Messe Ger: ESO Council Confirms Director-General Appointment

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No. 3 - March 1975

ESO Council Confirms Director-General Appointment

At its 24th meeting, held in Hamburg on December 5/6, 1974, The present year ls
the Council of ESO confirmed the appointment of Professor critical for the future
of ESO. Important
LOdewijk Woltjer as Director-General of the Organization. changes are about to
Professor Woltjer succeeded Pröfessor A. Blaauw in this take place in the struc-
office on January 1, 1975 for a five-year term. ture of ESO both in
Europe and in Chile
The new Director-General is from the Netherlands and he with the aim of strength-
obtained his doctorate at Leiden University in 1957. He subse- ening the scientific
identity of the organi-
quently held a teaching post in astrophysics there.
zation and of improv-
ing the integration of
For tlle past ten years he has been teaching at Columbia
its geog raphical sub-
University, New York, most recently as Rutherfurd Professor of divisions. As a result
Astronomy. He was chairman of the Department of Astronomy Prof. L. Woltjer ESO should be ready
at this University where he rejuvenated the astronomical insti- next year to meet its
tute with emphasis on theoretical astrophysics and expanded most important commitment - namely, to pul its large
telescope into full and effeclive use. I am confident
the observational facilities by creating an observing station
that I can count on the cooperalion of everybody in
outside New York City. Although not primarily an observational ESO in achieving this goal.
astronomer himself, Prof. Woltjer takes a deep interest in the
requirements and possibilities of modern observational astro-
Now that Professor
Prof. Woltjer has also for about a decade been the editor Woltjer has taken over
from me the duties
of the "Astronomical Journal", one of the leading astronomi- of Di rector-General of
cal journals of the world. ESO, I wish him very
successful and enjoy-
The Director-General's publications include articles on able years in this post.
magnetic fields in stars and galaxies, on radio and X-ray Prof. Woltjer assumes
sources and other topics in thE!oretical astrophysics. Through- office at a time when
out his career, Prof. Woltjer has maintained close relations there are a number of
very important tasks
With astronomers in Europe and has been a consultant to
to be carried out; ESO
large projects on this continent. He has been familiar with is entering a phase in
the work of ESO for many years and was appointed to the which a new and more
Scientific Policy Committee in 1973. One of his main tasks Prof. A. Blaauw efficient structure is to
in the present year will be to offer the ESO Council more be developed, with re-
newed emphasis on the scientlfic aspects. We know
detailed plans for the Organization's future, including restruc-
that Prof. Woltjer has prepared himself specially for
turing and closer integration between the Chile and Europe these tasks and we wish him the best of luck in
establishments. . their fulfilment.

Statt Movements trom Jan. 1 to Nov. 1, 1974 ha proyectado. Ellos son: J. van der Lans, jefe dei grupo,
P. Stürzinger, R. Zurbüchen, J. van der Ven y S. Lorensen.
ARRIVALS Completamente computerizado, el sistema tendra una
Office of Ihe Dlreclor-General, Hamburg precisi6n y una flexibilidad funcional totalmente nuevas en
astronomfa. Dada las coordenadas en el catalogo de las
Harry Neumann, German, driver, 1.1.74 estrellas, el computador, siguiendo las instrucciones, puede
Kurt Kjär, German, proofreader-copy editor, 1.3.74 dirigir el telescopio hacia cualquier objeto estelar, hacer el
Roman Marcinowski, Belgian, accountant, 15.3.74 ajuste necesario para la hora precisa de la observaci6n, la
Heino Wiring, German, internal auditor, 1.7.74 refracci6n dei aire, etcetera, y fijar la posici6n de la apertura
Arthur da Costa Campos, Belgian, personnel officer, 8.7.74 de la cüpula. Su memoria puede acumular un programa
completo de trabajo para una noche, preparado por el astr6-
nomo, y, con una poca molestia adicional, el puede ejecutar
Andre Theisen, Belgian, personnel officer, 8.1.74 muchas otras tareas que el astr6nomo mismo tuvo que hacer
Wilhelm Gierse, German, finance officer, 15.3.74 en el pasado.
Sten Rönnbom, Swedish, electronics technician, 1.9.74
Willem Wamsteker, Outeh, astronomer, 1.10.74
Franc;:ois Mees, Belgian, head of electronics group, 1. 11. 74 Decisiones de la 23." Reunion dei Consejo de ESO, que luvo
lugar en Hamburgo los dias 19-20 de junio, 1974.
La SlIIa
Extension dei Convenio ESO/CERN
Erling Bechmann, Danish, foreman, 7.1.74
Christopher Smith, Canadian, resident astronomer, 15.9.74 En esta reuni6n se decidi6 de prolongar para un per:odo de
tres alios desde el 15 de septiembre 1975 el Convenio ESO/
TP Division, Geneva CERN para la cooperaci6n sobre el proyecto dei telescopio
Svend Lorensen, Danish, astronomer, 1.1.74 de 3,6 m.
Susanne Negre, French-German, administrative assistant, 1.7.74 Este convenio importante, que ya ha estado en fuerza
Bernard Amrhein, French, lab. technician (electro), 1.7.74 durante cinco alios, da a ESO el acceso a las facilidades de
Manfred Ziebell, German, electronics engineer, 1.7.74 CERN, incluyendo oficinas en Ginebra, donde 49 personas
Torben Andersen, Danish, mechanical engineer, 16.7.74 estan actualmente empleadas.
Christophe Faraut, French, programmer, 1.9.74
Susan Kay, British, secretary, 1. 9. 74
Sten Milner, Danish, mechanical engineer, 16.9.74 Cambios en el Consejo
Bernard Forel, French, technical draughtsman (meeh.), 1.11.74 y en el Comite de Finanzas
DEPARTURES EI Profesor A. Lallemand, delegado frances en el Consejo,
Hamburg dimiti6 a la misma epoca. EI cargo dei Profesor Lallemand
ha sido asumido por el Profesor J. F. Denisse.
Karl-Heinz Schwarz, German, driver, 15.1.74
EI Sr. H. Dumont, delegado frances en el Comite de Finanzas,
Suzanne Fioupou, French, administrative assistant, 31.7.74
dimiti6 a fines de 1973 para asumir las funciones de Consul-
Frank Oe Buck, Belgian, internal auditor, 31.8.74
General frances en Montreal.
Jürgen Meuser, German, head Purchasing/Shipping, 21.9.74

Horst Scheffold, German, senior administrator, 31. 1. 74
Hendrik Straatman, Outeh, administrative officer, 31.3.74 EI Consejo exprimi6 simpatia con la familia dei Profesor Paul
Philippe Bourlon, French, electronics engineer, 31.8.74 Bourgeois, quien muri6 recientemente. EI Profesor Bourgeois,
un prominente astr6nomo belga, fue uno de los "padres
La Silla fundadores" de ESO.
Johannes van Koeverden, Outeh, technical assistant, 30.4.74

Geneva Nuevo auditor externo

Rolf Muller, German, designer-draughtsman, 28.2.74 Como sucesor dei Bundesrechnungshof (auditor oficial dei
Rita Dubbelman, Swedish, secretary, 31.5.74 Gobierno aleman), que ha trabajado para ESO durante muchos
Bernth Malm, Swedish, electronics engineer, 15.7.74 alios, el Consejo ha decidido de aceptar un auditor de la
Cour des Comptes frances, en Paris.
TRANSFERS EI nuevo auditor externo es el Sr. G. Pirot. EI Sr. Pi rot hara
from Marseilles to La SlIIa visitas a Chile probablemente en enero de 1975.
Paul Giordano, French, mechanic, 15.1.74
Visita de la Comisi6n Minera a La SlIIa
from La Silla 10 Sanllago
Daniel Hofstadt, French, technical assistant (electro), 15. 5. 74 Una comisi6n dei Gobierno chileno ha hecho una visita a La
Silla a fines de mayo para estudiar las posibles medidas a
tomar en el futuro para proteger las observaciones cient:ficas
contra la poluci6n aerea. Dicha poluci6n podria resultar de
operaciones mineras u otras en la regi6n, 0 dei abuso dei
RESUMENES OE ALGUNOS ARTICULOS espacio aereo de La Silla por aviones.
Exito dei sistema de control La Comisi6n Redactora dei Nuevo C6digo de Mineria
telesc6pico en La Silla tiene nueve miembros. Fueron recibidos por el Prof. B. E.
Westerlund, Director de ESO/Chile; y los Srs. G. Bachmann,
Transportado desde Ginebra hasta Chile a fines de 1973 e Jefe de Administraci6n, Hamburgo; y G. Anciaux, Administra-
instalado mas tarde en La Silla, el sistema de control tele- dor, La Silla.
sc6pico mas avanzado dei munda funciona normalmente alli Tales visitas caben en el programa normal de la Comisi6n,
ahora. quien esta estudiando las medidas atomar para proteger los
EI sistema fue instalado por un equipo de cinco personas sitios en el pais que tienen un interes hist6rico, cientifico 0
pertenecientes al grupo de control de la Divisi6n TP, que 10 cultural.

Other Decisions by Council atmospheres of the stars and the properties of the
Interstellar medium. In recent years he has introduced
Prof. 8. Strömgren was elected President of ESO Coun- in the field of observational astronomy the so-called
cil for 1975; the Vice-president will be Prof. J. F. De- "Strömgren system of intermediate-band photometry"
nisse, who was appointed French delegate at the 23rd which has opened important possibilities for the study
meetir:lg. of tlle physical properties of the stars. His visits to ESO/
On the various advisory committees the following Chile, during some of which he participated in observ-
changes in chairmanship took place: ing programmes on La Silla, have made him thoroughly
Soientific Policy Committee: Prof. L. Biermann suc- familiar with our observatory. A. B.
ceeded Prof. B. Strömgren;
Finance Committee: Mr. M. Deloz succeeded Dr. M.
Fehrm; SPC Gets New Chairman
Observing Programmes Committee: Prof. G. Wlerick
succeeded Prof. P. Ledoux; The new chairman of the
Instrumentation Committee: Prof. G. Courtes suc- Scientific Policy Committee.
ceeded Prof. J. Borgman. The latter was asked to stay Professor Ludwig Biermann,
on as a member for at least another year and agreed has for many years directed
to do so. the well-known Max-Planck
Institute for Physics and·
Astrophysics in Munich. Ear-
New President of the ESO Council lier in his career he was
head of the astrophysics sec-
The new Council President, tion of the Max-Planck Insti-
Professor Bengt Strömgren, tute for Physics at Göttingen.
has for many years been In the course of the years he
participating in the leader- has developed close rela-
Prof. L. Biermann
ship of the Organization. In tions with astronomical in-
1967, the Council decided to stitutes in various countries throughout the world.
create a ,Scientific Program- Prof. Biermann's scientific interests cover many fields
mes Committee and he was of astrophysics, ranging from stellar structure and evo-
appointed as its first chair- lution to the problems of cosmic radiation and inter-
man. In 1971 when this com- stellar magnetic fields and those of the physics of
mittee was replaced by the comets and interplanetary matter. He is deeply inter-
Scientific Policy Commitlee ested in aspects of space research and was recently
and the Observing Pro- awarded the gold medal of the (British) Royal Academy
Prof. B. Strömgren
grammes Committee, Prof. of Sciences for his achievements.
Strömgren became the chairman of the SPC, a post he Since the creation of the ESO Scientific Policy Com-
held until his nomination as Council President. mittee, Prof. Biermann has been one of its members.
In the course of his very distinguished career, the new This committee has as its principal task to advise the
Council President has held many important offices. He Council on matters of general scientific policy, a task
was director of the Copenhagen Observatory from 1940 which obviously is of particular significance in the pre-
till 1951, when he assumed the directorship of the Yer- sent phase of ESO now that problems of restructuring
kes and McDonald observatories connected with the and the future development of the Organization have
University of Chicago. In 1957 he joined the staff of the to be thoroughly studied. In assuming the leadership
Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton where he of this important committee Prof. Biermann succeeds
remained until his return to Denmark in 1967 to take Prof. Strömgren. the incoming Council President.
over the chair of astronomy at Copenhagen University.
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
elected him as occupant of their "House of Honour"
(of which Niels Bohr had been one of the previous
Schedule for first half of 1975
occupants) - a wonderful setting for the hospitality
offered by Professor and Mrs. Strömgren to their many The following dates and locations were reserved
friends from Copenhagen and elsewhere during the past ror meetings of the ESO Council. the Scientific Policy
years. Committee, the Finance Committee, the Instrumen-
From 1970 to 1973 Prof. Strömgren was president of tation Commillee and the Observing Programmes
the International Astronomical Union, from 1971 to 1974
director of NORDITA, the Scandinavian Institute for
April 8/9 Instrumentation Committee, Geneva
Theoretical Atomic Physics, and he has been the presi- April 10 Finance Committee. Lyons
dent of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and April 11 Commillee of Council, Lyons
LeUers since 1969. April 29/30 Council, Munich-Garching
The Council President's wide knowledge and inter- May 28/29 Obs. Progr. Committee. Uppsala
June 16 Scientific Policy Committee, Liege
ests cover virtually all fields of astronomy and he has
especially contributed to research on the structure and

Second Users Meeting Santiago, five from the ESO TP Division and five mem-
bers of the Observing Programmes Committee attended
the meeting. After the introduetion by the Direetor-
The ESO Seeond Users Meeting was held on August General, Prof. A. Blaauw, who aeted as Chairman, Prof.
30, 1974, at CERN, Geneva, where visiting astronomers Westerlund gave a brief review of the status of the ESO
from all ESO member states were invited to provide the teleseope park and auxiliary instrumentation. The Chair-
Direetorate of ESO and the Observing Programmes man of the Observing Programmes Committee, Prof.
Committee with suggestions for astronomieal and ad- ledoux, reported on the aetivities of the Committee
minist~ative improvements.. Thirteen astronomers to- and the leader of the TP Division, Dr. S. laustsen, on
gether with eight ESO offieials from Hamburg and the status of the 3.6 m teleseope projeeL

4 .,
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Avanti tor the Telescope Building At present, six people from ESO/TP (la Silla) are
supervising 160 workers on the mountain. The diffieul-
Started in June 1973, the eonstruetion programme of ties of the first months have been forgotten and every-
the ESO TP Division is running smoothly and almost on body is working ahead towards the inauguration of
time. ESO's giant teleseope. E. L.
The eonerete work on the 3.6 m teleseope building
was finished at the end of January this year. The Duteh
firm, Interbeton, has poured in 3000 m3 of eonerete and Assembly of 3.6 m Telescope
plaeed in position 350 tons reinforeing material in 18 Nears Completion
months. The biggest job was pouring the big eonerete
slab whieh will support the teleseope itself and the two The assembly for the large teleseope was started in
~arge eoude laboratories: the 250 m3 of eonerete poured the autumn of 1974 at the faetory of Creusot-loire in
In two days (September 5 and 6) exeeeded the normal Saint-Chamond, near lyons, Franee. Before that time
European produetion. From January, 1975, further eon- the firm had inereased the depth of the big assembly
traetors will be arriving on la Silla: Krupp, in charge of hole in order to house the full size of the teleseope
the dome eonstruetion and ereetion (350 tons of steel), under the roof. The erane there is powerful enough to
and Sulzer Bros. in charge of the air eonditioning sys- handle the big pieces, but does not reach high enough
tem. At the end of 1975, the building should be ready for the final erection of the tube.
for the installation of the teleseope. After the test of the individual pieces of the strue-
At the same time, the Danish 1.5 m teleseope building ture, the assembly phase was started by putting the
is rising elose to the GPO (Grand Prisme Objeetif). Its pedestal into the assembly hole. This hole is so deep
eonerete strueture was finished at the end of 1974 and that the whole pedestal disappeared beneath floor level.
the plastie dome ereetion started early this year. The From Allerups in Denmark eome th6' handling de-
eontrol system is eurrently being eonstrueted and vices for the erection of the telescope. These pieces
assembled in Geneva. have been used to plaee the polar axis in position. The

The two forks and the centre-piece went into posi-
tion in the beginning of January. Next step is to get the
hydrostatic declination bearings into operation. There is
a good chance that the main assembly will be finished
by the end of February, 1975.
In this phase, there are still a number of subassem-
blies at the Creusot-Loire and the Bouvier plants in
France. These will be mounted as complete units onto
the telescope. For one month the Cassegrain cage was
in Geneva for testing änd it has now been shipped to
Creusot-Loire. The cabling of the telescope is still a
big job that remains. Astart has been made by installing
the cables into the cable twist at the end of the polar
Good progress was made during this assembly
phase and we have been lucky so far to encounter
The polar axis (norlhern end in foreground) mounled on lhe only a very few sm all design and machining errors.
pedestal. When they meet at Lyons in April, Council and Fi-
nance Committee members plan to make a side-trip
to Saint-Chamond to see the assembly in its final stages.
oil pads which support the horseshoe came from
Kugelfischer in Germany. They arrived finallyon the day
when we decided to stop the assembly until the pads
arrived. Flash: La Silla Celebrates End of
A big job was to put the horseshoe into position. Very Concreting!
careful manoeuvering was required to prevent this
heavy piece from touching the oil pads and damaging With all this work, there have to be moments of cele-
the bearing surfaces. bration too. Our local correspondent reports the festivi-
Rexroth in Germany delivered and connected the ties held on February 14 to mark ttJe completion of
oil-pumping station for the supply of the pads. This concr~tf? work on the telescope buildjng:

system went into operation in the rniddle of December, The first stage in the construction of the imposing and
1974. It was the first time that the ho.rseshoe with its 9 m majestic building to be erected at a cost -cf Sw. fr. 13 million
diameter was turned on an oil film of about 0.1 mm for the giant telescope on La Silla was inaugurated by the
thickness. The precision of the h'orseshoe surface is so executive of ESO. Arriving for the ceremony were the Direc-
tor-General of ESO, Prof. L. Woltjer, also two ministers of
good that there was no metal contacL . state (Foreign Minister Patricio Carvajal and Finance Minister
MAAG in .Switzerland produceq ttJe two r:nain gears Jorge Cauas), diplomatie representatives of most of the ESO
for this telescope. The big gear wheels of 3.5 m dia- member states and various local notabilities. Many had made
meter have 720 teeth which differ not more than 0.005 the Santiago-La Serena trip by chartered plane.
On the evening of their arrival, February 13, a dinner was
mm from each other. Both gears came up to the re-
held at the Hotel de Turismo, La Serena, followed by a folk-
quired performance of the MAAG factory and were then lore performance.
shipped to the assembly place at Creusot. The gear Next morning, the group went by bus to La Silla and, after
wheels were mounted in the beginning of January 1975 lunch, was given a tour of the installations. The contract
onto the telescope, and the polar drive will be com- documents were formally signed by Dr. S. Laustsen, Leader of
the ESO Telescope Project Division, and Mr. J. Schoen-
pletely assembled at the end of the month.
maeckers, on behalf of Interbeton/Chlle, the contractors.
The return flight La Serena-Santiago was made the same

Cassegrain Cage Goes Off on Two Trucks

In the second week of January, the Cassegrain cage
for the 3.6 m telescope was taken on two trucks from
the TP Division to the Creusot-Loire plant at Saint-
Chamond to be included in the forthcoming assembly
of the big telescope there.
An astronomer will sit in this cage with a battery of
instruments which are used mainly for photography,
photometry and spectroscopy. The Cassegrain cage
is a lightweight steel structure. Its outside dimensions
are prescribed by the horseshoe, which has to be passed
freely when the tube rotales about the declination axis.
Achair can be placed in a great number of locations
The horseshoe with the fork prongs and the lower part of the on the floor. Positioning of the chair from one place
telescope. to the other can also be effected easily in the dark.

in the so-called "old camp"; this was done in Decem-
ber, 1974. The casino has nearly double the floor space
of the former room at the 1 m telescope and daylight
enters freely from all sides. Apart from the big labora-
tory, there is an office, a computer room and a storage
The former electronics laboratory will be used to
house the computer systems which are being used
with the 1 m telescope. These systems cause deteriora-
tion of the astronomical seeing by the heat they gene-
rate and they have to be removed from the dome.
In order to provide a relaxation centre for the workers
on La Silla, a new casino has been constructed next
to the former one.
The service provided by the electronics staft on La
Silla has always been excellent, even under the former
less-than-ideal conditions. Now that they have a "new"
The Cassegrain cage arrived just in time ... laboratory will it be even better? The coming months
tor the Christmas party. Spotlighted: S. Kay, B. Pillet. will give the answer!

The instruments, together with their support structure,

can be raised by a forklift to the height of the cage Astronomical Flight to La Silla
floor and rolled inside the cage by a carriage that runs
over a fixed rail. On Wednesday November 20, 1974, Professors Blaauw
Control racks are located at the rear of the cage. and Woltjer flew in a twin-engined Beechcratt Duke
Instruments can be screwed to an adapter plate at the from La Serena via our Pelicano airstrip to Santiago.
rear of the mirror cell which has a big diameter roller Astronomer John Wood arranged that the flight went
bearing, permitting rotation of the instruments about smoothly. Wood, Danish astronomer Bengt Gmnbech
the tube axis. The cage is firmly connected to the tele- and pilotlowner Sr. Santiago Ojeda lett Santiago's To-
scope centrepiece at four pi aces. balaba airport at 8.45 a. m. and touched down in La
W. Richter, Head of the Mechanical Group, did the Serena at 10.10. Professors Blaauw und Woltjer had
preliminary design work on the Cassegrain cage, then been driven to La Serena airport by Albert Bosker, and
J. F. R. van der Yen came in, and Messrs. Simon, Blu- the three of them joined the remaining flight to Pelicano.
menthal and Grobli were also involved. Thus the aircraft was fully loaded with six passengers
The cage was made in Denmark by Allerups, Odense, and a certain amount of baggage. In addition, two boxes
and it came to the new assembly hall of the TP Division of astronomical equipment for the Munich University
in December, 1974, tor testing. This phase lasted about Observatory group on La Silla were packed into the
three weeks. Duke.
Asked how it might feel to work in the cage, Dr. A. B. The flight from La Serena to Pelicano took 15 minutes
Muller, senior astronomer, said: "With so many instru- and the plane circled the observatory at the most photo-
ments in front of you and on both sides - as many as genic altitude (Iow), while Blaauw and Gn"nbech took
can be fitted in without making the cage too heavy- photos.
YOur position is not too comfortable. In future it may not The landing in Pelicano was normal and very com-
be necessary for astronomers to sit in there so much, fortable from a pilot's point of view because the run-
as we must consider the possibility of remote control way is so wide and long (1,300 m). The flight from
for certain kinds of observations." Pelicano to Santiago took an hour and a half.

Electronics on La Silla Move

10 New Laboratory
For many years the electronics laboratory on La Silla
has been on the first floor of the photometric (1 m)
telescope building. This is in the centre of the site where
most of the telescopes are located, and just under the
observing floor of the telescope that uses most of the
elect· .
ronlc eqUipment. However, the laboratory has nei-
ther ~.indows nor a ventilati0n system, so that working
condltlons are far from ideal.
If .the new astronomy building planned for La Silla is
reallz~d sometime, this problem will be solved. How-
A toast 10 inaugurate tlle Pelicano airstrip. From lelt to rigllt:
ever, In the meantime an intermediate solution has been A. Bosker, L. Wolljer, A. Blaauw, H. Ponce, E. Bechmann,
found by moving the electronics laboratory to the casino S: Ojeda, H. Franz, B. Gmnbech.

Colour Photos of the Southern Sky

Many people have been impressed by the beauty of

the southern sky, as seen with the naked eye, or on the
photographic plates taken with the ESO Schmidt tele-
scope. .
The question has oHen been asked whether ESO,
like the Haie Observatories in California, could provide
colour photos of some of the more spectacular objects
that can be photographed from La Silla.
We are happy to report that the first steps in this
direction have now been taken. During some nights,
colour photo tests were made with the Schmidt tele-
scope and the results are quite satisfactory.
It is much more difficult to make astronomical colour "You name it, we have itl" says chief cook Erich Schumann
photos than black-and-white photos. This is because (Ieft), about to prepare fresh poodle.
the colour balance changes during long exposures in
such a way that the pictures become almost completely
a sm all hors-d'oeuvre consisting of seafood, cold cuts and
bJue. This can be corrected, and as a result of 'our tests, salad - or a raw vegetable cocktail.
it is now possible to take colour pictures on KODAK The dairy products, fresh fruit, vegetables, and fish and
Ektacolor L film with exposure times up to two hours. meat of many kinds are from ta Serena. Sanliago provides
The first successful photo shows the Small Magella- faneier foods and also vegetables not grown on 1he coast.
nic Cloud and it is a pity that it cannot be reproduced . At lunch and dinner soup is served and generally there is a
choice. The lentil soup is said to have something special. Try
in "The Messenger". Further photos were taken in Feb-
conger eel chowder too: the conger is about the best saa-
ruary, 1975; we hope that a small collection can be food in Chile. The main course, consisling of meat, fish or
established. fowl, can rise to the heights of canard cl I'orange.
Copies of the photos will, ot course, be made avail- An alternative is corn pie (pastel de choclos).
able to the general public and should give good publi- Or you may try porotos (white kidney beans, Chilean style),
city to ESO. R. M. W. / H. E. S. a spicy dish of pork, noodles, squash - served somelimes
with a small steak or a fried egg.
Then there are desserts to make the mouth water: chiri-
moyas - and cantaloupes stulfed with ice cream, toppad with
La Silla Workshop Introduces whipped cream and marinated with cherry brandy or Curacao
"Turno System" (ahem!).
And the wines - oh dearl On La Silla you may only dream
of them.
The so-called "Turno system", under which teams of The La Silla restaurant caters during the week to about 110
technicians take turns at staffing the astronomy work- people from 10 countries: technicians, administrative stall,
shops on La Silla, was introduced on April 1, 1974. hard-working labourers - and even harder-working astrono-
The purpose of the system is to provide the all-impor- mers, building their strength with bowls 01 lentil soup.
tant continuity of skilIed service for astronomers work-
ing on the mountain. Previously, the weekend staff
consisted of maintenance and repair men only.
Staft Association News
At the moment, tour technicians are participating, do-
ing turnos of 18 days, with two days overlapping and
On January 20-21, a meeting was held at the TP Divi-
seven days tor recuperation.
sion, Geneva, between representatives of the ESO
The technicians found their new job hard and long,
Administration and of the Geneva and Hamburg bran-
their other jobs in the Santiago main mechanical work-
ches of the Staft Association. Messrs. Woltjer, Bach-
shop fell behind, but now they are catching up, and
mann, Carreau and Wilson and Miss E. Kunstein took
they are, of course, compensated by corresponding
part. In closed session, the meeting discussed the final
periods ot leave.
proposal concerning the Staft Association Statutes;
As for the astronomers, all contacled were taking
this will be circulated to the staft before the SA pre-
full advantage of the improved service at weekends and
sents it for approval to the Director-General. Later
were greatly pleased with the "Turno system".
there was a general meeting of the TP Division statt,
called by the local branch of the SA.
A Place to Eat Prof. Woltjer spoke on general and technical develop-
ments, including the auxiliary equipment for the 3.6 rn
La Silla can hardly be compared with Hamburg, Geneva or te/escope.
even La Serena for the variety 01 Iree-time aclivities which it The Hamburg branch of the SA met on January 30.
olfers. Howevcr, it may be a good place to eat. Prof. Woltjer rep/ied to the Chairman's words of we/-
The restaurant comes to lile at 6.30 a. m. and at seven you
come and briefly reviewed the outlook tor the establish-
can begin with ham und eggs and all the usual trimmings of
an International breakfast. ment of the astronomical group and the restruC'
Chile comes on the menu at lunch, which may start with turing and integration of the ESO establishments. The
avocado pear, natural, or stulfed with rock lobster tails; or meeting then discussed various malters, including char'

ter flights to Chile, flexible working hours, recreational
facilities, unemployment insurance and contract con-
Chile brand) of the SA: The committee members
tendered their resignations on January 29.

Hai! and Farewell

To mark the retirement of Prof. A. Blaauw as Director-
General of ESO and to introduce his successor, Prof.
L. Woltjer, a number of parties and receptions were
given at the various locations: in Hamburg, Geneva.
Santiago and La Serena.
Hamburg. Prof. Blaauw's party for the staff of the
Director-General's office took place at the Block-House,
Bergedorf, on December 17. The TP Division, Geneva,
was represented by Dr. S. Laustsen. At the Bergedorl party, Prof. and Mrs. Blaauw.
FoIJowing a fine buffet dinner and a few words from
G. Bachmann, E. Kunstein and the Director-General, a gratitude for the expressions of goodwill which my wife
staff band got together and played folk tunes of the mem-
and I have received from so many of you at the fa re-
ber states, cunningly adapted to the occasion. The D. G.
weil parties and receptions and on some other recent
then led the way to the dance floor, where waltzes,
occasions. Ranging from the first ones, the "asado"
foxtrots and even livelier rhythms kept us going till the
and reception at La Serena, via those at Santiago, at
smaIJ hours of morning.
the TP Division and the Council dinner, to the evening
with the staff at Bergedorf, this has been an unfor-
gettable experience. On these occasions many moments
in the long history of my association with ESO have
again come to my mi nd and it was heart-warming to
enjoy these. in the presence of so many who have been
my highly-valued coIJaborators throughout these years.
A memory of these gestures and the pleasure we derive
tram the beautiful preser1ts we received will undoubted-
Iy remain a source of joy for us in the years to come.
Adriaan Blaauw

New in ESO
DG's office
Johan van Tol succeeded Jürgen Meuser as Head 01 the Pur-
chasing/Transport Service at Hamburg on January 1. Mr. van
We could have danced all night to this combo, consisting 01
Tol who comes Irom near Eindhoven in the southern Nether-
(Irom left to right): H. Neumann, H. Wiring, R. H. Marcinowski,
lands, studied economics at Rotterdam and Tilburg and was
A. Da Costa Campos, E. Kaske, and P. H. Huijmans. 'Iater employed by DAF as purchasing manager.
He is married and has three children. Sport is ons 01 his
La Serena. Here, on November 15, local and inter- freetime interests - football, 01 course, since he is Dutch,
and a spot of tennis now and then.
national statt enjoyed a beach party in sunny weather.
At the barbecue, G. Gonzalez, from the Local Staff
Association, made a speech and Prof. Blaauw, in reply, TP Division
recalled the early days of ESO/Chile when water had Maurice Le Luyer, is Irom Brittany, as the name suggests.
to be pumped by hand from an open hole, horseback He is the new designer in the Optics Group and he joined
the TP Division on October 1. Born in 1941, he studied -
riding was the only means of travel to La Silla and
though not immediately - at the Ecole Superieure d'Optique,
light-signals were used to locate people in cases of Paris University, and became Iicencie es sciences in 1964.
emergency. His last post was that of designer at CERCO (Centre de
Profs. Blaauw and Woltjer ended their stay in La Serena Recherches et de Calculs Optiques) localed at Courbevoie,
with a cocktail party at the Turismo Hotel, which provi- near Paris. Now he is working on the ACCOS 5 Programme,
connected with the CERN computer
ded the opportunity for a meeting with the local authori-
Mr. Le Luyer is married and has a child. Favourite pastimes:
ties and other personalities of the area. photography and yachting.
Daniel Enard was born at Panjas, France, in 1939. He
joined the Optics Group as engineer on Febru.ary 1.. A gra-
To All Members of the ESO Statt duate of Paris University, he took a doctorate In optlcal en-
gineering in 1965. His latest job with th.e MATRA plant at
Now that my term as Director-General of this Organi- Rueil, near Paris, which makes military eqUipment. Mr. Enard
zation has come to an end, I wish to express my deep is married and has two daughters.

Guy Ratier is yet another new Frenchman in the Optics Group, Segunda Reunion de Usadores
which he joined on February 1 as astronomer/optician. He is
worklng on the auxiliary Instrumentation, In particular, the La Segunda Reuni6n de Usadores de ESO tuvo lug ar el 30 de
telescope adaptors which hang around the focl and without agosta de 1974, en CERN, Ginebra, donde aslr6nomos visl-
which the telescope cannot do anything - and also on the tantes de todos los estados miembros de ESO fueron invita-
coude spectrograph. Mr. Ratier is a paid associate on one- dos a proponer mejoramienlos adminislrativos y cientificos.
year leave from the CNRS or, more exactly, the Pic du Midi Trece astr6nomos, ast como ocho oficiales de Hamburgo y
Observatory. He is married and became a proud father the SanIIago. cinco de la Division TP y cinco dei Comite de Pro-
other day. gramas de Observaciön asistieron a la reuni6n.
The Mechanical Group has two new people. Bernhard Forel
is from Paris and he started with ESO on November 1 as a Montaje dei gran telescopio casi terminado
technical draughtsman in the Mechanical Group. His last post
was that of project designer with Societe SETRIP, Paris. He EI montaje dei telescopio de 3,6 m comenz6 en el otorio de
is aged 30, married and also newly a father. 1974 en la fabrica de Creusot-Loire, cerca de Lyon, Francia.
Paul de Vos began on February 1 as mechanlc. He Is Anles de eso, la firma habla hecho una gran cavidad en el
Dutch and studied at Leeuwarden Technical School. Last suelo para poder alojar el telescopio en toda su allura bajo
position was with Kapteyn Observatory, Roden. He is 27 years techo. Las varias secciones de la estructura fueron probadas.
old, married and has a daughter. La fase dei montaje comenz6 cuando el pedestal fue colo-
cado en la cavidad. Esta es tan profunda que todo el pedes-
Chile tal desapareci6 bajo el nivel dei suelo.
La firma de Allerups en Dinamarca ha hecho los aparatos
Marinus de Jonge, the new Head of Domes on La SllIa, took
up duty on March 1. para manejar las secciones dei telescopio en la fase dei
montaje. Los dos engranajes princlpales para el telescoplo
Of Dutch nationality, Mr. de Jonge studled at the Technical
vienen de la fabrica de MAAG en Sulza. Las ruedas de 3,5 m
University of Delft and obtained a degree correspondlng to
the M. Sc. in Physics In 1963. de diametro con 720 dientes que no se diferencian mas de
0,005 mm el uno dei otro, fueron montados en el telescopio
He joined CERN in the same year, and occupied various
a principios de enero de 1975. Aun quedan varios sub-monta-
positions, malnly in the Intersecting Storage Rings Division.
jes ahacer en las fabricas de Creusot-Loire y de Bouvier en
In January, 1974, he was appointed Acting Group Leader of
the RF Group there. Mr. de Jonge is 39, married and has
three children. Cuando los miembros dei Consejo y dei Comite de Finanzas
se reunan en Lyon en abril, haran tambien un viaje a Sainl-
Another new staHer scheduled for April 1 on La Silla
Chamond para ver la fase final dei montaje.
Is Inge Meinen, the Administrator there. Born in Berlin and
educated in Hamburg, where she obtained the Ph. D. in eco-
nomics, Miss Meinen now faces the wilderness and eerie Ave atque valel
landscape on La Silla; she is eagerly awaiting the experience.
Para serialar el retiro dei Prof. A. Blaauw como Director
In Santiago there are two new people. Willem Wamsteker,
General de ESO e Introducir su sucesor, el Prof. L. Wolljer,
who got his Ph. D. in astronomy at Leiden University, took up
se dieron varias recepciones en los establecimientos de la
duty on February 16. He is marrled, has one child.
Organizaci6n: en Hamburgo, Ginebra, Santiago. La Serena.
Sölve Andersson started as technician on March 1. He is a
Hamburgo: La recepciön dada por el Prof. Blaauw para el
graduate of Chalmers Technical University, Goth'enburg, is
personal de la oficlna dei Director General tuvo lugar en el
married and has a child. "Nevertheless", he says, "I love ad-
venture." reslaurant Block-House, Bergedorf. Despues de una rica comida
buffet, una pequeria orquesta compuesta por miembros dei
personal se reuni6 para tocar canclones folkl6ricas de los
RESUMEN OE ALGUNOS ARTICULOS Estados Miembros, adapladas en forma simpatica para esta
ocasi6n. Acto seguldo, el Director General mostr6 el carnino
Decisiones de Ja 24. a reunion dei Consejo de ESO, que de la pista de baile, donde valses, foxtrcits, y aun ritmos mas
tuvo lugar en Hamburgo los dias 5-6 de dlciembre da alegres nos ocuparon hasta casl la madrugada.
En esta reunl6n se confirm6 la nominaci6n dei Profesor Lo- Cambios dei personal
dewijk Woltjer como nuevo Director General de la Organiza-
ci6n. EI Profesor Woltjer sucedi6 al Profesor A. Blaauw en LLEGADAS
este empleo el 1.° de enero de 1975. Hamburgo
EI Proresor Woltjer es de naclonalidad holandesa. Obtuvo Johan van· Tol, holandes, Jefe Compras y Transporte.
el grade de doctor en la Universidad de Leiden en 1957. Mas
tarde enseM alll en el campo de la as roHsica. Durante los Dlvisi6n TP, Ginebra
ultimos diez arios ha trabajado en la Universidad de Colum- Maurice Le Luyer, frances, diseriador, 1. 10. 74.
bia, Nueva York, recientemente como Rutherfurd Profesor de Daniel Enard, frances, ingeniero. 1. 2. 75.
Astronomia. Paul de Vos, holandes, mecanico, 1. 2. 75.
EI Profesor Woltjer ya no es desconocido en ESO. Ha se-
La SllIa
guido el trabajo de la Organizaci6n durante muchos arios y
fue nombrado al Comite de Policla Cientlflca en 1973. En su Marinus de Jonge, holandes. jete de cupulas. 1. 3. 75.
primer ario como Director General, una de sus funciones Inge Meinen, alemana, administradora, 1. 4. 75.
principales sera de so meter al Consejo de ESO planes de-
tallados para el futuro de la Organlzaci6n, incluyendo la re-
structuraciön e integraciön mas estrecha de los varios esta- Willem Wamsteker, holandes, astr6nomo, 16. 2. 75.
blecimientos en Chile y en Europa. Sölve Andersson, sueco, tecnico, 1. 3. 75.

Nuevos presidentes Dlvlsiön TP, Ginebra
Eliza Brouwer, holandesa, secretaria, 30. 11. 74.
Consejo: Prof. B. Strömgren (Prof. J. F. Denisse, Vicepresi-
dente). Sanliago
Comite de Policia Cientiflca: Prof. L. Biermann. Marcel Peuch, frances, vicedireclor/Chile, 31. 12. 74.
Comile de Finanzas: Sr. M. Deloz. .
Comil6 da los Programas de Observacl6n: Prof. G. Wlerick, La Silla
Comite de Inslrumenlaci6n: Prof. G. Courtes. Georges Anciaux, belga, administrador, 15. 12. 74.

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