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Dartmouth College Chapter of the NAACP Hanover, New Hampshire Phone: (603) 646-3399 E-Mail: NAACP@dartmouth.


July 22, 2013 To:

President Phillip J. Hanlon, Tucker Foundation Search Committee: Ms. Ann M. Beams; Professor Randall Balmer; Professor Irene Kacandes; Dean Maria Laskaris; Professor James Muirhead Jr.; Ms. Rachel Silver; Professor Melanie Benson Taylor; Vice Provost Lindsay Whaley; Mr. Michael Wooten; Provost Martin Wybourne

The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to promote the political, educational, social and economic equality of all people. As such, the Dartmouth Chapter of the NAACP is deeply troubled by the recent appointment of the Right Reverend James Tengatenga as Dean of The William Jewett Tucker Foundation. As reported by multiple media outlets, including The Dartmouth, The Malawi Sunday Times, and The Church of England Newspaper, Bishop Tengatenga has not shied away from publicly stating his anti-gay beliefs. The Tucker Foundation, whose mission is to educate Dartmouth students for lives of purpose and ethical leadership, rooted in service, spirituality, and social justice, seems at odds with Bishop Tengatengas past comments on his anti-gay views, the consecration of gay bishops, and his ambiguous statement surrounding the legal protection of the LGBTQ community. Indeed, one of the major social justice concerns of our day is the pursuit of equal rights and access for members of the LGBTQ communitya pursuit recently reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry. The NAACP firmly believes that the individual who is to be named Dartmouths moral spokesperson must unequivocally advocate and actively pursue equality and justice for all members of our communityregardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Despite Bishop Tengatengas recent statement published through the Office of Public Affairs, we remain deeply concerned with his appointmentmany questions surrounding his views on equality for the LGBTQ community persist. While we are encouraged by portions of Bishop Tengatenga's newfound views on marriage equality and gay rights, we seek a public and thorough discourse between Bishop Tengatenga, the Search Committee, and the Dartmouth community on the Bishops past role within the Malawi Council of Churches, his vision for the Tucker Foundation in terms of inclusion, and his seemingly sudden evolution on LGBTQ rights. Merely stating support for equality is insufficient. Dartmouth's new spiritual spokesperson must be a vigorous advocate for the rights of all members of the Dartmouth community in word and deed. We are not yet confident that Bishop Tengatenga meets this most basic standard. Sincerely, Dartmouth Chapter of the NAACP

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NAACP 2013 Summer Executive Board

Jordan M. Terry 15, President; Emmanuel Blankson 15, Vice-President; Forrest Beck 15, Treasurer; Aminata Traore 15, Secretary; Kevin Gillespie 15, Campus Programmer
Afro-American Society | Gender Sexuality XYZ| La Alianza Latina| Native Americans At Dartmouth| The Women of Color Collective

Faculty Alexander Barnett, Mathematics Carol E. Bohmer, Government Michael Bronski, Women's and Gender Studies Reena N. Goldthree, African and African-American Studies Christina Gomez, Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Daisy J. Goodman, Geisel School of Medicine Carolyn S. Gordon, Mathematics Susannah Heschel, Jewish Studies and Religion Rashauna R. Johnson, History Thomas H. Luxon, English Klaus Milich, Comparative Literature Tanals Padilla, History Vera B. Palmer, Native American Studies Donald E. Pease, English Julia Rabig, MALS/Womens and Gender Studies Russell J. Rickford, History Ivy Schweitzer, English Jessica G. Smolin, Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Michelle R. Warren, Comparative Literature Lee A. Witters, Geisel School of Medicine Melissa Zeiger, English Staff Sarah Berger, Advisor, Health Professions Program Jennifer Alford-Teaster, Fellow, Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth Adrienne Clay, Program Administrator, African and African-American Studies Dia Draper, Associate Director, Tuck School of Business Donna Hay, Manager of Career Services and Professional Development, TDI Larissa Hopkins, Assistant Director, Student Accessibilities Services Chelsey Kivland, McKennan Postdoctoral Fellow in Anthropology Ward Newmeyer, Director, Student Accessibilities Services Holly A. T. Potter, Manager, Tutor Clearinghouse/Academic Skills Center Danielle L. Terrazas Williams, Thurgood Marshall Fellow in African and African-American Studies Kristina B. Wolff, Fellow, Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth

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