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Greendale Parent Advisory Committee Meeting June 6, 2013

1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of the Agenda Kristen R. and Alex V. approved 3. Reports a. School Planning Committee -Finished for the year b. Parent Education - Money for the Parent Education Resources in the Library needed for next year. c. Emergency Preparedness Rachel and Michelle to do June check of supplies d. School Lunch Finished for the year e. Fruit & Veggie Program Finished for the year f. Lice Checks - Finished for the year g. DPAC Email information missing h. Safer School Committee Speed Sign placed outside school by bus land seems to be working to slow people down to school zone speed. i. Treasurer Report given - Policy on NSF cheques motion to create a policy. Shari D. and Michelle R. , 1st and 2nd the motion. Policy voted on and approved. To be announced.

j. Principal - Many field trips and activities planned for the end of school year. - June 18 Pancake Breakfast, Peers Waterslides - Staff Changes Welcome to Kelly Thiessen, our new Secretary. Starting Tuesday, June 11. 4. Business Arising from Last Meeting a. Playground Update and Signs The major component of the playground has been purchased and will be installed in the summer. A bench with a plaque of larger donors listed will also be installed. b. Neufeld Farms Went well Made $659.00. Question of running the fundraiser twice a year dates for next year to be decided c. Fun Fair - Went well. Thank you to everyone for all your hard work for the Fun Fair this year in making it another success. d. Pancake Breakfast June 18 need more volunteers Anne H. and Candice English are in charge of volunteers. - Volunteers - please be there for 8am - Still Needed: Sausages to be cooked, spatulas, roosters, small grills and flippers e. 100 Nights of Reading Assembly June 21, 9:45am Prizes needed for 200 nights of reading students Michelle D. to purchase Coles gift cards. f. School DVD for end of year. Alex V. has volunteered to make them again this year. 5. New Business a. Ford Drive One for your School Sept. 28th - Meeting in 2 weeks to plan for the fall. b. Sports Day Lots of food left over from the Fun Fair Going towards the Grade 6 Camp

c. Flyer Policy Discussion around whether to allow 3rd party flyers to come through the Friday Folders. Idea put forward to place a sticker on the folders of those families that do not wish to have 3rd party fliers come home in their childs Friday Folder. d. Raise the Dough Should we run this fundraiser next year? PAC does not make enough money. Decision made to not run it next year. e. Schedule for PAC Meetings next year At Little Beetle Bistro - Welcome Back BBQ Beginning of September - First Thursday of every month (Note Change) f. Looking Ahead Coupon Books Fundraiser will run Beginning of September Purdys Forms go out end of Oct. Neufeld Farms request to run it 2x per year. Decision to run it October/May Plant Sale April/May Bake Sale/Scholastic Book Fair Raises money towards Library Dates to be determine Movie Night to be determined Stampin Up! a parent would like to plan this event for the fall Fun Fair Michelle D. will not be organizing the Fun Fair next year. Needing someone to volunteer for this next year if people wish to do it.

Adjournment Next meeting September HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

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