Question One - Media

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When answering this question, I looked at screen shots and I analysed them. Some of these screen shots did follow the horror conventions but also I did deicide to change the traditional horror film look is some aspects. I went against the horror film conventions to help support my target audience choice.

The first screen shot I have chosen to use is my credits, I decided to do an establishing shot pan while my credits zoom across. I have gone against the traditional horror film because normally the credits would play throughout the first part of the film but because, I think it adds tension. I have added the establishing shot to the credits. This adds tension because it is a setting shot of an isolated location, this is one of the horror conventions which I decided to use because I think it have the creepy effect of the feeling that someone is watching them, this then builds up the tension for the bad atmosphere. Additionally it builds up a scene to show what the rest of the film is about, for example the old look of the bridge suggests that it going to be about some old scary thing what has happened, also the shot is completely a banded this shows up that the people in this film are all alone and have no one to help them, and finally when the camera is panning the setting, I have added music in the background to help add tension to the atmosphere.

In the second shot there are two girls walking down to an opening in the woods I put that there because, I wanted to challenge the conventions of having all male characters. When I set out the questionnaires I found out that males are more likely to watch the horror film than girls. One reason for putting the girls there instead of boys was so that the audience would feel the male gaze and would want to watch the rest of the film. Another reason

because, when I set out the questionnaires people said they prefer a twist in a horror film, my idea was that the audience wound know what order the people will die and this will cause it to a mystery and people will want to continue to watch it and see what will happen.

In my opening I also did stick to some of the conventions like the villain, when the killer is going to kill the blonde one. We cant see the villains face I have done this because, I believe it keeps a mystery appear to the horror film. As the villain is running up to the girl all we can see is a black figure appearing from behind and this is very good way to build tension. Another way I stuck to the conventions of a horror film is through music, when the villain is walking towards the innocent blonde I added some windy music to the background.

Although, I have two girls in my horror films I still have the conventions of a horror. The one with the hood up is the blonde one and the stereotypical dumb one, additionally the one how panics went gets a call of mum is the geek and tries never to get in trouble. In my opening I made sure the blonde one was the first to die so people could understand that I have used the conventions in some aspects.

A final shot is at the end where the villain takes the blonde one and the girls screams. This is a stereotypical thing for a girl to do. The girl dent really put up a fight because she is a girl and stereotypically she cant defiant herself this is why it makes my film more exciting because I only have girl. So people might believe that no one will survive. I think at the end where you see the coat is good because it is part of Miser en Scene and I picked this costume choice because it was colourful and obvious for the end that she had died.

To conclude, during my opening to horror film. I used both conventions and I also did challenge conventions, I believe this helped my film fit my target audience.

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