Helal Jamal Abboshi Khaledi Second Sworn Statement Made To Spanish Police

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Report 6041 of 29/11/12 APPEARANCE at Madrid in the offices of the Provincial Information Brigade at 13:00 on the date appearing

above before National Police officers with badge numbers 64531 and 72539 assigned to the aforementioned Brigade acting as the Instructing Officer and the Secretary respectively for this APPEARANCE OF Helal Jamal ABBOSHI KHALEDI with National ID No 05287683-Y, born in Nablus (Jordan) on 25/05/1951, son of Jamal and Naimah, residing at Calle Valdesangil No 79, Bajo B in Madrid, Telephone 652647674. Mr. Abboshi has been informed by the Instructing Officer of the legal obligation to tell the truth (Code of Criminal Procedure Article 433) and of the possible criminal liability attached to falsely accusing a person of a criminal act (Criminal Code Article 456), pretending to be responsible for or the victim of a criminal act (Criminal Code Article 457), reporting a false or non-existent criminal act (Criminal Code Article 467) or giving false testimony (Criminal code Article 458). Having been informed of the foregoing he STATED AS FOLLOWS That he has come in representation of and acting as the Secretary-General of the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain. That he has returned to this police office to add to the statement he made on the 27th of this month about a person from Pakistan who is spreading propaganda against Islam and its Prophet. That he and other people have seen on YouTube that this man from Pakistan intends to release an Internet film on Mohammed who he has associated with the 9/11 attack in the United States, the 11 March attack in Madrid and the 7 July attack in London. That the film describes Mohammed as womaniser, homosexual and paedophile and that this is completely false, humiliating and very offensive to those who practice the Muslim faith. That he would like to point out that these action are causing a serious reaction in the Muslim community with consequences which could become violent. He however, as the representative of the Union of Islamic Communities in Spain, is trying to keep things calm. That he would like to request, on behalf of his Community, that the Spanish authorities do everything in their power so that the release of this film........

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