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Rartin 4, armstrong Armstrong Economics * ‘aden ctmusiney 2007-15 — fo Tne Real February 25th, 2007 | Economy | 2009.3 \ April 19th, 2009 World share “Markets 2010.2915 April 16th, 2010 2007.95, (peter 2008), 225 March 23rd} 2008 007.9474 qizsi2qor) 2ms.e2t 2008. $639 fefso/eas | o on its Own —* 2007.26 aisnzyory t 2009.373 I 15/18/03) 003.208 ansiog} 2010.09¢9 \enre 2010.0419 YY ovanes 2019.04 tisitoy 2010, 760 cofasion 2011.45 Bort 446 i | | | (62-1301) Fane 13th, 2011 former Chairman of Princeton Economics International, Lid. Rights Reserved May 15th, 2009 eset COM (Tateraationally) Mailing Address for guestions ‘and Comments Mactia’ A. Arnstrong| +gTys 18-050 | BCI Fort Dix Camp i BO Bex 2000 | Fort Dix, NJ 06640 1 i i | i PLEASE RECISTSR YOUR EMATL ADDRESS FOR ANY UPDATE EWS AcmstrongEconomics@GMai1 COM Gopright Martin A, Armstrong, all rights regerved This Report ney be forwarded as you Like without chara i Te Ga provided as a Public Service at this tine without cost. The contents land designs of systens are in fact copyrighted. at a future date, a ook will be réleased The Geometry of Tine. The charts are often voproductions of an earlier publication from 1086 algo to he soon . rapubLishe The Greatest Bull Market In History covering from 19CO up ta the 1380s. Additional updating is undervey Lo camplete the Century and into the current tine, providing a month te month history of the financial devwloumant of Vestarn Society. a Understanding the Rest _ Zc oalom ) By: Martin A. Armstrong May 15th, 2009 2009.3 April 19th, 2009 Copyright, all rights reserved ens” 2008-225 2019,2515 Former Chairman of Merch Und, 2008 April 16th, 201 Princeton Economics Int'l \ as wall as Foundation for the Study of Cycles eeiafory (6/2070") aor ase evatan zoos é erreieo! aso There is always @ complex dynamic to | how the economy, unfolds that yields the “oas.zs0 || | sien asamp false impression thet it is randon and thos politicians can control it. What if that basic j assumption is just plain wrong? How we manage they econony és then conpletely incorrect and we may zew.os screwing things ap a lot more than anyone suspects, #7? The danger we face is getting it all wrong. : 2me.e4i9 diane here are those who misconcelye cveles altoge ape and assme that if a cycle @tists, thenit is seme now predetaminad. Paul Volker wrote a hock also conceding 9011.45 that the “Business Cycle" is about @ years. There are roves . those whe will refuse to believe in ary cycles, just wasn) dune 13th, 20 because. That is what makes cycles exist. As lon¢ as there i are two sides to a cain, there will always be the tug or war pulling on the ceonomic ropa that governs the ecdnomy. i ‘The Roonamic Confidence Model that I discovdred back in the 1970s, was not based on any particular market or sconamy. Tt was devided by taking a list of world panics dn the seonom irrespective of where they began, utilizing a Listof 26 events between 1683 and 1307, It was by dividing 26 into the 224 year time period that produced the basic frequency of 8.615384615. hike Ream Smith, :T Set cut upon a,course of ckservation to try to understand what made a cycle even exist. Through the course of my studies cf the past and chservations of the present, I odme to realize that the observations uncovered 2 rich and dynamic structure of interadtivity between narkind himself, as well as nature from weather to earthquekes. In slact, what scientists vere just ther Giscovering with the aid of computers that couldjdo millions cf celculations impossible by hand, that the inage of chaos has been comlejely altered. what way appear to be chaos, ‘is in reality, only complex interaction that can be ckserved by only pealing ack layers uron layers Like an onion. | When I was going to school, the economics professor told you everything was zandom and than the physics professor explained ndthing was randon but ves governed by laws. Clearly, somathing was begging to ba discovered that was Lying hidden beneath tha surface in the world of economics. 1

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