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April 10, 2013 Susan M. OKeefe, Deputy General Counsel Chicago Public Schools Law Department 125 S.

Clark Street Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60603

Dear Ms. OKeefe, Pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, we request further records regarding the decision to change access and limit instructional use of books in Chicago public schools, in particular records relating to the graphic novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. We request a copy of any and all records (including reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, recorded information and all other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared, or having been or being used, received, possessed or under the control of a public body, in this case, the Chicago public schools and board of education) relating to the inclusion or exclusion of the book Persepolis in Chicago Public School Libraries or classrooms: 1) Records relating to the Chief of Schools meeting held on March 11, 2013. 2) Records dating between January 1, 2013 and April 10, 2013 relating to Persepolis, sent and received by, prepared, possessed or under the control of: a. Barbara Byrd Bennett b. Cynthia Slater Green c. Annette Gurley d. Denise Little e. Jennifer Cheatham 3) Records possessed by CPS administrators, Chiefs of Schools and Instructional Support Leaders about the book Persepolis prior to March 11, 2013. 4) Records relating to the graphic novel Ulysses in Lane Tech High School You may send these materials to us, preferably in digital format, at, or via post at: Acacia OConnor National Coalition Against Censorship Suite 407, 19 Fulton Street New York, NY 10038

We request that you please waive copying fees, both because we would prefer to receive these documents in electronic format and under the provision in section 6(b) of the Act, by which materials requested are disbursed in the public interest at no charge. The documents sought by the Kids Right to Read Project are not for personal or commercial benefit or use. Should you deny our request to be considered under the waiver and require copying costs, please let me know the anticipated charges before disbursing the requested records. We look forward to receiving these materials within five working days of this request, as stipulated by the Illinois FOIA. Please let me know if you have any further questions. I can be reached at 212-807-6222 or by e-mail at Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely,

Acacia OConnor Coordinator, Kids Right to Read Project National Coalition Against Censorship

CC: Cassandra Daniels, Freedom of Information Officer, Lee Ann Lowder, Deputy General Counsel

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