Secretary Alicé Leuchte - Resignation From The Alaska Republican Party

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Secretary July 4, 2013


1001 West Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact Alic Leuchte at P h o n e : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 4 2 - 0 4 67 F a x : ( 9 0 7 ) 3 3 1 - 4 2 0 2

Dear Fellow Republicans: I came to the Alaska Republican Party as an outsider, and volunteered to work for Alaska Republicans. I brought with me my experiences within the Republican Party of Virginia and affiliated organizations, as well as my creative talents and skills gained in my professional life in New York, Miami and elsewhere. Due to rare circumstances, I was able to volunteer these resources to the Alaska Republican Party on a full-time basis throughout a two-year term. Looking back at the past year, I have not only been blocked from contributing the expertise I promised the Delegates at the State Convention (32:25), but I have also found myself serving alongside fewer and fewer properly elected officers. A Party that claims fealty to constitutional, self-government must have leadership that is concerned with the integrity of the political process, and willing to serve a common set of rules and principles. The rules and platform of a Party are the guidelines on how the leadership of a Party is to represent and serve the members. If you are currently in a leadership position, and not interested in serving Alaskans within those parameters, you may soon find yourself standing alone. Thankfully, the responsibility of maintaining integrity in our political process doesnt just fall to leadership, but to all Alaskans. Our strength is in our numbers, and together we have the strength to restore our representative, republican system with or without the blessing of those occupying leadership roles. It is not a State Chairman or a State Executive Committee that determines the values and policies of the Republican Party within Alaska. It is Alaska Republicans that dictate the direction of our Party. Therefore, I am calling on all Alaska Republicans to restore the representative, republican nature that should guide our Party, and organize under the Founding values that we share. How this is done I will leave to you. In closing, here is my official statement:
I was elected to the office of Secretary in order to serve Alaska Republicans, safe guard the representative process and promote republican principles. The organization currently known as the Alaska Republican Party does not serve these interests, and I refuse to cooperate with those who abuse volunteers, violate the trust of voters, accept donations from unions and seek influence through intimidation and coercion. Therefore, I will continue to serve the trust given to me by Alaska Republicans, and disavow this organization. Thank you.

Constitutionally yours,

Alic Leuchte Former Secretary of the Alaska Republican Party



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