa Hein oad ae Ln ee earn Set Fea ee et cae Se ae tod Pet oa a Dene ut ROT y De ee “© Play 2 player using the some computer. Bement ere cron SE Le ieee rs Oo uc EU oe & ess eee ey CALL TOLL FREE Bs Pee A ce CO Lee en eed Ae ee eet a ee ke ss Cater! Se UC LC Ue CU Lee ee ee es See eee tet er : A] STA SAMI | Ser ae ey ted ee elt ee Lettie | Whe test ct pare eit the” yet” eet Mcrae ele ee es Leu} Se A Cty ee err Cm Ce eat eed Re ee ce “ rs Cee Ta cance Te eee er YAU Dra Cu Dt re GT dea CLL oa — Software opps, Loren Wiloughby PC a Coa RL oc Cec) ee a cy Cee eo Ly Sua ud eGo De EL’ BR a Se De Coen ee Dee Sy OO sae ns Neue Le) Se a Bl lade Cees et ; Gee Le Cn at ea td Be Me ey Dee cad — Computer Gaming Wor Tiles csc cond See tt St Ce te Scns Se ee Ceres Po eee SY) Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Gt CO nd Cee ge nLy Geena Soe dE Ree ee tea tos Cee eR dd Ce ee ad fo keep you on the edge of your st Bike Stone: Sen a eet css Wofenstin 3, "— lcronic nen Doe CTC os Coe ae unre eek ee etd Sa Ce eee Sy De CR mye ULC) Be na, Ak) Te ecg BLE) Sais OU one Ge em Oa keep you on te eg of your seat!” pe een ene nce agin, the gol gteotast mtr agent, Cee ate) Sc es See ULES cet ear os Se ets etl -» Sundive tivough 20+ gut-wrenching levels, each Coe ee Coe ec ey) Abogee’s Holiday Super Sale! Buy AOW and Save Big $$$! Dear Apogee Customers and Friends, For the first time ever, we've put together a major sole for our recent releases. This means you can buy our hit gomes—many of them award winners—for a price that'd make Santo proud. ALL GAMES IN THIS MAILING ARE JUST $20H!! Wow! Until the end of the year you con save up fo $30 on a single game (e.g. Wolfenstein 3-Dis normolly sold for $50 and Raptors normally $35.) And there’s more! For every two games you buy ai the reduced price cof $20, we'll let you pick a game for free from five additional Apogee Classics. So, if you buy two games you get three total, and if you buy four games you get six total, eft, You're saving Avo ways in our Holiday Super Sale. Apogee is the world’s leading action games publisher for the PC. We make more of the best action/arcade style games than any other company. Please take advantage of this offer to try some of our ‘action-packed games that you may have missed. We guarantee you won't be disappointed. In fact, we're so sure you'll love our games, we'll refund your order if you're not satisfied with them, Address: Apt. /Suite# es eee 1-800-APOGEE 1 hy Pho ) 1-800-276-4331 Payment by: (check¥one) 2 Chi Discover QAI N Express Card Number: Cardholder's Signature: enh “Blake Stone: Planet Strike 1 Super Boppin’ Duke Nukem Il Hocus Pocus “1 Mystic Towers Raptor -lRealms of Chaos 1Super Wacky Wheels Wolfenstein 3-D eat = YES! Please rush me these Apogee action hits! Exp, Date: All games shipped on 3.5° HD ai Order Subtotal: $ 1 Alien Camage z ¢ “Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold ero : Shipping/Handling: $ Order Total $ opel Ree eer ne) Duke Nukem | Also, make sure you read about our just-released action game, Realms of Chaos, probably the best action platform scroller ever on the PC, and much better than any platform game Apogee has ever released, induding Commander Keen ond Duke Nukem. Happy Holidays Very sincerely, Scott Miller President The Money Back Guorantee Our policy is simple: If you purchase any of these Apogee fitles and don’t like them, you can return them for a full fund, less shipping and hondlng, within 30 days. There's no risk for you at all P.S. Look for Us Online Internet / WE Site Hino i Ea: ge stapes s S00, 48.7139 America Ontine CompuServe Xeyvocd"IPOGEE” Ea Ape *GOIPOGEE” EWal 7400353 = Apogee's Toll-Free Order # JUsA: $5.00 gist tom ICANADA: $6.00 (ist tor) |Add $1 for each adaftional item. JOTHER COUNTRIES: $8.00 Gis Horn) |Add $2 for each addtional item, 30,00 Adventure 9 Sale Ends 12-3 5 S066-670SZ XL GNVIHVD 68€96b XOE Od G11 SHYVM1L40S 3490d¥ 33SS3SYCGY Ag Givd 39 THM 3OVLSOd XLONVIYVS 8P ON LIWHSd VIN SSVTO-LSHIS TVW Aldau SSANISNE SaLVLS G3LINN. SHL NI Gav st AYVSSSOSN A9vVLSOd ON Register today, and find out why “Apogee means Action!” Register and win a FREE game, plus more! Dear Action Game Fan: ‘Thanks for buying this Apogee game. You've purchased it at a great discount price. Apogee, along with FormGen Inc., have put together the Action Entertainment line of high-quality, easy-to-leam PC action games. Every time you buy a game from the Action Entertainment line, you can send in ‘your registration card and be one of ten lucky monthly winners. Your name is never removed from the contest, so the earlier you register, the more winning chances you have! Send in your registra- tion card now—here's why: * You'll be entered into our once-per-month contest. Ten winners each month (beginning January 30, 1995 and ending no sooner than December 1996) will get a free game from Apogee". There will be at least 240 winners. Winners will be notified directly, anda list of all winners will 6 available on our home BBS, Software Creations BBS. * You'll get access to the Apogee game hints hotline. * You'll get discounts and flyers about future action games, plus a full color Apogee catalog. * You'll get details on how to call Apogee’s home BBS, where you can download “shareware” versions of all of Apogee’s games, talk to Apogee representatives, and find out about future game releases. (This BBS is free for players who want to download Apogee's shareware: games, which are better than ckemos, in that they allow you to “test-drive” a fully playable sub-set of the entire game.) First, youneed to send in your registration card. We're waiting to enter you into the contest... Sincerely, ‘Scott Miller, President PS. To make it extra easy for you, we've enclosed a postage-free registration card, so it doesn't cost you a penny * Ourchoice Voie uot $5.00 REGISTRATION INFORMATION (Picase print clearly.) Miflesiegame purctinsed. eee ee Name: Company: Address: —__ ‘Apt/Suite#: aa State/Province: =—— > City: Zip/Postal Code: COUN =. an Phone: (__) Fax: (__) SYSTEM INFORMATION (Check the boxes which apply ) Graphics Gisvca OvGa Disk Size: 93.5" HD(1.44M) 13.5" LD (720K) 15.95" HD(1.2M) CD-ROM Computer Type: pentium 486 1386 No copies accepted, original cards only APOGEE SOFTWARE D, TX 75049 nnouncing a new Upgrade Offer youjcan’t afford to miss! “You're in for a real thrill with our three Wolfenstein Super Upgrades!” Dear Fellow Wolf Fan: As a registered owner of Wolfenstein 3-D™, you've helped make it one of the most popular and successful games ever. “Wolfenstein 3-D is one of the eight most important games ever released.” siaememmnnmapaaiiiaiiatntitnirammpenasniin nn GAEL ANZUSL 24, That's a pretty strong statement. Yet, it’s true. Wolfenstein has started an entire industry of first-person-point-of-view 3-D games, including Blake Stone, DOOM, Planet Strike, and Apogee’s soon-to-be-released 3-D blockbuster, Rise of the Triad. The popularity of Wolfenstein never seems to end. So, we've put together three Wolfenstein upgrades that will extend the life of your Wolfenstein game for as long as you want. These upgrades have never been offered by Apogee before, and only until January 15, 1995, will we extend our registered customers a special discount price. (Upgrade #1 - WolfMaster) Play 815 NEW Wolfenstein levels! The Wolfenstein phenomenon has inspired players like yourself and other programmers to create thousands of unique levels, which have enhanced and prolonged the play value of this popular game. Apogee has hand-picked the best 815 of these levels from third-party level designers. Imagine 815 uniquely designed levels, full of action, danger, traps, enemies, secrets, and bonuses. Can you see yourself playing these new levels, trying to survive through all the mystery and excitement? It might take you months—or longer—to play through all of these new levels! To play all of these levels, we have the WolfMaster menu system. It’s a special menu program that allows you to play all 815 levels from your regular Wolfenstein directory. It's as easy as playing the original Wolfenstein. You simply type “WM” to start the menu, then you select which group of levels you want to play. Each group of levels represents a unique challenge. Since these levels were created by a variety of level designers, you will encounter a great variety of “worlds” to explore. These new levels are not just rehashed versions of the original 60 Wolfenstein levels— we wouldn't do that to you. These new levels are utterly unique and inventive. In fact, they take advantage of features and special tricks that were never used in the original Wolfenstein. These tricks include: * Guards that can run and attack through fake walls. (Imagine walking into a room that looks harmless, and suddenly ten guards appear from nowhere, guns blazing!) * Bosses (the huge opponents usually seen on the last level of each episode) can appear on any level, when you least expect it. * Invisible walls that you can see through and shoot through, but you cannot pass through. * Hologram doors: They look like doors, but you can walk right through them and surprise the guards on the other side! * Guards that stand like statues, ignoring your presence until you shoot them—then they come to life and attack! * You'll see many other strange things too, like ghost dogs, and more. You can finally see these tricks and special effects for yourself. Imagine the bizarre and unusual levels that are waiting for you to solve and overcome. (Upgrade #2 — Wolf Creator) You can custom create an unlimited number of levels! Imagine a level populated with bosses, all blazing with twin machine guns while you duck and run toward safety. Or, can you picture yourself in a new level swarming with guards and Hitler’s mutant army? Apogee has enlisted the help of programmer Alan Hemphill, who has created an incredible program that actually generates an endless number of challenging levels for Wolfenstein, at the touch of a button! The program is called Wolf Creator. You simply type “wolfgame”, and you geta menu with several easy choices. If you simply want a standard-style ame, you hit a ~ button, and within one minute, you have 4 new levels! Or, if you wanta little more control, you can use the “customize” option and adjust everything to be exactly how you want it. For example, you can have a game without bosses, but packed full of regular guards. Or you can have levels with a dozen killer bosses, ammo every- where, and health kits too. With the “customize” option, you are in control of each game you create. With Wolf Creator, you can have it any way you want. It’s your choice, and no two games are ever the same. It’s an amazing program that adds unlimited replay value. The levels that are generated by Wolf Creator are not silly random levels, either. They’re generated using smart data sets and intelligent assembly logic. All you have to know is that the levels generated by Wolf Creator are as fun and devious as those made by top level designers. When finished with your game, you simply run Wolf Creator again and create an entirely new set of levels, which will be wildly different than the levels you just played. This means you will never run out of new levels to play! (Upgrade #3 - MapEdit) You can design your own devious levels to play yourself or challenge your friends! Okay, so you can generate unlimited custom levels using Wolf Creator. But what if you want to design every detail of your levels; to play yourself, or give to your friends? Think about the levels you would make. Would you use many of the special effects and tricks that were not used in the original game? Do you think you can make better levels than in the original Wolfenstein? There's only one program that gives you absolute control to create your own levels exactly the way you want them. It’s called MapEdit. It’s a full-blown level editor, that lets you design levels from scratch, building your own rooms and mazes, and placing guards, traps, bonuses and secret rooms anywhere you want them. You really get to be a game designer! Here are some of the cool features in MapEdit: * Import existing Wolfenstein levels and change them. * Supports Wolfenstein, Spear of Destiny (the sequel to Wolfenstein 3-D), and Blake Stone (another Apogee 3-D game, similar to Wolfenstein 3-D). * Online help and extensive documentation. * Two freehand drawing modes. * Ten ways to display object/map data. * Multiple object searching and replacing. * Statistics tracking and warnings. * Use the mouse or keyboard. * Save levels. * Dozens of other features. Well, that sounds complicated, but when you use MapEdit, you'll see that it is really quite easy. You can design levels that are as realistic as the original Wolfenstein, or as crazy as you can imagine. All of the 815 levels mentioned above were created using MapEdit. It’s powerful, and it’s fun. How to order the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades We were thinking of selling each of these Upgrades separately. But it really only makes sense to sell them all together as a package, and offer the best discount possible. Here’s what the individual prices would have been: [1] WolfMaster — Menu system with 815 levels: $39.95 [2] Wolf Creator — Automatic level generator: $29.95 [3] MapEdit — Lets you be a level designer: $29.95 Total: $99.85 Let's face it, no one is going to pay those high prices! By bundling them all together in a single package, we can sell all three at a super discount price: $59.95. That’s a savings of $40. Limited Time Special Discount Price If you buy before January 15, 1995, we will throw in MapEdit for FREE, which further reduces the price of the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades to only $39.95, saving you an additional $20. After January 15,1995, the price will be $59.95. Free Bonus #1: We will include a free cheat sheet, with all of the Wolfenstein cheat codes. You'll get codes to make you invincible, give you all of the keys, give you all of the weapons and ammo, and other cheat codes, too. With these cheat codes, you'll never get stuck again. You can even skip to any level you want by using the een Wwarp” cheat code. Free Bonus #2; We will also include the latest version of the original Wolfenstein 3-D {all six episodes, with 60 total levels). By using this version, you'll be able to use all three of the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades. In addition, this version will let you use all of the cheat codes that we are sending you. The Money Back Guarantee Our policy is simple: If you buy the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades and don’t like them, you can return them for a full refund, less shipping and handling, within 30 days. That's all! There's no risk for you at all. Sincerely, Scott Miller President PS. Don’t forget: order all three of the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades before January 15, 1995, and you'll save an extra $20. Plus, we'll include the latest version of the original Wolfenstein game, ensuring that you can use the cheat codes and the upgrades. Remember, this exclusive offer is available only to registered owners of the original Wolfenstein 3-D. Order now to get your copy of the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades. They're more fun than you think-we guarantee it. Wolfenstein 3-D™ Copyright © 1992, by id Software. Police temesn You can finally have UNLIMITED. LEVELS for Wolfenstein 3-D! Apogee has three Wolfenstein Super Upgrades that are Rife Rom are ee am melee ERC MCL Mea TS cet CE LaTo Be Cee} tremendously to the level of excitement and enjoy- ment you can get from your original purchase of Wolfenstein 3-D. You can get all three for only $39.95, with Apogee’s easy money-back guarantee. Beer eco (eae (010 (oht Cp You get 815 NEW Wolfenstein levels! NL UC ache ae eee eet ts eta tit PaO eerie ie acme emt tim: tats mean ita) ree ago eae armen) PTT Se eB eR ese Ui: RS Cee) Mee Ue Cpa sce uae tule acl eet es CMe eee Ueto co Be ees rat As eam alte CRM ean) er eM GR CRUE enn te Rng een Cae tae tt inventive. In fact, they take advantage of features and special tricks that were DS RU RGR ier Aco air Cm ee. Cece PO or ea Lea ~> (Upgrade #2 - Wolf Creator). pe eat elmer CU Uc mem a Poitier nen MtnOn IME eet tee ee a on ee eee CT eae ae incredible program that actually generates challenging levels for Wolfenstein, at . ” the touch of a button! McC cec Con Sas RRC Lame RTE a menu with several easy choices. If you simply want a standard-style game, you hit a button-and within-one minute you-have 60 new levels!-Or, if you want a-little— more control, you can use the “customize” option and adjust everything to be eM DR Ue eC ee Re aCe at deere ita packed full of regular guards. Or you can have levels with a dozen killer bosses, CU eC eA a eS Cero NR Cou Mel eae CTE Ramee eel kets Toei eh eRe Sr emuus ted etapa a _ (Upgrade #3 - MapEdit) _ You can design your own devious levels from scratch! Okay, so you can generate unlimited custom levels using Wolf Creator, but Sie Rule oleae Read ae mre res rs to friends? Do you think you can make better levels than in the original UC cie BU ea ie Las oe Tie elt eee cn Rae CR iris CVT e oC aC me Ee OC eae) ce eee Teele ula ee come Re amet ree elle CUE WRU room sie Reis Mar meme ema ca oes Rou your own levels from rooms anywhere you want them. You really get to be a game designer! scratch, or change any existing level. ey Se Pe ee ee °° Sas 2 olltieienenne snl ie ett ~~ olfenstein Super Upgrades” Urs tare mW ce) eine Rete BOREL new customized levels. are mL four bars. Each time ST Lag 60 all-new, very unique levels. ae ee | a ee Ge ake Uk) ambush of officers will shock you back to riya eee fete) 3 FeTTo a SS first level in 7 = i Ve) ar ct OL hm ty Ronee ~ i n Bk Pe ei au Nite aes a orn kas elm eC aA recommend Tetris™? rent Var a PTAC A Um een 3 Peet sea kendo SMMC bh the best weapons EVEL m iL) ara Bah z eee ee sl unlimited ammo i | In Wolf Creator, you watch as pce : i Ue co TT ap" eras) gece " sew ied | ern Pec mcs ee aera Sas Pre eeureutee ous RU Rec Pen tnh er aie) Behind anyjcomer PME ae Rage co Le Reem cd Bip PaO MTC Baim Soerioebiivir par era ae, ea i, RSTn eres Ser Me errors ( mL > PN CO Maen CLC ee Pua mechs 7 em MWe Coe TT mC Su Pao RLS WolfMaster levels, bosses can appear OE aac i po ne PANT re even more gory and vio- lent. Please excuse our Prelims eee a SECM OL! secret level in Wolfenstein. Na Ui CUle aus Ear) Mat els Cu ce ol a Ea eS fen a eera oe) YES! Please rush me the Wolfenstein Super Upgrade for the limited time eer Moltrre stn tea icg Geter comm Graphics: EVGA Nome:. —-- Computer type: GPentium Address: _ (2486 Acree eS Sy ae ae City: state: Zip’ Phone) Payment by: (check“one) Check GMoney Order Visa MasterCard O Discover ‘Card Number: Cardholder's Signatur en ete eee * | Order Subtotal: Texas Tax: as Shipping: custome snvte passa he own * Please make checks payable to: Apogee Software, Ltd. special offer code: MOO7WSU * Mall orders to: Apogee Software, Ltd., P.O. Box 496389, Garland, Tx 75049 Order Total: a Get 815 new Wolfenstein levels, a random level generator, a level editor, a new version of the original Wolfenstein 3-D, plus a list of all of the cheat codes—all for $39.95! But, it's a LIMITED TIME OFFER. You must order by January 15, 1995, or the price goes up to $59.95. Wolfenstein 3-D has won nearly every award the game industry has to offer. Now you can continue to play this amazing, furious action game with all new levels and experience it like you've never had a chance to. THIS OFFER IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO REGISTERED WOLFENSTEIN 3-D CUSTOMERS WHO PURCHASED THE GAME FROM APOGEE. No one else will ever get this offer or anything similar to it. There's no risk because of our money back guarantee Our policy is simple: If you buy the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades and don’t like them, you can retum them for a full refund within 30 days. That's all! No questions asked. There's no risk for you at all. pit, Dear Wolfenstein Super Upgrade Purchaser: We hope you enjoy the Super Upgrade packages that you've ordered from Apogee. We know you're just dying to dive in and play all these levels, but there are a few steps you should follow first before you do anything 1. Back up your diskettes! Doing so will ensure that if you need to reinstall the package, you'll have a reliable copy to use. 2. Install the new copy of Wolfenstein 3D into a new, empty directory, Installing these upgrades over an old copy of Wolfenstein 3D is not recommended. 3. The Super Upgrades MUST be installed into the sme directory as the freshly installed Wolfenstein 3D. 4. Once the files have been copied from the Super Upgrade disks to your hard drive, there will be a few instruction screens shown. Please make an effort to read them, even taking notes. There is extremely important information on these screens that are necessary to the operation of the various programs that come in the Super Upgrade Package. 5. Once the programs have been installed, there is an extra command you need to invoke before WoifMaster will be ready for operation. The Super Upgrade installation will leave you in the directory that the Super Upgrades were installed to. From this directory, enter SETUP. This will set up the WolfMaster program, and will create all the necessary files for WolfMaster operation. Here are the commands you need to run in order to execute the various parts of the Wolfenstein Super Upgrades Package. All these examples will assume that you accept the defaults offered by the installation programs for Wolfenstein 3D, and the Super Upgrade Package. If you choose to install them to different directories, you will have to substitute those directories in these examples. WolfMaster: To use WolfMaster, you need to change to the C:\WOLF3D directory, and run WOLFM. All the instructions necessary for the execution of this program are inside the program on the menu screen, Wolf Creator: To use Wolf Creator, you need to change to the C:\WOLF3D\CREATOR directory, and enter WOLFGAME. There is a text file in this directory called WOLFGAME.TXT. This is a standard ASCTI file, and can be read by anything that can read an ASCII text file. You may wish to print this to have on hand for reference. MapEdit: To use MapEdit, you need to change to the C:\WOLF3D\MAPEDIT directory, and enter MAPEDIT. There is a text file in this directory called MAPEDIT.DOC, which contains instructions on how to use the MapEdit program. It is a standard ASCH text file, and can be read by anything that can read an ASCII file. You may wish to print this to have on hand for reference. There are some further instructions relating (o the use of these three programs both in the installation screens, and in a file that will be installed to your directory called CODES.EXE. Entering CODES will get you a list of cheat codes for Wolfenstein 3D, as weil as some further help running the programs. If you experience trouble when using these programs, please consult the various instructions that come with each program or the file named W3D-HELP.EXE found in the WOLF3D directory. Thanks again for purchasing of the Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrade Package! Sincerely, Lit Wie Scott Miller President - Apogee Software “Wacky Wheels is one of the best shareware releases we’ve ever seen. You’ll love it.” “A super-fast 3-D engine, cute characters, catchy tunes, a host of special features, bags of surprises, and simply marvellous playability,” make Wacky Wheels a racing game you'll hate to finish. Wacky Wheels is truly the wild kingdom of Formula-i racing. “Although Wacky Wheels is~a brilliant one player game, it really comes into its own with two-player mode.” Racing or Bttling your friends has never been so much fun! Feel the thrill as you race past your opponent, slam their car into a water trap, and beat them by a bumper to the finish line. Apogee’s Wacky Wheels, from start to finish, is packed with P ocige-of-your- seat excitement All trademarks are the property 0 me WACKY WHEELS FEATURES eMedia aan Nee eres lg Sete Mana oekah accu ina ku eet m sie psaleccc unui Mees ec MPR CeD err alts Pe Mu en Man ee eee koa Pts lame Ucn imac kertne i Me munieia POE Au eG oe lee tue Bren eco) Pea Eas era) FEU AC MM UE Mero be uae oni) tracks (21 extra tracks available in Upgrade Edition). Reet et aie CU ee em elie rer Nee om Rates Mae eRe eure oe MPIC ON ae ue aie eee eC me se mecca nr cia neh turbo boosts, traps, and a whole lot more. ball Welt ee le Ser oa eae Rr eae Dee MCE R clea icie mea io afore if SYSTEM REQUIREMENT CoM SRO enn keon coh Wegener 25 MHz 386, 2 Mb RAM Ce Medicine eos unc) ee SLM Cen reres Supports any of the following sound cards (ar 100% compatible) Sound Blaster™, Sound Blaster Pro/16™, AdLib™, Ri ee acme eric ahs tes ORDER NOW Purchase Wacky Wheels for $24.95. Or, for only $34.95 receive ewe ee =e eum ue meus ae uaa ol Un meen eke wesl sy ten keg CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-APOGEE 1 a eRe eS ae kVA NMC eM 2 Cele her mn ine Bieta a sun lt Dame ais ae Rose os Apogee Software, Order Dept., P.O. Box 496389, Garland, TX 75049 APOGEE SOFTWARE, LTD. ¢ Apogee means Action! All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. GODE: MOO8sWWM. “Wacky Wheels: A fun, action-packed 3D racing game you can play alone or against friends!” Race friends or competitive animals on 42 hair-raising tracks, or blow them away in the battle zones. Dear Action Gamer: Nothing beats the excitement of playing against other human racers, and in "Wath Wheels, you can do just that. You and a friend can play at the same computer (split-screen mode), or play head-to-head using a modem or serial cable connection. Or, you can race against challenging computer opponents who have adjustable degrees of difficulty. Either way, Wacky Wheels is packed with the features you want: non-stop action and variety, heart-racing music and furious 3D point-of-view vivid VGA graphics and animations. It’s so fun, we think you'll hate to finish. The wild kingdom of racing! You can play any of eight wacky animals in Wacky Wheels. Each animal has its own colorful antics and animations, including a tiger, elephant, raccoon, panda, shark, and more. Here’s the good part: these animals are not wimpy racers—they are very competitive (depending on which skill level you select). Each racer is programmed with an artificial intelligence system that gives them the smarts to want to pass you on corners and bump you off the road. They take great joy in zooming by you as you spin off the track. (As each racer passes you they turn their head towards you and honk their horn.) You get several games in one package! In Wacky Wheels, you get six unique racing game modes, including time trials, normal racing (with many variations), battle zones, and the just-for-fun duck shoot-outs. With so many ways to play, you can count on this staying fun for a long time—we'’ve built in a lot of play value to this game. Take for example, the duck shoot-outs. The shoot-outs take place on special battle zones which are not designed for racing. The object is to race around a huge area full of obstacles and maze-like walls, all the while collecting ammo and shooting at ducks on wheels. Some ducks take only one shot to toast, while others (with helmets) require two shots. You get a limited time to shoot as many as you can and earn a spot on the high score chart, bumping off your family and friends. If you think it sounds funny, wait until you play it. It’s more absurd than you think! Nothing beats the competitive feel of racing! Feel the thrill as you race past your opponent, slam their car into a water trap, and beat them by a bumper to the finish line. Avoid obstacles, bang into opponents, launch your weapons against them, beat them to the short cuts, engage turbo mode on the straightaway, use your hand brake to skillfully hug tight corners without spinning out, and hit jumps with perfect timing so that you sail above and past your opponents while executing a perfect 360° rotation in midair! You get 21 original race tracks! After you select your wacky race character, you get to select any of 21 unique race tracks (42 if you have the Upgrade Edition). Each track has a distinctive winning strategy. It’s up to you to figure out the best way to race each one. There are three classes of tracks, from novice to expert, which present a wide range of wacky racing conditions. There’s also two racing speeds, normal and ~ radical. Beginning players should not attempt to play at the higher speed! All tracks have special obstacles and dangers: Water traps, cacti, oil slicks, posts, bushes, narrow lanes, stacks of tires, lava and more. Some tracks are surrounded by water (you can race underwater!) and even lava. Wacky weapons help you win! But what you’re not expecting are the hedgehogs! Grab all the track-populated hedgehogs you can, and hurl them like baseballs at the other racers to send them spinning out of control—giving you time to pass ‘em by. Other weapons to collect include bombs, oil slicks, ice blocks, and flame balls. High-speed racing action! Apogee games are action-packed, and Wacky Wheels is a perfect example. From start to finish, you get edge-of-your-seat excitement and action. When playing, you'll grit your teeth, lean your body into the corners and scream “EAT MAGMA!” as you launch a hedgehog that sends the racer in front of you spinning into the lava! Nothing beats the excitement of racing head-to-head against your friends. Two players can compete on the same computer (split-screen mode), via modems, or serial cable. You can race each other or battle in one of the twelve special battle zones that are included. A real family game, with a real Kid Mode! Since this game is perfect for the entire family to play, it only made sense for us to add a special “Kid Mode”, which makes it very easy for younger players to race. When “Kid Mode” is selected, the cars race at much slower speeds, and the computer controlled racers are not competitive like they are in the other modes. Plus—and this is the best feature—the player controlled car moves on its own, there’s no need for your child to hold down the accelerator. This makes controlling the car very easy, because your child will only need to steer the car. This mode is recommended for children between the ages of three and six. You'll find many thoughtful features like this in Wacky Wheels. You get all the winning features! * High-speed, 3D point-of-view racing! * Large variety of race tracks (42 in the Upgrade Edition!). * 16 heart-racing songs with superb multi-channel digital sound effects and native support for most major sound cards. * Two-player, head-to-head modes via modem connection, serial link, or at the same computer using split screen mode. Time trial mode allows you to go for a record time on each track. * RemoteRidicule™ feature allows you to send a funny, distracting message to your opponent during modem matches. * All eight opponents have smart AI. Every time you race, the game secretly selects two of the opposing seven racers to be especially competitive! * A special mode just for very young players that lets them have fun, too. * There are 60 unique high score lists to keep track of the best racers for each skill level and track combination. * Several cheats and passwords to give you extra ammo, speed, or jumping abilities. Special Discount Price! As a valued customer of Apogee, you've come to expect the highest quality, state- of-the-art action software available. You've also come to expect exceptional value as well. That’s why for a limited time we're shaving $5.00 off the the regular low price of $34.95. Through this special mailing, purchase Wacky Wheels for the intro- ductory price of only $29.95. But hurry, this offer expires December 31, 1994. Imagine racing in Wacky Wheels and hearing the engines roar as the ready lights drop from red, to yellow, to green...hit the gas! Battle for position...slam the driver next to you into a stack of tires...hit the turbo lane and watch your engines flare...swerve to miss an oil slick...grab the gas can...hit the jump and doa 360° turn above your opponent...use your hand brake on the final turn to take it at near full speed...and edge out the leader by a bumper as you take the flag. Then try it all over again on the next track! Order Wacky Wheels now. It’s a great Christmas gift idea for the whole family, and it comes with Apogee’s no-nonsense 30 day trial guarantee: If you don’t like the game, return it and we'll refund you the full purchase price, less the shipping and handling. If you're looking for genuine action games with boundless energy and playability, look into Apogee. As our slogan says, “Apogee means Action!” Scott Miller President P.S. Wacky Wheels is the first PC game to bring you this style of wacky racing fun, and is packed with features not found in any similar game for the home cartridge systems. Magazine reviewers agree, and editors who have seen the game already think it’s going to be one of 1995's biggest shareware hits. Don’t miss out, order now with your credit card by calling Apogee’s toll free order line, or use the enclosed order form. YES! Please rush me Wacky Wheels “Upgrade Edition” for the FS ese arp STH NR special price of only $29.95 (save $5). aoe 135" HDC 4aM) tee Se See $25” HD (1.2M) Svea sie = VGA Address: ee Apt./Suite# Computer type: 2 Pentium 2 486. ei State:___Zip:____ Phone:(___.) 0386 Payment by: (checkvone) QCheck UMoney Order U Visa UMasterCard U Discover Card Number: Cardholder's Signature: Exp. Date:. Order Sub-Total: Apogee's Toll-Free Order # 800-APOGEE 1 $ $ USA: $5.00 CANADA: §6.00 OTHER COUNTRIES: $8.00 shipping: 5 Se neice iis $ Texas Tax: special offer code: Moo8WWM + Please make checks payable to: Apogee Software, Ltd. » Mail orders to: Apogee Software, Ltd., P.O. Box 496389, Garland, 1x 75049 Older Total: DUKE IS BACK IN ACTION! Duke Nukem has been kidnapped! An evil alien race determined to enslave Earth and rule the galaxy plans to ‘brain-drain’ our hero. Hey...Duke has a wealth of top secret knowledge! Defense operations; Pe Teter SOS ese aTec tearm aS gS aC tt ing locations—invaluable information for any would be conquering aliens! This hideous Rigelatin plan could seal Earth’s fate—and congeal So amen Ct he ae Cm Ce Pred i toe Ta en eee COO ra rer EXCITING FEATURES! SAAC CCR eres ied Dee Ce Manse nt Rate Rect Relea as SOc aac eres Four super boss enemies to defeat , See se ae ee pope eee keen Ce 3 Save and restore ms © Keyboard and joystick modes Will the Rigelatins’ plan succeed? Can Duke Nukem save the planet, and our necks, once again? Duke destined to be the next incarna- Conmay eane oer meds tan a eT CaN oat THE FUTURE IS AT RISK! ORDER NOW! Continue the awesome action of Duke Nukem 1 by purchasing Duke Nukem II for only $34.95. With your order, you'll be-able to call the hints line or mail questions to Apogee for assistance. US SOLON UUM. Ler Ut Jot ec TeV ome Tama Bi er S Cee ree Orit ene Mien nee ie rete een MYeK eho Cm ah wate) oor tt ode) | cdc Meee Lao are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or mail a check or money order (plus $5.00 shipping and handling) to: Apogee Software, P.O. Box 496389, Garland, TX 75049 APOGEE SOFTWARE © THE HEIGHT OF GAMING EXCITEMENT DR ee Uae en eure Mr. Potatohead is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. CODE: MO04DNH SAVING THE WOR WD COULD*GERr...HARRY! fea HARRY SUE cocci eer eto mnn coe mee erate New York City, shattering city blocks,and turning its TUE Les LCATeM UAL OROaMON! cTaMaO a0 beeen ee Zon) eo ee eee arn Re ete Armed with your witsand some impressive state-of-the-art Ere se) eee Cen ecient nee Pet ha Tom EXCITING FEATURES! pee re nsec ae ae ee et Ten 4 Digital music and Sound Blaster sound effects SMT eet cae en stem net eee tec aed ee evel Dee saa enc os & Save and restore the action Sareea eee tee Duke Nukem fans will love this game Pert e Re ee sa Se renee mel oh seo lecee teenie eae Tod All out, down and dirty fight to the death? Check!!! SLOBBERING ZOMBIES ARE INVADING! ORDER NOW! Help Harry halt this horrible invasion. Order Halloween Harry for ee eer retain oes ee cee tenes Peer ee aces REQUIREMENTS: A VGA graphics adapter and an 80286+ IBM™ compatible machine. Joystick and Sound Blaster are optional: To order any Apogee game call 1-800-GAME~123; the lines, are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or mail a check or money order (plus $5.00 shipping and handling) to: Apogee Software, P.O, Box 496389, Garland, 1X 75049 APOGEE SOFTWARE THE HEIGHT OFSGAMING EXCITEMENT Ra keel muah ee ‘CODE: MOO4DNH TWO NEW SCIENCE-FICTION COMBAT GAMES! MORE ACTION-PACKED EXCITEMENT FROM... APOGEE SOFTWARE Are you prepared for action; charged for a fight? Halloween Harry and Duke Nukem II, Apogee’s latest releases, are ready to propel you into combat! * Halloween Harry! Technically speaking, Harry is the most impressive VGA "platform" game created for your PC—you'll swear you're playing on a Sega or SNES system—and it’s the first ~ shareware VGA: game with parallaxed scrolling levels. This feature adds a dual layer of vivid graphics for stunning realism on every level. Other exciting features include digital music, gigantic levels, amazingly diverse aliens and enemies, huge boss opponents and over 10 lengthy cinematic sequences. As Harry, a space-age hero who sports a jetpack and carries more firepower than most small countries, you'll battle an alien army bent on mutating Earthlings into mindless, slobbering, zombie slaves. This humor filled game is full of surprises, but beware: Saving the world could get...Harry! * Duke Nukem II! The original Duke Nukem, released over two years ago, set the standard for action arcade games. Until we released Wolfenstein 3-D, Duke Nukem was, by far, our top selling game. Now, Duke Nukem II sets a new standard for action in a side-scrolling platform game. Kidnapped by the Rigelatins, Duke Nukem is taken to a remote alien planet. His brain patterns will be used to devise war strategies to rule the galaxy—starting with Earth, of course! But Duke's not the type to stand and wait; he can’t let this evil scheme go unchallenged! Get ready for more non-stop, kick-butt action than you've ever seen in a computer game. Duke uses a rocket launcher, flame thrower, laser cannon—and anything else he can find—to defeat enemies which range from huge, undulating gelatin aliens, to cyborgs, to strange crea- tures that throw their eyes at you! Both games support sound cards, joysticks/gamepads, and com have FOUR episodes of action—not the usual three! The regular price for Halloween Harry is $29.95; Duke Nukem I] is $34.95. However, Apogee’s got a special price offer we think you'll like. Purchase both games for $49.95 and save $15! In total: 52 levels packed with animation and action at less than $1 per level! To take advantage of this reduced price, you must place your order before May 15th. Use the enclosed form or simply call Apogee anytime, 24 hours a day, at 1-800-GAME-123. When ordering by phone, give the customer service representative this special code—M004DNH. Aeipi Scott Miller President ‘odes. Also, both games YES! Please rush me the Halloween Harry/Duke Nukem II Combo at the special price of $49.95. eR Rem To er pe a =i F Address: 5 Address: o\ ae City: S| Payment by 3 Card Number: 5 a Apogee's Toll-Free Order # 1-800-GAME-123 Cardholder's Signature: Order Subtotal: ax © When ordering by phone. please give the customer service representative the fo! lowing special offer code: MOO4DNH. lilo USA: $5.00 CANADA: $6.00 + Please make checks payableto: Apogee ~ - + Mail orders to: Apogee Softwar Box 496389, Garland, TX 75049 Order Total: —— ping/Handling: $ BRETT Mee THE HOTTEST 3-D ACTION SINCE WOLFENSTEIN?! , STONE . ALIENS OF GOLD ta) OKSec mec mum ie iil: ts PAU BUCO) APR RCO) (eno arc e) clara) Metcicra mec teatae) eam incr oat} PCRS RB NI craton mE Stone you're thrust into deadly ool Laorec acim aa rir aces Sate To e- wer lemse (austere) GUTOR Ta CeLoutceenitirs lac te ing under his command. Dr. Cer eo vammebehioun eh ai) SECM sae am at Preto keg mankinal Delia sta metals la eae (=) Lute saga Oe The forces of heroic good and villainous evil collide SAM SuCM I Cee ecelersLaancioattsted to control Earth's future. SST am ye Con ites neo. Neco nas) PIM URC CRO MULL Layg EET os. your hands! “a eee NL JAM PRODUCTIONS BLAKE STONE: ALIENS OF GOLD Move from level to level, with freedom to re-enter previous levels t¢ pick up needed supplies. The result—more variety in the game play Opponents are s 1 unt for ammunition if they run out they will retre afer locations Amazing ‘movie-like ions cts including: Mutants ise from gurneys for the chase! t of indestructible pods to from wall-mounted soc along the floor, then rise to strike! Contained creatures t st from locked canisters! All enemies have must-see death animations. Built-in auto-mapping feature shows y here you've been an ‘ou from getting lost. (This built-in feature saves you the « hint book!) Superior graphicS—aboVe those found in Wolfenstein 3-D. Plu addition of detailed floors and ceilings. Huge, menacing, 'boss’ enemies to defeat in each episode Bonuses, concealed areas and other secrets to discover tion such as food machines and hazard switche: Environment ir One-way doors—once you go in, you must find another way ou Over 20 different guards, aliens, mut dt High-tech locations to explore such as space station, moonbase and research complex. Five futuristic weapons from silent-shot to grenade launcher Ad and Sound Blaster digital sound ects—in stereo! 1 se, action-oriented theme music 60 main levels, plus many secret levels! Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold tequires the following minimum sys ration: An IBM or 100% compatible computer—25 MHZ 386, 640! MB of free hard drive space, and a VGA graphics care he fate of the humanity is in your hands! Purchase Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold for With your paid order you'll be able to call the hints line or mail questions to Apogee for assistance. The lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Or, usé the order form Mail a check or money order (plus $5.00 sh Apogee Software, P. O. Box 496389, Garland, TX ina | af ae i 4] Fir ik Extended memory (XMS), expanded memory (EMS), joystick, mouse, AdLib, Sound Blaster or compatible cards.aré optional All trademarks are-the property of their respective owners. Ding /handling) to: 1049. F Code: Moo2BSW YES! ocr rush me Blake slong: A pieos of Gold the special price of Name: Company: Address: Apt./Suite#. City: xs State: Zip: Phone:(. ) Payment by: (checkone) U4 Check/Money Order Visa OMasterCard Discover Account number: aa Cardholder's signature: Exp. date: Amount enclosed is $_____________________ (Please add $5 shipping in USA). * Make checks payable to: Apogee ‘* Mail orders to: Apogee Software, P.O, Box 496389, Garland, Tx 75049 '* When ordering by phone, please give the customer service representative the following special offer code: MOO2BSW. Please tell us about your computer. Disk size: 01 5.25 HD (1.2m) O36 LD @20k) (93.6 HD (1.44M) Graphics: O vea QO svea Computer type: J) 386 © 486 O) Pentium Apogee's Toll-Free Order # 1-800-GAME-123 Terminal Velocity | Tate tightin this BT Cun Ua UrG Beene un ! j CIO PAU ccs ng ay ee Onc i aie onc mck Crum) UM MUR Le NY SO Tee WR uaa difficult controls presented by all i scien Cetra se Insane weapons. REC seen ane eer ACTA Te se P _- ~Computer Gaming World Te enn ys Cutting-edge real-time techniques, the graphics engine er Mi worlds that are like oo ROU Ge a i SC anata eae at ys eA eet 7 WITH A VISION Tue TERMINAL VELOCITY STORY In the far future, armadas from surrot suddenly waged war on Earth. Destro tions and major cities, Earth is quickly You are a pilot from the Ares Squadro + , most dangerous crafts ever made. Cu We are focused on St cs TV-202, a fighter few can ha Ca eels toh Pit previous model, the TV-101, PE TTB ul dead pilots than any experi , F ry, many consider you lucky Bia aoe You're outgunned, outmann EP Uli a flying coffin. But just think dedicated to develop- | the Known Galaxy” will loo ing immersive 3D : PU Ame Ml la Tate im Samed aC) CU. MCW MG olas ree Cela ‘ “ ‘ ourselves” by making ‘ i A great deal of attention was spent to balance the fast PEC Cn cua oe ttre a action with the spectacular environment, Terminal Ve games, fighting games or % as achieved what many have unsuccessfully tried in the pa Evo gee cee . ff ae y in not diversify! We will only i 3 an incredible combination of scenery and game play. Cee eee eee —Computer Player Le Serre l eT game, you can be sure it has Pou oie eee te ie or ‘ een: Pree Terminal Velocity is anew and completely different game.” action and playability given — Games Domain SMTi e sao at A = know you won't settle for anything less. 3D Realms: yu This game could easily become the new king nm REALITY IS OUR GAME. & the 3D first-person jungleof games.” TO Coe nce aces ? ~ Strategy Plus EET MOY ae Ley <1) . MIS mea Cte acess oe eA Melee eta fola) and marketing method for top action games. (Apogee Software Ta cme mu etd 9 model of distributing and market- Ue kA eon POU celirmea-colan CeL known as the “Apogee Model”.) | features a fast frame and the unique abili underground caverns. about action, speed Y ounding systems have roying crucial installa- ly brought to its knees. iron, flying the fastest, -urrently, you’re in the handle. Given that the )I, has chalked up more imental craft in histo- ky to be alive. nned, and strapped into nk how good “Saved 0k on your resume’. * “The controls scheme is very simple." — Games Domain a “Not only are the levels beautiful, they are locity huge.sThere is so much to doand seeon past: each planet that completing the missions fora level rarely means being finished.” 4} iets . ~Computer Player Tomina Velocity is a symphony of titillating action and G-force slurping — excitement...resulting in an experience most gamers Won't want to terminate because of its sheer speed and fluidity.” = -Strategy Plus LIGHT SIMULATION MADE SIMPLE ke flight in this pure action game that juld come with a barf bag. Created by the lead programmer of Microsoft ht Simulator 5.0, Terminal Velocity e rate, realistic outdoor environments, . lity to fly through tunnels and into ' ns. Quigssimply, Terminal Velocity is all J 1 and destruction. . REALITY IS OUR GAME.™ ee er ua st t Rea ari Rea eee ee Ree mee ONION moe Car ay See ad eee Canaan ey CR Orc ane ae er Per ru Rima} Dees Bee ad be ele Sen sche “SS 8 player network and 2 player modem support. DWANGO" support too! Fully digital music and sound effects (up to 44 KHz—real CD quality!). ee A eee “S Enemy ships cast shadows, bank, roll, do loops, make suicide runs and more. fy, ao Se Recor ccs See ee ee @ BONUS PLANET! Discover the secret planet! Seen eee ey ae) See aes eee TTA Oil a ec eee a eo eee ee ae) eres Se er digitized voice messages to other players. Seer i ‘Comm-bat” levels, which are specifically } Pere can cr aes qi 4 VSTEM | J CO hee ee er ee ee ee ee ee ere cinematics, SVGA support, high resolution replacement textures (16 times the a VGA graphics card, 24 Mb (disk version) or 40 Mb (CD-ROM version) of Pee et et ance ae es free space on a hard disk drive, and a CD-ROM drive (CD version ony). \ Peete ee aye ken a Disk Version: $29.95 — This version has everything except the cinematics, high res- concurrent use of all high-end graphics options), VGA local bus video, olution replacement textures, a bonus planet, and the extra shareware bonus games. 40 Mb free space on a hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive, and sound card. The lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or, use the enclosed order form when placing your order. Mail payment, plus | eee ua ate te eT OU eee eee Re UCR Me oR ol Oe Mec) A role Cou ome CL (508) 365-2359 @ 2400 baud + (508) 368-7036 @ 9600-14.4k v.32bis + (508) 365-4035 @ 28.8k class (v.34/v.fc) World Wide Web: Point your browser to: “” i America Online: — Use the keyword “3DREALMS” to take you to our forum. | Cee econ Sen art ns nn Reem dae a Developed by Terminal Reality, Inc. Published by 3D Realms Entertainment. 3D Realms Entertainment is a division of Apogee Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. REALITY IS OUR GAME. ™ Announcing the most realistic action combat game available anywhere! Terminal Velocity Special Offer: If this game doesn’t blow you away, you don’t pay a penny! “It’s a3D shooter that’s part Star Wars and Part Descent!” — Computer Gaming World Dear Fellow Gamer in search of incredible action: You're flying at blazing speeds above an alien planet. You're demolishing ground targets with plasma beams, banking through a narrow canyon with enemy fighters hammering your shields with intense laser fire, dodging meteors crashing to the surface, diving into a tight tunnel leading to the planet's core, and confronting a huge mechanical beast ready to blast you away with heat seeking rockets! Welcome : to the futuristic world of Terminal Velocity—The new 3D action game that gives you. -core flying combat you never thought you could experience on a PC! “This game could easily become the new king of the 3D first-person jungle of games.” — Strategy Plus Listen to the terminal story—and put yourself in it! In the far future, armadas from surrounding systems have suddenly waged war on Earth. Destroying crucial installations and major cities, Earth is quickly brought to its knees. You are a pilot from the Ares pauadrony, flying the fastest, most dangerous space- crafts ever created by man. Currently, you're strapped in the TV-202, a fighter few can handle. (Given that the previous model, the TV-101, has chalked up more dead pilots than any experimental craft in history, many consider you lucky to be alive.) You're outgunned, outmanned, and strapped into a flying coffin. But just think how good “Saved the Known Galaxy” will look on your resumé! Our breakthrough technology puts you in the middle of the action! Let's face it—you don’t hear about innovative new 3D action games too often— most games are merely clones of other hit games. But Terminal Velocity defines a new category. In fact, you've never seen anything like it. Computer Player, one of the top game magazines in America, made Terminal Velocity their cover story for the April “95 issue. Not even DOOM" earned a prestigious cover story when it first appeared. “The 3D environments are simply breathtaking. Utilizing cutting-edge real-time techniques, the graphics engine creates worlds that are like nothing seen before in computer games.” — Computer Player The reason for Terminal Velocity’s incredible impact is the world-class design tal- ent behind this game. Terminal Velocity was developed by Terminal Reality, Inc., a new game company headed by the programmer responsible for Microsoft's Flight Simulator 5.0™. In plain English, this means that Terminal Velocity was developed by the game industry's leading 3D programmer, and you'll experience a breakthrough in graphics speed that gives you a breathtakingly realistic sense of high speed flight and fierce combat. “Terminal Velocity is a symphony of titillating action and G-force slurping excitement...resulting in an experience most gamers won't want to terminate because of its sheer speed and fluidity.” — Strategy Plus If action is your game, you've just got to try Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity is special because it combines furious, high-speed action and stunning, realistic graphics. It’s so red hot, even Microsoft”, the biggest software company on Earth, wanted to publish this game! If you've ever been bored by flight simulators that offer a combat option, then Terminal Velocity is your ticket to non-stop action. Quite simply, Terminal Velocity provides a rush of excitement and flying combat. In Terminal Velocity, combat is not an option—it’s the entire game! Play Terminal Velocity and your old games look lame by comparison. If you were impressed by Magic Carpet”, then Terminal Velocity will blow you away! Both games have beautiful landscapes that you fly above. But, Terminal Velocity is much faster, smoother, realistic, varied, and feature-packed. For example, in Terminal Velocity you can see much further into the horizon, and you can fly straight up and down and even upside down—in Terminal Velocity you're playing a true, fully 3D game, not a semi-3D game like DOOM, Magic Carpet, and many others. You can also compare Terminal Velocity to Descent”, but in Descent you're always confined to tunnels, and the action is slower paced. In Terminal Velocity, on the other hand, you fly unrestricted above planets, diving through chasms and canyons, blasting through the cloud layer into space above. I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E! Plus, Terminal Velocity has tunnels like Descent! There are tunnels on each planet (some are secret tunnels that are tough to find) that lead into the core of the planet and out at another location. Within tunnels, you'll discover bonuses, like power-ups and shields, and there are many devious dangers. » “Not only are the levels beautiful, they are huge. There is so much to do and see on each planet that completing the missions for a level rarely means being finished.” — Computer Player The bottom line? Terminal Velocity has everything other top games have, but no other game comes close to delivering a comparable rush of speed, unbounded variety and in- your-face action. For example, on each planet there are a series of objectives, such as radars or installations, that must be destroyed. But the game lets you veer off the flight plan to find hidden bunkers, which contain more powerful weapons and other power-ups, and you might find secret tunnels that lead to further adventure and rewards. Each planet ends with a final confrontation against a powerful boss enemy! You get exciting features like these: Super-fast texture mapped 3D flight with full 360 degree movement. 9 totally unique planets, with 3 levels per planet, and dozens of tunnels! Over 400,000 sq. miles of terrain—incredibly large levels. 7 murderously destructive weapons, plus other empowering, power-ups. Non-stop air-to-air and air-to-ground realistic combat. SVGA support (640 x 480 resolution). 8MB RAM required. This is a Pentium- recommended mode. 8 player network and 2 player modem support. (DWANGO. support, too!) Fully digital music and sound effects (upto 44 KHz—real GD.quahty)); cc ars ee] Many, many secret cheats. (Two cheats in the game manual.) Enemy ships cast translucent shadows, bank, roll, do loops, make suicide runs and more. eoee Powerful CD-ROM enhancements: * 70 Mb of 3D rendered, full-motion, eye-candy cinematics. * Special Pentium mode to improve textured graphics. * BONUS PLANET! Discover the bizarre secret planet! * FREE! Several cool shareware games included—worth the extra price alone! Multiplayer mode or “How to Kill Your Friends in Combat!” If you have a modem, or have access to a network, then you can play Terminal Velocity against friends. It’s the ultimate high speed dogfight with lasers blaring and missiles hot on your tail. Even team play is an option. Nowadays, an action game is not complete without multiplayer support, and this game has it in a big way. Check out multiplayer features like these: * Supports modem, serial cable, and network multiplayer games. * Network games up to 8 players—get the entire office in on the action! * Each player can select a unique ship to pilot—pick your favorite. * Team player mode supported—form your own alliances. * RemoteRidicule” allows players to send digitized voice messages to other players—even record your own voice messages. * Play multiplayer games in special Comm-bat” levels, which are specifically designed for fun multiplayer games. Choose the version that's right for you We have two ways to order Terminal Velocity, depending on whether you have a CD-ROM player or not. If you have a CD-ROM player, I highly recommend that you choose the CD-ROM version, since it contains extras that we were not able to fit on the diskette version. * CD-ROM Version: $39.95 — This version has everything: 70 Mb of 3D rendered cinematics, SVGA (640 by 480) support, high resolution replacement textures (add 16 times the graphics detail!), the BONUS planet, eight player network support, and bonus games. If you have a CD-ROM, then you should try this version. ° Diskette Version: $29.95 — This version has everything except the cinematics, high resolution replacement textures, the bonus planet, and the extra shareware bonus games. (If we added these things to the diskette version, we'd need to send you at least 17 disks!) If you choose this version, don’t feel you're getting shortchanged. The Diskette Version has everything you need to fully enjoy Terminal Velocity—you'll LOVE it! “A great deal of attention was spent to balance the fast action with the spectacular environment. Terminal Velocity has achieved what many have unsuccessfully tried in the past: an incredible combination of scenery and game play.” — Computer Player One last thought...words on a page can’t properly describe the amazingly realis- tic feeling of high-speed flight you'll experience when playing Terminal Velocity. Your gut will wrench when you dive into a chasm. Your stomach will lift as you bank hard around a high mountain peak and through the cloud layer. Your grin will widen as you launch twin heat-seeking missiles through a narrow tunnel and into the belly of an oncoming attacker—the exploding pieces giving you the adrenaline rush needed to continue your mission. But you've got to start now! This is the hottest, action-packed, planet-jumping, high-speed, asteroid kicking, above ground, combat game you can buy—I personally guarantee it! Sincerely, Moe Cvowoacrrel George Broussard President PS. Barf bags sold separately! Our Total Money Back, You Win, Ironclad Guarantee! Our policy is simple: If you buy Terminal Velocity and you don’t think it’s the coolest, most realistic flight/action/combat game you've ever played, you can return the game for a full refund, less shipping and handling, within 15 days of purchase. It’s that simple! There’s no risk for you at all. Yes, please rush my copy of Terminal Velocity. | feel the need for speed. bole to le at Recommendations: * CD-ROM Version— If you have a CD-ROM then you need to get this version. This version has everything: 70 Mb of 3D rendered cinematics, SVGA support, high resolution replacement textures (add 16 times the graphics detaill), the BONUS planet, eight player network support, and bonus games. 3D Realms’ Toll-Free Order # | 1-800-3D REALMS *+ Diskette Version— This version has everything except the cinematics, high resolution replacement textures, the bonus planet and the extra shareware bonus games. Payment by: (check’one) Check Money Order Visa MasterCard Discover 8.25% —Addison, Buckingham, Card Number: Carrollton, Cockrell Hil, "ath Dallas, Farmers Branch, Cardholder's Signature: Exp. Date: rland, Glenn Heights, Highland Park, Irving, Plano, Richardson, Rowletc, University Park 7.25% —All other Texas cities Saran Order Subsota: § Terminal Velocity CD Version 39.95 (CD-ROM) TeasTac § Terminal Velocity Disk Version 29.95 (3.5 HD) Shipping: er Order Total: $ + Please make checks payable to: 3D Realms Entertainment 3D Realms Entertainment P.O. Box 496419 Garland, TX 75049-6389 Please allow 14 days to receive ord Make any corrections to your address in the space above. Tear along perforation and return this portion with payment. | | J+ Mail orders to: NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO 48 GARLAND TX POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE 3D REALMS ENTERTAINMENT PO BOX 496389 GARLAND TX 75049-9905 URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! LIMITED TIME FREE GAME OFFER! Order now and automatically be entered into our Big Contest Drawing. You'll have a chance to WIN any 3D Realms or Apogee Software, Ltd. game of your choice and a FREE copy of the soon-to-come Terminal Velocity Strategy Guide, by Brady Books! We're talking a FREE GAME—a full retail game (not a shareware game). The contest drawing will be held July 20th, 1995. There will be 10 winners, each getting a FREE game of their choice and the FREE 200+ page book. IMPORTANT: Remember to order now because the contest drawing is less than a month away. URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! } oe VO A al ~ No other game gives you such a realistic rush of speed and action like this game. “It's a 3D vehicle shooter that's part Star Wars and part Descent.” —Computer Gaming World REALITY IS OUR GAME.™ 3D Realms Entertainment P.O. Box 496419 Garland, TX 75049 Preferred Customer Special Offer “If this game doesn’t blow you away, you don’t pay a penny! | personally guarantee it.” — George Broussard, President Terminal Velocity A ¥ USABulkRate KPOGEE SOFTWARE a 1.0. BOX 496389 SARLAND, TX 75049 “The best PC game ever made!” —PC Format Rise of the Triad Yes, I'm convinced Rise of the Triad will fulfill all of my dreams! | need to play if right away. Send me the version marked below—and hurry! Recommendations: ¢ If you have a CD-ROM player, by far the best value is the CD-ROM version, which has all the goodies of the Disk Version and the PowerPack combined, plus some cool extras. If you buy the Disk Version, the PowerPack is a highly recommended upgrade that acids 10 extra Comm-bat zones, the eight shareware levels plus the random level generator—all for only $10 more. * if you will play on a network, please read the back of this order form for our money saving Network License edition (only available on CD-ROM). Payment by: (checkwone) Check Card Number Cardholder's Signature: Money Order OVisa AMasterCard O Discover Exp. Date: Order Subtotal: $ 34.95 (CD-ROM) 29.95 (3.5 HD) Texas Tox) $——— 10.00 (3.5HD) mooton teases eauertiod | Shipping: $ | Network License Super Triad 89.95 (CD-ROM) see back of this torn for details: Order Total: eee Moke any corrections to your address in the space above, Tear along perforation and return this portion with payment Apogee's Toll-Free Order # 1-800-APOGEE 1 1-800-276433 1 I+ When ordering by phone, please give the customer service representative the following special offer code: MO10ROT Receive a bonus with CD-ROM. With any of the CD-ROM versions of Rise of the Triad, receive six of Apogee's latest shareware games as | | a bonus, plus other cool extras, 825% —Acdson, Suckngham Carralton, Cockrel Wf, Dati, Fame Branch, Gotan, Glonn Heighis. Highland Park frong, Plano, ilenardion Rowlett, Unive 2.25% — Al oinar lena USA: $5.00 CANADA: $6.00 OTHER COUNTRIES + Please make checks payable to: Apogee Software, Ltd, }¢ Mail orders to: Apogee Software, Lid. P.O. Box 496389 Garland, TX 75049-6389 Prease allow 14 day se of humor make f the year’s favorites.” Network Players: Buy a Network License and save up to $295! That's right, if you’re going to play on a network, you can buy a single Rise of the Triad: Dark War Network License and save a lot of money. A Network License saves you from having to buy a full copy of the game for each player on the network, which can be as many as 11 players at one time. Instead, buy a Network License for only $89.95, and play up to 11 players legally. (It’s illegal [software piracy] to play network games with only one purchased copy of Rise of the Triad: Dark War, unless you have a Network License version from Apogee.) The alternative for network players is for each player to own a full version of the game, which is a lot more expensive than a single Network License fee. Also, when you buy a Network License for Rise of the Triad: Dark War you get extra goodies, including a spe- cial version of the game, 10 extra Comm-bat™ zones (designed for a large number of players) for a total of 50, 11 command cards and a signed Network License Agreement. The Network License version is only available on CD-ROM, and won't be available until March 15, 1995, though pre-orders can be accepted now. If you have questions regarding the Network License version before you order, please call customer service at 214-278-5655 during normal business hours. There’s no risk because of our money back guarantee Our policy is simple: If you buy Rise of the Triad: Dark War and don’t like it, you can return the game for a full refund within 15 days of purchase, less shipping and handling. That's all! No questions asked. There’s no risk for you at all. “Rise of the Triad is a truly awesome game!” — Interactive Entertainment “Like DOOM’, Rise of the Triad is a high quality, fast scrolling first- person perspective 3D action game. Graphics are on par with DOOM. It has destructive enemies and lots of them, an arsenal of weapons from simple pistols to missile launchers, life-preserving armor (though never quite enough), traps and ambushes galore, and the ability to play by modem or network. In all, there’s a great degree of similarity between the two games. In addition, Rise of the Triad puts most of the other DOOM wannabees to shame—it’s that good!” — InterActive Gaming, Chuck Miller, Editor Quick Highlights © Super huge levels—up to one million square feet, and up to 16 stories high! * Ten unique enemies, all digitized. . olen hardcore weapons, including magical weapons. fthing in the environment canbe destroyed—even mark walls with bullet holes! * Modem, serial cable, and network playable—up to 11 players via an IPX-compatible network. Adjustable violence/gore levels, from None (good for children) to Excessive! Dear 3D Action Fan: When Apogee and id Software released Wolfenstein 3-D™ in April 1992, little did we know it would later be called one of “The Eight Most Important Games of All Time!” (PC Gamer, Aug. 1994). Wolfenstein 3-D tapped into players’ senses with fluid realism that had not been experienced on the PC, and was the first domino in a chain of first person 3D action games. Then, late in 1993, id Software unleashed DOOM, and pushed the 3D action genre to a whole new frightening level. Now, Tom Hall, former Creative Director for id Software and a key designer of Wolfenstein 3-D and DOOM, has wrapped up the latest 3D sensation, Rise of the Triad: Dark War. “The best PC Game ever made!” — PC Format, Jan. 1995 Rise of the Triad is a realistic, hardcore action game with dozens of innovations, cool options, destructive weapons, and an intense environment. One magazine wrote that it’s “a near-cinematic tour de force that plays like a Rambo™ flick!” This is not a cartoonish game like our previous 3D releases, Wolfenstein 3-D and Blake Stone. This game has guts. The intensity, fear, and excitement you'll feel when playing it is something that few games can match. “The award for best use of the DOOM concept should go to Apogee.” — Computer Gaming World, Feb. 1995 At Apogee, we're very excited about this game. This is our biggest and best release ever. There are actually two versions available: * CD-ROM Version: $34.95 — (Also called “Super Triad CD”.) You get the full game (30+ regular game levels), 40 cool Comm-bat™ levels (for multiplayer games), the eight shareware levels (sub-titled “The HUNT Begins”), Windows™ wallpaper & sound files, and the random level generator (“RandROTT”) for unlimited new game levels. This enhanced version is the same as the Disk ‘Version combined with the Triad PowerPack, plus some extras. * Disk Version: $29.95 — (Also called “Regular Triad”.) You get the full game (30+ regular game levels), plus 30 Comm-bat™ levels (for multiplayer games). (Read about the Triad PowerPack below.) * Triad PowerPack: $10 — The Triad PowerPack is an enhancement disk that adds 10 extra Comm-bat™ levels, the random level generator (“RandROTT”), Windows wallpaper & sound files, and the eight shareware levels. When you buy the Disk Version, you can also buy the Triad PowerPack to get the same upgrade game version which is available on the CD-ROM. (Note: The Triad PowerPack is for those ordering the Disk Version only. Don’t order the PowerPack if you are buying the CD-ROM Version.) “Tve played ROTT and it’s good. REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY good! Honestly, I can't think of any reason why every DOOM nut in the country won't flock to this game when it's released. It’s beautiful, fast, and challenging.” — Interactive Entertainment The Story: You are part of an elite group of operatives called HUNT (High-risk United Nations Taskforce), and you must stop a maniacal cult leader from killing millions of people. While scouting a remote island, you are suddenly sur- rounded by enemy troops with guns blaring. In the distance you see your boat—your only chance to escape—explode into match sticks. In front of you is the huge monastery fortress, and your only chance to stop the madness. You are equipped with awesome, high-tech weaponry like heat-seeking mis- siles, split missiles, and the FlameWall cannon, which leaves a trail of charred skeletons in its wake. You'll also find magical instruments and weapons so incredible they defy description. End of story. On with the game! “Just when you thought you could take a breather from first-person per- spective kill-athons, Apogee Software is poised to get your adrenaline pumping again. Rise of the Triad is about to add new innovations that are sure to have gamers glued to their monitors.” — Electronic Entertainment Explosive Features: * 20 Megabytes of explosive graphics, animations, music, and digitized sounds! * Play one of five players, each with unique attributes and abilities. This makes the game highly replayable, since it’s a different experience with each of the five players, including two female players. (And in modem or network play, each player can select what they want to look like.) * Look both up and down, up to 30 degrees, to see and fire at what is above and below you. * Ten unique, digitized enemies in the game, plus four multi-stage bosses! ~ © 15 incredible game hazards like SpinBlades, gun emplacements, huge boulders, FireJets, pits, FireChutes, LavaWalls, gas grates, and more. * Special effects galore: Fog, lightning with properly delayed thunder, parallaxing skies, real lights that illuminate walls (you can shoot the lights and the room gets darker), ricocheting bullets, wind sounds, and more. * Jump pads will spring you up into the air to jump over obstacles, walls, other players (great in multiplayer games), and even to reach new weapons. * Many useful objects and power-ups, like a fireproof vest, gas mask, Mercury Mode (enables the player to fly!), and even special God and Dog Modes, both making the player invincible for a short time (with hilarious side effects). © 32 page full color game manual. “This is the most multiplayer-friendly game we've seen, supporting both two player modem matches and 11-player network- fests. In addition, there are nine types of multiplayer games available with many customizable options.” — Computer Gaming World Nowadays, gamers have discovered the adrenaline pumping fun of playing against each other, either over a modem, or on a network. Rise of the Triad is the most sophisticated, feature-packed multiplayer PC game ever made. And that’s not hype. If you're into multiplayer games, Rise of the Triad will knock you out. In fact, our multiplayer support is so good we trademarked the word “Comm-bat™” so that players will know it’s special. What multiplayer gaming means is that two players (via modem) or serial cable, or up to eleven players (via network) can enter a special Comm-bat™ level and go to war against each other. Rise of the Triad has nine different Comm-bat™ games, including Capture the Triad, which is like a popular paintball type game with teams of players on each side. And since players can choose their own shirt colors from 11 choices, it’s easy to have team competitions. Multiplayer Features: * Supports modem, serial cable, and network multiplayer games with more specialized options than any game previously released. * Network games up to 11 players! + Each player can select one of the five unique characters and choose from one of 11 uniform colors. (In team games, each team selects the same uniform color.) * Nine unique Comm-bat™ games such as Eluder, Capture the Triad, and Hunter. * RemoteRidicule™ allows players to send digitized voice messages to other players. Great for team play or taunting others. * Play the special Comm-bat™ levels, which are specifically designed for fun multiplayer games. “ROTT provides everything an action gamer could want. Blistering action and a sense of humor make ROTT one of the year’s favorites.” — Computer Game Review The Money Back Guarantee Our policy is simple: If you buy Rise of the Triad: Dark War and don’t like it, you can return the game for a full refund, less shipping and handling, within 15 days of purchase. That's all! There’s no risk for you at all. I think you'll really enjoy Rise of the Triad. It’s a landmark game for Apogee and a turning point that shows our commitment to developing only the highest quality games. Please take the time to order now by filling out the order form or calling our 24-hour toll-free order line at 1-800-APOGEE1. Scott Miller President Allother trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Sincerely, Here’s what the shareware industry’s top reviewer wrote about Rise of the Triad. Absolutely, without question, the most spectacular game I've ever seen and the most realistic game I've ever played! You can quote me on that. Another bril- liant production of Apogee, Software Ltd., ROTT (as it's affectionately called) is sure to be an award-winner! The graph- ics are astounding. Multiple musical sound tracks and real- istic sounds. This first episode, “The Hunt Begins”, has features unlike any other game. Great light effects, elevated platforms that move (it takes a little prac- tice to get on those moving plat- forms), touchplates, hidden rooms, and a wide selection of great weapons! And get this ... when you aim at something you actually shoot it! That's right, you can aim at a potted plant and blast it to pieces. Aim ata flag and disintegrate it. Shoot at any section of a wall, door, and so on, and you put holes in it! You'll see your bullets hitting, hear ricochets, even hear the impact of the bullets. Totally realistic in every way. Hey, and you don't even have to shoot just straight ahead. See an enemy up on a platform above you and you can raise your weapon to take him out. You can shoot down also. It’s hard for me to write this without using a lot of adjectives and exclamation points because Rise of the Triad is so wonder- fully exciting! (There, | did it again!) ROTT has modem, seri- al, and network play. In its “Comm-Bat (tm)” mode, you can customize what you look like so you can identify yourself when playing with multiple play- ers. The registered version sup- ports up to 11 people playing at once. In multiple player mode, another unique feature — a “Capture the Flag” option. Outstanding! In addition, there are adjustments for every aspect of the game — music volume, sound effects volume, and lighting. You can customize the controls for the keyboard, mouse, or joystick — even cali- brate your joystick. There’s also setup for the modem and net- work play. Another aspect | like is that the game itself is more complex than DOOM. It requires a little bit more thought, has more little twists in the storyline, interesting ene- mies, more surprises, dynamic “bosses”, and | like that! It has some interesting weapons too. A pistol, two-fisted pistols, a bazooka, a heat-seeker, an MP40 (a small machine gun), and MORE! The registered ver- sion offers multiple episodes, and there’s even a CD-ROM edition that can be played from the CD. | could spend the rest of this section going on and on about Rise of the Triad, but the ~ bottom line is this: If you want a game that is challenging, realis- tic, and innovative, THIS is the game you need to play! No two ways about it and I'll say it again — Rise of the Triad is absolutely, without question, the most spectacular game I've ever seen and the most realistic game I've ever played! GET IT! —Michael Callahan Michael Callahan, a.k.a. “Dr. File Finder’, is the best known authority on the shareware industry. He is author of Dr. File Finder’s Guide to Shareware, the bible to the shareware industry with 1022 packed pages of information about shareware’s history and the programs. He was also Editor-in-Chief of Shareware Magazine and he’s currently Editor of Shareware Spotlights, the shareware industry's leading newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to Shareware Spotlights: Send all pertinent info to Next Century Publishing, Inc., P.O.Box 9, North Andover, MA 01845. (Include phone number, your address and credit card number and exp. date.) 12 issues (1 yr.) is $18, and 24 issues is $32. Check/Visa/MC/Amex accepted.

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