The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas: Strategies To Attract and Engage Generation Y

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The Talent Crisis in

Upstream Oil & Gas

Strategies to Attract and Engage Generation Y

A Deloitte Research Study

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................... 1
The Talent Conundrum ................................................................. 2
Targeting Generation Y ................................................................ 4
Communicating to Generation Y ................................................. 7
Conclusions .................................................................................. 10

About Deloitte Research Studies

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Executive Summary
Over the last few decades, the U.S. upstream oil and gas industry has shed an astounding 1.1
million jobs. Whether one believes these job losses are the result of normally occurring
competition, attrition, or restructuring, one theme permeates the current discussion around
human capital: how to develop, deploy, and connect employees through the industry’s boom and
bust cycles? This issue has become particularly critical of late, given the sector’s aging workforce,
combined with a diminishing pipeline of new and experienced talent. To guard against corporate
brain drain, companies need to formulate effective strategies to attract and engage the industry’s
newest resource: Generation Y.

It is estimated that Generation Y – also called Gen-Yers – This report focuses on strategies for replenishing the white-
currently makes up only about 10 percent of the U.S. collar workforce within the upstream oil and gas sector.
workforce. Nevertheless, the Y generation will soon be called Specifically, it examines the values of Gen-Yers, and suggests
upon to fill the employment gap brought about by the corporate tactics to engage and sustain the interests of these
retirement of veterans and baby-boomers. Generation Y is a young people. In doing so, it builds upon Deloitte’s proprietary
group of the population that currently ranges in age from Develop-Deploy-Connect Talent Management framework (see
recent college graduates to middle-school students (birth Exhibit 3. What is the Develop-Deploy-Connect Model?).
years 1982-1993). As a workforce generation, they value Generally, employers can ‘develop’ their workers by providing
flexibility, balance, respect, feedback, as well as access to them with active learning opportunities, ‘deploy’ them by
people, tools, and technologies. They balance idealism and designing effective organizational environments, and
pragmatism and can be critical of their environments and ‘connect’ them by creating infrastructure to foster
opportunities. More specifically, Gen-Yers tend to look for collaboration. The report also presents targeted approaches
long-term career development, variety of experiences, a sense for communicating corporate philosophies through branding,
of purpose and meaning in their work, open social networks, roles, and rewards programs. While individual tactics may
and work/life balance. provide quick fixes, to be enduring it is critical that companies
incorporate the underlying values into their organizational

1 Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas

The Talent Conundrum
The looming labor shortage of oil and gas workers is the Negative Public Perception
result of a slow and evolving buildup of many factors that will Ever since John D. Rockefeller began operating Standard Oil in
hinder future corporate recruitment efforts. Some of the most the 1880s, the industry has been plagued by negative
concerning impediments follow: publicity surrounding damage to the environment, anti-trust
practices, and unproven allegations of gasoline price gouging.
Industry Consolidation In particular, more recent events such as the Exxon Valdez oil
Since the early 1980s, the industry has witnessed a wave of spill (1989, Alaska) and suspected price manipulation in the
mergers and acquisitions that have resulted in not only a new aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005), have likely
group of major oil companies, but also job layoffs. The discouraged the Gen-Y pipeline, which tends to prioritize
consolidation began with DuPont’s acquisition of Conoco environmental-consciousness, ethics, and long-term viability.
(1981) and was quickly followed by Occidental’s purchase of Furthermore, this new workforce has witnessed the layoffs of
Cities Service (1982). Similar size transactions took place a few their parents, and may view the sector as low-tech and
years later, in 1984, with Mobil’s acquisition of Superior Oil, outdated. For many Gen-Yers, employment in the oil and gas
Texaco’s purchase of Getty, and California Standard’s (now industry, in its current state, is likely not acceptable in their
Chevron) acquisition of Gulf. social networks.

The oil industry mega-mergers starting in the 1990s produced

new categories of industry players, namely ‘supermajors’ and
Industry Cyclicality
independent oil companies, which further reduced the The oil industry is one of the few market sectors whose
employment pool. BP’s acquisition of Amoco (1998) and fortunes are tied to the prices of a few commodities, namely
ARCO (2000), together with Exxon’s purchase of Mobil petroleum and natural gas. As the laws of oil economics
(1999), eliminated almost 24,000 jobs. The driving rationale typically dictate, when prices rise, firms are more willing to
behind the mega-mergers was to position the oil supermajors invest in new and potentially risky exploration, drilling, and
to compete effectively with the National Oil Companies production activities and, as a result, increase hiring of the
(NOCs). The deals also enabled the new majors to acquire appropriate workers. Conversely, when supply outpaces
enough asset size and political clout to explore for and demand, prices fall and layoffs follow. Compounding such
produce oil from difficult regions around the globe. cyclicality is the fact that recent improvements in technology
Subsequent mergers involving Chevron and Texaco (2001) and have enabled firms to increase productivity with fewer
Conoco and Phillips Petroleum (2002) completed the workers.
consolidation wave. All told, the industry lost approximately
one million jobs. Aging Workforce
According to a 2004 survey conducted by the American
Petroleum Institute (API), the average age in the oil and gas
industry is 49 and is among the oldest of any industry. This
trend is further illustrated in Exhibit 1, which contrasts the
workforce age distribution of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers (used as a proxy for the age distribution of white-
collar technical workers within an oil and gas company) with
that of other firms that employ technical professionals, namely
high-tech companies, conglomerates, and consultancies.
Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas 2
The API’s 2004 survey also indicates that by 2009, there will programs in 2006. This is more than a 90 percent drop since
be a 38 percent shortage of engineers and geoscientists and a 1982. Reasons for the decline in enrollment in these programs
28 percent shortage of instrumentation and electrical workers. include perceptions that the industry offers: 1) short-term jobs
In a similar vein, the National Petroleum Council projects a versus careers; 2) few attractive opportunities at junior levels;
personnel shortage of approximately 40 percent as a result of 3) tenure-based advancement versus meritocracy; and 4) little
workforce retirements over the next decade. work/life balance.

The time is now for those in the upstream oil and gas industry
Diminishing Enrollment in to take proactive steps to ensure that their talent pipelines are
Petroleum Engineering and replenished and vital institutional knowledge is not lost. In
order to avert a damaging workforce shortage, company
Geosciences Programs leaders need to understand the unique values Gen-Y holds,
and then formulate and execute strategies to recruit, develop,
One of the more important predictors regarding the future
and engage this new resource (this potential improvement is
supply of potential employees in oil and gas are the number
illustrated in Exhibit 2, after 2012). Moreover, by incorporating
of students obtaining university degrees in petroleum
such tactics into their organizational fabrics, such leaders
engineering and geo-sciences. As exhibit 2 illustrates, fewer
should be better able to connect all the workforce
than 1,000 U.S. students are projected to graduate from such

Exhibit 1. Workforce Age Distribution

Oil and Gas Distribution Typical Technology-Focused Company
65+ 65+
60-64 60-64
55-69 55-69
50-54 50-54
45-49 45-49
40-44 40-44
35-39 35-39
30-34 30-34
25-29 25-29
20-24 20-24
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Source: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2003

Exhibit 2. Oil & Gas Workforce Projections

U.S. Petroleum Engineering Workforce

Workforce in Place as of 2000

Cumulative New Graduates

1,000 Projected Workforce

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Source: PetroStrategies Inc.

3 Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas

Targeting Generation Y
So how can upstream oil and gas firms best avert labor The tactics presented vary in scope and complexity. Some,
shortage? By attracting and engaging the new workforce: such as online recruiting tools and formal training
Generation Y. opportunities, may take less time to implement, but address
only specific workplace needs. In fact, several Fortune 500 oil
According to a 2004 study by Deloitte and the Institute of the and gas firms have already developed proprietary online
Future, Generation Y wants and needs can be very different recruiting systems, enabling existing talent to be more easily
from that of existing workforce generations (Veterans, Baby matched with current openings. Since they are internal, these
Boomers, and Generation X). Drawing from the study’s ‘resumes’ – one firm even calls them ‘Career Networking
findings, the Gen-Y needs most important to upstream oil and Profiles’ – can often be more creative and comprehensive,
gas leaders looking to replenish their talent pipeline may including such information as career goals, family details, and
include: hobbies. Upstream oil and gas companies should take a two-
• Long-term career development and multiple experiences pronged approach: executing these simpler strategies at first,
within a single organization while at the same time developing and deploying longer-term
shifts in organizational mindset. Specifically, leaders should
• Sense of purpose and meaning in the work
strive to incorporate the following fundamental workplace
• Availability and access to mentors and other company elements, which permeate throughout the aforementioned
champions Gen-Y values:
• Work/life flexibility
• Tech-savvy work environment (e.g., online problem solving
and learning tools)
• Open social networks that embrace open/honest

Exhibit 4 (How to Attract and Engage Generation Y) discusses

the implications such workplace values can have on employers
in the industry, as well as the strategies needed to develop,
deploy, and connect these new entrants. The model builds
upon Deloitte’s proprietary Develop-Deploy-Connect Talent
Management framework (see Exhibit 3. What is the Develop-
Deploy-Connect Model?). In general terms, employers can
‘develop’ their workers by providing them with opportunities
to learn through experience, ‘deploy’ them by designing
effective organizational roles and environments, and ‘connect’
them by creating seamless networking infrastructures.

Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas 4

Fundamental Workplace Element Gen-Y Needs/Wants Included in This Category
Flexibility • long-term career development • tech-savvy work environment
• access to mentors and leaders • open social networks
• work/life flexibility
Balance • long-term career development • access to mentors and leaders
• sense of purpose and meaning in work • work/life flexibility
Respect • long-term career development • work/life flexibility
• sense of purpose and meaning in work • open social networks
Access to people and knowledge • access to mentors and leaders • open social networks
• tech-savvy work environment

Access to technology • work/life flexibility • open social networks

• tech-savvy work environment
Opportunities for constant evaluation • sense of purpose and meaning in work • open social networks
• access to mentors and leaders

While fundamental organizational change may seem design, and corporate donations of technology and other
daunting, it is encouraging to note that many global energy equipment. As upstream oil and gas leaders forge bonds
companies have begun to implement enduring strategies. For across incoming channels for talent and existing workforce
example, some large organizations have formed partnerships generations, they will need to develop and implement their
with universities that offer petroleum engineering and geo- tactics consistently. Further, they will need to communicate
science degrees in an effort to encourage the pipeline at its their values through effective organizational branding, roles,
earliest stages of development. These relationships can often and rewards programs.
involve scholarships, mentoring opportunities, joint program

Exhibit 3. What is the Develop-Deploy-Connect Model?

The Develop-Deploy-Connect model should be at the core of an
organization’s talent strategy. By focusing on these three
elements, organizations can generate capability, commitment, Develop
and alignment in key workforce segments, which in turn
improve business performance. When this happens, the
attraction and retention of skilled talent largely take care of
By “Develop,” we mean providing the real-life learning Capability Commitment
employees need to master a job. We don’t mean just traditional
classroom or online education. As importantly, we mean the
“trial-by-fire” experiences that stretch their capabilities and the
lessons they learn from peers, mentors, and others.
By “Deploy,” we mean working with key individuals to (a)
identify their deep-rooted skills, interests, and knowledge, (b)
find their best fit in the organization, and (c) craft the job
Deploy Connect
design and conditions that help them to perform. Alignment
By “Connect,” we mean providing critical employees with the
tools and guidance they need to (a) build networks that
enhance individual and organizational performance, and (b)
improve the quality of their interactions with others.

Source: Deloitte Research. For more details on this model, please refer to the 2004 Deloitte Research Study: “It’s 2008: Do You Know Where Your Talent Is?”

5 Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas

Exhibit 4. How to Attract and Engage Generation Y

Generation Y Implications for Employers Develop-Deploy-Connect Talent

Needs/Wants Management Framework
Long-term career develop- • Create personal development plans (PDPs) • Enable Gen-Y entrants to experiment and take risks as
ment and multiple experi- • Align PDPs with organizational roles and they figure out their niche within the organization
ences within a single goals (Develop).
organization • Chart clear and transparent career paths • Tailor work “contracts” in ways that fulfill individuals’
• Provide transparency around available unique needs while still affording them the flexibility
positions that they need to do their jobs well (Deploy)
• Invest in training and developing the • Enable Gen-Y to foster the networks that they need to
workforce succeed and guide them on cultivating healthy/
• Foster coaching and mentorship productive relationships within those networks
• Enable career mobility to allow individuals (Connect)
multiple experiences
• Cultivate strong social networks

Sense of purpose and • Enable individuals to find what is meaning- • Ensure employees have the capabilities to fulfill their
meaning in the work ful to them responsibilities (Develop) by:
• Create an organization that allows – Aligning organization roles and skills, while still
individuals to pursue these higher purpose allowing for flexibility
goals in an effective and productive way – Providing access to the necessary tools and training
• Define and communicate visions around – Creating information/social networks to facilitate
which people can rally knowledge transfer
• Cultivate an environment of hope and • Align organization roles with employee interests/
possibility passions (Deploy)
• Help people focus on their strengths • Create feedback mechanisms that link employee
contributions to larger organizational goals (Connect)

Availability and access to • Offer formal and informal mentoring • Create comprehensive mentoring programs that allow
mentors and other approaches that are aligned with strategic Gen-Y entrants to:
company champions aims – Learn technical and personal/relational capabilities
• Engage Y-ers during their education and (Develop)
early in their careers – Learn about their strengths and about new opportu-
nities (Deploy). Such an approach should help guide
employees toward their ideal career paths
– Foster commitment to the organization and their
roles within it (Connect)

Work/life flexibility • Encourage Y-ers’ input • Design flexible balanced learning programs that
• Offer work arrangements that align stretch employee capabilities (Develop)
individual and organizational needs in • Create mechanisms to align organization roles with
flexible ways employee needs and expectations in a productive way
• Facilitate flexible work arrangements that accommo-
date employees’ personal circumstances and working
styles (Connect)

Tech-savvy work • Employ online recruiting tools • Leverage the technology with which Gen-Y is so
environment • Offer multiple communication platform comfortable by:
options – Providing learning through gaming scenarios/
• Offer gaming simulations as a learning solutions, online interaction, etc. (Develop)
tool – Utilizing internal/external online recruiting (e.g.,
electronic job boards that provide transparency
around available opportunities) (Deploy)
– Leveraging electronic interaction technologies that
facilitate broad and rich conversations (Connect)

Open social networks that • Balance hierarchy and organizational agility • Create social infrastructures that enable employees to
embrace open/honest • Communicate corporate goals clearly and develop strategic and intentional networks. Such
communication transparently (i.e., no corporate-speak) structures should allow Gen-Yers the interaction to:
• Institute channels for employee feedback – Learn about their organizational roles/responsibili-
on corporate goals ties (Develop)
• Design office space in a flexible way that – Learn about new job/project opportunities (Deploy)
reflects how Y-ers work – Foster relationships to help them succeed (Connect)
• Develop social infrastructure to share ideas
• Reduce geographic barriers; develop
channels to communicate globally in a
seamless way

Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas 6

Communicating to Generation Y
In order to derive maximum value from the aforementioned Branding and Identity
strategies, upstream oil and gas corporations should re- Developing and communicating a cohesive, consistent positive
examine their mechanisms for communication with Gen-Y, image is critical to attracting and engaging new talent.
namely their: Industry leaders in upstream oil and gas, in particular, must
• Branding and Identity work to counter negative stereotypes by demonstrating
publicly that they believe in what their companies do.
• Organization Roles
Branding provides such opportunity. The key to developing
• Rewards Programs successful identity programs is to be candid about the
negative issues of the past, communicate a compelling future,
To that end, such organizations will need to design unique
and provide employees across workforce generations and
approaches for each of these elements, or adopt existing
functions a real role in creating it. In doing so, managements
successful practices from leaders within the upstream sector
can assemble cross-divisional teams that span all levels of
and other areas of the industry. This section suggests specific
hierarchy, with a mission to evaluate, improve, and market
tactics for corporate branding, roles, and programs that
corporate branding and identity.
communicate the company’s commitment to each of the Gen-
Y workplace needs identified previously (long-term career Several Fortune 500 oil and gas firms have already
development, sense of purpose/meaning in work, mentors, implemented successful branding programs to enhance their
work/life flexibility, tech-savvy work environment, open social image across the Gen-Y age spectrum. For students, these
networks), as well as to the values that underlie them: include university scholarship and mentoring programs,
flexibility, balance, respect, feedback, and access to people, partnerships with community/technical colleges to expand
tools, and technologies. (See Exhibit 5. Strategies for courses in such areas as instrumentation and operations, as
Communicating to Gen-Y). Underlying each mechanism is well as support for various middle/high school math and
Deloitte’s Develop-Deploy-Connect philosophy for talent science programs. In fact, for some companies, internship
management. programs have served as a solid pipeline for new talent. More
broadly, some large oil and gas firms have instituted programs
to reduce environmental damage from emissions and worked
with their governments to design public relations campaigns
that emphasize the industry’s importance. By taking a
proactive approach to improving industry branding, and the
negative forces that have served to damage it, such
companies gain strategic advantage with this new workforce.
Moreover, such advantage extends to other workforce
generations, given the strong influence Gen-Yers have over
their parents.

7 Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas

How do these strategies target Gen-Yers?
Rewards Programs
By empowering multigenerational teams to develop and
Through innovative rewards programs, upstream oil and gas
communicate corporate brand and identity, companies
companies can further build creativity and flexibility into their
provide Gen-Yers the opportunity to expand their social
work environments, thereby attracting and motivating their
networks, in particular their exposure to senior leadership.
employees. Examples of such initiatives include:
Through this interaction, Gen-Yers can develop meaningful
mentoring relationships. Moreover, by involving Gen-Y in such • learning and development opportunities;
efforts, management can provide these new workforce • supplementary rewards programs, such as annual incentive
entrants with a sense of purpose in their work and roles in the plans, deferred compensation, profit-sharing, stock options,
larger organization. They can also ensure that their corporate
recruiting incentives, etc.;
images embody those values important to this generation.
This is critical given the urgent need to encourage and hone • customizable healthcare benefits programs; and
the younger Gen-Y pipeline. • flexible work structures, such as co-location, part-time
schedules, and virtual work alternatives.

It is instructive to note that one leading upstream oil and gas

Organizational Roles firm raised its retention rate to 30 percent above the annual
Companies that balance hierarchy with flexibility will likely be industry norm by funding hands-on training for all drilling
better able to attract and engage employees at all levels. employees.
Upstream oil and gas managers can take several approaches
to realize such agility, including: How do these strategies target Gen-Yers?
• forming cross-divisional/generational teams to collaborate These tactics reward performance with flexibility: training
on critical large-scale projects; programs increase employee marketability and personal
growth, accommodative environment and benefit structures
• establishing leadership development rotational programs;
enable better work/life management, and adaptable work
structures reduce logistical/hierarchical barriers, helping Gen-
• creating developmental projects and plans for newer Yers to develop the social infrastructure needed to collaborate
employees. effectively. Moreover, by employing appropriate technologies
to enable these initiatives, companies appeal to Gen-Yers
For example, one leading oil and gas firm implemented an “tech-savvy” bent.
“Executive Business Analyst” rotational program which
enabled the recruitment of experienced MBA students. This Organizational branding, roles, and rewards provide
mechanism helped the firm replenish its management pipeline opportunities for companies to communicate their visions and
as its senior ranks retired. By institutionalizing flexibility in values. Still, employing the aforementioned tactics will likely
employee roles and reporting structures, management can only attract and engage employees in the short-term. To have
connect the broader workforce, thereby developing and enduring effect, managements must create cultures of
deploying institutional knowledge. flexibility, balance, respect, and collaboration. In this way,
companies will not only be better able to develop, deploy, and
How do these strategies target Gen-Yers? connect Gen-Yers, but all the critical workforce generations.
These approaches for designing organizational roles will
provide Gen-Yers with the infrastructure needed to network
effectively and develop their long-term careers in a flexible
way. Furthermore, by setting ambitious goals for the cross-
divisional/generational teams, Gen-Yers will likely develop a
deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their work.

Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas 8

Exhibit 5. Strategies for Communicating to Generation Y

Mechanism Strategies to Modify How This Targets Gen-Yers

Brand and Heritage 1. Conduct a survey of company image, internally • Open social networks: These strategies
Brand + Heritage = and externally. present an opportunity for Gen-Y to
Corporate Identity 2. Assemble a leadership team that represents work in a team environment to learn/
employees across generations/functions to contribute to corporate-wide practices
Brand is built from top down develop a cohesive corporate message that that shape the company’s future.
since it can require changes to combines brand and the methods by which such • Sense of purpose/meaning in work: By
corporate strategy message should be communicated externally. having input into the company’s
3. Approach brand communication as a classic branding and identity, Gen-Y will have
marketing campaign with brand being a a chance to develop/shape the way the
product to advertise. company connects with the market-
4. Customize branding to the target audience, place.
such as scholarship and mentoring programs for • Mentors: Gen-Y workers will increase
college recruits, continuous training for their exposure to the company
experienced hires, and image-enhancing leadership, enabling them to find
advertising for the industry. mentors.

Heritage is documentation and 1. Identify “heritage ambassadors” who are well- • Sense of purpose/meaning in work:
dissemination of company- respected and represent an experienced Heritage defines a work environment
specific and culturally-unique workforce (it might not be connected to a for Gen-Y and helps them associate
knowledge that can be specific generation). with the company; this will likely give
described as “the way things 2. Train these “heritage ambassadors” on knowl- the Yers a sense of ownership, thereby
are done here”. Heritage is an edge-management techniques and any skills increasing loyalty/retention.
outgrowth of our traditions and necessary to carry out the task of collecting the • Tech-savvy work environment: These
values. data. strategies play strongly to Gen-Yers’
3. Create a community of interest by defining and ability to use new technology by
marketing this ‘heritage’ within the company. challenging them to create new ways
4. Identify strategies to sustain and continue to collect and disseminate tacit
heritage-building initiatives (e.g., training, knowledge.
team-building events).

Organization Roles 1. Create a multi-divisional/generational leadership • Open social networks: Through these
(Workforce Planning) team that will allow for all the levels/genera- strategies, Gen-Yers can develop their
tions within a company’s workforce to collabo- teamwork skills and expand their
rate on critical large-scale projects. Rotate knowledge of the organization.
potential leaders to increase their exposure to • Long-term career development/
the largest number of people, and to corporate- mentors: Rotational leadership
level solutions. programs, mentoring opportunities,
2. Establish leadership development rotational and developmental projects provide
programs. Gen-Yers with the infrastructure for
3. Create developmental projects and plans for flexible long-term career growth.
newer employees. • Sense of purpose/meaning in work: By
4. Provide mentoring opportunities across the setting ambitious and meaningful goals
generations to establish meaningful relation- for the cross-divisional/generational
ships between employees at all levels. leadership team, Gen-Y will likely feel
challenged and respected.

Rewards Programs 1. Implement learning and development programs. • Long-term career development:
2. Create flexible supplementary rewards pro- Learning and development opportuni-
grams, such as annual incentive plans, deferred ties increase worker marketability
compensation, profit-sharing, stock options, across their organizations.
recruiting incentives, etc. • Work/life flexibility: Accommodative
3. Launch flexible benefits programs (e.g., work environment and benefit
“develop your own benefits”) as part of a structures enable better work/life
consumer-driven healthcare initiative. management.
4. Build creativity and flexibility into the work • Open social networks: Flexible work
environment (e.g., a “create your own work arrangements/environments reduce
space” initiative where Yers can help design geographic/hierarchical barriers and
their work environment). Such initiatives may help Gen-Yers develop the social
also include co-location and virtual work infrastructure to develop/share ideas.
options. • Tech-savvy work environment: These
strategies employ advanced

9 Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas

The impending talent shortage, and potential resulting loss of Following is a short survey, which serves as a guide to self-
institutional knowledge, has created an urgent need for assess employer readiness for Generation Y:
companies in the upstream oil and gas industry to evaluate
and update their approach to recruiting, developing, 1. Are you familiar with the concept of corporate identity/
deploying, and connecting their people. To replenish the brand? What are the solutions you are currently working
workforce pipeline, such organizations must work to on, or have already implemented, to evaluate, improve, and
understand the values of the incoming generation, and then market corporate identity/branding?
carefully rethink their strategies for attracting and engaging 2. Do you think the performance review process that you are
these young entrants. Furthermore, they must communicate currently using is effective? Do you offer formal
their organizational philosophies through effective branding, mechanisms for employees to create and modify their
role development, and rewards programs. career paths beyond yearly performance reviews?

3. Do you offer formal mentoring programs? Are you familiar

with the term “reversed mentoring?” If yes, would your
company be a good place to implement a reverse
mentoring program?

4. What are the opportunities your company offers to

employees to network across divisions and hierarchy?

5. Do you offer employees choice in their benefits, rewards

programs, and work structures? If not, why? If you are,
how is it done?

6. Do you leverage technology in recruiting and organizational

communication? Based on your knowledge, what do you
think is the most successful way to recruit new talent?

Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas 10

Contacts About the Authors
Jim Sowers Rekha Sampath
Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Services LP
Human Capital Advisory Services Deloitte Research
Tel: +1.713.982.4687 Tel: +1.617.437.3140
Email: Email:

Chris Nicholson Rekha Sampath is a manager in Deloitte Research. She has an

Deloitte & Touche LLP MBA in Finance from the Wharton School of Business and a
Global Energy & Resources Leader Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering from
+1.703.251.3455 the University of Toronto. Prior to joining Deloitte Research,
Email: Rekha worked at Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and IBM.

Mark Robinson
Greg Aliff Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Deloitte & Touche USA LLP Tel: +1.703.251.4057
U.S. Energy & Resources Leader Email:
Tel: +1.703.251.4380
Email: Mark Robinson is an energy analyst with Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu in the Global Energy & Resources practice. Prior to
joining Deloitte, Mark worked in a similar role at ExxonMobil.
He has an MBA from Marymount University, Arlington,

Sarah Wooddy
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Human Capital Advisory Services
Tel: +1.713.982.4122

Robin Athey
Deloitte Services LP
Deloitte Research
Tel: +1.212.436.2547

Leah Reynolds
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Human Capital Advisory Services
Tel: +1.313.396.3107

This publication contains general information only and Deloitte Services
LP is not, by means of this publication, rendering accounting, business,
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This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or
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11 Deloitte Research – The Talent Crisis in Upstream Oil & Gas
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member firms do not provide services in all four professional areas.

As a Swiss Verein (association), neither Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of its member firms has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions.
Each of the member firms is a separate and independent legal entity operating under the names “Deloitte”, “Deloitte & Touche”, “Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu” or other related names.

In the US, Deloitte & Touche USA LLP is the US member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and services are provided by the subsidiaries of Deloitte &
Touche USA LLP (Deloitte & Touche LLP, Deloitte Consulting LLP, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, Deloitte Tax LLP and their subsidiaries), and
not by Deloitte & Touche USA LLP. The subsidiaries of the US member firm are among the nation's leading professional services firms, providing
audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services through nearly 30,000 people in more than 80 cities. Known as employers of choice for
innovative human resources programs, they are dedicated to helping their clients and their people excel. For more information, please visit the US
member firm’s web site at
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