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Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 2 of 42 Page lD #:94l


, ,
1. Sell :' r... .r ,
1b f ro& the to aA4
... .
1. too ,err.s . ere1 a! t 111m an tbe of
11 ot
1 . t.o
.r1owlIJ ! rc. the
1 to tJ
, 1", - !:J
, .
... <:Ul8

80 t ea. rig t.. , . t.} d re , t. f)r t e C'O".llltrles .
aDd' :bces' in ".- aDd
art. 0" (here r. f!er call t!".e ttProduo ITGttltorie&), 1t

149- ani et< t.hat. or-era 1-p 01 .f-a.. '.1t:l1! and t.h. ri:g.:. tit
or f'cr re
f uh8 sal., are t.o the Prod..iO 1"8, t.he1r lie deed,
snd The wvrld, Produoe- t
. .
Ter r1t.orltJ,s".
Tae ri 1.
aQslgI!ed. (
loh' are aold, conT8y.d and
c 1l-"<;1f61y fjo:n t i".a. ., reterred !'O a "_ld")

a) tte ::;.)18 xclua!ve. r1gt.t to Ustr1buW', exhibit,
explo1t., e, >' 1 or
no&-t at.r!oally and
1<Jpcae of t Ii lJzl. aioc &ll gauge
and .. n :,
(1) t e
wot are
(iL) t.h. lit.erary,
part.' cf '1.L , '3ub J.
a=atte MUsioal
to t t.e r to or
, (11:.) Sell .... .
Pur:r.a r'
wi t..t.
t.t.. I'!''', :o.nPO<fU. , "'!'f':>l-mera a:.
too t'Jle
t.dri&! !orroi'1l(
"ut ore .ar.j
.... ,.
all tr.l,
. .

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 3 of 42 Page lD #:942


- J -
. ,
(h) 81;1 in an'" 1.0 dd Film 1Ih1c..
' ,exist.. t.b rig .ta to

oop)'l"lght to. 'illl whioh .Y 1 t'he PlirCshuer' B
by law.
2. The sale or t
W, t Dt .t.J'lbut_Qr. alre 41 8DCllt.ed tor. ,oountries.
and wit. the to1 I s.t. fortb 111 Scbeule u.nexed ureto Ud
: part h.reqt reter-e! 'to "V atr1but on
.... all 0 -tUoh COlll.raot.&. It..nJ a.,!sl .1 the PIlrch .... r.
' . . ... ;e- .. .., .
.:..- The: as (If . D1 10 t.o e
efteoted in w1tt w lOT ern t he .....
or t 8 1. 1bU'-Qr, and 1t st.r1 tor.1 is 0 .ent, ,
Seller ' 1A u.u at u.lgninc the OOIltnet ahall to, PUroha r
1 t. 1 In t.'le qdtur w1 tb aU rlhta to to
' it. 0 4 ccat all :aon.1ell '6.0 t.c, Purohaeer her sr. Sell r
UD.d rt.eJces too "'ant to r.t it. Nq'.le,t all
. ,
po.ers 0 repr':eent S,ll.r tor oro __ t of the

Purobaa..r .. , t.O 11111 perto ..... tr"O! h.not, all tJi.
01)11& t10lla ot tJM uo.:. t;.U . Sell,it, or tJ17 ot' t.h., r afor lid and to l the Producer' aDd ,the Seller

harml, fro. aA1 ol1aa tor the tbereot.
It 18 aue.a at all 8 .. 118 ot everjAa'ture
lllclud1ng the
n1D1aa. 8'l&rut.1 8Jld dOd Y"1!Mllte actue.lly reCMl d em or betore
October 31, 8eUotr a..1./or ti1 . TMdUc.r or t e1r re pee the
Oll. aoe t of to. e 1. ContrGta and the D1at.r1but101l
0;' otherwhe to. t.he 11 la, ahell be aM rGaain tile
propertr ot the SeU.r d/or All. SUM of l1ke
nature rfllcehec1 oc or' after Noul"!ber 1, gel '1 tlle 8111/or
the Produoers or t.!'e1r :aepect.!y. 8&_n"',, 011 ocoun: ot t.he
D1strt b'l tion Oont.!"8ote, or'rW16B rttl.t.1ng to 1lJr., ah&ll b
. .
the property -of ton. Pur tsnr, ttX')Apt Q "1 e prc.Ued.

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 4 of 42 Page lD #:943


- 4 -

. Pvoh .r.n a-C\l.H.t.e I at. nt ot aU' reoehe4 hI t.h,
u.d!or dUoar" on aOOOWlt o:t Contraot..
prIor to' and Co r.ob.r 31, on t.b.t 81p.1n6 benor
't.U Seller h to .. r all ... lotutJ.17
by tha SellV' 8JJ4/or PI:od'.Joer6 aooount or tea
Oontraot.. trca ablr 1, 196! to h. f dod .uu Mb '
to tot. ar ot wah ..... 1*1 Q,irt.l (30)' 4&7. rr-
, . ,
8 date bereot, .XC.ft. Seller -7 'aftd r tal. It.5 own
MOOU\ ... (1") t ot to an ot
Dht.r1buttca tor 'the Tarrlwrh ", h.reiJl-
bllow ..t.
' ,.
.A.t. Plu'oba.s r'l :t'equl.t, ller I tUOl"ll the partie toO th
Distrt gtloi (;ontraot.:I, .. put1 t.o ,lJl,e Dl8t;r1ftt.l.
Oont.ra.ct.. tor Jau't.r1_. tMJ'l"'" NIt. rl __ , oOlGll.1
a.run7 (We U4 "ay, D,. ; IoehD4 .
Ck-Moe U4. Cf'lIM,l., 1Ih1oh oo\U)'l"ba ar .,..laat_r l"8!'.rrri ...
"Iluo,.. 'l'ft'J'i rh., '7 n4\loe lIl, ,toni ..
Soh.Qilll "0", whiob 18 b NOt, ....
Dlst.r1bu'loa ot ... ob. pert.7 bNll 1pM to '
l'uroha r and, &be" ill, t4.reafiier ... ODOuat. ot noh .
Centraot. are to -. to .ar.
At Puroha r'e ",Il t., thll all lato -pvtt
-. , ... .'
to Dl.,r111uC'1on _'""'t._ tor Co. El&Npean l'.rrl ta t.M
r ot h.reun\o sma.xed ScheiUl .... whioh 1. adl pal'\
hereof, h. D1It.r1bUt1cm ot all IUd
'pe.:r\,. .... 'IU. aulp..4 '10 PVoh .. _r ltut. ill IV8 r , ....
.. '. - ' .
1iMU&1ter OIL -.0 .. ' .. t-..o1t Dt-wtwUOJl ct ... -. OQat1ue
\0 be to the SeU,r or It. , ag .. '.
Until ... .xplt.tilon ot "eli reaJljtotlly. Di.trlbutlO1l
tne 1Ilro .... reM'1 torul, s.w..r' obR"lJlu ooUeot,

diree\.l.7 or 1 '" aclnte, all ...... ail UOOWl' ot __
- .. .
Dl.'riltutl ,.: S.Uel" -.u aoOOWlt. to ...... tPIIia


Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 5 of 42 Page lD #:944


., .. f.. ....;. ,t ., .
- a -
. .
. .
rtor all..., 1_
:oeQ'-'of .. tor . J-rr tenN, .
-1'\7 (10), Aay. if'.
. .
__ U., 1I'11h MOll ' &0 _, IIIl.lft -.u _ ,. io
# , ,.
'lVobe.HZ" of .u oo1leotM .... rewa i'-
.. . ' t. , ._
ttw _"10. Nll4d'11fl U. 00 t\q; t.bI .... 1_
. '1.
. .
n...-,.ot. to tIIf la-tAl :'b., u OIl
,.11ar -..u .t8Jr. ... lr .. _ 1 .. .

t.t ...... c:. a.1m 10
mu.. ta. ..
'.ott ... ot J lecal adTl0 ., _. Pur-b ... r.

. ..
_all . r .... ,e.u.,.'. ....
t.ooN. -'be Rdau boura 'i.t1C to IIMh .u..o'\too 1a 01.81'
t.o itJ &oovabJ or to... .... . to \0
obuw t ..u.hlJ re ot oo11ento..; JbD.tO
. .
oow .u1ttl1 ... 1.D. tA.
hrrlM1r1... It aitU.r , 8M 30 4Q'8
. .
tOW_II of .. .al .&,. " ... ,

.., .,'_ ill _U .1 tvu. '*10'
.. oua, .... Oc b.
..... ".". ....... at all
ta1'1.. CJ\MJ'
Ill ...
, ,. tom Mti.r t,ortI
eft'ltftu. "-t.' au
00& ..... 1.4 m
b-cba .. OS' U ..... 11bM

- -- ...
. ... of .... rj k1D4 tu.
1ID4.& m.vl t1
., uy Of .1'. 1Il"_'t.Q
y .. 'ta all!' aU )IN'ri
. .

.. .

Df*14 or ... date
oa.-r "'1' \hi.

"'"-'"- ot t.M ,.. ,
. .,

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 6 of 42 Page lD #:945


... ,

, ,"
Puroh r e.otno.ledaea .t. it hu
ma 1t1t ,.. lU!lbl& lAt.:tUt
... l.tor.4 .. , a 41ap.rW
1d.t.l\ ftfPM'
7 . U4er ah q%'

3. III oorai ot tor
to p,t7 leUer at. k'1oh Sw1
wit.Uvt. Mftc'lon or .rt t. ot aIll
1Dg ul... P\&J'ObIa-.r -.rH-
o! ,000.00
. ,
ot ttLle Acre
b) tl .000.,00 _ ,d
0) tlOO.<?-OO.OQ OIl h'NaIJ ... 10, 1962 . "11lqt
taO. 000. Ia7 of aM tJ1
d) -t75.OOO. '.'luuary 10, 1963

..,. .. ,oi-d.tau" t".,..,n ot-u.
1 rer..I'l"M, to 1Jl -,1TlI10_ It), 13)
,NT ..4 . _ ,.taul.' t. _ or (30) '
4.,.... . .. 1. or t_ pr1ulp.1
le a.u t...u.

_.GribiDa' W .. at ' .w-.r
tao. (ot t.b.e a Mlb.lcllU'1') :
.' 1. ltn r. IrU48r ... &Yare
, . ,
7 KU.Ac-.m.t'r t " pefMS\ ot
_Dt.a. ftterr.4 . 1A bt; 0) .... bOY
. !eh"", . .. proyitet 1& ..

. ,
of ttl. dar' Qt .. of ftall 1 ..... __ t. 1
. . . . . .
.t a periM. .t thlrty (30) dal.
#, . "
t) to ... '1ih. i t.o
1Jl ftb.6,hia1ea. b), e)' .bo Ihall Nfther .. U ..... ... " '
ou:N6 bl a, Mrh. ot 1":., t12) tJ.eltle , ,'
Of.... II. of tl.eas,ooe.
a is \he . '. to ... n t1..-
, *
. '

' ..

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 7 of 42 Page lD #:946

, "

. .

. -.,-
., .
I .'
, "
UJ'.u..bOT. Satd net.. b. y
. '
A.etor Piot'l,Na lila ...... Nor bJ
. . '. . .
aar, r. Mo.,., hankU .. 'I. r ".re', .

, " .
I. qrootb7 1M. 1... .. . .
:"" With .. 8pM .&ipt'Oprla"-l7..:fll1l4 1a' , s U14
.. .. ' ..
,) 1M Obllpt. w tAl ')) t ,., of 175,000.
t.b ta -.aMi?1.! t1 .. 'm ed t.;
eo'- ot... t. 1.11 toM .
henIlato Mnuw ... 8o-..1e .'''J'1,tt. aot. Me .
. ' .
It,. Iatera.tlaaal. an4 Astor l1lo ... ' wUlJ. .
. .
... ... b)' ........ 0eQr r. in". r
mel re't If. Oro*ty. 'DlW -.u 'be UU.,rM '7
to s.u.r at llv'. oftto. lJI Qeu ,
IIr1 $.ari ... , .u '1 JOqtbla.
. ..
1'tl. tflOt. that. .. 14 '-.0- by 1 t. 1, cI\:.e l-.uary 10, .1963
aball nc. t pr.),I41oe t.h-. eCWntlo th.6 pa,:ept. 4
U.r .. p:ro.1dtd tOl' U .u41T1a1cm ,. abq .....
. .
) ..... ot __ UCOtlable
.' "'1.... r) .. i) 1IbAU ..
, ...... U.Il.

or ott .t ot kt_, u,,-," ,. _.tao-.
'aDd toM ....... . .
, .
. ,
.dol"urt th.ti' tba.y ..
. \ . .
... , ott ... " or aGlattrOW

de lp't_.. ot
,..,.., or
-., ...... .,. .
,.,, ott .. " or t.1"Gl&1 .., t. ot We

tnullOt1o. U4/0'r Q4.r thf.
. ..
OQIIW.UI.. aUll 4 ...... 1ial .
oz CMJWl ola1a 11111 a.Il ott .\ or '-1' M
by . 1n .Oocml ..... wi \II ,9 or t

.) ..u r 1. t.h. 1Ql- Golva,1" oaeI' of t.he
. . .
ad riCbtl! ItOlA to t.b. ..... Ioas ' .
.. ,

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 8 of 42 Page lD #:947


... .
, t, '
- e -
. t.b.e I'U or. 11111 of t.b. r1 ... ....nilli'U... .old .. '-.... r
to PUrohaser s
d) t1'" or u.e nh 1e 011 Sa- toM ... u4
t.h ,oCMlUllt. or . the !"II.' ".. 1u..t.o ta." to'
oa.ale tIlo. ot aa.. ,
. .
1 . .ot. 1n trade bU.1.. wi w.a URt'1;ed

. .
. at:.we Of .. riu .. .1tuaW
, . '
l.a iA. CA11i*1 .t, De '0. S
, -..
r} 119- .. w aU Din bt.raot. _"-'"

be ... tJI.e Pro4uoara 01" 8ell:v waA/or 01r1.
uA/- "7 oQe puMa,!ira or OOl":aoN'1a.' t.u. ca
. .

bella1t fit ot tA ,tar \h. ot t.h. ru. 1a
. . . ,
the l\l:M .. ,..'firr1tQJor .u- of iM10h - 1a r.u toro.
aM f1tt aU u. DO GO at.. ror ....
. ot the nla 1& ... r'''!W'r1Mrl U
;iler U4jra, oere flll4./w

_. t U' aO\1a& .

011 ot _,. 0'"
I) .All pa,...t.. to
- ,. pQrWMt' to tll.
. .
ftth au , oo.poaer., Pirt

r.' ... pea Ib"t.1IiC
. I
1iO'. b ao are

.... b ...... 'u..INalar.

fJ). 1e'1m: &&I4/or Pro Mr. bYe '*" _14, hypot.hC)4a or '
.. d, ta' 1 war, PJ of U.a r1 ,. 8D4 ...
blnlA,. I

1) h DO ]IIm'tw. .. ,. "'M1'W4
"NlL_'" to. ao. 0: . .. or ProtIoen
wou.14 1aPalr -. riPt.. .,14' ht,NU"'"

j) !'i tol. to 111-. 18 raclewNd 1- .
011 . It.U1. "

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 9 of 42 Page lD #:948


TL. PrOduo.;-. t ... 10 OU) pro tao.:' .. ot t l1la
1) "1 toller 40r lIu .. or
anT ooPTrigbtl 1n rila to an:r tlUN ht.
, haral tro..
'Il7 lOBe ' 0:- sf whir;
, .
u a t ot breach gt aD)\ Ct .. Cotte '
.. . . ....' .
ttl t.h!.e 4.
.... P\1rOAaa may wet. in
5. Ii 15 S$ .... teat OOl; ot all u
, r.qu1,r" tc. be _1. b, P\lrchas.,r to t.h. r aooo1"Cl..... w1 \b
. ,.
Par ..
.) will DOt ut.hori or 1*ra1' ttt.
or of the Ftla or an, ot
r1&h'eprop.rt19a8011 h.r.1A, br an1
'or Ul1 0 ,
1n tn.. Yila'
. , ,
.. an.e otb r 1L DlbtlOi1 p1o-wr. t.b.a\,res
pr ..... t'tOnkS
1 til the 11 del. r .. atatnUol1, it u4 where
lJi,r ot
l1S4/or t Saller. PUr 'hater a t t. it. nll DOt dO or
nUt to b. doli. wh.rel>1 the 11l.m 1 tflU into
ell rub11c dC)ll..a1n: ,
, '
0) '!he ,o'r1 111al ... ot toll. reterre4
a the "Hee!'tlT 'ft) u: rtf '1n GA at. t..he St4b1U
1ll.t1 Nu1Q11ue we .. o.! R in t,4.!\ and tor the
.coount. 0: the Pro<1UQ ra.'.tur1 lUoh tiM an4
MltJ?ori8ed', .. t their o.G r.. \lY. t)C t., to '
obill1 tJa.... . !or u.pl01t..t.10A the
I1la in t.hei. rtf wn-itoirl... P',JJ"eh ... r hereby' .
ixeapt.. 9 11 r aDC the PNC1ucera ..., 11 biU t.T tor
or 4 to t.Ae Beg t1Y. 4.a1 tbtt p.rl04 HeptlTe 1.
, .
Q1l 4epoe1 to. .tor.said .. aomowle4,ps t it. ha.
1. 1 t. 1 ... a: t r e1!ap11aat.1D& .
.. terlau trcn wb1c it elL 11 toe e%ht Itj,oh pr1n\., or .lJl.
. ,

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l0 of 42 Page lD

-. ,

". .' . "'
., .
to }1l"OtMt 11.& int.rut tJaer.ln: and
d) It.nll it; lt 'or thrcNcb Aetor Inc.
its d1 t.ribute t e I1la tor .xhit1tlon
purposea 11;0 the _tat ot AMrlo.a 4 the Oo1ll.1n10n
. . .
. . .
ot C.a.da aooording to its praet1ces .
Seller aclmo edges that 11; has b !! lJLtorMCl by Plu'olla r
tlL&t a. a part ot suoll cU . tI'lbUtion pract.1ce.,. the
F1lm m.y be sub-l1oensed' throQgb Yarlou. tranoh1ee holders
leoated 1'n YU1OU8 pert.. , ot. trh. Ul11 t.d States ot Amer10a
Uld the Dolll1nloll ot Jeu4a, - ab reoel .... 41e'tr1J:)uUo
r1&hts tor periods not 'u Qt pn. 1MZ'. hoept ..
5tt tort.h abOT., P\lr a4'1' will.not sell, 1 ..... 11 ,.
:-w4" 41apo .. r4 ..,. Qt tA, 1'1&h. or FlY!
acQ.ulrM by 1 t her..-uD(\Itr. tor e 0Jl1 te4 Stat..a ot "'1'10
u4 the Daainlcar: ot C&I1&1a.
6. No Pal'e6! S?h 6.
1. IIotwlthaUD41nc eil1tAia1 he::-.1n 0.0.)&
agrHd ULa'1. 111 th. .... FuroU.aar d.tM1lt.a 1a aklJ;1C
. .
ot .xl,. ot tlLe pa,.utl tVl'ed to in Per . 3 aboTe aA4 auoh
4et " t1mle. tor' It pe.rlod ot tllirty (30)' 4a7.'

.) .hller M, tOr awl teAtapa tor '.le.y, 01'
b) tn or _oll it l.t y to tnat .tt 01;
lILt &1\". t.i
",+ __ ....... ,.. A _ ---

lxnnlWu t Purcha81lr
5 b)
by pa
all b. tor &Ir)' of br."claee ot
Dt. of tlje of ..,5,000. BOd ot
r ') d,> bt J:
enl. ot the un 1<1 bala..o.ce ot the
, purOt.e.S8 pri oe, tt!l.th6 r du.e or DOt, wi th1n the day pe dod


Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page ll of 42 Page lD

... ,

.. -
. ,
- 10

,to pro .. .ot. 1 t", 1nt.eHst., there1.: an4
d) l.t will ithu !.teelt '0 ... tl1nNch A.!tor Pictures
&8 it' agent distr1tut f1la tor
pu-poees in t he tJ!li t,4 .. t ot Amerloe akd toM DoiUulon
, . '
, .
ot C acoording to tt. DOraal '
S.ller acknowladges that it has! bJ'
that ae a pert ot suob i1arael dllt1\llnltloo preot,lc ,.
r11m may b. sub-lic.need' yarloul tranohise holder.
loa.t&d the of America
an4 the llom1n1on ot n..,;'48., 1IIh1oh r.o.l Te 41e'trU,uUoJl
riahts tor ]Htl'lods not 'lIL Of 0 1Ur. axoept
.et. forth "'01"1, .ar- will ut. laU, 1 .... , 110.& ..
.. .. 41apo .. of ., or rspt. or p-hll ......
aoqulred bJ' 1 t her. r tor' fobe ted at.w. ot "'zo10 ..
, .
aDd the Do.fnJ.on ot Ca.Jl&U.
1. JIot.1 berein 00A'a.1JJt4 toe 1iohe oontr&r1,
it is agrMd, that in t,b. Purchuar detaul.'t.a 1a
or aDl ot the P,.alt. nterrad to in Paragnph 3 lIbo," d4 noll
oont1JU1e ['or _ perl04 or tb.1I"tl (30)' claya,
' .} S.U.r'.., tor .m4 ft)r 'ala1, or
b) 1n ot .. ell it 1\ Ii""* _t.1o. that attMr.
, "
.to v.y tt b.t. .... n ih. 4.,. tale t. due allIS. .1.0
. arter Ule dayS' retl1"h4 to Mre1D.aboT., Seller u.y
t auHqUilt. aD4 _, it opt! either
01. daapa tor or
1 t.he net 0 4-.f.ul.t of ace part, 0 r tor .. -,.,..t.
. '
ot t.he -.aunt., c! e by Purchaser Paraan,pll 3, \M O'thn' pel't)- Ibell
ena not1oe to the b%"8act.lng party MlUre or tbe br-eh
it 8 1. ao t rlP , tit e4 111 t.t..1r. 20 ..dQ'a. .tIl. 0 toher .y. a7 sua tor
, ,
pJIIrfomance aaag ! cut. 1a t.t.ereot, 1t. it it slTea JaOt1oe
not let r han 10 UT8 said 2G rl04 .tfact., it
I"'ch t a.oh r.a'tee so' f-1J' and calf tel the ' proYll1aaa ot ".JIb 3
) or 5 Il) 0'" r: ) , J\4bHQ.l.\ . ,an at 1 To.

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l2 of 42 Page lD

" .
It r ;'1 _ .dra-fS rt1 Cor.torl t :
ar btt ... Nd dlvest.8:l of all oc.!'IA!:.h. and
r1chta or
4 nature, A and to t.ts , 1 ,and. t. r1&tlt..
tke t
r..,rt to th lltr a41' 8eller
Si1all lmme- 1 taly be:.o r.v., t. r l th:
Sel1er, or e:-
(1 ) Lll 00!l ot.a
{11) a!. t.h
t 1
ot the !)trUer, r
I .. Co'
agre eJMnt.i '. tIel' PurohasU", or any
or lloen ea ot Pur .r,
I-t.o 1n 01
part. at territory terelD. t..e Ibltloa,
41at.r 1 ut.10n or upl01 tation ot t.he l'1lr. " by !U11 or
(i11) right s to oollect 6Jl7 all sur
.eoru. nr on aocount t the
tAd tte
referred tQ in _bdlvl io& b) (il)
" ,
i'urah ,.or .. 111 t
(iJ ar ot r.
ot he Fl .
(11 )
+t. .. pt t ftmr rl t. or,ow . r8 or
.. .
(tL) dl t.r1bute, or (jx,ploh t.
d) P\lr c fa . 84all 1 ateo her t;O the SeU.r all
necsthes, print8..a er of 'the :nUi of every Ut..w'.
alld kln1S

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l3 of 42 Page lD


... -
. .
1 = '"- '
.. . -.;..
. ,

ot t 1

11' the Seller eli ct. t.o tro& tl-... to c s.a
tor not:-pu!',r.n..:;""., e.llf'!' shill R 1tl to re'tdu
t the p.n-chaae J:r1 c., a. herr 1A&tole
4U.r aDd laGb l"JJll"Utor -..r. U '
to 'M- liable

in Aiv eme t tbe
P.t:008e4 ot
dUlage, t .,
+1t. .. abele- &ball e It._le
tor NJ:T in IU.oeS t!tllreot.
.) 8l"f' e! Vat 01'!. tll. s1%l11l!,ot this - t
tc dally r 1C t
110 .....
(1) all us1gu.ellt ot all ocmlF")1t. tor the
&D4 a& .. ot U1silQ8'
and ' lND raR: l.trat10n to tbe Pllll, 11l11t.ed to t.h.
Pure I'S that at the ot
ot ' RcA a8.1,* "IS to Furo!:uu,er OIl full J)e.1De!:.\' or
the p t., to u.Cl1t" or -proOlU"8 the execut.iOJl or
"nba er, fUrther .at
Pureh solt 008t P\1rohuer 1M1 re .. aonult
requ K . tor th t.
Furth .. ,1' 1t .... 0.1 b c097. ot aob
. . .
c. re4"erred to 1;Z "8" h ot and 1a taa111ar
wI th 8r60
(111) 1
01 RoM t _
;; to I1.J.g1 or 1.t.

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l4 of 42 Page lD

; I
" '
- l.3 -
(lTj & on annexei herato Schltdul. "0" .
o ,
by the U 'r I addrMssed: tlO e hol411l4
, .
r1g.t 1.11 t.he PIlr--...r
8 T.rii toria. (other' th.'
Jurop&&n the S811er r
& eoPY ot th '1.,61'O' f ft08Ipt t:ret01'" .
that th or baa
by tb seU .. r , a!'Olle &1t" Pro4uoeN, Llo_ ,
euoo 80ra ... ip. shall UTe ,u.. r pt., t.M 1,boratorJ or
oth8r material 08ss&r7 tor axploitati0n'of the
the ,.ad eOJ the
oer s, ",.. lr l1oeDH\t, . CCP.-?:" .. .lips to II8lc .uGh u

thereot J .. 10 theIr ..xpell"h I\Irchu.r . S t nat at u... ot tbe
dei.1varr or tb HegatiTe ' .. '-oJ &Dd t all t ther.a:rwr as
IIa7 De n.o,uu, . to exec. eh fo of 1n8'tl'Uct.1Gni,
....... _ .... 10. Ot tot'll;al 0 t.t .... ont e re" .. red t;e a&l"r1 ..... , .. \ 101' .
t.hat 1 t keep' t 8 Proclu "t.44tir 11'0 na
uOO'.lOr. ant Ign. ot tbe lodatloa' ot the .satlTe
'sulh _'_rIal all tiJr I!lft..r t he 4,111"_1"7 aa Jor.Mit;
b) Pur l'I&J' .. e to <2bli ]" t tU .I,c!'6w jgeD.t, on
.iCIU t, tol.l.ow1nc
' .-
. (U vat. IIiOUo .. to tilt dJ:atI'1bu1iU lmd-.r e&Cb
"'17 Oontnot. t ot not 1._
lUt 1Il Sotla4ule par'tlt.
t.Aat -'tb. hspectln mat.rlb\li!on OaDt h:a beaa
- to Seu &D4 Wl.t au r-.1 t
oa aOoou.nt. ot Wd DiM.:t1bGUoa Caatraot an
to be r.a1 t t..,. to tbl, a.u.,t: aDd
.. 0
. . I



Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l5 of 42 Page lD

... .
1 10.;1&1 Lu". of 10 .. aoncildt ud t. t
, .

, I
\ ' ' ... I"
lrNvocsbly it. h.. DO \0 .... III . f"tU"'ther
U ,e *_ Negat.1 or t.h4I J'ila ;...
. .

. I'
" . _1.-_ ....

8Dd ,..!'u .... r
, .. ,
-.oro ...... to., letMl"'1'

. \ . , 1011 1. W'
. t. '" to. Hf to,l. tIli. P nc:rapb. 8,
. .
1 1.10. ,) aDA _) a. !ou. IS-
. .
. ..

. .
(1). tAo t.ha ... ft' upcaa t\1il an \ke'
.-t'II1Dtt. .p.:1fl,. 3 abOYr. G4
.. (11.) to th. Bellar 1;Il ot f ault is
ot an . ., 'ot tbe IMtal.lMnt. ,. ta
P'ai-agrtp1l '3 abOTa wah d.t 1\ oont,11111q tor

loeS ot th1rt., (30) 48". "

1110a tor atbltrat.i .
.o' oeqt-'
... . . .
btte.oh or -\ br 1 Wa A&r " ... t, 18 ay .lIII!IIlPIr.
. til t. jvl .... all '
, .
_ -.0 ....... -.aory JlQt .. ... raP ......
. . . .
la' 3 \'1.xeOUU \ll1_ \ . h'NOt,
. , I
h.,..-.b.,. In.YOOably. " \hi julKl0'1a 1. d7. GOUt ot" ' .

juri 1.
'l1li"" t.o per jariadlcrUora ciYez perMb, 7 _ali
. . . .
-, th , 11 ot prea ... ill _Y .0U.;. nit or prooM41Da
. .
tanlYSlaf' uory DOW ,..t,rrttl. . e,ph 3,' b1
DOtl.. tkerwot b7 *1r :ou11 41hote4 -to their lut dtr
. , .
9. All ola1u, COIltro"el"ai E 4hPll.'- u.s..iDe out of ar
to 1i nt 41...tMd or ( xo_ i '
. , '
.. M 1a otherwi proy14ft4) kolJll1Ytl7' by. _ A:*lvat1 !Iotlrd

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l6 of 42 Page lD

... ,
1 ,
. .
OOIIlpOMd Of tt\rN a; ill snt.zerl&.Dlli. ca.
or t.h. art.lvat.ora _all be '1 t.he r'i OIl.'
by t.he au .. r aDd tlie ,\hiN I.l"bl tr tor b- th" Chdrae;a Oi'
. . .
t.he BoU'Cl at TU aftitration -..u.r> 1 .. by
.... 0 lulling party appo1.AUDC it,. &rblt.ra1iOr .' AOf-le.
" .
,t.Mreot. ,\aC.t.ber -nh '1 t.. to taw paM..J tt y air wail.
other part, do.. DOt appoint il. withioll. (X
fro. ta. ;"ate th' aJ't' 1tratlail I, 0"" it'
, , .
appot.te4bJ' th, *>
-cr .. a too b e,ppola nt ot at a1'bi.r ,ho. aoo.ept. IIt1.ok
. .
o.N'loe, within (15) taJa (rem t.belr t; tb.a uo,HC'1
, . '
ap t. or Ip 1. ta at;.-.ll M made by .juat.lce or ,
tile "Coar It. lu.tioe" (Gou. ot'; ot. tile ,ot CleDeT. 1lpQa
t_""" t. ot one 01' beth ' ,G1Ch t mall b. t1aal
aM b1a41a1 upoa .u U" , The prooM . ot Anltrulca
. .
tha1l b bJ' tIM !Mr4 'It. .. lI. !be '.011108 ot tM
,4n1tfttta. _&1"4 all ' " 11Dal" b "POll _11. aa4
Jud t upon aw
hereby agr_ ... ooa t ,tQ to juri dlot.1@ ot tlh
Arbitratl_ A;)aI"d appolnte4 an4 to ce with toe
, , .
Of thi. t irreToo41.7 -.r .. to tb.e _l841o'Uoa ot t..t.a.1r
'PwClOU 1. auca aftltratloll 001;108 ot ola IIhall. ,
..... '11 ft!I 111'1 line. b7 a1l' -'1 .. tMlr lut __
ad .....
rae or ol&la, OOIltrC .ray, or 111P'lw and
ot pl'Ot'H41nc-, wMt.,.r the WlJJeot t."r.
. . i . .. '
tD4 1rha1i4. v tU ot ' toM per" ,000000t howW. ,
tbe obll "tlOil .of the Purat.aMr to r.,...nt ill

. ooordaDoe rlt.'b Par.&reph ;) or arte . Beller'. r1 t
. .
te wraiUu acr ta sa ttw .. t of detllllt. by
fu .... u' in Roll :to. AI fb' la. ,.
_ i4 ' Teo .... , +-.0 3WNo1'.
Upon .1' aul t 1Jl th. JAnIoI c.' ot AaT' a&11 prcm It017 ' I\Otee , Selle .
It .... 1 ....... mq ' ' aU: ' ..... I. ... --ell. d-.w u4


Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l7 of 42 Page lD

-- .

.. ,
H. -

10. hu Mt:. .cd oon t.d 1a Sw1taerl.aa4
.ad '1 wi_, or 41 e &r1dLC eN, ot '41' in co:mecttoa
with Wa t., or aD7 tt" or tha& "pen th18
_ .. i, ttl yaU41 ty 1 .,.
.ubjeot. '-0, W , ,>T,rued by t La". or a.1\_rld, d p1t. U1
ftl. of ,00000.L.l.Gt.. or 0
, ,.
U. Wlw r, tbtl ebaolU'k riP to &nip W

cr .... llt u anT or .u or ttl , t. title .. 1&t4n.t. bar l'
to third Prtl .. , Pl'C? ,it
r ....... ti 4e4
tor 1a J :1_1".ot,

ro .... r .1 1*. '1'1&11, .

under tat ..... at. 1'be"att r 111 II1A7
J _GIl aNi .
to t.:ly lrdper , 11'11 or tiOil d,
P Pur
.. .. r'.
r1&ht,. W. Aar-.nt *all . ..v. to tt
':1 t ot auoh
... J':'OYl4e4 that 1a t!M at M.J .-o.b ... t
. '
FUroha..-r' ... .n r 1A l1lblA und.r tll.1.
, ,
12. JlaftllaHr a -... u4 taM atn.r, bAS Wit
.,. .una"1 01' _1.&1.1 .. to tU IIIU" poww ot tM '
. _. . .
fit.. or ot'the rip aDd .. cranWii berela. ..u.
ilball IlaTt 1M) W t.ll. j1vchuer 1a tW 'TeAt, 'Coh.. r11.
" '
b. ill &117 ot \be '" r' . 1" 1 to _ ctu.. to tb
t.., Ni. or Of bod, or U1 t
or t, '1AoWl&1 tIIo.., U4
, ,
oR80l'lIIlU. It 1. III' M1tMr baa ...a ..,
..rran'toi or 'hPr.sant.,t.lcma tbMe t _or
herfiin ana U. t DO Ue. IIoOt .. al1 "t to haHiD
,t.o be 1IIp11e4.

ecr"$ t4 cu to tht ,,1'.,
, ,
t1arth r 11 nta a, 1'9 a.o 11 b. t"ttqv'1
. ..
tC"hOt to or oarTY out. t.4e 1'1.,t'- ot t.ll1l .&""".llt.

, ,
, "

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l8 of 42 Page lD





. ,
14. '!'it. J.:u u:.nt 3II&T not be ahaDget, L' or .o!1r 2A4 .b)',e. by auJ: eIlt.hor111! oftt'161" 0' .ada

, ,
.. . .
, ,
m.- .mlOJ. t.hh A&nII.-.t hal ,4ull 'ez.ouM4
, ., ' 0"
... da7 tir'" .boTe. .
uJ" "'. , 4 .'
. ,,. .f.' " " . "
, .
, .. .
',": " .. .. ...
, t "

. , I'slgnK. by artl nc' their 81
1.a tp '1. .. t.te
. ,
PI 'ICltAL' ud CryrMA!J' S to tM U't4Dt.
tor 1 3 UIl 8 CD4 4;0 boI&M bJ aaid pro
. ,
. '
11 __ - ........ -_ ............. --
, .


Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page l9 of 42 Page lD



, I
rna.. ad "l,i. , I U., ft. . f t..lre. ......
'.' ... Iftl -_.U .. -(""'1'17 .. .... C ... i .. ...

. Pr .... -.n) : .

(Al,eria. ....... faalier.)
t , f I

" ,. t..
l:&fillw. ;"'.nU.. .. .. 1IIaI1-. ... -
... .. 't. . .. ,.1 u Iti,.rta - II&U ( II'" '" ...... )' , M-
... - C ........ - -,,,I -Pr S"'r&-
,t a
........ "'111 ...

....... ar - -*1 .. - ...... I .. I 1 .... e...e 1.1 .... :

. ( .
. '.r'.
La - ....... 1.

. .
ft. ... ..... 1 ..
... .,. "' ....
. . .. . . . ...
_ ..... . _ 100 _ . ., ,.
. .
'ft CalMea1.
., .
. .

, 'r " '"11'\..,. ..... t .....
, .,
.Ikl, '. Iklu' - '1.1," - ke, .. ! .
. . . . .
. ,
Y l. 1171-, fla, .f

( ..... 1 .. 1 ........ , ... r ... .t ,Il
... ).


Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 20 of 42 Page lD

. .
__ .... 'Del ...
ftaJ '
... tan.
........ c"ru. '
. "ft'" .
... -....-;lL.-
... -. ... Jeei ..
........... ,. ..

,.I.A.. .. 0lIl ..
M.1",UI., hMa ' ,. Ju....,-
..... hft. .
. a,n.. ....... JI*. .......

. .
, .. au.' rm.IJUD
ca_ua 111M 411 "'+8
. ' -
Am.G-nIIII la'wld .
14 ..... r 'd
M.a, I _mi AIJ_1a
II .8 ma. Ida.. Lt .....
(fJJa. eM )
.,.". nul - wn.
( ......
...... I .......
JlUI. Idp"' _
.. f1Ul 4.G. t Ia'U:Il

fl Dr.. , tedt
.. mlD ,m __ I d .......
" .
jJR au. ...... , tia ... 1.7_
a.D..JUIUI, al

. laD. tIw &1 ........ .... -.ato : ,.,. a fh8
;rla.t "''- (iMl..u..a N. . ..... ) 1. etUl
.... u. tW awu.. U. b , ..-r .... tUt la
of _ r. tiIa .; eM ., -li ..
. " ...... 1& Iwl1 1M . '

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 2l of 42 Page lD


. '
0 ... Slr.,

. '

" .
Vou .er. her.t.for. ,dvi _ .... ,,' .. ,._
tor the dt.trlbution ot the '11. -LA 0 LeE VITA- 1n the t.rrlt.rJ
t torth had been ilnld to Aator Pictur Internetion.l
. .

You .'1" turiher .dv1 d thlt'you r. to "M. r ittano
under the ,.tor ld dl.trlbuu'on .91' .... "t. to aator Plctur
Int.rnatlonal Inc. until ,uah tl you r.c.iv.d ruzther writt.n
in . tructiem, Ugn.d by bo\h Cin t 8.A. and a.tor Picture.
Int.rn.tioD.1 Inc.
Thi, t. to ,.-vi" YQU that;. 10U ar. her rur to e .. .,l., with ' all
'urther .rt",n tn,'ruG'lon. r'CliVfd you 1.1y 'rOM '.1' "ctur
Inttrn,t! .In'., 1', .ucc r. or , ignee ith.ut '"1
rilht. on Plft.
Pl lon'ir. you, r.c.ipt .; dvioe
CI"E T S.A .

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 22 of 42 Page lD



'._1_ ........... ..
-............. , ......... ..
. .
.. ..... , ..
............... -_ ...... .

-.......... _-.
, .a..
... ... ac. ......... _

. ,

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 23 of 42 Page lD

1M. 1 ... 1Iftl_ ,.. tlIat t ......
t tM U.I" _., fU. "LA -.c. YIft"-ta--t .. ------
.... , I.rca. tIiIeNI&a. hu .......... 11 ... .,
W. ..... .. A,"r Pl .... la""'" I . '

..... J'OU 8Iaall _U_ .. nait .. __ , ItA ... It
......... all .............. .-1 .... to .. '1FT ... _
...... ., ... .aid .atJ1._U .. ACJ, '. "., ...... .....
MtM ..... Ie ......... __ f.', ....... * ., A .....
........ 1. I .. .
"- t..t ..... U ....... lr .. , 81. _"1 .... u_ .. ,..
nIIIia11 ....uft """"1' , lQI...uou' ., ....
WAl __ ' 1.&. MIl ....... nun 1 ....... U-.1, 1_
CJ y .
. .,
... ,
. .

. .



Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 24 of 42 Page lD


lY ...... . $ _____ _
en. 1162. for nl. so 1"', .. .
... ....rally ,TOld. tQ ,ay to tM Grier of ' CTlSIIAf ..... ;
h!l'fD .'fA!II 4IIU.lCA
witMuL .......... .

at UP .... III lu.u .... , , I'td t ,NMI.a:-1at lor t, ..-iee 01. -pc]
a.l not.1.u of pt;Ot: .. t.
'Dd.a ' _u :L. a Mr1.N ef U _ of .... tk.
.t.W,08O taM of.A.erica .. u...n.
... tJaK 1a ta. Me-
.f .., of nota. for of ,. alt it ...
data, at tM o,u-. of tM _1U'r of Gq .1 tlw ...u .,tAl J
or U'I ,.n of tU .... U' _t . '''11 .......
pqqle. . dlue to UN ill' 1 .... be i a wai
11. ________________________ _
IY. ____________________
)OJ. 'AUJI IkZItD ...... d.pM t!M each of t .......
fOl'QK .... v. p" ..... I!Pn:I; ........ of proa.t ...
..c1_. 41i of tlIa rltlLla ........ tU -'erA ........ ....
daa ........... ,.,... of a..w Mt.. _ . it)" .... -..-.
wit:ilMt. to urt &.11 at 1. of U- ... of "'_1&
.... UlUr. 0 N.i4 npte. .
J'rakJ t. ,.
.... tt Cro
I. roley

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 25 of 42 Page lD

... .
. .
V s. ,to
'''1 1n ' l(ln'), ... ........ ,.
: "i .n,, '. <n01""ll!' !" ..... m. , .. t t ..

, !'It '1 nir, lWt. '!!t''' - , 1t 1'\ 1'0l, 1 .. 1" cit r ... .,. J "Q",t,.h -r 1 .. ..,41 ,
"'fti "'i"C. d a" :-re "t.f/I"'lt '''1'', !1 nottc,. ", nl'll"
F pr"t. .t ltr !""'c t."t.

-1" ... "e"' ..
", ' . , . r t- t r t t
-,.h Itt' t ",1" .. th" r". ..f (\f _"i'" n ,: . " t1 ' rit:" .. '
r" nt" n,. ...... ",. ... "! .11 -",t "-1,,,'1 ."r t' ,... ,. ., ...
. .. .
"" .. '" "'.,.. 'PI' 1
, .

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 26 of 42 Page lD


lCH r V L [- .
,. I . "
o I 1
,. "
.... I "

I", ...
T''I1e i. tG ' advi you t .... t your Agr ltt da'ad.
'or th. of tha '11. -LA DOLCE VITA- 1n the
tlrr1tori., ,.t forth he. be.n r aJon.d to
Cin ... t S.A. 8y r, on 0' luch r ion nt . Cin.m.t
ha, no. r all own . r.hip and rightl 'to luch ' .11111
.nd xelu.iv. t.dliv. all au",. due of
.. . due on 1d Di.tributlon Agr Ment.
".et1v. i di.t.1Yt .r. luthorl%ld . nd in.truetad t.
r 1 t IU IU' ... dUI .nd to bleo ... dua lueh D1ltr1bu-
tion Agr nt to Cln.fIIlt S.A. Thl. revok the in,truc-
tlon, givan to you by tin'.lt S.A. und.r date or .
Pl .... oonfira to Cin, t S.A. th.t you h.v. ,.c.iv.d
co unicetion and th.\ yau .ill ,bid, by th lrr.voeabll
, In.truction

-w .,'
, P, ______ .......... ______ ..... __ ..... ____
. '

By ______ __ __ --------------
. .

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 27 of 42 Page lD



- .
... ... --....
1M ....
, . 11, .. aM
....... N. n's.,
, .
....... ............ --- .. _ ...... --
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.. ..... ia u.n ... ,.. ,.. .. fill ' .....
_--7--"', .. ... .... .. ., ....... 2 .......

.... _ ................. _ ...... --JIll
...... ..,. -- .......... ' .
a, ............ _ ..
--_.. ... -.. ---.
,.. .. '211a ....................... ..
.. .. - _ . w- 1, .......
_ ..... &a r. I'.:'" .. __ 1M __ _
................ - ....... _ .. -
....... '111....... _. .. ....
... .. ......... ..... FS. - ....
.... r pg' n . HI ........ 114' __ .. _ ..
.... _ ,.. .au , ......... I .... ... _-- ......
1' -Il, -. ,...., ....
... __ 1 ....... ..
... FA. ..... , It
ill .. __ .. 'Ill.' I P .............. 111 ...
_ .... 1"11." .... -- e . _ ..... a.
. .
_ , rlla_
, ........... CIIt
.. ,._ ........ .. t. .-.. _ ......... .
II: if' '7..... .... a.. .
-- ..........

. ..,

Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 28 of 42 Page lD


Case 2:ll-cv-09ll2-SJO-AJW Document 56-2 Filed 04/04/l3 Page 29 of 42 Page lD


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