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America Rising PAC Releases GreenTech FOIA Documents

Arlington, VA Today, America Rising PAC released a series of documents obtained through Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) for information pertaining to Terry McAuliffes failed electric car company GreenTech. This report, highlighting some never before released documents, details the embarrassing dealings between Terry McAuliffe and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. They expose a fraught relationship between a VEDP that is highly skeptical of GreenTechs viability, and a company paying lip service to job creation in Virginia while planning to build a plant in Mississippi. McAuliffe has claimed his business experience in companies like GreenTech is examples of how he will grow jobs in Virginia. In 2009, GreenTech Automotive, an electric car company founded by McAuliffe was trying to obtain economic incentives from the VEDP to locate a new manufacturing site in Virginia. Throughout the due diligen ce process, VEDP became skeptical of GreenTechs business model and continued asking questions. After months of work and while VEDP was still debating the project, GreenTech announced a new car plant in Mississippi. In December 2012, after his secretive resignation from GreenTech, Terry McAuliffe claimed VEDP decided they didnt want to bid on GreenTech, when in reality GreenTech had not answered VEDP's mounting questions. Since then, further investigative reports have turned GreenTech into a problem for McAuliffe. These documents demonstrate: McAuliffe was a key player at GreenTech at the time the company decided to build its plant in Mississippi instead of Virginia. VEDP officials were completely unaware when GreenTech announced its plant in Mississippi. VEDP was thoroughly unconvinced that GreenTechs executive management had the experience or plan to create a successful car manufacturing base in Virginia. It now seems VEDPs concerns have become reality in Mississippi. VEDP was skeptical of GreenTechs plan to use the EB-5 Visa program as a funding source, calling it a visa-for sale scheme. VEDP questioned if GreenTech could raise enough money via the EB-5 visa and whether GreenTechs plan even met EB-5 rules. VEPDs officials questioned whether GreenTechs financing plan would create a significant conflict of interest and said GreenTechs scheme could give the Commonwealth a black eye.

Visit America Rising PACs Scribd collection to see all of the documents. Please see below a collection of highlights. 1

Emails Show That Terry McAuliffe Was A Key Player In GreenTech

In an email between VEDP staff, Terry McAuliffe is identified as Chairman of GreenTech.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. In response to an email from GreenTech CEO Charles Wang, Terry McAuliffe decided on ProjectGo Clean Green as the codename for the GreenTech project.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. 2

Terry McAuliffe met with Tim Kaine, Bob McDonnell and Kaines Secretary Of Commerce and Trade Patrick Gottschalk on locating the manufacturing facility in Virginia.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

GreenTech and VEDP scheduled a site visit for McAuliffe to visit a potential factory site in Sussex, VA.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

As McAuliffe was falsely claiming VEDP didnt attempt to bid on the project, his Deputy Campaign Manager and former GreenTech Government Affairs official Levar Stoney tried to schedule a meeting between McAuliffe and VEDP President and CEO Martin Briley, as a way for the candidate to say Ive met with the leadership of VEDP.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

GreenTech Was Presented With A Number Of Sites Across Virginia And Had Picked Their #1 Choice
VEDP produced a map of the five sites across Virginia it believed were best for a GreenTech plant.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. On October 15, 2009, GreenTech had chosen its #1 site preference for the GCG (Go Clean Green) Project. This email was sent 9 days after GreenTech made public its intention to build a plant in Tunica, MS.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. 6

VEDP Officials Were Caught Off Guard By GreenTechs Announcement Of A Plant In Mississippi
Emails show that VEDP werent aware that GreenTech would be announcing its plant in Mississippi, learning of the announcement through news reports. After the announcement, GreenTech still went ahead with site visits in Virginia.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. 7

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

VEDP Was Highly Skeptical Of GreenTechs Main Funding Source, The EB-5 Visa Program
GreenTech executives were pressing VEDP to approve and create an EB-5 visa regional center for Virginia, which would allow for foreign investors to direct their money to GreenTech. The Company was relying on the EB-5 program as a main source of capital.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

VEPDs officials questioned whether GreenTechs financing plan met the rules for the EB -5 program and said GreenTechs scheme could give the Commonwealth a black eye. Officials were concerned that a tie between GreenTech and its EB-5 regional center would cause a conflict of interest, having the principals of GreenTech benefiting financially from both the EB-5 regional center and from GreenTech.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


To see the full document and its collection click HERE. A VEDP official questioned whether GreenTech decided to put its plant in Mississippi solely because the company could access EB-5 funding.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


VEDP didnt want to stake Virginias reputation on GreenTechs plan for the EB-5 program, labeling the plan a visa-for-sale scheme and hoping that President Obama would kill program entirely.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. 12

Politics Surrounded The GreenTech Project In A Number Of Ways

According to emails, McAuliffe wanted the factory to be in Virginia for political reasons.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. Early on in the process, VEDPs Director Of International Trade and Investment Paul Grossman emailed that it was unclear whether GreenTech was a legitimate project, but the company was being considered because of involvement from Terry McAuliffe, Bill Clinton and Tim Kaine.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


According To VEDP Documents, GreenTech Was Pursuing Department Of Energy Funding From The Same Program That Loaned Money To Fisker
During a meeting with GreenTech, VEDP noted that GreenTech was considering Department of Energy funding.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE. GreenTech was considering applying for a DOE grant through the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Program, the same program that gave $529 million to Fisker Automotive.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


An email from VEDP Executive Director Jeffrey Anderson to VEDP staff said that GreenTech was preparing an application package for the Department of Energy.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


VEDP Questioned Whether GreenTech Could Even Accomplish Creating A Successful Car Firm
VEDP had grave doubts regarding the business plan that GreenTech presente d to it. VEDP questioned GreenTechs ability to raise the necessary capital, as well as the lack of experience among GreenTechs executives in running a car company. VEDP noted a number of practical concerns as well, such as lack of approval of the GreenTech vehicle, lack of competitiveness and no distribution network. VEDPs Transportation Team Leader Mike Lehmkuhler even predicted that GreenTech would not meet its forecasted sales totals by September 2012 or beyond.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


To see the full document and its collection click HERE.

To see the full document and its collection click HERE.


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