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Fund Balance Projec3on

History of City of Syracuse General Fund Balance

Revenue Assump3ons No revenue growth for property taxes and NYS State aid. Property tax levy expected to stay the same Sales tax growth factor projected at 2% in FY 15 and FY 16 No projected increase in Water and Sewer rates ImplementaJon of the Land Bank expected to spur delinquent property owners to remit taxes or risk foreclosure of property. Revenue increase in Prior Year Tax and Fees and PenalJes accounts Airport operaJons will transfer to the Syracuse Regional Airport Authority ( SRAA)between FY 13 and FY 14. General Fund will sJll receive cost reimbursements for services performed and the amount of Debt Service to be paid on exisJng bonds. Expenditure Assump3ons Wages projected to increase by 2% for departments with major union representaJon-Police, Fire, DPW and Parks ; all others 1% Major Department funcJonal expenditures projected to increase by 2% annually Health insurance costs were increased by 8% based on claims, inaJon and nancial ramicaJons of the Aordable Health Care Act in FY 14 Debt service costs are based the approved 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Plan Pension liabiliJes will be paid in full. ProjecJons do not include any pension amorJzaJon. $2 million esJmated Police contract allocaJon for 2014-2015. Accounts for wages and benets for open contract years. Placeholder expenditure Wages were frozen with the excepJon of steps and longevity in 2013-2014 Sewer and Water Special Funds are self sustaining. No subsidy from the General Fund. Both funds reimburse the General Fund for administraJve services.

City of Syracuse State Aid

(in $ millions)
82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 -9.9%




City of Syracuse State Aid

(in $ millions)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2010-11 2011-12 AIM Aid 2012-13 Spin Up 2013-14






Sales Tax Revenues: New 10-Year Formula

(in $ millions)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2005-06 2006-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 New formula nego.ated in 2010 +20.8% with new formula









City of Syracuse 2013/14 City Budgeted Expenses

Wages $98.2M Health Care $41.9M

City General Fund $241,363,196

Personnel Costs 73.3% 1. Wages 40.7% 2. Health Care 17.4% 3. Pensions 12.2% 4. Social Security 3.0%

Pensions $29.4M

Social Security $7.3M Other OperaJng Expenses $64.3M

Budgeted Figures

City of Syracuse 2013/14 City Expenses

Other OperaJng Expenses $64.3M Police Wages $37.5M

City General Fund $241,363,196

Fire Wages $25.7M Social Security $7.3M

Pensions $29.4M Health Care $41.9M

Budgeted Figures

Other Wages $34.8M

Personnel Costs- 73.3% 1. All Wages- 40.7% a) Police Wages- 15.6% b) Fire Wages- 10.7% c) Other Wages- 14.5% 2. Health Care- 17.4% 3. Pensions- 12.2% 4. Social Security- 3.0%

City of Syracuse Tax Levy


*Projected gure **Budgeted gure

City of Syracuse Growth in Wages and Over3me

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 FYE2001-02 FYE2011-12 $31.7M $24M
+32.2% +32.8%



Other Wages

Police & Fire Wages Subject to Interest ArbitraJon

City of Syracuse Growth in Over3me

$16,000,000 $14,000,000





Other Wages Fire Police














City of Syracuse Pension Invoices by Re3rement Unit

$18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0

$16.9M Regular Employees ReJrement Police & Fire ReJrement



$1.4M $497K
FYE2001-02 FYE2006-07 FYE2011-12

Pension Invoices increased over 1,000% in both Police & Fire Re3rement and Regular Employees Re3rement

City of Syracuse Previous Three Years Pension Invoices

$35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 FYE2011-12 FYE2012-13 FYE2013-14 REGULAR EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT

$9.5M $8.3M





City of Syracuse Pension Invoice History

City of Syracuse Health Insurance Expenses

$45,000,000 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0

ReJrees AcJve Employees

*Projected Figure **Budgeted Figure

City of Syracuse Growth in Health Care Costs* $45,000,000

$40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0
FYE2001-02 FYE2011-12
*Police and Fire make up 72% of Health Care costs.


128% $16.4M

Cost of Individual and Family Healthcare

Cost to City Contribu3on
Police Individual Coverage Police Family Coverage Fire Individual Coverage Fire Family Coverage $6,411.60 $17,247.60 $6,411.60 $17,247.60 $30/mo = $360/yr $60/mo = $720/yr $45/mo = $540/yr $75/mo = $900/yr

% Paid by Employee
6% 4% 8% 5%


City of Syracuse Cost Cudng Measures

NegoJated healthcare savings with not-for-prot hospitals through POMCO, our healthcare provider NegoJated services agreement with Crouse Hospital Reduced Police and DPW overJme costs Reduced workforce by 10% from December 2009 to April 2011 Consolidated City and County mail services PrivaJzing airport security services Tier VI savings- City has only hired 24 employees (replacements) since April 1st Combined Purchasing Departments with County NegoJated Zero increases with six labor contracts RelocaJng Senior Center EliminaJon of City Department (Syra Stat) Closing of City parking garage due to structural repair issues Delayed infrastructure repairs (public works, water, buildings and rehouses) NegoJated services agreement with Syracuse University

$995k (est) $50k/yr revenue $1.9M $7.0M $28k/yr $2.5M/yr $38k $220K $1.6M/each possible % increase $175k $150k $15M $30M (est) $500k/yr revenue

Increase health care contribuJons for management/condenJal employees (153 $100k revenue acJve employees) from 3% to 10%

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