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IDO_YOU HAVE TO BE WHITE TO BE GREEN? - ALBI ISACHS{RADICAL RADIOJDISRUPTING TRIVIABURSULA\ [ESTEVE NEWMANJCO-OPS 3MLIA 3004 Joe eg 4 2 : GRILLE i 1990/ Welcome to Kagenna no 4. Detying the common wisdom of failure, we celebrate dur fist year. The Broject a8 always # In constant franstormation recerining tel os we busk Cur Way inthe Mod wot ubishing, {mn this istue you wil notice some acvertsing. reflecting our greatest need tight now - financial suppor. ‘without it we may just not reach our 5th sue. Anyway we've ted to make sure that the ads are not ‘racist, sexs or environmentally untienaly. Hopefully we can keep It that way. You'llalso notice Mak harder cover we promised in our last issue os wall as few more pages than las te. ‘AS for any theme? Alchemy suggests tne process of combining many different materia, of synthessing diverse information, and transforming the amaigam Into more than the sum of is paits — tuning Lead into Gold. In these pages, we explore the process of change: change being on ‘encouraging certointy in. our world. We have used alchemical symbois 08a visual metaphor The symbol on the cover ------- denotes the goid or omaigam to be found (hopeful) within the pages of Kagenna. We leave it up to you to find whatever value there may le in these pages ofo Collective Niki Ounckley, Alex Kruger, Cathy kukard, Dave Levis, Andre Radeneyer, Jay Scott, Danielle Woolf Contributors ‘Anne Collins, Larry Hersowitz, ‘Alen Munro, Bridget Aut ter, Henriette fose- Ines, Albie Sects, Tan Pells, Peter Clarke inilip angle’ (Articles card in sis eaten ao nat etect he views of he or any oer Fripp necessary ‘Kagenna projeet ar any 100: Ta mapaie capri one reves erg mised fa ht People wag ox peace and te roe ot haar arrose Propet wr have wey pemtonane eet aerators Kagona,biiase contacts yuo. Instaprint

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