Ascent Collateral

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Strategic Partner

MBOSJ\,~Cfush: Strategic W· •r Quarterly Update

Partner: Ascent Business Systems: Cara Hawthorne, Mike Hutar

Saue As~i1ts: K(!'Iin Rook(>rIKen Sapp/Richard Forsythe I Andrea Conrad

• Customer: $14M (Install &: Service) of Home Entertainment/Security Systems

Functional Requirements:
Muitl·Company. ComoUdatlons, Allocations, Intercomp3rl" t.ransactlons
Ease of Use. Customlzatloo. and to Impact mes
(rom thfrd-party application In SpaIn
WMS requirements were verytmparum In their decision. SeriallJ [(addnll and Lot Control

Competitive Challenges:
MS Gr<.>atPLalns/W~n·Soft ~ Inc.umbenl plu~ S1:ha!rer Sy:n.ems al~ competing
5· PagcJhJlti·Lcvcf attack document .cI'erendnll Carlton Collins Ocx.ument
Keys to the Win:
Confidence in th~ lUcent/Sage solution Iproduc~ and people)
The involvemenl or key dedslon makefs who staled their vision t)uoughout sales ~Il!
The Ascent r3pOllSt' emphasi2ed the desire to win the prospect's bU5ines~ base.cJupon tangible
cn.'CIibnltyand expertise in (as opposed to relying on jargon and distorted"
Information re(~renced by the MiCfO~l reseller)
Products Purdlased:
35 user AscentilMS 200 system core and distribution (10 mow(cs)
Two lIanlh Sales Cycle!
Over 5120.000 for initial pm<iJru and services
More to come with additional users and re(ated companSes!
Customer Success Story

SECURITY ~~~~{t)~.
Houston, Texas Security Systems & Home Entertainment
Ascent Business Systems
Customer Since 2005 Since 1975, Connect One Security has
provided safety and security to over 1
million families. Factory-trained,
bonded technicians install and activate
security systems, and provide cus-
CORPORATE tomer training.

PROFILE Connect One designs, installs, and

Type of Business services home theatres and offers
Sales, Installalion,and structured wiring for new homes.
FieldService Connect One's professional technicians
provide end-to-end system desig n for
new homes and, for existing homes,
Residential construct/on know-how, Installation
assess the homeowner's current sys- expertise and technology leadership - the win-
tem, discuss performance options and ning combination to ensure your new home 15
assist in planning for future technolo-
NEW gies.
Business Software ~HE SOLUTION
AutomatedServicefor MAS 200
AS Bill of Materials Integration THE CHALLENGE
AS Builder SubdivisionAdd-on Connect One partnered with Ascent Busi-
AS Deferred Revenue ness Systems in 2005 to automate and
AS ABA CustomerWithdrawal With an offering of services and instal- improve productivity.
Sage MAS 200 Core / Dislribution/ lations that includes Home Entertain-
lilI of Materials' Credit Card Processing ment and Security Systems, Struc- The combined flexibility of Sage MAS 200
tured Wiring, Central AirVac and Inter- and AutomtatedService business system
Computer System com Systems, Connect One required a and the customizable functionality of
MicrosoftWindows Network business system that provided opera- both solutions, allowed Connect One to
tional visibility for all business units build an enterprise system that is specifi-
with full integration to back office ac- cally tailored for their unique business
counting. model. AutomatedService offered the
logistics management that would reign-in
OLD Connect One realized they were stifled Connect One's service transactions and
by the inability to get real-time infor- monitor service performance for an ex-
SYSTEM I PROFILE mation on job costs and profitability. panding field service workforce of more
Without this visibility, it was difficult to than 200.
Business Software negotiate effective contracts with
WennsoftService Management
builders for new construction. Access "It is easier to put notes on the cus-
Great Plains Dynamics
to real-time and accurate job costs tomer's account. It is also easier to read
would give insight to the profitability notes on the customer's account that
of home security and home entertain- other departments have notated.
Ascent Business Systems, Inc. ment packages offered by Connect
1880 S. Dairy Ashford, Suite 535 One's sales team. The time it takes to data enter the agree-
Houston, Texas 77077 ment portion was cut in half.
An enterprise solution that offered
Visit us at: It is easier to find customer information
busi ness insight into each business in MAS because you can search and use
E-mail Address:info@ascent· unit's profitability and performance begins with, ends with, contains, less
with real-time access to logistic re- than, greater than, etc."
Volcem811: 800.256.6853
ports and P&Ls would give Ranger the
Connect One Security
competitive advantage they needed to
expand their business.

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