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Recent media reports have focused attention on the issue of gender segregation on the UKs campuses, with events at UCL and the University of Leicester leading to investigations by university authorities; Student Rights event monitoring programme enables an in-depth analysis of this issue, with 180 events logged in the period March 2012 to March 2013 investigated for evidence of segregation; 46 of these events (25.5%) at 21 separate institutions were found to have either explicitly promoted segregation by gender, or implied that this would be the case, with six of these cancelled before taking place; As all 21 of these institutions have equality and diversity policies which prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender, as well as a legal responsibility to do so under the Equality Act 2010, this briefing uncovers potential failings in these duties; Institutions should therefore communicate equality and diversity responsibilities to the student body repeatedly throughout the year, and monitor events where risk of a breach exists. Institutions should also ensure that management/executive or elected positions in student societies are bound to compliance with university policies against segregation or discrimination on foundation and/or re-election.

The issue of gender segregation at UK universities has recently featured in the media, as institutions respond to an increasing number of reports claiming that women are being made to sit separately from men at various events.1 One recent example was an event held by the Islamic Society at the University of Northampton which described seating arrangements as open to both Brothers and Sisters, with segregation adhered-to.2 Student Rights has shown that in recent years this kind of forced segregation is not an isolated phenomenon.3 This briefing sets out to highlight that fact, outlining a number of events which either promote segregation directly, or allude to it indirectly through policies stated elsewhere or promotional material which provides separate contact details for men and women. Student Rights also notes that Chapter Two of the Equality Act 2010 legislates that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have a legal responsibility to ensure that they provide a work and study environment which is free from discrimination and harassment.4 In addition to this, all universities maintain equality and diversity policies affirming this responsibility. By allowing segregation on campuses, HEIs are failing in this duty.

The events included in this briefing are drawn from a total of 277 that were promoted to students or took place on campuses between the 1st March 2012 and the 31st March 2013. It should be noted that this list is not exhaustive, as Student Rights only logs events which feature speakers with a history of extreme or intolerant views, as well as those events which explicitly promote gender segregation.5 The events logged have been promoted to students at 60 different HEIs in the UK and Ireland. Of 277 events, 180 were located on a UK campus and therefore have been considered for inclusion in this briefing, with 18 of those cancelled before taking place.6 That many student societies state explicit policies of segregation for all events leads us to conclude that the true number of segregated events is likely to be higher than suggested by this briefing, as the bulk of each societys events will not have been logged. In total this briefing found that of the 180 campus events advertised, 46 (25.5%) either explicitly promoted segregation by gender, or implied that this would be the case, with six of those having been cancelled. These 46 events and the 21 institutions in which they were due to take place are briefly profiled below.

SECTION 1 - Explicitly Advertised Segregation

In these cases, segregation by gender was directly advertised by the event organisers or confirmed following questions posed by people wishing to attend. This also includes events advertised as Women only or Men only.

ASTON UNIVERSITY Three of the events logged by Student Rights confirmed that segregation by gender would be enforced. The first of these took place on 16th March 2012, was entitled The Ultimate End, and featured Zahir Mahmood7 as the speaker; It was accompanied by a comment on Facebook which declared Segregation is observed at all events..ladies at the back, men at the front of the lecture theatre & dinner prayer arrangements in different rooms.8

As a result of this policy extending to all events, all events organised by the Islamic Society at Aston University and logged by Student Rights have been included, with eight which did not advertise the segregation policy included in Section Two. The second event, also featuring Mahmood and called The Life and Achievements of Abu Bakr was organised by the As-Suffa Institute and held in Aston Universitys Great Hall on 6th October 2012; Advertised on the Facebook page of the Islamic Society, gender segregated seating was included as a feature; The same was true of the third event, From Gunman to Emaan: Malcolm X, a speech given by Abu Salahudeen9 on 20th February 2013, with the Islamic Society writing that Segregation will be observed.10

Aston Universitys Equality and Diversity Policy Statement says that: Aston University undertakes to promote equality and diversity within the University Community in all aspects of its work... The University will endeavour not to discriminate unfairly or illegally, directly or indirectly, against students or potential students, staff or potential staff.11

BRUNEL UNIVERSITY One event logged by Student Rights at Brunel advertised segregation on promotional material, though two other events not logged were listed alongside it. The position of the Islamic Society regarding segregation suggests that these events were segregated, but they are not included in this briefing as they were not logged by Student Rights at the time. On 27th November 2012 the Islamic Society held an event featuring Abu Usamah AtThahabi entitled Aisha: Mother of the Believers;12

Accompanying this was the statement All our events are always segregated to the best of our ability Inshallah.13

Brunel Universitys Equality and Diversity Statement says that: The University endeavours to ensure that all members of staff, students, visitors and applicants for employment or study are treated on the basis of their merits and abilities and that no one suffers discrimination or disadvantage regardless of their race, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex and sexual orientation.14

CARDIFF UNIVERSITY One event promoted by the Islamic Society at Cardiff University was segregated by gender, and in this case was open to women only. On 30th January 2013, Lauren Booth15 spoke at an event entitled My Journey An Evening with Lauren Booth.16

Whilst Women Only events on subjects which men have little or no experience of, such as domestic or sexual violence, would not be included in this briefing, this event was simply a converts story. In this case, having women only events strengthens the perception that gender separation in a university religious society is acceptable. Cardiff Universitys Equality and Diversity Policy declares: Cardiff University is committed to supporting, developing and promoting equality and diversity in all of its practices and activities and aims to establish an inclusive culture free from discrimination...[it] committed to eliminating discrimination and advancing equality on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief (including lack of belief), sex and sexual orientation. Furthermore, it also states that it is the responsibility of staff and students actively to encourage non-discriminatory practices and to report any incidences of behaviour that fail to comply with this policy.17

UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER In April 2013 it was reported that the University of Leicester had begun an investigation after a photograph showing separate entrances to a lecture was passed to the media.18 Featuring Hamza Tzortzis,19 the event called Does God Exist was held on the 20th February and the entrance featured signs directing men and women through different doors.20

That the Islamic Society at Leicester enforces segregation at its events is further suggested by a poster archived by Student Rights which declares Please note: In all our events, ULISoc operate a strict policy of segregated seating between males and females.21 The University of Leicesters Equal Opportunities Policy states: The University of Leicester will positively promote equality of opportunity for all current and potential students, staff and its other stakeholders. It will not discriminate unfairly on the basis of sex, pregnancy and maternity, gender, gender reassignment, disability, race, ethnic or national origin, age, sexual orientation, socio economic background, religion and belief, political beliefs, family circumstances including marriage and civil partnership and trade union membership.22 In addition, following an investigation by the Guardian, the university said that The University of Leicester does not permit enforced segregation at public events. The university will investigate whether entrances to the hall for this event were segregated by the society and will ensure there is no recurrence of this.23

LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY One event advertised by London Metropolitan University Islamic Society is included in this section of the briefing due to explicit advertisement of gender segregation on online promotional material. On 1st March 2013 the Islamic Society held an event titled Dawah of the Victorious featuring Adnan Rashid,24 which was promoted as Fully segregated.25

London Metropolitan Universitys Equality and Diversity policy states that London Metropolitan University is committed to equality of opportunity and treatment both as a provider of education and as an employer and to the production, implementation, review and monitoring of policies that promote equality for all those who study and work within the institution. It is the Universitys policy to treat all members of staff, students and applicants fairly and equitably regardless of gender, racial or cultural grounds, disability, age, marital status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, trade union activity, or any other category where discrimination cannot be reasonably justified. The University will ensure that no requirement or condition will be imposed without justification that could disadvantage individuals on any of the above grounds.26

LONDON SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY (LSBU) During the period covered by this briefing, one event was held at LSBU which can be shown to have been segregated by gender, after the organisers confirmed this on Facebook.

On 8th June 2012, an event was organised at LSBU by a group called Roadside2Islam entitled Allah Tests Those he Loves;27 Pictures of the event show a room with no women present. When questioned on this the organisers replied we have a separate room for sisters.28

The Equality and Diversity Policy at LSBU states: The University is committed to equality of opportunity both as an employer and as an educational institution and that it will create an environment which promotes equality of opportunity in education and employment that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation of any kind.29

NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY The Islamic Society at Nottingham Trent University was also found to be holding events only open to women, with one event held by the society logged due to this gender segregation. On 20th March 2013 the Islamic Society held an event entitled Why are Western Women converting to Islam?, which was advertised as WOMEN ONLY!!30

The Equality and Diversity Policy held by Nottingham Trent University states that: The University is committed to supporting, developing and promoting equality and diversity in all of its practices and aims to establish an inclusive culture, free from discrimination and based on the values of dignity and respect.31

UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH During the University of Portsmouth Islamic Societys Islamic Awareness Week, beginning on the 25th February 2013, two events were logged by Student Rights due to the speakers promoted. Whilst comments made by the Islamic Society suggest that three other events during the week were segregated, they have not been included here as they were not logged at the time. On the 25th February an event entitled Muhammad: Mercy to Mankind featuring Jalal Ibn Saeed32 took place, and was followed on the 27th February by Islam and the West: God and the Quran, which featured Hamza Tzortzis; The Islamic Society commented on promotional material on Facebook, declaring that segregation will be provided to the best of our abilities.33

The University of Portsmouths Equality and Diversity Policy Statement says that the University is committed to providing a fair, supportive and discriminatory-free environment that promotes equality of opportunity and values diversity.34


At Queen Mary University one event was held that was logged by Student Rights as it was advertised as Women only. On 22nd March an event entitled Jahannam [Hellfire] was held by the Queen Mary Islamic Society and advertised as sisters only.35

The Equal Opportunities Statement at Queen Mary University declares that the university is: committed to create and maintain a community in which all people can learn, work and interact freely without fear of discrimination, prejudice or harassment. It continues: All students and staff of Queen Mary will be treated equitably and will not be accorded less favourable treatment because of age, marital/civil partnership status, sex, disability, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, religious or political beliefs and transgender status.36

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON One event promoted to students at the University of Southampton was logged as it was both listed as Women Only and promoted via the Hizb ut-Tahrir-linked Facebook page Women against oppression Liberation through Islam.37 Held on-campus on the 13th March, the event featured student speakers and was entitled 21st Century Women What have we achieved?38

The University of Southamptons Equality and Diversity Policy states that: We are committed to providing a fair, equitable and mutually supportive learning and working environment for our students and staff...No individual will be unjustly discriminated against. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.39

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL) On 9th March an event was held at UCL at which one speaker threatened to walk out when he became aware that organisers were attempting to segregate attendees by gender. Following this, organisers the Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA) were barred from operating on campus by UCL.40 Featuring Hamza Tzortzis, the event was a debate against Professor Lawrence Krauss entitled Islam or Atheism: Which makes more sense?41

Several students reported that they had been removed from the venue after sitting in the same aisle as female attendees and claimed that IERA staff stated that UCL had accepted their facilitation of gender segregation.42

This has been strongly denied by UCL, which stated that: We do not allow enforced segregation on any grounds at meetings held on campus. We immediately made clear to the organisers that the event would be cancelled if there were any attempt to enforce such segregation...It now appears that, despite our clear instructions, attempts were made to enforce segregation at the meeting.43 UCLs Equalities and Diversity Strategy supports this position, declaring that: UCL is committed to provide a learning, working and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its members are respected, and which is free from discrimination, prejudice, intimidation and all forms of harassment including bullying.44

UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER Entry was restricted by sex to two events held at the University of Westminster in March 2013, with both advertised as Women only events. On 21st March 2013 a debate entitled Secularism vs. Islam was held by the Womens Take on Current Affairs Society (WTCA), a Hizb ut-Tahrir front group, and featured Shohana Khan as a speaker;45 When challenged by students as to why the WTCA was able to hold events segregated by gender, the Student Union Interfaith Officer allegedly claimed that the societys events were faith-based, which exempted it from equal opportunities policy;46 In addition to this, on 22nd March an event was held by the Islamic Society called The Concept of Love in Islam which was also advertised as Sisters only and was logged by Student Rights for this reason;47 When a male student from the society complained about not being able to attend, the Islamic Society highlighted that segregated events were common on campus stating weve had many brothers only events too...the information discussed in the only women talks/or notes can be put to the public after the talk...the topics at hand do not only concern women.48

The University of Westminsters Dignity and Diversity at Work and Study Policy states that: The University of Westminster is committed to creating a stimulating, supportive, inclusive and accessible learning and working environment... The University has a legal responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment.49 In addition to this, when a society is formed it must submit a registration form which includes an equal opportunities statement which reads: 9

This society complies with the Students Union Equal Opportunities Policy and does not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, colour, national or ethnic origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability, class, age, and medical status, political or religious beliefs.50



This is a statement provided to Student Rights by a number of students who attended Saturday's gender-segregated event at University College London in March 2013

A policy of sexual segregation was enforced at an event at University College London on Saturday, with the organisers security trying to physically remove members of the audience who would not comply. Seating at the event was segregated between men and women, with a small mixed space allocated for couples. Separate entrances were in place for women and men, although couples were allowed to enter via the mens door. Male attendees were refused entry via the womens door. The event Islam vs Atheism on Saturday 9th was organised by the Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA), and pitted writer Hamza Tzortzis against Professor Laurence Krauss in a debate. A policy of segregation was suggested by IERA in a statement before the event, which said: As for seating, it is according to when the ticket was booked and gender. This was raised by students with UCL, who gave assurances that no segregation would be allowed. Fiona McClement, UCL equalities and diversities adviser, said on 8th March: We have been in contact with the event organisers and made it clear that UCL will not permit enforced gender segregated seating. All attendees are free to sit wherever they feel comfortable. Sarah Guise, head of equalities and diversity, deans of students Mike Ewing (academic) and Ruth Siddall (welfare), as well as UCL gender champions Professor Mary Collins and Baroness Diana Warwick of Undercliffe, were also informed of the plans of the organisers to breach UCLs Equality and Diversity policy. Ms McClement and Rob de Bruin, co-chair of the 50:50 Gender Equality Group, said: The UCL security team will be in attendance to ensure compliance with this. If the event organisers do not comply, the event will not be permitted to go ahead. Despite these assurances, segregation was enforced on the night. At the entrance to the UCL building audience members were separated into male and female only queues by the organisers security staff. The policy of segregation was strictly enforced inside the building. Male attendees were refused entry via the womens door to the lecture theatre. When asked if the event was segregated, one of the security staff said: Its slightly segregated. READ MORE AT: _ucl_event_is_a_scandal


SECTION 2 - Implied Segregation

These events include those in which segregation is implied by the use of separate telephone numbers or email contacts for men and women wishing to book tickets, by oblique references from the society, or from pictures taken of the event. It also includes a number of events logged held by societies which have at other times declared that all events held are segregated.

ASTON UNIVERSITY Given Aston University Islamic Societys claim that all of its events are segregated by gender, all events logged in the period covered have been included in this section as it implies that segregation by gender was enforced. These were: 12/03/2012 Why I Chose Islam Yusuf Chambers;51 13/03/2012 The Quran and the Atheist World View Hamza Tzortzis; 21/03/2012 A New World Order: The Dajjal and Miseducation Abu Salahudeen; 14/11/2012 Back to the Roots Haitham Al-Haddad;52 23/01/2013 Loving the Prophet Muhammad Zahir Mahmood/Uthman Lateef;53 18/03/2013 Atheism or Islam: Which makes more sense? Hamza Tzortzis; 20/03/2013 Al-Quraan: A Timeless Guide Uthman Lateef; 22/03/2013 Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission Adnan Rashid.54

UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM An event logged by Student Rights which took place at the University of Birmingham is included in this briefing as promotional material provided different telephone numbers for men and women to buy tickets. 01/02/2013 Life of an Outlaw Roadside2Islam;55 The involvement of Roadside2Islam also increases the chances that segregation was enforced given its treatment of women at LSBU on 8th June 2012.56

The University of Birminghams Fairness and Diversity Policy states that: The University is committed to creating and maintaining inclusive learning and working environments in which all members of its community are treated fairly, where diversity is valued and discrimination challenged.57

BRUNEL UNIVERSITY Given the explicit policy of segregation declared by the Islamic Society at Brunel University for the event held on the 27th November 2012, two other events hosted by the society have been included in this briefing. These were: 12

12/03/2012 Atheism or Creationism Hamza Tzortzis; 13/03/2012 Salvation: Between Islam and Christianity Adnan Rashid.58

UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH Two events which took place at the University of Greenwich are included in this briefing as segregation was implied after both provided separate contact information for men and women on promotional material.59 09/03/2013 Dunya: Deceived or Achieved? Zahir Mahmood; 20/02/2013 The Eternal Tie Dr Khalid Fikry.60

The Equal Opportunities Statement at the University of Greenwich states that it will take steps to actively discourage discriminatory behaviour or practice. It also: Aims to create an environment in which students and staff are selected and treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential, regardless of sex.61

KINGSTON UNIVERSITY One event held at Kingston University is included in this briefing after Facebook comments made by the Islamic Society on promotional material for the event suggested that segregation by gender would be enforced. 08/11/2012 Excellent Moral Character Dr Khalid Fikry; On being asked Anyone knows more about the speaker? Plus, are these segregated?, the Islamic Society replied Please find more information about the speaker in the event we created and rest assured regarding anything else.62

This apparent assurance that segregation will be enforced would likely contravene Goal 3 of the universitys Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy, which aims to aims to create an inclusive environment which facilitates and promotes belonging and respect for staff, students and the wider community.63

UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER A second university at which an explicit policy of gender segregation was declared by the Islamic Society, this brief also includes all events logged that were hosted by the society in the period covered. These were: 11/05/2012 Moths to a Flame Zahir Mahmood; 18/02/2013 Islam: The Misunderstood Religion Saleem Chagtai;64 19/03/2013 Who was Jesus Adnan Rashid; 21/03/2013 Is Sharia the Solution to the World's Problems? Hamza Tzortzis.65



Another event at which separate telephone numbers were provided for men and women looking to book tickets took place at the University of Roehampton. 18/05/2012 The Final Hour Haitham Al-Haddad/Dr Khalid Fikry.66

The Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy at the University of Roehampton declares that the institution has a commitment to eliminating discrimination and promoting diversity and equality of opportunity in its practices, policies and procedures.

It also states that:

The University is committed to providing a culture and environment in which its students, staff and others...are treated fairly and are not discriminated against without lawful cause, on the basis of race, religion or belief; gender (including gender reassignment); marital/civil partnership status; sex; sexual orientation; disability; age; parental, pregnancy or maternity status; social or economic group.67

SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES (SOAS) SOAS also saw two on-campus events which provided gender-specific telephone numbers for attendees.68 Organised by off-campus group Al-Buruj Press, this organisation has explicitly advertised segregated seating at off-campus events.69 09/06/2012 Unity through diversity - Muhammad Ibn Adam Al-Kawthari;70 07/07/2012 Divine Inspiration: Journey through the Quran - Sulaiman Ghani.71

The Equality and Diversity Policy at SOAS states that is essential that equality of opportunity and the absence of unfair discrimination be at the core of all the Schools activities. It also declares that SOAS: ...will not unfairly discriminate in the recruitment or general treatment of staff or students on the basis of race, colour, ethnicity, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, marital status, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age or any other factor.72

UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX On 14th December 2012 the University of Sussex hosted the Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) Winter Conference, which featured guest speakers including Azad Ali.73 Whilst gender segregation was not advertised, pictures of the event later shared by the group show men grouped at the front and women at the back of the lecture hall, implying that segregation may have been enforced.74 14/12/2012 FOSIS Winter Conference Multiple speakers.75


The University of Sussex has an Equality and Diversity Policy which declares that it will: ...ensure that people are treated solely on the basis of their abilities and potential, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, trade union membership or non-membership, socio-economic background, or any other inappropriate distinction. It also states that the University of Sussex will: ...promote and sustain an inclusive and supportive study and work environment which affirms the equal and fair treatment of individuals in fulfilling their potential and does not afford unfair privilege to any individual or group.76

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Two events held at the UCL School of Pharmacy also featured promotional material with separate contact details for men and women, whilst a further event attended by Student Rights appeared to be segregated by gender. 24/10/2012 Is Life just a Game? Hamza Tzortzis; Attended by Student Rights and featured different entrances for men and women; not included in the statistics of this briefing as no evidence was archived at the time; 13/02/2013 The Born Identity Uthman Lateef; 20/02/2013 Guidance on Earth Jalal Ibn Saeed.77

Previously an independent college, the School of Pharmacy merged with UCL in January 2012,78 but is treated as a separate institution in this briefing as it maintains its own student societies.79 As part of UCL it remains subject to the same Equality and Diversity policies listed above.80


SECTION 3 - Cancelled events

Six of the 18 events which were promoted to students and later cancelled due to concerns over the speaker, improper room booking or threats from far-right activists, also either advertised or implied segregation.81 These were: 22/03/2012 Marriage in Islam Assim Al-Hakeem82 (SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY). This event was publicised with separate contact details for men and women; o Sheffield Hallams Equality and Diversity policy says that it is committed to developing an inclusive culture in which there is a high quality, vibrant and fair learning experience for all;83 o In 2010 the university also introduced a Gender Equality Scheme, stating that the embedding of gender equality throughout the University will ensure that policies, procedures, practice, and behaviours are all conducive to achieving equality for men, women; and transgender men and women;84 28/03/2012 Love for your Lord Assim Al-Hakeem (UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON). Separate telephone numbers and email addresses for men and women were included on promotional material; o The Equality and Diversity Policy Statement at UEL states that the university is committed to ensuring that all students, both actual and potential, enjoy equality of opportunity and are free from any experiences of any form of discrimination whether direct, indirect or through victimisation;85 o UELs Gender Equality Scheme also aims to demonstrate a commitment to promote equality of opportunity between men and women;86 30/03/2012 Silent Tears Uthman Lateef/Haitham Al-Haddad (LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY). Before being cancelled, this event was advertised as FULLY SEGREGATED by London Metropolitan University Islamic Society; 15/03/2013 Malcolm X: The Legacy Lives On Khalid Yasin87 (UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON). Organised by off-campus organisation Al-Fitrah, this event was advertised as featuring segregated seating; 21/03/2013 No Topic Announced Hamza Tzortzis (BRUNEL). Whilst this event was not promoted as segregated, given the explicit policy of segregation declared by the Islamic Society at Brunel University for the event held on the 27th November 2012 it has been included in this briefing; 29/03/2013 Freedom of Expression Abdullah Al-Andalusi (QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY). Whilst Al-Andalusi is not an extremist speaker, this event organised by the Young Muslim Organisation (YMO) was logged by Student Rights as it was cancelled by Queen Mary after being advertised as Brothers only.88


The fact that such a large percentage of the events logged by Student Rights during this time period either explicitly advertised events as segregated by gender or implied that this would be the case underlines claims that events highlighted are not isolated incidents but rather form a part of a wider, discriminatory trend on UK university campuses. From an examination of the relevant institutions equality and diversity policies it is also clear that such events are contrary to the ethos of challenging discrimination mandated, and suggests that HEIs may be failing in their responsibilities under the 2010 Equality Act. Student Rights recommends that universities across the United Kingdom communicate their respective equality and diversity policies to the student body repeatedly throughout the year and monitor events such as the ones outlined above, especially with regard to the repeat speakers mentioned, to ensure that discriminatory policies are not in place at events. Student Rights further recommends that university and student union authorities require signatories from each student society upon founding and/or replacement of management/executive or elected positions in which representatives of the society are bound to compliance with university policies against segregation or discrimination.

About Student Rights

Student Rights is a non-profit, non-partisan group dedicated to supporting equality, democracy and freedom from extremism on university campuses. The organisation was founded in June 2009 in reaction to increasing extremism on campuses and the reported marginalisation of various student groups on campuses country-wide. Student Rights is committed to monitoring campus activities around the United Kingdom and highlighting areas of discrimination, extremism or where universities and their representatives are failing to uphold their commitments to students. Student Rights has tackled Islamist extremism, far-right extremism, pro-life extremism, Christian extremism, UK University funding arrangement and more. The organisation remains dedicated to the pursuit of morality, fairness, equality and democratic representation for students on university campuses. The advisory board of the organization consists of various Members of Parliament, journalists, academics and more.

See for further information. Contact to support our work.



1 2

See Guardian, Inquiry launched after Islamic group holds segregated lecture, available at Student Rights, Gender segregation advertised by Islamic Society at Northampton University, available at Last visited 02 May 2013 3 Student Rights, Segregation at UCL is no exception to the rule, available at Last visited 02 May 2013 4 See HM Government, Equality Act 2010, available at Last visited 08 May 2013. Part 6, Chapter 2 specifically focuses on Higher Education. 5 These are views which have been described by the Prevent Strategy as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. See HM Government, Prevent Strategy, June 2011 pg 107. Speakers are also included that have a history of promoting ideas of a Western war against Islam, rhetorical support for paramilitary violence in Israel, intolerance of non-believers or the obligation of Islam as a socio-political system for governance. 6 Those events cancelled which advertised or implied gender segregation are included in an appendix at the end of this briefing 7 Mahmood has expressed support for Hamas and driven communal division. See Mahmood, Z, European Depictions of the Prophet, available at and YouTube, Zahir Mahmood Hamas are freedom fighters, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 8 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 9 Abu Salahudeen has given several speeches which incite hatred and fear of the West, as well as anti-Semitism. See Student Rights, February event at Aston University features Abu Salahudeen, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 10 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 11 Aston University, Equality and Diversity Policy Statement, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 12 Abu Usamah At-Thahabi has expressed hatred of unbelievers, support for the death penalty for apostasy and homosexuality and extreme misogyny. See Centre for Social Cohesion, Radical Islam on UK Campuses, 2010, pp 7-8 13 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 14 Brunel University, Equality and Diversity Statement, available at diversity/equality-and-diversity-statement Last visited 08 May 2013 15 Lauren Booth is a patron of CagePrisoners, whose director Asim Qureshi has stated we know that it is incumbent upon all of us to support the jihad of our brothers and sisters in these countries when they are facing the oppression of the West. She has defended Gilad Atzmon, accused of Holocaust revisionism, and in 2012 referred to a bomb attack on a bus in Tel-Aviv as a false flag. See CagePrisoners, Pakistans moment of truth: A CagePrisoners report on the anti-Drone march, available at work/opinion-editorial/item/5150-cage-prisoners-report-pakistan%E2%80%99s-moment-of-truth, Centre for Social Cohesion, Radical Islam on UK Campuses, 2010, pp 7-8, Lauren Booth, Jewishness, scare tactics and a sense of humour, available at http://lauren-, Hope not Hate, Rewriting history: Holocaust revisionism today pp 82-3, available at and The Commentator, The Madness of Lauren Booth, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 16 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 17 Cardiff University, Equality and Diversity Policy, October 2010, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 18 Guardian, Inquiry launched after Islamic group holds segregated lecture, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 19 Tzortzis has supported the death penalty for apostasy, the criminalisation of homosexuality and rejects freedom of speech. See YouTube, Secularism basis refuted and proof of Quran P2, available at! , Tzortzis, H, Homosexuality is not unnatural but is it a crime?, available at and YouTube, Hamza Tzortzis on the MSS (10 of 12) beheading is painless, available at Last visited 15 April 2013 20 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 21 All material archived by Student Rights. This poster has since been removed from Facebook by the Islamic Society. 22 University of Leicester, Equal Opportunities Policy, March 2012 pg 5, available at unit/Equalities%20Documents/EO%20Policy_v5_Final_Mar12.pdf Last visited 08 May 2013 23 Guardian, Inquiry launched after Islamic group holds segregated lecture, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 24 Adnan Rashid is a senior member of IERA alongside Hamza Tzortzis, and supports the implementation of religious socio-political governance. See IERA, The People, available at and Facebook, Hittin Institute, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 25 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 26 London Metropolitan University, Equality and Diversity, available at procedures/equality-and-diversity.cfm Last visited 09 May 2013 27 Roadside2Islam has posted support for the death penalty for apostasy and forbidden inter-confessional marriage on its website. Screenshots archived by Student Rights. 28 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 29 London South Bank University, Our Equality and Diversity Policy, available at Last visited 09 May 2013


30 31

Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights Nottingham Trent University, Equality and Diversity Policy, December 2010 pg 4, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 32 Jalal Ibn Saeed has disparaged other religions in his sermons in the past. See YouTube, Final Destination, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 33 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 34 University of Portsmouth, Equality and Diversity Policy Statement, May 2011 pg 3, available at,13937,en. pdf Last visited 09 May 2013 35 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 36 Queen Mary University, Equal Opportunities Statement, January 2011, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 37 Facebook, Women against oppression Liberation through Islam, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 38 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 39 University of Southampton, Equality and Diversity Policy, available at block/UsefulDownloads_Download/07427BC50B80446F914A636354E98286/Equality%20and%20Diversity%20Policy.pdf Last visited 09 May 2013 40 Guardian, UCL bans Islamic group from campus in row over segregated seating, available at Last visited 02 May 2013 41 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 42 Student Rights, Student Voice: Sexual segregation at UCL event is a scandal, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 43 UCL, IERA event at UCL on 9 March, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 44 UCL, UCL Equalities and Diversity Strategy 2011-2014, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 45 Khan is the Deputy Womens Media Representative for Hizb ut-Tahrir. See Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, Sexual oppression the world over, available at Last visited 22 March 2013 46 Email correspondence between students and Student Rights 47 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 48 Screenshots of all online activity archived by Student Rights 49 University of Westminster, Dignity and diversity at work and study policy, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 50 University of Westminster Student Union, Society Registration Form, available at society/ 51 Yusuf Chambers has expressed homophobic views, including support for the idea that Islam mandates death for homosexuals. See OnlyIslam.Net, Ramadhaan: A Date with Dr Zakir, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 52 Haddad has expressed homophobia and misogyny, justified the death penalty for apostates, and claims he is a victim of a smear campaign conducted by the British Zionist lobby. See Islam21C, Standing up against homosexuality and LGBTs, available at, YouTube, Haitham Al-Haddad Domestic Violence, available at and Dr Haitham Al-Haddad Press Conference in Norway, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 53 Uthman Lateef is frequently promoted to students, and has espoused homophobia and communal division, warning against a democratic Islam...the redefined, repackaged Islam. See Student Rights, Campus Extremism in 2012 outlined, available at and Centre for Social Cohesion, Radical Islam on UK Campuses, 2010, pp 11-12 54 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 55 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 56 See page 7 57 University of Birmingham, Fairness and Diversity Policy, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 58 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 59 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 60 Dr Fikry is a virulently anti-Shia speaker who has defended the imprisoned cleric Omar Abdul Rahman and attacked the detention of al- Qaeda operatives/associates Abu Hamza Al-Masri, Khalid Al-Fawwaz and Abu Qatada. See YouTube, Agenda of the Shia by Sheikh Khalid Al- Fikri, available at , British Muslim Prisoners Belmarsh Iftar, available at and Sheikh Omer Abdul Rahman is more than all of this, available at r+khalid+fikry+jews&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a Last visited 07 May 2013 61 University of Greenwich, Equal Opportunities Statement, available at statement Last visited 09 May 2013 62 Screenshots of all events and activity archived by Student Rights 63 Kingston University, Our strategy for equality, diversity and inclusion 2012-2016, pg 3, available at Last visited 09 May 2013



Chagtai is a senior figure at IERA alongside Tzortzis, Rashid and Chambers. See IERA, The People, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 65 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 66 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 67 University of Roehampton, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy, page 3, available at Information/Diversity-and-Equal-Opportunities/ Last visited 09 May 2013 68 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 69 See Al-Buruj Press, Burma is bleeding: Where are you oh Muslims, available at and The Honoured ones, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 70 Al-Kawthari has expressed misogynist views, and also suggested that jihad could be an obligation. See Darul Iftaa, Can a wife refuse her husbands call to bed?, available at and, When does jihad become a fard?, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 71 Sulaiman Ghani is the Imam at Tooting Islamic Centre and has expressed sectarian attitudes towards Ahmadi Muslims. See YouTube, Beware Deception of the Qadiani Ahmadiyya Cult, available at and Wimbledon Guardian, Tooting election race infected by anti-Ahmadiyya hate campaign, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 72 SOAS, Equality and Diversity Policy, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 73 Azad Ali has praised Hamas and lost a libel case in 2010 after he sued newspapers which reported that his writing appeared to justify the killing of British soldiers. See Huffington Post UK, FOSIS must do more to demonstrate its rejection of extremist narratives, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 74 See Facebook, FOSIS Winter Conference, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 75 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 76 University of Sussex, Equality and Diversity, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 77 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights 78 UCL, School of Pharmacy merges with UCL, available at merged Last visited 07 May 2013 79 Facebook, SOP ISOC, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 80 See page 9 81 See Student Rights, London Met stands up to extremism, available at, Homophobic hate preacher to speak at Hertfordshire University, available at d_ and Reading University cancels events after violent threats, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 82 Al-Hakeem states that homosexuality is an illness, that apostasy is punishable by death, and that it is not permissible for women to refuse their husbands intercourse. See Assim Al-Hakeem, How can I deal with this problem of homosexual, available at, Q&A Apostasy, available at and My husband libido is too high, available at Last visited 07 May 2013 83 Sheffield Hallam University, Equality and Diversity, available at Last visited 09 May 2013 84 Sheffield Hallam University, Gender Equality Scheme 2010-13, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 85 University of East London, Equality and Diversity Policy Statement, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 86 University of East London, Gender Equality Scheme, available at Last visited 08 May 2013 87 Yasin has claimed that homosexuality is punishable by death and has preached religious intolerance, repeatedly using the word kaffir in a derogatory manner. See YouTube, Khalid Yasin the penalty for homosexuality is death, available at and Centre for Social Cohesion, Radical Islam on UK Campuses, 2010, pg 18 Last visited 07 May 2013 88 Screenshots of all events archived by Student Rights


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