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Inside: News: 1-3, Relieving Stress: 4-5, Features: 6-7, Humor: 8-9, Spotlight: 10-11, Opinions: 12-14,Wondering Warrior: 15, Entertainment: 16-18 Sports: 19-20

Sherwood High School 300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860

35th Year, Issue No.6

June 6, 2013

What are some effective methods to deal with that extra tension?


Can the Music You Listen to Define Your Personality?

pg. 7

pgs. 4-5

Softball Cruises to Second State Title

Junior Meggie Dejter led the Warriors Softball team to victory at College Park on May 25. She recorded 10 strikeouts while pitching her second straight state championship shutout. Dejters shutout combined with five runs from the offensive and a slick-fielding defense to give the Warriors a 5-0 victory. The Warriors were sure to send retiring coach Pat Flanagan out on the highest note possible.

Poor Math Exam Results Confound

by Bridget Cook 14
As shocking data first reported on April 30 revealed, failure rates in MCPS on math final exams for the first semester were 61 percent for Algebra 1, 62 percent for Geometry, 57 percent for Algebra 2 and 48 percent for Precalculus. After multiple articles appeared on the high failure rate in the Washington Post and The Gazette, MCPS Board of Education members and Superintendent Joshua Starr reassured the community that they would get to the bottom of the failures. However, the school district has come under intense scrutiny because of the large number of students failing math exams was brought to light by a concerned parent, raising questions about whether MCPS had a grasp on how students are performing in

Brendan Cudd 14

Brendan Cudd 14

see Softball Wins Second Straight at College Park, pg. 20

see MATH, pg. 3

Real Food Not a Viable Option for Montgomery County Schools


by Bridget Cook 14
Recently, a parent group called Real Food for KidsMontgomery has been in the news for their aim to nutritionally improve school lunches. The group, while focusing mainly on the nutritional value of the a la carte snacks offered, was created to voice disappointment with school lunch offerings overall and work to change meal choices. On the other side of the issue, MCPS defends its lunch program, stating that the food choices are made with nutrition in mind and meet all USDA regulations. School lunch quality has caused conflict for many years. In October 2012, Real Food for Kids, founded by county parents Karen Devitt and Lindsey Parsons, became the latest group to tackle the issue. Food that simply meets federal guidelines does not satisfy the concerned mothers. Many of these [lunch] items are not really food and have no real place in a healthy meal. Many contain artificial dyes, colors, chemical preservatives and other manufactured ingredients. These foods, while technically meeting the USDA, MD state, and MCPS guidelines for healthy food, are not whole, or fresh, or real, said Devitt. The group would love to see

more wholesome choices that are low in fat and sugar. It pointed out that some of the juices offered reached up to 43 grams of sugar, which is more than two candy bars. Lunch items, such as burgers and similar fast-food items, are also being scrutinized for being processed. County food service officials have a different outlook on offerings for lunches. MCPS has a limited food budget, and in order for items to be affordable to students, they must be economical and readily obtainable in bulk. MCPS considers items that are breaded or fried, although not generally considered healthy, as ideal because they prove to be popular among students and simple to prepare. To improve quality, MCPS works to ensure that bread items are whole grain, all meat is low in fat and all a la carte items meet county wellness guidelines. We struggle with finding healthy food items that are acceptable to students, said Marla Caplon, director of MCPS Food and Nutrition Services. Caplon said changing the entire lunch program to fit the groups standards is not realistic, but the food services team is open to suggestions from the parent group to make school lunches as healthy as economically possible.

Construction of Olney Springs Housing Development Continues Despite Concerns

by Mandy Stussman 14
Construction of the Olney Springs development began a few months ago, marking the official beginning of a large project that has generated significant debate among nearby residents. What makes this particular development unique is the fact that it will be a combination of Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs), workforce housing and market-value housing. We feel that this community will be very beneficial to the Olney community because it will provide new, affordable and diverse housing optionsboth for existing and new residents, said developer John Clarke. This project will help struggling families by providing more affordable housing options than would normally be available in a new community. The housing development, currently being built off of Bowie Mill Road, will include 57 single family detached homes and 57 town homes, an active recreational area, an extensive walking trail system, and multiple seating and visiting areas. The new housing will additionally be interconnected with the existing neighborhoods by pathways extending through and near the project.

Mandy Stussman 14

Construction of new housing is stirring up a commotion in the Olney community because of crowding issues and loud noise. The new development will provide affordable housing in a safe neighborhood and excellent school district for families who would otherwise be excluded from these opportunities. Sixty percent of the housing will be sold at less than market value, with 30 percent being MPDUs and 30 percent workforce housing values. MPDUs will be sold to buyers with annual incomes between $35,000 and $81,000, depending on the size of the family. Workforce housing, units targeted towards teachers, police officers, fire-fighters and other public ser-

see HOUSES, pg. 2

The WarriorNews

June 6, 2013

in brief
New Assistant Principal To Shadow Gregory Next Year
by Meagan Barrett 15

ArcLight Puts Luxurious Spin On Movie-Viewing Experience

by Michael Natelli 14
Westfields Montgomery Mall is currently undergoing the first stage of a major renovation project that includes the reconfiguring of sidewalks as well as the construction of a new dining patio and high-end restaurants. The highlight of the project is a new luxury theater set to open in spring of 2014. While Montgomery County hosts several other locations for movie-goers to enjoy a good flick, the new ArcLight Cinemas theater is prepared to give those mainstays a run for their money, and certainly gives the movie scene at Montgomery Mall a major facelift. The addition of ArcLight sets the benchmark for similar premier quality offerings which Westfield will deliver to our shoppers as part of this long awaited revitalization, said Westfield senior vice president Clive Mackenzie in a statement. The theater will hold 16 screens (as compared to a modest three in the old theater), and each individual theater will have leather reclining armchairs to provide viewers with a truly luxurious experience. Other premiums include gourmet food, commercial-free movies, reserved seating, a gift shop and even Q&A events with filmmakers according to the Los Angeles Times. With the new dcor and improved experience comes a steep price. Tickets at an ArcLight theater go for about 20 percent more than the average ticket, and can reach as high as $25. The apparent

James Allrich will be Sherwoods new assistant principal next year, replacing Terry Heintze who will serve as an assistant principal at Walter Johnson. Allrich is currently an assistant principal at White Oak Middle School and previously at Springbrook High School. Sandi Williams, Sherwoods current alternative programs teacher, is now the Assistant School Administrator and is replacing the departing George Awkard. Allrich will spend much of the upcoming school year shadowing Principal Bill Gregory to learn just what it takes to be a principal. Allrich will be observing how Gregory handles situations and conducts himself during meetings. Sometime during the next school year, Gregory will leave Sherwood for six weeks and Allrich will become acting principal during that time. This is not to prepare for the next principal of Sherwood, said Gregory. This is about me helping him get to be a principal of another school. And if he doesnt get a principal position, he will stay on here as an assistant principal. Gregory, while away, is going to be an assistant principal and hopes to be at an elementary school to see the instructional and learning process in earlier grades.

Bridget Cook 14

The theatre portion of the Westifeld mall undergoes reconstruction. The opening is planned for the Spring of 2014. target audience will be wealthier adults with disposable income; however the palatial theater will also rely on teenagers and young adults to fill its reclining movie thrones on Friday nights. While this business model may seem a little difficult to sustain at first sight, ArcLights original California location was amongst the most profitable theaters in the country last year, generating roughly $70 million in revenue in 2012. The theater will also be located just outside Potomac, which tied with three other cities for the greatest concentration of the most wealthy one percent of people in America last year. ArcLights Bethesda location will be its first on the East Coast and will serve as a trailblazer as the franchise looks to expand nationwide. Weve created a unique experience at ArcLight Cinemas and we want to share our love of film with movie lovers across the country, explained ArcLight CEO Chris Forman in a statement. Bethesda provides us with a great opportunity to build an ArcLight community on the East Coast and redefine the way people enjoy their movies.

Baseball Dugout Redesigned

by Vicky Florian 14
The current baseball dugout is being completely remodeled to better meet the needs of the players and staff. While the existing dugout is a simple concrete block with a flat roof, the new design includes a snack bar as well as a media booth. There will be a storage area within the new structure for use by the Sherwood athletics department. MC Design Build, the designer of the structure, worked with the structural engineer, project manager and Sherwood staff to make this project possible. The installation of the structure should begin once the building permit is obtained.

Mixed-income Housing Project in Olney Community Raises Tension

Though there are some residents that are still concerned, vice workers, will be sold to those many of the problems surroundin the next income bracket; it is ing the new development have targeted for families earning bebeen resolved in the past few tween $83,000 and $128,500 anyears through abundant debate nually. and compromise. The zoning Despite its appeal to wide density has been reduced sigswath of potential nificantly since the buyers, the new housing plan, We feel that this community will be very first housing developquenching the proment worries some beneficial to the Olney community because tests of residents current residents in it will provide new, affordable and diverse who worried about surrounding neighover population and housing optionsboth for existing and new overcrowding. borhoods. My main con- residents. Although we cern is the zoning had differences of ~ John Clarke opinion during the density calculation as it directly affects process with some the number of homes and subse- tional students. existing and nearby residents, quently the amount of traffic, The construction itself has we do feel that we were able to said Mark Singer, who lives di- also been problematic for those have a respectful and productive rectly across the street from the in surrounding neighborhoods. I dialogue with the existing comnew development. live right near the construction, munity, said Clarke. We are Lisa Cox, another neighbor said Cox. The workers park on appreciative of the many discusto the development, also wonders Thornhurst Drive, making it hard sions that occurred. This resulted about the increased congestion. to leave the neighborhood. You in several changes to the plan that One thing Im concerned about can hear the trucks backing up in I can honestly say improved the is the traffic. Its already hard the morning. layout of the community.

from HOUSES, pg. 1

enough to get out onto Bowie Mill. I would think overcrowding in schools would also be a problem, said Cox. The children living in the new development will feed into Rosa Parks and then Sherwood, both of which will need to accommodate the addi-

5K Run in Honor of Late Student

by Betselot Wondimu 15
Alexs Run, the annual five kilometer race at the Olney Boys and Girls Club, will be held on June 23. Organized by the Never Back Down Foundation, the race is a community event held in memory of Alex Popeck, a Sherwood junior who passed away in early 2011 from injuries he suffered in a car accident. Popeck was renowned as the perfect example of a student-athlete. He balanced his academic responsibilities with athletic skill, and was named captain of the track and cross country teams and consistently earned honor roll. He was best known for his optimistic and respectful personality along with his tenacious attitude. To participate in Alexs Run, students, staff and community members can register online at the Never Back Down Foundations website. The fee is $20 per person if registered before June 19 or $30 per person on the day of the race. The money raised will aid the charitable organization, which helps fund college scholarships and instill safe habits in new drivers.

The WarriorNews
June 6, 2013

Grades More about Effort or Ability?

flect his intelligence. He admits to sometimes not reading an as Although the grading system signed book for class because he used in high schools throughout does not find it interesting, causMontgomery County may seem ing his grade to suffer once he straightforward, there is not one fails the reading-based quiz that simple answer as to what dictates accompanies it. No ones grades a students grade. The overall completely reflect [his/her] abilgrade can generally be broken ity or intelligence, commented down into two components: the Fishbein. Being smart is differability a student has in terms of ent than what it takes to get good intelligence and the amount of ef- grades. fort he or she puts toward a class. English teacher Beth Dibler Whether one carries more weight agrees that effort plays a part is unclear, and therefore leads to when it comes to grading a stuspeculation about the accuracy of dent, but believes that ones intellect is a deciding factor. They go a grade. In my experiences, students hand in hand when I look at earn the grade they worked for. the grades by the end of the quarWith few exceptions, students ter they generally do match up to who struggle but put in a solid ef- what a student deserves, stated fort will pass with a decent grade, Dibler. This said scie n c e The MCPS grading system weighs g r a d i n g t e a c h e r a variety of work to calculate a s y s t e m not efMichael students grade, so a student who is fective Miehl. On the aces all the tests but does nothing for every o t h e r else could pass the class but not s t u d e n t , yet there hand, stuseem to dents who with flying colors. are gifted ~ Science Teacher Michael Miehl be few legitibut dont put in the work have unpredict- mate alternatives. Miehl conable grades. They could earn a cludes that in his ideal world there B or barely pass, perhaps even would be no grading system, infail. The MCPS grading system stead students would design their weighs a variety of work to calcu- own projects. late a students grade, so a student Students would be assigned who aces all the tests but does mastery objectives with very spenothing else could pass the class cific criteria, but these objectives would take into account the stubut not with flying colors. While a broad range of as- dents interests and future career signments may help some stu- plans. [They] would need to pass dents maintain high grades, or a proficiency exam in these classboost them when necessary, it can es in order to validate that theyve harm those who may have mas- learned the basic concepts for tered a subject but are not inter- their thesis project, said Miehl. ested in completing every work- The advantage of this system is it is much more realistic in terms sheet or homework assignment. Junior Jacob Fishbein has of how the real world operencountered this very situation; ates. The downside is it requires although he is talented in English a completely different way of with impressive writing skills, his thinking about grades and operatgrade does not consistently re- ing school.

Unsatisfactory Performance on Math Mid-Term Leads to Speculation and Concern from Parents
from MATH, pg. 1
math classes. Equally perplexing to some is the school boards contention that these results do not necessarily signal a serious problem with the math curriculum for the county. Starr was quoted in The Washington Post saying, Our kids do very, very well I dont want people to get the idea that all of a sudden weve got this massive, widespread issue that no one has acknowledged or recognized before. Critics, however, have countered that MCPS was either not aware of this issue, which would suggest that student achievement is poorly monitored, or was aware of the high rate of math failures but withheld the information from the public. In a statement released shortly after the figures were publicized, Starr offered the explanation that MCPS put more emphasis on course completion than on final exam scores. Some teachers, aware of the countys lack of emphasis, put their focus into finishing the course than pushing students to review for finals. Ill take some of the responsibility as a teacher for not doing a better job of instilling the importance of studying for finals, said math teacher James Key. County finals count for 25 percent of a students final semester grade, but many semester grades are already determined by their two quarter final grades regardless of how they do on the semester final. Thus, student apathy towards exams could explain some of the low scores. Student motivationor lack of motivationto pass the finals is certainly a major factor, said Key. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 60 percent of MCPS students who graduate and attend college are forced to take remedial math courses before entering standard

by Steffi Carrera 14

MCPS and Sherwood Students Final Exam Grades

# Students Enrolled A on B on C on D on FAILED FAILED final final final final FINAL COURSE

Algebra 1A


4398 174
Algebra 2A

3% 9%

8% 14%

12% 16%

15% 18%

61% 43%

21% 12%


5266 292

4% 3%

10% 8%

13% 16%

16% 18%

57% 56%

12% 4%


5433 194

2% 2%

7% 6%

12% 18%

17% 22%

63% 52%

16% 8%


3939 184

9% 2%

14% 9%

16% 19%

14% 15%

48% 55%

9% 14%

Chart above adapted from [MCPS] Mathematics Exam Performance and Course Grade (School-by-school 2012-2013) taken from the MCPS website. credit math classes, which is the result of poor performance in high school. MCPS promises to look into the issue, and notes changes to math instruction as the new curriculum 2.0 is integrated, beginning with Algebra 1 next school year. The new Algebra program will be the first math course to give teachers professional development in five or six years. Teachers miss having the professional development days, said math resource teacher Deborah Hiltner. The effect this lack of development has on teaching and student performance is unknown, though Hiltner speculates that more instructional support for teachers would cultivate better grades for students. I do feel that if teachers received more instructional support and more time to plan lessons together students would perform a bit better, she said. A study group will meet from June until September to reach the root of math failures. Parents note that it has taken nearly a decade for action to be taken to counter high failure rates since 2004.

The Warrior thanks its many wonderful patrons:

Adam Family, Adkins Family, Alewynre Family, John and Sarah Arness, Audibert Family, Bina Family, Broderick Family, Carr Family, Carrera Family, Carswell Family, Craig Family, Cudd Family, DAmato Family, Dickey Family, Dowrick Family, Fajardo Family, Farrell Family, Fernandes Family, David Ferris, Rosanne Ferris, John Fetty and AssociatesArchitecture and Design, Florian Family, Fricke Family, Gallagher Family, Ganey Family, Garcia-Rada Family, Greseth Family, Rob and Lynette Hall, Halprin Family, Dick and Vivian Harris, Hierholzer Family, Hong Family, Hubbell Family, Hughes Family, Keilsohn Family, Kendall Family, Kenel Family, Kimmel Family, Kirk Family, Kotzer Family, Kozlowski Family, Rachel Knight, Kyber/Loughran Family, Lampshire Family, Stuart and Lyn Langbein, Lavoie Family, Lourenco Family, Macrae Family, Paul and Pat Mangus, Martin Family, Masters Family, Melnick Family, Mezebish Family, Miller Family, Jerry and BJ Mills, Morrison Family, Mourtoupalas Family, Murphy Family, Michael and Jessica Natelli, Hao and Diep Nguyen, Nickerson Family, Nimrat Family, ODonnell Family, Osborne Family, Paese Family, Paetro Horspall Family, Paholski Family, PletcherStinehelfer Family, Porter Family, Kurt and Louise Porter, Salzwedel and Moratz Family, Sanchez Family, Scafide Family, Schroeder Family, Schwartz Family, Josey and Chris Simpson, Sousane Family, Strohmeyer Family, Stussman Family, Sutherland Family, Thorndike Family, Van Gelder Family, Verma Family, Wasik Family, Dan and Kathy Walsh, Tom and Susan Wells, Whitt Family, Todd and Renate Wilson, Witkin Family, Zhang Family If you are interested in becoming a patron for the 2013-2014 school year, contact Peter Huck at or visit to download a membership form.

The WarriorRelieving Stress

by Cal Wilson 14

June 6, 2013

Meditation Makes Successful Comeback

With exams right around the corner studying can cause stress that impairs mental function. Over-studying, over-working and over-stressing can lead to being tired. Recent scientific research, however, has proven that calming your mind of thought through meditation yields better scores on exams. There are many styles of meditation just like the groups of people who practice ittranscendental, guided, progressive relaxation, mantras, but what it boils down to is a single point of focus to still the mind, then letting go for a more broad state of awareness, said Dr. Debbie Norris, director of the Psychobiology of Feeling program at American University, who has been teaching psychology for over 30 years at prestigious schools including Georgetown Medical School. Meditation has been shown to balance out the chemicals in the brain by increasing serotonin, melatonin and endorphins, and decreasing cortisol. These neurotransmitters are in charge of emotion and excitement, and when balanced can keep a person calm and relaxed. Electroencephalography, the study of electrical current along the scalp, also shows that meditation improves the electrical currents in the brain, speeding up thoughts. In modern society, we dont

Balancing School, Steps to Ultimate Relaxation Work Is Attainable

1. Find a comfortable spot away from any distractions and set a 15-minute timer. 2. Sit with legs crossed, hands resting on your legs and eyes closed.

by Jenni Kenel 14

3. Begin clearing your mind of all thought. 4. Focus solely on your breathing. Inhale deeply for five seconds and exhale for five seconds. 5. Once the timer rings, take a final breath. Exhale and open your eyes slowly.
get the relaxation we need We think we are relaxing but were really not, said psychology teacher Christine McKeldin. Like when watching TV, your brain is still absorbing all the information on the screen your brain is like any other operating machine: it needs down time to operate at full speed [and meditation] is re-energizing its like powering down and then back up. After practicing mindfulness for over 20 years, Norris has observed many benefits. Meditation provides an increased quality of life, reduces anxiety and improves focus, awareness, attentiveness and cognitive function Ive noticed improvements in my own memory, said Norris. In todays high-tech and fastpaced world, calming the mind is a difficult skill for a teenager to practice, but after continual rehearsal, focus will improve. A 5 minute check-in in which a student closes his/her eyes, clears the mind of any thought and relaxes for a few minutes before an exam can improve focus for the daunting test ahead. You really have to find a sanctuary place One might put out a blanket or shawl outside, sit down or move around like in yoga, or burn incense and oils find what it is that works for you. That is what is so great about mindfulness, said Norris.

Conquering the Stresses of Life

by Lucy Hurlbut 14
of body symptoms and behavior symptoms that are not all the same for every person, explained Leslie Westbrook, a local psychotherapist. Physically, a stressed person may notice increased heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, and behaviorally symptoms may include irritability, insomnia, anxiety and restlessness. Most people associate stress as a result that negatively impacts a persons physical and emotional well-being; however, it can also

During the week students are loaded with homework from the various honors and AP classes that they take. A portion of these students, on top of their homework, work multiple hours during the week and somehow manage to balance it successfully with school work, clubs, sports, etc. I am one of these students. I work at a job that I love, and at least three days out of the week I go directly from school to my job at Woodland Horse Center, a riding stable on New Hampshire Ave. Along with this I take three AP classes and two honors classes. How do I manage all of this? I keep myself on a steady schedule and use methods that I have learned from more than four years of experience balancing school and work. When I work for two-anda-half hours or more per day, I write myself a schedule and keep an alarm on my phone to force me into changing the assignment that I am working on. Every 45 minutes or so, I switch subjects to better keep my focus high and my stress level under control. Procrastination is usually the death of my grades. If I have a bad grade, it almost always results from my own problem of

procrastination. Since I work on Sunday mornings, I usually start my homework on either Friday or Saturday night. Having to stay in for one night out of the weekend is less important to me than my future. The benefit is that I get an early start on my homework instead of mistakenly waiting until Sunday night. Since I have the hopes of becoming a large animal veterinarian, I have to keep my grades and test scores up. In my mind studying is more important than homework. While homework for completion is only 10 percent of my grade, summative and formative tests and quizzes make up the other 90 percent. Thats a huge difference. Balancing a job and school is challenging but manageable. Take it from a person who works over 18 hours a week and has still managed to stay on honor roll every quarter since freshman year.

In the school setting, counselor Conni Lee notices that students are most stressed about It is presentation day and you grades. It is most apparent when are very nervous. You sit down preparing for big tests, especialand cautiously look around at ly AP exams. ninth graders who your classmates. They all seem are taking exams for the first time to be in a world of their own. and do not know what to expect The teacher announces she is goare therefore much more nervous ing to pull a name from the hat. than the upperclassmen. If stuShe clears her throat and takes a dents are worried about their acdeep breath. Your heart rate inademics, and they get into situacreases and your palms begin to tions where they are slipping, it is sweat, because the name chosen best to take a step back and look is yours. You thought you were at what they are prepared but all the stress If students are worried about their academics, and missing, and talk to teachfrom trying to they get into situations where they are slipping, it ers if they do get the projis best to take a step back and look at what they are not understand ect done is too the material so overwhelming. missing. they can catch You step up to ~Counselor Conni Lee up, said Lee. the front of the J u class and you nior Michelle Sonstein proves be positive too, because stress is can no longer think clearly. that stress is manageable. She What is important to realize the bodys emotional reaction to explained a unique way that she is that it is the emotional reac- changes that are just as much posdeals with school stress. She nottion of the situation that creates itive as they are negative. the stress, not the actual situation Distress is the negative stress ed that in Milwaukee, where she itself. This is called the stress that people appear to focus on previously lived, she had many response, or the flight or fight re- more compared to eustress. Trig- stress attacks that would often sponse which activates in emer- gers for the distress may be the keep her from being able to focus gencies like if there is a fire but emotional responses to situations and think clearly and was espealso in non-threatening situations like a divorce, death in the family, cially noticeable when she had like doing a presentation in front or an injury or illness. Eustress, to take a test. Her older brother on the other hand, is positive would help her regain control of the class. Everyone copes with stress stress that motivates the individ- by having her close her eyes and differently, because what might ual, improves self-esteem and is imagine a place where she wanted relieve stress for one person easier to cope with than distress. to be, like the beach. Eventually may not for another. Thus it can Situations that trigger eustress re- I would calm down and be able to sometimes be very difficult to sponses include receiving a raise face whatever was troubling me, tell whether a person is stressed or promotion at work, starting a Sonstein said. or not. Stress is a combination new hobby, or taking a vacation.

The WarriorRelieving Stress

June 6, 2013

We all know how important exams are at the end of the year for high-schoolers across MCPS. Here are some tips that are sure to help you get the good grades before the fun of summer begins.
compiled by Emma Hierholzer

Tips for Exams

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Review your main notes for your upcoming exam right before you go to sleep. Your memory retains the information much better, giving you that extra ease of mind on test day.

Before the Exam

The obvious way to get that great grade on your exam is to STUDY. Gauge your time and plan out whether you can afford to study the night before or whether you need two weeks time. The night before the exam, make sure to get a GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP and wake up to a GOOD BREAKFAST. (One granola bar or a cookie doesnt count - eat a full breakfast! Youre going to need the energy.) When you get to school, relax and conquer your test with confidence!

Tips from Teachers

Make sure to review key vocabulary units and be familiar with the main verb conjugations. -Maria Peterson, Foreign Language

Go over your old quizzes and review where you went wrong. This will help you not make the same mistakes. -Claude Young, Math

During the Exam

Be calm and dont forget to read the instructions when your teacher hands you your test. Also, remember that the test isnt a race - if youre the only one left with a test, never feel like you have to rush to finish it. Use the full two hours if you have to.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Dont get freaked out if during the exam you have consecutive letter choices on a scantron test. Research shows that students begin to change their answers if this happens.

Go over the main formulas and lab safety rules - they always have a few questions relating to the lab. -Mary Baker, Science

After the Exam

Youre done! Now take some well-deserved relaxation time but dont let yourself lose too much steam - after all, you probably have another exam to take. Just follow these same steps again and before you know it, youll have finished all your tests with ease in time for the summer youve been waiting for.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Going out with your friends after exams is a great way to relieve stress and to congratulate yourself for all your hard work.

Plan out your answers for all the essays in advanced since the possible prompts are given. -Becky Taylor, Social Studies Make sure to review your English portfolio with your writings in them. -Liza Schad, English

The WarriorFeatures
June 6, 2013

Preparing Rising Seniors for the Future

It is time to prepare for the future, whether were ready or not. Questions and anxieties intensify at what the rising seniors need to do at the end of their junior year and over the summer. To clarify things, The Warrior turned to some of the schools experts: counselor Bill Sartori, resource counselor Lesia Dunkins and College and Career Information Coordinator Joe Hock.
compiled by Sam Selby 14

Here is an easy 6-step plan of what current juniors need to do from now until the start of senior year to get a jumpstart on the college application process:
Get Your Brag Sheet Completed. 1. This is really important for teachers to have
to be able to write good college recommendations for students. For you to stand out, your letter should have information that is unique to you as a person, said Sartori.

4. Visit Colleges.

Take the SAT/ACT. 2. If you have not taken

Make sure to visit colleges that you plan on applying to or are interested in. Get a feel for what kind of college you would like to go to and what your options are. Decide what youre looking for in your college. Make sure you know the admission requirements and what kind of financial aid would be needed.

6. Senior Commitment Meeting.

the SAT/ACT yet, there is still time senior year. There is the ACT in mid-September and the SAT in early October. Many colleges have a November 1 early-action admission deadline and only use scores prior to November 1.

Since May 28, there has been an appointment sign-up sheet in the counseling office to schedule a summer meeting with your counselor. The senior commitment meetings will review graduation credits, post-high school goals, the college application process and a check at the seniors schedule. Parents are encouraged to attend their students Senior Commitment meeting, said Dunkins.

5. Teacher Recommendations.

3. Apply to College.

Get started as soon as possible on your applications, said Hock. Most colleges do not release their 2013/2014 applications until August 1. Transcripts are requested via family connections. You must also fill out a transcript request form and turn it into the registrars office.

It is best to start to ask teachers about recommendations now. Some teachers like to work on them over the summer. Before requesting a teacher to write a recommendation, complete your student brag sheet for the teacher to reference via family connections. Once a teacher says yes, you must formally ask for a rec on family connections. You should give your teachers and counselors at least 15 working days to complete the recommendations. The recs will be completed on family connections.

Advice from Hock: Finish out the year with a bang. Do as well as you can on your final exams.

Powder Puff

courtesy Melissa Zamora 14

The seniors took home the 7-0 victory in the Powder Puff Game, with Hope Gouterman scoring a touchdown in the 4th quarter.

The WarriorFeatures
June 6, 2013
by Katie Mercogliano 14
Many of the traits were shared between different genres, creativity being the most prominent among the bunch. Pop or Top 40 music was the only group to be deemed less likely to be creative. An unexpected pattern was found in those who listen to rap, country and electronic dance music. To most, those genres could not be further from each other on the music spectrum. But psychologists found that all three are listened to by people who are outgoing, assertive and that have high self-esteem. A less-shocking distinction is seen between classical and rock/ heavy metal fans. Both tend to be introverted, but the likeness stops there. Classical music listeners are generally at ease and have high self-esteem, while rock/ heavy metal listeners are usually quiet, gentle and have low self-esteem. The most intelligent individuals were found to like indie and jazz, blues and soul music. Those who listen to indie music tend to be introverted, less hard-working, less gentle, passive, anxious and have lower self-esteem. Jazz, blues and soul listeners were also intellectual, but were most likely to be extroverted, with high self-esteem and at ease. Music is a very important

Preferred Music Genres Linked to Certain Personalities

Nowadays, looking at the music in someones iPod can be as revealing as looking into their diary. What music one listens to is an immensely important facet of their identity. But can taste in music really predict someones entire personality? According to several recent studies, the answer is yes. From classical to electronic dance, music can accurately predict numerous personality traits in people, concludes a study. The aspects of personality traits studied were creativity, self-esteem, social skills, intelligence and ease.

Matching Personality Traits to Music Taste

Introverted: Indie, Rock/ Heavy Metal, Classical Outgoing: Rap and Hip/Hop, Country, Electronic, Jazz, Blues and Soul, Pop Anxious: Pop, Indie, Electronic aspect of many peoples lives and can determine and transform much more than ones personAt Ease: Classical, Jazz Blues and Soul High Self Esteem: Pop, Rap/ Hip Hop, Country, Electronic, Classical, Jazz, Blues and Soul Low Self-Esteem: Rock/ Heavy Metal, Indie ality. Music influences emotion, style and some even say political views.

Physical Appeal is a Big Factor in Attraction

by Tom Lee 14

sity, a lower WHR ratio indicates higher estrogen levels, which is From full-on stare downs to associated with higher fertility. shy peeps, crushes to formal re- That explains why many consider lationships, attraction is an omni- Beyonc to be hotter than Kiera present aspect of students lives Knightly. and physical appeal plays a huge Blankenmeyer said most that role in that attraction. women are choosier with men. Jena Prescott, author of the They tend to like men who appear bestseller The Love High Sto- protective. According to the same ry,noted that,It may take as little Harvard study, a pronounced jaw, as 13 milliseconds to be attracted broad shoulders, facial hair, structo another person. Contrastingly, tured face and narrow hips are it takes about 200 milliseconds most desirable. for a human being to realize he or Averageness and attractiveshe is attractness have a ed to someone. Not every woman has a direct relationBody language, perfect waist-to-hip ratio ship. As the smiling, laughaverageness ing, eye contact and not every man has of the face inand more can nice broad shoulders. We creases, so does also increase attractiveas a people are not per- the the perceived ness. We have attractiveness fect but we still have mo- found that avof an otherwise nogamous relationships, eraging several rather plain infaces together dividual in the and most importantly, we using a comfirst moments are still happy. puter program of contact. results in a face ~Jen Prescott Paul Eastmore appealing wick, a profesthan any of the sor of social-psychology at Texas component faces, stated BlanA&M University, found that the kenmeyer. subconscious part of the brain Students are not necessarily often focuses on physical appear- looking for their soul mates so ance than does the conscious part. looks play a much bigger factor in What we found was that what high school romance, said Eastpeople say they want does a poor wick. People are more attracted to job of predicting what actually those in the same groups or social appeals to them, stated Eastwick classes due to increased contact in a study. and interaction. This especially Although physical and per- applies to high schoolers for they sonal attraction is personalized, see each other five times a week. research shows basic biological What you are looking for in impulses drive sexual interests. the teens is different from what Kate Blankenmeyer, a graduate you are seeking later in life, said student at St. Louis University, Eastwick. In the early years of stated in a high school publication dating, love can easily be replaced that, in general, men and women with lust. With raging hormones are attracted to traits that help us and impulsive minds, teenagers successfully reproduce and pass can be more into physical appearon our genes. ance than anything else. Eastwick confirms that males Nevertheless, attraction is are attracted to females who have unique to each individual, and traits reflecting good health. Big teenagers also do pay attention to foreheads, big eyes and small-but- personality. Even though experiton noses are deemed to be attrac- ments and experts support these tive features by men because they biological, physical and emotionresonate youth. A lower waist-to- al foundations for attraction, there hip ratio (WHR) is ideal. Accord- is no universal definition of beauing to a study at Harvard Univer- ty.

The WarriorHumor
June 6, 2013

Who Says Looks Dont Matter?

by Taylor Fernandes 14
Behind the walls of Sherwood lie many different cliques, each holding its own required wardrobe. If you were to visit Sherwood and tried to figure out how to group students by their appearances, heres is some of what you would see. Venturing into the school, you find a football player standing around. Hes sporting a skin tight Under Armour shirt, paired with loose shorts and long socks with slides. The basketball players arent far off, rocking the same loose shorts and long socks, but with a t-shirt and basketball shoes. Of every sport our school offers, the lacrosse players are the easiest to recognize. If you see one, hell probably be wearing a pair of pastel shorts with a button-up shirt, complemented by a pair of long socks and Sperrys to finish off the outfit. Outside the athletic world, we have the fake rednecks. Now what classifies someone as one of these is still very unclear, but most of them seem to

graphic by Kelsey Morrison 14

be wearing camouflage printed clothing, which range from hats to t-shirts, along with a pair of work boots. And dont forget the necessary fish hooks on their hats as an accessory. While youre trying to make your way out of

the group of people in camouflage (they blend in so well), you hear the obnoxious sound of high heels. You figure its a teacher, until you realize a teacher wouldnt be wearing a skirt that is barely

long enough to do what bottom pieces are supposed to do. Youve just met a try-hard. And the opposite of a try-hard, is those who claim they want to be comfortable because its just school. Theyre usually wearing sweat-

pants, or gym shorts if its hot, along with flip flops and a t-shirt and with their hair pulled up in a messy bun. Fashion trends come and go, so of course theres one group of girls that MUST be up to date on the latest style. Unfortunately, theres a domino effect: one girl buys the outfit and the next day, 50 girls are in the same exact get-up. Well, besides the group of people who are hardcore band-lovers; its band t-shirts all day, every day for these students. Finally, there are the preppy girls. You know the ones with perfectly straightened hair and who never seem to wear the same clothes twice? Its usually some fancy pair of shorts with an expensive looking top, all of which perfectly match with their shoes. Regardless of whether youre a football or lax player, and whether or not youre actually from the South, or try too hard, or try too little, and no matter how many hours you put into your outfit, chances are, if you wear stereotypical attire, youre labeled. Welcome to high school.

Adidas Faces Legal Issues

by Alec Perez14
NFL, Robert Griffin III, tore a ligament in his right knee during the end of last years playoffs. As the incidents pile up, professional leagues, orthopedic experts and athletes themselves have voiced their belief that a pair of shoes is the cause of possibly career-ending injuries. Two of the top players in the NBA are LeBron James and Kevin Durant. Both players wear Nike brand shoes, and while in the NBA, neither of them have had any serious ankle nor knee injuries. A recent USA Today article investigated the frequency

Pressure building on the Adidas shoe company to address the rash of serious injuries.

Following the commotion about Adidas basketball shoes, reporters went to the headquarters On March 31, 2013, the Uniof Adidas in search of explanaversity of Louisville played Duke tions. Reporters talked with CEO University in the NCAA March Herbert Hainer and questioned Madness Mens Basketball Tourhim on the issue. Hainer made nament. About midway through it very clear that he has no idea the first half, Louisvilles player why anyone would doubt Adidas Kevin Ware sprung through the brand shoes. There is absolutely air and landed awkwardly, breaknothing wrong with our shoes, ing his tibia in his left leg to the Hainers is reported to have said. point where the bone was popping We have tested them on athletes out of his knee. What might have and there have been no problems gone unnoticed during the horrifwith ankle support. There is no ic moment is the fact that Ware reason to worry; everything will was wearing a pair of Adidas basbe fine. Its not like someone has ketball shoes. And he is not alone had his leg ampuamong collegiate and professional I am so fortunate that I am one day going to tated or died as a athletes who have be able to step on the court again. If it wasnt result of wearing our shoes. suffered serious cominjuries while for my amazing doctors I would not be walk- ESPN Miwearing Adidas. ing. It is 100-percent Adidas fault I suffered mentator chael Wilbon re Last year, NBA all-star Der- the horrific injury. The shoes have no ankle cently sat down rick Rose, who is support. They better hope I dont take them with Louisvilles Ware, in which the face of Adidas he described his basketball shoes, to court. tore a ligament in ~Kevin Ware disgust with Adidas. He blames his left knee and has been out of action for nearly of injuries between athletes who the company for his injury and is two years. Other NBA players wear Adidas vs. Nike, and found contemplating whether or not he sporting the extremely light a glaring difference in how often should file a tort lawsuit. It was the Final Four and as I fell to the Adidas shoes include Eric Gor- athletes are injured. don, Josh Smith, Chauncey Bil- When I came into the league floor, all I could think about was lups and Iman Shumpert. All of I had the choice of wearing Nike what I was going to do if I didnt these players suffered some sort or Adidas shoes, James told have basketball, Ware told Wilof leg injury while wearing a pair Sports Illustrated. I wisely chose bon. I am so fortunate that I am Nike to be the face of only the one day going to be able to step of Adidas basketball shoes. Its not just basketball play- best basketball player ever to play on the court again. If it wasnt for ers suffering from what is being the game. When youre the King, my amazing doctors I would not called Adidas Break-A-Leg Syn- you have to make smart decisions be walking. It is 100-percent Adidrome by some highly regarded in life. I chose Nike and I hav- das fault I suffered the horrific orthopedists and sports-medicine ent had any injuries while in the injury. The shoes have no ankle physicians. Arguably one of the league. Everybody is a witness to support. They better hope I dont take them to court. best young quarterbacks in the my greatness.

A book about Bark Mitzvahs, a prime example of pet spoiling.

Spoiling Our Precious Pets, How Far Will People Go?

by Serena Arness 16
Pet owners who have the money will spare no expense. Everyone knows about Paris Hilton and her famous Chihuahua, Tinkerbell, who wear matching pajamas every night. But lets not forget about her 17 other dogs that have their own villa with a special doggie staircase, chandeliers and a balcony. Another example of someone who goes above and beyond to assure her dogs happiness is Oprah Winfrey. She has set up a thirty million dollar trust fund for her three dogs, Layla, Lucky and Sadie. Lets just say they will never go hungry! If you havent heard of Kitty Wigs youre for sure missing out. This is a website where you can buy wigs for your cats in a variety of colors such as pink passion, beautiful blonde, electric blue and silver fox. Such choices are difficult to make, especially when it is a must to match your cats new luscious hair with some spunky new nails. What better place to do that than the hip new nail salon in Beverly Hills for cats and dogs called Pawlish. While youre at it, you might as well show off your pets new look and drown them in compliments by using Dogster. This is like Facebook, but for dogs where they can have friends and post pictures of themselves in their newest outfits, hair styles and nails while relaxing by the pool. The interesting part about this is in fact the reality behind it all. There are millions of dog owners out there who seem to enjoy role playing as their dogs while interacting with others who are also pretending to express their pets feelings and actions through a website, as if they know what theyre really thinking. And if youre Jewish and have a few thousand dollars to spare, dont forget your pooch has a Bark Mitzvah coming up! Talk about spoiling your pets, what about the ones that walk around with million dollar collars around their necks. But even those of us who arent millionaires can still manage to spoil our pets.

The WarriorHumor
June 6, 2013

Selfie Abuse Threatens Americas Youth

by Katie Mercogliano 14
To tell which day of the week it is, one no longer needs a calendar; he/she can simply check the hashtags of Instagram, from #mirrorpicmonday to #throwbackthursday, and the most sacred of all days, #selfiesunday. Many see selfies, the act of taking a photograph of yourself most commonly with an iPhone, as a harmless and innocent act. Recent studies have revealed that posting a selfie on social networking outlets is more detrimental to both physical and emotional health than previously thought. Several elaborate scientific studies have been conducted recently focusing on the drastically damaging effects that taking selfies can have on teenage Americans. One costly disorder that can result from constant selfie-taking is DFPD, or Duck Face Permanence Disorder. This life-changing disorder supposedly branches from one too many selfies with the very popular duck face pose. The duck face is where people pout and stick out their lips to an extreme to obtain an Angelina Jolie-esque effect. This disorder causes the face to paralyze in the

graphic by Katie Mercogliano 14

Girl posing for her weekly Selfie Sunday Instagram post with the classic duck face facial expression. pose of the duck face. DFPD is much more common in girls than boys but since there is no known treatment or cure, anyone can become victim to this dreadful disorder, warned Dr. Jules Cruggins, a plastic surgeon renowned for innovations in repairing facial disfigurements. The social effects of this cultural teen phenomenon also

Ice Is Always Living His Life to the Extreme

by Hunter Moore 15
Robert Van Winkle, also known as Vanilla Ice, is a multi-talented man who became a star rapper in the 90s and has desperately done all he can to not leave Hollywood since. A young man who grew up as an athlete, winning all types of awards for motocross racing, morphed into one of the most popular white rappers of all time. He then became a reality television star through his show The Vanilla Ice Project, a successful house flipper and an actor in the comedy films such as Thats My Boy. Ices album Hooked, one of the greatest debuts of all time, offered one of the most electrifying songs ever made, titled Ice Ice Baby. The song was later featured on his platinum album To the Extreme, which hit the top of the charts and made Ice the first white boy to play that funky music at the top of the genre. I love Vanilla Ice. I have a tattoo of his face on my chest right under my I love Pitbull tattoo. I consider his music somewhat of a passion of mine, exclaimed sophomore Chris Chiogioji. Many dont share the same view as Chiogioji and see Vanilla Ice as a joke. This is possibly because they cant grasp the true vibe of his art and understand what Ice is actually trying to say in his music. Vanilla Ice is not a good rapper; his only real popular song had a beat stolen from Queen. The overall performance of him and Adam Sandler in Thats My Boy was just horrible as well. I dont know much about his reality show but Im not interested. How he made it to the top of the charts says something bad about rap in the 90s, said sophomore Tanner Jacobs. Despite haters, Ice still has his loyal fan base that is dying for more Vanilla Ice, and some die-hard fans can be found in the halls of Sherwood, always listening to his retro melodies. Vanilla Ice is a mentor; he has always been like a father-figure towards me. His raps are as smooth as sugar in my iced coffee on a Sunday morning. It is not rare to see me getting emotional while the music speaks to me, said music enthusiast, junior Matt Chanin.

are concerning experts. Behavioral psychologists have recently found a trend of increased drug use in the selfie youth of America. The risk of drug use increases at least 61.7 percent when a teen posts selfies weekly. That rate rises even more if the teen is taking a selfie of herself actually abusing drugs, explained Megan Osenbocker, a psychologist of adolescent development at the University of Illinois. Parents are urged to be on alert for warning signs of possible selfie-taking addiction. Signals that a child could be taking selfies are constant phone use, Instagram use and Snap Chat use. (For more signs, visit the website posted below). With iPhones becoming more and more popular, this problem is only going to increase. Experts and public health advocates are pleading with parents and educators to treat this issue seriously. If you or anyone you know could be showing warning signs of possible selfie abuse, please contact 1-800-SELFIES or visit for assistance in stopping it before its too late. Remember, you can save a life with just one simple call.

Vanilla Ice displaying his usual swagger, showing off his jewelry.

cartoon by Kelsey Morrison 14


e f i L r e m a G e h T
each other in fantasy wars and settings. Role-Playing Games, which are characterized by different paths and choices, often have so many awesome features and are so long that they arent winnable. Some RPGs include The Elder Scrolls games, like Skyrim and Oblivion. Some students prefer online computer games to console games. Im a PC gamer, I like to play Indie games like Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac, said sophomore Gabe Sarecky. Online game genres include Indie games, which are made by small developers for online audiences. Massive Multiplayer Online games like Runescape are a variant of RPGs that allow thousands of players to quest and level up together. Often total completion of these games can take several thousand sweet hours of playtime, and may require monthly member payments play with all the abilities.

e l t o p i h C o t d e t Addic
by Alec Perez 14
Have you ever felt that relentless tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach where your body is yelling at you, I need food!? For many teens in Olney, this feeling is a common one. When their stomachs give them the sign, their taste buds envision a chipotle burrito heading right for the mouth. After football practice I would always be starving. So I would ask my mom for the one thing I knew would satisfy my needs, Chipotle. Their addicting burrito bowls keep me hooked and whenever I need food that is quick, cheap and all around great I go to Chipotle. There was a period of time when all I wanted to eat was Chipotle. I went for 28 days straight after practice, said sophomore Brian Jung who will be attending Sherwood next year. Of the students surveyed at Sherwood, many of them stated that they go to Chipotle once a month. Some students even said they eat Chipotle once a week. The popular meal seemed to be the bowl rather than the burrito. The students that participated in the survey made it clear that the bowl offers the same amount of food as the burrito, but without the mess. There are several driving factors which keep the hungry teens coming back for more. They get the bang for their buck; the quantity of the food is very filling. The service is quick and easy. Furthermore, the food is made fresh daily. That means students get a great meal, rather than ordering a cheeseburger at McDonalds that could have been sitting in the freezer for hours on end. Youll probably see me there around four to five times a week. You know what keeps me coming back? Their great bowls and salad dressing. Not to mention the workers treat you like youre at home. They always greet you with a smile and ask you how your day is going. Can never have too much Potle, said junior Brett Jacobs. Ever since Chipotle opened in the Olney area it has been a hit. At peak hours, students can expect to join a line of 15 or more customers waiting in line to place their order. My brother and I always go to Chipotle. We go there so often that I can order exactly what he wants and vice versa. To be honest its like the Ricky Martin of music. Food to my stomach, said freshman Shyaka Gahima.


by William McDermott 15
You are just off the bus and you run in the house, turn on your console and pick up the controller, skipping your homework. Time flies as you sit entranced, achieving high scores and making all the exciting close calls that keep you on your toes. You are a gamer, and life goes on hold when you game. Sophomore Amanda Evans is on level 187 in the online game Monsters Den. Yeah, it takes some talent, she said. Many people, especially those who dont play, do not understand the draw of video games, or why some spend so much time on them. Simply put, video games instill a sense of achievement to an otherwise boring day. Sometimes, getting to ride around in a tank and blow up a bunch of buildings is just the thing you need and if its on your game console, your friends can even join in, too. Playing video games has made my social life better, because it helps me talk with other people that have similar hobbies, said sophomore James Boudhraa. Gamers also generally keep to the same genre when they play. First Person Shooters, like Call of Duty and Halo, tend to be more popular and more violent. Most of them are played on game consoles like the XBOX, in which friends can verse


The Warrior explo res the different cu ltural obsessions that ha ve captured the att ention of todays teenagers.

Television Junkies
by Sammie Spillman 16
Often times, TV is a way to pass the time or just relax. For some shows, however, students like them so much that they start to think obsessively about when the next episode will be on so they can watch it. Just ask sophomore Devin Rogers about Gossip Girl. Yes, very obsessed. I dont think I could go a day without it, admitted Rogers. Game of Thrones, a dramatic fantasy show on HBO that is now in its second season, has become a must-see for many students. I started a few months ago but now I watch it weekly and am up to date, said sophomore Emma Nichols. I love the whole fantasy theme so its the perfect show for me. My brother got me to watch it once and from then on Ive been hooked! Im definitely obsessed. On average, teens spend about 20 hours per week in front of television and computer screens, a third spend closer to 40 hours per week, and about seven percent are exposed to more than 50 hours of 'screentime' per week, according to a study presented at the American Heart Association's 48th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. The Warrior surveyed students and found that a lot of that screen time was devoted to some uncommonly addictive shows such as Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, How I Met Your Mother, Awkward, Modern Family, Survivor, Dance Moms, Vampire Diaries and The Office. Doctor Who, an originally British show that dates back to the 1960s, is about an alien named The Doctor who travels though time in a spaceship that looks like a telephone booth and saves humans and other aliens. I like the fact that [Docter Who] is sci-fi and its interesting and you can catch on really quick. Its one of those types of culture-TV where theres a certain culture to being a Whovian, said freshman Spencer Matthews. He started watching the show because a few of his friends watched it and it looked like something he would enjoy, and then he became hooked. Matthews is not the only Whovian at Sherwood. Since I am caught up I will only put in an hour a week when the new episode is on, but before I was caught up, my sister and I used to watch a couple episodes a day like three times a week, said junior Julia Dolinish. I love the show because it has the concept of having an adventure anywhere on earth or in space, at any point in time with the time machine they have. Also, the stories have great character development and amazing emotional acting. Its like a sci-fi mixed with a lot of personal emotions and characters normal lives.

The Constant Craving

by Samantha Schwartz 16
Five days a week, students wake up to their screaming alarm clocks too early in the morning; their only motivation to get up and go to school is that highly caffeinated drink from Starbucks: coffee. Many students cant resist the bittersweet taste and the distinctive coffee breath on a daily basis. Students must have their coffee no matter the circumstances or the traffic. Many are even willing to arrive late to first period, just missing the bell, but scoring that Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato. I have repeatedly been late to first periodMs. Baker is never happy about that causing a detention or two. Its always awkward walking into class with Starbucks in my hand, said freshmen Kendall Kahn. Coffee is a very mature drink intended for adults, and for what its worth, Starbucks can make it a little pricey. Many enjoy the taste of the dark drink, but others cant stand it at all and need the added Starbucks sweetness. The drink is tasty to some but has another purpose than just to satisfy. With its intense amount of caffeine, its the only hope of some to get through the day or to others just a boost to stay awake. My Starbucks helps me stay awake or focus when Im really tired or sometimes just satisfies my mood, said junior Kailyn Devers. Coffee isnt for everyone, but Starbucks is. With cake to breakfast sandwiches, coffee to tea, fraps to smoothies, it has them all. A cousin to coffee, tea, is a healthier (and tastier to some) alternative. I dont like coffee; Im definitely a tea person! Tea is very relaxing; coffee makes me jittery, said sophomore Emma Nichols.

The WarriorOpinions

June 6, 2013

Staff Editorial:
e? effectiv

How To Make the Most of Summer

packets k r o w r me Are sum

In Our Opinion
What do you plan



to do t h

is sum mer?

Do you plan to visit colleges this sum

ublished seven times a year, The Warrior serves as Sherwood High Schools premier news source. Over the years, it has received numerous state and national honors. With a staff of 35 students and one advisor, The Warrior keeps the Sherwood community apprised of local and national events. All opinions articles represent the viewpoint of the writer. The unsigned staff editorials solely represent the opinions of the newspaper staff. These articles do not necessarily represent the views of Sherwood High School. The Warrior welcomes Letters to the Editor of 250 words or less. They may be submitted to room C268 or emailed to Letters must be signed, and all content received by the newspaper is subject to editing. The Warrior staff invites feedback and corrections to printed inaccuracies. The Warrior reserves the right to refuse advertisements.

Summer is the longest break from school for students; 72 days without any teachers, tests or homework. Although reading and optional math packets are passed out at the end of the school year, the time spent studying and preparing for these are largely nonexistent for many students. Many in fact feel that time spent doing other academic activities such as college visits and SAT/ACT prep prove to be worth much more than doing packets. Packets only prepare students for the next year. So the question becomes how can students keep their summer entertaining and interesting while simultaneously continuing their education? Summer obviously provides students with time to focus on other adventures not usually available to them because of the time and effort school requires. This abundance of free time one has during the break allows a student to go on family vacations, to the beach with friends or spend the time lounging in the sun. However, this free time can be utilized to both relax and strengthen ones academic future by visiting colleges while on summer break. College visits can be fun and informative, giving one the best of both worlds. In only a few hours time, a person can get the feel of a campus, learn important information, and review potential scholarships for his/her future. Thankfully or unfortunately, depending on a

students previous score, there are no SATs administered over the summer, but there are plenty of SAT/ACT preparation courses. Sacrificing a few hours a couple of days a week to improve SAT and ACT scores can be a valuable addition to a students college pallet. There is only one SAT and one ACT for seniors before most college applications are due, so off-season studying can increase students chances of getting higher scores. College visits and SAT/ACT prep prove to be of high value during the summer break as it provides students with opportunities to expand their horizons for the future. Instead of doing summer packets, upperclassmen in high school should focus on things that better prepare them for life and school after their teenage years. For underclassmen not yet looking at college, work can be another strong use of summer time. Working part time at a local business provides teenagers with spending money to increase their summer fun while gathering valuable work experience. Work also increases a persons connections with the world around them; a person can meet people they otherwise would not have met. Summer can be a time of freedom but can also be a time for valuable work experiences and college planning. Work packets only prepare students for the upcoming year. Instead of focusing on a single class, its a better use of time to plan for life after high school.

Print Layout and Production Directors ....................... Michael Natelli 14 Marie Moeller 15 News Editors ............................................................ Steffi Carrera 14 Betselot Wondimu 15 Relieving Stress Editor ............................... Whitney Marie Halaby14 Florian 14 Features Editors ...................................................... Vicky Mary Macrae 14 Humor Editor ......................................................... Hunter Moore 15 Spotlight Editor ................................................. Mandy Stussman 14 Opinions Editors .............................................. Emma Hierholzer 15 Cal Wilson 14 Wondering Warrior Editor........................... Samantha Schwartz 16 Entertainment Editors ............................................. Jenni Kenel 14 Katie Mercogliano 14 Sports Editors ............................................................ Joey Lavoie 14 Kyle Melnick 14 Online Online Page Editor .................................................... Dylan Craig 16 Brian Hughes 15 Catherine Jou 15 Alec Perez 14 Online Managing Photo Editor ................................. Ashley Yen 14 Content and Copy Managing Content and Copy Director ...................... Joy Zhang 14 Content and Copy Editors .................................. Meagan Barrett 15 Michael Crooks 14 Tom Lee 14 Managing Photo Editors ........................................ Bridget Cook 14 Taylor Fernandes 14 Photographers....................................................... Meagan Barrett 15 Kaleigh Homer 15 Sam Selby 14 Haley Whitt 15 Staff Writers ................................................................. Ryan Deal 16 Will Van Gelder 16 Stacey Wells 15 Pollsters ..................................................................... Serena Arness 16 Sammie Spillman 16 Business and Publicity Directors ........................... Lucy Hurlbut 14 Sean Kang 14 Advisor ............................................................................... Peter Huck

cartoon by Emma Heirholzer 15

The WarriorOpinions
June 6, 2013


by Marie Moeller 15

The Dog Days Are Over

inevitable drama, but being able to spend time with them outside of school is rarity. Even on weekends, which were once held as the glorified two days allotted specifically to maintaining the sanity of educated children, have become consumed by my answer to the dreaded question: grades or friends? For me, grades have always managed to prevail, despite the stressful repercussions of doing so. Yet, one would think that once the dog days of summer come rolling along there would be plenty of opportunities to devote as much of it as I can with my friends. Nevertheless, the reality of the matter is that with two working parents and younger siblings, lounging around the house is one of the tasks that I am able to perform in my boredom. Every now and then, I am able to go to outings with friends, but in comparison to the school year, I am barely able to utilize my free time to gain any more of my social life back.

There is a common notion that school is a waste of time. For most, the entirety of ones education is not so. However, it is the tedious hours spent in the classroom or at home studying that makes the journey towards our futures all the much more harder to bear. Personally, in correspondence with practically every other high student I know, I believe that school can at times appear to be futile. Between six hours spent in rigorous classes, most of which contain material that is only necessary for upcoming tests, and a good five hours of homework given from practically all of my teachers, my remaining time is spent participating in after school activitiesboth outside of school and extracurricular. If I plan on eating or sleeping in the midst of all my daily affairs, a social life is just out of the question. Of course, I still have my fair share of friends and

The Right To Tweet
by Mary Macrae 14
Earlier this month a Syracuse student was suspended for tweeting his opinion about how his upstate New York school district was handling the budget. There were rumors that extracurricular activities and sports were going to be cut. Upon hearing this news, he tweeted that the principals position should be cut instead. As a result of his tweet he was suspended for three days. A student should have the right to voice his opinion even about school matters without the fear that the school will take action against him. Trying to silence student opinions does not create a safe and friendly learning environment. In fact, it creates an environment where dissenting or controversial opinions are not encouraged exactly the opposite of what a good school should be.

With this in mind, I have come to the conclusion that school is not the source of my troubles, I just make it that way. I am wasting my own time by cramming my schedule with various activities to the extent that at some point, I cannot possibly do anymore. Time is a matter of picking and choosing. The power of which is something that everyone possess. Deciding your priorities and making something worthwhile is up to you.

Lack of Education on Mental Disorders

by Annie Augustine 14 and When someone is diagnosed Whitney Marie Halllaby 14 with a mental illness there can
One out of every 20 adolescents has a mental illness, which can range from anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. An unfortunately prevalent assumption is that people who have these illnesses are too weak or incompetent to function normally in society. This is typically not the case. Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety are rather common, especially in young adults with stresses such as school and relationships. The shame around mental illnesses causes many sufferers to be too afraid to reach out for the help they need. The consequences of not seeking help can be tragic, ranging from drug abuse to suicide. be feelings of humiliation, which can form from internal or external sources. While society cannot eliminate the internal shame, accepting people for who they are can help individuals accept and, if possible, recover from their mental illness. A way to fix this is to have more in-depth education on mental illness in Health classes. All students are required to take the course, so this would be an effective way to further the understanding of mental illnesses. Health class does currently have a mental illness unit; however, it does not cover as much as is needed. The unit goes over the basics of the symptoms but fails to give mental illness a face and does not go into enough detail. For example, the curriculum could include having individuals share their experiences of overcoming mental illnesses such as post traumatic stress disorder, depression and bipolar disorder. Such lessons would illustrate that mental illnesses are more common than one might think but that sufferers can lead normal and productive lives with proper treatment. The National Alliance of Mental Illness has spokespeople who go around informing those with or without mental illnesses what it is like to struggle with this issue and how one can overcome it. Part of the treatment for mental illness is talking about it and having support from loved ones. To be able to provide this support, individuals must be well informed, not just on how to recognize disorders, but how to continue relationships and how to truly listen.

Tenure Works Too Well

by Meagan Barrett 15
These last few days of school are the last time many students at Sherwood will see some of their favorite teachers. The reason for this is simple: Tenure. If a position in a schools funding is cut, it would seem only logical that a teacher with less ability to engage students and to foster academic achievement should be the one who is let go. However, teachers in MCPS receive tenure after only three years, at which point they become exceedingly difficult to fire or even transfer out of a school. This means that when staff cuts have to be made at a school such as Sherwood, newer teachers are more likely to be laid off, in spite of the fact that they may be superior to some of the teachers who get to stay. While teachers unions may have created the idea with the good intentions of protecting teachers, it has become a surefire way of keeping ineffective teachers in front of classrooms. In any school system, the teacher that a student has can mean the difference between passing the class and failing. In order to fully meet the objective of schools, which is to educate students, a better effort must be made to ensure that the best possible teachers are the ones who stay when a job is cut, not the teachers who have been there the longest.

Lets All Skip Saying The Pledge of Allegiance

by Vicky Horian 14
A class of 30 kindergarteners chants monotonously in unison as they stare at a flag in the front of the class. Not a single child knows the definitions of all the words he or she is speaking. Not a single child knows whether or not he or she agrees with the message of those words, yet all the students are forced to recite them day after day. As a kid I never thought twice about the Pledge of Allegiance. All I knew was that each day I was required to stop my work, stand up from my desk and deliver the ten-second pledge with my hand covering my heart. I did not know what the words meant, they were too long and boring, yet I said them every day. Not once did a teacher explain them to me, but then again I never knew to ask. Kids across the country are forced to recite this pledge without the least bit of knowledge of what it means. These elementary students are learning from a young age that it is okay to blindly follow authority without being informed on their position. When students do learn the meaning of the pledge and possibly disagree, they are often forced to stand for its recitation anyway. This past February a sophomore at Damascus High School was sent to the principals office for refusing to stand and recite the pledge. Even though compulsory unification of opinion defies the First Amendment, some teachersexplicitly or otherwisestill insist that all students stand for the Pledge. MCPSs policy does not require students to stand for the Pledge, yet many teachers expect it. In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette that civil liberties protect students from being forced to salute to the American flag or to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. The Pledge of Allegiance was created in order to instill in American youth a love for their country and the principles on which it was founded, yet it does not carry out this function in reality. The Pledge is outdated and has no real influence on the youth of America. School systems, including MCPS, should just get rid of the daily ritual that has become, at best, a mindless activity or perhaps minor annoyance, and at worst, a violation of a students First Amendment rights.

A Not So Special Event

by Samantha Schwartz 16
Prom is the one night completely designated to seniors, other than high school graduation. Recently it seems more and more underclassmen are escorted to prom along with their senior dates. Senior prom was originally designed for the soon-to-be graduates and it should stay that way. On their special day, they splurge on their clothes, and get their hair, makeup, and nails done, and it should remain that way. Instead of taking the limelight from the seniors, the juniors should have their own event marking the conclusion to the end of the school year and the beginning of their last year of high school. Each year is special and each year should be given an event to celebrate that marks the end and the start of a new beginning either at Sherwood or with the rest of their lives.

The WarriorOpinions
June 6, 2013

Should the Plan-B Pill Be Made Available to Younger Girls?

On April 30, the FDA lowered the age restriction to purchase emergency contraception from 17 to 15-years-old. The following day, a U.S. judge ordered to make the pill available to people of all ages. The Obama administration seeks to block the judges order, which will not affect the FDAs earlier decision. The decision to lower or eliminate age restrictions for the purchase of the Plan-B pill has stirred controversy.



by Mike Crooks 14
The Food and Drug Administration announced April 30 that it would lower the age of the over the counter contraception known as Plan B One-Step from 17 and older to 15 and older. The announcement is an example of amending a law to satisfy modern times. The change is justified. The reality is that todays teens are going to have sex. A 2002 report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that 45.5 percent of girls and 45.7 percent of boys had sex by age 19. One can infer that these percentages have only increased since then. With it established that teenagers are going to continue to have sex despite the risks, the issue shifts to trying to reducing teen pregnancy. The pill will help to do just that. According to WebMD, Plan B can reduce the risk of pregnancy by up to 89 percent if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex and up to 95 percent if taken within 24 hours. Teenage girls must understand, however, that Plan B is a backup plan meant to use at last resort and that the drug does not prevent the spread of STDs. Lowering the age from 17 to 15 would be a large failure if young women stopped using con-

doms and other contraceptives because they figured Plan B kept them safe from STDs and left no chance for pregnancy. According to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, this is unlikely to happen, as The data reviewed by the agency demonstrated that women 15-years of age and older were able to understand how Plan B One-Step works, how to use it properly, and that it does not prevent the transmission of a sexually transmitted disease. The potential success in lowering the age that Plan B can be purchased lies in the ability of 15-year-old girls to listen to their parents and health teachers when they say be safe not sorry. And statistics in the past few years suggest that they are practicing safe sex. The Guttmacher Institute reports that In 2006-2010, some 86 percent of female teens and 93 percent of male teens reported using contraceptives at last sex, a large improvement from previous years. All in all, 15 year olds are not dumb. Either their parents and health teachers are getting through to them, or they flat out have common sense. The fact that they are responsible enough to use contraceptives means that there are minimal risks in allowing them to purchase Plan B, and the potential rewards are more like inevitable rewards.

by Joy Zhang 14
The priorities of most teenage girls include school, friends and extracurricular activities. Sex should not be a topic that constantly dwells on their mind. However, lowering the age restriction to purchase the morning-after pill raises curiosity about sex. If the Plan-B pill is readily available to 15-year-olds, then one can also assume that a number of 15-yearolds are having sex as well. This makes sex seem like a norm for younger adolescents, which it shouldnt be. It is rash to make this pill available to kids at such a young age because the early teenage years are when adolescents are the most reckless. The availability of the Plan-B pill changes their perspective towards sex, making kids more careless and less inclined to practice safe sex. When giving younger girls the freedom to purchase the Plan-B pill, teenagers will be taking fewer precautions, like using condoms, because they will assume the pill will be an easy quick-fix to any problems that arise. The result of not using condoms is an increase in the risk of contracting and spreading sexually transmitted infections/diseases. The issue of being negligent to practicing safe sex is seen in

all age demographics. By giving 15-year-olds access to the Plan-B pill, the problem surfaces at an even earlier age. A big flaw to the decision of lowering the age restriction is not opinion-related; it is a matter of technicalities. In order to purchase the morning-after pill, the buyer must present photo ID to prove that she is of age. However, most teenagers dont have IDs until they are at least 15 years and nine months old, when they get their learners permit. It would be very difficult for a 15-year-old without a permit to confirm his or her age when attempting to purchase the morning-after pill. If a young girl were to be in a situation where she needed the Plan-B pill, that would be a time when she requires adult guidance the most. It is inattentive to give a 15-year-old the burden of making such a big decision by herself. The previous age limit to purchase emergency contraception was extremely appropriate. At 17, almost the age of a legal adult, most girls are mature and educated enough to make their own decisions. They will have gained the experience and knowledge that a 15 year old lacks after taking the required high school health class, which isnt available to freshmen. The FDA shouldnt have tampered with a good policy.

Take Back Political Power and Influence from Lobbyists

by Will Van Gelder 16
Recently this country has seen an upswing in the power of partisan lobbies, most specifically with the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA has been in the news a lot because of its vehement opposition to any type of gun control law the Senate and House propose. Pictures of Wayne LaPierre, the Executive Vice President of the NRA, shouting behind a podium have been on the cover of newspapers across the country. The influence of the NRA has frustrated and infuriated many people because of the numerous massacres recently, specifically the December 14, 2012 Newtown, Connecticut school killings. On that day, a 20-year-old young man named Adam Lanza entered an elementary school in Connecticut wielding a few semi-automatic weapons with high capacity magazines and gunned down the principal, the school counselor, several teachers and 20 first graders. This caused national outrage and horror, and even the NRA went silent for a few days which shocked many considering how it voice its opinion on all issues. However, the lobbying group came roaring back to life saying that actually more guns were needed and school administrators and teachers should be armed. The NRA is a non-profit organization which was founded in 1871. It promotes the ownership of firearms, police training, gun safety, marksmanship, hunting and self-defense. At least this was the groups original intent; however, since the 1970s the NRAs main focus is to influence lawmakers decisions about guns. The NRA is one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in the country. Politicians seek its approval and money for campaigns and are intimidated by its immense power. The NRA claims to be protecting citizens second amendment rights, but it also seems to have a paranoid sense that Obama and other democrats want to take away lawabiding peoples guns. LaPierre and others in the NRA fervently contend that big government is after their weapons. Congress has been unable to pass even the most minor gun control laws. In April of this year, the Senate tried to pass a bill that would enforce background checks on all gun sales. Despite the fact that 90 percent of Americans are in favor of background checks on gun sales and were in favor of this law, it failed to pass. While family members of the victims of the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre watched from the seats of Congress, this practical law was shot down. The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, and the massacres in 1999 in Columbine, Colorado and 2012 Aurora, Colorado, and the 2007 shooting in Virginia Tech. had little effect on gun laws as well. It seems that the more shootings there are, the more the NRA pushes for more guns and less gun control. LaPierre and James Porter, the President of the NRA, have twisted the thinking behind the second amendment, an amendment written in 1787 meant for muskets and militias to stop a tyrannical new government if one was to be formed. They have also successfully intimidated many politicians. Some politicians, especially the four red state democrats, Senators Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Begich of Alaska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, and

Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, along with Republican Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, are now receiving angry mail from constituents who will not vote for them in the future because of their vote against this moderate gun control legislation. These members of congress voted against this legislation thinking it would gain them more votes, but they ended up losing votes because of their opposition. How did the NRA ever get so powerful, and will we ever get stronger gun control laws enacted? We need to get to a point where lobbyists do not have more power than the officials we elect to the U.S. government. The NRA has gotten much too powerful, if we havent voted them into office why are they making decisions for the U.S. people? It is time to rein in the NRAs political influence.

The WarriorWondering Warrior

June 6, 2013


The Warrior asked students how they will spend their summer, bringing in the bucks or soaking up some rays. job? r e m m u s ream d r u o y s i I could t o s t n Wha a d n Will you have a paid ight atte
a fl Probably rld for free. wo travel the zlein 15 t i t S n i t s i -Kr aid. Isnt p g n i t t e g l l i ing and st h t o n g n i o D wants? y d o b y r e v e this what ans 15 m e d u a l G -Ethan to get s i b o j r e summ m a e r d y y to take r t M n u o c e vel th t paid to tra of all the importan hs photograp s. landmark mwell 14 o r C s i r h -C

job of any kind this summer? 43% said yes

24% said no 33% were not sure

On the Clock

Off the Clock

If you could go to any country for a vacation, which would you pick and why?
America b ecause we are the gr eatest cou -Bradley N ntry. eufeld 16
hist e h t d n a cities ory

f the o e s u a c e b Germany Italy beca 15 e a there. r c use they h a M l -Pau ave amazin be so grea g food and t to eat it a i t l w l da ould s so t i d n a -Christy Ch y everyday. t o ho o t t ristian 15 o n s se it u a c e b d Irelan 6 pretty! -Connor Ganey 1 *126 students surveyed
compiled by Serena Arness 16 and Sammie Spillman 16

The WarriorEntertainment
June 6, 2013

Verizon Center July 29th

Merriweather post pavilion august 8th

Jiffy Lube August 1st

Nationals Park July 12th

Merriweather Post pavilion August 2nd

Merriweather Post Pavilion june 16th

graphic by Katie Mercogliano 14

Warped Tour: Lets Get Loud

by Hayley Whitt 15
Vans Warped Tour 2013 is almost here. The annual touring music and extreme sports festival features a variety of different bands, and will be held on July 10 at Merriweather Post Pavillion. I am most looking forward to listening to all of my favorite bands and hanging out with my friends before we go off to college, said graduating senior Patrick Bianchetti. Although the tour originated as a showcase for punk rock music, more recent lineups of bands include a diversity of genres that include alternative, rock, reggae, metal core and pop. Some of the more popular bands performing include Sleeping With Sirens, 3OH!3, and Like Moths to Flames. I am excited to listen to all of the new bands, and hopefully meet a few of them as well, said sophomore Danielle Cannady. Unless fans arrive extremely early, they will notice the seemingly never-ending line to enter the tour. Once patrons arrive at the doors, their belongings are checked thoroughly by security, and tickets are available for purchase if necessary. This years tickets cost between $23.50 and $37.50 for general admission, depending on the date of purchase. As the event draws near, the price may rise. Once inside the tour, the fans will be able to see different platforms of where different bands are performing. When a fan finds a band he/she is interested in, the fan can dance and sing, or check out the souvenir booths where stickers, wristbands and other merchandise are sold. Autographs and live meetings with the band members will even be available after theyve finished playing their set. The bands play for approximately 30 minutes on 10 different stages. The most famous bands generally play on the two main stages. After the band finishes its set, another band will rotate onto that stage. In addition to listening to the awesome music, fans may also watch or participate in the extreme sports. Sports include riding skateboards and BMX bikes on half pipes and wrestling. Since Warped Tour is an all day event, there are many areas where fans will be able to sit and relax for a while. Warped Tour is a great way to be exposed to interesting music and activities while making summer memories with your friends. It is much more than simply a concert; it is a full-blown event.

Tips for Warped Tour

Tip #1 Once you get in, check out the layout Tip #2 Get to your favorite bands early

Tip #3 Go to the booths(some have free merchandise)

Tip #4 Wear appropriate clothes

The WarriorEntertainment
June 6, 2013


Rapper Logic is to perform at The Fillmore in Silver Spring on June

by Marie Moeller 15

Logic Returns To MoCo For Concert

Logic, a Montgomery County native, continues to rise to fame with the latest hit mixtape Welcome To Forever.
by Hunter Moore 15
Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, better known as Logic, is a local rapper whose popularity is increasing more and more each day. Also referred to as Young Sinatra, Logic, originally from Gaithersburg and raised in Montgomery County, has released four mix-tapes, all receiving glowing reviews. On March 7 Logics newest mix-tape Welcome To Forever hit the music charts and got more than 200,000 downloads on the first day of its release. The mixtape includes 18 fresh new songs and received outstanding ratings of 4.5/5 stars in most critics reviews. Everyone says Logic is great because of his lyrics, said super-fan junior Tyler Reeves. That is true, he is a great lyricist. But there are some underrated components to his greatness. He is amazingly creative. Whether it is with the hooks to his songs or the beats produced by him and his team, everything always seems to flow well together. Some of my favorite Logic songs are All Sinatra Everything, Welcome to Forever, Feel Good and Used to Hate It, On June 23, Logic brings his nationwide Welcome To Forever tour back home to Montgomery County to perform and a large number of Sherwood students are highly anticipating the concert. The Fillmore in Silver Spring is going to be a jam-packed event with a fan base spectrum from devout admirers to recent listeners who will bond over their mutual love and appreciation of Logics music. My fellow Sherwood student Mark Abrams and I have grown into massive fans of Logic. You wont catch anything else [than Logic] playing when we two are together. We cant wait [until the concert] when we might get to meet our inspiration. Im sure Mark feels the same way, said sophomore Alexander Asefa. With such fan support, it is not surprising that Logic is taking the next step in his career. On March 20, he became the newest member to sign to Visionary Music Group and Def Jam Recordings. The two esteemed music labels agreed to work together to foster and support Logic and his music as he tries to expand his audience. Although a specific date has yet to be announced for Logic to release his first true album with the labels, Logic has sang about the idea of an album that would include a couple of his songs from his previous mix-tapes. In addition to his fan base that has followed him religiously from the beginning, Logic also seems to be the type of rapper that numerous different people could take a liking to. Some of students are going to the Logic concert even if Welcome to Forever is the first mix-tape they have heard from the relatable rapper. Listening to Logics new mixtape Welcome to Forever made me love Logics music and opened me up to all of his other mix-tapes, said sophomore Julie Swarr. They really just are a diverse set of songs all having its own catchy beat. His songs can really get me pumped and happy. Logic is a member of the XXL freshman class of the rap game, and some are even calling this class the best freshman class in rap history yet. The other notable names that appear with Logic in the group are rappers Joey Bada$$, Action Bronson, Chief Keef, Trinidad James and many others. A few of the musician members have previously been featured in some of Logics songs. You can really tell how Logics life influences his music. He has some of the best lyrical skills out there, I love his music. Im really upset that I cant go to his concert, especially since C Dot Castro will be there because I like his music too said sophomore and longtime Logic fan Christian Demoya.

Do it yourself (DIY) projects are fun and creative ways to keep up with new trends. Heres a couple of ways to spice up any unwanted shorts for this summer. Remember: DIY is not perfect! If your shorts do not come out exactly as planned, its okay. It makes your shorts as unique as you!

Lace trim shorts

Tie-Dye Shorts

Materials: old shorts, lace trim, fabric glue, scissors

Materials: old white shorts, tie-dye kit(with soda ash), bucket, garbage bag

Start by cutting out a piece of the lace trim. The lace was not the desired size so we reshaped it to accomidate.

Follow the directions in the tie-dying kit to soak the shorts in soda ash and make the dye.

Next, place the fabric glue on the edges of the lace and press it to the side of the shorts. For extra support, you can also sew the lace on.

Apply the dye to the shorts, being sure to blend colors. The heavier you apply the more the dye will bleed through, minimalizing the next step.

Once the glue dries, cut a small slit in the shorts underneath the lace if you want to show skin.

Carefully flip over the shorts to tidy up the backside and add more dye if needed.

photos by Haley Whitt 15

The WarriorEntertainment
June 6, 2013



Now You See Me Enchants Audience

by Sean King 14
When you hear about magicians, you probably wouldnt imagine their tricks to include robbing banks and pulling off heists. But for the film, Now You See Me, that happens to be the case. The film focuses on a troupe of magicians, known as The Four Horsemen, who perform extraordinary magic shows that end with presenting the audience with millions of stolen cash. The group is composed of self-appointed leader Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), mentalist Merritt Osbourne (Woody Harrelson), illusionist Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher) and thief Jack Wilder (Dave Franco). After their first notorious act attracts national attention, FBI agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) is put on the case with Interpol agent Alma Vargas. One of the most exciting aspects of the film is its ensemble cast. Although the movie does not feature any blockbuster actors, there are many familiar faces, including Eisenberg, Harrelson, Fisher, Franco, Ruffalo, as well as Morgan Freeman, who plays a former magician that now reveals the secrets of others magicians, and Michael Caine, who plays the millionaire benefactor of the magic troupe. The chemistry between some of the actors is excellent, which is mainly because many of the actors had previously worked with one another. Eisenberg and Harrelson co-starred in the 2009 comedy Zombieland, while Freeman and Caine had notable roles in the most recent Batman movie franchise. While the film is about magic, it does include many of the aspects that todays audience enjoy watching in a movie: intense car chases, explosions and witty humor. However, there are parts of the film that were too ambiguous and not made clear enough for the viewer to comprehend what had just happened, especially towards the end. Nevertheless, Now You See Me is definitely something that anyone can enjoy, whether or not they believe in magic.

Impressive Acting Skill Cant Create Box-Office Success For After Earth
by Dylan Craig 16
After Earth, directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring the Father-Son combo of Will and Jaden Smith, features impressive acting, but has a weak overall plot. After Earth is about an estranged father and his son trying to survive after crash landing on the remains of Earth, which is now inhabitable. Cypher Raige, played by Will Smith, is severely injured in the crash, and his inexperienced son Kitai, played by Jaden Smith, must journey across rugged terrain and face hostile creatures to recover a rescue beacon to signal for help. Will Smith, as usual, is solid and intelligently portrays his character. Jaden Smith also impresses, and he achieves the same charm and charisma that his father has displayed in earlier movies. After Earths downfall is its weak CGI and a predictable plot. The special effects are unrealistic, and there are scenes in which viewers easily can tell the film is using a green screen. There is one scene where Kitai is climbing a volcano, and it almost looks like a Pixar animation since the CGI is so pathetically edited. The plot of After Earth is mostly unoriginal, and has the same overused clich action scenes so many other movies have shown before. Surprisingly, most of the movie is basically uneventful, creating a feeling that it is is dragging on forever with a few interruptions when action takes place. M. Night Shyamalan did not feature his trademark twist ending, and there is an over-reliance on usual movie tropes such as loud, sudden musical cues to heighten tension or dramatic camera angles. Another flaw is the improper use of Will Smiths abilities, who has always been amazing in action movies such as I am Legend, Independence Day, or I, Robot. In After Earth, Smith isnt in any of the action scenes. Instead, his injuries confine him to the wreckage of the spaceship while Kitai tries to find the rescue

Sequel-Mania Strikes Again

beacon. If Will Smith had a bigger role in the movie, his natural charm and charisma would have improved the movie by leaps and bounds. Jaden Smith is solid in the action scenes but nowhere near as interesting and intense as his father would have been. A much better use of a viewers time is to re-watch one of Will Smiths earlier action-packed films when he is the main star from beginning to end.

by Brian Hughes 15
We live in an era when the movie-making business no longer cares about an original storyline or leaving a lasting impact on its audience. To some extent, it seems that most moviegoers dont seem to care either, paying to see almost the same thing again and sometimes again and again. Movie series like Fast and Furious and The Hangover are taking full advantage of the trend, making money without giving its viewers anything worthy in return. Furious 6, as it is called in the opening credits, and The Hangover Part III both repeat the structure of their previous films, only slightly altering the plot in the new ones. Furious 6 doesnt stray from its theme of family loyalty, while also including as many hard-to-believe driving stunts as it can, some of which just become so ridiculous that viewers will lose interest. The Hangover: Part III is a tad more different than it predecessors, as it is more about seeing where a crazy start to a few crazy days will lead rather than running around to fill in the holes of a drunken night. Furious 6 convinces the brain to skip right past the logic and go straight into the fun, but that doesnt work for any viewers who require just of a dose of realism from the films they see.

Stunts director Justin Lin thinks he can bypass any rational reasoning, which makes a few parts of the film absurd. Towards the beginning, Agent Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) is chasing antagonist Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) but ends up separated on a highway onramp. Without hesitating, he tells his new partner, Riley (Gina Carano), to take the wheel as he jumps out of one moving object onto another at least 20 feet below. Another example is the tank scene, in which Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) is thrown off the tanks roof, finding herself falling through a gap between adjacent bridges. But someone has to save the day, so Dom (Vin Diesel) jumps from his car, catches her mid-flight, and lands on the hood of a car on the opposite side, perfectly safe. All loyal Fast and Furious fans should know the drill by now. Turn your brains off; it will only

bring to light all the plot holes in the movie. Just dont think about the irrationality of the stunts, enjoy the one-liners here and there from various crew members, and feel the adrenaline rush from watching the gang triumph once again. Part III in The Hangover series tiresomely offers the same kind of humor as the first two parts. This time, Alan (Zach Galifianakis) is the key to the film. The plot revolves around his issues as a juvenile 42-year-old, and the comedy only occurs when he says something stupidly funny to break up a would-be dramatic scene. Doug (Justin Bartha) is separated from the group once again, and is the Wolfpacks motive for carrying out their task. Both series provide a cliffhanger in post-credit scenes, but only Fast and Furious has decided to follow up, planning to release a seventh film next year.

The WarriorSports
June 6, 2013
by Kaleigh Homer 15 and Michael Natelli 14
18, the Warriors became the first ever team from Montgomery County to clinch an appearance in the state championship. The MPSSAA, which hosts the state championship tournament, was founded in 1946, and after 67 years of this format, the Warriors finally accomplished a feat that no team from any of Montgomery Countys 26 high schools has ever managed to achieve. The Warriors were led by senior Maddie Doan and junior Emily Kenul, who combined for a jaw-dropping 137 goals on the season (71 and 66, respectively). To put that in perspective, opposing teams combined to score a mere 119 goals on the Lady Warriors in their 16 wins this year. The next three leading scorers for the Warriors (senior Taylor Polhemus, junior Kristen Lauda and Sebeck) were not far off from that mark, combining for an additional 95 goals. The Warriors offensive production this season was certainly one for the history books, and when combined with the strong effort from the defense and the consistent goaltending of senior Jamie Langbein, resulted in the Warriors winning each game by an impressive average margin of 9.11 goals. As the Warriors cruised through the season, they did not become complacent and worked hard to raise their level of play to that of the best teams in the state. Weve been preparing all season to play teams out of our region and out of our county, explained Coach Kelly Hughes. Almost every drill we did, we would stop and ask, Was that good enough to beat an Anne Arundel team? Thats how we have been practicing all along. It was apparent that the team recognized what they had accomplished this year after the final horn sounded in the state championship game. Hugs were given all around, and smiles were worn as if part of the teams uniform. While falling a game short of perfection is as bittersweet as it gets, it was truly a season for the ages, and the greatest that Montgomery County has ever seen. Hughes notes that the way a team carries itself in defeat says as much about a squad of players as a long winning streak. We learned about our self-control and our true natures, said Hughes about the state championship game. This team is incredibly competitive and losing is never easy for people like that. But we learned about how we are as losers, and thats a great notion to take with you throughout your life. If you can lose with class and not stop fighting, then losing doesnt really matter, does it?


Girls Make History by Reaching Final

After a long, unprecedented run, the Warriors season came to an end at the hands of the Broadneck Bruins in the 4A/3A Girls Lacrosse State Championship on May 22. The final score of the game was a lopsided 21-5, but dont be fooled. While Broadneck was the dominant team, the Warriors certainly deserved to be in the dance. The Warriors fully knew what they were up against in Broadneck, which is located in lacrosse-obsessed Annapolis. Sherwoods plan for the game was to match up with Broadneck very early in the game and then try to keep possession of the ball. Unfortunately, the Bruins were the team to control the game. We knew they were going to be a fast, athletic team so we tried to mentally prepare for that as much as possible, said junior Natalie Sebeck. Broadneck was our first game at that level of play. They have 10 or more Division 1 recruits. We really had to know going into it that they were going to be aggressive and score. Knowing that, we wanted to get possession as much as possible, although that proved easier said than done. After defeating Howard 1714 in the state semi-final on May

courtesy of Glenn Miller

Junior Emily Kenul fights through defenders during the Warriors 21-5 loss at the hands of Anne Arundel Countys Broadneck on May 22.

Warriors Get Started for Next Season Under New Head Coach
by Michael Natelli 14
The Warriors had a bounceback season in 2012, reaching the second round of the playoffs after missing the tournament entirely in 2011. However, the team now finds itself with new coach Chris Grier, and a significant roster turnover across the board, and theyre taking the steps to ensure theyre ready come Fall. The first priority was getting guys in the weight room and [starting] workouts, said Grier, who joins the Warriors after a successful first season as coach of DeMathas Freshman team. Its been very busy and very congested, but were on the right track. One of the interesting aspects to watch as the Warriors enter summer workouts will be how quickly the team learns Griers system. With so many new faces battling for starting spots, however, Grier says the transition could go smoother than it would in most scenarios. Theyre doing a good job taking it in, said Grier. Guys are really buying into what were trying to teach. [Many underclassmen] are learning a brand new system, and its better to learn it now than when theyre seniors. As for the rising seniors, theyve still managed to learn pretty quickly. Ive picked it up pretty fast, said defensive

lineman Dennis Muleri. Coach really emphasizes the pass rush, which definitely makes my job fun. The same goes for the offense. While the Warriors had their first opportunity to implement new plays just last week, players are already starting to adjust. The first day was obviously a little shaky, said junior wide receiver Julian Riley. But in day two, you could already see guys improving on their routes and getting to their spots much quicker. A large part of why the Warriors have been such quick learners is due to their work off the field. Were teaching them things just like in school, said Grier. Were teaching them in the classroom, giving them homework assignments and then we give them the tests on the field. While the Warriors final exam wont come until their season opener on September 7 at Gaithersburg, players will have to pass some tests to make it on the field on that Saturday afternoon. We wont know our depth chart until [the season opener], said Grier. We have a lot of young, very raw talent. Weve got a lot of guys competing for a lot of positions. I didnt know any of the [starters from 2012], so to me, its an open competition no matter whos on the field. Its open; its wide open.

Washington Longs for Playoff Success

by Kyle Melnick 14
It is almost forgotten now, but during the 1970s and 80s D.C. sports were performing at their best. This was before the Bullets changed their name to the Wizards, before there was a baseball team in Washington and right when the Capitals were settling into their new home. Back then there really was something to root for; and the fans were left disappointed much less often. The Washington Bullets won the NBA Eastern Conference four times during the 70s, winning their only league championship in 1978. The Washington Redskins have had the most success of any team in the nations capital. The team won the Super Bowl in 1982, 1987 and 1991, also making appearances in the 1972 and 1983 title games. However, after three time Super Bowl-winning coach, Job Gibbs retired in 1992, the team fell into a tailspin that it has been unable to escape ever since. Even though hockey has recently become an emerging sport in our area, the Capitals last made a run to the Stanley Cup final in 1997. D.C. United won the MLS title in 1996, 1997, 1999 and 2004. Since this championship appearance, no D.C. professional team has reached the final in their sport. The Wizards have not made a playoff appearance since 2008 and have not won a series since 2005. Fans would be happy just to see them accomplish a .500 record next year after all the disappointment the team has had. The Washington Redskins had a successful season last year, yet had nothing to show for it in postseason play. The Redskins have not won a playoff game since 2005 and have not reached the conference championship since they won the Super Bowl in 1991. More recently, the Washington Capitals have been eliminated from the playoffs by the New York Rangers in seven games. This marks the sixth consecutive year in which the Capitals have finished first or second in their division, but still failed to qualify for the conference championship. Each and every year, the Capitals seem to be major contenders for the Stanley Cup, finishing the season on a high note. However, division championships are the only thing the Capitals have won. The only team that remains standing in June is the Washington Nationals, a team that finished last season with a division championship. After being eliminated in the first round of the playoffs, fans

tried to feel optimistic about the development of the young team and a potential championship in the future. However, the pressure is building on the Nationals, who have gotten to a slow start this season, leaving fans worried and irate about the teams early play. Washington sports have made a habit of losing after holding the winning tradition for years. Up and coming teams such as the Nationals and Redskins always give fans hope at the start of each season, but seem to fall short when the playoffs begin. This inconsistent and uncertain success has left fans worried; the most recent team to have any playoff success was D.C. United, and probably only half the people in our area know that.

The WarriorSports
by Hunter Moore 15 and Michael Natelli 14
It seemed as though the Warriors could do no wrong in the state championship game against Glen Burnie on May 25 at the University of Maryland. Led by another stellar pitching performance by junior Meggie Dejter, the team won 5-0 to conclude its undefeated season with its second consecutive state title. Exactly 365 days after Dejter pitched a one-hit, complete-game shutout in the 2012 State Championship against Chesapeake, she brought the same stuff to the mound this time around, scattering just four hits and a walk over seven shutout innings. This time, Dejter had the chance to pitch with an early lead. After back-to-back leadoff walks by senior Amelia Naik and sophomore Julie Swarr; sophomore Nicole Stockinger and senior Megan McDonough hit RBI single and triples, respectively, giving the Warriors a 3-0 lead heading into the second inning. Last year we were so nervous, said Dejter. This year ... [I was] able to go through the game really relaxed. Dejters confidence was apparent in the early going, as she struck out four batters in the first three innings. Sherwood would add two

June 6, 2013

Softball Wins Second Straight at College Park

Girls Reign Supreme over Competition
Sherwood athletics is frequently associated with the fortunes of its football team. However, other sports have risen to prominence and nowhere are this more evident than the success of the girls sports teams. As The Gazette noted in a May 19 article, six teams (outdoor track, soccer, lacrosse, swim and dive, softball and volleyball) won region titles in 201213, with softball and volleyball clinching state titles. Co-ed volleyball won the county title. Individually, many graduating seniors distinguished themselves as elite athletes heading to Division 1 programs, including three-time Gatorade Player of the Year Alex Holston in volleyball, All-Met soccer player Hope Gouterman, and swimmer Anna Kolanowski. Although many phenomenal athletes will graduate on Tuesday, a plethora of young talent remains, meaning the Lady Warriors could still be in the thick of one of the all-time great athletic dynasties Montgomery County has ever seen by one gender.

Michael Natelli 14

The Warriors celebrate after their 5-0 victory over Glen Burnie in College Park. Junior pitcher Meggie Dejter led the team through the playoff run, pitching a complete game four-hitter in the championship. more runs in the fifth and sixth Coach Eddie Baxter decided the team has the ability to continue innings, giving Dejter a 5-0 lead time was right to retire. Flanagan the legacy of Sherwood softball. to work with in the top of the sev- steps down as a coaching legend Its sad that Im done with softenth. Dejter wouldnt need the in MCPS, having amassed more ball, but Im happy because the cushion, however, as she struck than 300 victories in 37 years of seniors went out with a bang, out the side to end the game. coaching. She also leaves the soft- said Naik I know the team were The win gave the Warriors ball program in excellent shape to leaving behind has so much talent their second state title. On top of have continued success, with 78 and [can win states] again. They that, it extended the teams win percent of the roster returning have so much potential. Softball streak to 42 consecutive games next season as well as plenty of is a team sport and there isnt one dating back to last season. talent stocked up on the JV roster. person who can carry out any With the team firmly estab- For the graduating seniors, team. Our team has and will do a lished as the best in Maryland, they know that theyve made good job at using all of our assets Coach Pat Flanagan and Assistant their marks and that next years and contributing as a whole.

Sherwood Athletes Look To Strike a Balance

by Joey Lavoie 14
This year, Sherwood fielded 1074 student athletes across 46 varsity and JV sports, all of whom faced the challenge of balancing athletic performance, a minimum 2.0 GPA and the everyday struggles of the normal high school student. In spite of the time crunch to participate in practices and games on top of going to school, many of Sherwoods athletes are highly successful in the classroom. According to student-athlete GPA analysis collected by Athletic Director Kathy Green, 74 percent of students athletes thus far this school year have achieved a 3.0 GPA or better during the season in which they play a sport. These students receive a Scholar Athlete Certificate for achieving this GPA. By comparison, approximately 60 percent of all Sherwood students had better than 3.0 for their overall quarterly GPA through three quarters thus far this school year. Playing sports helps you focus on your GPA because you realize if you ever want a scholarship for your sport, you need to have a top-notch GPA to be noticed by schools, said sophomore Tanner Jacob, who participates in JV football and basketball, and also runs track and field during the spring. Some athletes go above and beyond in the classroom during their athletic seasons. Ninety-nine of Sherwoods athletes were able to maintain a 4.0 unweighted GPA during same time that they were playing sports. These athletes bring it upon themselves to dominate on the field and in the classrooms, the time and effort they are forced to put in is unmatched. Its a lot of work with games and daily practice but staying organized helps a lot, said junior pom Kimberly Vielhaber, who had a 4.0 while participating in poms. Sometimes I have to stay up late to get everything done, but its worth it because I love poms and I know its what I have to do to keep up my grades. In addition to individual athletes striving for excellence, teams as a whole excel in the classroom, with girls indoor track, cross country, gymnastics and JV softball all consisting of squads in which every athlete had a 3.00 GPA or better during the sports season. There are disparities in the academic performance from one team to the next. While 93 percent of girls volleyball teams had a 3.0 or better and 73 percent had a 3.25 GPA or better, 53 percent of varsity football players had a 3.0 or better and 43 percent had above a 3.25. Three varsity football players also had below a 2.0 GPA during the football season. Just 33 percent of varsity wrestlers attained a 3.0 or better during the season, and 17 percent receive a 3.25 GPA or better.

2012-2013 Student Athletic GPA During Season

9% (99 athle tes) GPA of 4.0

25% (271 athletes) GPA less than 3.0 16% (169 athletes) GPA of 3.0-3.24
50% (535 athletes) GPA of 3.25-3.99

*1074 athletes total

Stats compiled by Sherwood Athletic Department, number of athletes are for all three seasons in the 20122013 scholastic year. All GPAs are on a 4.0 Scale. For those student-athletes who do exceptionally well in school, the common denominator they all share is time-management skills. It can be really difficult when I have a lot of work to do and practice on the same night, but I try to get my work done early or work on it when I have free time in school as much as possible, said junior Natalie Sebeck, who plays varsity volleyball, basketball and lacrosse while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. But playing sports actually tends to help me keep my grades up because it forces me to manage my time and do my work efficiently. Playing sports can be especially challenging for JV athletes who are often still getting used to the rigors and workload of high school. Coming into Sherwood, I didnt really know what I was going to have to face, said freshman Kendall Kahn, who played both girls JV volleyball and coed volleyball. Like many athletes before her, she is figuring out how to balance school and sports. I sort of just realized I need to perform academically in order to continue to play volleyball.

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