ESO Turns 40: CATHERINE CESARSKY, Director General of ESO

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109 – September 2002

ESO Turns 40

1962 – 2002… start and promising perspectives for a ESO’s skillful and dedicated staff that
Four decades super-giant telescope, ESO has ma- brought these great projects to fruition.
that changed tured to become a major player on the I also want to salute the commitment of
Europe – and world scene, offering to its community a the members of ESO Committees. I am
forty years that unique complement of research facili- in particular grateful for the active sup-
changed Euro- ties. Always a persistent driver of front- port over these past three years from
pean Astron- line research, it is now the prime serv- the President of Council and from the
omy. One full ice organization in its field on this con- Chairs of Finance Committee, Scientific
generation of tinent, with thousands of scientists prof- and Technical Committee, VLTI Imple-
scientists, a iting from precious data obtained with mentation Committee, Observing Pro-
wonderful time telescopes at the ESO sites. In a gramme Committee, Users Committee
during which steady and carefully planned process, and Visiting Committee, as well as from
many of our new and extremely powerful instru- so many influential members of these
dreams, our ments and telescopes are being devel- Committees. And, of course, above all,
hopes, and our oped for the ESO community in close I wish to thank the member countries
goals have finally come true. collaboration with research institutes for their enthusiastic support of ESO
Our ancient science has always and the high-tech industry. Innovative throughout the years.
been characterized by broad interna- concepts, like the Astro-
tional collaboration. However, it was nomical Virtual Observa-
only in the early 1950’s that our illustri- tory and associated data
ous predecessors, led by Jan Hendrick archives with tens of Tera-
Oort and Walter Baade, embarked bytes contribute to the
upon the arduous political process that success of European As-
ultimately gave birth to ESO. With great tronomy and Astrophys-
foresight and an equal measure of ics.
stubborn will, they paved the way for The challenges ahead
some of the world’s best telescope and are commensurate with
instrument facilities, the solid and the achievements of to-
durable ground for a strong and brilliant day. To meet them, ESO,
future of European Astronomy and a dynamic organization, is
Astrophysics. committed to continuous
From the construction of its first ob- progress and ever-in-
servatory at La Silla on a remote moun- creasing efficiency. I want
tain top in the inhospitable Atacama to take this opportunity to
desert, to the momentous Very Large pay tribute to those who
Telescope at Paranal, with the con- have contributed to ESO’s
struction of the ALMA project about to success. I must start with

ESO Council Meeting in London, 8–9 July 2002
To mark the occasion of the the tenth member state joining ESO, the UK
invited ESO to hold its 98th Council meeting in London on 8–9 July 2002.
The hosts provided a wonderful venue for the meeting in Trinity House,
overlooking the Tower of London. An excursion to the historic Greenwich
Observatory and a banquet at Lancaster House helped to make it an es-
pecially memorable occasion. A landmark decision made at the meeting
was the approval for the construction and operation of the Atacama Large
Millimeter Array (ALMA).
The speeches given at the banquet by Lord Sainsbury, A. Freytag and
C. Cesarsky are printed below, followed by an article by Prof. Gerry Gilmore
on the British astronomers’ perspective.

Speeches to Mark the Accession of the UK to ESO

Lord Sainsbury, UK Science Minister
Good evening Ladies and Gentle- than the provider of all the facilities International collaboration is a key
men and welcome to you all. It is a themselves. For this reason, the part of this strategy because the char-
great pleasure for me to act as host Science and Innovation White Paper acteristics of these large-scale facilities
tonight for this dinner, which is held to ‘Excellence and Opportunity’, which we often make collaboration the most ef-
celebrate the UK’s accession to the Eu- produced two years ago, undertook to fective means of provision: They are
ropean Southern Observatory (ESO). I develop a ten-year rolling plan for fu- expensive to build and operate; they
am delighted too, that we have the op- ture large-scale facilities, taking ac- frequently serve national and interna-
portunity to host this ESO Council count of developments in Europe and tional users; and they tend to be multi-
meeting, and that we have the ESO elsewhere, to ensure that UK re- disciplinary.
Council Members and the principal offi- searchers have access to the best fa- The UK astronomy community was
cials of ESO present here tonight. cilities in the world. also asked, a few years ago, to exam-
I am sure I speak for the entire UK The Large Facilities Strategic Road- ine their science priorities for the next
astronomy community when I say how map, which we produced, represents ten to fifteen years, and also to identify
much we are looking forward to partici- the first attempt at a ten to fifteen year the facilities required to address those
pating in ESO and taking advantage of map of future facility requirements. The priorities. The message received was
its marvellous facilities. I also hope very aim of the document is to provide a clear – joining ESO was the top priority
much the UK’s participation will lead to longer-term vision of future require- for astronomy.
a strengthening of ESO and a widening ments of the UK Science and Engi- Our astronomers recognized that the
of its capabilities for astronomical re- neering Base. It reflects the context of current generation of World-leading tel-
search. future European, or in some cases glo- escope facilities are on a scale that can
As Minister for Science, I see my role bal, requirements for large-scale facili- only be achieved through international
as the provider of access to World- ties in order to assess the most effec- partnerships. This of course has been
class facilities for UK scientists rather tive approach for satisfying UK needs. an increasing trend for some years and

Gathered in the historic Octagon Room of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, London, Ian Halliday (CEO, Particle Physics and Astronomy
Research Council) stresses the benefits to British astronomers of belonging to the European Southern Observatory. The Panel consisted of
(left to right) Roy Clare (Director of the National Maritime Museum), Arno Freytag (President of the ESO Council), Lord Sainsbury (Science
Minister), Gerry Gilmore (Cambridge University), Ian Halliday, Catherine Cesarsky (Director General of ESO) and Pat Roche (Oxford
University). Courtesy PPARC.

will no doubt become more pronounced The UK now embarks on a new jour- We believe, therefore, that strong inter-
for future telescopes under considera- ney with the joining of ESO. There are national relationships are essential; any
tion. some exciting opportunities ahead and society that is closed, inward looking
The Government responded to the I am aware in particular of the ALMA and defensive will not long remain at
wishes of the astronomy community in project. the forefront of science because it can-
the Government’s 2000 Spending This global project, with Europe, not take part in global collaboration. I
Review, when it made a special contri- North America, and possibly Japan, all believe that the UK is stronger when it
bution to PPARC of £100 m over the working together, promises, once com- collaborates internationally and I want
next 10 years specifically to allow the pleted, hopefully in 2009, to be the the UK to be a key player in European
UK to join ESO. We are of course very largest ground-based astronomy facility and global science.
pleased that the UK is now at last a ever constructed. The UK is very en- The message I want to convey to you
member of ESO. The UK has joined thusiastic about becoming involved in is very simple. We are very pleased
probably the World’s leading observa- ALMA. I know ESO Council has been that the UK has finally joined ESO, we
tory and UK astronomers will gain ac- considering this subject carefully and are excited by the opportunities that lie
cess to some of the World’s most ad- we look forward to its decision on par- ahead, and we hope UK participation
vanced telescopes including ESO’s ticipation. will serve to strengthen this renowned
Very Large Telescope. Joining ESO also The UK currently funds about 5% of international organization.
integrates the UK astronomical com- World science. This means that over Thank you.
munity with that of continental Europe. 95% of science is funded elsewhere.

Dr. Arno Freytag, President of the ESO Council

Lord Sainsbury, distinguished guests, enormous progress in the past few bution of Vista, a uniquely powerful in-
ladies and gentlemen; decades. The outstanding recent tele- frared survey telescope that will consid-
Thank you for your warm words of scopes in space and on the ground are erably enhance the already exceptional
welcome and for inviting us to dinner in allowing us to accelerate the pace of capabilities of our Paranal observatory.
these magnificent surroundings, which that progress. Europe has to work to- I can say, without any false modesty,
I must say compare rather favourably gether in astronomy – as it has demon- that ESO has become the leading as-
with the facilities in Garching! strated it can do in other fields, such as tronomical observatory in the world.
This is a historic occasion. We are all particle physics – if it is to exploit these This is due to our clarity of vision, the
privileged to be a part of it, no-one more wonderful instruments. But it is even dedication and skill of our staff, the
than me. It is indeed an honour to be more important that we work together strength of our community, and the
President of ESO Council, and, on be- to prepare for what is to follow. support of our member states. Now that
half of all the member states and the That is why today is so significant. the United Kingdom has joined, we will
staff of ESO, to welcome the United For today the ESO Council dis- be stronger and better prepared for the
Kingdom into our midst. cussed European participation in future. We know you share our vision,
We have had a most enjoyable after- ALMA. This is a truly international proj- we know of your skills and dedication,
noon which has served to remind us of ect with a good prospect of turning into we never doubted the strength of your
Britain’s long and distinguished contri- a global project. We know that ALMA community, and we now know we can
bution to astronomy. So now the nation was a major force behind the United count on your support. I look forward
of Newton and Herschel joins the na- Kingdom decision to join ESO, and we confidently to an outstanding future for
tions of Galileo, Kepler, Brahe, Cassini, recognize the mutual benefit, for, with- ESO and for European astronomy.
Messier, and many others who paved out the United Kingdom, ESO could not I turn once again to you, Lord Sains-
the way to where we are now. take up a half share. That would have bury, and thank you, and everyone else
But today, of all days, we look to the been a disaster for European astrono- in the United Kingdom who made it
future. World astronomy has made my. We also look forward to the contri- possible.

Dr. Catherine Cesarsky, ESO Director General

I would like to thank you, Lord Sains- lar system. But on Earth, a full genera- of what has been and what can be
bury, for your hospitality here and for tion of astronomers. achieved by working together. So what
your kind words. It is also the age of ESO this year. happens in the next 40 years? Our flag-
Forty years ago many of us were still And the time needed for us to prove ship projects – VLT – ALMA – OWL...
in school or at the beginning of our ca- that we are the best in the world in our We cannot promise to find that first
reers – not able to imagine the incredi- field, good enough for the UK to join af- exoplanet with exo-life, but we will have
ble developments going to happen to ter 40 years of hesitation! the means to look for it. We cannot
us – to science – to Europe – to the Astronomy is the international sci- promise that we will understand what
world. But what is 40 years in astro- ence, since the earliest times. The the enormous amount of dark matter
nomical terms? 40 revolutions of the heavens know no borders. There are and dark energy in the Universe is
Earth around the Sun – a little more megalithic observatories in your coun- made of, but we will search for it. We
than half a revolution of Comet Halley – try and also in my country; surely the cannot promise to discover the ultimate
the orbit first calculated by famous master builders talked to each other secret of the world in which we live, but
British astronomer Edmond Halley in also in those ancient days. we will certainly know much more about
1705 – a little less than half a revolution Astronomy demonstrates to all of it and our own position.
of planet Uranus, discovered in 1783 by Europe the benefit of pooling forces – Astronomy has an enormous poten-
British astronomer William Herschel. by doing so, we can do better than any- tial for exciting discoveries that will fas-
One 100 millionth of the age of the so- body else. Let us be honest and proud cinate the public and it will continue to

attract the most clever minds among fu- welcome it to ESO. Together we have mosphere. Do sit down at the telescope
ture generations. an enormous potential for new break- controls and let us look together to-
The UK has a long and successful throughs. wards the end of the universe and the
history in our science, with many trail- Minister Sainsbury, we would be very beginnings of time!
blazing results by theoreticians and ob- happy to welcome you at Paranal. Do
servers, and we are proud and happy to come and experience that unique at-


Why Does the UK Need More Astronomy?
GERRY GILMORE, Professor of Experimental Philosophy, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
University, UK

“What was God doing before he and image quality. Each modern large plemented by the APM (Cambridge)
made heaven and earth? … He was telescope is both vastly more sensitive, and COSMOS (Edinburgh) measuring
preparing hell for those who would pry and vastly more efficient, than were 4- machines, the UK InfraRed Telescope
into such profound mysteries.’’1 This metre-class telescopes 20 years ago. (UKIRT) and the beginnings of the
joke was already venerable when quot- It is this huge increase in generation JCMT sub-mm telescope on Hawaii,
ed by Augustine, in his analysis of the of high-quality data which drives cur- and the Isaac Newton Group on La
ancient and still modern problem, time. rent progress in astronomy. Conse- Palma were world-quality facilities quite
Understanding the origin(s), mean- quently, the community with the best sufficient to challenge those of us fortu-
ing(s), future(s), and significance(s) of technology has the best opportunity to nate enough to be let loose on them.
time, space, existence, mass, matter, discover the new, and has a head-start These observatories were (mostly)
geometry, of origins and endings, of in attracting bright young people to sci- international partnerships, with the UK
what and where, remains one of the ence. But it is not just a question of the largest partner. Next came Gemini,
greatest intellectual endeavours of the wealth buying power: the huge techno- two superb 8-m telescopes, with the UK
human mind. From the caves of Las- logical investment of Tycho and Kepler as a 25 per cent partner. And most re-
caux, through the megaliths of Stone- reached its scientific fruition with cently ALMA, with the UK as (roughly)
henge to the dreamtime of Australia, Newton. Real scientific progress, as 20 per cent partner inside the Euro-
mankind has striven to understand his that example reminds us, requires both pean-wide 50 per cent share. Why the
origins and future. Our generation has technology and people, complementary systematic decrease in share? Why is
the exceptional good fortune to be liv- approaches, and trans-national collab- Gemini on-line so long after Keck?
ing through the greatest increase in orations. And it works best with a spice Simple: money.
knowledge relevant to these fundamen- of competition. Sometime around 1990 optical/IR
tal questions since someone first Considerations like those above led astronomy became too expensive for
looked up at night. We are also in- to the formation of ESO (cf. ESO’s one country, even one as large as the
creasing understanding, while realizing Early History. A. Blaauw) and the for- UK. But something else more funda-
how much more there is in the Universe mation of La Silla Observatory, and led mental changed too. ‘International as-
still be learned and understood. the UK to found collaborative observa- tronomy’ began to mean more to UK
Even more wonderful (sic) for us, our tories in Australia, South Africa, the astronomers than ‘astronomy in the for-
rate of progress in knowledge is accel- Canary Islands, Hawaii and Chile. mer British Empire’, or ‘trans-atlantic
erating, as the technological advances (Radio and space astronomy have their astronomy’. Routine collaboration be-
resulting from research into basic sci- own history and set of personalities, tween institutes in the UK and in conti-
ence feed back positively in turn to ad- and are not considered in this article.) nental Europe was less common than
vance basic knowledge more rapidly. A significant motivation in develop- was collaboration with the US. But this
This is truly a golden age of discovery ment of these observatories was an at- began to change.
in astronomy, with almost every class of tempt to regain international research Of course, many European countries
object we study having been discov- leadership in astronomy. For whatever besides the UK had close scientific
ered in our working lifetimes. mix of reasons, Europe, including the links across the Atlantic: the effect of
Why is it so? There are two dominant UK, fared much less well relative to the the Netherlands on US astronomy is a
reasons: technology and people, but US in astrophysics research in the ear- famous exemplum. The European
only one explanation: efficiency. The ly 20th century than it did in, for exam- (largely Italian) diaspora who made the
astronomical community is at most one ple, quantum theory and relativity. Space Telescope Science Institute in
order of magnitude larger by number Baltimore so much more than just an-
than it was a generation ago: a signifi- UK and European astronomy: other NASA center is a major example
cant, but not huge advance. Astronom- a micro-history of the happy internationalization of as-
ical telescopes today provide the real tronomy. Cheap and easy travel was of
advance, with not only a very consider- I am not aware of the factors consid- course another factor. As was the les-
able increase in mirror collecting area, ered when the UK decided to develop son from space science and radio as-
but a vast increase in detector area, de- its astronomy independently from ESO, tronomy, which had much earlier
tector quantum efficiency/sensitivity, through bilateral partnerships, but by crossed the ‘unaffordable by one coun-
1980, when I arrived in the UK, it was try’ barrier. All these factors changed
1‘Quod faciebat Deus, antequam faceret caelum
obviously a successful policy. The the assumption, and encouraged UK
et terram?’ Respondeo non illud quod quidam re- Anglo-Australian telescope, with its astronomers to look more widely for
spondisse perhibetur, ioculariter eludens quaestio-
nis violentiam: ‘Alta’ inquit ‘scrutantibus gehennas marvellous IPCS photon-counting sys- competition, and for colleagues.
parabat’. Augustine, Confessions XI xii 14. tem, the UK Schmidt Telescope, com- And what did we see happening in

An illustrative view of the development of astronomical telescopes. From the top left, the telescopes of Galileo, Newton and Birr Castle, re-
flecting European technological innovation and dominance in astronomy until the twentieth century. Mt Wilson and the two Keck telescopes
are typical of the dominance of telescope technology by the private US observatories through the twentieth century. Finally, the VLT sets the
standard of excellence at the start of the 21st century.

continental Europe: by the late 1990s and continental Europe. In 1992, the Europe-wide organization to build and
European astronomy was not only not IoA had 50 postdoctoral fellows, about operate it, so that some sort of a part-
ignorable, it was seriously good, and one-half from outside the UK, of whom nership between the UK and ESO
about to become outstanding. This was 4 were from Western Europe (one each would happen. Fortunately, the UK is
only in part a technological change. from Greece, Italy, Norway and Spain). currently in a period of relative wealth,
There was one other structural change, In 2002 the IoA has 70 postdoctoral fel- and has a government supportive of all
still only in its earliest stages in some lows, of whom 22 are from Western of excellence, science, and Europe.
countries, which perhaps had the Europe. In addition, 6 European-regis- The conditions came into phase ideally,
largest positive effect: the move away tered PhD students (on an EARA/Marie and here we are in ESO!
from tenured positions on completion of Curie EU-funded programme) are visit-
a PhD to an assumption of a postdoc- ing. The change is dramatic, from 8 per Will the UK change ESO?
toral position, or several, in different in- cent to 30 per cent, and UK astronomy
stitutes and countries, between degree is very much better for it. This question has been raised a few
and job. It is postdocs who really move With this background, one can now times! My answer is purely personal. I
around, who naturally, through re-loca- answer the question: why did the UK think the UK will change ESO: the last
tion, become part of multi-Institute col- join ESO. As shown above, over a big European country is in, this is the
laborations, and who really link com- decade close and real scientific part- biggest change ESO will experience in
munities. nerships were developed. The un- the forseeable future. Much of the
Also important was the effort made known was replaced by mutual respect. change will be cultural. UK astronom-
by key individuals: for example, Simon This was a necessary but not sufficient ers have a somewhat more aggressive
White (then in Cambridge), Alain condition. Then something much more attitude to publishing than do some oth-
Omont and George Miley founded important happened: the VLT. er communities. There is in the UK a
EARA, the European Association for significantly larger bias than in some
Research in Astronomy, a formal link The VLT changed everything countries towards studies of the poorly
between Cambridge, Paris and Leiden known: dark matter, inflation, galaxy
(now extended to include MPA As it became clear that ESO really formation… rather than more detailed
Garching and IAC Tenerife). Specific was delivering the world’s finest large studies of known objects. UK as-
initiatives such as EARA, together with telescopes, UK astronomers realized tronomers tend to question extant
the sociological change which forced they needed to be part of ESO. This un- structures and priorities rather more
young astronomers to move around, funded ambition was complemented by than do some other communities. For
had a big and positive impact. The development of ALMA, in which the UK example, some have asked if VLTI de-
Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge was an active participant. It was always velopments are proceeding on a
provides one very clear illustration of clear that ALMA would be a world-scale timescale and scientific cost-benefit ba-
the changed balance between the UK facility, and that ESO was the natural sis which is maximally appropriate to

today’s financial and facility situation. I Gregory’s ‘Pastoral Care’, tr. M. new ideas. Gildas, in his subtly-titled
know many UK astronomers want the Lapidge and S. Keynes.] De Excidio Britanniae (On the ruin of
next-generation European Large Tele- There is a school of thought which Britain), writing c. 540, at the time
scope sooner rather than later, even at asserts that Britain’s occasional drifts Arthur is frequently supposed to have
the cost of other priorities. “We didn’t into barbarity and ignorance corre- existed, describes the coexistence of
join ESO to let the US leave us behind spond to isolation from Europe: Saxons and Britons, leading to the rise
again’’, is a common refrain. ALMA Romans civilizing, post Roman Dark of Anglo-Saxon England.
must be made a success. But, most of Ages; Vikings exciting, later Alfred’s We look forward to the next stage of
all, the astounding VLT must be used to lament; Normans enlivening, medieval coexistence: astronomers across
deliver the exciting science for which it black death. Even the quintessential Europe, now including the UK, uniting
was built. On that, I am sure all of us in British hero, King Arthur, is associated in progress, and working together for
ESO agree. with Saxon and Angle introductions of the future across a whole continent.

TABLE: Who does astronomy in the UK. Astronomy research groups exist in many UK uni-
What does Europe get versities. An approximate identification list, with a crude indicator of size, can be found by not-
from the UK ing which groups are supported by PPARC (the sole national UK funding agency for astron-
omy). The table lists all groups funded by PPARC at present, and the number of associated
In the preface to his translation of St grants. The number of grants is a very crude indicator of group size, but it must be noted that
Gregory’s ‘Pastoral Care’, King Alfred this list includes space hardware groups, solar system research, and some upper-atmos-
(c. 890) commented “Learning had de- pheric physics. More specific information can usually be found on www pages.
clined so thoroughly in England that
there were few men on this side of the Organization Number of grants Organization Number of grants
Humber who [could] even translate a
single letter from Latin into English. Armagh Observatory 6 Nottingham University 10
There were so few [men of learning] Bath University 1 Open University 9
that I cannot recollect even a single one Birmingham University 12 Oxford University 12
south of the Thames… I recollected Bristol University 7 Portsmouth University 2
Cambridge University 35 Queen Mary and Westfield College 12
how – before everything was ran- CCLRC (Rutherford Laboratories) 2 Queen’s University of Belfast 8
sacked and burned – the churches Durham University 17 Reading University 1
throughout England stood filled with Edinburgh University 10 Sheffield University 8
treasures and books. … And they de- Exeter University 4 Sheffield Hallam University 1
rived very little benefit from them be- Glasgow University 5 Southampton University 15
cause they could understand nothing of Hertfordshire University 5 St Andrews University 15
them, since they were not written in Imperial College 20 Surrey University 1
their own language. I wondered ex- Keele University 2 Sussex University 3
ceedingly why the good wise men who Kent University 7 UK Astronomy Technology Centre 3
Lancaster University 4 UMIST 4
were formerly found throughout Eng- Leeds University 9 Univ of Central Lancashire 5
land, and who had thoroughly studied Leicester University 19 University College London 40
all those books, did not wish to trans- Liverpool John Moores Univ 8 University of Wales Cardiff 17
late any part of them into their own lan- Manchester University 8 Univ of Wales, Aberystwyth 2
guage. But I immediately answered my- Natural History Museum 2 Warwick University 2
self, and said: ‘they did not think that Newcastle University 1 York University 3
men would ever become so careless,
and that learning would decay like Note: ‘Number’ is the number of current grants at the institution; taken from the PPARC webpage
this.’ ” [Ref. King Alfred’s Preface to

ALMA: the next major ESO project.


Perspectives from the Directors General,

Past and Present
ADRIAAN BLAAUW, ESO Director General, 1970–1974
Reflections on ESO,
Nearly half a century ago, I wit-
nessed Walter Baade and Jan Oort
dreaming of a joint enterprise which
would lift observational astronomy in
Europe from the level of their modest
national efforts to that of the leading ob-
servatories in the United States. I have
been privileged to see, and to have
been able to contribute to, the realiza-
tion of that dream. This half century has
left a wealth of recollections and senti-
ments from which it is difficult to select
for this occasion.
My direct involvement with ESO be-
gan in 1958, upon my return from the
US where I had lived in the years
1953–1957. Seventeen years later, in
December 1974, I concluded my five-
year term as Director General. I was In search of a site, 1963.
slightly involved as a Council member
for the Netherlands in the late 1970’s
and early 1980’s, but became pretty duced on pages 2 and 3 of my book). mittee (the precursor of Council) and in
deeply involved again when I started However, by 1957, little progress had this capacity became deeply involved in
writing ESO’s history, which first ap- been made, mainly due to the great dif- the organization of ESO’s site testing
peared as installments in the Mes- ficulties encountered in obtaining the expeditions, first for several years in the
senger in the years 1988–1991 and governments’ agreement and financial South African desert, and then briefly in
then as my book ESO’s Early History of support. These efforts continued and Chile until, in November 1963, ESO re-
1991. led to the signing of the Convention in solved to settle in the Andes. Satisfac-
When, in 1953, I left for the States, I September 1962. (By that time the UK tion about this excellent choice by ESO
had earlier that year witnessed the first had dropped out, Denmark was about is mixed with the recollection of the de-
moves toward establishing a joint to join.) But, behind this simple state- votion to the cause of ESO on the part
European observatory at the occasion ment lie that immense patience and of all those who in South Africa, so re-
of IAU Symposium No.1. This led to the perseverance of ESO’s founding fa- mote from home and European culture,
“declaration of intent” signed in January thers. It should not be forgotten by to- devoted years of effort and time to our
1954 by astronomers from Belgium, day’s students of astronomy. cause.
France, Germany, Sweden, and the Meanwhile, I had become a sort of My involvement was renewed when,
United Kingdom (it has been repro- Executive Secretary of the ESO Com- from January 1968, I became Scientific

La Silla before… … and after.

The 1-metre Photometric Telescope started that these two essential parts of the
operating in 1966. ESO programme made such excellent
progress during my directorate. But
perhaps even more fundamental, I be-
fortunate we were to be able to engage lieve that by the end of my term, those
in a collaboration with CERN for our gnawing doubts that marked its begin-
Telescope Project, on the CERN prem- ning had been removed and ESO had
ises near Geneva. By the time I hand- won the full confidence of the funding
ed ESO over to my successor Lodewijk governments.
Woltjer, the 3.6-m telescope was near- Of course, many more recollections
ing completion. In another respect our come to my mind, too many to dwell
collaboration with CERN was equally upon within this limited space. I feel
successful. After ESO’s Schmidt tele- happy to have contributed, through
scope project had also been reorgan- ESO’s status and its administrative
ized and successfully put into operation services, to the creation of Astronomy
– an accomplishment inconceivable and Astrophysics, a European Journal,
without the perseverance and patience in 1969. And last, but not least, I feel
of some of my close collaborators – we proud to have initiated half a year be-
could establish on CERN premises our fore my retirement as DG, the ESO
unique Photographic Laboratory, capa- Messenger – at that time meant as a
ble of undertaking the extremely de- means to promote communication be-
manding job of producing the Sky Atlas tween ESO’s various departments –
for ESO and for the UK Schmidt. It is, now serving the astronomical commu-
to me, a source of great satisfaction nity at large.

Director of ESO, formally for half of my

time, but in practice soon for a larger
share. While ESO’s first General Direc-
tor, Otto Heckmann continued his ef-
forts to complete ESO’s instrumenta-
tion programme as outlined in the Con-
vention and with administrative and
personnel matters, my task was to initi-
ate the scientific work, i.e. the observa-
tional programmes with the telescopes
that had become operational. Principal
among these were the 1,52-m “Spec-
trographic telescope” and the 1-m
“Photometric Telescope”. In March,
1969 ESO dedicated, on La Silla, the
completion of this “First Phase”. It
crowned an effort to which both Chilean
and European staff in Chile had essen-
tially contributed, for some of them not
without considerable personal sacrifice
under very demanding conditions.
When, two years later, Heckmann re-
tired, I was appointed his successor for
a term of five years. There was no mis-
take about my principal assignment: re-
alizing the main telescope project and
the Schmidt telescope. These two proj-
ects, unfortunately, had been lagging
far behind schedule. Whereas Heck-
mann had admirably and successfully
laid the foundations for ESO with all its
political and logistic aspects, he had not
succeeded on these two topics, and se-
rious doubts had begun to arise among
the supporting governments. In retro-
spect, we know that the scope of a proj-
ect of this size was far beyond what col-
lective experience of European astron-
omy had learned to handle. We had to
call on those scientists and engineers
used to tackling projects of a size com-
parable to our big telescope in costs
and engineering challenge, whatever
the nature of the instrument. When I re-
flect on my years as DG, I realize how The 3.6-metre telecope, completed in 1976.

LODEWIJK WOLTJER, ESO Director General, 1975–1987
Reflecting on my thirteen years as The immediate
Director General, what gives me most future of ESO is
satisfaction are the following: clear: Adaptive op-
The enlargement of ESO member- tics at the VLT and
ship with Italy and Switzerland, which the VLT interferom-
put it on track to be a pan-European eter, the ECF/NGST
organization – now still more fully real- +Astrovirtel, ALMA.
ized with the adhesion of Portugal and But what comes
the UK. thereafter? A Very
The realization of the NTT which Very Large Tele-
showed that ESO had developed the scope? A very large
capability of technological innovation interferometer? And
and the organizational structure for what is very large,
handling larger projects. in metres and in eu-
The idea of the VLT and the comple- ros? Since ultimate-
tion of its planning phase and approval, ly all euros come
as well as the discovery and acquisition from the same
of Paranal as the best site world-wide sources, what oth-
for optical astronomy. er European proj-
The extension of ESO’s mandate to ects have to be fi-
include the ST-ECF in cooperation with nanced? As one ex- ESO Headquarters in Garching.
ESA, and SEST in cooperation with ample, many Euro-
Sweden. Some discussion was needed pean radio astron-
in Council about the fact that HST omers would wish to participate not or three decades from now? Answers to
would also look at the southern sky and only in ALMA, but also in another world- such questions are far from obvious,
that, after all, radio photons were not wide project, SKA – the square kilome- but perhaps they should receive more
fundamentally different from optical tre array. So it is not clear that budgets attention in a broader circle than they
ones. So both projects could be fit- for optical facilities can be increased have until now.
ted in by appropriate interpretation of much further. And finally, will optical as- Also through its closer collaboration
the ESO Convention. And following tronomy have a long-term future on the with ESA, ESO is now more than ever
SEST, ESO’s participation in ALMA ap- ground or will most innovative instru- at the centre of European Astronomy.
pears now entirely natural. mentation move into space some two Its future looks very bright, indeed.

The ESO Council in session on December 8, 1987, when the VLT project was approved.

HARRY VAN DER LAAN, ESO Director General, 1988–1992
From SEST to ALMA, from NTT to OWL: Of Vision, Dreams and Realities
ESO has come a long way since in certed actions tried to break up the Paranal’s number of clear nights and
1987 the first rocks were blasted at main structure contract into at least the amount of superb seeing, ground-
the NTT site on La Silla. Those were three pieces. Summer weeks were based optical astronomy’s most pre-
exciting days, when SEST came online spent in design reviews of the main cious asset, were without precedent.
and soon after the VLT programme structure tenders, an operation whose That building the VLT on ESO’s La Silla
was getting up to speed upon its ap- motive was to meet political objections territory had countless logistic, opera-
proval in December 1987. It was not an in a technical guise. The exercise was tional and hence financial advantages
easy time for staff or management: well worth it, as the performance of the was as clear to me as it was to admin-
taking up the role of main contrac- unit telescopes has by now amply istrative Council- and Finance Com-
tor for its own design and construc- demonstrated: the affordable Italian bid mittee members. But unlike them, I
tion programme rather than finding for realizing the ESO double-track de- could assess the science-added value
an industrial consultant to do so was sign prevailed in the end. of going North and it far exceeded the
an enormous challenge. It was not ob- Such troubles are, I believe, a normal extra costs and trouble. All powers of
vious that it could be done, for more and inevitable feature of major interna- persuasion had to be mustered but in
than ninety per cent of ESO’s staff ca- tional projects, although they have a the end science won over short-term
pacity was occupied with running La peculiar flavour in European organiza- economy and convenience.
Silla, operating Headquarter services tions. Today the Paranal Observatory is a
and constructing the NTT. The VLT The site decision was of major signif- towering witness to astronomical per-
Blue Book and the bag of money icance and did not come lightly. Before sistence, engineering skills and ESO
Council had allocated to its realization coming to ESO, I chaired the Site staff dedication. Europe will be in the
were necessary but by no means suffi- Selection Working Group and was con- lead for many decades to come in ex-
cient. For the new, formidable task, vinced that the Paranal area, in the ploring the Universe from there, the
manpower had to be found and trained, heart of the Atacama Desert, was much finest cosmic discovery base yet de-
manpower both reassigned and newly superior to the La Silla region. Both vised by man.
Change inevitably meets resistance
in both staff and community. For as-
tronomers in member states the VLT
was a faraway dream that could not
help current Ph.D. projects or further in-
stitute ambitions within their normal
timeframe. Reductions, of services, of
instrumentation and of telescopes were
therefore opposed, now and then vehe-
mently. For staff, ends of contracts or
reassignments often seemed unfair
and misconceived: was their current
work not valuable, their normal effort
not in demand? The NTT proved crucial
for both sorts of objections. It enabled
me to introduce the La Silla Key
Programmes very early in my term, pro-
viding unparalleled opportunities for
trailblazing research of a scope until
then not possible in Europe. The very
positive response to this initiative made
inevitable economies on La Silla more
palatable; the resistance faded.
Technically and contractually the
NTT proved a great learning process
for the job, thirty times or so bigger, of
designing and constructing the VLT and
the Paranal Observatory. The entire
process of generating the engineering
specifications, the contractual condi-
tions and the financial arrangements
was developed to a very professional
level that withstood critical tests in very
competitive circumstances. When we
signed the contract for mirror blanks
with Schott in September 1988, I was
confident that we were up to the chal-
lenge. Of course, the troubles ahead,
managerial, technical, financial and
above all political, were not all antici-
pated, but they were resolved as they
came along. An example is the summer
of 1991. From several directions con- The 15-m Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) at La Silla.

The VLT, even its VLTI-mode, is not
the end of ESO’s journey; rather their
quality brightens the prospects for fur-
ther ambitions that reach for the stars.
A key role in ALMA is called for and is
bound to unfold in the next twenty
years. OWL is a dream as the VLT was
twenty years ago. Twenty years from
now it shall, in some rendition reminis-
cent of the current dream, amaze the
world once more. Because ‘A vision is
a dream with a deadline’.
ESO was Jan Oort’s vision fifty years
ago. This vision had great power and
has propelled our community to a se-
quence of extraordinary achievements.
With ESO, Europe is first to reach for
ultimate frontiers. It’s what our political
leaders in a recent Lisbon summit
called for.

On February 6, 1990, the ESO NTT was of-

ficially inaugurated.

RICCARDO GIACCONI, ESO Director General, 1993–1999

I feel privileged in having had the op- ernization of the La Silla Telescopes, Today ESO is busily proceeding in
portunity to lead ESO during a period of the introduction of new managerial and the scientific exploitation of the VLT, in
great innovation and expansion. scientific methodology, the expansion completing development of VLTI and is
Building on thirty years of heritage, of the Education and Public Outreach cooperating on a 50/50 basis with the
working together with an extremely programmes and the start of the VLT in- US and Canada on the Atacama Large
competent staff and with the full sup- terferometry development. By achiev- Millimeter Array, the largest ground-
port and cooperation of the ESO mem- ing success in all these areas we es- based astronomy programme yet un-
ber states, we were successful in many tablished ESO as a model for optical dertaken. I am confident that ESO can
endeavours. They include the construc- ground-based facilities around the lead an international cooperative effort
tion of the Very Large Telescope and world and redefined the role of ESO in on the next-generation overwhelmingly
the development of Paranal, the mod- European astronomy. large telescope (OWL).

CATHERINE CESARSKY, Present ESO Director General

I arrived at ESO at a very interesting In parallel, these three years have The past three years have seen the
time. I had the privilege of witnessing been filled with work and meetings in emergence of ESO as a major player
the first light of Melipal and Yepun, of preparation for the next large project, on the European scientific scene, in
overseeing the installation of UVES, ALMA. Wide collaboration with the which role it is actively contributing to
NACO, VIMOS and FLAMES at the fo- European millimetre and submillimetre the establishment of the European
cus of VLT telescopes, and of celebrat- wave observatories and laboratories, Research Area advocated by Commis-
ing the first fringes of VLTI, first with use of all the available expertise and sioner Busquin. The organization has
siderostats and then with 8-m tele- pooling of the forces, and a well coordi- acquired two new member states,
scopes. The harvest of scientific results nated sharing of tasks with our Ameri- Portugal and the United Kingdom.
with the two FORS, ISAAC and UVES can colleagues, have brought about Council has unanimously endorsed a
is already impressive, and the efficien- considerable progress of the project long-range plan allowing continuing the
cy of the Paranal Observatory is as- during Phase 1. Now, Phase 2 is about deployment of VLT and VLTI while
tounding. ISAAC and UVES both have to be launched. Negotiations with the starting the construction of ALMA on an
features unequalled at any other tele- USA and Canada, Chile, Spain and equal partnership with North America.
scope; with NACO, we have the best Japan are all converging on time. Several other countries are considering
adaptive optics instrument ever, nearly Also, faithful to its original purpose, or negotiating adhesion to ESO, and in
ready to be offered to our community, ESO is preparing the long-term future the mean time Spain is participating in
while VIMOS and FLAMES are show- in ground optical/infrared astronomy, ALMA with the ESO member states.
ing their promise in the current com- with the conceptual study of the OWL Contacts and exchanges with six scien-
missioning activities. The VLT archive 100-m telescope. All these develop- tific European organizations and with
is open and attracts more and more ments – from VLT instruments to VLTI the European Union have been
users, a good omen for the Astrophys- to ALMA and in the future studies for strengthened through the creation of
ical Virtual Observatory. Meanwhile, the Extremely Large Telescopes – require EIROFORUM; with ESA in particular
La Silla Observatory has also been and foster an ever-growing involvement the cooperation has been greatly en-
very productive and has undergone of other European groups, who are no hanced in the perspective of a tighter
huge improvements, coming closer and longer just users but also full fledged coordination of space- and ground-
closer to VLT standards. collaborators. based astronomical research.

Some Snippets of History
Richard West (ESO): grammes Committee (SPC) meant to groups and to install these at CERN in
Memories of early times at ESO advise the Directorate and the Council Geneva. Thanks to splendid help from
on general scientific policy matters, and CERN we soon succeeded to set up
My first encounter with ESO was a to evaluate the observing proposals groups for mechanics and electronics
meeting for young European as- submitted by the visiting astronomers. and for site, buildings and domes.
tronomers, organized in Nijenrode The SPC held its first meeting in May These groups worked for the design
Castle (north of Utrecht, The Nether- 1968 at the Bergedorf office of the ESO and construction of the 3.6-m telescope
lands) in the summer of 1963. Here, Directorate, in Germany. and other projects in Europe and at La
about thirty future astronomers had a The SPC proposed rules of proce- Silla.
wonderful opportunity to meet some of dure which were formally adopted by In the optical field, however, CERN
ESO’s famous founding fathers and – the ESO Council in July 1968: tele- was not of much help, and we had not
the real aim of this event – to become scope time allocation was to be succeeded otherwise in attracting opti-
acquainted with each other. I was one arranged for periods of six months; ob- cal technicians. Finally Alfred Behr and
of three from Denmark, as a student at serving proposals had to be submitted I agreed to ask Ray Wilson at the Zeiss
the Copenhagen University Observa- 6 months before the beginning of these Works, whether he new of any young
tory at that time. With the conference periods; final allocation was done by man he could recommend to us. He
programme running late, I had to speak the Directorate following the recom- replied: “No, I do not know of any tech-
about my work (computer studies of mendations of the SPC. One third of nician for that job, but I can offer myself
light curves of eclipsing binary stars) in the observing time was to be allocated to ESO as an optician.” A new situation
the evening session, just before Prof. to the ESO staff. According to the ESO indeed. After consultation with Adriaan
Marcel Minneart’s closing lecture. It numbering system of the observing se- Blaauw, we invited Ray for a dinner – in
was the first such speech I had ever mesters, in which October 1, 2002 – confidence of course – at the restaurant
given in English and I remember being April 1, 2003, corresponds to Period 70, Mövenpick in Geneva. It was a long-
suitably nervous, but surviving. The the first observing semester (Period 1) lasting dinner, which resulted in the
meeting indeed brought together many was November 1, 1968 – May 1, 1969. agreement on his appointment.
of those young scientists who later be- In these early days potential appli- Shortly after taking up his duties Ray
came involved in ESO and many of us cants were informed that “Observing presented plans for an Optics Group,
still recall this initiation to European co- periods granted may range from sever- and according to this Francis Franza,
operation with great pleasure. Thanks al weeks to several months”, a some- Maurice Le Luyer, Daniel Enard, and
above all to the persistent efforts of my what unusual length for a run nowa- some others for shorter periods, were
Professor in Copenhagen, Anders days ..., but were also warned that engaged. Still at the time when the 3.6-
Reiz, Denmark was able to join ESO in “Defrayal of travel expenses of accom- m telescope was under construction
1967. panying wives is foreseen to a limited and installation, they started their de-
I myself came to ESO at the begin- extent and that only in the case the ob- velopment of new methods for the sup-
ning of 1970 as Assistant to the Director servers will have to stay in Chile for a port of big mirrors. The positive impact
General, Prof. Adriaan Blaauw. I often period of at least six months.” This last this group and their work has had for
travelled to La Silla to perform observa- statement reveals an interesting socio- the NNT, the VLT and for ESO in gen-
tions with the various telescopes there logical fact: in the early 1970’s a visiting eral is well known to everybody in and
during the following years. In Novem- astronomer was by definition a man! around the organization.
ber 1970, John Graham at Tololo found
a nova in the LMC. With the ESO
Director in Chile, Prof. Bengt Wester- Svend Laustsen (ESO, ret.): Daniel Hofstadt (ESO):
lund and another ESO astronomer How ESO got its Optics Group Renata Scotto at La Silla
there, Bob Havlen, we decided to ob-
tain slit spectra of the fading 13th mag- In 1970, at a time when ESO still had Twenty years ago Renata Scotto
nitude object; as far as I recall, it was its European seat in Hamburg, I was sang Madame Butterfly at the Santiago
only the second time this was done on given the task to build up technical Opera House and later on visited La
an LMC nova. I spent three nights at
the “Chilicass” spectrograph on the
ESO 1.52-m telescope, exposing con-
tinuously for 4, 5, and 7.5 hours, re-
spectively. To do the visual guiding
properly – each photon really counted!
– I had to balance most of the time in
total darkness, high up on a ladder at
the edge of the floor platforms. It was
indeed a rewarding feeling when I final-
ly saw a usable spectrum on the small
plate in the dim darkroom light at the
end of the night. Ten years later, we
started using CCD’s and such heroic
efforts are now ancient history.

Jacques Breysacher (ESO):

Early days of the OPC
The history of the OPC goes back to
June 1967 when the ESO Council de-
cided to establish a Scientific Pro- Construction of the building for the 3.6-m telescope at La Silla in 1975.

Paranal before ... ... and after construction of the VLT .

Silla. Most of us were somewhat stiff in the night assistant had been hired just by the ESO Council in 1987. The VLT
our welcome in view of her Prima when I arrived, neither he nor I knew was going to become a reality; interfer-
Donna reputation. An incident was to anything about the 1-metre telescope, ometry was going to evolve from a
break the ice in a most unexpected and we had no common language... not bonus to a driver, and we now start to
manner. Our colleague the “Dottore”, a to mention the lodging and eating “fa- see its fantastic potentialities through
great opera fan, came to see the Diva cilities”!). I was allocated 8 or so nights the VLTI.
and asked her to sign a music record. at the ESO 1.52-m coudé to do spec- The conclusion of the VLT Site
For a moment she acted very surprised troscopy of B[e] stars. Having observed Selection Working Group (SSWG) (VLT
and then signed a dedicatory with (± discovered) some interesting objects report n° 62, p. 159, Nov. 14, 1990, ed-
grace and smiles. The “Dottore” had with IR excess at Las Campanas, I re- ited by Marc Sarazin) stated: “On the
approached her with a María Callas quested to use the Cassegrain spectro- basis of scientific considerations, the
record! Such an achievement is most graph to take low-dispersion spectra of SSWG unanimously recommends that
likely to remain a world premiere. those objects... but this was refused by the Paranal area be chosen for the lo-
the ESO Director for Chile: I had to do cation of ESO’s Very Large Telescope”.
my “approved programme”, period. So As chairman of that SSWG I had to de-
Daniel Hofstadt (ESO): I did, but in “retaliation” I decided to end fend this at the next Council meeting,
La Silla vaut bien une Messe my fruitful run by observing HD 45677 and then came the truncation of a
at 3 Å mm–1, which required a 3-night beautiful conical mountain in order to
Newcomers at La Silla had to learn exposure. This enabled one to show accommodate the VLTI on what was,
and face the peculiarities of a world and that, contrary to the sharp-single [FeII] and hopefully will remain, an excellent
culture which had developed at La Silla lines, those of FeII exhibit a double site. Once in a while I shiver a bit about
over the years. Ingenuousness was not structure, qualitatively explained as all the consequences of the SSWG rec-
part of that culture. Newcomers would originating from a ring around the star... ommendation!
be quickly baptized with nicknames re- and not from an earthquake that oc-
flecting their physical or psychological curred during the second night of expo-
traits. Practical jokes were not absent sure! Daniel Enard (EGO, Pisa):
either and most of the beginners would I later became involved with the VLT, The early days
be sent to the telescopes to attend as successively chairman of the VLT of instrumentation at ESO
weird issues or support important visi- Study Group, the VLT Advisory
tors who had not shown up. Probably Committee, and the Site Selection To younger people born in the age of
the most striking welcome was staged Working Group. The Workshop on Megapixels and computer control, a
for a young technician who enquired if ESO’s Very Large Telescope (Cargèse, narration of the (not so) old ESO times
Mass was celebrated at La Silla. His May 1983, in which an ESO VLT was may sound like a medieval tale. Yet, the
colleagues immediately reassured him presented for the first time to a number experience acquired in this period
and invited him for his first Sunday of scientists from the ESO countries, largely contributed to the present ex-
Mass, a Mass which was properly and showed full unanimity about the definite tensive ESO expertise.
seriously officiated by a member of need for a 16-m (equivalent) telescope In the early 1970s, the largest tele-
Team and with extensive attendance to be located on an excellent site. Five scopes built in Europe were between 1
from the staff. working groups and a VLT Advisory and 2 metres diameter. Several 3- to 4-
Committee were set up after the m telescopes were being developed
Cargèse meeting in order to “define re- (3.6-m, CFH, Calar Alto, AAT) all much
Jean-Pierre Swings (IAP, Liège): alistic objectives” and to “assess the inspired by the 5-m Palomar telescope
First experience at La Silla, and implication of the specifications (and which was still a reference model.
some activities for the VLT thereby the cost!) of a VLT”. Their re- Astronomical instrumentation consisted
ports were presented in Venice (2nd VLT largely of conventional spectrographs,
Thirty years ago (January–February Workshop, Sept. 1986) and received with images recorded on photographic
1972) I had my first observing run on La an overwhelmingly positive echo. The plates in which sensitivity was boosted
Silla, a “luxurious outfit” after 10 nights VLT proposal was then elaborated into through a complex alchemy. The fore-
on Las Campanas. (On Las Campanas the “Blue Book” that was endorsed front detectors of the time were image

intensifiers, with images recorded on tation programme however did not go An episode will give a hint on the
photographic film, and electronograph- beyond talks and minutes of meetings. mood of the time. Around the Casse-
ic cameras that recorded photoelec- Faced with the prospect of the largest grain adapter and instruments arose a
trons directly on fine grain emulsions. European telescope deprived of instru- fierce debate, in particular on whether
These “electronic cameras”, as they mentation, a crash programme was set the astronomer should sit in the Casse-
were called, resulted largely from the up by the new DG. As a “first-aid” solu- grain cage to guide the telescope
pioneering work of Lallemand and were tion, a single aspheric plate corrector through an eyepiece or whether it was
the most sensitive and most linear of was developed and arrived just on time at all thinkable to trust a TV camera and
the time. But operation of the early for the telescope first light in 1977. perform the control from the control
models also required much delicate Waiting for better instruments able to room! Although an eyepiece was in-
and complex manipulation as the pho- fully exploit the capabilities of the tele- cluded, the “modern” school eventually
tographic emulsion was placed inside scope, in particular the large field of won, but not before making three pro-
the vacuum and a new photocathode view of the prime focus, a number of totypes of the “Cassegrain chair”, an
had to be installed before each opera- beautiful pictures were recorded by improbable object somewhere between
tion! Later electronic cameras – the Svend Laustsen while the telescope a middle-age torture device and a den-
Spectracon and McMullan cameras – was being commissioned. This first ex- tist chair for cosmonauts.
avoided these problems but it was still perience with the 3.6-m was also our More pragmatically, Martin Cullum
a challenging task to extract the data first direct encounter with a subtle and meanwhile dealt with the adaptation
afterwards. devastating devil: seeing degradation. of electronographic and electronic de-
I joined ESO in February 1975, by As part of the initial programme there tectors for imaging (Spectracon in
coincidence on the same date as Lo was a 1-degree field triplet corrector for 1978 and 40-mm McMullan camera
Woltjer, the newly-appointed DG. My the prime focus that was put into oper- in 1979) and for spectroscopy (two
initial position was within the optics ation in 1979, and a Boller and Chivens Image Dissector Scanners in 1978 and
group led by Ray Wilson which, with the spectrograph, which had the immense 1979).
arrival of Guy Ratier, Maurice LeLuyer advantage of being commercially avail- With the first set of basic instruments
and Bernard Delabre grew suddenly able. A Cassegrain adapter, providing under way, there was more time to think
from 2 (Ray Wilson and Francis field acquisition, guiding and calibration about more ambitious projects. Simulta-
Franza) to 6 people. The ESO 3.6-me- facilities, already under development in neously, the designs of the CES (Cou-
tre was under test in Europe and well 1975, was completed and installed in dé Echelle Spectrometer), CASPEC
on its way to completion. Its instrumen- 1977. (Cassegrain Echelle spectrometer)
and, somewhat later, IRSPEC (IR spec-
trometer) were initiated, while the CAT
(1.4-m Coudé Auxiliary Telescope) was
being built. This first generation of mod-
ern instruments was put into operation
in the early 1980s together with the first
solid-state detectors (Reticons and
The realization of this instrumenta-
tion programme within a few years by
the small and somewhat novice group
in Geneva was not only a great
achievement but also a defining experi-
ence for many of us. Working on the
Boller and Chivens spectrograph, I re-
alized the significant light losses occur-
ring within instruments, in particular in
the popular solid-Schmidt cameras,
due to vignetting, the large central ob-
struction and mirror reflections. High ef-
ficiency coatings were already avail-
able, yet relatively little used in astron-
omy because of their limited spectral
bandwidth. A rather obvious idea was to
split the spectrum into blue and red
channels within the same instrument so
that high efficiency coatings could be
used. This not only provided an impor-
tant throughput gain but also allowed
the use of many more optical surfaces
without significant losses, hence open-
ing the path to more complex optical
solutions. In particular, with the new flu-
orine glasses then available, it became
possible to design high-quality and effi-
cient transmission optics instead of mir-
ror combinations. This allowed instru-
ments to be designed that could satisfy
both imaging and spectrographic re-
quirements by simply removing or ex-
changing the dispersive element. On
The ESO Council at Ansaldo, with the mechanical structure of one of the VLT 8.2-m tele- the logistic side, one of the many les-
scopes. sons learned by the 3.6-m experience

The ESO Council at Paranal Observatory, December 1996.

was that frequent change-over of in- 300 × 500 pixels and a read-out noise Infrared Astronomer to advise the
struments and of telescope configura- of some 80 electrons (plus a lot of fring- Director General on the development of
tions (Prime, Cassegrain, IR second- ing). Today, when megapixel image for- infrared instrumentation. I actually only
ary, etc.) was a major contributor to tel- mats and quasi photon-counting per- became aware of the advertisement via
escope down time. formance are routine, it is difficult to ap- a letter from Franco Pacini, then Head
From all these considerations, the preciate just how significant an ad- of the ESO Scientific Division, with a re-
idea progressively emerged of a high- vance these early electronic detectors quest that I let him know of any suitable
productivity telescope having a single represented. candidates. The surprising end result,
configuration and several focal stations The completion of the 3.6-m telescope despite having felt protected by my
equipped with fixed multimode instru- and the development of the first modern non-member state nationality, was that
ments. This idea inspired first the instruments has been an extraordinary I found myself leaving ESA to take up
NTT and became fully mature with learning period and contributed to the duty at ESO in Geneva on October 1st,
the VLT, which was conceived around creation of a core team of instrument 1978!
this concept. As a forerunner, the multi- builders fully familiar with the problems As it happens, I was fortunate to
mode instrument EFOSC was devel- of astronomical observation as well as have had been preceded by Piero
oped in 1982 and put into operation in with the latest technical advances. Salinari, who had worked with me to
1983 with great success. The multi- Capitalizing on the progresses in de- build a balloon-borne IR spectrometer
mode concept was then fully devel- tectors, optics and computer control at ESTEC but had then been hijacked
oped with EMMI, then used in several technologies, several highly advanced to Geneva by Franco on his way back
VLT and other large-telescope instru- and successful instruments and tele- to Italy. As I was to do later, Piero had
ments. Another conceptual idea which scopes were built in the early 80’s that already discovered that ‘advise on in-
directly emerged from the 3.6-m expe- moved ESO to the forefront of astro- frared instrumentation’ could be loosely
rience was the use of natural ventilation nomical instrumentation. The interna- translated as ‘build infrared instrumen-
to eliminate dome seeing, a concept tional recognition of this competence, tation’. He had thus already comman-
fully validated with the NTT and the and the confidence this generated, con- deered a somewhat dilapidated con-
VLT. tributed greatly to the enthusiastic en- tainer on wheels, reminiscent of a gyp-
This quick glance at the past would dorsement of the VLT programme in sy caravan but converted into an au-
not be complete without mentioning the 1987. It belongs now to the new genera- thentic looking infrared laboratory by in-
gigantic progress made in detectors in tion of instrumental developers to main- stalling the golden looking cryostats
about two decades. Up to the late sev- tain and further develop this capital. and pumps associated with infrared as-
enties, image recording was still essen- tronomers in those days. (His later at-
tially done with photographic plates, tempt to improve the container by paint-
and solid-state arrays were very much Alan Moorwood (ESO): ing it was less successful, at least the
laboratory curiosities. The first solid- The early days of infrared idea of drying it by leaving a powerful
state detector at ESO was installed on instrumentation at ESO heater on all night which considerably
the CES in 1981; this was a then state- changed its shape). Despite that, the first
of-the-art Reticon array with a read-out ESO’s commitment to infrared as- ESO-developed infrared photometer
noise of 1000 electrons! Our first CCD tronomy was expanded in 1977 by the system was finished and installed at the
put into operation in 1982 had about creation of a new staff position for an 3.6-m on La Silla in 1979 (and tested

with software written by Daniel Hof- least for most ESO
stadt). staff at the time)
In parallel, we had been developing when ESO ac-
the idea of building a cryogenic infrared quired and intro-
array spectrometer for the 3.6-m tele- duced its very first
scope (IRSPEC, later transferred to the digital minicomput-
NTT) which was subsequently enthusi- er, a Hewlett Pack-
astically approved by Lo Woltjer and ard HP-2114B sys-
the STC. Unfortunately, this did not win tem. This “work-
me many friends amongst the majority horse” computer
of ESO astronomers who were mem- had a core memory
bers of a committee still deliberating on of 16 kbytes (inter-
the choice of the next visible spectro- esting to compare
graph! Being a relatively major under- with today’s com-
taking I was also subjected to more puters!).
management control, starting with a In order to close
summons to appear before Lo Woltjer, a technological gap,
Ray Wilson and Wolfgang Richter to ESO committed it-
outline the resources I would need. For self to employ lead-
a young man on a short-term contract ing-edge technolo-
this was a somewhat awe-inspiring gy for acquisition,
event but one which I believed to have process control, and
mastered with bravado by replying that reduction of astro-
I wished first to absorb their wisdom as nomical data. This
to how best to develop such an instru- first computer sys-
ment at ESO. The answer of ‘ if only we tem was selected
knew’ was unexpected but at least an to serve as the cen-
honest admission that these were still tral control for the
pioneering days in the adventure of in- “Grant Machine”,
strument (as opposed to telescope) an automated pho-
building at ESO. I therefore decided to tographic-plate mea-
concentrate first on the problem of find- suring and scan-
The NTT at La Silla.
ing a larger caravan which was solved ning facility for stel-
surprisingly quickly – albeit with the ad- lar-line radial-velo-
ditional work involved in transporting city determinations, and for microden- collaboration with a few of the leading
our golden cryostats and pumps from sitometry recordings of stellar spectro- staff astronomers (Dr. J. Rickard, Dr. A.
Geneva to Munich. grams. Ardeberg, and others) from the ESO
Before this so-called automated Santiago Vitacura office. At the end a
mode of operation was feasible, a sig- reliable and successful product was
Walter Nees (ESO): nificant number of technical modifica- produced. The “ESO Grant machine”
ESO’s first step into the world tions and extensions became neces- became for many years a well-known
of minicomputers sary to the original Grant Machine, ini- tool in astronomical data reduction and
tially conceived for manual operation: was used extensively by many ESO
In today’s world of automation, com- the incorporation of an analogue to dig- and visiting astronomers. Eventually it
puterization, data-processing, etc., it is ital data-acquisition system, the attach- was transferred to ESO’s Headquarters
rather difficult to imagine how it all start- ment of precision rotary digital en- in Garching were it served until its re-
ed. The story goes back to early 1970, coders for Grant table X and Y position tirement some years ago.
nearly 33 years ago. I had just joined decoding, and the integration of the
ESO in the Hamburg-Bergedorf office computer with all peripherals and I/O-
when I became witness to a major ESO interfaces. The main tasks of the mini- Ray Wilson (ESO, ret.):
event, synonymous to setting the cor- computer were automatic scan control First Astronomical Light
nerstone of automation technology at of the table, table position recording, as at the NTT
ESO. Unknown to most people at ESO well as digitization and recording of the
today, it was the exciting moment (at density or intensity data from the spec- The night beginning on 23rd March
tral photographic plate. The required 1989 was the culmination of my career
electrical and electronics hardware at ESO and indeed of my work on tele-
adaptation on overall system controls scope optics, which started as an ama-
had been contracted by ESO Bergedorf teur when I was six and continued pro-
to a specialist electronics company in fessionally at Zeiss in 1963.
Stockholm, Sweden. Intensive work by many colleagues in
The initial installation of the Grant Garching and La Silla had preceded
machine and its dedicated computer this great night of first light at the NTT:
system at ESO Headquarters in San- above all I would mention Francis
tiago was in July 1970. In spite of the Franza, Paul Giordano and Lothar
positive acceptance tests in Stockholm, Noethe on the optics and Krister
significant technical work was neces- Wirenstrand on the pointing. The active
sary until all problems had been re- optics was working only in open loop,
solved. The data-acquisition and con- as we had “borrowed” its CCD to record
trol software (all written in awkward the test object I had chosen, the globu-
Assembler and Fortran code) was de- lar cluster ω Centauri. The night was
signed and implemented by ESO’s perfect, a light laminar wind giving ex-
chief programmer, Mr. Frank Middel- cellent ventilation and seeing. The re-
The ESO Grant machine. burg (deceased November 1985), in sults started to come in and were eval-

uated by the astronomers. The best
one was evaluated by Jorge Melnick,
but he checked it a second time be-
cause he couldn’t believe the result, but
then confirmed it: FWHM = 0.33 arcsec.
Jubilation and amazement in La Silla,
also in Garching as expressed by
Richard West. A journalist was also
present with us: he absolutely wanted
to record that this result had occurred
on my birthday (23rd March), but it ac-
tually occurred about 02.00 hours on
24th March. I didn’t mind this at all, but
the journalist did! This best frame of our
test night was shown in a beautiful
comparison set-up by Richard West,
with blown-up sections of photos from
the ESO 1-m Schmidt and 3.6-m tele-
scopes, in the next Messenger and is
reproduced in my RTO II (p. 293).
The foundations of the incredibly
successful active optics system of the
VLT, based on identical principles, had
been laid.

Piero Benvenuti (ST-ECF):

Recovery of a historical The first of the VLT 8.2-m telescopes (Antu) saw “First Light” in 1998, the last of the giant tel-
document escopes (Yepun) on September 3, 2000.
While clearing his office of over a
decade of accumulated papers recent- light marked the successful conclusion Andreas Glindemann (ESO)
ly, in preparation for an extended stay of the important period which started et al.:
at the ST ScI in Baltimore, Richard with the approval of the VLT project by
the ESO Council in December 1987. Ex-
First Fringes with ANTU and
Hook knocked on my door and, smiling, MELIPAL
handed over a paper with an handwrit- ceptionally for such a complex and ex-
(from The Messenger No. 106, Dec. 2001)
ten note on the front page: “An excel- pensive project, the four VLT telescopes
lent idea! Sorry it took 13 years for me came into operation ahead of schedule. On October 30, 2001 at about 1 a.m.,
to reply! Richard”. The VLT was no longer only a project, the two 8-m Unit Telescopes ANTU and
The “historical” document was enti- it was now also an Observatory. MELIPAL of Paranal Observatory were
tled “A proposal for the astrophysical By virtue of becoming ESO’s Director combined for the first time as a stellar
classification of HST targets” and was General at the right time, I had the priv- interferometer observing fringes on the
drafted by me in March 1989, in a final ilege of actually being in the observing star Achernar, only seven months and
attempt to convince the HST Project to hut of Yepun at the crucial moment, twelve days after the VLTI produced the
implement a classification scheme of sharing the excitement of the VLT first fringes with two siderostats. This
the observed targets that would facili- Manager, Massimo Tarenghi, of the was the first time that the VLTI was op-
tate the browsing through the HST Director of Paranal Observatory, erated as a truly Very Large Telescope
Archive. At the time the proposal was Roberto Gilmozzi, and of the members Interferometer.
received with interest, but was never of the commissioning team, Jason The night started with tests of the
implemented. Spyromilio, Krister Wirenstrand and Coudé Optical Trains and the Relay
Perusing the paper today, it still Rodrigo Amestica. It was a cold night, Optics, converting the light from the
makes a lot of sense, although one appropriate to the late Chilean winter, Coudé focus to a parallel beam in the
would implement its concept differently. and we could hear the wind howling Delay Line Tunnel. Around midnight,
Indeed its scientific goal would be bet- outside. We had chosen our first light when the UT team finished the tests
ter achieved today as a functionality of target in advance: the planetary nebula and the search for fringes could start,
the Virtual Observatory environment, He 2-428. In a few minutes, the guide not everybody on the mountain would
correlating data from more than a sin- star was acquired, the position and have bet how quickly the search was
gle instrument together with direct link shape of the mirrors were actively cor- successful.
to the existing literature. Nonetheless, it rected, and we could see on the com- Barely one hour after we had started,
shows some kind of coherence (stub- puter screen the unmistakable shape of the automatic fringe search routine in
born-mindedness?) in the ECF! the source, with an image quality limit- VINCI reported ‘flecos en el cielo’, and
ed only by the atmospheric seeing (0.9 the fringes appeared on the screen. We
arcsec at the time). The rest of the found that the baseline of 102.5 m be-
Catherine Cesarsky (ESO): evening was spent in the VLT Control tween ANTU and MELIPAL differed by
First Light of UT4 room in the appropriate celebratory only 28 mm from their nominal length.
(from The Messenger No. 101, Sept. 2000) manner, taking more images, attending After refinement, fringes were subse-
to the PR requirements, and drinking quently found within 0.4 mm of their cal-
At 21:44 hours on the night of champagne with the teams observing culated position.
September 3, 2000, the test camera at on the other telescopes. With the experience that we had
the Cassegrain focus was opened for Everyone present felt the sense of gathered over the last six months of
30 seconds, and the fourth VLT Unit accomplishment, triumph and elation commissioning, ‘routine operation’ with
Telescope, Yepun, saw First Light. A that always accompanies the culmina- the 8-m telescopes started almost im-
historic event in the life of ESO; this first tion of a great human adventure. mediately.


APEX – The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment

L.-Å. NYMAN1,2, P. SCHILKE 3 and R.S. BOOTH 2
1ESO/SEST, La Silla, Chile
2Onsala Space Observatory, Onsala, Sweden
3Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany

1. Introduction observing time will be dedicated to 2.1 Exploring the star-formation

Chilean astronomy. The antenna is be- history of the Universe
APEX is a collaboration between the ing purchased by MPIfR, OSO and
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastrono- MPIfR will provide instrumentation and Among the fundamental cosmologi-
mie (MPIfR) in Bonn (together with ESO operations. cal questions being asked today are:
Astronomisches Institut Ruhr-Universi- when did galaxies and massive black
tät Bochum, AIRUB), ESO and Onsala 2. Science holes form in the early universe, and
Space Observatory in Sweden (OSO). how did they subsequently evolve?
The idea is to construct and operate a APEX will be able to make significant Modern telescopes are now detecting
12-m diameter submillimetre telescope contributions to the solution of a num- galaxies out to redshifts beyond 6,
on the ALMA site of Llano de Chaj- ber of current astronomical problems close to the “dark ages” where the first
nantor in Chile at an altitude of 5000 m. that cannot be, or are insufficiently ad- stars and galaxies may have formed.
APEX will operate at submillimetre dressed with currently available tele- Because much of the stellar light
wavelengths as well as in the far in- scopes: constraining cosmological emerging from massive star-formation
frared (at THz frequencies), which is models, studying star formation in the regions is immediately absorbed by the
possible because of the excellent at- early and local universe, stellar evolu- surrounding dusty clouds, even the
mospheric transparency that exists on tion, interstellar chemistry at high fre- most luminous starburst galaxies are
the site at these wavelengths; it might quencies, and the exploration of the difficult to observe at optical and even
be the best site in the world for sub-mil- southern submillimetre sky. At submil- NIR wavelengths. The absorbed radia-
limetre astronomy. limetre wavelengths APEX will have a tion is re-emitted by the dust as long-
APEX will explore the southern sky, better spatial resolution than space or wavelength infrared radiation which
which is virtually unexplored at submil- balloon borne instruments, by virtue of can easily escape the star forming re-
limetre wavelengths, and also serve as the larger dish size. Additionally, it will gions – but cannot cross the Earth’s at-
a pathfinder for ALMA, both by per- serve as a pathfinder for ALMA in all of mosphere. However, for very distant
forming wide-field surveys for later fol- its wavelength ranges. Surveys with objects this radiation is red-shifted to
low-up by ALMA, and by obtaining ex- APEX will be an outstandingly efficient submillimetre wavelengths. This makes
perience in operations of telescopes at means of finding target sources for it accessible from the ground, at a very
the site. ALMA, and for their line and continuum few places such as Chajnantor. The
The project is shared between the exploration prior to their detailed inter- large 870-micron bolometer array
partners in the ratio 50% MPIfR/AIRUB, ferometric study with greater spatial (LABOCA, see below) at APEX will be
27% ESO and 23% OSO. 10% of the resolution. ideally suited to detect and map the dis-
tribution of the earliest, most distant
star-forming galaxies in the Universe.
Follow-up observations at 350 micron
will provide data on their distance and
nature. The unprecedented size of its
bolometer arrays and the ideal observ-
ing conditions all year round will make
APEX the most powerful ground-based
instrument to explore the star formation
history of the Universe.

2.2 Constraining the Universe:

the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect

Galaxy clusters are the largest col-

lapsed structures in the Universe.
Measuring their distribution and struc-
ture provides crucial information on the
history and structure of our Universe.
Galaxy clusters are embedded in vast
amounts of hot, ionized gas. This gas
scatters the passing photons of the
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
and increases their average energy.
The resulting distortion in the CMB is
called the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ)
Effect and can be used as a sensitive
Figure 1: An artist’s impression of the APEX antenna. probe of cosmological models and clus-

ter physics. Planned 2-mm bolometer
arrays at APEX will have an ideal spa-
tial resolution and sensitivity to measure
the SZ effect toward distant clusters.

2.3 Unbiased searches for

Another important scientific objective
APEX will pursue is a search for proto-
stars in heavily obscured star-formation
regions in our Galaxy. Understanding
the very earliest stages of star-forma-
tion ranks as one of the most important
questions in astrophysics.
Stars and their surrounding planetary
systems form from dense condensa-
tions within molecular clouds. Before
and during their collapse, these dense
gas cores, or protostars, remain very
cold (10–30 K), and therefore escape
detection with infrared instruments
such as ISO, IRAS and MSX. APEX on
the other hand will detect these objects
in the submillimetre continuum and in
molecular lines to study the kinematics
of the collapsing objects, deepening Figure 2: The APEX antenna seen from the back. Note the Cassegrain focus cabin and the
our understanding of the sources dis- two Nasmyth focus cabins. The container below and behind the focus cabins will contain the
covered. spectrometers and other electronics.

2.4 Submillimetre spectroscopy

of the Milky Way and explored, especially in the southern interstellar clouds, protostars, the cir-
external galaxies hemisphere, but the spectral windows cumstellar envelopes of evolved stars,
in this range contain low-lying transi- and comets. Important lines are those
The frequency bands between 600 tions of many molecules that are of the light hydrides, of particular inter-
GHz and 1.5 THz are relatively poorly known, or expected to be abundant in est in astrochemistry, and some fine

Figure 3: The atmospheric transmission curve for Chajnantor with different amounts of precipitable water vapour (PWV). The THz windows
open at PWV levels below 0.5 mm.

cision performance even with wind
speeds up to 9 m/s, and the pointing
accuracy is specified to be better than
2 arcsec (absolute). The main modifi-
cations to the original ALMA antenna
design are the incorporation of Nas-
myth focus cabins and a chopping sec-
ondary mirror. These modifications are
required for single-dish operations of
array receivers and bolometers. The
antenna will have in total three focus
cabins, one at the Cassegrain focus
and two at the Nasmyth foci.

4. Instruments

APEX instrumentation will include

both wide-band bolometer array re-
ceivers for continuum observations and
heterodyne receivers for spectral line
observations. Some of the instruments
will be specifically designed and cus-
tom-built for APEX. Instruments in use
at other sites may be transferred to
APEX, where they are expected to pro-
Figure 4: An example of a bolometer array: MAMBO2, the 117-channel bolometer array built vide better data than at their current
by the Max-Planck-Institut für Radio-Astronomie for the IRAM 30-m telescope. home.
APEX will initially operate with a 300-
element bolometer array at 870 mi-
structure atomic lines like the CI lines at 3. Telescope crons, the ideal wavelength to search
809 GHz and 492 GHz as well as the for high-redshift dust emission. It is
excited nitrogen line [NII] at 1.46 THz, The APEX antenna, built by VERTEX called LABOCA (LArge BOlometer
which is very common in the ISM. The Antennentechnik in Germany, is a mod- CAmera) and is being built through a
excitation requirements of most atomic ified copy of the ALMA-US prototype Bonn/ Bochum/Jena collaboration.
and molecular transitions at THz fre- antenna. It has a diameter of 12 me- Additionally, a 37-element array at 350
quencies select the densest gas near- tres, and the reflector surface will be set microns will be constructed to deter-
est to a young stellar object. As a result to an accuracy of 18 micrometer or bet- mine the spectral index of the radiation
it is expected that the most intense ra- ter in order to observe beyond 1 THz. and to study sources with higher angu-
diation will be concentrated in regions The telescope is designed to give pre- lar resolution over smaller fields.
with angular scales of a few arcsec-
onds, corresponding to the beam size
of APEX at these frequencies. The lu-
minous star bursts in interacting galax-
ies also produce intense emission at
THz frequencies, also on angular
scales of a few arcsec in the nearest re-
gions. Thus, the highest (THz) observ-
ing bands which may be reached
through the combination of the superior
Chajnantor site and the excellent per-
formance of the APEX antenna are ide-
ally suited to the study of chemical evo-
lution, energetics and dynamics of star-
forming regions.

2.5. Objects of special interest

APEX will be able to completely map

unique objects at submillimetre wave-
lengths. Some of the most interesting
sources in the sky can best (or only) be
studied from the southern hemisphere.
These include four out of five of the
nearest sites of low-mass star forma-
tion (within about 150 pc), the Galactic
centre (an important prerequisite study
for the future understanding of the cen-
tral regions of other galaxies), the
Magellanic Clouds (the nearest galax-
ies to our own and prototypes of metal-
poor galaxies in an earlier stage of evo- Figure 5: Centaurus A, the most nearby active galaxy, observed with the 37-channel bolome-
lution), and Centaurus A (the nearest ter array SIMBA (SEST IMaging Bolometer Array) at SEST. Note the emission from the dust
galaxy with an active nucleus). lanes as well as the curved jets perpendicular to the dust lanes.

Heterodyne instruments will play an carried out since 1995, showing that 7. Time scales
important role for observations from the excellent atmospheric conditions on
Chajnantor: APEX will be equipped with Cerro Chajnantor will allow observa- The antenna will be erected on the
receivers covering all atmospheric win- tions in all submillimetre windows close site in April 2003 by VERTEX Anten-
dows from 200 GHz to 1 THz. In addi- to 50% of the time. nentechnik. At this time receivers oper-
tion, several experimental receivers ating at 90 GHz will be installed in order
covering selected windows above 1 6. Infrastructure and operations to do holography and to set the surface
THz – uniquely observable from to 18 microns rms. First-light receivers
Chajnantor – will be provided. APEX APEX will be operated as part of will be installed soon after this, consist-
will be equipped with autocorrelation the La Silla Observatory. The staff ing of the SEST 1.3-mm receiver and
spectrometers. of 18 will include astronomers, opera- perhaps also a single pixel bolometer.
tors and engineers/technicians. There The first heterodyne receivers are ex-
5. Site will be a base in San Pedro de Ata- pected to arrive at the end of 2003, and
cama (the nearest village at an alti- LABOCA, the 300 pixel bolometer ar-
The greatest problem for ground- tude of 2500 m), which will consist ray, in the beginning of 2004. APEX op-
based submillimetre astronomy is the of offices, laboratories, control room, erations are expected to start in the be-
absorption of incoming radiation by at- cafeteria and dormitories, and the staff ginning of 2004.
mospheric lines, mainly by water will sleep at the base. On the high
vapour. This is why the submillimetre site, APEX will be operated and main- 8. SEST and APEX
region of the spectrum is still relatively tained from a set of oxygenized and
unexplored. Ground-based submillime- heated containers. Diesel generators ESO and OSO are presently operat-
tre astronomy can only be done from will provide power, both at the base ing SEST on La Silla. In order to pro-
sites with extremely dry atmospheres, and at the high site. There will be a vide operational funds for APEX, SEST
such as high mountain tops and in high-speed microwave link between the operations are expected to stop at the
Antarctica. San Pedro base and the telescope, al- end of June 2003 and SEST will be
Llano de Chajnantor is most likely lowing APEX to be operated remotely closed. There is however a possibility
the best place for submillimetre astron- from San Pedro in service mode and that SEST may continue to be used af-
omy on Earth (possibly rivalled only by with flexible scheduling. There may ter June 2003, by dedicated groups do-
the far more inaccessible sites in also be a visitor mode with observa- ing survey work.
Antarctica), because of its high altitude tions being done remotely from San More information on APEX can be
at 5000 m and also because of its loca- Pedro. Part of the observing time will be found at:
tion in the dry Chilean Atacama desert. dedicated to more experimental obser- div/mm/apex.html and
Long-range monitoring to characterize vations with PI instruments at THz fre-
the site for the ALMA project has been quencies. index.html

VIMOS Commissioning on VLT-Melipal

1Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France; 2Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy;
3Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Tarbes, France; 4European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany;
5Istituto di Fisica Cosmica e Tecnologie Relative, Milan, Italy; 6 Istituto di Radio Astronomia, Bologna, Italy

Introduction graphs on 4-m-class telescopes have much more than the few thousand
been very powerful tools to quantify the galaxies measured today, all surveys
In the mid-80s, multi-object spec- evolution of galaxies over more than included. The need to study the distri-
troscopy (MOS) appeared as a new half of the age of the universe, up to bution of galaxies in the local universe
and powerful technique to perform the redshifts ~1 [2][3]. This because the has prompted two major science and
spectroscopy of many objects simulta- density of galaxies to I ~ 22 (reaching instrumentation programmes: the
neously. The idea is simple: instead of redshifts ~1 or about half the current Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and
using a single slit as the input to a spec- age of the universe) projected on the the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Both
trograph, masks are manufactured with sky is high enough that very efficient are acquiring several hundred thou-
slits positioned facing the images of tar- spectrographs with high-quality CCDs sands of galaxy spectra with dedicated
gets of interest in the entrance focal [4] can efficiently assemble samples of MOS facilities [7][8]. Similarly, the need
plane of the spectrograph. The techni- several hundreds of measured spectra to acquire large numbers of spectra/
cal implementation turned out to be and redshifts. The technique was then redshifts over a redshift range 0–5 cov-
more tricky, but the first successful ex- applied on the first 10-m Keck with the ering 90% of the current age of the uni-
periments were conducted with punch- LRIS spectrograph [5] and produced verse, has been identified. This is re-
ing machines, in particular at ESO and most of the Lyman-break galaxies at quired by the necessity to cover sever-
CFHT with the PUMA concept [1]. redshifts 3–4 known today [6]. al time/redshift steps, study the evolu-
MOS was then quickly identified as However, the study of galaxy evolu- tion of various classes of galaxies in a
the tool of choice to conduct deep tion and of their space distribution over wide range of environments, ranging
galaxy surveys. Multi-object spectro- most of the age of the universe requires from the low density of voids to very

Figure 1: VIMOS field as full detector is used to record spectra.
projected on the sky, The slit sampling is set to allow Nyquist
each quadrant has a sampling for a 0.5 arcsec slit, with a
field 7 × 8 arcmin2, for a plate scale of 0.205 arcsec/pix. In addi-
total field of 224 arcmin2.
tion, the Integral Field Unit (IFU) covers
a field 54 × 54 arcesc2, with 6400 reso-
lution elements 0.67 × 0.67 arcsec2,
each leading to a spectrum.
In all, it is really 4 instruments in one,
with a total field of view of 224 arcmin2,
each channel being the equivalent of a
complete FORS instrument. For each
channel, a mask exchange unit (MEU),
a filter exchange unit (FEU), and a
grism exchange unit (GEU) permits
configuration of the instrument in the
imaging or MOS modes. Furthermore,
special masks can be positioned at the
entrance focal plane to configure the in-
strument in IFU mode.
To produce the masks placed at the
VIMOS focal plane, a dedicated mask
dense cluster cores. As an example, ing the first commissioning periods and manufacturing unit (MMU) is available
the measurement of the evolution of the present the general performance of to cut masks with s l i t s at any location,
luminosity function of galaxies or of the VIMOS. This article is also intended to with any size and shape. It is fully de-
star-formation rate requires 50 galaxies prepare the community to the arrival of scribed elsewhere [11]. The powerful
per measured magnitude bin, over 10 this powerful facility. laser machine is capable of cutting
magnitudes, for three basic types ~200 typical slits 1 × 12 arcsec each in
(colours) of galaxies, in three types of VIMOS concept less than 15 min. The MMU is also
environments. Adding the necessity to used to cut masks for the FORS2 MXU
probe several fields (i.e. 4) to minimize VIMOS was designed from the outset mode.
the impact of cosmic variance, and 7 to maximize the number of spectra ob-
time steps leads to a total galaxy sam- served with spectral resolutions R = VIMOS observing modes
ple of 50 × 10 × 3 × 3 × 4 × 7 = 126,000 200–2500 (1 arcsec slits) [10]. The
galaxies. Very efficient MOS instru- 4-channel concept allows one to maxi- VIMOS has three main observing
ments are therefore needed. mize the multiplex gain: the field of view modes: direct imaging, multi-object
In 1994, ESO convened a workshop of each channel is 7 × 8 arcmin2 in both spectroscopy with multi-slit masks, and
to canvass the community in defining imaging and MOS, projected on the integral field spectroscopy. The main
the full instrument complement for all central 2048 × 2350 pixels of a 2048 × characteristics of these modes are list-
unit telescopes of the VLT. A wide-field 4096 pixels thin EEV CCD, while the ed in Table 1.
multi-object spectrograph appeared as
the most important missing instrument Table 1: VIMOS observing modes
in a poll of the community present at the
meeting. Our team presented the base- Imaging mode
line specifications and a tentative con-
cept [9], the result of discussions
Field of view 4 × 7 × 8 arcmin2
across the community, in particular in-
cluding the WFIS concept developed at Wavelength range 0.37–1 micron
ESO. A feasibility study was then com- Filters U′ BVRIz
missioned by ESO to our consortium of Spatial sampling 0.205 arcsec/pixel
French and Italian institutes, and con-
ducted over 9 months in 1995–1996. Multi-Object Spectroscopy mode
ESO then issued a call for proposals to
build a facility instrument, based on a Field of view 4 × 7 × 8 arcmin2
wide-field MOS. The proposal present- Spatial sampling 0.205 arcsec/pixel
ed by our consortium was selected by
Low resolution R ~ 200 (1 arcsec slit) Grisms: LRBlue
the ESO-STC in October 1996. A con-
Number of slits ~ 1000 of length ~ 8 arcsec LROra
tract between ESO and the Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique LRRed
of France represented by the then Medium resolution R ~ 1000 (1 arcsec slit) Grisms: MR
Laboratoire d’Astronomie Spatiale in Number of slits ~ 400 of length ~ 8 arcsec
Marseille (now Laboratoire d’Astro- High resolution (1 arcsec slit) Grisms: HRBlue
physique de Marseille) was signed in Number of slits ~ 200 of length ~ 8 arcsec HROra
July 1997, to construct VIMOS, the HRRed
Visible Multi-Object Spectrograph, NIR-
MOS, the Near-IR Multi-Object Spec- Integral Field Spectroscopy mode
trograph, and the MMU, the Mask
Manufacturing Machine.
Field of view 54 × 54 arcsec2
After the successful completion of
the Preliminary Acceptance Europe, Wavelength range 0.37–1 micron
VIMOS was shipped and reassembled Spatial sampling 0.67 arcsec / fiber
in Paranal. We describe here the re- Number of resolution elements / spectra 6400
sults of the main tests carried out dur- Spectral resolution R ~ 200–2500

Figure 2: Installation of VIMOS on the VLT-UT3. From upper left, clockwise: (a) transportation of VIMOS from the Paranal Observatory inte-
gration facility to the telescope, (b) VIMOS being hoisted inside the dome of Melipal to reach the Nasmyth platform, (c) installation on the
Nasmyth rotator, (d) VIMOS after cabling and co-rotator installation.

VIMOS integration and tests ment to relieve the adapter from the ex- completing the work on the support leg
tra weight as seen in Figure 3. and on flexures adjustment, VIMOS will
After completing integration and test- In a first commissioning run in have its third and last commissioning
ing at the European integration facility February 2002, the first 2 channels on the sky in September 2002.
at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, were extensively tested on the sky.
France, VIMOS was completely disas- While the internal image quality was VIMOS performance
sembled and shipped in more than 50 measured to conform to specifications
crates (a total of 15 tons) at the end of during integration, images on the sky Image quality
2001. The reassembly took place in the have demonstrated the excellent over-
integration facility of the Paranal Ob- all image quality of the combined tele- The image quality of the optical train
servatory in January-February 2002. scope + instrument. Images as good as was measured for each channel. A grid
Optical alignment was checked, all me- 0.4 arcsec FWHM have been recorded. with pinholes 100 microns in diameter
chanical motions were tuned and veri- The complex sequence necessary to was produced with the Mask Man-
fied over hundreds of cycles, and all place slits at the focal plane in coinci- ufacturing Unit and placed at the en-
software components were implement- dence with selected targets, involving a trance focal plane. The optical align-
ed prior to the installation at the tele- transformation matrix from sky to mask ment was perfected by means of a rel-
scope. The instrument was moved to focal plane to detector, has been tested ative X,Y adjustment of the last element
Melipal on February 23rd (Figure 2). and validated. of the optical train coupled to the de-
VIMOS is now attached to the Nasmyth In a second technical commissioning tector assembly. All channels are fully
focus B of the “Melipal” – UT3 tele- in May 2002, the support structure in specification, with 90% of the field
scope of the ESO Very Large Tele- to compensate the extra weight was with images better than 0.5 arcsec at
scope (Figure 2). installed, and the 4 channels complete- 80% encircled energy as shown in
The weight of the instrument turned ly integrated. Due to bad weather, Figure 4.
out to be significantly larger than fore- many calibration tests were obtained
seen in the original design. At a total on the complete 4-channel configura- Flexure
weight of 4 tons, VIMOS is about 1 ton tion but no sky observations could be
overweight with respect to the Nasmyth obtained. Image and spectral quality Flexure control for a 4-ton instrument
rotator-adapter specification. It was have been confirmed to be within speci- has been a concern from the start of the
necessary to implement a support fications. project. The main VIMOS structure was
structure at the back end of the instru- After technical activities in July 2002, designed to minimize flexure defined as

Figure 3: The fully integrated instrument on
the Nasmyth focus, including its dedicated
support structure to the right.

motion on the CCDs of a light spot pro-

duced at the entrance focal plane. A
mechanical support system was imple-
mented at the back of the folding mir-
rors on the optical train to allow for pas-
sive flexure compensation by means of
astatic levers. This support system can
also be upgraded to an active support
using piezo-actuators to apply motion
on the folding mirrors to compensate
for flexure.

Figure 4: image quality as a function of ra-
dius from the field centre, measured for
channels 1 to 4 (top to bottom) on a grid of
pinholes 300 microns in diameter. The im-
age quality is better than the specification
identified by the dashed line.

Uncompensated flexure is measured

to be on order ± 2.5 pixels in both X
(along slit) and Y (dispersion) for a full
360° rotation of the instrument. Astatic
levers have been installed and are be-
ing adjusted at the time of this writing.
They are expected to cut the flexure by
a factor 3, as based on previous meas-
urements taken during integration at
Haute-Provence Observatory. This is
Figure 5: Flexure
shown on the current corrected flexure
measurement on behaviour for channel 2, showing flex-
channel 2. The ure contained within a one-pixel radius
points represent the (Figure 5). Optimization of the other
position of a refer- channels is under way.
ence spot of light on
the detector, as a VlMOS first light
function of the rota-
tion angle of the First light was achieved on February
Nasmyth rotator
over 360°. The
26, 2002, with VIMOS in 2-channel
dashed circle repre- mode. Images with excellent image
sents a 1-arcsec quality were recorded right away (see
radius motion of the e.g. Figure 6 to Figure 8, and images
reference spot. on

Table 2: Photometric zero points

Filter Zero point (preliminary,

average of 2 channels)
Mag = zero point –2.5 log (flux)
in ADU) –2.5 log (CCD gain)
+2.5 log (exposure time)-kc.sec
(air mass)

U 26.3
B 28.0
V 27.7
R 27.8
I 27.0

Imaging performance

The overall throughput of the instru-

ment can be measured in terms of the
photometric zero points used to trans-
form the observed CCD counts to mag-
nitudes as listed in Table 2. This is bet-
ter in the UV and blue than the com-
parable FORS instrument on the VLT
and shows equivalent sensitivity in the
visual-red, when the additional reflec-
tion in the telescope is taken into ac-
Multi-object spectroscopy Figure 6: Image of the “Antennae” taken during the first night of VIMOS on the sky. Composite
performance of V, R, and I images, 60 seconds each. The image quality measured on stars is 0.6 arcsec
Masks have been produced from im- FWHM.
ages taken with the instrument. The
transformation matrix from CCD to
mask was computed using images from The mask design interface allows ed fashion in order to maximize the
a uniformly distributed grid of pinholes. one to define a mask in an automated number of objects, and to minimize the
This transformation proved to be very fashion from a “pre-image” taken with effect of overlap between orders when
accurate: from the first try onward, slits VIMOS. Slits can be placed either on working with several banks of spectra
and reference apertures on masks targets selected from a catalogue of ob- along the dispersion direction.
have been successfully positioned di- jects detected on the pre-image, or on Performance in spectroscopy mode
rectly on top of astronomical objects. objects from a user imported catalogue. is as expected, and follows the compu-
Examples of masks observed are The software cross correlates the tations from the Exposure Time Cal-
shown in Figure 9. This demonstrates brightest objects detected in the culator (see ESO web page referred to
the great multiplex capability of VIMOS, pre-image with objects in the user cat- below). Spectra of extended IAB ≤ 22.5
with several hundred objects being ob- alogue to define a transformation ma- galaxies have been recorded in 3 × 15
served simultaneously. The details pre- trix. This allows one for instance to use min exposures, with S/N ~ 5–10 on the
sented in Figure 10 show the high ac- very deep images taken with VIMOS or continuum (Figure 14).
curacy of the slit profile, thanks to the another facility to place slits on objects Spectra with the integral field unit
high precision of the laser-based mask not visible on the short-exposure pre- have also been obtained as shown in
manufacturing unit [11]. images. Slits are placed in an automat- Figure 11.

Figure 7: image of the cluster of galaxies ACO 3341. Figure 8: Central part of the cluster Cl 1008-12. Composite of V, R, and I
band exposures, 5 minutes each.

Figure 9: Example of multi-slit data taken with VIMOS during the first light in February 2002. In these masks on 2 channels, more than 220
objects were observed simultaneously with a spectral resolution R ~ 250.

Figure 10: Detail of a raw MOS spectra Figure 11: Spectra taken with the VIMOS-IFU. Left: 3200 spectra obtained with 2 channels in
frame. One can identify the trace of the con- February 2002. Right: enlarged portion of the IFU spectra showing the emission lines from a
tinuum of galaxies in each slit. The slit pro- planetary nebula observed during tests.
file is extremely accurate thanks to the high
precision of the MMU. Fringing from the de-
tector is visible in the red part of the spectra
(towards the top).

Data processing

Spectra have been processed using

dedicated Data Reduction Software
(DRS). The spectra are corrected for
the detector response and the sky lines
are subtracted before the 2D spectra
are summed. The 1D extraction then fol-
lows, with wavelength and flux calibra-
tion. Because of the thin substrate of
Figure 12: Processing of the VIMOS MOS data. Left panel: sequence of 3 spectra taken while
the EEV detectors, fringing from the
the object was maintained at the same position in the slit. Three sky-subtracted spectra are
strong sky OH emission appears above shown from left to right (about 200 Å around 8200 Å; wavelength increases towards the top),
~ 8200 Å. This fringing can be efficient- together with the combined average of the three spectra on the right. Significant fringing resid-
ly removed using a sequence of shifts uals are present. Right panel: in this set of observations, the object was moved along the slit
of objects along slits, as shown in Fig- at positions –1, 0, +1 arcsec; the combined average shows that fringes can be corrected to
ures 12 and 13. Spectra of extended a high level of accuracy.

galaxies with IAB ≤ 22.5 are shown in Figure 13: Effect of
Figure 14. sky and fringe sub-
traction with
Summary (bottom) and without
(top) shifting objects
The wide-field survey instrument along the slit as de-
VIMOS is now being commissioned at scribed in Figure 12.
the VLT. In each of the three opera-
tional modes (imaging, multi-slit spec-
troscopy and integral-field spectros-
copy), VIMOS offers an unprecedented
field of view. In multi-slit spectroscopy
mode, several hundred spectra can be
recorded simultaneously, while in inte-
gral-field mode, 6400 spectra are
recorded in a field 54 × 54 arcsec2. It is
expected that VIMOS guest observa-
tions will start in April 2003. Informa-
tion needed to prepare observing pro-
posals is available on the web pages

[1] Fort, B., Mellier, Y., Picat, J.P., Rio, Y.,
Lelièvre, G., 1986, SPIE, 627, 339.
[2] Ellis, R.S., Colless, M.M., Broadhurst,
et al., 1996, MNRAS, 280, 235.
[3] Lilly, S.J., Le Fèvre, O., Crampton, D.,
Hammer, F., Tresse L., 1995, Ap.J.,
455, 50.
[4] Le Fèvre, O., Crampton, D., Felenbok,
P., Monnet, G., 1994, A&A., 282, 325.
[5] Oke, J.B. et al., 1995, PASP, 107, 3750.
[6] Steidel, C.C., Giavalisco, M., Pettini,
M., et al., 1996 ApJ, 462, 17.
[7] Gunn, G.E., and Weinberg, D.H., 1995,
in ‘‘Wide field spectroscopy and the
distant universe”, ed. S. Maddox &
Aragon Salamanca, World Scientific
Singapore, 3.
[8] Colless, M.M., et al., 1999, proc. 2nd
Igrap conference “Clustering at high
redshifts, June 1999, Mazure, Le
Figure 14:
Fèvre, Le Brun Eds, ASP series.
Examples of spectra
[9] Le Fèvre, O., et al., 1994, proceedings
of the meeting Science with the VLT”, taken with VIMOS
J. Walsh, I. Danziger Eds., Springer, p. during the first com-
367. missioning in
[10] Le Fèvre, O., et al., 2000, Proc. SPIE February 2002. The
Vol. 4008, p. 546–557, Optical and IR redshift is indicated
Telescope Instrumentation and Detec- in the upper left cor-
tors, Masanori Iye; Alan F. Moorwood; ner of each panel.
Eds. These spectra are
[11] Conti, G., Mattaini, E., Maccagni, D., the average of 5 ex-
Sant’Ambrogio, E., Bottini, D., Garilli, posures 10 minutes
B., Le Fèvre, O., Saïsse, M., Voët, C., each with the LR
et al., 2001, PASP, 113, 452. grism (R ~ 200).

2.2-m Team

Welcome to the last (very short) in- telescopes and instruments on La Silla. moving to the 2.2-m telescope at the
stallment of 2p2team news from La The folding of the 2p2team heralds end of Period 69 and we expect it to be
Silla. This is mostly just a farewell mes- the end of ESO time at both the ESO up and running in its new home by
sage, as in October we cease to oper- 1.52 and Danish 1.54-m telescopes. November 2002. The Danish telescope
ate as a separate entity and join with The Boller and Chivens spectrograph is will continue to operate after October
the old NTT and 3.6 teams under the only available in Brazilian time until the 2002, but only in Danish time.
new guise of Sci-Ops. Never fear end of 2002, after which time the in- So farewell from the 2p2team and
though, the next Messenger will see strument will be mothballed and the tel- we'll see you next time as Sci-Ops.
this section expanded to include all the escope decomissioned. FEROS is


Standing on the Shoulder of a Giant:

ISAAC, Antu, and Star Formation
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
In the Beginning Isaac Newton, in a letter to Robert Hooke, 1676

Today’s astronomers spend much of Fortunately, all of these demanding carrying out photometry or spec-
their time staring into regions where specifications are being well satisfied troscopy with single apertures, or labo-
stars are forming, whether deep out in by the new large telescopes, optimized riously mapping out extended regions
extragalactic space and far back in for infrared observing, equipped with one pixel at a time. Of course, many pi-
time, to watch as the first galaxies are state-of-the-art infrared array instru- oneering discoveries and advances
assembled, or nearer to home, wit- ments, and situated on sites with excel- were made, but the great sea change
nessing the fiery creation of new stars lent intrinsic atmospheric qualities. came in 1986, when infrared-sensitive
and planetary systems within our own In this article, we hope to illustrate detector arrays made their way out
Milky Way. the great qualitative and quantitative from behind the dark curtains of military
Crucial to these endeavours are the strides that star-formation studies have secrecy and into open use on those
new 8–10-m diameter telescopic taken in the past few years, by looking large astronomical telescopes. With
leviathans, equipped with powerful at three highlights from our own work only 62 × 58 pixels, these arrays seem
eyes sensitive to near-infrared light. For using the ESO Very Large Telescope pitifully small in hindsight, and yet an in-
the high-redshift surveyors, the justifi- UT1, Antu, and its facility near-infrared stantaneous increase of almost 4,000
cation is straightforward: wavelengths camera/spectrograph, ISAAC. In partic- in the number of detectors in the focal
grow as (1 + z ) and surface brightness ular, we have chosen examples which plane of a telescope inspired the com-
drops as (1 + z )4, making newly-born illustrate a key theme running through munity and incited a true revolution.
galaxies extremely faint, infrared our work, namely that of environmental It is a revolution that continues today.
sources. On the other hand, the near- impact, both in the effects that the birth- In the 1960s, Gordon Moore formulated
est regions of ongoing star formation place of a star can have on its evolu- his now-famous law that the number of
are “only” a few hundred parsecs away, tion, and in the back reaction that star transitors on semiconductor chips dou-
yet the rationale is equally compelling. formation can have on its surroundings. bles every 12–24 months (Moore
Stars are born from, and shrouded in, These are just a selection from the 1965): the same exponential growth in
dense clouds of dust and molecular sample of young clusters and protostel- processor “power” has continued into
gas, out of whose obscuration visible lar objects we are studying with the VLT the new millennium (Intel 2002). Inter-
light can barely escape. The same (see also, e.g., Brandl et al. 1998; Zinn- estingly, Alan Hoffman of Raytheon/
physics also yields substellar objects, ecker et al. 1999, 2002), and, of course, SBRC has found that a similar scaling
the brown dwarfs, with masses perhaps only a small subset of the work being relation has tracked the introduction of
as little as 1% of the Sun, feebly emit- carried out by the broad and active Euro- progressively larger infrared detector
ting their excess gravitational warmth pean star- and planet-formation com- arrays into common astronomical circu-
as they cool and contract forever, nev- munity (Alves & McCaughrean 2002). lation, with a doubling of the number of
er able to initiate nuclear hydrogen fu- pixels roughly every 18 months (see
sion. Young stars are encircled by disks A momentary digression: Fig. 1). Following SBRC’s InSb 62 × 58
of barely warm dust and gas, where the infrared Moore’s law pixel arrays in 1986, the widespread
swirling vortices gather mass to form adoption of the Rockwell NICMOS3
planets, and the stars and disks con- We are by now all very familiar with HgCdTe and SBRC InSb 256 × 256 pix-
spire to generate immense supersonic the current generation of large tele- el arrays occurred circa 1992, and that
jets of outflowing gas blasting out of the scopes, perhaps pre-eminent among of the presently common generation of
cocoon, lighting up great shocks glow- which are the four 8.2-m diameter units Rockwell HAWAII HgCdTe and SBRC
ing in the light of molecular hydrogen. of the VLT: this story could certainly not Aladdin InSb 1024 × 1024 pixel arrays
Very often, all of this is going on at be told without them. However, photons circa 1998. Indeed, ISAAC was com-
once, as stars are born in dense, must not only be collected but also de- missioned in late 1998, and can switch
crowded clusters, all interacting and tected, and an equally important issue between one or other of a HAWAII or
competing with each other for survival. in the present context is the huge par- Aladdin 1024 × 1024 pixel array.
All of which calls for the largest tele- allel progress made in infrared detector So, while the VLT has “only” about
scopes operated with sensitive infrared technology over the 25 years or so five times the collecting area of UKIRT,
cameras and spectrographs. Wide field since telescopes like the VLT were first ISAAC has a million times the number
coverage is necessary to capture the proposed (Woltjer 1978). of pixels of any of UKIRT’s first-genera-
whole story in a given region, but si- At that time, the first purpose-built tion instruments. This combined factor of
multaneously with enough spatial reso- large infrared telescopes, such as the five million improvement in the through-
lution and dynamic range to disentan- 3.8-m UKIRT on Mauna Kea, were put (used in a deliberately loose sense
gle the interactions between the many about to go online, with instruments here) available to infrared astronomers
sources, and to ensure that we can de- that focussed all of the primary mirror’s over just 20 years is quite dramatic, and
tect even the faintest companions, light onto a single element detector. For has driven our understanding of star
disks, and planets immediately adja- much of the following decade, infrared formation and early stellar evolution for-
cent to their much brighter parents. astronomy continued in the same vein, ward in leaps and bounds.

The Trapezium Cluster:
towards a lower mass limit

It is well known that the entire life his-

tory of a star is almost uniquely deter-
mined by its mass, and yet it remains
quite unclear how a star arrives at that
mass in the first place. In a more gen-
eral sense, we do not know how to pre-
dict the distribution of masses of a pop-
ulation of stars recently born from a mo-
lecular cloud, as found in a young clus-
ter, for example, the so-called initial
mass function (IMF).
In the broadest possible sense, the
IMF has two important components: its
form and its limits, that is, the shape of
the IMF and where it cuts off at high
and low mass. By measuring these pa-
rameters as a function of environment,
including metallicity, cluster density, the
presence of massive stars, for exam-
ple, we can hope to place important
constraints on any general theory of
star formation that aims to predict the
IMF and its variations. The single pow- Figure 1: The growth of astronomical near-infrared array detectors, illustrated using a sam-
er-law form of the upper IMF in our ple of 41 infrared cameras and plotting the year they were introduced into service against the
galaxy has been known for many years number of pixels (rows × columns) in their main detector. The dates have been randomised
(Salpeter 1955), but at lower masses, within the year of commissioning in order to provide a little horizontal separation. Some sys-
things become more interesting, with a tems include more than one array, but typically with the same unit size: just the unit size is
turndown and peak in the IMF typically plotted for these. A wide range of telescope sizes is implicitly represented, from 1 to 10-m di-
ameter, although there is no obvious tendency for the newest arrays to be introduced at ei-
seen somewhere in the range 0.1–0.5 ther the smallest or largest telescopes. The red line represents Hoffman’s version of Moore’s
M, that is, just above the stellar/sub- Law, showing a doubling in pixel count roughly every 18 months over the past 20 years.
stellar break (Kroupa 2001). While it Extrapolation points to 4096 × 4096 pixel arrays or mosaics (1.7 × 107 pixels) being the work-
seems self-evident that the processes horse imaging systems by 2006.
of star formation know nothing about
the nuclear fusion that later so brutally
separates the fates of stars and brown processes, including supersonic turbu- The cluster has proven an excellent
dwarfs, the form of the IMF over this lence (Padoan & Nordlund 2002), dy- site for probing the stellar initial mass
peak and down into the brown dwarf namical interactions between proto- function (Hillenbrand 1997), and is
regime must nevertheless encode im- stars (Bate, Bonnell, & Bromm 2002), known to include many brown dwarfs
portant physics. As a result, consider- and feedback due, for example, to (McCaughrean et al. 1995; Luhman et
able effort has been invested in exam- strong bipolar outflows (Adams & al. 2000; Hillenbrand & Carpenter 2000;
ining the substellar IMF in young clus- Fatuzzo 1996) and ionizing radiation Muench et al. 2001), and recent studies
ters, searching for and investigating from massive stars (Palla & Stahler have suggested there may be sources
proto-brown dwarfs. 2000). In addition, the existence of down to as low as ~10 MJup (Lucas &
Most recently, several groups have such objects with just a few Jupiter Roche 2000; Lucas et al. 2001).
been pursuing the IMF downwards in masses would be interesting in itself, as However, an even deeper wide-field
search of a possible lower cut-off. The they could provide important insights survey was needed to test this finding
theory of hierarchical fragmentation into the very early evolution of giant and to search for any lower mass limit.
predicts that a collapsing molecular planets, even if most astronomers We have carried out such a survey
cloud will continue to break into ever would agree that free-floating objects using ISAAC over a 7 × 7 arcminute field
smaller clumps as long they are able to formed directly from a molecular cloud centred on the well-known Trapezium
radiate away their excess energy in core are not true planets like those OB stars, as shown in Figure 2, a true-
less than the free-fall time for local col- formed in a circumstellar disk, and thus colour Js, H, Ks composite made from
lapse. However, opacity rises with den- do not deserve that special name (cf. our initial data taken in 1999 (see
sity, and at some point the gas cannot McCaughrean et al. 2001). McCaughrean et al. 2001). Adding data
cool quickly enough, becomes adiabat- In any case, can we find such objects from 2000 and 2002, the final survey
ic and pressure-supported, and frag- and any related mass cut-off directly, has 900 seconds integration time pixel
mentation ceases (Hoyle 1953). Tra- via observations? Although it might at per filter, and a mean seeing of 0.5 arc-
ditionally, this lower cut-off is predicted first seem futile to think of searching for sec FWHM. These data go significantly
to lie at 0.005–0.015 M or 5–15 objects with just a few Jupiter masses deeper over a wide field than any pre-
Jupiter masses (1 MJup = 0.001 M) at distances of a few hundred parsecs, vious infrared survey, with 3σ peak-pix-
(Lynden-Bell & Low 1976; Rees 1976; they are remarkably warm and bright el point source detection limits of Js, H,
Silk 1977), although more recent calcu- when young, and deep infrared imaging and Ks of 21m. 3, 20 m.0, and 19 m. 6, re-
lations suggest that it may be modified with large telescopes can now be used spectively, limits ultimately set by the
by the inclusion of magnetic fields, to go in search of them. One of the ob- bright emission from the Orion Nebula.
down to perhaps as little as 1 MJup vious targets for such a hunt is the In the Ks band, these limits correspond
(Boss 2001). More importantly, how- Trapezium Cluster in Orion, probably roughly to 3 MJup at 450 pc, assuming
ever, the whole fragmentation scenario the most populous and densest of the an age of 1 Myr and a typical intraclus-
down at low masses may have to be re- nearby young stellar clusters, with ter reddening of AV ~ 7m, using the
placed by a more complex model in- more than a thousand members DUSTY pre-main-sequence models of
volving a wide range of physical crammed into its inner cubic parsec. Chabrier et al. (2000).

Figure 2: A true-colour near-infrared (1–2.5 µm) image of the Orion Nebula and Trapezium Cluster made using ISAAC on Antu in December
1999. The Js data are shown as blue, H as green, and Ks as red. In this representation, cube root intensities and unsharp masking were used
to compress the dynamic range and emphasise point sources, at a cost of some enhancement in the noise. The original version can be seen
in McCaughrean et al. (2001). The image covers 7 × 7 arcmin, or 0.9 × 0.9 pc at the 450 pc distance to the nebula. North is up, east left. Total
integration time in this subset of our data is 270 seconds per filter, and the seeing is 0.5 arcsec FWHM. For orientation, we have labelled the
eponymous Trapezium OB stars at the centre of the image (θ1 Ori A, B, C, & D); the two other well-known OB stars (θ2 Ori A & B) just the
south-east of the Bright Bar ionisation front; active star-formation centres embedded in the background molecular cloud, OMC-1S and BN-
KL, the latter also being the origin of a massive outflow and the associated broad fan of shocked emission-line fingers to the north-west; and
the Dark Bay, a region of high extinction in visible images that is penetrated here at infrared wavelengths. Also marked with a circle is TC193,
a member of the Trapezium Cluster. With Js, H, Ks magnitudes of 18 m.4, 17 m.7, and 17 m.2, respectively, this source is roughly 13 magnitudes
fainter than θ1 Ori C, illustrating the huge dynamic range that must be faced in such studies. TC193 is part of a sample for which we already
have ISAAC spectroscopy: a preliminary estimate of its spectral type is L2, which would yield a mass of roughly 6 MJup assuming an age of
1 Myr, according to the models of Chabrier et al. (2000). Dereddening the near-infrared magnitudes back to the same isochrone would sug-
gest a mass nearer 10 MJup. Keep in mind also that it lies 2–3 magnitudes above our detection limits, and there are a significant number of
potentially lower-mass sources to be studied in detail.

There are roughly 1200 sources in be notoriously difficult to convert a vestigate how close we may get to our
the survey region, 700 of which are colour-magnitude diagram for a young, goal of finding a lower limit to the IMF,
fainter than the saturation limit of Ks ~ embedded cluster such as this into a however, we can carry out a simple
13m, and the (Js – H) vs. H colour-mag- mass function, and a discussion of the analysis. In Figure 3, we start by as-
nitude diagram is shown in Figure 3. details and caveats of the methods suming that the cluster is 1 Myr old, tak-
Without the aid of spectroscopy, it can used would fill an article in itself. To in- ing a pre-main-sequence model iso-

chrone for that age and plotting it in the
colour-magnitude diagram. The large
and variable extinction in the cluster
means a source must be individually
dereddened back to that isochrone in
order to determine its approximate
mass, with care taken to ensure that a
suitably complete extinction-limited
sample is chosen before a mass func-
tion is derived. Next, we displace the 1
Myr isochrone by the median cluster
reddening of AV ~ 7m, noting that the
reddened 5 MJup point lies more or less
at our observational completeness lim-
it. Thus in principle, we can now derive
an extinction-limited sample down to
that 5 MJup limit. Finally, we divide the
brown dwarf regime into just two equal-
ly-spaced logarithmic mass bins span-
ning the brown dwarf regime, from
5–20 MJup and from 20–80 MJup.
Between the unreddened and red-
dened isochrones, there are roughly
120 sources in the higher mass bin,
compared to 30 in the lower bin. These
numbers can be converted into a crude Figure 3: The (Js–H) vs. H colour-magnitude diagram derived from our ISAAC imaging sur-
two-point mass function for brown vey of the Trapezium Cluster (see Fig. 2). The completeness limit and typical photometric er-
dwarfs, with dN/d log M ∝ M +1; this rors for sources just above this limit are shown. The 1 Myr isochrone from the pre-main se-
should be contrasted with the classical quence (DUSTY) models of Chabrier et al. (2000) is plotted assuming a distance of 450 pc.
Salpeter mass function in the stellar do- The great majority of the sources lie redwards of the isochrone due to intracluster dust ex-
main which goes as ∝ M –1.35. tinction of up to ~ 20 m and greater. There is a pile-up of sources at H = 12m–13m due to the
Thus, the mass function is falling effects of deuterium burning, although sources brighter than this saturated within the 10 sec-
steeply through the brown dwarf ond on-chip integration time used for the survey. The number of potential brown dwarfs is
large, but not dominant. As described in the text, we have also plotted the 0.005–0.08 M
regime, a general result known previ- (5–80 MJup) segment of the isochrone reddened by AV ~ 7m: by counting sources in the 5–20
ously for the Trapezium Cluster (see, and 20–80 MJup bins, we can see that the brown dwarf end of the IMF is clearly falling, as
e.g., McCaughrean et al. 1995; Hillen- crudely characterised by the form dN/d log M ∝ M+1.
brand & Carpenter 2000; Muench et al.
2002), but now extended all the way
down well below the so-called deuteri- needed. Also, as there are very bright source. Thus even in the best case, we
um-burning limit at 13 MJup. Indeed, a stars in the field, the observations had would require integration times roughly
more detailed analysis of the Ks data to be made in visitor mode to avoid pos- 175 times longer than we presently
reveals that there are very few sources sible persistence effects impacting oth- have, i.e., almost 44 hours on-source
below 5 MJup. Is this evidence for a low- ers in service mode. While trips to integration time per filter per field of
er mass cut-off? Such a claim would be Paranal are always interesting, it unfor- view.
premature: better mass determinations tunately suffers relatively poor weather A wide field is necessary in order to
are required using spectroscopy to de- in peak Orion season, at the height of obtain enough sources to ensure a sta-
rive temperatures and surface gravi- austral summer, and in the end, it has tistically robust result, and using ISAAC
ties, and thus eliminate uncertainties taken eight nights over three years to to mosaic the cluster would obviously
due to differential reddening and complete the survey to the present be prohibitive. A wide-field imaging sys-
non-coevality: we have begun this work depth. tem covering the whole cluster in one
using ISAAC, but much larger samples How much longer would be needed shot would improve matters greatly, but
will be required. Second, a comprehen- to get down from our current limit in even then, once the two filters neces-
sive comparison of the data against the the Ks band of ~ 3 MJup to 1 MJup, where, sary plus sky and other overheads are
wide range of available pre-main-se- for example, the magnetically-mediated accounted for, at least a month of clear
quence evolutionary and atmosphere fragmentation limit may lie? Pre-main- observing nights on Orion would be re-
models is required in order to test the sequence models can be used to as- quired. Ultimately then, getting to the
robustness of the mass estimates. sess this, although there are many un- very bottom of this crucial question will
Third, it is clear that yet deeper imaging certainties and differences between require the NGST, as discussed briefly
is required to probe well below the various models in this low-mass, below.
present limits, to ensure that we have low-temperature domain. For illustra-
delineated any such boundary on a sta- tion, we use the well-known COND and The Eagle’s EGGs:
tistically sound basis. DUSTY models of Isabelle Baraffe, fertile or sterile?
At first sight, this last point might ap- Gilles Chabrier, France Allard, and col-
pear trivial, since the present data only laborators, and in these models, a 1 At the opposite end of the mass
have 15 minutes integration time per fil- MJup source at 1 Myr is predicted to be spectrum from the sub-10 MJup objects
ter. However, in practice, accumulating at least 2.8 magnitudes fainter than we have been searching for in the
those 15 minutes was an onerous task. its 3 MJup counterpart in the Ks band. Trapezium Cluster, the eponymous OB
First multiply by three filters, then by At least one infrared colour is re- stars at its heart pose a problem for
nine on-source and four sky positions, quired in order to provide a reddening their lower-mass neighbours. The mas-
a factor of two for detector readout, tel- estimate, and taking the H band, the sive stars yield a prodigious output of
escope offset, and standard star over- most optimistic models predict that our ultraviolet photons which not only
heads, and a total of ~ 20 hours of clear 1 MJup source should again be 2.8 sculpt and illuminate the Orion Nebula
conditions with excellent seeing were magnitudes fainter than the 3 MJup HII region, but also heat and ionise the

dense disks of dust and gas which sur- only the combination of the VLT, HH212: the prototypical
round the neighbouring young stars ISAAC, and service mode observations protostellar jet
(O’Dell, Wen, & Hu 1993; Bally, O’Dell, was able to deliver the deep, wide-field
& McCaughrean 2000). Are planetary images with superb seeing necessary In M 16, we have seen the impact
systems able to form under this on- to carry out the definitive survey of this massive stars can have on their envi-
slaught? As most stars form in clus- astronomical icon. Our data were ob- ronment. However, even low-mass
ters, this poses a major quandary in tained in 2001, covering a wide field (10 stars can play an important part in the
our attempts to understand the birth × 10 arcmin) with excellent seeing-lim- feedback loop, as we see in our last ex-
statistics of the galactic planetary pop- ited resolution (0.35 arcsec FWHM), ample, an enigmatic protostellar source
ulation. However, massive stars can yielding 3σ peak pixel point source de- near Orion’s belt. In the mid-1980s, one
have an impact even earlier in the tections at Js. H, and Ks of 22 m.6, 21m.3, of us (HZ) had become interested in
star formation process. When they first and 20 m. 4, respectively. Assuming an very young binary systems, very few of
ignite, their ionising photons and age of 1 Myr, these limits correspond to which were known at the time. A newly-
strong winds collide with any nearby the detection of a 0.08 M source em- discovered cold, dense molecular cloud
molecular cloud material, first com- bedded in 30m of visual extinction, and core, however, IRAS 05413-0104, ap-
pressing dense cores and then ripping even brown dwarfs should be visible peared to be an ideal target in which to
them apart. Can new stars form via ra- through less extinction (McCaughrean go looking for a low-mass protobinary
diative implosion before the cores are & Andersen 2002). system. The opportunity came in 1987,
destroyed (Larosa 1983; Bertoldi 1989; The resulting colour composite im- during the commissioning of the origi-
Lefloch & Lazareff 1994)? How are the age covering just the elephant trunks is nal IRCAM on UKIRT. With only a 62 ×
properties of any pre-existing proto- shown in Figure 4: the full field of view 58 pixel array, there was an inevitable
stars affected by having their parental can be seen in McCaughrean & Ander- trade-off in IRCAM between field of
cores blown away before accretion has sen (2001). A detailed examination of view and spatial resolution, the former
ended? the 73 EGGs shows that just 11 appear generally favoured over the latter. This
A case in point is M 16, the Eagle to harbour infrared sources, as marked was in part because of the lure of final-
Nebula, where the famous HST images in Figure 4. Four of these appear to be ly being able to map large regions, in
of Hester et al. (1996) delineated in ex- low-mass stars, while the other seven part because the typical seeing at
quisite detail three so-called elephant may be brown dwarfs, several of which UKIRT was not thought to be that great,
trunks, parsec-long columns of gas and cluster near the tip of the largest ele- and in part because the received wis-
dust being ionised by OB stars of the phant trunk, close to a massive (4–10 dom from single-element detectors was
adjacent NGC 6611 cluster. Around the M) young protostar (YSO1; see also that small, noisy pixels would make it
fringes of the trunks, Hester et al. re- Sugitani et al. 2002; Thompson, Smith, impossible to detect low-surface-bright-
solved a population of small, dense & Hester 2002). Although selection ef- ness emission, forgetting however that
knots, which they named EGGs for fects and uncertainties abound, there one only had to integrate long enough
evaporating gaseous globules. As does indeed appear to be some limited to become background limited. In any
strictly correct as the acronym may star formation going on in the elephant case, the IRCAM field of view in its 0.6
have been, it also encapsulated a less trunks. However, a major question re- arcsec/pixel mode was just 37 × 35 arc-
obvious proposition, namely that the mains completely unanswered. Did sec, and in retrospect, these parame-
EGGs are also eggs, the birthplaces these objects already exist in the ters conspired to lead us completely
of new stars. Based on a couple of trunks, only to be revealed now by the astray for several years. A single K-
plausible associations between EGGs passage of the NGC 6611 ionisation band image was taken, revealing two,
and stars, Hester et al. hypothesised front, or was their formation indeed ini- apparently point sources separated by
that the full population of 73 EGGs tiated by that front triggering the radia- 7 arcsec. Without further ado, we took
identified in their images might harbour tive implosion of dense cores? If the this to confirm all of our expectations
a plethora of young stars about to be former model holds, then we might ex- and preconceptions, and as a conse-
exposed by the ionizing flux of the OB pect to find a distribution of young stars quence, IRAS 05413-0104 was written
stars, thus terminating accretion and and brown dwarfs embedded within the up as a young binary system (Zinn-
helping to define their final masses. densest parts of the trunks, not just at ecker 1989; Zinnecker et al. 1992).
Indeed, Hester et al. went further, and the ionised periphery: due to the ex- Everything changed a few years later
suggested that if most stars form in tinction however, this is also an experi- during an observing run at the 3-m
such an environment, perhaps the form ment which will probably have to await IRTF on Mauna Kea. While defining
of the IMF is determined by the impact a combined thermal-infrared and mil- macros to observe one target, a brief
of OB stars. limetre survey by the NGST and ALMA, opening in the proceedings made it
This far-reaching hypothesis needed respectively. possible to slew to IRAS 05413-0104
testing. The optical HST images were And finally, we must be careful not to for follow-up imaging using the facility
unable to probe the interiors of most of develop tunnel vision, mistaking the camera, NSFCAM. With its 256 × 256
the dense EGGs, to assess how many single HST WFPC-2 field of view ver- pixel array, NSFCAM had improved
of them truly contained young stars, sion of M 16 for a detached, isolated ob- sampling and field compared to IRCAM,
and deep infrared observations are ject, as the makers of the film version of 0.3 arcsec/pixel and 77 × 77 arcsec, re-
called for in order to penetrate the ex- Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos” did in their oth- spectively. As soon as the first image
tinction and make a detailed census. In erwise bravura opening sequence. The arrived, it was clear this was something
addition, these observations must be at real action in the region appears to other than a simple binary system: the
high spatial resolution, as the median have taken place in NGC 6611, where original two sources were now seen to
EGG diameter is just 1000 AU or 0.5 a cluster of thousands of stars has be extended, not point-like, and they
arcsec at 2 kpc, and have to span a formed within the past few million appeared to be just the innermost pair
wide field of view, in order to cover the years, apparently with a rather normal of a long, linear trail of faint nebular
whole elephant-trunk system and make IMF (Hillenbrand et al. 1993). The on- knots. Guessing that this was in fact a
a detailed statistical study of contami- going destruction of the adjacent ele- young jet, not a protobinary, we
nation by the dense field star popula- phant trunks and the limited star forma- switched to a narrow-band filter at 2.12
tion seen towards and beyond M 16. tion taking place within them may ulti- µm designed to trace emission from hot
Early attempts either had inadequate mately prove to be a sideshow in the molecular hydrogen and after some
resolution (McCaughrean 1997) or too grander scheme of things, albeit a mosaicing, a spectacular large outflow
limited a field (Currie et al. 1997), and beautiful one. was revealed, later to be named HH

Figure 4: A true-colour near-infrared (1–2.5 µm) image of the well-known elephant trunks (or columns, C1, C2, C3) in M 16, the Eagle Nebula,
made with data taken with ISAAC on Antu in April–May 2001. The Js data are shown as blue, H as green, and Ks as red. The cube root of
the intensities was taken to compress the dynamic range before normalizing and combining the three mosaics. The main image covers 2.6
× 3.6 arcmin or 1.5 × 2.0 pc assuming a distance of 1.9 kpc to M 16, and is a subsection of the full 9 × 9 arcmin data set that can be seen in
McCaughrean & Andersen (2001). North is up, east left. Total integration time is 1200 seconds in Js, and 300 seconds in each of H and Ks.
The seeing is 0.35 arcsec FWHM. The small subimages have been magnified by a factor of 2.9 and each covers 18.5 × 18.5 arcsec (0.17 ×
0.17 pc). Labels mark evaporating gaseous globules (EGGs) identified in the optical HST data of Hester et al. (1996) which we find to be as-
sociated with low-mass stars and brown dwarfs as described in the text. Also shown are E23, an EGG with no near-infrared point source, but
thought to contain an embedded protostar driving a collimated jet; YSO1 and YSO2, massive sources in the tips of C1 and C2, respectively;
and HH 216, an optically-visible Herbig-Haro object (Andersen et al. 2002). Due to the large dynamic range, some of the very faintest sources
are not easily seen in the subimages, but can be seen in the original data. From McCaughrean & Andersen (2002).

212, not at all coincidentally after the ready able to identify velocities in the reflected off the uppermost surfaces of
wavelength at which it was emitting. inner knots of 100–200 km s–1, al- the large flattened, rotating molecular
Subsequent deeper observations a though the observations must be con- cloud core associated with the central
year later using the 256 × 256 pixel tinued in order to extend the sensitivity protostar (Lee et al. 2000; Wiseman et
MAGIC camera on the Calar Alto 3.5-m down to 20 km s–1 or so, where the out- al. 2001), as well as the inner edges of
telescope fully delineated the extreme er bow shocks sweep up the ambient the cavity being excavated by the out-
bipolar symmetry of the flow, with a se- medium. flow in the larger parent core. Alterna-
ries of compact knots and bowshocks In the meantime, however, we have tively, it may be that gas along the edge
equidistantly spaced on either side of combined the extant data to make a of the cavity is being lightly shocked
the centre. It is highly unlikely that in- single extremely deep image as shown and that the emission is in situ, not re-
homogeneities in the surrounding am- in Figure 5, which has a total integration flected.
bient medium would give rise to such time of 282 minutes in the central half, Finally, close inspection of the VLT
symmetry. Rather, the symmetric se- and 141 minutes in the outer parts. This image reveals that a substantial frac-
quence of features appears to repre- is by far the deepest infrared image ob- tion of the sources in the surrounding
sent a ticker-tape record of the accre- tained of a young protostellar jet, with field are in fact background galaxies,
tion history of the very young central 4.7 hours on an 8.2-m telescope to be confirming that the parent core is very
protostars, with variations in the infall compared to the typical longest obser- compact and quite detached from the
onto the protostar being reflected in se- vations of any other system of 30 min- nearby Orion B molecular cloud com-
quences of knots and bowshocks in the utes on a 4-m-class telescope. In addi- plex. This is especially evident at the
corresponding outflow (Zinnecker, tion, the coadded spatial resolution is north-east end, where the outer bow-
McCaughrean, & Rayner 1998). an excellent 0.34 arcsec FWHM, with shock appears to pass close to a clus-
However, the unknown parameter in one data set having 0.2–0.25 arcsec ter of galaxies, and begs the question
this chart recorder is how quickly the resolution over its full two hour span, of how there can be any ambient medi-
paper is moving, i.e., the timescales in- equal to the diffraction-limited spatial um in the region to be shocked.
volved. How often are new knots emit- resolution of the HST at the same Conversely, in one of the largest depar-
ted? How fast are they moving when wavelength. Finally, even though the jet tures from symmetry, there is an addi-
emitted? How do they decelerate when is indeed seen to move over the 16- tional large bowshock at the south-west
they interact with the ambient medium? month baseline, the maximum shifts end, probably formed as the jet prows
What is their time-averaged impact on are on the order of a single ISAAC pix- into another cloud core, as signposted
the surrounding medium? High-resolu- el (0.148 arcsec), and thus any blurring by the presence of a bright source sur-
tion spectroscopy of the two inner knots introduced is invisible at the scale rounded by nebulosity and an appar-
in the 2.12-µm line shows almost iden- shown here. ently edge-on disk system. This inter-
tical radial velocities, indicating that the While the basic symmetry of the jet is action between one low-mass protostar
jet must lie very close to the plane of obviously maintained, the greatly im- and a dense core apparently containing
the sky (Zinnecker et al. 1998), and proved sensitivity and resolution reveal another reminds us again that the cu-
thus proper motion measurements are important new details. The innermost mulative effects of feedback cannot be
required to reveal the velocity structure knots are all resolved into bowshocks, neglected when trying to understand
of the jet. Typical peak outflow speeds small counterparts to the larger bows the formation of a population of young
measured in young jets are of the order further out, and overall, the flow ap- stars, whether they be in a dense clus-
of 100–200 km s–1, equivalent to just pears very similar to simulations made ter or more distributed over a larger mo-
0.05–0.1 arcsec/yr at 400 pc. But while of so-called “hammer jets” (Suttner et lecular cloud.
two images separated by 10 years al. 1997; Volker et al. 1999), where a
might appear to be sufficient, it is im- time-variable jet sends out a series of A look to the near future
portant to measure the motions as rap- pulses of dense gas leading to small
idly as possible, as shocked molecular bowshocks: these subsequently merge The first few years of VLT operation
hydrogen cools on timescales of 1–2 into a larger bowshock plowing its way have been a great success, and ISAAC
years, and thus over longer timescales, through the ambient medium. However, has been an outstanding workhorse in-
there is no guarantee that it is the same the image reveals almost continuous strument, as hopefully witnessed by the
packet of gas that is glowing. In addi- emission between the knots following data shown in this article and else-
tion, it is important to measure lower apparently sinuous channels, and the where. However, there is a fly in the
velocities where the outflowing jet de- origin of this emission is not entirely ointment: all of the projects described
celerates into the surrounding gas. clear: why are there continuous shocks in this article relied on mosaicing to
Thus we require deep, high spatial between the bows? cover the desired field, which is not only
resolution imaging separated by rea- Near the base of the jet, there is a inefficient, but also compromises accu-
sonably short intervals. We are observ- pair of diffuse nebulae that broadly re- racy when it comes to PSF-fitting pho-
ing HH 212 in the 2.12-µm line with semble the parabolic reflection nebulae tometry, proper-motion monitoring, and
ISAAC once per year over a five-year associated with circumstellar disks detection of very extended low-sur-
period. Service mode observing almost around young stellar objects, as seen in face-brightness emission. As a result, it
guarantees that we will obtain the de- HH 30, IRAS 04302+2247, and Orion is worth taking a brief look at the future
sired excellent seeing (< 0.4 arcsec) for 114–426 (McCaughrean, Stapelfeldt, & of wide-field near-infrared imaging at
the annual two hours of integration Close 2000). However, the HH 212 ESO, and thus by extension, how our
time, and the relatively large ISAAC nebulae are separated by roughly 5.5 studies may be further improved.
field means that only a two-position arcsec or 2200 AU, and comparison The standard answer is VISTA, the 4-
mosaic is required to cover the whole with continuum data shows that these m survey telescope which will feed a
jet, which in turn ensures reasonably nebulae are in fact emitting almost ex- huge infrared camera covering the
accurate proper-motion determina- clusively in the 2.12-µm line, which ap- equivalent of 42 × 42 arcmin at 0.31
tions. Adaptive optics imaging is not an parently rules out the central YSO as arcsec/pixel with 16 2048 × 2048 pixel
option in this region given the lack of a the source of illumination. Finally, the arrays. It is argued that VISTA elimi-
suitably bright guide star, and distortion deep data show that these nebulae ex- nates the need for a wide-field camera
problems introduced by AO over wide tend up and along the jet. It seems like- on the VLT, since for large-area sur-
fields might also be a concern. To date, ly that the two brightest, innermost veys, it will make up with field of view
we have imaged the jet three times knots of the jet are acting as huge spot- what it lacks in collecting area. But there
over a 16-month period, and are al- lights hanging in space, their light being are caveats. First, the VISTA camera

Figure 5: A deep image of the protostellar jet, HH212, in the 2.122 µm v = 1–0 S(1) line of molecular hydrogen, made using ISAAC on Antu,
with data from October 2000, October 2001, and January 2002. North is up, east left. Total integration time in the central half is 282 minutes,
yielding a 3σ per pixel limiting surface brightness sensitivity there of 1.2 × 10–19 W m–2 arcsec–2. The image covers 3.2 × 3.9 arcmin or 0.37
× 0.45 pc assuming a distance of 400 pc to HH212. The resolution is seeing limited at 0.34 arcsec FWHM. Intensities have been scaled log-
arithmically. Continuum emission has not been subtracted as the jet is known to be emitting almost exclusively in the S(1) line: however, con-
tinuum sources such as field stars and galaxies remain visible. As discussed in the text, the nebulosity surrounding the base of HH212 is line
emission, while the bipolar nebula at the south-west end of the image is seen in continuum emission, and is most likely a large circumstellar
disk. Judging from broad-band data, the point source at the centre of the southwest nebula appears to be an unrelated field star. The two
subimages in the corners have been expanded by a factor of 2.5, and show the south-west bipolar nebula (lower left) and the inner knots of
HH 212 (upper right) in more detail. From McCaughrean et al., in preparation.

will not have the contiguous field which Together, these features will yield ex- Currie, D., Kissell, K., Shaya, E. et al. 1996,
is often so important for star-formation traordinary gains in sensitivity from 0.6 The Messenger, 86, 31.
targets: mosaicing will still be required. to 28 µm for both imaging and spec- Hester, J.J., Scowen, P.A., Sankrit, R. et al.
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second-generation instruments under who knows what surprises lie ahead? & Palla, F. 2001, ESO press release
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multiobject spectrograph, KMOS, which Acknowledgements McCaughrean, M.J. & Andersen, M. 2001,
would extend to 2.5 µm, but which may ESO press release (
or may not include an imaging mode. In It is a great pleasure to thank our outreach/press-rel/pr-2001/phot-37-01.html)
any event, according to present plan- many friends at ESO, on Paranal and in McCaughrean, M.J. & Andersen, M. 2002,
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et al., 2001, Science (Letters), 291, 1487.
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pixel cameras should be shouldering wood, Almudena Prieto, Dave Silva, and Alves, J. 2002, ApJ, 573, 366.
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ESO member states are developing thank Isabelle Baraffe, Michael Meyer, 410, 696.
Padoan, P. & Nordlund, Å. 2002, ApJ, sub-
such cameras for their 4-m-class tele- and Francesco Palla for useful input, mitted (astro-ph/0205019).
scopes, including WFCAM for UKIRT and the Institute of Astronomy in Cam- Palla, F. & Stahler, S.W. 2000, ApJ, 540, 255.
and WIRCAM for the CFHT. Thus it bridge, where much of this paper was Rees, M.J. 1976, MNRAS, 176, 483.
seems reasonable to explore the op- written, for their hospitality. This work Salpeter, E.P. 1955, ApJ, 121, 161.
tions for developing a wide-field imager was funded in part by the EC Research Silk, J. 1977, ApJ, 214, 152.
Sugitani, K., Tamura, M., Nakajima, Y. et al.
for the VLT. A straightforward direct im- Training Network “The Formation and 2002, ApJ, 565, L25.
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pixel arrays would cover a 10 × 10 ar- (HPRN-CT-2000- 00155) and DLR Zinnecker, H. 1997, A&A, 318, 595.
cmin field at the same 0.15 arcsec/pix- grants 50-OR-0004/ 9912. Thompson, R.l., Smith, B.A., & Hester, J.J.
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excellent infrared seeing seen in this References Völker, R., Smith, M.D., Suttner, G., & Yorke,
H.W. 1999, A&A, 343, 953.
article, and would be very well suited to Adams, F.C. & Fatuzzo, M. 1996, ApJ, 464, Wiseman, J., Wootten, A., Zinnecker, H., &
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clusters. VLT View (Berlin: Springer Verlag). Wilson (Geneva: ESO), p. 5.
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2002, A&A, in press. mation and Pre-main Sequence Objects,
NASA/ESA/CSA Next Generation Bally, J., O’Dell, C.R., & McCaughrean, M.J. ed. B. Reipurth, (Garching: ESO), p. 447.
Space Telescope will combine a large 2000, AJ, 119, 2919. Zinnecker, H., Andersen, M., Brandl, B. et al.
primary mirror (in this case, 6.5 m in di- Bate, M.R., Bonnell, l., & Bromm, V. 2002, 2002, in Extragalactic Star Formation,
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at the Sun-Earth L2 point where pas- Moffat, A.F.J., Palla, F., & Zinnecker, H. Zinnecker, H., Krabbe, A., McCaughrean,
sive cooling to 50 K will avoid the 1999, A&A, 352, L69. M.J. et al. 1999, A&A, 352, L73.
scourge of OH airglow and thermal Chabrier, G., Baraffe, l., Allard, F., & Zinnecker, H., McCaughrean, M.J., & Ray-
background fought from the ground. Hauschildt, P. 2000, ApJ, 542, 464. ner, J.T. 1998, Nature, 394, 862.

Gamma-Ray Bursts: the Most Powerful Cosmic
1Astronomical Institute “Anton Pannekoek”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain;
3STScI, Baltimore, USA; 4MPE Garching, Germany; 5Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark;
6Trieste, Italy; 7Potsdam, Germany; 8Universitäts Sternwarte, Göttingen, Germany;
9CESR/CNRS, Toulouse, France; 10Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada, Cádiz, Spain;
11ESO Paranal, Chile; 12Bologna, Italy; 13ESO Garching, Germany; 14NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, USA;
15SRON Utrecht, The Netherlands; 16Thüringer Landessternwarte (Tautenburg, Germany);
17UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory, USA; 18NASA/MSFC, Huntsville, USA; 19Rome, Italy;
20Hertfordshire, United Kingdom; 21Onsala, Sweden

1. Introduction Metzger et al. 1997), active collabora- States of America. The nodes take
tions between many observatories turns for being “on duty” for periods of
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are brief around the world has resulted in a time- two weeks. Starting September 2002
flashes of cosmic γ-rays, first detected ly and detailed study of several dozen our collaboration will be supported by a
in data from the US military Vela satel- GRBs. From the start ESO has played Research and Training Network funded
lites in 1967 that were launched to a very important role in the identifica- by the European Commission for a pe-
verify the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty tion and analysis of the optical and in- riod of four years.
(Klebesadel et al. 1973). Lacking a dis- frared afterglows. Gamma-ray detec-
tance scale, the physical nature of tors onboard spacecraft orbiting the 3. GRBs and their afterglows
GRBs remained a mystery for thirty Earth or exploring the solar system pro-
years. Their cosmological origin was vide the GRB alerts, which are prompt- GRBs are short flashes of γ-rays,
suggested by their isotropic sky distri- ly announced on the Gamma-ray burst with a duration ranging from several
bution, demonstrated in the early 1990s Circular Network (GCN); these trigger milliseconds to tens of minutes, and in
by the BATSE experiment onboard the immediate follow-up observations at most cases an observed peak energy
Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory ground-based observatories. By build- around 100 keV. The daily rate of
(Fig. 1). ing up a network of astronomers at ob- GRBs, detectable from Earth, is about
However, the definite proof of their servatories all around the world, it be- two (Paciesas et al. 1999). The γ-ray
distant, extragalactic nature came from comes possible to quickly (within light curves are extremely diverse,
the discovery of their rapidly fading af- hours) respond to a GRB alert (from some very smooth, others with numer-
terglows at X-ray, optical, and radio one or both hemispheres) and to locate ous spikes. BATSE data showed that
wavelengths in 1997, thanks to the and monitor the afterglow. there are two distinct classes of GRBs:
alerts of the Italian-Dutch BeppoSAX Here we report on behalf of the a class with a short duration (less
satellite. Absorption and emission lines GRACE consortium, the Gamma-Ray than 2 seconds) and relatively hard
in the afterglow spectra provided red- burst Afterglow Collaboration at ESO 1. spectra, and a class of long-duration
shifts in the range z = 0.1–4.5, corre- The GRACE consortium was awarded bursts with softer spectra. It is impor-
sponding to distances of several billion an ESO Large Programme that started tant to note that only afterglows of the
light-years out to the edge of the visible in April 2000 and ended in March 2002. latter population have been observed
universe. This made it clear that GRBs So far, the GRACE collaboration has so far: it is not known whether short
represent the most powerful explosions identified most of the known GRB opti- bursts produce afterglows at all. The
in the universe since the Big Bang. cal counterparts and has measured best limit obtained so far is for the
There are strong indications that about two thirds of all known GRB red- short/hard HETE-II burst GRB 020531,
GRBs are caused by highly relativistic, shifts. Currently, ESO observing time is for which Salamanca et al. (2002) did
collimated outflows powered by the col- allocated to GRACE through normal not detect any afterglow candidate
lapse of a massive star or by the merg- Target of Opportunity one-semester brighter than V ~ 25, just 20 hours after
er of two compact objects. Their enor- programmes. Our collaboration is also the alert.
mous brightness make GRBs powerful involved in GRB follow-up programmes In a previous Messenger paper
probes of the distant and early uni- awarded observing time on the Hubble (Pedersen et al. 2000) the first scientif-
verse, yielding information on the prop- Space Telescope (HST), the Chandra ic break-throughs in this field were re-
erties of their host galaxies and the cos- X-ray observatory, and INTEGRAL. ported. The Italian-Dutch BeppoSAX
mic star-formation history. GRACE consists of teams of as- satellite played a crucial role in these
tronomers (“nodes”) based in Denmark, discoveries by rapidly determining the
2. The GRACE consortium Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, position of a GRB with arcminute preci-
the United Kingdom and the United sion. Arcminute-sized error boxes
Since the discovery of the first GRB match the typical field size of modern
afterglow on 28 February 1997 (Costa (optical) detectors, so that it became
et al. 1997, Van Paradijs et al. 1997, 1
feasible to detect the GRB afterglows,

Figure 1: This map shows the locations of a total of 2704 GRBs recorded with BATSE on board NASA’s Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory
during its nine-year mission. The projection is in galactic coordinates; the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy is along the horizontal line at the
middle of the figure. The burst locations are colour-coded based on the fluence, which is the energy flux of the burst integrated over the to-
tal duration of the event. Long-duration, bright bursts appear in red, and short-duration, weak bursts appear in purple (credit BATSE team).

which fade quickly, on a timescale of Besides HETE-II, satellites in the afterglow identification pipeline is nec-
only a few days (the typical time profiles Interplanetary Network (IPN) provide essary. Our consortium has developed
are t–α, with α ~ 1–2). burst positions, though at a low rate. such a pipeline using colour-colour dis-
The High Energy Transient Explorer II The BeppoSAX mission was terminat- crimination techniques. The efficiency
(HETE-II), launched in October 2000, ed on April 30, 2002, exactly 6 years af- of this procedure was demonstrated by
was designed to provide very rapid (< 1 ter its launch. the discovery, at ESO, of the optical
minute) and very precise positions (er- With Integral (launch October 2002) and near-infrared counterpart of GRB
ror boxes down to arcseconds) of both and Swift (2003) the rate of GRB alerts 001011 (Gorosabel et al. 2002a).
long- and short-duration bursts. This will definitely increase again. In prepa- Since the advent of rapid (within a
mission has been one of the main ration for these missions, robotic tele- few hours to days) GRB locations2, 39
drivers of our ESO Large Programme, scopes are installed at ESO La Silla to alerts resulted in the detection of an
but so far only few accurate HETE-II perform prompt follow-up of GRB alerts.
positions have become available. Given the expected high data rate, a fast 2

Figure 2: Left: VLT spectrum of GRB 990712 taken 12 hours after the burst. Absorption lines of Mg I and Mg II are detected, as well as sev-
eral emission lines from the underlying bright (V ~ 22) host galaxy (from Vreeswijk et al. 2001). The redshift of the galaxy is z = 0.43. Right:
A low-resolution FORS spectrum of the currently most-distant GRB 000131 at z = 4.5 (from Andersen et al. 2000). The redshift is determined
from the Lyman break.

Figure 3: The fading afterglow of GRB 011121 at near-infrared wavelengths (1.2 µm, J band, Greiner et al. 2002). The field size is 40 × 40
arcseconds, North is up and East is to the left. On November 22, 2001, the afterglow is detected by NTT/SOFI at J = 17.5; 2 days later the
afterglow has faded to J = 20.9. On February 9, 2002, the afterglow is not detected anymore (J > 24) in this superb VLT/ISAAC image (see-
ing 0.4 arcsecond). The light sources near the position of GRB 011121 might represent some bright regions in the host galaxy.

X-ray afterglow; 32 optical afterglows will provide accurate burst positions 5. The origin of GRBs: possible
have been found (of which more than within a few minutes, many such bright progenitors
half were discovered by our collabora- early afterglows become detectable.
tion), and 20 radio afterglows (status From a variety of arguments, such as
July 1, 2002). For many GRBs no after- 4. Evidence for collimation their total energy and the evidence for
glow is found. Adverse observing con- collimation, the general expectation is
ditions can explain many of these Assuming isotropic emission, the that a system consisting of a black hole
non-detections. For example, the opti- measured distances imply peak lumi- and a surrounding accretion torus is
cal afterglow of GRB 000630 had faded nosities of 1052 erg/s (1045 Watt). Thus powering the GRB. Such a setting, just
to an R-band magnitude of 23 just 21 the peak luminosity of each event cor- before the GRB goes off, can occur in
hours after the burst (Fynbo et al. responds to about 1% of the luminosity several ways. One way is the merging
2001), and would certainly have re- of the visible universe! The resulting of a binary neutron-star system, like the
mained undetected in searches initiat- energy budget is about 1053 erg, which Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar, or a neutron
ed a bit later. In some cases, however, is actually comparable to the total star and a black hole (e.g. Lattimer &
another explanation is needed. For ex- amount of energy released during a Schramm 1974, Eichler et al. 1989).
ample, the extinction by gas and dust in stellar collapse (supernova). The Another popular model involves the
the circumburst environment might hin- measured rate of GRBs corresponds to core collapse of a rapidly rotating mas-
der the detection of an afterglow at about one per million year per galaxy. sive star, the “collapsar” model (Woos-
rest-frame UV and optical wavelengths, There is mounting evidence, howev- ley 1993, Paczynski 1998, MacFadyen
or it may be too faint or even absent. er, that γ-ray bursts are collimated into & Woosley 1999).
The nature of these dark bursts re- jets, with opening angles of a few de- There are several indications that
mains to be resolved. grees only. This evidence comes from the observed population of GRB after-
For 24 GRBs the distance has been the interpretation of the occurrence of a glows, i.e. the long-duration bursts, is
determined. The GRB spectrum itself is kink in the slope of the afterglow light best explained by the latter model.
featureless (consistent with optically curves, and from the detection (in a few The first indication comes from the
thin synchrotron emission), but absorp- cases) of polarization (see ESO press models themselves. The collapsar
tion and/or emission lines formed in the release 08/99). Also, the total isotropic model naturally produces bursts that
GRB host galaxy, or the position of the energy inferred for GRB 990123 is un- have a duration longer than a few
Lyman break (912 Å), provide the red- comfortably high (to be explained by a seconds, but cannot make short bursts.
shift (Fig. 2). The majority of redshifts stellar-collapse model), but would be On the other hand, the merger model
are in the range between 0.5 and 1.5. reduced by a factor of 500 if the energy can produce short bursts, but has prob-
The current record holder, achieved were emitted into a cone with an open- lems keeping the engine on for longer
with the VLT, is GRB 000131 with z = ing angle of 5 degrees. than a couple of seconds. The clear
4.5, corresponding to a “distance” Frail et al. (2001) determine the jet distinction between short- and long-
(look-back time) of 13 billion light-years opening angle of several GRB after- duration bursts suggests that both
(Andersen et al. 2000, ESO press re- glows and show that the spread in the progenitor models may be at work in
lease 20/00). output energy distribution of their sam- nature.
That GRBs can potentially probe the ple becomes much narrower when tak-
very distant universe was demonstrat- ing the collimation into account, with a 6. The supernova connection
ed by the impressive burst detected in mean energy output of 2 × 1051 erg.
January 1999: GRB 990123 (Akerlof et They suggest that this may be the stan- Another indication that long-duration
al. 1999). Within the first minutes fol- dard energy reservoir for all GRBs. GRBs are related to the core collapse
lowing the burst, its optical afterglow Though speculative, the implications of of a massive star is that some GRBs
reached visual magnitude V = 9, i.e. ob- this finding are great if these intrinsical- seem to be associated with a superno-
servable with a pair of binoculars. It ly bright GRBs can be used as standard va (SN). The first evidence for a super-
was briefly one million times brighter candles at high redshifts, e.g. to meas- nova connection came from GRB
than a supernova. This particular burst, ure the expansion rate of the Universe. 980425/SN1998bw (Galama et al.
at z = 1.6, would have been detectable Another consequence of the collimation 1998; ESO Press Release 15/98). This
(at its maximum, in the K band) with is that the GRB rate also increases by supernova, approximately coincident in
the Very Large Telescope up to a a factor of 500, and that the vast ma- time and position with GRB 980425,
redshift of about 15. With Swift, which jority of bursts are not visible. was of the rare type Ic, and at radio

wavelengths the brightest supernova Figure 4: The light
ever detected. Interpretation of the light curve of GRB 011121
curve indicated that during this super- at optical and
nova a black hole was formed (Iwamoto near-infrared wave-
lengths. The blue
et al. 1998). However, the amount of dotted line
prompt γ-ray emission was very mod- represents the contri-
est, which makes GRB 980425, the bution to the light of
closest GRB at a redshift of z = 0.0085, the GRB afterglow.
a peculiar event. About 10 days after
In the mean time, evidence has been the burst the light
found that several GRB afterglow light curve shows a bump,
curves show a so-called supernova indicative of an
bump, i.e. a bump in the light curve at a accompanying super-
nova,shown in
time interval compatible with the rise magenta (Greiner et
time of a SN, assuming it has gone off al. 2002).
simultaneously with the GRB. The
bump would thus represent the SN
maximum light. Amongst them is the re-
cent burst GRB 011121 (Fig. 3), which
was followed up by our collaboration
with ESO telescopes in several wave-
length bands (Fig. 4, Greiner et al.
2002). Emission lines produced by the
host galaxy indicate a redshift of 0.36. occur in regions where active star for- 150,000 light-years. Apparently, the
The late-time light curve shows a mation is taking place (see, e.g., the GRB went off in the outskirts of one of
bump, some 10 days after the burst VLT observations of the host of GRB the spiral arms.
when the GRB afterglow has faded by 001007, Castro Cerón et al. 2002). For several host galaxies the star-for-
a factor of 250. After correcting for the Neutron-star binaries do not neces- mation rate has been determined. The
flux contribution and extinction due to sarily reside in star-forming regions. emission lines in the VLT spectrum of
the host galaxy, the late-epoch light Due to the kick velocities received the host galaxy of GRB 990712 (Fig. 2)
curve is consistent with a SN similar to during the two supernova explosions are produced by H II regions in that
SN1998bw (taking into account the dif- forming the neutron stars, such bi- galaxy. The strengths of these lines in-
ference in redshift). naries are high-velocity objects. As the dicate an (extinction-corrected) star-
merging process of the binary, driven formation rate of about 35 M yr–1
by the emission of gravitational radia- (Vreeswijk et al. 2001). For some host
7. GRB host galaxies tion, can take up to a billion years, the galaxies even higher rates of star for-
binary may have travelled several thou- mation are claimed, up to 1000 M yr–1
For practically all GRB afterglows sand light-years before producing a (e.g. Berger et al. 2001). These obser-
with an accurate location, a host galaxy GRB. vations show that at least some of the
has been detected. In nearly all cases With the Hubble Space Telescope GRB host galaxies belong to the class
the burst is located within the optical (HST) the morphology of the GRB host of starburst galaxies.
(rest frame UV) extent of the galaxy. galaxies is studied in detail. Figure 5 Thus, the observations of GRB host
This, in combination with the blue shows an HST/STIS image of the galaxies support the collapsar model.
colours of the galaxies, suggests that galaxy hosting GRB 990705 (Andersen Since these galaxies, due to their dis-
GRBs originate in galaxies with a rela- et al. 2002). It is a giant grand-design tance, are often very faint, the bright
tively high star-formation rate. The col- spiral at a distance of about 8 billion GRB afterglow provides a unique op-
lapsar model predicts that GRBs will light-years with a diameter in excess of portunity to study the gas and dust con-
tent of the host galaxy. The metallicity
and star-formation rate of these rela-
tively young galaxies can be measured.
Figure 5: HST/STIS
As part of our host-galaxy programme,
image of the host
galaxy of GRB the spectral energy distribution (SED)
990705. It is a of the host galaxy of GRB 000210 has
grand-design spiral been determined. Fitting the observed
at a distance of 7.6 SED with a grid of synthetic templates,
billion light-years. the age (0.2 Gyr) of the dominant stel-
North is up and East lar population and the galaxy’s photo-
is to the right. The metric redshift (z = 0.84) is determined
location of the GRB (Gorosabel et al. 2002b). If the collap-
is marked with a
sar model is right, the GRB rate is
cross; the red circle
gives the 3σ error a direct measure of the formation rate
on its position. Note of massive stars in the early universe,
that, due to the red- an important quantity for the study of
shift, the image the star-formation rate as a function of
shows the redshift.
rest-frame UV light
emitted by the
galaxy (Andersen et 8. Remaining fundamental
al. 2002). questions

Much progress has been made in un-

derstanding the GRB phenomenon.
However, many fundamental questions

remain to be addressed. What is the support which our collaboration has re- Gorosabel, J., et al. 2002b, in preparation.
origin and nature of the short-duration ceived from the staff at several obser- Greiner, J., Klose, S., Zeh, A., et al. 2001,
bursts? Do they produce afterglows, vatories. GCN 1166.
like the long bursts? Are all GRBs Iwamoto, K., Mazzali, P.A., Nomoto, K., et al.
associated with a supernova, and if 1998, Nature 395, 672.
Lattimer, J.M., Schramm, D.N. 1974, ApJ
so, why do we rarely observe it? Is References 192, L145.
this related to the difference in collima- Klebesadel, R.W., Strong, I.B., Olson, R.A.
tion of the γ-rays with respect to the op- Akerlof, C., Balsano, R., Berthelemy, S., et 1973, ApJ 182, L85.
tical light? Are GRBs preferentially al. 1999, Nature 398, 400.
Kouveliotou, C., Meegan, C.A., Fishman,
found in galaxies undergoing a star- Andersen, M.I., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., et
G.J., et al. 1993, ApJ 413, L101.
burst? al. 2000, A&A 364, L54.
MacFadyen, A.I., Woosley, S.E. 1999, ApJ
Andersen, M.I., Hjorth, J., Gorosabel, J., et
The number of GRBs with optical al. 2002, A&A, submitted.
524, 262.
counterparts roughly corresponds to Meegan, C.A., Fishman, G.J., Wilson, R.B.,
Berger, E., Kulkarni, S.R., Frail, D.A. 2001,
the number of supernovae observed ApJ 560, 652. et al. 1992, Nature 355, 143.
before 1934, when Baade and Zwicky Castro Cerón, J.M., Castro-Tirado, A.J., Metzger, M.R., Djorgovski, S.G., Kulkarni,
suggested that supernovae might be Gorosabel, J., et al. 2002, A&A, in press. S.R., et al. 1997, Nature 387, 878.
Costa, E., Frontera, F., Heise, J., et al. 1997, Paciesas, W.S., Meegan, C.A., Pendleton,
powered by the gravitational collapse to
Nature 387, 783. G.N., et al. 1999, ApJS 122, 465.
a neutron star. The collapsar model, a Paczynski, B. 1998, ApJ 454, L45.
massive star collapsing to a black hole, Eichler, D., Livio, M., Piran, T., et al. 1989,
Nature 340, 126. Pedersen, H., et al. 2000, The Messenger
has now become widely accepted to 100, p. 32.
Fynbo, J.U., Jensen, B.L., Gorosabel, J., et
explain GRBs. But, just as Baade and al. 2001, A&A 369, 373. Salamanca, I., et al. 2002, GCN 1443.
Zwicky failed to anticipate Type Ia su- Frail, D.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Sari, R., et al. Van Paradijs, J.A., Groot, P.J., Galama, T., et
pernovae, the collapsar model, even if 2001, ApJ 562, L55. al. 1997, Nature 386, 686.
correct, may be incomplete. A challeng- Galama, T.J., Vreeswijk, P.M., Van Paradijs, Vreeswijk, P.M., Fruchter, A.S., Kaper, L., et
ing future lies ahead. J., et al. 1998, Nature 395, 670. al. 2001, ApJ 546, 672.
We would like to acknowledge the Gorosabel, J., et al. 2002a, A&A 384, 11. Woosley, S.E. 1993, ApJ 405, 273.

Cataclysmic Variables: Gladiators in the Arena

1Departamento de Física, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
2Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

1. Warriors and weapons action. This is the case for cataclysmic cretion disc around the white dwarf.
variables (CVs, Fig. 1), consisting of a The WD reacts by emitting X-rays and
Life can be different for individuals red dwarf filling its Roche lobe and UV radiation from the region where the
growing up alone or closely interacting transferring matter onto a white-dwarf inner disc reaches its surface. As a re-
with members of their community. The (WD) companion. If the white dwarf is a sult, part of the red dwarf atmosphere is
same is true for stars, which present in- non-magnetic one, the orbiting gas in- irradiated and mildly heated, and possi-
teresting phenomena when they are teracts with itself dissipating energy by bly the upper accretion disc layers
forced to evolve together in close inter- viscous forces, forming a luminous ac- evaporated. It has been suggested that
after a long-time of having accreted
Figure 1: Computer- matter, the outer layers of the white
generated view of a dwarf eventually undergo a thermonu-
cataclysmic variable clear runaway in a so-called nova ex-
star by Andrew plosion.
Beardmore. The Here we present some results of our
donor, usually a recent research in the area of dwarf no-
M-type star, trans- vae, a subclass of cataclysmic vari-
fers matter onto a ables showing semi-regular outbursts
white dwarf. Due to in time scales of days to years with typ-
viscous forces, an ical amplitudes of 2–6 mags. The origin
accretion disc is of these dwarf-nova outbursts is not a
formed. Colours thermonuclear runaway as in the case
represent different of a nova outburst, but a sudden jump
temperatures, from in disc viscosity and mass transfer rate
the higher (white) to as a result of the hydrogen ionization.
the lower ones In this article we do not go into deep de-
tails. Instead, we will illustrate the ap-
Irradiation of the
plication of some standard techniques
donor by the white
dwarf and disc
in the field of CVs aimed to explore disc
shading are also dynamics and also to reveal the nature
shown, as well as of the donor star. The latter point is es-
the hotspot in the pecially important to constrain theories
region where the of CV evolution.
gas stream impacts A typical spectrum of a dwarf nova in
the disc. quiescence is shown in Figure 2. It is

characterized by HI and He I emission
lines. Flanking the strong Balmer emis-
sion lines we observe the gravity broad-
ened absorption profiles typical of a
white dwarf. The Hα emission is double
peaked, reflecting an origin in a rotating
disc, with an equivalent width of –110 Å
and half peak separation 560 km s–1,
whereas their full width at zero intensi-
ty is 2950 km s–1. These velocities are
typical for dwarf nova accretion discs
and reflect the rotation of the outer and
inner disc regions, respectively. The
steep emission decrement suggests an
origin in an optically thin accretion disc.
The fact that we can observe the WD in
this system suggests that the disc has
a low luminosity, which should be relat-
ed to a low-mass accretion rate. There
is evidence that radial velocities (RVs)
of the emission lines in CVs do not re-
flect the orbital motion too well, so most
of the mass determinations for short or-
bital period dwarf novae available in the
literature could be heavily biased.
Therefore, the possibility of measuring
the WD absorption RVs is very inter-
esting, since it could be the only source Figure 2: Upper panel: Spectrum of 1RXSJ105010.3-140431, a cataclysmic variable with a
of reliable stellar masses for these sys- low mass accretion rate (Mennickent et al. 2001). The double emission lines in the Balmer
tems. As an example, we show in series are formed in the accretion disc and hotspot. The flux is given in units of 10–16 erg s–1
Figure 2 the radial velocities for the cm–2 Å–1, the horizontal units are in Å. Middle panel: The Hβ (squares) and Hγ (circles) hotspot
emission and absorption components velocity folded with the ephemeris given by Mennickent et al. (2001). Bottom panel: The Hγ
of 1RXSJ105010.3-140431. It is clear absorption line velocity (squares) obtained by cross correlation and the best sine fit. Note the
that, whereas the emission RV reflects different amplitude for the emission and absorption components.
the large amplitude motion of the
hotspot around the centre of mass, the also illustrates that high resolution low), we should expect many short or-
white dwarf RVs have almost zero am- spectrography is needed to measure bital period CVs hosting brown-dwarf
plitude. This result has been interpreted the subtle motion of a white dwarf grav- like secondaries. We are currently con-
as evidence for an undermassive donor itationally linked to an undermassive ducting a project aimed to determine
star, likely in the realm of brown dwarf secondary star. According to the stan- the secondary mass of a sample of
stars (Mennickent et al. 2001). Figure 2 dard CV evolution scenario (see be- short orbital period CVs showing white
dwarf absorptions. We will obtain radial
velocities using cross-correlation in
high-resolution UVES spectra.

2. Imaging the invisible arena

In CVs, accretion onto a white dwarf

releases a considerable amount of en-
ergy. This makes the accretion discs lu-
minous, and visible at large astronomi-
cal distances, and they can be studied
in some detail. CVs are ideal laborato-
ries to study accretion-related phenom-
ena, since their binarity and the time
scales involved (much shorter than in
other astronomical objects), make it
possible to obtain insights into the ac-
cretion processes that drive some of
the most energetic objects in the
The angular diameter of a typical CV
accretion disc as seen from Earth is of
the order of 10–4 arcseconds, too small
to be resolved from Earth even with
modern interferometers. It is possible
however, to use indirect imaging tech-
niques to image the accretion disc and
the processes taking place in the CV.
The technique of Doppler tomogra-
Figure 3: Left: Hα trailed spectra of the cataclysmic variable VW Hyi. The sinusoids followed
by the double emission peaks reflect the orbital motion of the disc around the binary centre
phy was introduced by Marsh & Horne
of mass. The s-wave indicates the presence of an additional emission component in the sys- (1988) to the realm of interacting bina-
tem. Right: Reconstructed data from the Doppler map of Figure 4. ries. A nice analogy useful to under-

stand Doppler imaging as applied in
CVs comes from the field of medical di-
agnostics. In computer tomography, a
3-D image is reconstructed from 2-D
slices obtained at different angular po-
sitions around the body. In astronomy,
we cannot move the telescope around
the CV, but the spinning binary does the
job for us. We simply take spectra of
the system at several binary phases,
and then combine them in a 2-D image
of the emitting region in velocity space.
This can be done since optically thin
accretion discs are strong line emitters,
and the emission line contains informa-
tion on disc emissivity projected into the
line of sight. Doppler maps can be ob-
tained for different spectral lines, yield-
ing useful probes for the physical con-
ditions inside the accretion disc.
Doppler tomography has been suc-
cessfully applied to a large number of
CVs (e.g. Kaitchuck et al., 1994), and
now is widely used in the area of CVs,
Algols, X-ray binaries and isolated ro-
tating stars (see a recent review in
Marsh 2001). As a reminder, we list the
facts regarding the interpretation of the
resulting maps: Figure 4: Doppler map of VW Hyi obtained from the data shown in Figure 3. The cross and
• The coordinates of the white dwarf the plus signs indicate the position of the white dwarf and the system centre of mass, re-
in the map are (vx,vy) = (0,–K1), those of spectively. The accretion disc is revealed in the donut-shaped emissivity region. The central
the secondary (0,–K2), with K1 and K2 bright spot in the upper region represents emission from the secondary star. The hotspot is
being the respective semi-amplitudes also revealed in the upper left quadrant, as well as the gas stream connecting the donor and
of the radial velocity curves. the hotspot.
• The velocity image of the accretion
disc is inverted with respect to the spa- Doppler map of VW Hyi obtained from has been observed in roughly 32% of
tial one, as the material near the pri- the data shown in Figure 3. The accre- the CVs (Tappert & Hanuschik 2001).
mary has high rotational velocities, and tion disc is revealed in the donut- Doppler imaging is already well es-
material at the outer parts of the disc ro- shaped emissivity region. The central tablished, but it has an even more
tates with lower velocities. bright spot in the upper region repre- promising future in CV research. The
• A transformation of the resulting sents emission from the secondary method is being improved in several
map into a spatial coordinate system is star. The hotspot is detected as the ways. Steeghs (2001) describes a
only possible if the valid velocity law is second maximum in the upper left modification which allows orbital vari-
known. This is not necessarily always quadrant, as well as the gas stream ability to be included in Doppler recon-
the case, since also emission from connecting the donor and the hotspot. structions. Bobinger et al. (1999) de-
non-Keplerian sources is possible. This is one of the few maps showing scribe a method to simultaneously fit
In this work, the implementation of emission from all of these four compo- spectra and light-curves of emission
Spruit (astro-ph/9806141) has been nents. We must keep in mind, however, lines. Skidmore et al. (2000) introduced
used to perform the Doppler tomogra- that these emissions are highly vari- the method of ratio maps between re-
phy. We have replaced the original IDL able, and different components may be constructions obtained at different
routines by a corresponding MIDAS in- visible at different times, depending on wavelengths. Using this method,
terface, but still use the FORTRAN core the luminosity state of the CV. Mennickent et al. (2001) determined a
program (version 2.3.1), to run the Figure 5 shows the Doppler map of steady-state (T ~ r–3/4) accretion disk
computation on a Linux PC. another cataclysmic variable star of the mainly emitting in Hα and an optically
We show in Figure 3 the Hα trailed dwarf nova type, RZ Leo, which is char- thicker hotspot with a strong contribu-
spectra of the cataclysmic variable VW acterized by a relatively long recur- tion to the higher-order Balmer lines
Hyi. This is a rather bright southern SU rence time and short orbital period. The and He I 5875 in 1RXSJ105010.3-
UMa star with a large photometric data- data presented here have been dis- 140431.
base. However, the spectroscopic cussed by Mennickent & Tappert
record is rather poor. The outburst re- (2001) in the context of a search for the 3. Looking for signatures of the
currence time is about 27 d. We ob- orbital period, but they did not construct red warrior
tained 44 spectra with the EMMI spec- Doppler maps from these data.
trograph mounted at the ESO 3.5-m Contrary to that seen in VW Hyi, the The determination of the secondary
NTT at La Silla Observatory, on August map reveals the existence of two iso- mass in CVs is the key to understand-
29, 1998. The spectra had a wave- lated emission maxima on roughly op- ing the secular evolution of these ob-
length range of 4475–7040 Å and a posite sides of the disc. The feature in jects. Cataclysmic variables are found
spectral resolution of 2.5 Å. The sinu- the (–vx,±vy) quadrant is the more dom- with orbital periods between 78 minutes
soids traced by the Hα double emission inant one and could be related to the and 10 hours, with an abrupt drop in the
peaks reflect the orbital motion of the classical hotspot. Up to now, no con- number of systems in the range 2–3
disc around the binary centre of mass. vincing theory can explain isolated hours, the so-called “period gap”.
The s-wave indicates the presence of emission-line sources like the one ob- Current theories state that the process
an additional emission component in served in the (+vx,+vy,) quadrant of RZ of mass transfer becomes linked with
the system. In Figure 4 we show the Leo, although emission in this quadrant the loss of orbital momentum, so the bi-

VY Aqr should suggest a system be-
yond the orbital period minimum, prob-
ably containing an undermassive sec-
ondary star. This has also been sup-
ported by the application of Method 3
(Patterson 2001). We have found direct
evidence for this scenario, based on
the unambiguous detection of the sec-
ondary star in the spectrum of VY Aqr
(Mennickent & Diaz 2002).
The ISAAC infrared spectrum of VY
Aqr shown in Figure 6 reveals Bracket
and Paschen emission lines. We also
observe the K I doublets at 1.169-1.177
and 1.244-1.253 and the Na I line at
1.141, which are signatures of a cool
secondary star, confirming previous in-
dications found by Littlefair et al.
When fitting the spectral energy dis-
tribution (SED) we observed that spec-
tral types earlier than M7 fail to repro-
duce the depth of K I lines in the J band
and the continuum in the K band. On
the other hand, spectral types later than
L3 do not fit well the H and K band con-
tinuum shape. These cool types pre-
sent a well-defined CO band head at
Figure 5: Doppler map of RZ Leo. The spot on the left side could be associated with the 2.29 µm which is not seen in our data.
disc-stream interacting region. Our fit with a M9.5 type secondary plus
power-law continuum is slightly better
than that for M7 and L3 type templates,
nary spins faster whereas the second- 2000, Dhillon & Marsh 1995), (3) giving a χ2 parameter about 15% lower.
ary becomes less and less massive, “weighting” the secondary star, possi- If such a spectral contribution is in fact
eventually being eroded by the ble in systems which develop an ellipti- due to the emission of the secondary
process, resulting in a kind of brown cal accretion disc during certain lumi- star in the system one may estimate its
dwarf star when the orbital period ap- nosity states (e.g., Patterson 2001), temperature. Using the effective tem-
proaches 80 minutes (e.g. Howell et al. and (4) by spectroscopic diagnostic of peratures for L type dwarfs derived by
2001), which is consistent with our find- the stellar masses in systems where Leggett et al. (2001) using structural
ing for 1RXSJ105010.3-140431 (see the white dwarf is revealed through its models, we find T2 = 2300 ± 100 K for
above). While above the gap CV evolu- optical absorption wings (Mennickent et the secondary star in VY Aqr. The best
tion is likely driven by loss of angular al. 2001). fit with a M9.5 companion is shown for
momentum due to magnetic-braking While the IR spectra of bright CVs illustration in Figure 7. Representative
(MB), below the gap the responsible have been measured and modelled in fits using types between M7 and L3 in-
mechanism is thought to be gravitation- the past years, there are only a few dicate that the secondary star may con-
al radiation (GR). Since the efficiency spectrophotometric observations of tribute with 45% to 55% to the flux at
for removing angular momentum by GR low-luminosity systems in J, H and K 2.17 µm, depending on the spectral
is much smaller than for MB, a pile-up band. In order to investigate the rela- type. Later types yield better fits for
of systems is expected below the or- tively unexplored infrared region of smaller flux fractions. Using the dis-
bital period gap. Some of them should short period CVs, we have initiated a tance values for our templates from M7
be systems with normal secondary programme with ISAAC aimed to find to L2 (LHS3003 and LHS429 by van
stars approaching the orbital period evidence for undermassive secondary Altena et al. 1995 and Kelu-1 from
minimum at 80 minutes, others should stars. Dahn et al. 2000) and the flux fractions
be systems which have “bounced” near VY Aqr is a cataclysmic variable derived from the spectral fitting we
Pmin and now are receding towards the showing one of the largest outburst am- were able to derive a distance estimate
longer period area. These systems plitudes among dwarf novae (Downes for the system between 80 and 120 pc,
should have degenerated secondaries. et al. 2001). Accordingly to current with a most likely value of 100 ± 10 pc.
The period gap is understood as an in- models for dwarf nova outburst (Osaki The spectroscopic parallax given
terruption of the mass transfer rate 1996), this is consistent with a very low above is in agreement with the distance
when the secondary becomes de- mass transfer rate system. Spectros- of 110 pc found by Augusteijn (1994)
tached from its Roche-lobe, probably copic studies in the optical region have using the average absolute magnitude
due to the onset of convection at M2 ~ revealed the orbital period (0.06309(4) value for dwarf novae in outburst.
0.3 M. d, Thorstensen 1997), but not the stel- We have applied the method outlined
At present, four methods have been lar masses, likely due to the distorted above to a sample of cataclysmic vari-
used to search for undermassive sec- nature of the emission-line radial ve- ables which are candidates to host
ondary stars in cataclysmic variable locities (e.g. Augusteijn 1994). J-band brown-dwarf like secondaries (Men-
stars: (1) analysis of the spectral ener- spectroscopy by Littlefair et al. (2000) nickent & Diaz, 2002). The SED fitting
gy distribution using multi-wave-band revealed spectral features of the sec- for RZ Leo and CU Vel suggests M5
observations through the ultraviolet, ondary star, but too weak to make an type dwarf companions, and distances
optical, and infrared spectral regions estimate of the spectral type. According of 340 ± 110 and 150 ± 50 pc, respec-
(Ciardi et al. 1998; Mason 2001), (2) to the current CV evolution scenario tively. We find no evidence of a sec-
looking for signatures of the secondary (e.g. Howell et al. 2001), the orbital pe- ondary star in the IR spectra of WZ Sge
star (Steeghs et al. 2001, Littlefair et al. riod and the low mass transfer rate of and 1RXSJ105010.3-140431. The in-

frared SED in these objects is dominat-
ed by the accretion disc, and it can be
well modelled by a simple power-law
Figure 8 shows a comparison of the
Teff – Porb CV evolutionary tracks near
the orbital period minimum with our
data and some additional data taken
from the literature. From this figure we
conclude the following: (1) HV Vir, WZ
Sge, EF Eri, WX Cet, LL And and SW
UMa seem to be post-orbital period
minimum systems. (2) It is difficult to
reconcile the positions of VY Aqr in the
diagram with the code’s predictions. (3)
In the same context, RZ Leo and CU
Vel should be evolving toward the or-
bital period minimum.
The fact that the predicted density of
short orbital period CVs is at least a fac-
tor 10 higher than observed (e.g. Pat-
terson 1998) and that the observed or-
bital period minimum is slightly, but sig-
nificantly longer than the theoretical
one, has motivated the entrance of two
new theoretical models. Both explain
the absence of the spike at Pmin as an Figure 6: Comparison of the normalized spectrum of VY Aqr with late-type templates.
age effect, i.e. that CVs have not yet
evolved down to Pmin. While Taam &
Spruit (2001) invoke a circumbinary The results from the application of to provide constraints on the proposed
disc as braking mechanism for the evo- the spectral fitting procedure described evolutionary models.
lutionary process, King & Schenker above suggests that the infrared con-
(2002) propose a reduced duration of tinuum shape in short-period cata- Acknowledgements
the CE phase, leading to a much longer clysmic variables may be a useful indi-
lifetime of the pre-CV state. This ap- cator of the companion spectral type. We thank Sandy Leggett who pro-
proach additionally solves the space This point is especially important if we vided the IR digital spectra of low-
density problem. In this picture, most consider that, due to the limitation im- mass red objects used in our SED
systems around the orbital period mini- posed by the spectrum S/N in such faint models. We also thank Steve Howell
mum in Figure 8 could be systems born systems, it is not always possible to de- and Elena Mason for providing digi-
with this mass-period configuration, not tect the individual lines of the second- talized versions of the CV evolution
the remnants of the evolution of longer- ary star, but nevertheless to determine tracks shown in Figure 8. This work
period systems born with more massive the shape of its continuum. Also, the was supported by Grant Fondecyt
secondaries. method has the advantage of avoiding 1000324, DI UdeC 99.11.28-1, CNPq
the uncertainties as- 301029 and FAPESP 99-06261. We
sociated with non- also acknowledge support by grant
simultaneous multi- Fundación Andes C-13600/5.
wavelength observa-
tions, although their References
predictive power
clearly is inferior to Allen 2000, Allens Astrophysical Quantities,
the ideal case of Arthur N. Cox (ed), AIP Press, Springer.
modelling of simulta- Augusteijn, T., 1994, A&A 292, 481.
Bobinger, A. et al., 1999, A&A 348, 145.
neous multi-wave-
Ciardi, D.R., Howell, S.B., Hauschildt, P.H.,
band observations. & Allard, F., 1998, ApJ 504, 450.
We are currently an- Dahn, C. et al., 2000, Giant Planets to Cool
alyzing ISAAC data Stars, ASP Conf. Ser. C. Griffith and M.
of a larger sample of Marley eds.
CVs which are can- Dhillon, V.S., Littlefair, S.P., Howell, S.B.,
didates for harbour- Ciardi, D.R., Harrop-Allin, M.K., & Marsh,
ing brown dwarf like T.R., 2000, MNRAS 314, 826.
Dhillon, V.S., Marsh, T.R., 1995, MNRAS
secondaries in order 275, 89.
Downes, R.A., Webbink, R.F., Shara, M.M.,
et al.,2001 astro-ph/0102302 (see also downes/cvcat
Figure 7: ISAAC spec- Howell, S.B., Nelson, L.A., & Rappaport,
trum of VY Aqr and
S., 2001, ApJ 550, 897.
the best composite
Howell, S.B., Ciardi, D.R., 2001, ApJ 550, L57.
SED fit (red line). The
individual M 9.5 type Ishioka, al. 2001, PASJ 53, 905.
template spectrum Kaitchuck, R.H., Schlegel, E.M., Honeycutt,
and power law R.K., et al., 1994, ApJS 93, 519.
continuum are shown. King, A.R., Schenker, K., 2002, in The
The spectra are Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and
normalized to 29.7 × Related Objects, Gansicke et al. eds.
10–17 erg cm–2 s–1 Å–1. ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 261, p. 233.

Figure 8: Cataclysmic vari- Marsh, T.R., Home, K., 1988, MNRAS 235,
ables close to the orbital pe- 269.
riod minimum. Observations Mason, E., 2001, PhD thesis, Department of
are compared with results of Physics & Astronomy, University of
the CV population synthesis Wyoming.
code by Howell et al. (2001). Mennickent, R.E., & Diaz, M., 2002, MNRAS,
Normal and degenerate stars in press (astro-ph/0206343).
are represented by green Mennickent, R.E., Tappert, C., 2001, A&A
and blue dots respectively. 372, 563.
The evolution of a particular Mennickent, R.E., Diaz, M., Skidmore, W.,
system is from longer peri- Sterken, C., 2001, A&A, 376, 448.
ods to shorter periods, even- Osaki, Y., 1996, PASP, 108, 39.
tually passing by the mini- Patterson, J., 1998, PASP, 110, 1132.
mum around 80 minutes. We Patterson, J., 2001, PASP, 113, 736.
have used spectral type – Skidmore, W., Mason, E., Howell, S.B.,
temperature calibrations Ciardi, D.R., Littlefair, S., & Dhillon, V.S.,
based on data of M-L dwarfs 2000, MNRAS, 318, 429.
by Leggett et. al. (2000, Steeghs, D., Marsh, T., Knigge, C., Maxted,
2001). Data for LL And and P.F.L., Kuulkers, E., & Skidmore, W.,
EF Eri are from Howell & 2001, ApJ, 562L, 145.
Ciardi (2001), for WX Cet, EF Steeghs, D., 2001, in “Astrotomography”,
Peg and SW UMa from Lect. Notes on Phys. 573, Eds. H.M.J.
Mason (2001) and for WZ Boffin, D. Steeghs and J. Cuypers,
Sge (a temperature upper Springer, p. 45.
limit) from Ciardi et al. Taam, R.E., Spruit, H.C., 2001, ApJ 561,
(1998). All others are from 329.
Mennickent & Diaz (2002). Tappert, C., Hanuschik, R.W., 2001, in
“Astrotomography”, Lect. Notes on Phys.
573, Eds. H.M.J. Boffin, D. Steeghs and J.
Cuypers, Springer, p. 119.
Leggett, S.K., Allard, F., Dahn, C., Littlefair, S.P., Dhillon, V.S., Howell, S.B., & Thorstensen, J.R., & Taylor, C.J., 1997,
Hauschildt, P.H., Kerr, T.H., & Ryner, J. Ciardi, D.R., 2000, MNRAS, 313, 117. PASP, 109, 1359.
2000, ApJ 535, 965. Marsh, T.R., 2001, in “Astrotomography”, van Altena, W.F., Lee, J.T., & Hoffleit, E.D.,
Leggett, S.K., Allard, F., Geballe, T.R., Lect. Notes on Phys. 573, Eds. H.M.J. 1994, The General Catalogue of
Hauschildt, P.H., & Schweitzer, A. 2001, Boffin, D. Steeghs and J. Cuypers, Trigonometric Parallaxes (New Haven:
ApJ 548, 908. Springer, p. 1. Yale University Observatory).

Reproduction of a colour-composite image of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 300, obtained in 1999 and 2000 with the Wide-Field Imager on
the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. For more details see

Supernova Polarimetry with the VLT: Lessons
from Asymmetry
1LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory, California, USA
2EuropeanSouthern Observatory, Garching, Germany
3Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA

1. Introduction Fritz Zwicky shortly after the discovery in this sort of supernova resulting from
of the neutron in 1932. When the first the spin of the white dwarf, the motion
Picture a 55-year-old telescope of neutron stars were discovered by of the orbit, a surrounding accretion
modest two-metre aperture and the Jocelyn Bell they were manifested as disk, or the presence of the companion
need to take multiple spectral expo- rapidly rotating pulsars with intense star. As for the case of core-collapse
sures of the same object to elicit any magnetic fields. Pulsars have space supernovae, this was known, but there
signal from the noise with an inexpen- velocities that average several hundred was no compelling observational rea-
sive spectrograph jury rigged to do po- kilometres per second. This indicates son to consider departures from spher-
larimetry, an effort requiring integra- that they are somehow “kicked” at birth ical symmetry. This, too, is changing.
tions on a single object lasting a whole in a manner that requires a departure
long winter night with a single observer from both spherical and up/down sym- 2. Polarization of Supernovae
and no night assistant, if any transient metry. More recently, NTT and then
target is available during the scheduled Hubble Space Telescope images of The question of the shape of super-
time. Contrast that with ordering up Supernova 1987A in the Large Magel- novae has undergone a revolution in
queue-scheduled target-of-opportunity lanic Cloud showed rings of gas that the last decade. The driving force has
observations by a dedicated profes- had been ejected by the progenitor star been a new type of observation: meas-
sional staff on an 8 metre telescope before it exploded. This means either urement of the polarization of the light
with a state-of-the-art spectrograph and the progenitor star or its surroundings from supernovae.
polarimeter. That is the leap that has possessed some sort of asymmetry. Light consists of oscillating electric
occurred in our programme to obtain Further observations showed that the and magnetic fields. An ordinary beam
spectropolarimetry of all accessible su- debris of the explosion were also asym- of light is a mix of photons with all ori-
pernovae. The spectropolarimetry ob- metric. The supernova remnant Cas- entations equally present, a state that
tained in a brief exposure on the VLT siopeia A shows signs of a jet and coun- leaves the light unpolarized on aver-
with the FORS1 spectrograph is com- terjet that have punched holes in the age. Some processes of producing or
parable to the total flux spectrum ob- expanding shell of debris and there are scattering light favour certain orienta-
tained on those long nights on the 2.1- numerous other asymmetric supernova tions of the electric and magnetic fields
m Struve Telescope at McDonald Ob- remnants. Each of these things has over others. One such process is the
servatory where this programme be- been known. The question has been: reflection of light. When light scatters
gan. While the data obtained at McDon- are they merely incidental or a vital clue through the expanding debris of a su-
ald pointed the way to a revolution to how supernovae work? pernova, it retains information about
in the way we think about super- The previous discussion pertained to the orientation of the scattering layers.
novae, it is the quality of the data from core-collapse supernovae. These If the supernova is spherically symmet-
the VLT that has led the programme to come in a variety of spectral classifica- ric, all orientations will be present
flourish. tions, Type II, Type Ib or Type Ic, de- equally and will average out, so there
Supernovae have been studied with pending on whether there is abundant will be no net polarization. If, however,
modern scientific methods for nearly a hydrogen, helium or neither in the out- the gas shell is not round, a slight net
century. During this time, it has been er layers. There is another kind of su- polarization will be imprinted on the
traditional to assume that these cata- pernova known as Type Ia. These are light.
strophic stellar explosions are, for all thought to be the result of the ther- Since we cannot spatially resolve the
practical purposes, spherically sym- monuclear explosion of a white-dwarf average extragalactic supernova, po-
metric. There were observational rea- star composed of carbon and oxygen. larization is the most powerful tool we
sons for this. The Sun is essentially When the mass of the white dwarf have to judge the shape of the ejecta.
spherically symmetric and most stars closely approaches the Chandrasekhar The method used is called spectropo-
are thought to be. The assumption that limit of about 1.4 solar masses, the car- larimetry. This technique both spreads
stars are round is quite reasonable. bon ignites. The resulting thermonu- the light out into its spectrum of colours
Self-gravity will tend to pull any large clear explosion is thought to complete- and determines the net orientation of
body into a sphere which is the mini- ly disrupt the star, leaving no compact the electric field at each wavelength.
mum-energy configuration. There were remnant. This sort of explosion has re- This way both the overall shape of the
also practical reasons. Theoretical ceived prominence recently because emitting region and the shape of re-
study of stellar explosions has been dif- they have been the tool to discover the gions composed of particular chemical
ficult enough even with the assumption accelerating Universe and the dark en- elements can be determined. We note
of spherical symmetry. There has been ergy that drives the expansion. The that the effective spatial resolution at-
no commanding observational need to progenitor white dwarf has long been tained by polarimetry of a supernova of
abandon that simplifying assumption. treated as basically spherically sym- radius 1015 cm at 10 Mpc is 10 mi-
Now there is. metric even though the popular model croarcsec. This is a factor of 100 better
The evidence that supernovae may is that the explosion must take place in resolution than VLTI or other compara-
depart a little or even drastically from a binary system where the white dwarf ble optical interferometer installations –
spherical symmetry has been growing grows to the critical mass by accretion and at a tiny fraction of the cost.
for years. Neutron stars were predicted of mass and, inevitably, angular mo- There were systematic and stimulat-
to form and to power supernovae by mentum. There could be asymmetries ing observations of the polarization of

the light of SN 1987A that are still being
studied and interpreted. Another event
that was modestly well studied was the
hydrogen-depleted event SN 1993J in
M81. These two events just illustrated
how poor the overall data base of su-
pernova spectropolarimetry was. In
1994 we began a programme to obtain
spectropolarimetry of as many super-
novae as possible that were visible
from McDonald Observatory. At the
time, only a handful of events had been
examined at all and there were virtually
no statistics. The data reduction was
tricky, if only because the intervening
interstellar medium can impose a polar-
ization signal that has nothing to do
with the supernova.
The data were also difficult to inter-
pret. There are, in principle, many rea-
sons why the light from a supernova
could be polarized. The supernova
could be aspherical, it could be spheri-
cal but have off-centre sources of light,
or other matter in the vicinity could be
asymmetrically distributed, blocking
part of the scattering surface and yield-
ing a net polarization signal from even
a spherical surface. To make matters
worse, the first few supernovae our
group studied (and those in the previ-
ous sparse record like SN 1987A and
SN 1993J) were classified as “peculiar”
in some way, so we did not know
whether we were seeing incidental pe- Figure 1: Polarimetry of the Type II SN 1999em on the Q-U plane. The wavelength of differ-
ent data points are colour encoded. The data points are rebinned to 100 Å for clarity. The
culiarities or something truly significant.
1999 Nov 8 data (clustered in the lower-right quadrant) are clearly separated from the 2000
As data accumulated, however, this Jan. 9 data (clustered in the upper-right quadrant), suggesting strong polarization evolution.
uncertainty was removed, and signifi- The data points of both epochs fall roughly on the line denoted AB. Line AB defines the axis
cant new insights were revealed. With of symmetry if the object is axially symmetric. Note that the blue and red dots are well sepa-
more data and better statistics, we rated for each epoch with the blue points preferentially located at the lower-right of the data
identified the first key trend. In 1996, we cluster of each observations. The circles are the upper limits to the interstellar polarization
realized that the data were bi-modal. assuming E(B-V) toward the supernova to be 0.05 (inner circle) and 0.1 (outer circle). The
Type Ia supernovae showed little or no approximate location of the component due to interstellar dust is shown as a solid circle.
polarization signal (we will talk about
some significant exceptions below).
Supernovae thought to arise by core and allows us a view deeper inside. We this tendency to follow a fixed orienta-
collapse in massive stars – Types II, Ib, found that even in a Type II supernova, tion in space.
and Ic – were, by contrast, all signifi- the longer we watched and the deeper These observations of core-collapse
cantly polarized. So far there has been inside we could see, the larger the po- supernovae taken together tell us that
no exception. Every core-collapse su- larization became. This was illustrated the closer we see to the centre, the
pernova for which we or other groups by our VLT observations of the classic larger is the asymmetry. The asymme-
have obtained adequate data has been Type II supernova, SN 1999em, that try is not some incidental aspect of the
substantially polarized. Core-collapse was characterized by an especially progenitor’s surrounding environment
supernovae are definitely not spherical- long plateau, suggesting an especially that is causing the polarization, but
ly symmetric. The question is, why? As massive outer hydrogen envelope. something deep in the heart of the ex-
data continued to mount, new trends Observations were obtained around plosion. The implication is that the ex-
appeared that give critical clues to ad- optical maximum and about 2 months plosion mechanism itself is asymmet-
dress that question. past optical maximum. The polarization ric.
Normal Type II supernovae explode rose from 0.1 per cent in the early ob-
in red-giant stars that retain large, mas- servations to about 1 per cent in the lat- 3. The Cause of Asymmetry in
sive outer envelopes of hydrogen. er data. Figure 1 shows the data for SN Core Collapse
Types Ib and Ic are thought to happen 1999em on a “Q-U” plot where Q and U
in stars that have already shed much or represent different projections of the The fact that the asymmetry of many
all of their outer hydrogen layers, so polarization vector. The striking feature core-collapse supernovae is aligned in
they allow us to see deeper into the of the SN 1999em data presented in one direction provides an important
heart of the exploding star. We noticed this way is that all the data points fall on clue to the engine of the explosion. The
that the Type II supernovae, with their a single line. This suggests a well-de- explosion mechanism must impose
large blankets of hydrogen, showed rel- fined symmetry axis throughout the some axial symmetry. There must be
atively less polarization. The Type Ib ejecta and independent of wavelength. some sustained bi-polar influence be-
and Ic that allowed us to peer deeper The explosion of SN 1999em is asym- cause otherwise, as the supernova ex-
into the exploding matter had higher metric, but aligned in a significant way. pands, pressure gradients will tend to
polarization. In addition, as a given su- Figure 2 shows data from another Type heal irregularities and the ejecta will
pernova expands, the debris thins out II event, SN 2001dh, that also shows tend to become more spherical rather

Figure 2: A total flux fast rotation and magnetic fields that
spectrum (bottom) are intrinsic to pulsars. Progress in un-
and polarization derstanding the origin of jets from mag-
spectrum (top) of the netized disks around black holes
Type II SN 2001dh,
obtained on August
makes us optimistic that similar
8, 2001 with the VLT. processes will form jets from a newborn
In the top panel the pulsar in a stellar core. Recent work in
locations of the Austin has shown that the magnetoro-
prominent lines of tational instability may play a significant
hydrogen and other role to produce strong magnetic fields
elements can be in a fraction of a second after core
identified by the bounce. These fields may, in turn, pro-
emission peaks at mote the flow of energy up the rotation
these wavelengths.
To the short wave-
axis by a combination of hoop stresses
length side of the and other pressure anisotropies.
emission peaks are
Doppler blue-shifted 4. SN 2002ap – Not a
absorption troughs Hypernova?
corresponding to ab-
sorption in the ex- This work may also shed light on the
panding atmosphere supernova/gamma-ray burst connec-
of the supernova. The average polarization at the epoch of these data (a week or so after dis- tion. Several supernovae have been
covery) was about 1 to 2 per cent. The peaks and troughs in the polarization spectrum prove
that the polarization comes from the supernova, not the intervening interstellar matter. Some
identified as “hypernovae” since they
of the features correspond to those in the total flux spectrum, but others correspond to fea- show excessive velocities and luminos-
tures that are only clearly revealed by the polarization. ity. The most famous example, SN
1998bw, was apparently associated
with the gamma-ray burst of April 25,
1998. We have been concerned that
than less. To do what we see, the alone explain the explosion or whether asymmetric explosions could mimic
mechanism that drives the supernova it merely supplements the standard some of the effects of “hypernova” ac-
must produce energy and momentum neutrino-driven explosion remains to be tivity as interpreted by spherical mod-
asymmetrically from the start, then hold seen. If the jets up and down the sym- els. In particular, asymmetric models
that special orientation long enough for metry axes are somewhat unequal, could give especially high velocities in
its imprint to be permanently frozen into they might also account for the run- some directions, the directions of axial
the expanding matter. Appropriate out- away velocities of pulsars. jets, and be brighter in some directions
flows might be caused by MHD jets, by If such jets produce the asymmetries, than others because of the resulting
accretion flow around the central neu- the most likely cause of the jets are the asymmetric flux distribution. This could
tron star, by asymmetric neutrino emis-
sion, or by some combination of those
The light we see from a supernova
comes substantially from the decay of
short-lived radioactive elements,
nickel-56, cobalt-56 and later titani-
um-44 in the debris. If this material is
ejected in a bi-polar fashion, then the
overall debris shell could be nearly
spherical, while the asymmetric source
of illumination leads to a net polariza-
tion. This mechanism may be at work in
the early phases of Type II supernovae
such as SN 1999em and SN 2001dh.
By injecting jets of mass and energy
up and down along a common axis
deep within a model of an evolved star,
we have shown that typical asymmetric
configurations emerge. As shown in
Figure 3, bow shocks form at the heads
of the jets as they plow through the
core, and a significant portion of the
star’s matter bursts through the core
along the jet axis. The bow shocks also
drive “transverse” shocks sideways
through the star. These shocks proceed
away from the axis, converge toward
the star’s equator, and collide in the
equatorial plane. From there, matter is
compressed and ejected in an equato- Figure 3: Three-dimensional computation of a jet-induced supernova explosion in a helium
core. The frames show the density in the plane parallel to the jet axis that passes through the
rial torus perpendicular to the jets. centre of computational domain. The time since the beginning of the simulation is given in the
These models have shown that suffi- upper left corner of each frame. The scale expands in each frame with the left frame being
ciently energetic jets can both cause about 1010 cm, the middle frame about 5 × 1010 cm and the right frame about 1011 cm. Note
the explosion and imprint the observed the transverse shock waves that converge on the equator. From Khokhlov et al. 1999,
asymmetries. Whether this process can Astrophys. J., 524, L107.

be especially true for Type Ic events tion in terms of the impact of a bi-polar
where the lack of hydrogen and helium flow from the core that is stopped with-
envelopes give a close view of the in the outer envelope of a carbon/oxy-
asymmetries of the inner explosion. gen core. Although the symmetry axis
A particular case in point is the recent remains fixed, as the photosphere re-
Type Ic event SN 2002ap. This event treats by different amounts in different
showed high velocities, but none of the directions due to the asymmetric veloc-
other characteristics of a “hypernova,” ity flow and density distribution, geo-
neither a strong relativistic radio source, metrical blocking effects in deeper,
nor excessive brightness. High-quality Ca-rich layers can lead to a different
spectropolarimetric data of SN 2002ap dominant axis in the Q-U plane. The
were obtained with the VLT Melipal and features that characterize SN 2002ap,
the FORS1 spectrograph at 3 epochs specifically its high velocity, can be ac-
that correspond to –6, –2, and +1 days counted for in an asymmetric model
for a V maximum of 9 Feb 2002. A sam- with a larger ejecta mass than the
ple of the data is presented in Figure 4. well-studied Type Ic SN 19941 such
The polarization spectra show three that the photosphere remains longer in
distinct broad (~ 100 nm) features at ~ higher velocity material.
400, 550, and 750 nm that evolve in We conclude that the characteristics
shape, amplitude and orientation in the of “hypernovae” may be the result of
Q-U plane. The continuum polarization orientation effects in a mildly inhomo-
grows from nearly zero to ~ 0.2 per geneous set of progenitors, rather than
cent. The 750 nm feature is polarized at requiring an excessive total energy or
a level  1 per cent. We identify the luminosity. In the analysis of asymmet-
550 and 750 nm features as Na I D and ric events with spherically symmetric
OI λ 777.4 moving at about 20,000 km models, it is probably advisable to refer
s–1. The blue feature may be Fe II. to “isotropic equivalent” energy, lumi-
We interpret the polarization evolu- nosity, ejected mass, and nickel mass.

Figure 4: Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ic

SN 2002ap on 2002 3 Feb, 6 days before V
maximum. The Stokes parameters Q and U
are rebinned into 15 Å bins. An interstellar
polarization component is subtracted from
the observed Stokes parameters so that the
data points represent intrinsic polarization
due to the supernova. The assumed inter-
stellar polarization is shown as the solid dot
in the Q–U plot (top panel). Without subtrac-
tion of the interstellar component, the origin Figure 5: Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ia SN 2001el on 2001 Sept. 26, 7 days before max-
of the coordinates would be centred at this imum. The Stokes parameters Q and U are rebinned into 15 Å bins. An interstellar polariza-
solid dot. The solid line represents the axis tion component is subtracted from the observed Stokes parameters so that the data points
from the origin through the value of the ISP. represent intrinsic polarization due to the supernova. The assumed interstellar polarization is
The dashed line illustrates the locus of the shown as a solid dot in the Q–U plot (panel a, upper left). Without subtraction of the inter-
O I feature in the Q–U plot. The polarization stellar component, the origin of the coordinates would be centred at this solid dot. The straight
spectra (middle panel) and polarized flux line illustrates the dominant axis shifted to the origin of the Q–U plot. The Q (panel b, upper
(bottom panel) show conspicuously polar- right) and U (panel d, lower right) spectra show conspicuously polarized spectral features.
ized spectral features corresponding to Fe II, The degree of polarization is shown as the thin line in panel c (lower left) with the flux spec-
Na I D, and O I 777.4 nm. The wavelength trum (panel c, lower left, thick line) overplotted to show the correlations of the degree of po-
colour code is presented at the bottom of the larization and the spectral features. The wavelength colour code is presented at the bottom
top panel. of panel a.

5. Asymmetries in Type Ia due to the Ca II IR triplet at very high that all core-collapse supernovae are
Supernovae velocities (20,000–26,000 kms–1). The substantially asymmetric. They explode
800 nm feature is distinct in velocity by means of bi-polar flow associated
Most Type Ia supernovae are not sub- space from the photospheric Ca II IR with the newborn neutron stars. This
stantially polarized at the epochs that triplet and has a significantly higher de- discovery may, in turn, give new in-
have been observed. This suggests that, gree of polarization (= 0.7%), and dif- sights into more exotic jet-induced
despite occurring in binary systems, the ferent polarization angle than the con- events like gamma-ray bursts. While
explosions are essentially spherically tinuum. Taken together, these aspects most Type Ia supernovae have been
symmetric. There are some interesting suggest that this high velocity calcium found to be little polarized, the number
exceptions to this, however. SN 1999by is a kinematically distinct feature with of exceptions is growing. The asym-
was one of the class of subluminous, the matter distributed in a filament, metries observed in Type Ia may fi-
rapidly declining Type Ia events. It was torus, or array of “blobs” almost nally yield direct observational evi-
substantially polarized and hence edge-on to the line of sight. This feature dence that they occur in binary sys-
asymmetric in some way. We do not yet could thus be an important clue to the tems, as long assumed, and clues to the
know whether this was characteristic of binary nature of SN Ia, perhaps associ- combustion mechanism. Understand-
subluminous Type Ia, or whether SN ated with an accretion disk, or to the na- ing these asymmetries may be neces-
1999by was odd in this regard. ture of the thermonuclear burning, per- sary to properly interpret future data on
In this context, it is important to obtain haps representing a stream of material cosmologically distant Type Ia’s.
spectropolarimetry of “normal” Type Ia ballistically ejected from the site of the The authors are grateful to the Euro-
supernovae. A step in this direction was deflagration to detonation transition. pean Southern Observatory for the gen-
taken with our observations of the Type If modelled in terms of an oblate erous allocation of observing time. We
Ia SN 2001el. High-quality spectropo- spheroid, the continuum polarization are also anxious to acknowledge that,
larimetry of the SN 2001el was also ob- implies a minor to major axis ratio of contrary to the impression perhaps giv-
tained with VLT Melipal and FORS1 at 5 around 0.9 if seen equator-on; this lev- en in the Introduction, requests for
epochs. Some of these data are shown el of asymmetry would produce an ab- service-mode observations with the
in Figure 5. The spectra a week before solute luminosity dispersion of about 0.1 VLT are much different than orders to a
and around maximum indicate photos- mag when viewed at different view- pizza home-delivery service: The Para-
pheric expansion velocities of about ing angles. If typical for SNe Ia, this nal Science Operations staff and the
10,000 km s–1. Prior to optical maxi- would create an RMS scatter of sever- User Support Group in Garching have
mum, the linear polarization of the con- al hundredths of a magnitude around gone to considerable effort to augment
tinuum was  0.2–0.3% with a constant the mean brightness-decline relation. our proposal with their full range of
position angle, showing that SN 2001el This scatter might have implications for expertise. We recognize that accom-
has a well-defined axis of symmetry. the high precision measurements re- modating our target-of-opportunity ob-
The polarization was nearly unde- quired to determine the cosmological servations in an already busy observing
tectable a week after optical maximum. equation of state of the “dark energy.” and work schedule often poses a spe-
The spectra of SN 2001el are similar cial extra challenge. Only this sym-
to those of the normally-bright SN 6. Conclusions biosis enables the ongoing success of
1994D with the exception of a strong this project. We are especially grate-
double-troughed absorption feature The acquisition of systematic super- ful for that. This work was supported in
seen around 800 nm (FWHM about 22 nova polarization data has led to re- part by NASA Grant NAG5-7937 to PAH
nm). The 800 nm feature is probably markable new insights. It seems likely and NSF Grant AST 0098644 to JCW.


An Exciting Working Session on Cataclysmic
Variables at ESO/Santiago
E. MASON (ESO/Chile, fellow) and S. HOWELL (ESO/Chile, visiting scientist)
An intensive working session on We hope that the wealth of ideas and etry and (v) the CVs accretion disks and
Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) was held projects discussed during the working current analysis of their emission lines.
at ESO/Santiago on August 14, 2002. session, will trigger regular CV work- The afternoon talks were more
The workshop was organized on the shops here in Chile, possibly involving specifically focused on the observation
occasion of the presence in Santiago a larger number of participants and in- of particular objects or on some as-
of Dr. S. Howell, from the Planetary vited speakers. The workshop was or- pects of theoretical modelling.
Science Institute in Tucson, thanks to ganized in a morning review session on The participants really benefited from
the ESO/Chile visiting scientist pro- CVs, both on observations and on the- being in a fairly small but highly moti-
gramme. ory, and an afternoon discussion ses- vated group and could present, dis-
The goal of the workshop was to sion. cuss, and confront various problems
gather all astronomers in Chile working Reviews were about: (i) the photo- and results of their current research
on CVs, for exchanges and fruitful dis- metric behaviour of dwarf novae (DNs) programmes. In particular, the discus-
cussions. The participants were from during cycles and super-cycles, (ii) the sion of unsolved problems turned out to
the University of Concepción and from spectroscopic characteristics of CVs in be important and fruitful as it triggered
ESO/Chile, and we could also welcome the wavelength range UV-IR, (iii) the evo- the submission of new proposals (on
Dr. N. Vogt, from Heidelberg, who had lution of CVs – theory vs. observations, ESO telescopes!), as well as the devel-
organized the first workshop on CVs (iv) radial velocity measurements as a opment of new research projects and
ever held in Chile (Viña del Mar, 1992). diagnostic for the binary system geom- collaborations.


From Twilight to Highlight: the Physics

of Supernovae
ESO/MPA/MPE Summer Workshop 2002


This year’s joint workshop between many constraints on the progenitors of able supernova in the Milky Way.
ESO, the Max-Planck-Institut für thermonuclear supernovae (Type Ia Neutrino oscillations can be measured
Astrophysik and the Max-Planck Institut Supernovae) and their evolution to ex- from these supernovae and will provide
für Extraterrestrische Physik, already plosion were presented in a coherent important diagnostics for neutrino
the fifth in this series, was dedicated to picture (Nomoto). This has also im- physics and the neutrino masses
the physics of supernovae. With active plications on the relative supernova (Sato). The models of thermonuclear
groups at all three institutions (and at rates as a function of look-back time, supernovae have progressed tremen-
both of ESO’s scientific centres in i.e. redshift. Nevertheless, there remain dously during the past decade as well.
Garching and Vitacura) this topic was many open questions and the debate 3-dimensional calculations of the turbu-
ideal. Over 100 experts came to whether double-degenerate models (a lent nuclear flames in deflagration mod-
Garching during the last three days of binary consisting of two white dwarfs) els appear now to solidly produce ex-
July to discuss the progress made in or the single-degenerates (a white plosions and about the right masses of
the explosion physics, the current ob- dwarf with a main sequence or giant 56Ni. With increasing resolution in the

servational status, the astrophysical re- star as companion) are the progenitor simulations more energy is released
lation of supernovae and their environ- systems was continued at this con- and explanations for regular SN Ia dy-
ment, and the most energetic explo- ference. From the cosmic SN Ia rate namics appear within reach even with
sions known. the double-degenerate systems appear pure deflagration, i.e. subsonic, explo-
With increased attention to super- less favoured due to their long evo- sions (Niemeyer). Should a transition to
novae for their cosmological applica- lutionary time (Canal) and the recur- detonations occur then the explosion
tion and their possible connection to rent novae, in particular in super-soft can be further strengthened (Garcia-
the Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) during X-ray sources, appear more promising Senz).
the past few years these stellar ex- candidates (Starrfield). An especially There is a bonanza of new observa-
plosions have entered into the lime- attractive feature of the super-soft tions being assembled on supernovae.
light of the astronomical stage. How- sources is that the measured white- Most of the second day of the workshop
ever, our understanding of the underly- dwarf masses are already very close to was dedicated to presentations of new
ing physics advances more slowly and the Chandrasekhar limits. data. The Berkeley group is not only
its progress has to be evaluated regu- A systematic survey of white dwarfs currently finding most of the nearby su-
larly. It was the goal of this meeting to for radial velocity changes with UVES pernovae, they are also assembling a
focus on the basics of the explosions has so far yielded quite a high fraction large sample of light curves and spec-
and the current knowledge of these of binary white dwarfs (16%). Among tra (Filippenko). Among the recent su-
cosmic highlights. the best candidates are three objects pernovae there are many peculiar ones
The meeting was structured with re- with a combined mass very close to the and with SN 2002cx a truly strange SN
views opening the sessions on the Chandrasekhar limit and two of these Ia has been added to the zoo. The lat-
individual topics. The first day started will merge in about 4 Gyr (Napiwotzki). est news on SN 1987A was presented
with the evolution of stars towards the The search for the companion stars af- in two presentations. The shock inter-
final core collapse or the ignition of a ter they have lived through the violent action with the inner ring has become
thermonuclear flame. The outcome of explosion in their vicinity has so far not quite apparent during the last few years
massive star evolution depends on the yielded positive detections (Ruiz- in HST imaging (Kirschner). The light
initial metallicity, which governs the Lapuente). In particular, Tycho’s super- curve is dominated by the ring emission
stellar mass loss and hence the mass nova (SN 1572) and SN 1006 have and extracting the fading ejecta re-
at the explosion, and during the early been investigated. The physics of the quires HST imaging (Suntzeff). The su-
universe even very massive stars core collapse in massive stars was pernova itself is fading now very slowly.
(up to 250 M) can explode as super- beautifully introduced (Janka). There The first tentative spectral identification
novae (Heger). Direct observational might be light at the end of the tunnel of a supernova (SN 2001ek) in a
evidence of the progenitor stars of with the first multi-dimensional calcula- Gamma-Ray Burst afterglow (GRB
core-collapse supernovae is still hard tions yielding explosions when general 011121) triggered some discussion on
to come by and, with the notable ex- relativity and new neutrino opacities are data quality and wishes for longer inte-
ceptions of SN 1987A and SN 1993J, used in the models. The treatment of gration times (Kirschner). Densely
only upper limits can be set on the the neutrino transport is key in these sampled light curves in UBVRI and the
progenitor luminosity and initial mass models, a view also echoed by other infrared JHK bands for several nearby
(Smartt). The finer details of the pro- experts (Burrows, Mezzacappa) but supernovae are now becoming avail-
genitor evolution for SN 1987A still even more sophisticated models may able. With these excellent observations
have to be worked out. Almost every- be needed to confirm the first positive the construction of bolometric light
body agrees that there must have been results. Gross asymmetries appear in curves becomes a lot easier and the
a binary system (Podsiadlowski). The some model calculations. The copious global properties of SNe Ia can be as-
binary may have fully merged shortly production of neutrinos in the core col- sessed (Suntzeff). Core-collapse su-
(104 years) before the explosion. The lapse might be observable with a suit- pernovae with very weak explosions

are observed more often and their gen- this circumstellar interaction of the su- guiding theme of the following presen-
eral appearance can be investigated pernova shock, but optical spec- tations. The very first massive stars
(Turatto, Pastorello). The ejecta mass troscopy can reveal the emission sites should explode in truly gigantic explo-
of the weak explosions is still debated, through line shapes as well (Chevalier). sions even on the supernova scale.
but higher masses appear to be Most regular SNe IIP show very little The chemical composition of the met-
favoured (Zampieri). For these weak sign of interaction consistent with pro- al-poor stars might be dominated by
objects, it might be possible to directly genitor masses in the range of 10 to 20 these explosions of the first generation
see emission from the infall of matter M. Many other objects, especially of stars (Limongi). The observed abun-
into a black hole at very late phases. stripped core-collapse supernovae (IIL, dances cannot be matched with the
With large telescopes, including the Ib/c), are enshrouded in a dense envi- current models, but progress could be
VLT, some supernovae can now be fol- ronment, which most likely resulted reported. The nucleosynthesis can also
lowed for over a decade enabling one from the evolution in a close binary sys- be altered, if the explosion is asymmet-
to look deep into the ejecta and explore tem. ric as the conditions for the burning are
the heating mechanisms working in To date only 15 supernovae have not isotropic any longer (Maeda). Direct
these cinders (Turatto). An interesting been observed in X-rays (Aschen- detection of the γ radiation from the ra-
transition object between the subclass- bach). All of them are core-collapse dioactive decays would constraint the
es Ib and Ic has been observed in a supernovae interacting with their cir- explosion models considerably. With
Large Programme at the VLT (Hamuy). cumstellar material. Recently the first the past satellites this has been very
The early adiabatic cooling from the X-ray spectra have been obtained difficult but the situation will improve af-
shock breakout and the exquisite IR showing high ionization lines of oxygen ter the launch of INTEGRAL this fall
spectroscopy firmly establish the core- through iron. The flux from SN 1987A (Diehl). Decay lines from 56Ni and 57Co
collapse nature of this object. The in- is increasing as the shock is inter- were observed from SN 1987A and a
frared wavelength regime will draw acting inside the ring with dense, ion- tentative detection of the 56Co decay in
much more attention in the near future. ized material. SNe Ia, on the other the SN Ia SN 1991T was reported.
It offers the possibility to observe su- hand, are postulated to explode in a Other decays have been observed in
pernovae with much less influence from rarefied environment and no interaction supernova remnants (44Ti in Cas A) and
host galaxy absorption. The possibility is expected. However, in some progen- distributed throughout the Galaxy
of an H-band Hubble diagram of SNe Ia itor models the presence of hydrogen (26Al). The connection of Gamma-Ray
would make this fundamental measure- or helium has to be expected. Finding Bursts and supernovae may be inti-
ment less dependent on assumptions the traces of such material has been mate, it certainly is intricate (Woosley).
about absorption in the host galaxies the goal of a UVES programme (Lund- With sufficient angular momentum the
(Phillips). At the same time, many new qvist). So far, only upper limits for the formation of a black hole can trigger the
SNe Ia show light curves and spectral mass loss can be derived from the ab- formation of a disc formed of nucleons,
evolutions that can not be fit into the sence of any detection of hydrogen or which can reverse the infall along the
one-parameter relations used in the helium lines. On a grander scale, the poles into a strong jet explosion.
past. The infrared also provides access supernova light can scatter off dust Depending on the viewing angle the
to phenomena which are not easily ob- grains between the explosion and the observer will see a GRB, an inter-
servable in the optical. The core-col- observer. There are now two SNe Ia mediate object like GRB 980425/SN
lapse supernova SN 1998S is an in- and two core-collapse SNe (SN 1987A 1998bw or an unusual supernova.
triguing case where the careful optical and SN 1993J) with observed light Depending on the conditions outside
and infrared monitoring not only re- echos (Patat). Since supernovae are the disc the nucleons can form nuclei
vealed very strong interaction with cir- the main producers of heavy elements, up to Ni and hence trigger a supernova
cumstellar material, i.e. the remnant of they are of special interest for models (MacFadyen). The disc itself could be
the wind of the progenitor star, but also of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy the site of an reprocess. The problem of
an infrared excess (Meikle). Dust for- (Thielemann). this scenario is to produce stellar cores
mation in the cool shell between for- The relative contributions of ther- with sufficient angular momentum for
ward and reverse shock has been de- monuclear and core-collapse super- these models. A possibility is to have ei-
duced from these observations. novae should sum up to the abun- ther a merger event or mass accretion
To bridge the gap from explosion dances measured in the Sun. The de- onto a massive star (Joss). The obser-
models to the observations the radia- pendences on various parameters in vational parameters of some of these
tion transport has to be calculated. The the explosions (density, temperature, energetic explosions can vary from ob-
comparison of the latest explosion and metallicity) are still not fully ex- ject to object (Mazzali). A range of ex-
models from the group at the MPA with plored. It has been claimed recently plosion energies and masses has been
observed light curves are very encour- that the chemical composition of the observed until now. The spectral signa-
aging (Blinnikov). Indeed there appears most metal-poor stars could be domi- tures of wide, high-velocity lines of what
to be enough energy in the deflagration nated by a single supernova. Hence, otherwise might appear as a SN Ic are
models to explain the ejecta velocity of these most pristine stars are of particu- quite obvious.
the Tycho supernova remnant. During a lar interest for the explosion models. Despite an intense programme there
poster session the 28 posters on a wide The comparison of the evolution of in- was plenty of time for discussions. The
range of topics were discussed. dividual elements in stars yields hints workshop was opened with a buffet din-
Supernova searches and recent obser- about the contribution of different su- ner and a speech by the Mayor of
vations of specific objects were pre- pernova types (Primas). Some of these Garching in the town hall. The first day
sented. The latest ideas and details on stars may be the first ones formed in ended with a relaxed ‘Beer and
modelling the explosions were dis- the galaxy, the putative Population III. Bretzen’ party outside the MPA. The
played as well as plans for future proj- But also celestial objects picked up conference dinner took place at a typi-
ects. from the ground can provide informa- cal Bavarian Biergarten outside Munich
The last day was devoted to the in- tion on supernova enrichment. Inclu- during a wonderful summer evening. All
teractions between other astronomical sions in meteorites give hints on the occasions to informally catch up on the
fields and supernovae. Not all super- composition of the early solar system latest news and developments.
novae explode in isolation. Some of and material ejected from nearby su- The proceedings of this conference
them strongly interact with their close pernovae (Ott). will appear in the ESO Astrophysics
environment. The radio and X-ray A discussion on the nomenclature of Symposia Series published by Springer
emission are the most direct tracers of the most energetic explosions was the Verlag.

Developing 3D Spectroscopy in Europe
M.M. ROTH, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
1. Background es nor the problems associated with at- the 3D observations of the stellar kine-
mospheric refraction which plague con- matics of the nuclear region of the near-
One of the inherent preoccupations ventional spectroscopy. Most impor- by galaxy M31. Whilst the distribution of
of astronomy is to obtain a three-di- tantly, there is, by definition, no preju- light shows a double nucleus, the ve-
mensional view of the Universe and its dice as to the selection of the region of locity map reveals a structure that is not
components. Except for Solar System interest: thus a particular slit pointing aligned with the two nuclei and the
objects, we are always presented with and orientation may easily miss a phys- peak in the velocity dispersion, as-
a two-dimensional view of celestial ob- ically important structure which ap- sumed to mark the location of the su-
jects. Spiral galaxies for example could pears to be unassuming on a broad- permassive black hole, is also offset
be considered only as flat structures if band image. Integral-field observation from one of the peaks (Bacon et al.
it were not for the rotational velocity can unveil the complete spectroscopic 2001a). Orientation of a long slit over
which shows them to be spinning three- signature within the 2-dimensional field the obviously visible features would
dimensional entities. The distance of view of the wavelength coverage of have missed the essentials of the ve-
scale is another fundamental aspect of the 3D instrument. A good example is locity structure.
this question – placing astronomical
sources in the third dimension. Once
their distance is determined, physical
parameters can follow such as lumi-
nosity, radius and mass. In order to de-
termine this information one could ide-
ally imagine a “maximal spectrograph’’
which produced the spectrum of the
whole sky at some desired spectral
resolution and spatial sampling on
the sky. The complexity of such an
instrument is obviously beyond cur-
rent technological means and the sheer
size of the resulting data set would be
prohibitively large. Nevertheless, a
small, but significant, step towards this
goal is to obtain the spectrum of an
area of sky and this is what 3D spec-
troscopy achieves. With advances in
technology the sampled area is becom-
ing bigger.
3D spectroscopy is called integral
field (IFS) or area spectroscopy and the
principle is summarized in Figure 1.
The resulting data have three dimen-
sions – two spatial and one spectral.
The spectrum at a spatial pixel (dubbed
a “spaxel’’), or in an aperture of any de-
sired shape over a substructure of in-
terest, can be extracted or an image
over a spectral range can be formed by
summing in the spectral direction. A
long-slit spectrum can be formed by
slicing the 3D data in one spatial and
the spectral direction. Such data have
very powerful advantages over aper-
ture or long-slit spectra which sample
pre-defined spatial regions. With 3D
spectroscopy not only can spectra of a
whole extended object be obtained,
such as a nearby elliptical galaxy to in-
vestigate its velocity field, but areas of
the sky can be searched for objects
which are difficult to detect in wide-
band imaging, such as emission line
sources with a few, even only one, vis-
Figure 1: The principle of 3D spectroscopy is illustrated. An area of interest on the sky is sam-
ible line over the wavelength range of pled on a discrete grid of spatial elements, using techniques such as a fibre bundle, lenslet
the instrument (such as a search for array, slicer, etc. The light collected in each spatial element is dispersed into a spectrum. After
Lyman-alpha emission from very high- extracting the family of individual spectra from the detector image, they can be rearranged to
redshift galaxies). form a data cube. Spectra of individual spatial elements, or defined regions on the sky, can
Since there is no slit in the conven- be extracted from the data cube. Slicing the data cube over a range of wavelengths allows a
tional sense, there are neither slit loss- narrow-band or broad-band image of the sky to be formed.

The process of data-taking sounds eraged. The TAURUS instrument, used some of them are still in use today. The
simple – point at a target of interest at many 4-m telescopes, was the most application of microlens arrays to as-
(high-precision pointing is not re- advanced realization (Atherton et al., tronomy brought a revolution in this
quired), obtain spectra at many spatial 1982) and emission line maps of many field. An area of sky could be divided up
positions (currently hundreds to thou- extended targets were observed. by a monolithic microlens array. The
sands). The removal of the instrument Photon-counting detectors could beams from the microlenses could then
signature and the assembly of the data also be employed in rapid slit-scanning be fed to a spectrometer and many
into a 3D data cube proceeds similarly techniques where the positioning of a spectra recorded on the same detector.
to spectroscopic reduction with long long slit on the sky was synchronized The spectrometer design can ensure
slits except for the much larger volume with the readout of the detector. The that the many individual spectra are
of data. However, it is the analysis of ASPECT system at the AAT (Clark et al. packed on the detector so that there is
those thousands of spectra which pro- 1984) using the IPCS (Boksenberg & minimal overlap. The Tiger, subse-
vides the greatest hurdle. Integral-field Burgess 1973) was successfully used quently Oasis, instruments used for
spectrometers in various forms have for a number of projects from kinematic many years on the CFHT was the most
been available for decades but the pub- mapping of elliptical galaxies to spatial successful example of this design prin-
lications resulting have in no way been abundance mapping of spiral and star- ciple and much science was achieved
proportional to their data volume, or al- burst galaxies. The data volumes were from resolving the kinematic compo-
located telescope time. The sheer modest with typically ten long slit posi- nents of galaxy nuclei to the jet struc-
scale of the data analysis and the need tions. Scanning techniques suffer from ture of PMS stars (Bacon et al., 1995).
to do justice to the quantity of spectra changing seeing and transparency, Using the micropupil principle, the cou-
has deterred many, and even the 3D which also produce line profile varia- pling of lens arrays with fibre bundles
spectroscopy pundits have to admit tions for Fabry-Perot spectrometers. allowed more flexible designs even with
that they cannot analyse their data The first attempts to measure simul- several spectrometers. The integral
cubes fast enough. The lack of ade- taneously spectra over a 2-dimensional field mode of the Gemini GMOS instru-
quate data-analysis tools is becoming field were made in the 1980’s with fibre ment uses this design, as does the VLT
more acute with the installation of bundles packed into an area at the tel- FLAMES facility; in VIMOS, currently
new common-user instruments offer- escope focal plane and aligned onto a the largest IFU unit in operation (80 ×
ing IFS modes on 8–10-m-class tele- common “pseudo-slit’’ of a convention- 80 elements), the fibres feed four spec-
scopes, such as VIMOS, FLAMES and al spectrometer. Each fibre generated a trometers. There is no reason in princi-
SINFONI at the VLT, and GMOS at single spectrum on the detector of one ple for not extending the number of
GEMINI. position on the sky. Several prototype spatial elements towards that of the
In order to try to ease this “data jam’’, instruments have been developed, and maximal spectrometer and two propos-
all the European groups working in 3D
spectroscopy came together in a work-
ing group launched by OPTICON – the
Optical and Infrared Coordination
Network for Astronomy. A proposal for a OBITUARY GUILLERMO DELGADO
Research Training Network (RTN) in
the 5th Framework of the European (1961–2002)
Commission was made in which young
post-docs would be enabled to work on Guillermo started his career in radio astronomy in 1983 when he participat-
science projects with 3D spectroscopy. ed in the activities and development of the Maipu Radio Astronomy
User tools would be developed and Observatory.
shared to increase the scientific ex- In 1986, at the time when Onsala Space Observatory and ESO embarked
ploitation and productivity of the data. on the SEST project, Guillermo went to Sweden to become involved in the proj-
The RTN, entitled “Promoting 3D ect. Upon his return to Chile he took an active part in the commissioning of the
Spectroscopy in Europe” was awarded SEST. His contribution helped greatly in the early readiness of the SEST op-
and began on 2002 July 1. Post-docs erations. Later on, he was responsible for the instrument maintenance and up-
are now being sought in ten European grades, including the installation of receivers and the design of their control
institutes. This article provides a brief system.
overview of the 3D spectroscopy and a In 1989 Guillermo graduated as Electrical Engineer from the Universidad de
flavour of what can be expected from Chile. In 1992 he went to Sweden to work on his doctorate at Chalmers
the RTN over the next few years. University of Technology. He returned to Chile and the SEST in 1995 where he
completed his Ph.D. thesis.
2. Growth of 3D Spectroscopy In 1997, health problems obliged him to be based in Santiago, where he was,
essentially, dedicated to support the ALMA site testing and development cam-
The first attempts at imaging spec- paign, including the maintenance of its equipment, the interpretation of the at-
troscopy used scanned Fabry-Perot in- mospheric transparency data from Chajnantor and the modelling of phase cor-
terferometers to observe the velocity rection methods. His efficient work under difficult health conditions was im-
fields of emission lines in gaseous neb- pressive. Above all, Guillermo had an extraordinary capacity to handle a large
ulae. Groups at Marseille and Man- spectrum of skills, ranging from electronic designs and opto-mechanics to soft-
chester used photographic and image- ware development and data analysis. He taught at the Universidad de Chile
tube recorders to obtain multiple nar- and encouraged students towards the world of astronomy. ESO and Onsala
row spectral band maps which, when Space Observatory are deeply grateful for his contribution to ALMA and the
stacked, allow the line profiles over an SEST.
area to be mapped. With the advent of Guillermo was a first-rate colleague whose generosity and dedication was
piezo-scanning Fabry-Perot spectrom- highly appreciated by all who worked with him. Until his very last weeks at the
eters coupled with photon-counting de- hospital he was actively involved in his tasks with an energy and will power only
tectors, rapid sampling of the spectral to be defeated by his physical condition.
range could be achieved. The effect of Our expression of condolence goes to his wife, Alejandra, and their sons.
transparency variations in the atmos-
phere would be reduced by the fast DANIEL HOFSTADT
scanning and many scans could be av- LARS-ÅKE NYMAN

als for VLT wide-field (1 × 1′) 3D optical and many of the instruments currently Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestri-
spectrometers are under consideration in use, or planned, are for telescopes in sche Physik, Garching, Leiden Ob-
(see Monnet, 2002). which European institutes, including servatory, CRAL Observatoire de Lyon,
One other technique has found ap- ESO, have strong participation. The Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Mar-
plication for dividing up the field subse- need to foster good communication and seille, Istituto de Fisica Cosmica “G.
quent to feeding the spatial elements to interchange between these groups, Occhialini” of the Italian CNR in Milan,
a spectrometer and that is a develop- which represent all the different 3D Observatoire de Paris section de
ment of the image slicer. Originally im- methods sketched above, led to the for- Meudon, Instituto de Astrofísica de
age slicers were used to increase the mation of an OPTICON 3D Spec- Canarias, ESO – all of which have
throughput of slit spectrometers for a troscopy Working Group. This group active involvement in 3D spectros-
point source by stacking slices along a identified that, whilst individual instru- copy projects. Full details of the RTN
narrow slit. Applied in two dimensions ments are diverse and the responsibili- are available on the Web at:
mirrors can be used to reformat a ty for removal of the instrument signa- and there
square field onto a long slit which is ture must rest with the instrument are also links to detailed descriptions of
then packed on to the detector (e.g. for builders, there existed a lack of instru- the 11 3D instruments with which the
the MPA instrument 3D, Weitzel et al., ment-independent data analysis soft- RTN members are involved. The coor-
1996, which is the fore-runner of the ware. The Euro3D RTN was proposed dinator of the network is Martin Roth at
VLT instrument SPIFFI). In common and planned by this group. AIP Potsdam ( and
with all methods the limitation is detec- A 3D data format for the exchange of questions about participation or interest
tor area, and as CCDs have grown larg- 3D data and a software platform for the in the scientific or software activities
er so have the areas encompassed by development of analysis tools form two should be directed to him.
3D instruments, whilst the sampled size of the cornerstones of the Euro3D ef-
on the sky has remained relatively con- fort. A draft format for a Euro3D format References
stant. A survey of the commissioned has been issued and the essence of the
and planned 3D instruments, or instru- format, which is FITS, is a stacked Atherton, P.D., Taylor, K., Pike, C.D. et al.,
1982, MNRAS, 201, 661.
ments with an integral-field capability, spectrum image with a table to refer- Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Combes, F., et al.,
around the world showed the astonish- ence each spectrum to its position on 2001a, A&A, 371, 409.
ing number of 26. Truly, this is a bur- the sky plane. For the data analysis Bacon, R., Copin, Y., Monnet, G., et al. (The
geoning field and many integral field in- tools, it was decided to write individual Sauron Project), 2001b, MNRAS, 326, 23.
struments are planned for the large tel- applications in C and to use a scripting Bacon, R., Adam, G., Baranne, A., et al.,
escopes, and for NGST. Within two language such as Python, Tcl/Tk or IDL 1995, A&AS, 113, 347.
years there will be three IFU-capable for analysis scripts. The I/O library Boksenberg, A. Burgess, D. E., 1973, in
instruments on the VLT – VIMOS, would be adapted from the extensive Proc. Symp. TV type sensors, eds.
FLAMES and SINFONI. Lyon Oasis libraries for the Euro3D for- Glaspey, J. W., Walker, G.A.H., 21.
Clark, D., Wallace, P., Fosbury, R. F., Wood,
mat. R., 1984, QJRAS, 25, 114.
3. The Euro3D RTN The RTN consists of a network of Monnet, G., 2002. The Messenger, No.
eleven institutes – Astrophysikalisches 108, 2.
Europe currently has the lead in the Institut Potsdam, Institute of Astronomy Weitzel, L., Krabbe, A., Kroker, H., et al.,
development of integral-field devices Cambridge, University of Durham, 1996, A&AS, 119, 531.

Forty Years ESO –

Public Anniversary Activities
Readers of The Messenger will be taria to ensure that the 40th anniver-
well aware of ESO’s 40th anniversary sary will also become a visible event in
in October this year. This is most cer- the public arena.
tainly a reason for ESO’s friends to cel- Among the activities and products
ebrate. Beyond the professional as- that will be ready in the autumn are a
tronomers, engineers and other people major book, a CD-ROM, a video and a
with direct links to the organization, this planetarium show.
includes many people all over Europe, Geheimnisvolles Universum – Euro- is a forward-looking book, dealing with
e.g. amateur astronomers, science pas Astronomen entschleiern das Welt- some of the hottest topics of contem-
teachers, and people with a general in- all is the title of an ‘anniversary book’, porary astronomy. It looks at the tech-
terest in science. At the same time, the published by the German Kosmos nology and, by means of interviews with
European Intergovernmental Research Verlag. Comprising 208 large-format both ESO staff and visiting observers,
Organizations constitute fine examples pages with more than 150 colour pic- offers a very human account of the peo-
of how, through collaboration, European tures, the book is written by science ple now engaged in front-line astro-
countries can interact and achieve am- journalist Dirk Lorenzen, known from nomical research. A chapter describes
bitious goals. Thus the success of ESO German Radio and author of Deep an observing night at Paranal and pro-
reaches beyond the confines of profes- Space and Raumsonde Galileo. The vides an outlook to the future, in par-
sional Astronomy. original version of the book is published ticular the ALMA and the OWL projects.
Taking account of this, ESO’s Edu- in German, but other language versions For readers who are interested in the
cation and Public Relations Depart- are planned. past, the book includes a chapter with
ment has worked intensively with part- Although published on the occasion some historical aspects and milestones
ners in the publishing world and plane- of the 40th anniversary of ESO, the book in ESO’s development, and a fascinat-

video clips from Paranal, the CD-ROM
also contains spectacular 3D images of
astronomical objects, thanks to a
unique rendering software developed
by Planetary Visions.
The CD-ROM will initially be available
in English and German, with a French
version under preparation.
On the background of the status of
post-World War II astronomy in Europe,
the video Europe Reaches for the Stars
– Forty Years ESO traces the evolution
of ESO, from the humble beginnings
until today – with the VLT in full scien-
tific operation and VLTI in the develop-
ment stage – and projects the current
successes into the future.
The 50-minute film includes rich his-
toric footage not shown before and in-
terviews with the past directors gener-
al. Scientific highlights are exposed,
both in the context of the general de-
velopment of Astronomy and the re-
search activities at ESO.
The film is produced by ESO’s EPR
department and will initially be available
with English narration.
Finally, a planetarium show with the
title Les mystères du ciel austral has
been developed in collaboration with
APLF, the association of French-lan-
guage planetaria and with the help of its
sister association in the German-
speaking countries (ADP). Prof. Agnès
Acker from the Louis Pasteur University
of Strasbourg and Marc Moutin, head of
the planetarium at the Cité de l’Espace
in Toulouse, have been the driving
forces behind the project, with the tech-
nical preparation of the show being ex-
ecuted by Master Image Group of
This show, which focuses strongly on
ing description of the early search for Dirk Lorenzen is also the author of the VLT and the recent scientific re-
sites by the German astronomer Jür- the CD-ROM entitled 3D Atlas of the sults, is initially produced in two ver-
gen Stock, whose work played a key Universe, which is produced in a col- sions, customized for France and
role as the ESO Council took its initial laboration between ESO, USM (Mu- Germany, and other language versions
decision about where to locate the ob- nich) and Planetary Visions (University may be produced.
servatory. College, London). Apart from audio and

First Teachers Training Course at ESO HQ

was a Great Success
On August 20–24, 2002, School teachers went through three of the four Planets. Results taken at the Leonhard
Teachers from a dozen different Euro- ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series Euler Swiss Telescope at La Silla by the
pean countries (including eastern coun- (see The Messenger No. 107, March group of Michel Mayor were elaborated
tries) came to ESO HQ to learn about 2002), trying out different methods of in ways that students of different ages
recent developments at ESO. The determining astronomical distances. can understand. This included the de-
training course called FAST2002 (Fron- The fourth, major workshop aimed at termination of planetary parameters
tline Astrophysics for School Teachers) creating new exercises. Two different and how to judge if life would be possi-
consisted of several lectures and work- topics were discussed in great detail. ble on the planet (concept of “habitable
shops. One was to determine properties of a zone”).
The lectures were given by ESO Transneptunian Object using six differ- In addition there was a poster ses-
astronomers and dealt with ESO in ent images, kindly provided by Olivier sion, where the participants presented
general, VLTI, OWL, and Science at ESO. Hainaut (ESO La Silla). projects about their own educational
During the first three workshops, the The other topic was about Extrasolar work.

Veselka Radeva from Bulgaria made
the following statement, when she was
asked about her impression of this
course: “Excellent organization, won-
derful presentation of the observational
possibilities of ESO, excellent work on
the existing exercises and efficient cre-
ative work for the invention of new ex-
ercises by an excellent group of teach-
ers. Thank you very much!”
After this good start, the ESO Edu-
cational Office now looks forward to or-
ganizing more teacher training courses
in the next years.

Participants in front of the ESO Headquarters

building in Garching. Photo taken by Gian
Nicola Cabizza.



New synergy between ground-based DISTANCE SCALE
observations, space observations
An international Workshop to be held at the
and theory Universidad de Concepción, Chile, on
An international workshop to be held at December 9–11, 2002
ESO/Santiago, Chile, on October 28–31, 2002
Sponsoring Organizations:
Sponsoring Organizations: CONICYT/FONDAP Institute for Astrophysics, Chile; European
European Southern Observatory (ESO); Centre National d’Etudes Southern Observatory; Fundación Andes; Universidad de
Spatiales (CNES); Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique CEA); Concepción, Chile
DAPNIA/Service d’Astrophysique (SAp)
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Rationale: D. Alloin, ESO (Co-chair); P. Fouqué, Paris;
With the upcoming of the new generation of powerful wide-field in- D. Geisler, Concepción; W. Gieren, Concepción (Co-chair);
struments (XMM, Megacam, VIRMOS, Integral, SIRTF, GALEX, G. Pietrzynski, Concepción; T. Richtler, Concepción
VLA, Omegacam/VST, VISTA...), the first decade of the XXIst cen-
tury is to open a decisive era in the study of large-scale structure for- Rationale of the workshop:
mation. The past decade has seen a huge effort to improve the cali-
These observational developments are being complemented by bration of the extragalactic distance scale. Stellar methods of
considerable numerical and semi-analytical advances. The work- distance determination are used to measure the distances to
shop aims to bring together groups closely involved in carrying out nearby galaxies, setting the zero point of the extragalactic dis-
and coordinating ground-based and space surveys with efforts made tance scale. Yet, comparison of the results from a variety of
in modeling the formation of structures. An important point will be the stellar standard candles shows that there are significant sys-
optimization of observing strategies and science returns in the con- tematic uncertainties attached to most, if not all stellar methods
text of th forthcoming Virtual Observatory. First results from various of distance measurement, preventing a truly accurate calibra-
on-going programmes will be presented. Attendance by young re- tion of the distance scale. This workshop will bring together
searchers (students and postdocs) is most welcome. In this respect, leading experts on the most prominent stellar standard candles
a half-day cosmology introductory session will be given. including Cepheid variables, RR Lyrae stars, Type Ia super-
novae, blue supergiants, planetary nebulae, novae and globu-
Scientific Organizing Committee: lar clusters to explore their current usefulness for the calibra-
M. Birkinshaw (Bristol), R. Ellis (Caltech), M. Kamionkowski tion of the distance scale, and for putting constraints on the
(Caltech), C. Lonsdale (Caltech/IPAC), M. Pierre (CEA), A. Hubble constant as a fundamental cosmological parameter.
Refregier (Cambridge), J. Silk (Oxford), S. White (MPA). Special attention will be given to improve our understanding of
systematic uncertainties in the various methods of distance
Local Organizing Committee: measurement, and in designing strategies to reduce these un-
certainties in the near future.
D. Alloin (ESO), R. Cabanac (ESO), H. Quintana (PUC), J. Willis
(PUC). More details can be found at:
More details are available at:

A meeting on ESO VACANCY
The Education and Public Relations Department (EPR) in the
Science Operations Office of the Director General at the ESO Headquarters in Gar-
ching near Munich, Germany, offers the following job opportunity.
with the Atacama Large
Millimeter Array EDITOR (EDG 604)
Assignment: Within the ESO Education and Public Relations De-
partment team, your main tasks and responsibilities will comprise:
will take place at ESO, Garching bei München,
on Friday, November 8, 2002, • Development, update and maintenance of the comprehensive
ESO Outreach website in its new look, including preparation of
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. related material (texts, images, etc.) to be displayed;
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) project is an interna- • Design, layout and production of the ESO quarterly journal “The
tional collaboration between Europe and North America to build Messenger” (e.g. image selection and processing, technical ed-
an array of telescopes that will operate at millimetre and submil- iting, etc.), in close collaboration with the Messenger editor;
limetre wavelengths at the high-altitude (5000 m) Chajnantor site • Conception and production of promotional brochures, posters and
in Chile. It reached a critical milestone this summer when on July other EPR products, in close collaboration with the Head of the
9, the ESO Council approved the European participation through Education and Public Relations Dept. of ESO Press Releases and
ESO in the bilateral project. On August 16, the US National various high-level publications, including the ESO Annual Report.
Science Board authorized the US share of the ALMA construction. Depending on qualification, expertise, and personal interest, you
may utilise up to 20% of your time to conduct scientific research.
The aim of this one-day meeting is to provide an overview and up-
date to the European astronomy community of the ALMA project Education: University degree in astronomy, physics, general sci-
as it enters the construction phase, and to solicit input from the ence, scientific journalism or equivalent.
community on science operations and user support for ALMA. Knowledge and Experience: The successful candidate should
Topics will include: combine a strong interest in science communication with a good
• Overview of project and project status; knowledge of modern astronomy. The ideal candidate should have
desktop publishing experience, Web related abilities, and be con-
• Major science drivers; ALMA as a complement to facilities at
versant with a range of text and image processing software, and at
other wavelengths;
least one major data reduction package such as MIDAS, IRAF or
• Science operations plan; IDL. Excellent communication skills, a very good command of the
• Regional Support Centres: core and additional functions; English language, and the ability to fit into a small and active team
• Toward a European Regional Support Centre; are imperative, and knowledge of other European languages would
• Open discussion be an asset.
More details on ALMA can be found in the March 2002 issue of Duty station: Garching near Munich, Germany
The Messenger, see Starting date: as soon as possible
brochure.pdf, and the ALMA web site
Contract: This appointment is based on a fixed-term contract of
three years with the possibility of extension or permanence.
To register for the meeting and obtain further information, please Remuneration: We offer an attractive remuneration package in-
send a message to Samantha Milligan ( by cluding a competitive salary (tax-free), comprehensive social ben-
October 5. There will be no registration fee. A second announce- efits, and provide financial support in relocating families.
ment will be distributed to participants in October.
Applications consisting of your CV (in English language) and the
Organizing Committee: ESO Application Form (to be obtained from the ESO Home Page
at should be submitted by 12 October 2002.
R. Bachiller, A. Benz, R. Booth, P. Cox, E.F. van Dishoeck, S. For further information, please consult the ESO Home Page or contact Ms.
Guilloteau, R. Kurz, J. Richer, P. Schilke, P. Shaver, M. Walmsley. Angelika Beller.

GRAZIAN, Andrea (I), Student

PANCINO, Elena (I), Student
International Staff RIVINIUS, Thomas (D), Fellow
(1 July 2002 – 30 September 2002) STOLTE, Andrea (D), Associate
EUROPE BÖHNHARDT, Hermann (D), Data Flow Operations
BLONDIN, Stéphane (F), Student HUTSEMEKERS, Damien (B). Operations Staff Astronomer
ESCHBAUMER, Siegfried (D), Infrared Laboratory Technician JONES, David Heath (AUS), Fellow
IVANESCU, Liviu (R), Assembly Integration and Testing RABELING, David (NL), Associate
Engineer RATHBORNE, Jill (AUS) Associate SEST
LEONI, Marco (I), Astrophysical Virtual Obs. Archive Software
MENGEL, Sabine (D), User Support Astronomer Local Staff
MOTTINI, Marta (I), Student
SCALES, Kevin (USA), Optical/Electrical Engineer (1 June 2002 – 30 June 2002)
THILLERUP, Jesper (DK), Electronics Technician
VAN DEN ANCKER, Mario (NL), User Support Astronomer ARRIVALS
WEGERER, Stefan (D), Mechanics Technician CERDA HERNANDEZ, Susana, Telescope Instrument
WERNER, Daniela (D), Associate Operator
PREMINGER HEYUM, Daisy, Data Handling Administrator
DALL, Thomas (DK), Fellow
NÜRNBERGER, Dieter (D), Fellow
DEPARTURES The Horsehead Nebula on page 34 of the June 2002 issue of
The Messenger (No. 108) was erroneously attributed to the ESO/
EUROPE MPG 2.2-m Telescope.
BRANDNER, Wolfgang (D), AO Instrument Scientist The photo was produced from three images, obtained with the
CHADID, Merieme (MA), Fellow FORS2 multi-mode instrument at the 8.2-m KUEYEN telescope at
DEVILLARD, Nicolas (F), Astronomical Data Reduction Paranal. The images were prepared by Cyril Cavadore (ESO-
Specialist ODT), by means of Prism software.

ESO, the European Southern Observa-
tory, was created in 1962 to “... establish
and operate an astronomical observato-
ry in the southern hemisphere, equipped Catherine Cesarsky: ESO Turns 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
with powerful instruments, with the aim of
furthering and organising collaboration ESO COUNCIL MEETING IN LONDON, 8–9 JULY 2002
in astronomy...” It is supported by ten
countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Speeches to Mark the Accession of the UK to ESO
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portu- Lord Sainsbury, UK Science Minister . . . . . . . . ................... . 2
gal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Dr. Arno Freytag, President of the ESO Council ................... . 3
Kingdom. ESO operates at two sites in Dr. Catherine Cesarsky, ESO Director General . ................... . 3
the Atacama desert region of Chile. The Gerry Gilmore: ESO and the UK. Why Does the UK Need More Astronomy? . 4
new Very Large Telescope (VLT), the
largest in the world, is located on
Paranal, a 2,600 m high mountain ap-
proximately 130 km south of Antofa- Perspectives from the Directors General, Past and Present
gasta, in the driest part of the Atacama Adriaan Blaauw: Reflections on ESO, 1957–2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
desert where the conditions are excellent Lodewijk Woltjer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
for astronomical observations. The VLT Harry van der Laan: From Sest to ALMA, from NTT to OWL:
consists of four 8.2-metre diameter tele-
Of Vision, Dreams and Realities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
scopes. These telescopes can be used
separately, or in combination as a giant Riccardo Giacconi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
interferometer (VLTI). At La Silla, 600 km Catherine Cesarsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
north of Santiago de Chile at 2,400 m Some Snippets of History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
altitude, ESO operates several optical
telescopes with diameters up to 3.6 m TELESCOPES AND INSTRUMENTATION
and a submillimetre radio telescope
(SEST). Over 1300 proposals are made L.-Å. Nyman, P. Schilke and R.S. Booth: The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment 18
each year for the use of the ESO tele- O. Le Fèvre, D. Mancini, M. Saïsse, S. Brau-Nogué, O. Caputi, L. Castinel,
scopes. The ESO headquarters are lo- S. D’Odorico, B. Garilli, M. Kissler, C. Lucuix, G. Mancini, A. Pauget,
cated in Garching, near Munich, Ger- G. Sciarretta, M. Scodeggio, L. Tresse, D. Maccagni, J.-P. Picat,
many. This is the scientific, technical and G. Vettolani: VIMOS Commissioning on VLT-Melipal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
administrative centre of ESO where tech- L. Germany: 2.2-m Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
nical development programmes are car-
ried out to provide the Paranal and La
Silla observatories with the most ad- REPORTS FROM OBSERVERS
vanced instruments. There are also ex-
M. McCaughrean, H. Zinnecker, M. Andersen, G. Meeus, N. Lodieu: Standing
tensive astronomical data facilities. ESO
employs about 320 international staff on the Shoulders of a Giant: ISAAC, Antu, and Star Formation . . . . . . . . . 28
members, Fellows and Associates in L. Kaper, A. Castro-Tirado, A. Fruchter, J. Greiner, J. Hjorth, E. Pian,
Europe and Chile, and about 160 local M. Andersen, K. Beuermann, M. Boer, I. Burud, A. Jaunsen, B. Jensen,
staff members in Chile. J.M. Castro-Cerón, S. Ellison, F. Frontera, J. Fynbo, N. Gehrels,
J. Gorosabel, J. Heise, F. Hessman, K. Hurley, S. Klose,
The ESO MESSENGER is published C. Kouveliotou, N. Masetti, P. Møller, E. Palazzi, H. Pedersen,
four times a year: normally in March, L. Piro, K. Reinsch, J. Rhoads, E. Rol, I. Salamanca, N. Tanvir,
June, September and December. ESO P.M. Vreeswijk, R.A.M.J. Wijers, T. Wiklind, A. Zeh, E.P.J. van den Heuvel:
also publishes Conference Proceedings, Gamma-Ray Bursts: the Most Powerful Cosmic Explosions . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Preprints, Technical Notes and other ma-
R.E. Mennickent, C. Tappert, M. Diaz: Cataclysmic Variables: Gladiators
terial connected to its activities. Press
Releases inform the media about partic- in the Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
ular events. For further information, con- L. Wang, D. Baade, P. Höflich, J.C. Wheeler: Supernova Polarimetry with the
tact the ESO Education and Public VLT: Lessons from Asymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Relations Department at the following
EUROPEAN E. Mason and S. Howell: An Exciting Working Session on Cataclysmic
SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY Variables at ESO/Santiago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 W. Hillebrandt and B. Leibundgut: Conference Summary: From Twilight to
D-85748 Garching bei München Highlight: the Physics of Supernovae. ESO/MPA/MPE Summer Workshop
Germany 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Tel. (089) 320 06-0
Telefax (089) 3202362
J.R. Walsh and M.M. Roth: Developing 3D Spectroscopy in Europe . . . . . . . . 54 (internet) D. Hofstadt, L.-Å. Nyman: Obituary Guillermo Delgado (1961–2002) . . . . . . . 55
URL: C Madsen: Forty Years ESO – Public Anniversary Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 A. Bacher and R.M. West: First Teachers Training Course at ESO HQ was
messenger/ a Great Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

The ESO Messenger:

Editor: Peter Shaver Workshop on “Structure Evolution and Cosmology: New synergy between
Technical editor: Kurt Kjär ground-based observations, space observations and theory” to be
held at ESO/Santiago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Printed by
Workshop on “Stellar Candles for the Extragalactic Distance Scale” to be held
WOLF & SOHN at the Universidad de Concepción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Heidemannstr. 166 Meeting on “Science Operations with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array”
D-80939 München to be held at ESO, Garching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Germany ESO Vacancy: Editor (EDG 604) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Personnel Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
ISSN 0722-6691 Corrigendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59


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