Prabhupada, The Truth About Tirtha & Sridhara Maharaj

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Welcome to our program on envy.

When one chants or discusses the transcendental activities of the Lord, he immediately becomes non-envious. In this material world everyone is envious of everyone else, but by vibrating or discussing the holy name of the Lord, one becomes non-envious and devoid of material hankering. Because of our envy for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we have become envious of all other living entities. When we are no longer envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there will be real peace, unity and fraternity in human society rmad-Bhgavatam 4.30.36

To envy another is to feel ill will, jealousy, or discontent at the persons possession of something that one keenly desires to have or achieve for oneself. Websters Dictionary In electronically researching Srila Prabhupadas body of work, his books, letters, conversations, and lectures, it was interesting to find that the word envy appears over two thousand times. Primarily envy is used to describe pseudo devotees, who have not purified themselves by the devotional process as directed by Rupa Goswami.

Once in 1974 in Calcutta when I sitting alone with Srila Prabhupada in his room, I asked how long does it take to become Krishna conscious. Srila Prabhupada replied that at least one lifetime is required, although he also quoted examples from Srimad Bhagavatam and Chaitanya Charitamrita of great personalities who became delivered instantaneously, such as Jagai and Madhai and Ajamila. Srila Prabhupada further explained that deliverance is dependent upon purity of heart and sincerity. If one chants Hare Krishna, and a change of heart does not take place, Srila Prabhupada explained, there is little use of chanting.

As Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu declared in his vital teachings, one can chant the holy name only with a humble state of mind. I have witnessed so much discord and politics in our society of devotees and conclude that the cause is envy due to impure heart. When harmony, love, trust, and cooperation prevail, it is understood that these are the fruits of pure Krishna consciousness. Such a state of pure devotional service is achieved by fully surrendering to guru and to Krishna. = Gargamuni dasa

Prabhupda: That was the policy of Mdhava Mahrja and rdhara Mahrja, that Although Bhaktivedanta Swami is propagating throughout, he is subordinate to us, under our instruction.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- January 19, 1976, Mypur

Prabhupda: Even rdhara Mahrja says that This pthivte che yata nagardi grma, we simply thought that it is an ideal, but you have practically done this. He admits that.
====== REF. Morning Walks -- January 22-23, 1976, Mypura

Prabhupda: Yes. You have joined together to defeat me. Why dont you preach jointly? What do you want? That I shall also join and we shall jointly preach. Do this. You are divided amongst yourselves, and you have joined together to defeat me. rdhara Mahrja is the leader. Tamla Ka: Of that group. Prabhupda: Mdhava Mahrja also Tamla Ka: Mdhava Mahrja is. Prabhupda: For the last forty years theyre fighting in the courts. They indirectly wanted me also to join them. He has got money.
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If he joins, then our monetary, financial help will be there. That is their... Tamla Ka: rdhara Mahrja. I remember a letter they wrote you in Los Angeles in 1969. You replied them, Yes, I will join, but since I have preached in eleven-twelfths of the world, eleven of my men will be representatives, and you can put one. Prabhupda: (laughing) Yes. Yes, according to the area, my representatives are there.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- April 22, 1977, Bombay

So if you are actually serious to take instructions from a siksa guru, I can refer you to one who is most highly competent of all my god-brothers. This is B.R. Sridhara Maharaja, whom I consider to be even my siksa guru, so what to speak of the benefit that you can have from his association.
====== REF. Letter to: Hrsikesa -- Los Angeles 31 January, 1969

I perceived a kind (?) for a moment, and he impressed so much, Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, that it was, it continued. Then in 1928, when there was Kumbhamel... Mahrja, when you joined Gauya Maha? rdhara Maharaja: Twenty-seven. Prabhupda: Twenty-seven. That means... rdhara Maharaja: (in background, indistinct) Prabhupda: So 1928 there was a Kumbha-mel, I think. And during that Kumbha-mel, Trtha Maharaja with a party came to my shop, Prayg pharmacy, all of a sudden, and I thought, Oh, these are the people I saw, Gauya Maha. Yes. So, I was so glad. So Trtha Maharaja asked me that We are come new here.
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We are going to establish a temple in Allahabad. We have heard your name, so we have come to you. Please help us. Yes, I will help you. So in this way I contributed, my attending physician contributed, and some other friends. In this way we became friends, and Trtha Maharaja, old Trtha Maharaja had first meeting in my house at Allahabad, with I think the Sarvesva (?) brahmacr and Dhra Ka brahmacr... rdhara Maharaja: (indistinct) Maharaja and (indistinct) Maharaja.
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Prabhupda: Yes, yes. So, my father was Vaiava, but when I invited these Gauya Maha sdhus, my father thought that I have invited some sdhus of the Ramakrishna Mission. So he was not very interested. When Trtha Maharaja is speaking, I call my... My father was that time invalid, I called him that Please come down, there is a meeting of the Gauya Maha sdhus. So, he could not resist my request, he came down, but he did not think that some devotees have come. They thought, these Ramakrishna Mission rascals have come. (laughter) So he was not very happy, but I told, he was sitting.
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He, so the meeting he just criticized. Then when he heard the speech of our old Trtha Maharaja, our old Godbrother, he understood, Oh, they are Vaiavas. Then immediately after the meeting, he came down on his feet. I misunderstood you sir, that you are the Ramakrishna Mission sdhu. I am so glad to meet you. So that is the beginning of my intimate relationship with Gauya Maha. And they are coming, and whenever somebody would come, I would invite them to lecture in my house. In that way rdhara Maharaja,
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at that time Ravendra-sundara (?) Bhacrya, he was also invited at my house, and before (indistinct)... No, I think I invited Bhrat Maharaja, and you were with Bhrat Maharaja. rdhara Maharaja: Yes. Prabhupda: Yes. So in this way my connection became developed with Gauya Maha. Then, gradually the process began, hariye tad-dhana anai. (chuckles) I wanted to become very big businessman and there was good opportunity. I was very nicely associated with the chemical industry of India. Dr. Boses laboratory,
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Bengal Chemical, V.K. Farr (?), and all of them, they liked my business organization. Then I started big laboratory in Lucknow. So that was golden days, but gradually everything becomes (indistinct). And at last, my Allahabad business was lost. It was not lost on account of some, my debts, I had to hand it over to Dr. Kartik Chandra Bose because I was his agent. So I had some debts, so I tell the, All right, you take this business. In this way, that Prayg Pharmacy was lost. So I was not going to,
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I was sitting at home, but this Jaya Raghava (?) Maharaja, at that time Sarvesva (?) brahmacr and Atulananda brahmacr, they used to come to take their subscription, and they were requesting that Why dont you come to our maha? Why dont you come to our maha? You are now free. So, I used to visit their temple. That was not far away from my house... rdhara Maharaja: In Mahratta (?). Prabhupda: Mahratta (?), yes. Then the intimate relationship with Gauya Maha grew. In this way, I think in 1933, yes, the Sir
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Malcolm Haley came to lay down the foundation stone of Allahabad Maha. Maharaja, I think you remember, yes? rdhara Maharaja: Yes, we were coming from Vndvana parikrama. Prabhupda: Yes, parikrama. And the parikrama, that is also another incident that... I, I was not initiated at that time, but I had very good admiration for these Gauya Maha people, and before, before 1933 I met rdhara Maharaja and other devotees, old Trtha Maharaja. So they were kind to me. Now, the parikrama, I thought, What these people are doing in this parikrama? Let me go.
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So I met them in Kosi. Parvata Maharaja, you may remember, and all people were going to see some Sesasayi. rdhara Maharaja: (indistinct) Prabhupda: Yes, so at that time Vinode Bhai, later on Keava Maharaja, he informed that Prabhupda is going to Mathur tomorrow morning and he will speak Hari-kath this evening. Anyone who wants to remain may remain or otherwise they may prepare to go to see eay. So at that time, I think only ten or twelve men remained. Out of them rdhara Maharaja was one of them, and I thought it wise, What shall I see, this eay?
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Let me hear. Prabhupda will speak, let me hear. So Prabhupda marked that this boy... rdhara Maharaja: (indistinct) to listen to him (indistinct). Prabhupda: He, because hes a vaikuha person who could understand that this boy is eager to hear, so he very much appreciated. So when we came back to Allahabad, so Ganea Babu, he introduced me, that Here is a nice devotee. So Prabhupda immediately replied, Yes, I have marked him. He does not go away, he hears. This (indistinct), Yes, I will accept him as disciple.
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Then I was initiated. In this way our relationship with Gauya Maha developed, and gradually as it developed, the other side diminished. Then, there are long history, it will take time, but I had the opportunity of associating with His Holiness. For several years I had the opportunity. Ka and Prabhupda liked it to prepare me. rdhara Maharaja lived as a... rdhara Maharaja: (indistinct) Prabhupda: (laughs) my house, some may say, a few years, so naturally we had very intimate talks and he was my good adviser. I took his advice, his instruction very seriously,
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because from the very beginning I know hes a pure Vaiava and devotee, and I wanted to associate with him, and try to help him also in so many ways. He also tried to help me, so our relationship is very intimate. After the breakdown of the Gauya Maha, I wanted to organize another organization, making rdhara Maharaja head. And I wanted to mix... At that time Gosvm Maharaja, one of my friends house at Sealdah... rdhara Maharaja, you may remember those things. I wanted to organize in so many ways, but somehow or other...
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rdhara Maharaja: I had one house in Station Road belonging to Naren Mullik. (indistinct) very small (indistinct). Prabhupda: Yes, yes, he wanted to rent us only for ninety rupees. I told him, You just give me the concession. He, at that time he was getting 125, but because I am his friend, All right, Ill give you, ninety rupees. So that could not happen somehow or other. So I was trying from the very beginning after the disappearance of Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat. rdhara Maharaja: First appearance of Back to Godhead (indistinct).
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Prabhupda: Yes, 1944. I think you were at that time at my house. Yes. So, somehow or other, this intention for preaching the cult of Caitanya Mahprabhu increased and the other side decreased. Viraktir anyatra syt. But I was not disinclined, but Ka forced me that you must give up. (chuckles) And these thing is known better to rdhara Maharaja, how it decreased, decreased, decreased, then almost it become nil, and then I left home in 1950. Whatever was there, All right, you do whatever you like.
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In 1954, four years I remained as vnaprastha, (indistinct) four years, from 1950 to 1959. rdhara Maharaja: In the mean time, Bombay. Bombay light. Prabhupda: Bombay light, yes. Bombay light, that is during my householder life. I opened an office in Bombay for my business and... The (indistinct) Gauya Maha was established by us. I am one of them. rdhara Maharaja also. And we made two parties for begging, collecting alms. rdhara Maharaja, myself and Gosvm Maharaja. That time he was Atula, Atulacandra Gosvm. So I took them to some of my friends, chemist friends, doctors friends.
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So I collected about five hundred rupees to this. rdhara Maharaja would speak, I introduced, and Gosvm, at that time Gosvm Maharaja would canvass (laughter). In this way three combined together, in one day or two days we... At that time five hundred rupees was (laughing) big amount. rdhara Maharaja: Big sum. Prabhupda: Big sum, yes. So Gosvm Maharaja very much appreciated, and he began to speak highly about me that Abhay Babu is so expert, he has got so many friends, he has collected so many... So why does he... He should be the Maha incharge.
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In this way. Why should he not live with us? Why hes living separately? In this way. So Prabhupda, Maharaja, rdhara may remember it (laughing), he said, It is better to live separately from you people, and he will do the necessity in due course of time. So I could not understand what rla Prabhupda meant by that. So his inclination, blessings, were always upon me although (indistinct), but he was so kind. rdhara Maharaja: (indistinct) collecting sufficient funds to come back (indistinct). Prabhupda:
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Yes, he was afraid. rdhara Maharaja: He asked you. Prabhupda: Prabhupda gave me some money, that he is afraid, You keep this money. When they need you can... So, by guru Vaiava, and whatever position I have got it is by gurus mercy and the Vaiavas blessings, otherwise I am insignificant. So I wish that rdhara Maharaja may bestow his blessings as he was doing always, and my Guru Maharaja may help me. I can give some service (?). rdhara Maharaja: (indistinct) Prabhupda: Yes, I thought that (indistinct) Guru Maharaja wanted and these Gauya Math people did not do anything,
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so let me try in this old age. The inspiration came, and I went. By his grace it has become little successful, thats all. I have no credit. It is all the blessings of guru and Vaiava, thats all. I have no credit. I do not know how things are happening, because I am not at all bona fide position. But it is truly chiy vaiava-sev nistra pyeche keb. rdhara Maharaja: Are you going (indistinct) kindly talk with your men (?).
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Prabhupda: Yes. Hare Ka. rdhara Maharaja: That will be (indistinct) to us, the land of gold and Golden Avatara (indistinct). Prabhupda: I am always (indistinct) to this, my American disciples that you are so much, I mean to say, taken care by God (?), this is... Your position is very good. Now you take to Ka Consciousness, and you become a perfect nation. That I preach always. By the grace of Ka, you have got everything. All material opulence. Now make it plus Ka. Then it will be very nice. LakmNryaa. So, these boys are trying, very sincerely and seriously, and I hope, even I do not live many more years, they will carry out this order.

Prabhupda: That Trtha Mahrja. His name is Kunja Vihari Sar. So that was boiling in everyones heart. So as soon as Guru Mahrja passed away, so that burst out. And the whole plan was how to get out this Kunja Babu. Tamla Ka: Not how to preach. Prabhupda: No. This was the cause of breakdown. This was suppressed by Guru Mahrja under his influence, but the rebellious was there during his lifetime. And it burst into... Therefore he advised that You make a governing body and Kunja Babu should be allowed to remain manager. This was directly spoken. He never asked anybody to become crya.
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He asked that You form a governing body of twelve men and go on preaching, and Kunja Babu may be allowed to remain manager during his lifetime. He never said that Kunja Babu should be crya. None, none of them were advised by Guru Mahrja to become crya. His idea was Let them manage; then whoever will be actual qualified for becoming crya, they will elect. Why I should enforce upon them? That was his plan. Let them manage by strong governing body, as it is going on. Then crya will come by his qualifications. But they wanted that... Because at heart, they were, After demise of Guru, I shall become crya.
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I shall become crya. So all the cryas began fight. One side, that Vsudeva crya and Sar Kunja Babu crya. And Paramnanda, he thought that Whoever will be powerful, I shall join them. (laughing) He only thought. But Guru Mahrja never asked that these three men should be trustees. He wanted governing body. So the rebellion broke out immediately after his passing away. And then fight in the High Court. And Kunja Babu, he is very intelligent man. So from the very beginning he knew that There will be fight after the demise of Guru Mahrja. So fight will be in the High Court. So at the expense of Guru Mahrja,
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let my brother and sons become attorneys and barrister so I will have not to pay all these things. It was a planned thing. And that is being done. He was a clerk, it was not in his power to make his brother and sons attorneys and barristers. They were all made at the cost of Gauya Maha to fight with (indistinct) in favor of Trtha Mahrja. These were the planned things. But I was a rotten ghastha. I did not join any one of them. (Prabhupda laughs) I was rotting in my household life. Thats all. But I was planning how to make, how to make this. That was my desire from the very beginning, since I heard it. But I was never with them, either this party or that party.
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And Guru Mahrja also recommended, apnader tasturi tublia thaki bhavan. Takhona (?). When there will be need, he will do himself. There is no need of living with you. It is better to live apart from you. When I was recommended by Goswami Mahrja to live in the Maha, that He is so nice. Sometimes he recommended. In Bombay, here in this Bombay. That house. Yes. He (Guru Mahrja) said Yes, he is very expert. He can do. So it is better to live apart from you. And he will do everything when there is need. He said. I could not understand. Although I was apart from them, a ghastha. In this Bombay I was doing business.?
====== REF. Room Conversation with Banker -- September 21, 1973, Bombay

Prabhupda: You have yet to see what is temple. Temple will be constructed. This is not temple. I wanted to stay in the dharmal of Trtha Mahrja, to construct the temple. I requested him that Some of my men will stay in the dharmal. He refused. Then how can I construct temple? Therefore I have first constructed residential quarters. And unless my men live here, how can I construct temple? So this is residential quarter. This is not the temple. The temple has yet to be done. So suppose we have no regularly constructed temple, do you think we shall give up worship of the Lord?
====== REF. Morning Walk -- March 9, 1974, Mypura

Prabhupda: My Godbrother saysTrtha Mahrjathat American government has given me two crores of rupees. They are supposed to be spiritually advanced, and they are so rascal. And he is the head of Caitanya Matha. Ka said, yoga-kema vahmy aham: [Bg. 9.22] I take the responsibility of his expenditure. Ka says, and they are preaching Ka consciousness, and they are thinking, American government is doing, not Ka. Such fools and rascals, they are head of..., a spiritual head. Karms, jns everyone is envious of our... And they are trying to speculate how to admit: Where he gets money? Where he gets money?
====== REF. Morning Walk -- August 6, 1975, Detroit

Prabhupda: And then others things will be there. Hare Ka. Trtha Mahrja, for the last fifty years, he did not do anything. Now he is afraid. You know Ka dsa Bbj? Bhgavata: In Vndvana. Prabhupda: Yes. He approached me that You just have a big hall in the Yogapha. I immediately accepted, that Yes, if you give us the charge we can spend immediately ten lakhs. So rdhara Mahrja has said that If it is gone to Swami Mahrja, then there will be no trace of Trtha Mahrja. Therefore he is trying for that. So I think we shall have, according to our original plan,
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the temple, and in that temple we shall display all these dolls: Here is Vaikuhaloka, here is this loka, this loka, this loka. That will be... [break] ...we make some arrangement for exhibition of our books very nicely. Gopla Ka: Theyre going to have booths in mypur. Prabhupda: Yes. That Trtha Mahrja will not be able to show. Gopla Ka: Never. Prabhupda: He has no capacity.
====== REF. Morning Walk -- November 7, 1975, Bombay

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Bhavnanda: It starts off in big print, cryadeva Tridandi Swami rla Bhaktivilsa Trtha Mahrja. All learned men are aware that in the dark days of India when the Hindu religion was in great danger... Prabhupda: (laughs) This is nonsense. Bhavnanda: ...our Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu was born at r Mypura, destined to remove the dark clouds which had overshadowed true religious thinking by traveling alone on foot throughout the length and breadth of India. Preaching His gospel of love, He brought about a religious upheaval which put an end to all religious conflicts and suicidal vissiferous(?) tendencies.
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The benign influence of His love philosophy made the whole of India a spiritually united cultural domain. Soul-enrapturing krtana music was organized from one end of the country to another. A neohumanism based on love regarded as the highest objective of human existence held sway. The difference between man and man was forgotten, and the fundamental unity of human nature and human destiny was stressed upon. But in the early nineteenth century, true religion was at a very low ebb due to lack of proper publicity of literature and also for want of great cryas to propagate the cults in their true aspect.
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It was a dark period for the Caitanya or Gauya Vaiavism when it fell from its highest transcendentalism to the lowest possible degradation because of so many abuses and evil practices which crept into it through plenty of pseudo-followers. Vaiavism was almost abandoned by the educated section of people. Its literature was hardly read. Krtana was looked upon not as a form of prayer but as a means of gratification by people of loose morals. Most of the Vaiava followers of the period lost their high standard of morality, their loving aestheticism, their intellectual superiority and devotional fervor,
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which were the main characteristics of the previous masters. The influx of Western ideas came in, and English educated people fell into the hands of Christians. Fortunately, at that time, we got a great Vaiava savant and scholar, hkura Kedrantha Bhaktivinoda, who wrote widely and successfully created an interest among the educated public in Vaiava religion and literature. His discovery of rdhma Mypura, the birthplace of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, which was so long hidden from the public eye, gave a new impetus to its propagation. The age of Gauya Vaiavism set in.
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Thereafter, rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Gosvm hkura took hold of Gauya Vaiavism with a vow to propagate it in its true perspective, even as it was practiced with unparalleled and unprecedented transcendentalism by r Rpa and r Santana Gosvms, followers of r Caitanya. In proper time, he got a great personality who readily shouldered the... Prabhupda: Just see now. He got a great personality. He is that personality. Hell also prove that. Bhavnanda: ...who shouldered the burden of the mighty mission of rla Sarasvat hkura.
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That great personality is President cryadeva, his holiness r rmad Bhaktivilsa... Prabhupda: But you... Jaya morena apne morol.(?) This great personality, why he is not accepted by other disciples? How he became a great personality? Tamla Ka: Yes. If one proclaims himself to be the king and no one... Prabhupda: No one accepts him. Tamla Ka: What kind of king? Prabhupda: That is called in Bengali, jaya mane apna morol.(?) Morol means the leader of the society, of the village.
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Here there are morol. So in the village nobody cares for him, and he declares that I am morol. Tamla Ka: That person is insane. Prabhupda: Nobody cares for him, and he is thinking that great personality. Where is his greatness? Who knows him? Just see. So he is making a plan to declare himself a great personality. Bhavnanda: It goes on to explain why he is such a great personality. Prabhupda: So why explain? If he is great personality, everyone should know. Why he is trying to explain? What is the use of explanation?
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If a great personality is unknown, and he has to be known by explanatory notes, then how he is great personality? Bhavnanda: Just like the President of the United States. He doesnt have to say, I am the President. Everyone knows. Prabhupda: Yes. Go on reading. Bhavnanda: ...Trtha Mahrja, who was then known as gurupreha, most dear to his guru, and also known to the disciples of rla Sarasvat hkura as Kujada, giver of shelter. In all the missionary works and the management of the mahas, rla Bhaktivilsa Trtha Gosvm Mahrja was the right hand of his Gurudeva.
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By his constant, unstinted service rendered to rla Prabhupda, whose most intimate disciple he was, he almost became a counterpart of that great saint. Tamla Ka: Oh. This is not... Counterpart. Jumping... Trying to equal... Prabhupda: So those who are not accepting him, so they are all fools. Tamla Ka: This is very bad, Prabhupda. It says he wanted to be... He almost became counterpart. That means he is trying to become equal or superior to guru. Prabhupda: Superior. Bhavnanda: In this first sentence, superior, that Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat,
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his whole mission was dependent upon this great personality, Trtha Mahrja. Not that Bhaktisiddhnta was a great personality, but that the great personality is Trtha Mahrja. Prabhupda: He has written like that? Bhavnanda: He said, In proper time he got a great personality who readily shouldered the burden of the mighty mission of Sarasvat hkura. Thats implying that he is the one responsible. Prabhupda: He says... his impression is like that. Then? Bhavnanda: In all preaching work,
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everybody felt the sober but encouraging hand of rla Bhaktivilsa Trtha Gosvm Mahrja. rla Prabhupda never did anything without consulting him first or without his consent. So all the desires for future work of Prabhupda rla Sarasvat... Prabhupda: He does not mention his name. He says... All right, go. His sannys name is... All right. Then? Bhavnanda: All the desires for future work of rla Prabhupda Sarasvat hkura used to come to the present cryadeva as an impulse first, which he translated into action at once.
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In spite of a hundred hindrances from so-called religionists with a vision of a future worldwide mission, rla Prabhupda established r Caitanya Maha at r Mypura, the birthplace of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, on the Phlguna Prim day, the seventh March, 1918, which was a redletter day in the history of theistic religious revival in this age. He started a countrywide movement to carry the message of r Caitanya Mahprabhu to every door. In a hectic manner within a couple of years he preached Gauya Vaiavism throughout India and sent disciples to England,
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Germany, and other parts of Europe and Burma to preach the message of r Caitanya and establish sixtyfour branches under the name of r Gauya Maha throughout India and abroad, and a vast literature flowed through his versatile pen. The large number of publications in different languages and the vigorous missionary activities and door-to-door preaching by the sannyss and brahmacrs of the Maha, who held meetings in the remotest villages, duly spread r Caitanyas teachings, which today are followed in every part of India. His songs are sung in chorus and a great interest is created among the intelligentsia of India.
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After having become the president of the institution... In this last paragraph, all of these activities of rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, there is no mention of his name. His whole mission, there is actually no mention of his name, that he is the one who has done it. After having become the president of the institution, rla Bhaktivilsa Trtha Gosvm Mahrja has been traveling throughout India and Pakistan preaching the devotional cult of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, and he has come in contact with many savants of present India who are all struck with reverent admiration for his deep knowledge of philosophy.
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Dr. Rdhkamal Mukherjee, vice chancellor of Lucknow University, remarks, There is no more distinguished and erudite interpreter of r Caitanyas Vaiava thought than His Holiness rla Bhaktivilsa Trtha Gosvm Mahrja. Prabhupda: And what is Rdhkamal Mukherjee? Bhavnanda: He has been a prolific writer and commentator and has traveled and discoursed widely in different parts of India. His profound illuminative discourses have everywhere created a genuine interest in Vaiava philosophy and in the dynamic religious movement he represents.
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There may not be any doubt among the well-informed people that the r Caitanya Maha, with its branches, r Gauya Mahas, throughout India and abroad, have been propagating the greatest religion, which, from a realistic point of view, has helped to build up a true civilization. Today, due to the activities of r Caitanya Maha, a spiritual thirst has been created, especially among the deepthinking and educated people of the world, for people from all over the world are coming to this institution to learn and follow the great religion of r Caitanya Mahprabhu and to understand the practical Indian way of life.
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Today the headquarter extends over a mile, with beautiful temples, yet standing in an atmosphere of absorbing silence of meditation and worship, surrounded on all sides by emerald green paddy fields and the Ganges flowing hard by, far from the madding crowds strife and strain. Mypura is now an enchanted place, the abode of peace. The atmosphere of the place is charming. The chanting of the holy name of Hari all day and night takes one to a celestial place. Tamla Ka: We dont hear the chanting from their maha all day and night. Bhavnanda: No, its only from here. It is more heavenly than heaven itself.
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It is the sacred Vndvana of Bengal, hallowed by the dancing steps of the Lord, and its air is purified by His noble call to prayer. Whoever pays a visit to her will leave her with regret, and those who have not yet visited the place will carry their regrets unto death. Prabhupda: So he is making some propaganda that he is the... Tamla Ka: Yes, just like in the woods the jackal is always crying that he is the king, but who cares for him? What is his qualification? Prabhupda: So do we require to...? There is no use. Tamla Ka: No, our answer is all of these books. Prabhupda: Thats all.
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Tamla Ka: Our answer is twenty-four-hour krtana, prasdam distribution... Prabhupda: And you keep it very carefully in the file. Tamla Ka: We should answer him by our preaching, by our vigorous preaching. Bhavnanda: Many people must be asking him, What about this ISKCON maha? Thats why he is... Its driving him mad. Tamla Ka: Hes speaking against us all the time. He never says anything good about us. Prabhupda: No, he is very envious about us.
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Tamla Ka: But I think now he must have come to the conclusion that there is no way to stop us, so he is thinking how he can... I have a hunch he is thinking how he can become connected in some way to get some benefit. Thats why he is sending this man, this maha commander. Because he sees now there is no way he can stop us, so he is thinking, How can I connect somehow with them? Because they have so much money and theyre going to be doing so many big things, I must establish a connection with them. Prabhupda: So he wants to establish connection with us and...
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Tamla Ka: Yes, I think so. Prabhupda: And describe that he has... Just like Mdhava Mahrja also attempted. This is the attempt. So what we have to do in this connection? Let them do whatever nonsense they want. We shall do our own business. And we have no business to propagate that we are making... People already know us all over the world. So... But suppose if he makes an attempt to mix with us so that he can take advantage, his main policy is that we may go there. That is his... Because if we do not go, then all their propaganda makes him not very important if we go there..., if we do not go there.
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Tamla Ka: Why does he depend upon our going there to become important? Prabhupda: Because he is visualizing that by our propaganda throughout the whole world, people will come here. That he has already seen. And if we do not go there, then he becomes insignificant. Tamla Ka: If we dont means if anyone from all over the world who comes... Prabhupda: Yes, naturally. Bhavnanda: People are attracted by the Westerners coming to the maha. So if were up at that maha, any of us, and then they say, Just see. They say in Bengali, Just see. They are coming. To see our guru mahrja, they are coming.
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Prabhupda: That was the policy of Mdhava Mahrja and rdhara Mahrja, that Although Bhaktivedanta Swami is propagating throughout, he is subordinate to us, under our instruction. So all these three... Tamla Ka: A real dream world they are living in. Bhavnanda: Here they have even included our temple in their domain. The headquarters extends for over a mile with beautiful temples and paddy fields. When we put up our wall, then they will not be able to include us. (laughter) Tamla Ka: The point is that no matter how much they press for any kind of mixing, our first point is:
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You come here and visit us. And hell never do that. Never do that. And we should not... We already invited him twice, so we dont have to give any more invitation. We should simply say verbally, Let Trtha Mahrja come here as we have come so many times. Then we can speak about some kind of cooperation. Prabhupda: Yes. Bhavnanda: I remember, rla... You walked there. Prabhupda: Yes. Bhavnanda: From here you walked all the way... Tamla Ka: Twice Prabhupda has visited and personally requested, and he wont come here. And now... The thing is now he might say,
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If you give it to me in writing, I will come, but well say, We have already personally come. Our spiritual master has come twice personally, and now you have to simply come. The invitation is already given. Now Trtha Mahrja should come here. Hell never do that. Bhavnanda: Hell never come. Tamla Ka: Right. So then that way we dont have to cooperate. Prabhupda: So this paper you keep, because these rascals they may create some trouble. Tamla Ka: What kind of trouble? Prabhupda: Trouble like this, just like he was detained.
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Tamla Ka: What was that? Bhavnanda: When I had that... Prabhupda: They can file some complaint inducing something. Bhavnanda: rla Prabhupda, it was very interesting. Last night that complaint, my lawyer was this man who was sitting right here last night, this old man, Nandulal? He was my lawyer. Prabhupda: cch. Bhavnanda: And he is the one who asked me, Who is behind this case? He asked me when we brought him from Krishnanagar. Because he is considered the best lawyer in Nadia, so we brought him in, and as we were leaving, after the first time I appeared, he said, There is someone... This man is a farmer, laborer.
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Who has put him up to this? There is someone behind this. So he asked me, Was it rdhara? Someone of the Gauya Maha is behind this. But he came last night with them, this lawyer, old man, he came with them. So they were definitely the ones behind it. Prabhupda: Hm? Bhavnanda: They were definitely the ones behind that case. They somehow got their hands on that man and had him bring charges, even though the whole thing was dropped. Prabhupda: Who was behind them?
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Bhavnanda: Well, this man, he mentioned rdhara Mahrjas name. He said, Some Gauya Maha person. Prabhupda: Hes a very good lawyer. Bhavnanda: Yes. Hes retired, but hes the most respected lawyer in Nadia. So he mentioned. Prabhupda: So he was in our side. Bhavnanda: Yes. So he had mentioned, Someone from the Gauya Maha. He said, You have many enemies. This man would not have thought of this kind of thing, to do this kind of thing. Someone had to... Prabhupda: Who?
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Bhavnanda: When I had to go to court to appear for having kidnapped that woman and her son, that I was holding the woman and her son by forcethe husband placed chargesso this lawyer said, That... He was a simple man, a little crazy. He wouldnt have done it or had the money to do it. Someone with some more intelligence, higher intelligence, is behind him, goading him on, telling him what to do. He asked who did I think it was? He mentioned Gauya Maha, and he asked for any, did I know any particular personalities. I said, No. He said, What about rdhara Swami?
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Someone. Prabhupda: So if rdhara Swami was behind... Maybe. There is no... Bhavnanda: The point is that they can make so much trouble like that. Tamla Ka: Small troubles. Bhavnanda: Yes, little harassment. Then I even... Of course, I dont know. I even question... Just like that Lalit Bose, that whole incident which Jayapatk told you about. Who knows? She is so influenced by... She is big, so-called Vaiava, and known in so many circles in Bengal. Who is influencing her? You know? Anyway, we simply stay on our land and develop our program. He is going mad.
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Prabhupda: Hm? Bhavnanda: He is becoming mad. Prabhupda: Who? Bhavnanda: Trtha Mahrja. Prabhupda: (laughs) How? Bhavnanda: Well, the more he hears. Because he gets so many reports. So many people are coming here, and no one is going there. Even... Tamla Ka: His mentality is becoming like Kasa, I think. At every moment he is thinking, This Prabhupda... Prabhupda: So who...? Somebody inquired him that What is this called? So many people are coming. Huh?
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Bhavnanda: Yes. Tamla Ka: He knows no one is coming there. Not very many more people are coming there than are here. Because most of the people come here... Prabhupda: That they are realizing, that We are becoming insignificant gradually. That they are realizing. Tamla Ka: No one goes to Mdhava Mahrjas maha at all. The only maha that they still visit is that r Caitanya Maha. And they have no money, so that place is becoming so dilapidated that no one is going there either. And theres no life there. Theres no young people.
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There are no... Prabhupda: No, how they can? They cannot feed them. Tamla Ka: We were speaking this morning, Bhavnanda Mahrja and myself that, we were wondering if we could make like... You know, so many people come here to eat prasdam. On the weekends, at least two to three thousand people come. So we were wondering whether it would be proper to make some kind of propaganda that If anyone wants to enroll their children here, their young boys in our gurukula, that they can... Prabhupda: So a similar counterpart leaflet you should, that
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International Society for Krishna Consciousness, world organization, established by His Divine Grace, and anyone can come here and take foodstuff. We have got arrangement, like this. In suitable words you write and issue another pamphlet. Tamla Ka: Bengali. Prabhupda: In Bengali and in English. Which may not touch there, but we write in our own way that By the order of his guru he went to America. Then he... Thats a fact. What is the fact, that should be written. Give the list of the books and so on, so on. Tamla Ka: List of the temples. Prabhupda: Yes, temples. And He is the crya of the present Gauyasampradya.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- January 19, 1976, Mypur

Prabhupda: Daily night. And he was shocked. One of my Gauya Maha Godbrothers, big, he became the head of this Bhag Bazaar Gauya Maha. So his wife was debauched, and she was bringing new paramour, and the child protested. Pua Ka: New? Prabhupda: Paramour. And the boy, he was ten years or twelve years old, he could understand: Who is this man? So he protested and said, I shall tell all these things to my father. And he was killed. Pua Ka: The boy was killed? Prabhupda: By the mother. Hari-auri: She murdered him? Prabhupda: Yes. Killed means given poison.
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And the father, that is, my Godbrother, seeing this, he also took poison. This is the end of Gauya Maha scandal. He was also one of the trustees. This Trtha Mahrja was a trustee, and another Godbrother and this man. In the beginning, they were made trustees. In the beginning, Prabhupda was to undergo surgical operation. So he was a little nervous, that I may die. So he made a scrap paper, that In case I die, these three disciples will be trustees of the Gauya Maha Institute. Thats all. So this Kuja Bbu kept this. There are many long histories.
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So one of the so-called trustees was this Vsudeva. So he died, his end was like this. Pua Ka: His son was killed, isnt it? Prabhupda: His wife was a regular prostitute, and she killed her child, and on this shock, he took poison and died. Pua Ka: He killed himself, oh. Prabhupda: Naturally, he became shocked, that This is my family lifethe wife is prostitute and son is killed. What is the value of my life? This was his spiritual realization. Just see. (laughs) And he was made the chief, and one of the supporter was rdhara Mahrja.
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Pua Ka: Vsudeva rdhara? Prabhupda: No, no. He was made chief. Guru Mahrja did not make him chief. But after his passing away, some of our Godbrothers voted him chief. Pua Ka: Am I mis...? You had told me once, Im not certain. Maybe I made a mistake. You said that Vsudeva, it was known fact that he was homosex? Prabhupda: Yes. Pua Ka: Vsudeva. Prabhupda: He was homosex and sex, everything. Morning Walk Conversation -June 20, 1976, Toronto 760620mw.tor

Prabhupda: No fighting spirit. hkura dekhiya (indistinct). Just make a Deity, show. Our Trtha Mahrja is doing that. His whole idea was, that I have now captured the birthplace of Caitanya Mahprabhu by high court favor. Now I have got everything. People will come and theyll pay something, and that will be my income for my family. As the caste gosvms do in Navadvpa and other... A means of livelihood. He has no devotion. He wanted as a means of income. Like the Vndvana gosvms, Navadvpa gosvms do. Little devotion, automatically, there is. They are, after all, worshiping the Deity. But their purpose is different.
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Just like we have established Rdh-Vndvanacandra not that people will come and pay something. Who will come here, in this foreign country or in this secluded place? So our aim is to make the devotees real devotees. Not for earning money. When we establish a center in a place like this, where is the idea of getting money? (laughs) Who will come here? One, it is a foreign country, nobody knows what is Ka. And one has to come with so great difficulty, on the mountain. And who is coming to pay for it? After spending so much money, they will come here to pay? Our process is that wherever we stay, we worship Ka. As far as possible.
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That we are doing. Not for earning money but spending money. Now Trtha Mahrja is seeing that without getting Caitanya Mahprabhus birthsite, Swami Mahrja, he is attracting lakhs of people. Without the favor of high court, he is attracting. That is his envy.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- July 2, 1976, New Vrindaban

Prabhupda: Bluffer? Our Trtha Mahrjas Caitanya Research Institute. Here is an Indian Institute for... What is that? Bon Mahrjas? Institute for Indian Culture and Philosophy. But where is your book? You have seen that Trtha Mahrjas one book? The Vednta as Caitanya Has Seen, like that. And he has given a picture of himself with effulgence on his head. You have seen that? Gargamuni: No, I have not seen that one. In all the mandiras where his picture is there, they have all the cryas pictures, but only his picture has the effulgence. Prabhupda: Such a rascal. He has given Prabhupdas picture, no effulgence. His picture, effulgence. Hes such a rascal. Publicly hes showing.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- August 21, 1976, Hyderabad

And this is regrettable because they are posing themselves as Vaiava. Ordinary man can do that, but they are dressing like Vaiava, and they are so envious. That Trtha Mahrja, unnecessarily he was envious, whole life fighting, fighting, fighting in the court and died. Simply planning.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- January 8, 1977, Bombay

Prabhupda: Trtha Mahrja was planning to exchange that property with a Calcutta Muhammadan, that he would give him that property, and this Muhammadan would give him this property, his property. I checked it. I approached the donor, the Bali-hatti(?) zamindar, that You donated this temple and it is going to be in the hands of Muhammadan. Do you like it? So he said, No, I dont like it. I said, Make it inquiry. He inquired, and he immediately wrote Trtha Mahrja that You are contemplating. This we do not approve. We are the donor. So Trtha Mahrja replied him that It is no more in the hands of the donor.
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I am the trustee. Whatever I like, I can do. Gargamuni: Ruthless. Prabhupda: Then he... There was very strong correspondence, and Trtha Mahrja could not dare to do it. Otherwise he arranged like that, to give the temple to a Muhammadan and accept a Calcutta property which belonged to the Muhammadan. Gargamuni: So when he could not do that, he just left it. Prabhupda: Yes. He had no spiritual idea. Simply he wanted to exploit the property. Thats all. Gargamuni: So maybe we can save that place. Prabhupda: Yes. If we can do, it will be a great service.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- January 19, 1977, Bhubaneswar

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I am the trustee. Whatever I like, I can do. Gargamuni: Ruthless. Prabhupda: Then he... There was very strong correspondence, and Trtha Mahrja could not dare to do it. Otherwise he arranged like that, to give the temple to a Muhammadan and accept a Calcutta property which belonged to the Muhammadan. Gargamuni: So when he could not do that, he just left it. Prabhupda: Yes. He had no spiritual idea. Simply he wanted to exploit the property. Thats all. Gargamuni: So maybe we can save that place. Prabhupda: Yes. If we can do, it will be a great service.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- January 19, 1977, Bhubaneswar

Prabhupda: The political was Ramakrishna Mission and Trtha Mahrja. Tamla Ka: Really? Ramakrishna Mission. Envious. Even though theyre not near here, still they can understand how prominent we would become. Prabhupda: We have already become more than, more important than. Tamla Ka: Trtha Mahrjas brother is active now? Prabhupda: What...? Rejected. I think of them, dead. They may think themselves that they very full of life, but I think they are dead. What is the use of fighting with the dead body? Dead horse and what is the use of whipping?
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A dead horse will rise up by whipping? Tamla Ka: Yeah, Beating the dead horse. Theres a saying. Prabhupda: I think all of them are dead. Hari-auri: Yes, theyre not doing anything. Theyve retired. They built their own little place, and now theyre retired. Prabhupda: There is no activity throughout the whole world, er, whole year. Only they come during the festival. Tamla Ka: They use this festival as a means of collecting money... Prabhupda: Thats it. Tamla Ka: ...for the rest of the year.
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Prabhupda: Thats it. That they actually do. With this festival, they collect. Whatever they collect, they spend twenty-five percent for the festival, and seventy-five percent they keep it for eating whole year. This is their business. Thats a fact, they admit it. And they have no other source. Hari-auri: Theyre not very well supported now either. Prabhupda: Who knows them? Why they will be support it? My Guru Mahrja used to, (Bengali): A pandemonium of eating and sleeping.
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Joint mess. Joint mess, just without any Deity, nobody will pay. Therefore... Not for preaching. So make this program immediately. Bring huge quantity of books and distribute. And see that books are not wasted, not stolen, neglected. This is our life and soul property. Jaya. (end) Room Conversation -February 17, 1977, Mypura 770217rc.may

Prabhupda: He cannot make any comment. These are facts. Two parties there were. One party, to use guru as their instrument for self-aggrandizement, and another party left guru. So both of them are offenders. This Kunja Babu, this Trtha Mahrjas party, he wanted to enjoy senses through guru. And the Bagh Bazaar party, they left. Tamla Ka: Vsudeva. Prabhupda: So both of them are severe offenders. Tamla Ka: What about rdhara Mahrja? Prabhupda: rdhara Mahrja belonged to the Bagh Bazaar party.
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And I was living aloof. My Guru Mahrja approved. He said, It is better that he is aloof from them. Tamla Ka: He could understand that his disciples were not... Prabhupda: No, he was very sorry. At the last stage he was disgusted.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- April 22, 1977, Bombay

Prabhupda: He knew that. What is the use? Trtha Mahrjas defense was that. These people... They were fighting with Trtha Mahrja in the court that Trtha Mahrja was not good. Trtha Mahrjas only defense was All right, you want to combine to make a guru. All right, why dont you combine yourself for preaching? Tamla Ka: What was his defense? Prabhupda: That You want to work jointly, so why you do not work jointly? You are jointly working to harass me. Why not preach jointly? Tamla Ka: What was their reply?
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Prabhupda: that paper he wrote, In case I die, these three men will be trustees, and the majority will be effective. So that scrap of paper, Trtha Mahrja kept it. And later on, Guru Mahrja wanted to make a constitution, but he avoided. But actually after his demise, that scrap of paper was presented in the high court, and property was given. That is the... Tamla Ka: Thats... It was considered as a will. Prabhupda: Yes. Tamla Ka: No need of big, formal document. Prabhupda: He is the original founder.
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Automatically he wins. Thats all. Tamla Ka: He recovered from that hernia operation. Prabhupda: (laughs) No, and later on, he did not undergo sur... He thought then doctor... After all, everyone has got sentiment. He thought it that The doctor has been called to kill me. So he did not undergo the hernia operation. Tamla Ka: He thought the doctor was paid off to kill him. Prabhupda: Yes. Tamla Ka: Cause sometimes people were paid off to kill him. Prabhupda: So he did not go.
====== REF. Discussions -- May 20-22, 1977, Vndvana

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Automatically he wins. Thats all. Tamla Ka: He recovered from that hernia operation. Prabhupda: (laughs) No, and later on, he did not undergo sur... He thought then doctor... After all, everyone has got sentiment. He thought it that The doctor has been called to kill me. So he did not undergo the hernia operation. Tamla Ka: He thought the doctor was paid off to kill him. Prabhupda: Yes. Tamla Ka: Cause sometimes people were paid off to kill him. Prabhupda: So he did not go.
====== REF. Discussions -- May 20-22, 1977, Vndvana

Prabhupda: That Some way or other, were keeping some position. And if Samvit kicked him out, then where is his position? That is another problem. This Rdh-Govinda Mahrja, what he can do if hes driven away? In this age he cannot have his own institution. And in this age where hell go? They are... These politicians, these old men, they cannot do now. So give them some false position, that You are president, crya. They will not rebel at least. And as soon as they do something against them, We shall drive away: No, you cannot be president. Another president. Thats all. They had no love for him, neither he has any love for them.
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It is simply official. This Samvit dsa one, Samvit, also not very intelligent. Trtha Mahrjas son, he wants to keep the property in his name and utilize it for his personal... That way... Preaching and preaching and..., they dont care for. And you said that there is some, still some strength amongst themselves. Jayapatk: Yes, theres some... Some amongst them are trying to get the Govinda and other to be strong, to withstand them, but I dont think they have that strength. Prabhupda: No. Jayapatk: Theres some undercurrent in there.
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Prabhupda: No, he can, but he has no such plan. If he imposes his power as president, he can do that. But hes afraid. He cannot make any disciples... That is... Jayapatk: Saman Mahrja. As crya, I think he makes disciple. He cannot any administrative... Administrative is Govinda Mahrja. Something like that. Prabhupda: That means both of them are being conducted by higher authority -May 29, 1977, Vndvana 770529r2.vrn

Regarding Bhakti Puri, Tirtha Maharaja, they are my Godbrothers and should be shown respect. But you should not have any intimate connection with them as they have gone against the orders of my Guru Maharaja.
====== REF. Letter to: Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968

Regarding the action of Bon Maharaja: We shall discuss the matter when we meet. For the present, you may know that this gentleman is very much materially ambitious. He wants to utilize Krishna Consciousness for his material name and fame. Sometimes he greatly offended our Guru Maharaja, and it so happened that at the last stage, practically Guru Maharaja rejected him. And the result, we can find that instead of becoming a great preacher of Krishna Consciousness, this gentleman has become artificially a head of a mundane institution.
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To become a very important man in the mundane estimation is not success in Krishna Consciousness. He was first deputed by my Guru Maharaja, along with our late God Brother, Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaja, to open a missionary center in London, and they stayed there for 3 years, but didn't make any appreciable advance. Except that spent enormous money of my Guru Maharaja, and later on they were called back to India. So that is a great history; it is not possible to say everything in this letter, but for the present, be satisfied with these words, and later we shall talk more and more.
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On the whole, you may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krishna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities.
====== REF. Letter to: Janardana -- New York 26 April, 1968

Prabhupda: So our present Trtha Mahrja, Bhakti-Vilsa-Trtha Mahrja, hes representing Prabhupda. At least, he tries to pose himself. So Bon Mahrjas activities, in comparison to that, my activities certainly better. And Bon Mahrja was given so much reception. But he did not give me any reception. How he can claim to be Prabhupdas representative? rdhara Mahrja: Bon Mahrja was given reception because Prabhupda... Prabhupda: No, Prabhupda appreciated anyway. rdhara Mahrja: Anyway. Prabhupda: But here there is no appreciation.
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rdhara Mahrja: Hes representing, hes representing the mission, he thinks. He thinks so, but hes so poor in his preaching capacity that he cannot accommodate any other in his camp than him and Vinohe(?). I heard a story of Maharashtra. In old days, there was a good king who encouraged the paitas very much. And he had got in his assembly a scholar, one Balarma. He always looked after this, that. No paita can have any entrance to that Mahrja. And he professed himself to be, he is the biggest paita in the land. So once Klidsa... At the time of Klidsa. Klidsa, when he heard, then he found a plan.
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And went to that paita, that I a poor brhmaa. I want some, some sort of money from the king. You are all in... Prabhupda: Recommend. rdhara Mahrja: Please recommend me. Oh, yes. And then what sort of scholarship you have got? Do you..., can you compose any poem? Yes. I can. Then do it. Then: uttihottiha bh-rjan mukha praklaya atha, roditi na ghare kukurana vaidyuhi na vaidyo hi.(?) This stanza. What is the meaning? (laughs) The uttihottiha rjan. Oh King,... Prabhupda: Get up. rdhara Mahrja: Wake up, wake up. Get up. bh-rjan mukha praklaya atha. And...
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Prabhupda: Wash up. rdhara Mahrja: ...cleanse your mouth. Wash your mouth. And ta what is this ta? Well, keep it in your hand. Roditi na ghare kukura... The ta must come here. Roditi na ghare kukura ta mughi. That ta is placed there in advance, that ta must come here. Roditi na ghare kukura ta. But for the caa, and it has been removed there. And that one word, the place was empty. So this ta has been positioned, has been placed there. Roditi na ghare kukura. And what is this Ca vai tu ki, ca vai tu ki? No. This is ca-vai-tuki, all these letters only to pada, for pada praa.
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So this fourth pada, I could not fill up. So these four things have been placed here. ca vai tu ki, Oh, thats very good Ill put it to the king. Prabhupda: He saw it is very intelligent. rdhara Mahrja: How, how a scholar I am I! I wrote this is the specimen of other scholars. (Bengalirecites some verses) And this sort of poems was produced by him in the court. The king was charmed. This man was perplexed. So Trtha Mahrja (?) is like Balarma. And he, and he... Prabhupda: Nobody should be allowed. (laughter)
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rdhara Mahrja: And when he find man comes around him, then he will be nowhere to the... Hes, hes, hes knows one thing, that Haritaki. You know that story of Haritaki. Prabhupda: Yes. (Laughs) rdhara Mahrja: He knows this canar-dharma. (?) Prabhupda: Yes. rdhara Mahrja: Canar-dharma is everything to him, just as Haritaki to that fabulous Kavirja. (Bengali) rdhara Mahrja: And he has got one thing, I... Prabhupda: Yes. Tusarkanti (?) very much appreciates. rdhara Mahrja: Whom?
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Prabhupda: No, this canardharma. Because that Gaura Mahrja, you know. rdhara Mahrja: Yes, I know. Prabhupda: He told me that he was given... rdhara Mahrja: He wanted election of Vsudeva Prabhu, Gaura Mahrja and that Bhagavnnanda, but Paraurma. But anyhow, he escaped and he came to Trtha Mahrja, his former relative, old Trtha Mahrja, former relative. Then Trtha Mahrja told him that What about my guru? Well, if your guru on one side, another bullock in another side.
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And if you can plow and produce some crops, and that can be offered to Mahprabhu, then your guru may have a path of relish. (laughs) See what Trtha Mahrja says, This is blasphemy. No, it is true, but this is very cruel. But this is truth. Prabhupda: Yes. rdhara Mahrja: If hes presently the pakka Myvd, if hes used passively by a great man then only in that way he can come this side. Not in front walking. Not by front walking. Only by back drawing, he can be taken to this side only. It is quite true. That... So Cinmaynanda.
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Now Gaura Mahrja, he knows me better, and he, hes a paid Goswami of those Patrik persons. Prabhupda: Yes. rdhara Mahrja: And they are exploiting him. Hes exploiting them. Prabhupda: This time, in their meeting, they made me chief guest. But I did not attend. rdhara Mahrja: Thats a lower position. Prabhupda: In, in a big meeting, they made me chief guest. rdhara Mahrja: He wants to show, so that, I have got... Prabhupda: That, that... rdhara Mahrja: ... such big man.
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Prabhupda: Okrantha... rdhara Mahrja: Was president, was made president. Prabhupda: And that uh... rdhara Mahrja: And yourself, Mdhava Mahrja and Trtha Mahrja invited to be vicePresident. I heard. Prabhupda: Oh. Mdhava Mahrja went there. rdhara Mahrja: Went there. Prabhupda: Yes. He lectured. And I did not go. rdhara Mahrja: And Trtha Mahrja did not go. Prabhupda: I do not know. Trtha Mahrja did not go? Bhavnanda: They were made Vice-presidents, but rla
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Prabhupda was asked to be chief speaker. rdhara Mahrja: Once when I was in a hut here, then nandamai came to Navadvpa, and one devotee, Mano-rajana, he wanted to bring nandamai here. I refused, that I wont be able to pay any respect to her. Shes a pakka Myvd. I, I saw that she, with a cow in her back and with the flute... Prabhupda: Yes, there is a picture like that. rdhara Mahrja: Picture. So it is abhorrent. I refused that I wont, however she may be... She was not so great as she is now famous but I refused. What I need for him, for her? Hare Ka.
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Trtha Mahrja is of this type, this type. I had one Sanskrit loka devoted to Prabhupda: Gaurgaga-tae nava-braja navadvpe tu mypure r caitanyam atha praka-kamaru jvaika-kalanaudhi, r-siddhnta-sarasvatti milito gaur gurvanyai bhartur amriba prabhta gagane rpnugapjitau.(?) Siddhanthi, (Bengali) He told the composer of this poem, He has got not a place in the maha of Prabhupda. Who can praise him in such a poem, He cannot, he has no place..., Prabhupda: Place. rdhara Mahrja: ...of accommodation in his own, in the maha of Prabhupda. (Bengali)
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Adi-parihsa. What will be the English expression? Adiparihsa. Kasno... Prabhupda: Desire. rdhara Mahrja: I have got another loka. That is, that will be very effective to have a clear conception of Prabhupdas mission. Nikhilo bhuvanamayacchino vicchino karteji vivhala bahuta mukti mohan tadatri, sitiliti-vidhi rdh rdh-rdhe sdhane vilasatu dviji ta bhaktisiddhnta v. (?) Prabhupda: pnra composition. rdhara Mahrja: A clear picture of Prabhupdas mission. Visi siti mayachinna vichinna kartr. And vibudha bahula vimudhe means scholars.
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Vibudha bahula vigdha mukti mohana dart asiti... Prabhupda: The mohan. rdhara Mahrja: Eh? Prabhupda: The mukti (Bengali conversation continues with Sanskrit verses praising Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat) like this, surrounding. Like I see so many fruit trees. rdhara Mahrja: Ah, yes. Do it gradually. And the more beautiful, they will do it in their time. Prabhupda: Eh? This is very beautiful species. rutakrti: Yes, big birds and... Prabhupda: Eh?
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Devotee: Engineer was saying that if we have a big tree around the building, then it blocks the view of the building. We will make such beautiful building and no one will see it through the trees. rdhara Mahrja: What does he say? Prabhupda: If we cover with gardens, big, big trees, then the beautiful building will be covered. So therefore he wants to keep it barren. (laughter) Devotee: That is how the engineer always sees his engineering. rdhara Mahrja: You see, Vndvanam, Gauravanam, the vegetable class is not eliminated.
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They have got their part to play, and that is not to be neglected. At night... At night... Prabhupda: I think, Mahrja, after your coming here, all these trees have grown. rdhara Mahrja: Only these trees... Prabhupda: Only the mango tree I remember... rdhara Mahrja: Others have grown. At night in the forest pastimes, holding a principal part of the Ka-ll. And when pasturing the cows, then also, forest is necessary. So it will arouse in your mind the memory of Vndvana and the Gauravana.
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They have got their part to play. And what Uddhava says? (Sanskrit) I aspire after the birth of a shrub or creeper or a grass in this land because I may have chance of being, having been tread by Your, those divine damsels. Then their feet dust will be on me. So that is a necessary and important part, this vegetable kingdom. Prabhupda: Yes. rdhara Mahrja: ...of Vndvana and Gauravana. They will arouse in your mind the first real memory of Ka and His pastimes. Prabhupda: Yes. rdhara Mahrja: And help you, help you.
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Green. (Sanskrit) But real sabuja is there in Vndvana, the source of all sabuja. This sabuja will die, will be dried out. Prabhupda: Wither away. rdhara Mahrja: The source of real sabuja, kiora sabuja, constant sabuja, constant greenness, is only there, kiora. Nitya kaisore sthiti. Eh? Prabhupda: (Bengali) rdhara Mahrja: Everyone is a kiora. Kiora means youth. (Bengali) Prabhupda: Pre-youth. rdhara Mahrja: Pre-youth. Prabhupda: Pre-youthtime, kiora. rdhara Mahrja: Pre-youthtime. And there it stands. (Bengali)
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Prabhupda: Have we got bael nuts also, with our garden? Devotee: Separate. Prabhupda: Oh, separate. Yes, bael nut is separate. That police officer, Ashe(?), district magistrate... rdhara Mahrja: Was re-elected. (Bengali) ...on the real basis of this downpour of the civilized people here. (Bengali conversation for some time) Prabhupda: If you manufacture one palanquin... Palanquin. You know palanquin? Then sometimes you can carry rdhara Mahrja there. Yes. It will be great service and benefit for you. Because hes, hes very now... rdhara Mahrja: Feeble.
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Prabhupda: Feeble now. So palanquin is all right. He can be carried in palanquin. rdhara Mahrja: Hare Ka. Prabhupda: Now, this is the palanquin. rdhara Mahrja: It will be a ludicrous exhibit, sitting demonstration... Prabhupda: No, why? All aristocratic kings, they were carried by palanquin. rdhara Mahrja: Yes, it was previously. Prabhupda: And... rdhara Mahrja: Now the motor car has taken place and the more advanced... Prabhupda: Motor, motor, there is jerking. rdhara Mahrja: ...helicopter.
-July Room Conversation

Prabhupda: Simply for Ka, there is simply to understand Ka. Anything else Prabhupda: Otherwise, why does He say, You give up all this nonsense, you surrender? He does not approve, but he wanted to dance, All right, you take the facility, dance. He doesnt like that you should dance like that, but he wants. All right, you dance. You can take the facility, dance. Just like my Guru Mahrja, Trtha Mahrja wanted his property. All right, take this property. But what he is doing?
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ymasundara: Sitting there in his wheelchair. Prabhupda: You want this property, take property. All right. Hes kind, All right, this man gave me some service, he wants this property. All right, take this property. But what he has gained? ymasundara: Nothing.
====== REF. Room Conversation -- Sydney, April 2, 1972, (new98)

Prabhupda: So our present Trtha Mahrja, Bhakti-Vilsa-Trtha Mahrja, hes representing Prabhupda. At least, he tries to pose himself. So Bon Mahrjas activities, in comparison to that, my activities certainly better. And Bon Mahrja was given so much reception. But he did not give me any reception. How he can claim to be Prabhupdas representative? rdhara Mahrja: Bon Mahrja was given reception because Prabhupda... Prabhupda: No, Prabhupda appreciated anyway. rdhara Mahrja: Anyway. Prabhupda: But here there is no appreciation.
====== REF. Conversation with rdhara Mahrja -- June 27, 1973, Navadvpa

Prabhupda: That Trtha Mahrja. His name is Kunja Vihari Sar. So that was boiling in everyones heart. So as soon as Guru Mahrja passed away, so that burst out. And the whole plan was how to get out this Kunja Babu. Tamla Ka: Not how to preach. Prabhupda: No. This was the cause of breakdown. This was suppressed by Guru Mahrja under his influence, but the rebellious was there during his lifetime. And it burst into... Therefore he advised that You make a governing body and Kunja Babu should be allowed to remain manager. This was directly spoken.
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He never asked anybody to become crya. He asked that You form a governing body of twelve men and go on preaching, and Kunja Babu may be allowed to remain manager during his lifetime. He never said that Kunja Babu should be crya. None, none of them were advised by Guru Mahrja to become crya. His idea was Let them manage; then whoever will be actual qualified for becoming crya, they will elect. Why I should enforce upon them? That was his plan. Let them manage by strong governing body, as it is going on. Then crya will come by his qualifications.
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But they wanted that... Because at heart, they were, After demise of Guru, I shall become crya. I shall become crya. So all the cryas began fight. One side, that Vsudeva crya and Sar Kunja Babu crya. And Paramnanda, he thought that Whoever will be powerful, I shall join them. (laughing) He only thought. But Guru Mahrja never asked that these three men should be trustees. He wanted governing body. So the rebellion broke out immediately after his passing away. And then fight in the High Court. And Kunja Babu, he is very intelligent man.
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So from the very beginning he knew that There will be fight after the demise of Guru Mahrja. So fight will be in the High Court. So at the expense of Guru Mahrja, let my brother and sons become attorneys and barrister so I will have not to pay all these things. It was a planned thing. And that is being done. He was a clerk, it was not in his power to make his brother and sons attorneys and barristers. They were all made at the cost of Gauya Maha to fight with (indistinct) in favor of Trtha Mahrja. These were the planned things. But I was a rotten ghastha. I did not join any one of them. (Prabhupda laughs) I was rotting in my household life.
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Thats all. But I was planning how to make, how to make this. That was my desire from the very beginning, since I heard it. But I was never with them, either this party or that party. And Guru Mahrja also recommended, apnader tasturi tublia thaki bhavan. Takhona (?). When there will be need, he will do himself. There is no need of living with you. It is better to live apart from you. When I was recommended by Goswami Mahrja to live in the Maha, that He is so nice. Sometimes he recommended.
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In Bombay, here in this Bombay. That house. Yes. He (Guru Mahrja) said Yes, he is very expert. He can do. So it is better to live apart from you. And he will do everything when there is need. He said. I could not understand. Although I was apart from them, a ghastha. In this Bombay I was doing business. (people talking outside)
====== REF. Room Conversation with Banker -- September 21, 1973, Bombay

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