State Street - Library Mall Public Meeting Presentation 042313

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Public Information Meeting g #1

April 23, 2013

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Project j Site

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Project j Information
Project Website: Facebook: Ci of City f Madison, M di Wi Wisconsin i G Government Twitter: @cityofmadison Project Email Updates: Chris Petykowski, P.E., Engineering Bill Fruhling, AICP, Planning Gary Brown, G B PLA, PLA FASLA, FASLA UW-Madison UW M di J Jason DiPiazza, P.E., MSA
April 23, 2013 State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall 3

Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of f State S Street S

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of f State S Street S

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Project j Team Introductions

City of Madison Engineering & Planning

UW-Madison Facilities Planning & Management

State Street Design Oversight Committee

MSA P Professional f i l Services S i

Ken Saiki Design


Jill Sebastian

Zebradog Studio


April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Project j Schedule

Stakeholder Input p
Apr May

Preliminary Design
Jun Jul Aug

Final Design
Sep Oct Nov

Construction Documents g Process and Bidding

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Jun Jul Aug Sep



April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Wisconsin Historical Society Mayor & Alderpersons Food Vendors

General Public

State Street 700-800 Block & Library Mall

City Agencies & Emergency g cy Responders

Businesses & Business Associations

UW Staff & Students

Religious & Campus Centers

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of f State S Street S

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
Lower Campus Added (1891)
Uses included:
Athletic g g Social gathering Political

Historical Society Opens (1900)

Library Mall concept introduced and included:
Gravel, , diagonal g paths p A large circular, gravel space in the center Controversy over Library Mall design begins

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
Simonds Campus Master Plan Introduced (1906)
Simonds Arched Roadway Installed in front of State Historical Society (Early 1900s) Preserved open space including Library Mall

Hagenah Plan for Murray Mall and Lower Campus Introduced (1945)
Plan anchored Library Mall with Historical Society and Memorial Library 1950 1900 2000 2013 2016


April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
Quonset Huts Installed (1946)
Accommodated increased post-war population Eliminated d athletic c use s of o Library Mall

Memorial Library Opens (1953)

Controversy continues as plans for Library Mall move f forward d

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
Current Library Mall Design installed (1955), followed by Hagenah Memorial Fountain and Vegetation V g (1958) ( )
Incorporated design components from previous plans dating back to 1900

700-800 Blocks of State Street are Closed for Trial Testing (1971-72), followed by Permanent Closure and Pedestrian Mall installation in 1975
1850 1900 1950 2000 2013 2016

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
East Campus Mall Master Plan is updated (1996)
Proposed removal of Hagenah Fountain

East Campus Mall (formerly Murray Mall) Master Plan is updated (2004)
Hagenah Fountain is retained Construction of the piece starts first p (Regent to Dayton)

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

East Campus p Mall

University Square (2008) University Club/Chazen (2012)

Regent to Dayton (2004)

1850 1900 1950

Gordon Commons (2013)

2013 2000 2016

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

East Campus p Mall

Memorial Union & Alumni Park (2015)

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

Library Mall (?)

1950 2000 2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of fS State S Street

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Historical Timeline

D Pl Doty Plat of f 1836

J h N John Nolens l 1911 Ci City Pl Plan

200 Block Bl k 1913

400 Block 1929 1850 1900

April 23, 2013

200-300 Blocks 1935 1950 2000 2013 2016


State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline

200 Block 1939

200 Block 1950s 1850 1900

April 23, 2013

800 Block 1940s 1950 2000 2013 2016


State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline

600 Block 1960s

200 Block 1970s 1850 1900

April 23, 2013

800 Block 1960s 1950 2000 2013 2016


State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
The 700-800 Block Traffic Experiment, 1971

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
Design Principles: Flexibility Timelessness Long Lasting/Easy to Maintain Sustainability S i bili

Strategic Plan 1999

Design Plan 2001

200 Block 1980/90s 1850 1900

April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Historical Timeline
Current Conditions

1850 1900
April 23, 2013

1950 2000

2013 2016

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall

Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of f State S Street S

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.
What aspects of the streetscape work well in your estimation?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.
What aspects of the streetscape work well in your estimation? What are the problems?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.
What aspects of the streetscape work well in your estimation? What are the problems? What do you feel is needed as far as a new design?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700 Block State Street

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700 Block State Street

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700 Block State Street - Lighting At Night

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700 Block State Street

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700-800 Blocks State Street - Stage

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700-800 Blocks State Street - Stage

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700-800 Blocks State Street- Speakers Podium

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700-800 Blocks State Street - Furniture

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


700-800 Blocks State Street - Furniture

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


800 Block State Street

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


800 Block State Street - 3 Forms

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


800 Block State Street - Kiosks

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


800 Block State Street - Trees

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


800 Block State Street - From Bascom Hill

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall



April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.
What aspects of the streetscape work well in your estimation? What are the problems? What do you feel is needed as far as a new design?

What changes, if any, could you envision for Library Mall?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall And Future Site Of Alumni Park

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library y Mall - Wisconsin Historical Society

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Memorial Library - Class Of 1932 Flagpole

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall - UW Memorial Union

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall - William Hagenah Fountain

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library Mall - William Hagenah Fountain

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall



April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.
What aspects of the streetscape work well in your estimation? What are the problems? What do you feel is needed as far as a new design?

What changes, if any, could you envision for Library Mall? According to the Cultural Landscape Study, the relationship between Bascom Mall Mall, the Capitol Capitol, and the State Street Pedestrian Mall/Library Mall is unclear.

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the current 700-800 blocks of State Street.
What aspects of the streetscape work well in your estimation? What are the problems? What do you feel is needed as far as a new design?

What changes, if any, could you envision for Library Mall? According to the Cultural Landscape Study, the relationship between Bascom Mall Mall, the Capitol Capitol, and the State Street Pedestrian Mall/Library Mall is unclear.
What are your thoughts and ideas about making connections?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Project Site

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Base Of Bascom Hill - Looking Toward Capital

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


State Street - Looking Toward Campus

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Library & State Street Malls Boundary

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Intersection East Campus, p Library y And State Street Malls

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Intersection East Campus, p Library y And State Street Malls

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


State Street Mall - Two Views - 180 Degrees

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


What Do We Want To Learn?

Consider the 700 & 800 Blocks of State Street : What aspects work well? What are the problems? What do you feel is needed as far as a new design? Consider the Library Mall: What aspects work well? What are the problems? What Wh t d do you f feel l is i needed n d d as f far r as a n new d design? i n? According to the Cultural Landscape Study, the relationship between Bascom Mall, the capitol and the State Street Pedestrian Mall/Library Mall is unclear. capitol, unclear What are your thoughts and ideas about making connections?

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of f State S Street S

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Wrap p Up p

Regroup g p in 10 minutes
Summarize comments and ideas

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Meeting g Agenda g
Project Background
History of Library Mall History Hi of f State S Street S

Breakout Session - Input Wrap Wrap-up up & Next Steps

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Wrap p up p

Share and Summarize Comments and Ideas

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Next Steps p
Collect feedback from public and stakeholder meetings.
Summary S of f information f from f this h meeting will ll be b posted d on the h project website: Develop preliminary design concepts May 2013. Public Meeting g #2: Share p preliminary y design g concepts p J June 2013

April 23, 2013

State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall


Project j Information
Project Website: Facebook: Ci of City f Madison, M di Wi Wisconsin i G Government Twitter: @cityofmadison Project Email Updates: Chris Petykowski, P.E., Engineering Bill Fruhling, AICP, Planning Gary Brown, G B PLA, PLA FASLA, FASLA UW-Madison UW M di J Jason DiPiazza, P.E., MSA
April 23, 2013 State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall 72

Public Information Meeting g #1

April 23, 2013

April 23, 2013 State Street 700/800 Blocks & Library Mall 73

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