Three Lecture Podcasting Reports Provide Some Insights Specific

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A Teaching with Technology White Paper


Sharing audio and video files on the Web has been possible for
most of the last decade. Why, then, in the past two years has
podcasting exploded onto the scene and become such a hot topic
in educational technology?

How does this new technology and its widespread adoption create
new opportunities in education? Is it just a passing trend, or is
there genuine potential to improve the quality of the educational
experience and learning outcomes?

This paper attempts to answer these questions through the

exploration of educational podcasting in three realms: the creation
and distribution of lecture archives for review, the delivery of
supplemental educational materials and content, and assignments
requiring students to produce and submit their own podcasts.

© Ashley Deal,

Office of Technology for Education &
Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence
Carnegie Mellon University
Teaching with Technology June 2007

Podcasting Podcasting is a means of publishing audio

Working Definition
and video content on the web as a series Technically, the
is a means of episodes with a common theme. These
of publishing episodes are accompanied by a file called feed and subscription
audio and a “feed” that allows listeners to subscribe model of file delivery
to the series and receive new episodes
video content automatically. is what differentiates
on the web. Some people use the term “podcast” to podcasting from
There are three refer to any distribution of audio/video
content on the Web, but technically speak- simply posting files
categories of ing, the feed and subscription model of file on the Web.
activities and delivery is what differentiates podcasting
equipment from simply posting files on the Web.
Think of podcasting like setting up the series and of each episode. The podcast
involved in an automatic bank draft to pay bills. creator can write the feed manually, or use
podcasting: For expenses that occur regularly over software that generates the feed file. A list
a prolonged period of time, like utility of useful resources for creating podcasts
File bills, the initial work of setting up a bank appears in the Appendix.
Production draft is worthwhile because it saves time
and effort in the long run. If the expense Podcast publication
Podcast occurs with less regularity, it is probably The audio/video file and RSS feed are then
easier to just write a check. posted to a Web server. For the first pod-
Publication Setting up a podcast is similar. For cast in a series, and for ongoing series that
content that is published on a regular are always open to new subscribers, the
Delivery and basis, like weekly homework reviews, podcast creator must notify the audience
Playback the initial steps to create a podcast are of the existence of the podcast by publiciz-
worthwhile because they save students ing the location of the RSS feed. Many
some effort in the long run. But for podcasters post a link to the RSS feed
content that will only be published a few on their blogs, Web sites, or other public
times during the semester, it probably Web spaces. The podcast creator can also
makes more sense to simply post the files list information about the podcast in one of
on a course web site—without the extra many directories that categorize podcasts
effort of setting up the feed and having alphabetically or by topic.
students subscribe. The listener is able to subscribe to the
There are three general categories of podcast series using a podcast aggregator
activities and equipment involved in (software that checks podcast feeds for
podcasting: file production, podcast updates at specified intervals). This step
publication, and delivery and playback. is only necessary the first time; once the
listener has subscribed to the podcast,
File production they will remain subscribed until they
Generating appropriate and compelling choose to unsubscribe.
content for a podcast is typically the
most time- and labor-intensive part of Delivery and playback
the process. This step includes planning, When the listener adds a new RSS feed,
writing, and recording content, as well as the aggregator downloads all episodes
audio/video editing and file compression. referenced in the current RSS feed. At
Production requires recording hardware, regular intervals thereafter, the ag-
like digital microphones and digital cam- gregator checks the feed for updates and
eras, and software for editing audio and/or downloads any episodes added since the
video segments. previous check.
In addition to the relevant audio/video Listeners can access podcasts directly
files, the creator must generate an RSS on their computers, or on their portable
feed. A feed is a simple XML file that lists MP3/video device. For those who prefer
the location of podcast episodes. It also in- to listen on portable devices, most pod-
cludes information about the podcast, such cast aggregators will synchronize with
as publish dates, titles, and descriptions of portable devices automatically.

Teaching with Technology June 2007

Podcasting: Technical Components and Interactions

Teaching with Technology June 2007

Podcasting is a fairly new endeavor, so of the publication process completely

Case Studies & Assessments

Is podcasting there are relatively few formal evaluations automated. Technically and editorially
just a passing of its educational value at this point in time. speaking, podcasting a class lecture often
trend, or is Most papers to date are optimistically requires much less effort than creating
speculative about the potential impact of new content specifically for podcasts.
there potential podcasting on the quality of educational
to improve the outcomes and experience, but a handful
quality of the of authors are much more cautious about Lecture podcasting
educational the expectations that certain types of matches an existing
podcasting might establish.
experience Explorations of podcasting to date and well-defined
and outcomes? fall into three broad categories. The most practice to the latest
commonly discussed is creating audio or
This paper video archives of classroom lectures. This technologies and
explores use of podcasting is very similar to (or is current product
educational arguably the same as) lecture webcasting,
the topic of our January 2007 white paper. ecologies.
podcasting in The second category of educational
three realms: podcasting involves the delivery of sup- Recording class lectures for review
plemental course materials. Supplemental purposes is a decades-old study strategy,
materials might include pre-recorded although it has traditionally occurred
Distribution lectures that must be accessed in advance primarily at the level of the individual
of lecture of class time, summaries highlighting student. Whether it is an effective or ef-
archives for important information, video reviews of ficient strategy certainly factors into this
homework problems, or relevant podcasts discussion, but we have yet to find formal
review produced by a third party. evaluations indicating any successes or
Finally, many instructors have devel- failures. Nonetheless, podcasting class
Delivery of oped assignments that require students to lectures is a simple practice that matches
produce and submit their own podcasts. an existing and well-defined practice
supplemental This type of podcasting is most useful to the latest technologies and product
educational in classes where oral presentation and/or ecologies.
materials and building technical competence in pod- However, podcasting lectures is not
casting are closely related to course goals. without its critics. While studies to date
content have shown little effect­, positive or nega-
tive, in terms of educational outcomes,
Lectures for Review
Assignments many instructors express concern about
Recording and distributing class lectures the expectations that might be established
of student- is considered one of the most predictable when institutions make archives available
created uses for podcasts, but it is also probably for a majority of lecture courses.
podcasts among the most requested by students—
and easiest to implement. Podcasting Findings for Digital Lecture Recordings
is particularly well suited as a delivery We refer primarily to lecture podcast-
mechanism for recorded classroom lec- ing reports from three institutions: the
tures because they occur multiple times a University of Michigan (UM) School of
week over extended periods of time. The Dentistry, Harvard Extension School,
subscription model of file delivery affords and the University of Washington
maximum convenience for students, sav- (UW). To capture the voice of those
ing the steps of checking Web sites for concerned about the potential negative
multiple classes to download files several effects of lecture podcasting, we also
times a week. refer to “Socrates in Earpods?: The
The minimal additional effort required Ipodification of Education,” an article
for content production and publication is from Fast Capitalism.
another reason podcasting class lectures To a great degree, these lecture podcast-
is increasingly common. Many systems ing reports serve to corroborate findings
allow users to simply click a button to from reports discussed in our previous
start and stop recording, with the rest white paper, “Lecture Webcasting.”

Teaching with Technology June 2007

Both sets of studies answer questions ing. In addition to confirming findings

Case Studies & Assessments
that deal more with the availability of from previous studies, the three lecture
digital lecture recordings than with the podcasting reports provide some insights
delivery mechanism that allows students specific to podcasting as a medium.
to access those recordings. At the UM School of Dentistry,
In general, it is safe to say that most researchers conducted a pilot study to
students do not listen to each and every explore alternative media formats for
lecture podcast. Only 20% of students lecture podcasts. They selected one
in the UW study listened to more than course for the pilot based on “the dif-
75% of recorded lectures. In addition to ficulty of the content and the dependence
picking and choosing which lectures to on diagrams and other visuals during the
review, many students also scan the lec- presentation” (Brittain et al., 2006, p. 26).
tures, fast-forwarding to specific points All lectures for the course were recorded
or sections, and listening to particular and made available through the same
portions multiple times (Lane, 2006). course Web site in three formats: video,
Most students perceive lecture pod- audio synchronized with images from
casts as a tool for review, rather than the presentation slides, and audio only.
as a replacement for attending lectures
(Malan, 2007). A small percentage of
students indicate that the availability According to one study,
of recorded lectures might make them audio is the preferred
more likely to miss class, but none of the
studies we reviewed report a significant format for recorded
impact on overall attendance (Brittain, lectures, and RSS
Glowacki, Van Ittersum, and Johnson,
2006; Lane, 2006; Malan, 2007). subscription increases
Many students who use recorded lec- the odds that students
tures for review believe the practice has a
positive impact on their performance. In will download files.
the UM study, 85% of survey respondents
who used the lecture archives believed The audio-only format was twice
it had a positive effect on exam grades as popular as the other two formats
(Brittain et al., 2006). combined. Of a possible 105 student par-
Learning outcomes and student perfor- ticipants, 30 downloaded media over the
mance were not directly measured in this course of the semester, and 70 completed
study; however, no studies to date have a survey at semester’s end. Two-thirds of
shown evidence of any effect, positive or survey respondents who used the lecture
negative, on learning outcomes. Some archives reported using and preferring
critics point to this disconnect between the audio-only format (p. 27).
students’ perceptions and reality as evi- In a later pilot for the same study,
dence that students might overestimate students reported that “the convenience
the usefulness of reviewing recorded of obtaining files via RSS increases the
lectures—possibly drawing them away likelihood” that they download lecture
from more effective study strategies. files (p. 30). At the end of the pilot
Among the most commonly noted in which RSS subscription was made
shortcomings of lecture recordings is the available, twice as many students were
inability to hear questions from students participating by downloading lecture
or discussions that take place in the lecture files as before RSS. Server logs showed
hall (Lane, 2006). In spite of this limitation, that half of all file downloads occurred
students report fairly high levels of satisfac- via RSS, or podcasting.
tion with the resource overall (Brittain et The UM study effectively demon-
al., 2006; Lane, 2006; Malan, 2007). strated that audio recordings were the
preferred format for lecture capture, and
Findings Specific to Podcasting that the convenience of RSS subscription
All of the above findings echo the results increases the likelihood that students
from similar studies of lecture webcast- download files. Questions remain about

Teaching with Technology June 2007

whether the increase in downloads leads we learned that dental students at the
Case Studies & Assessments
to an increase in actual review, and about University of Michigan preferred audio-
the general effectiveness of lecture review only lecture files to other formats.
as a study strategy. But one of the most surprising find-
At the Harvard Extension School, the ings from these studies—and the most
instructors of an introductory Computer consistently reported—is that a majority
Science course chose to make lecture of students report using lecture podcasts
podcasts available to the general public in at home or on a computer, rather than in
addition to those enrolled in the course. a mobile environment with a portable
At the beginning of the course, they device. At the UM School of Dentistry,
published the RSS feed in the iTunes 75% of students who downloaded media
podcast directory and other online di- reported reviewing the files primarily
rectories. By the course’s end, server logs from home (Brittain et al., 2006, p. 27).
suggested that the podcast had between In the Computer Science course at the
6,000 and 10,000 subscribers, with nearly Harvard Extension School, 71% of stu-
40% of those subscribers living outside dents accessed lectures at their computers
the United States (Malan, 2007). Over (Malan, 2007). At UW, 87% of survey
the course of the semester, instructors respondents reported listening at their
received dozens of e-mails from grateful computers (Lane, 2006). The authors of
and enthusiastic subscribers. these studies hypothesize about a range
of possible causes for this behavior, but
none included questions or observations
“Podcasting offers to that address the cause explicitly.
extend universities’ It is significant that the majority of
students access lecture podcasts at home
educational reach or on their computers, given that mobil-
more than it offers to ity and flexibility are the predominant
arguments for podcasting recorded
improve education lectures. In our review of the literature,
itself...” David J. Malan we have heard that podcasting is “a new
leap in flexible learning, as students will
no longer have to be anchored to a com-
Although the response to lecture puter” (“MP3 Technology,” 2006, para.
podcasts from students enrolled in the 2). It has “revolutionized education by
course was also “ultimately positive,” allowing for the anytime-anywhere de-
(p. 391) the instructor asserts that, for livery of instructional content” (Molina,
enrolled students, podcasting “is but a 2006, p. 122). It “allows education to
marginal improvement on trends long in become more portable than ever before”
progress” (p. 393). He contends that the (“7 things...”, 2005, p. 2). And podcasts
true value of podcasting is its “potential “can be listened to very easily while driv-
not necessarily to educate better, but to ing, walking, or working out at the gym”
educate further” (p. 390) by creating (Campbell, 2005, p. 38).
“new opportunities to teach, sans credits Each of the above statements represents
and degrees, those for whom attendance, what is possible with podcasting. What
enrollment, or education itself might not actually occurs—at least with recorded
otherwise be possible” (p. 393). lectures—is apparently something al-
From these studies, we have learned together different. Indeed, many are
that RSS subscription is a convenient puzzled by the push for “learning on the
way to download frequently published go,” because a significant body of research
material, and its availability increases in cognitive psychology clearly demon-
the likelihood that students will down- strates that “simultaneous processing” (or
load audio/video lecture files. We have multi-tasking) diminishes performance
also learned that podcasting can extend with each additional task undertaken
the reach of educational institutions by (Idux, Ivanof, Asplun, and Marois, 2006;
making material accessible to those who Neisser and Becklen, 1975; Strayer and
might not otherwise have access. And Johnston, 2001).

Teaching with Technology June 2007

Objections to Lecture Podcasting portunities for students to learn practical

Case Studies & Assessments
Primary among the objections to lec- lessons, like prioritization, organization,
ture podcasting is that the widespread discipline, and personal responsibility?
availability of easily accessible lecture In addition to teaching theories and
recordings justifies and excuses non- skills, the university plays an invaluable
attendance at lectures. Despite the role in preparing students for the work-
fact that studies have shown little or place, establishing a strong work ethic,
no impact on attendance when lecture and promoting a culture of accountability.
recordings are made available on a class- Lecture recordings can serve to exon-
by-class basis, it is impossible to predict erate students who miss class due to poor
how lecture podcasting institution-wide motivation, an inability to prioritize
will affect campus culture—particularly obligations, or a lack of organization.
with regard to the perceived value of lec- Certainly, there are other more valid
ture attendance. reasons to miss class, but many believe
Decreased attendance can lead to one or that the student should be responsible
both of two potential negative outcomes. for proactively taking steps to discover
First, not attending lectures can diminish what was missed. The student can make
the quality of learning that takes place. arrangements to have a friend record
Many argue that listening to a recorded the lecture, seek out notes from a class-
lecture is simply no substitute for “the mate, visit the instructor or TA during
physicality and corporeality” (Brabazon, office hours, or any combination of the
2006, sec. 2 para. 5) of a positive educational above. Not only do these steps place the
experience in the classroom. Good lectures responsibility for the student’s learning
are “multi-modal formations, using sound, where it belongs (squarely on his or her
vision, gestures, and often scent and touch. own shoulders), but they arguably lead
As a space where people gather to think to higher quality learning resources
about complex ideas, the lecture has pivotal and more engagement with peers and
symbolic importance” (sec. 2 para. 1). instructors.
Questions of attendance aside, many
who oppose the use of lecture podcasting
“Without connecting also argue that students are becoming
student behavior and too reliant on materials that are intended
as scaffolding, or tools to guide the devel-
scholarly consequences, opment of understanding. While lecture
teaching and learning recordings and presentation slides might
serve as an outline of important concepts,
will not function.” they often carry too much weight in
Tara Brabazon students’ perception and priorities.
These resources cannot replace other
Whether or not lecturers regularly materials, such as textbooks and other
attain this level of engagement with stu- required reading, meaningful engage-
dents is a separate (but important) issue. ment in class, and completion of practice
If the quality of the lecture experience is questions and hands-on activities and
poor, is it better to address what is lacking, assignments. The flexibility afforded
or to accept mediocrity—or worse—and by new technologies might eventually
package it for remote consumption, even serve to diminish intellectual discipline
further removing students from what resulting from an understanding of
little engagement might have existed in how to use the “network of...learning
the face-to-face setting? resources” (Brabazon, 2006, sec. 2 para.
Secondly, even if student performance 9) that are crucial to a strong education.
is not adversely affected, there are con- Tara Brabazon summarizes many of
cerns that the widespread availability the objections to widespread lecture pod-
of lecture podcasts removes the natural casting (and webcasting) in her article,
consequences of missing a class. If lec- The article is well worth the read, as she
tures are always available as podcasts, are challenges what she calls “the assump-
we as educators sacrificing important op- tions of flexible learning” (sec. 1 para. 7),

Teaching with Technology June 2007

and argues for a use of the podcasting

Case Studies & Assessments
medium to “actualize the potential of
sound” (sec. 3 para. 8). Like many others,
“Inverting the lecture
Brabazon believes that the real potential and using
of podcasting is best achieved by devel-
oping supplementary materials, designed
video podcasts
specifically for the format. was a pedagogical
success as
Supplemental Material
measured by student
Survey data from the studies referenced
above and from related studies of lecture
webcasting show that students appreci- Barry L. Kurtz, et al.
ate the “safety net” of access to lecture
archives. Whether or not that safety net
is harmful or useful in the long run is a field of medical education, and brings
question that instructors and institutions excellent insights about the real potential
should consider carefully before moving of podcasting with a thoughtful and well-
forward with lecture podcasting. None- prioritized approach (Barrett, Kuzma,
theless, there is little evidence to date that Seto, Richards, Mason, Barrett, and
the availability of recorded class lectures Gracely, 2004; Barrett, Lacey, Sekara,
has any impact on learning outcomes or Linden, and Gracely, 2006).
student performance.
Instructors at many institutions are Using Podcasts to Restructure Class Time
also experimenting with the delivery of Instructors of a software engineering
supplemental materials, often designed course at ASU conducted a two-semester
and produced specifically as podcasts. study comparing student performance
These materials range from brief, reflex- in a traditional lecture course to a course
ive “sonic sessions” (Brabazon, 2006, where students were required to view
sec. 3 para. 8) that interpret one or two pre-recorded lecture podcasts in advance
important topics and offer questions of class time. The podcasts served to free
for consideration, to listening exercises up valuable face-to-face time for more
in language or medical diagnostics, to engaging and interactive exercises.
pre-recorded mini-lectures that must In Fall of 2005, instructors spent the
be viewed in advance of class time. majority of class time during the first
Supplemental materials have a half of the semester lecturing from
much better track record of positively slides. The material covered in lectures
influencing learning outcomes and corresponded closely to the textbook,
student performance. That record is and the information was given as
not surprising, given that these types background material to prepare students
of materials are often much more for work on the course project. In the
thoughtfully approached, designed with second part of the semester, there was
clear educational goals in mind, and greater emphasis on helping students
produced specifically to take advantage complete the project.
of the podcast format. In the Spring of 2006, the instructors
We will review two examples of pod- inverted their approach. There was “ab-
casting supplementary materials, and try solutely no lecturing from slides in class;
to identify some of the overarching rea- rather all lectures were viewed outside
sons these examples are successful. The of class as video podcasts” (Kurtz et al.,
first example comes from Appalachian 2007, p. 485). Class time was devoted
State University (ASU) where instruc- to activities typically reserved for labs:
tors of a software engineering course problem solving, document preparation,
produced video podcasts that were and working on the course project.
required to be viewed in advance of class Students in the two semesters showed
time (Kurtz, Fenwick, and Ellsworth, “no significant difference in exam perfor-
2007). The second example is from the mance,” but final project grades were 10%

Teaching with Technology June 2007

higher for students in Spring 2006 (p. 487). improve with intense repetition—like
Case Studies & Assessments
Presumably, the more hands-on approach learning to tie surgical knots, or practic-
to class time in the second semester gave ing the free throw in basketball. In 2004,
students stronger skills and more practice Barrett and a team of researchers pub-
in synthesizing and applying knowledge lished the results of a study testing the
as they approached the project. effect of intense repetition on students’
Although the instructors do not report ability to accurately recognize different
any formal survey data, they indicate that types of murmurs.
several students in the Spring semester Using a heart sound simulator, Barrett
“openly expressed dislike for the podcasts” and a team of researchers created audio
due to the “‘extra’ work outside of class recordings that represented “classical
that should have occurred in class” (p. examples” of various types of murmurs.
488). However, many students also They interspersed those sounds with
acknowledged that this was “the most “clinically relevant comments such as the
realistic and practical class they had location, timing, and shape of that mur-
taken as undergraduates” (p. 489). mur” (p. 471). These clips were recorded
It is worthwhile to mention that in this onto a one-hour audio CD that included
case as well, the instructor found that 250 repetitions for each type of murmur.
“many (and maybe most) students elected
to watch the podcasts on their computers
at home,” rather than on the video iPods “[T]he recognition
that were specifically provided for that of cardiac murmurs
purpose (p. 488).
is a technical skill
Listening as a Technical Skill that, like learning to
The following case study from the field
of medical education involves the use tie surgical knots,
of audio files that were not delivered as requires repetition.”
podcasts. Nonetheless, it has received
Michael J. Barrett, MD, et al.
significant media coverage as a suc-
cessful example of teaching with iPods.
We include it here because it illustrates Students who listened to approxi-
several important lessons about teaching mately 500 repetitions of each type of
with supplementary audio materials. murmur fared nearly three times better
Cardiac auscultation is the practice on post-tests than students in the control
of listening to the heartbeat with a group, who had only the traditional
stethoscope for diagnostic purposes. instruction. (Students in the intervention
Traditionally, the approach to teaching group recognized murmurs with about
cardiac auscultation is a 1- to 2-hour 85% accuracy, while those in the control
lecture, sometimes accompanied by group were only about 30% accurate.)
the opportunity for students to listen This study was released with little fanfare
to irregularities in a volunteer patient. outside the medical community.
Constraints of the physical setting and As Barrett and his research team con-
patient availability meant that students tinued their studies, students began to
are able to listen for fewer than 2 or 3 copy the audio files from CDs onto their
minutes each. iPods. He has since decided to make the
The results of this approach are demon- files available in two versions: CDs and
strably poor, with as few as 20% of students MP3 files available for direct download.
able to accurately diagnose murmurs. Once iPods entered the equation, media
Dr. Michael Barrett hypothesized that the outlets outside of the medical community
approach failed because “the recognition began to take notice. Headlines touted
of cardiac murmurs is a technical skill,” the effect of the iPod on the accuracy of
not an intellectual theory or concept that diagnosis: “iPods help doctors improve
can be taught in a standard classroom set- stethoscope skills,” “iPods are good
ting (Barrett et al., 2004, p. 470). for your heart,” and “Study: Dr. iPod
He argues that these types of skills only can double successful heart-condition

Teaching with Technology June 2007

diagnoses” (“iPods help,” 2007; “iPods

Case Studies & Assessments
are good,” 2007; Gitlin, 2007).
Podcast Assignments
There are several important lessons that The previous two sections have addressed
can be gleaned from Barrett’s studies. case studies where the instructor distrib-
First, media response to the findings in utes audio or video educational materials
the original CD study as compared to to students using podcasts. While this is
when iPods became involved demonstrate the most common approach, many in-
decisively that too much of the excitement structors have identified creative ways to
surrounding podcasting is excitement flip this model, using podcasts generated
about technology itself, not about demon- by students. In some cases, the students
strated improvements in student learning. create podcasts for the instructor as a
Secondly, Barrett’s approach was ideal means of assessment. In others, students
in that he focused on a clear educational are responsible for producing podcasts
goal (improving accuracy of diagnosis) for their classmates.
and identified a clearly-related learning We have been unable to locate any
activity (intense repetition of listening formal evaluations of student-generated
exercises). The most convenient way to podcast assignments, as reports to date
facilitate that activity was making MP3s are mostly anecdotal in nature. The
available, and the most convenient way two reports reviewed here serve as solid
to access those MP3s in many cases hap- examples of student-created podcasts.
pened to be on an iPod.
Too often, we see the reverse process Student Summaries of Course Lectures
take place. Educators or educational In the spring of 2006, Mark Frydenberg
technologists begin with a specific prod- taught IT 101 in the business college at
uct or potential communication channel. Bentley College. For the first six weeks
We then determine what kinds of activi- of the semester, Frydenberg made audio
ties that product or channel can support, recordings of his lecture available as a pod-
and work backwards to identify what cast. He noticed as the weeks passed that
educational goals those activities might a majority of students were not using the
help achieve. Although reversing the podcasts, and hypothesized that the length
process can sometimes lead to interesting of the recordings (60 minutes) was too long
applications of technology, it frequently for students to spend reviewing podcasts.
results in “technology for the sake tech- Frydenberg surveyed his students to de-
nology,” with little or no actual effect on termine the most “reasonable duration” for
outcomes in student learning. a podcast, and most chose 6–10 minutes
The Office of Technology for Education (with more than 70% of respondents choos-
and Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence ing a duration between 3 and 15 minutes).
advocate an educational approach centered He asked students to produce these ab-
on articulating clear educational goals, breviated podcasts for the remainder of the
and determining whether technology can semester “as extra credit, and every student
play a role in helping achieve those goals. accepted the challenge” (Frydenberg, 2006,
p. 4). Working in pairs, students created
6- to 10-minute video podcasts “sharing
We advocate an something that they learned” during the
previous class session (p. 4).
approach centered Frydenberg considers the experiment a
on articulating clear success. He notes that a “friendly compe-
tition” arose as students “tried to be more
educational goals, and creative with their final products than
determining whether those who came before them” by using
advanced recording features and video ef-
technology can play a fects. He also reports that students often
role in helping achieve “showed their classmates how to use the
advanced features” and worked together
those goals. to overcome technical challenges, like
poor quality screen captures (p. 5).

Podcasting 10
Teaching with Technology June 2007

Student-generated podcasts made

Case Studies & Assessments
sense for Frydenberg’s class because an New channels for
understanding of podcasting technology
and technical competence in podcast pro- critical discussion exist,
duction and publication complemented and it is important
the content and reinforced important
topics in the course. help students develop
competence in making
Podcasting Literary Criticism
Peter Schmidt and Liz Evans at their voices heard in
Swarthmore College collaborated to de- those channels.
velop a series of podcast assignments for
Schmidt’s English literature course. The
course, “U.S. Fiction, 1945–Present,” is some degree of competence in making
“designed to introduce students to a wide their voices heard in those channels.
range of authors, historical contexts, and In addition to encouraging thoughtful
interpretive techniques” (Evans, 2006, classroom discussion, students reported
para. 1). “that the readings brought the passages
At various points in the semester, stu- and the novels to life—and that when
dents were required to produce a “podcast they heard passages aloud, they noticed
pair” (two 5-minute podcasts). In the first many more things than when they just
podcast, the student read a brief passage read an assignment before class” (para. 8).
from a novel. In the second, the student This case study shows that student-
was instructed to provide “discussion of created podcasts can be valuable for a
that passage: why the student chose it, what variety of reasons, including the develop-
details were most important, what themes ment of technical competence, listening
and issues the passage raised, and how the (audio) and presentation (verbal) skills,
passage related to the rest of the novel” and an understanding of how new media
(para. 3). All students were then required affect social and professional dialogue.
to listen to several of their classmates’
podcasts related to the current reading
assignment before coming to class.
At first blush, this may not seem an
overly useful implementation of podcast-
ing. Why have students go through the
extra efforts of creating podcasts, when
they just as easily could have submitted
written summaries and commentary to
the instructor?
Evans and Schmidt chose to use pod-
casts because “thinking about cultural
works is a collaborative process that hap-
pens in dialogue, not only in isolation.
Cultural objects (including novels) are
not static; they circulate, they are events”
(para. 3). In other words, their goals for
the podcast assignments were not only for
the students to read, analyze, and com-
ment on the readings, but also for them to
engage in a dialogue with their peers.
A few decades ago, this kind of critical
dialogue would most likely take place in
a written format. But Evans and Schmidt
acknowledge that new channels for criti-
cal discussion exist, and moving forward,
it is important to help students develop

Podcasting 11
Teaching with Technology June 2007

This report is intended to serve as an References

Whether introduction to various educational uses
and how for podcasting, and to summarize find-
Barrett MJ, Lacey CS, Sekara AE, Linden EA,
Gracely EJ (2004) “Mastering Cardiac Murmurs:
podcasting ings from the limited number of formal The Power of Repetition.” Chest 126, 470–475.
evaluations completed to date.
impacts abstract/126/2/470 [last access: 05.24.2007]
educational Barret MJ, Kuzma MA, Seto TC, Richards P,
outcomes Podcasting does not Mason D, Barrett DM, Gracely EJ (2006) “The

depends contain any inherent Power of Repetition in Mastering Cardiac Auscul-

tation.” American Journal of Medicine 119, 73–75.
largely upon value. It is only Brabazon T (2006) “Socrates in Earpods?: The

how the valuable inasmuch as Ipodification of Education.” Fast Capitalism, 2(1).
technology is it helps the instructor 2_1/brabazon.html [last access: 05.24.2007]

put to use. and students reach Brittain S, Glowacki P, Van Ittersum J, Johnson L
(2006) “Podcasting Lectures.” EDUCAUSE
their educational goals. Quarterly, Vol. 29 No. 3, 24–31. http://www.
[last access: 05.24.2007]
As with any educational technology, Campbell G (2005) “There’s Something in the Air:
whether and how podcasting impacts the Podcasting in Education.” EDUCAUSE Review,
quality of the learning experience and/or Vol. 40 No. 6 (Nov/Dec 2005), 32–47. http://www.
educational outcomes depends largely
[last access: 05.24.2007]
upon how the technology is put to use.
Does podcasting enhance education? Evans L (2006) “Using Student Podcasts in
The answer to that question depends Literature Classes.” Academic Commons, Center for
Teaching and Learning.
entirely on the educational context,
including goals and appropriate learning using-student-podcasts-in-literature-classes
activities, and on how the tool is imple- [last access: 05.24.2007]
mented. Podcasting does not contain Frydenberg M (2006) “Principles and Pedagogy:
any inherent value. It is only valuable The Two P’s of Podcasting in the Information
inasmuch as it helps the instructor and Technology Classroom.” In The Proceedings of
students reach their educational goals, by ISECON 2006, v 23.
facilitating thoughtful, engaging learn-
[last access: 05.24.2007]
ing activities that are designed to work in
support of those goals. Gitlin J (2007) “Study: Dr. iPod can double
successful heart-condition diagnoses.” Ars Technica,
26 March 2007.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Idux PE, Ivanof J, Asplun CL, and Marois R

(2006). “Isolation of a Central Bottleneck of
Information Processing with Time-Resolved
fMRI.” Neuron, 52, 1109-1120.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Kutz BL, Fenwick JB, Ellsworth CC (2007) “Using

podcasts and tablet PCs in computer science.” In
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Southeast Regional
Conference, 484-489.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Lane C (2006) “UW Podcasting: Evaluation of

Year One.” Report by Office of Learning Technologies,
University of Washington.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Podcasting 12
Teaching with Technology June 2007

References (continued)
Malan DJ (2007) “Podcasting computer science
E-1.” In Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education, 389-393.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Molina PG (2006) “Pioneering New Territory and

Technologies.” EDUCAUSE Review, Vol. 41 No.
5 (Sep/Oct 2006), 112–135. http://www.educause.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Neisser U, Becklen R (1975) “Selective looking:

Attending to visually specified events.” Cognitive
Psychology, 7, 480-494.

Strayer DA, Johnston WA (2001) “Driven to

distraction: Dual-task studies of simulated
driving and conversing on a cellular phone.”
Psychological Science, 12, 462-466.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

“7 things you should know about...Podcasting.”

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. http://www.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

“iPods are good for your heart.” Macworld,

[last access: 05.24.2007]

“iPods help doctors improve stethoscope skills.”

Science Daily, 05.26.2007. http://www.sciencedaily.
[last access: 05.24.2007]

“MP3 Technology: A New Wave in Learning.”

From the Office of Corporate Communications &
Public Relations at Murdoch University. http://
[last access: 05.24.2007]

Note: Cover image courtesy of
[last access: 05.24.07]

Podcasting 13
Teaching with Technology June 2007

Understanding Feeds
Podcasting might seem like magic, Once the RSS feed file is made available

Appendix One
but it is actually based on very simple online, a listener can subscribe by giving
technology. Below is an example of a the podcast aggregator the location, or
basic RSS feed file (HistoryofScience.rss) URL, of the feed. The aggregator then
and how information from that feed is checks the feed file periodically for
displayed in a podcast aggregator (in updates, and automatically downloads
this case, iTunes). any new “items,” or episodes.

The <channel> describes attributes of the The <item> describes attributes of each
whole podcast series. individual podcast episode.
The channel title identifies the whole podcast The item title identifies each individual
series, like the title of a radio or TV show. episode.
The channel description allows the podcast The item enclosure tells the podcast
creator to briefly describe the podcast series aggregator where to download the audio
and its purpose. or video file for each episode.
The channel publication date is typically the The item description allows the podcast
same as the publication date of the most creator to briefly describe each individual
recent episode. episode.
The item publication date is the date the
episode was published.

Podcasting 14
Teaching with Technology June 2007

Podcast Aggregators

Useful Resources
Appendix Two
Podcast aggregators are the software used to subscribe to and play back podcasts.
Aggregators check podcast feeds at predetermined intervals, and automatically
download new episodes. Most can be set to automatically synchronize with portable
audio/video devices, so you always have the most recent eposides on hand.

Podcast Directories
Podcast directories compile and categorize podcasts alphabetically or by topic. Use
the directories listed below to discover relevant third-party podcasts, or publicize
your own podcast by submitting your link and description.
iTunes Music Store
Yahoo! Podcasts

Other Resources
A quick internet search for “how to podcast” will turn up hundreds, if not thousands,
of useful resources. Here are a few of our favorite. If you need help or want to learn
more, please do not hesitate to concact the Office of Technology for Education at, or 412-268-5503.
Make Your First Podcast
Understanding RSS Feeds
Audacity (Free audio recording and editing software)
Copyright/Legal Information

Podcasting 15

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