Question Three

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What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

I researched many different Media institutions like Hollywood, Vue and Picture house. Hollywood take big action films, Vue take the most popular film, Marvel take the comic ones and Picture house tend to take independent low budget films. My film only fits one of these media institutions, Picture house was the only one what would fit my checklist. When starting AS Media, we had to make a small opening to a horror film. My filming was very low budget and I had no money given to me so this makes my films an independent film. Picture house films tend to only take independent films, foreign films, or not very popular films. If I was to continue making my film, it would still be very low budget.

Inpendent, low budget films Popular, high budget films

Picture house Entertainment also distributes a wide variety of non-film content to cinemas around the UK. Although picture house entertainment is good for independent low budget films, Vue cinema would be better for the teenage horror film aspect because a picture house cinema would not take on a popular horror film. So my film could be distrusted by Vue if it became more popular and have more money.

To continue this I looked on the Vue cinema website out of 15 films in March 2013, 14 of them people had heard of, finally this shows that no one would know my films so the best place to distribute my film would be a picture house cinema.

Vue Cinema
Popular Not Popular

Picture House
Popular Not Popular

To prove my research that picture house cinemas only use Independent films, I looked on the picture house website on March 20113 viewings, only 10 films were being shown and 8 of them no one had heard of, 2 of them people had heard of and they were being played at Vue

cinema. This proves my pointy that 80% of picture house films are independent.

Additionally over the UK there are only 21 picture hoses, Picture house was launched in 2010 and since then has grown but not enough to make I popular. To conclude I believe my film would be shown in a picture house cinema but if it had more money put into it would fit the Vue cinema genre because it is a teen horror. Although picture house would show my film, I believe that paramount picture would distribute because they tend to go for the low budget films, although it is a well known film company they still distribute films which arent as well known as some films. Some of the films they have distributed would be How to train your dragon; she is out of my league. These films were enjoyed but didnt hit the most popular ones. So in reality I believe my films would be distributed by paramount pictures.

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