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1. Iloilo Mission Hospital of Nursing (Iloilo City, 1906)
-It was run by the Baptist Foreign Mission Society of America.
-Miss Rose Nicolet was the first superintendent for nurses.
-In 1929, it moved to its present location.
-Miss Flora Ernst, took charge of the school in 1942.
-In March 1944, 22 nurses graduated.
-In April 1944, graduate nurses took the first Nurses Board Examination
at the said institution.

2. St. Paul Hospital School of Nursing (Manila, 1907)

-The Archbishop of Manila established this hospital named Most Reverend
Jeremiah Harty under the supervision of Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres.
-It was located in Intramurs and provided general hospital services. It had
a free dispensary and dental clinic.
-It opened its training school for nurses in 1908, with Rev. Mother
Melanie as superintended and Miss E. Chambers as Principal.

3. Philippine General School of Nursing (1907)

-Began in 1901 as a small dispensary mainly for “Civil Officers &
Employees” in Manila and later grew into civil hospital.
-In 1906, Mrs. Mary Coleman Masters advocated the idea of training
Filipino girls for the profession of nursing.
-In 1907, with Gen. Forbes’ support and the Director of Health among
others, opened classes in nursing under the auspices of the Bureau of
Education. Julia Nichols and Charlotte Clayton taught the students and
American lecturers served as lecturers.
-The Act No. 76 in 1910 modified the organization of the school, placing it
under the supervision of the Director of Health.
-The Civil Hospital was abolished and the Philippine General Hospital
was established. The school became known as the Philippine General
Hospital School of Nursing.
-When she became chief nurse, Elsie McCloskey-Gaches introduced
several improvements in the school. The course was made attractive and
more practical.
-Anastacia Giron-Tupas, the first Filipino nurse to occupy the position of
the chief nurse and superintendent in the Philippines, succeeded her.

4. St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing – 1907, Quezon

City; opened after four years as a dispensary clinic.
The St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing, the predecessor of the
St. Luke’s College of Nursing is one of the oldest nursing schools in the
Philippines. It was established in 1907 soon after the founding of St. Luke’s
Hospital. The Late Rev. Charles Brent, the first Bishop of the Episcopal
Church in the Philippines saw the need for Filipino nurses initiated the
school’s establishment together with Miss Ellen T. Hicks, then the first
superintendent of nurses. The school had three of the seventeen Filipino
women who first took nursing in the Philippines. The College has
consistently maintained its excellent record as a top performing school,
ranking No. 1 in June 2007, December 2007 and June 2008 board
examinations. Since 1911, St. Luke’s graduates have distinguished
themselves in clinical practice, nursing education and post graduate studies
through the promotion and advancement of nursing in the Philippines.
Celebrating its centennial in 2007, St. Luke’s College of Nursing has prided

itself through the years as one of the oldest and one of the top performing
nursing schools in the Philippines.

5. Mary Johnston Hospital School of Nursing – 1907

It was when the congested districts of Manila were ravaged by

diseases and suffered a high morality rate that Dr. Rebecca Parrish and two
American missionary nurses, founders of Mary Johnston Hospital, directed
zealous efforts towards the establishment of a school of nursing The
Bethany Clinic as it was first known in 1907 had the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States
as its moving spirit. Starting with 10 bamboo beds, 3 young Filipino girls
were accepted to help in the clinic.

A year later, a building was constructed in Tondo and was dedicated

to the memory of Mary Johnston, the wife of a friend of Dr. Parrish who
donated the money for the construction on the hospital. The first 3 girls
were joined by 3 more forming the first class of Mary Johnston Hospital
Training School for Nurses, and in 1911, the first class was graduated.

The school stands for the development of Christian womanhood

maintaining that good womanhood must come first and nursing must be
founded upon fine character. The school wanted to lead every student along
the way of true Spirit Service so that a number of the graduates may be
found all over the Philippines engaged in community nursing. Community
nursing has been a part of the school curriculum as early as 1929.
Additionally, it has kept pace with new developments in nursing education.

At the outbreak of World War II, classes were suspended on Dec. 8,

1941 but students stayed on to help care for the sick and the wounded. The
hospital, originally for women and children only opened its doors to the
casualties of war of both sexes. This continued with the Japanese
occupation. Classes were then permitted to reopen, this time in Nippongo.
The school graduated nurses in 1942, one semester late. Activities
continued until the burning of the school building on Feb. 5, 1942, the
liberation of Manila. The senior class was transferred to the North General
Hospital School of Nursing to continue their studies. The 1946 graduates
became the first graduates of the North General School of Nursing.

In 1947, the Mary Johnston School of Nursing was reopened by

authorization of the Bureau of Private Schools. 25 girls had one year of
college work before admission. In 1953, the school was authorized to offer
4-year collegiate program as part of the Philippine Christian Colleges and in
1957, the first class of 13 was awarded the Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
The pre-war building became rehabilitated as the dormitory of the Nursing
Service graduate.

The school of nursing underwent the gradual evolution from the

traditional hospital school to the collegiate school to keep abreast with the
present trends to educate nurses. Philippine Christian Colleges received
university status on October 6, 1976 during its 30th (Pearl) anniversary.
MJSN changed its official name to PCU-Mary Johnston College of Nursing. It
has carried this name for over 60 years. Its traditions and ideal remain the
same, yet are geared to the present needs of this ever changing society.

6. Philippine Christian Mission Institute Schools of Nursing

The United Christian Missionary Society of Indianapolis, Indiana, a

organization of the Disciples of Christ, operated three schools of nursing:
a. Sallie Long Read Memorial Hospital School of Nursing (Laoag,
Ilocos Norte, 1903)
b. Mary Chiles Hospital School of Nursing (Manila 1911). The hospital
was established by in Dr. W.N. Lemon in small house on Azcarraga,
Sampaloc, Manila. In 1913, Miss Mary Chiles of Independence,
Montana, donated a large sum of money with which the present
building at Gastambide was bought. The Tuason Annex was donated by
Miss Esperanza Tuazon, a Filipino Philntropist.
c. Frank Dunn Memorial Hospital (Vigan, Ilocos Sur, 1912)

7. San Juan de Dios Hospital of Nursing (Manila, 1913)

It was June 16, 1913, a school of Nursing was opened, indulged with the
aim of providing service not only to the poor, but to the poorest of the poor. Though
World War II had almost put its work of Charity to an end, post war reconstruction
and rehabilitation resulted in New Hospital in Dewey Boulevard, presently Roxas
Boulevard. Adjacent to it is the New College of Nursing, the school of Nursing
defunct from 1936 to 1942,re-opened in 1953. The college administered byt the
Daughters of Charity of Daughter's of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, who's
company was founded by the later, the universal patron of all works of Charity with
co-foundress.St. Louise de Marillac, the patroness of all those who devote
themselves to Christian Social work. Then later, it opened a new course of Medical
Technology which had received government recognition in1969 and was absorbed
by the college in 1972. And recently, year 1993, a new department was opened,
the Department of Physical Therapy. Thus training more students and molding them
towards accomplishing the mission inculcated to us by St. Vincent to the fullest and
that is "Service....." Services to the people regardless of their status in life.

8. Emmanuel Hospital School of Nursing (Capiz,1913)

In 1913, the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society sent DR. P.H.J.
Lerrigo to Capiz for the purpose of opening a hospital, Miss Rose Nicolet assisted
him. The school offered a 3-year training course for an annual fee of Php 100.00.
Miss Ciara Pedrosa was the first Filipino principal.

9. Southern Islands Hospital School of Nursing (Cebu,

The hospital was established in 1911 under the Bureau of Health. The
school opened in 1918 with Anastacia Giron-Tupas, as the organizer. Miss
Visitacion Perez was the first principal.

10.Zamboanga General Hospital School of Nursing (1921)

When the civil government was extended to Mindanao and Sulu in 1914, the
government made it its basic policy the establishment of a hospital and dispensary.
This was to provide effective medical relief and the promotion of wellness in the
community. This in turn necessitated the educating, training, and ultimately hiring of
graduate nurses.

In the begining, difficulties arose in the training , and of retaining nurses from
the north, due to the special conditions prevailing in the department. Thus the
establishment of Zamboanga General Hospital training School for Nurses was
deemed necessary.

In 1918 , Zamboanga was the capital town of the non-christian province of

Mindanao and Sulu.Jacobo Fajardo, then Chief, Division of Provincial Sanitation,
Philippine Health Service,saw the need for a hospital to care for and treat contagious
diseases and at the same time promote wellness and healthful living in the

Through the recommendation of Dr. Jacob Fajardo, Dr. Eusebio D. Aguilar,
resident physician of Lanao Public Hospital which was formerly a US Army hospital in
Dansalan, Lanao, was appointed surgeon in charge of Zamboanga General Hospital.
Dr. Pedro Rodriguez became the resident physician. the chief nurse was Miss
Simeona Assido. Assistant chief nurse was Miss Placida Decano. The superintendent
of the hospital was Mr. Simeon Obsequio, a registered nurse. The hospital consisted
of two pavillions offering Medial and Surgical services. Within the next 5 years
additional buildings were constructed due to increasing demands for health care and
the health education of the community.

11.Chinese General Hospital School of Nursing (1921)

The Chinese General Hospital College of Nursing [and Liberal Arts
(CGHCNLA)] was established in 1921 as the Chinese General Hospital School
of Nursing (CGHSN). The idea was conceived by Dr. Jose Tee Han Kee, who was
then the Director of the Chinese General Hospital. With him were three physicians
who organized the training school. The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception based
in Hong Kong and Canton, China were requested by Dr. Tee Han Kee to help in
starting the school. The first batch of five sisters arrived in August 1921. Mrs.
Praxedes Co Tui, a registered nurse from the Philippine General Hospital was
appointed as Chief Nurse and Principal of the School of Nursing.

12.Baguio General Hospital of Nursing (1923)

13.Manila Sanitarium and Hospital School of Nursing
14.St. Paul’s School of Nursing in Iloilo (1946)
15.North General Hospital and School of Nursing (1946)
16.Siliman University School of Nursing (1947)


1. UST College of Nursing – 1st College of Nursing in the
Phils: 1879

The first Nursing Educational Program in the country was offered by this
University as Escuela de Practicantes, and was founded in 1879. However, it was
closed in 1904. A School of Home Nursing was opened in 1939 and was closed at
the outbreak of the war in 1941. The present course offering is the Philippines' first
Basic Collegiate Baccalaureate Programme offered for the first time in February

2. MCU College of Nursing – June 1947 (1st College who

offered BSN – 4 year program)

Responding to an appeal from students and community to continue

operating the Afable College of Medicine and Surgery after the death of its founder,
the MCC acquired its facilities. Thus born the MCC’s College of Medicine, with Dr.

Alfredo Guerrero as the first Dean. The College of Nursing was also opened after
the Bureau of Private Schools granted MCC the permit to operate the first year of a
four- year course. Permit to operate subsequent years of the course were secured
after. The Graduate School in Business Administration was also established, the
only of its kind focusing on scientific management, to offer the degrees of Master in
Business Administration and later, Master in Public Administration. Dr. Leon Ma.
Gonzales is the first Dean.

3. UP College of Nursing – June 1948

The University of the Philippines College of Nursing (UPCN) was conceived

through a thesis presented to the Division of Biological Sciences, University of
Chicago, by Ms. Julita V. Sotejo, entitled, “A University School of Nursing in the
University of the Philippines.” An abstract of this thesis was enthusiastically
received by Filipino nurses in convention on May 9, 1946, such that a resolution
supporting the proposal was passed by the Filipino Nurses Association (now
Philippine Nurses Association). After dicussions and consultations with then UP
President Dr. Bienvenido M. Gonzales and members of the Board of Regents (BOR),
the latter favorably endorsed the proposal to the President of the Philippines, so
that on April 9, 1948, the University of the Philippines College of Nursing came into

4. FEU Institute of Nursing – June 1955

The Institute of Nursing in 1955. Initially it offered a three-year diploma

program leading to a non-degree Graduate in Nursing (GN), with Teofista G. Villarica as
its first principal.

By second semester a two year Advance professional Program (supplemental

program) was offered, a post-basic program designed to provide graduates of the GN
program opportunities to broaden their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of
the profession. Lucrecia Llanera was the first directress of the new program. Most of
the enrolees were nurses holding important positions in different health agencies and
schools of nursing,

In 1960, Felicidad D. Elegado was appointed principal of both programs. About

this time, the School of Nursing was elevated to the status of an Institute with Elegado
as first dean. To upgrade the curriculum, the three-year course was converted to a five-
year baccalaureate program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Upon the retirement of Dean Egelado in 1978, the then Institute secretary,
Lydia A. Palaypay, assumed deanship. The five-year baccalaureate program was
converted to the revised four-year BSN curriculum. Under her administration, the
nursing curriculum became more competency-based and community health-centered,
closely attuned to the needs of contemporary Philippine society. The reoriented
curriculum is believed to be responsible for the Institution's near perfect passing rate of
its graduates in yearly licensure examination.

Upon the appointment of Dean Palaypay as the vice president for Academic
Affairs in 1994, Prof. Norma M. Dumadag took over as dean of the Institute. Under her
stewardship, the Institute has attained Level II PAASCU standards of CMO No. 27 series
of 1998, the BSN curriculum was reconfigured effective SY 1998-1999, which required
the student to undergo two years of Associate in Health Science Education (ASHE).

Because of the consistent and sterling performance of nursing graduates in the

licensure exams over the years and after complying with the CHED's requirements on
Graduate Education, the Institute of Graduate Studies was certified to offer a master's
degree in Nursing effective SY 2002-2003.

Graduates of the Institute of Nursing occupy key positions in different health
institutions in the country such as the UP PGH, St Luke's Medical Center, Makati Medical
Center, National Kidney Center, and Philippine heart Center; as well as abroad (such as
in the United States, Canada, Europe and the Middle East).

The FEU-IN is the pioneer in virtual nursing laboratory in the Philippines

through its Virtual Integrated Nursing Education Simulation (VINES) Laboratory
established in December 2006 under the Deanship of Dean Borromeo with Mr. Cyrill
Consuelo as its first VINES Coordinator.

5. UE College of Nursing – Oct 1958

It was in the hustle and bustle of the late 1960s that the UERMMMC College of
Nursing was founded. The College owes its beginnings to the pioneers of the then
newly established medical center as well as to prominent benefactors.
Though the groundwork for the College began as early as October 1958,
students were admitted only in the following year. This is because the foundations of
what is to be a premier institution had to be carefully laid out.
The initial step was in many ways a mighty challenge for the forerunners of the
College. They were aware that their exploits and feats would become the benchmark
with which their successors will build the next years of the College’s acclaimed history.


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