FTP - File Transfer Protocol: Notes

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FTP - File Transfer Protocol


Why do we need a FTP Service?

Purpose: To Transfer files between two computers Goals of FTP Service Promote sharing of files (programs and/or data) Encourage indirect/implicit use of remote computers Shield users from variations in file storage among hosts Transfer data reliably and efficiently

Problems of File Transfer

At first, file transfer may seem simple Heterogeneous systems use different: Operating Systems Character Sets Naming Conventions Directory Structures File Structures and Formats FTP need to address and resolve these problems

RFC 959 uses two TCP Ports
one for control one for data transfers

command-response protocol control port uses telnet protocol to negotiate session

US-ASCII <crlf> is end-of-line character

Active Mode FTP

Client connect from a random unprivileged port (n > 1023) to the servers command port (21) and sends port command to tell server to connect to n+1 then listens on the next higher unprivileged port (n+1) for server responses. The server connects from its data port (20) to the client data port (n+1)
20 21 1 2 3 4 1026


Passive Mode FTP

Client opens two random unprivileged ports ( n > 1023 and n+1; ex 1026 and 1027) and connects the first port (n) to server command port 21 and issues a pasv command (server sends port to use for data); client connects to servers specified data port, server completes connection.
20 2024 21 1 2 3 4 1026


Transfer Files in a Heterogeneous Host Environment

Due to multiple hardware types and operating systems file are converted to four environmentally neutral data type for transport and the converted to local types at the destination
ASCII EBCDIC IMAGE LOCAL A E I L NVT-ASCII EBCDIC Text Raw binary, series of octets Raw binary using a variable byte size

Client responsibility to tell server data type to use Default data type, unless otherwise specified is ASCII

File Structures
Operating System store files in different structures FTP defined file structures for transporting files
File Record Page F R P Unstructured, sequence of bytes Series of records Series of data blocks (pages)

Default file structure is File (F) File Structure specified using STRU command

Transmission Modes
Mode is used to specify additional coding or sequencing performed on data independent of data type and file structure
Stream S stream of bytes, if record structure EOF sent as record indication; if file eof indicated by closing stream file sent as sequence of blocks preceded by header info allows restart of an interruped transfer data compressed using run length encoding



FTP Commands
USER PASS ACCT CWD CDUP SMNT QUIT REIN PORT R O O O O O R O R User name, userid for access control Password for access control Account info Change working directory Change to parent directory Structure mount, mount a different file system informs server that client wants out restarts session at authentication phase Host addr and data port to use

FTP Commands (more)

PASV O Passive; informs server that client will contact to set up data connections, ask server to sent port info TYPE R Data type, type of subsequent transfers STRU R File structure MODE R Transfer mode RETR R Retrieve, download the file from server STOR R Store, upload the specified to server STOU O Store unique, same as store but server picks unique file name

FTP Commands (more)

APPE O Append, upload file to server, if file name exists, append the upload ALLO O Allocate, sometimes used to preallocate space REST O Restart, restart an interrupted transfer RNFR O Rename file from filename RNTO O Rename file to ABOR O Abort, ask server to abort last command DELE O Delete specified file RMD O Remove directory MKD O Make directory

FTP Commands (more)

PWD LIST NLST SITE SYST STAT HELP NOOP O O O O O O O R Print working directory Request directory listing Request just a file name list Site parameters, allow client to specify site specific options and parameters request server operating system Request server to send status of current xfr general and command specific ask server to send a positive reply

FTP Responses
Each command generates a server response
3 digit code, text, <crlf>

use 3 digit code as driver for GUI Clients or programatic implementations use text for Command line clients

1yz - Positive preliminary reply - command is being acted upon; expect a final reply code before sending another command 2yz - Positive completion reply - command was successfully executed; new command may be sent 3yz - Positive intermediate reply - command was accepted, but the final result is being delayed because other information needs to be supplied from the client; reply is used for sequencing command groups 4yz - Transient negative completion reply - command failed, but the condition is temporary 5yz - Permanent negative completion reply - command failed and will always fail if given again; the command should not be attempted again

x0z - Refers to command syntax x1z - Indicates information returned by commands requesting information such as status or help x2z - Refers to the state of the control or data connections x3z - The reply is associated with the login process and accounting procedures x4z - Reserved for future use x5z - Refers to the state of the requested file transfer or other file system command

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