Letter To President Support Dream9

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August 1, 2013

President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500 RE: Bring The #Dream9 Home Dear President Obama: Los Otros Dreamers stand in solidarity with the immigrant community and 33 Congress members to request the immediate release of the nine Dreamers who entered the port of entry at Nogales and have been detained for over a week at the Eloy * Detention Center in Arizona. *Dream9 represent a group of brave leaders of the undocumented youth movement, three of which crossed the border into Mexico and joined six other DREAM Act-eligible youth currently living in Mexico. They returned to their home, the United States. In an act of civil disobedience, Dream9 are challenging the policies of deportation your administration has recklessly carried out without regard to the detriment it has caused to millions of families, many with family members who are U.S. legal residents and citizens. Although you have pressed Congress to approve comprehensive immigration reform, you have neglected to stop the expulsion of those same individuals that could have benefited from such reform. Dream9 represents the 1.8 million voices that have been forgotten.
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Los Otros Dreamers support Dream9 because they represent us, the Dreamers who were deported or were forced to leave our homes due to a flawed immigration system. Los Otros Dreamers and Dream9 are now depending on your leadership to create a pathway for them to come home. The indefinite detention and mistreatment that these youth are facing (limited access to communicate with their family and friends and solitary confinement) expose the violation of human rights that are all too common in privatized immigration prisons that function outside the American value of due process. Public debate of immigration reform must also include the demand for oversight and accountability in detentions centers operated by the Department of Homeland Security. Release the Dream9 so that these exemplary Dreamers can return to their families, homes, and schools:
Lulu Tonanzy Martinez Valez Lizbeth Fabiola Mateo-Jimenez A Marco Antonio Saavedra-Mendez Luis Gustavo Leon Lopez Ceferino Santiago Martinez

A204-785-765 A087-757-237 A200-203-132 A205-642-742 A205-991-103

Maria Ines Peniche Vargar Adrians Puala Gil Diaz Claudia Alejandra Yaujar Amaro Mario Alejandro Felix-Garcia

A205-935-698 A205-735-699 A098-725-748 A205-935-700

Ultimately, a moratorium on all deportations is what is needed until a comprehensive immigration reform bill is passed. Will you do the right thing or keep making empty promises? Most Respectfully,

Los Otros Dreamers http://losotrosdreamers.org/

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