Appeal To The Amnesty International and Defenders of Human Rights

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Appeal to the Amnesty International and Defenders of Human Rights We, the Kurdish political parties, organisations and

Community members in exile earnestly call International Community to protect the civilians - Kurds, Arabs and other Syrian multi-ethnicities, Assyrians, Armenians, Christians - against the brutal ethnic cleansing attacks taking place against the peacefully co- existing ethnicities in the Kurdish region in Syria. Since 17 July 2013, Al-Qaida affiliated armed groups, Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, have launched brutal attacks on Kurdish areas and it neighbourhoods in Tel-Abeyd, Sere kaniye, Tel- Aran, Tel- Hasel, killing, kidnapping and shelling with heavy weaponry the Kurdish neighbourhoods and calling publically to kill, kidnap and loot Kurds and force them to leave their homes and properties. As a result hundreds of Kurdish civilians have been kidnapped, tortured and their houses have been looted and burned down. These ongoing brutal massacres are scattering targeting all Kurdish civilians in al-Hasaka, Kobani and Afrin areas. Since 29 July 2013 two Kurdish towns Tel-Aran and Tel- Hasel and its villages of Aleppo, have been under brutal attacks and massacred, 40 innocent Kurdish children, women and elderly people have been murdered and two young men have been beheaded and Kurdish homes have been cruelly looted and destroyed and 250 of civilians have being kept hostage and their fate still unknown. Thousands vulnerable civilians forcibly fled in horror, since then the both towns are under siege and isolated and there are confirmed eye witnesses and evidence reports that both towns civilians have been subjected of ethnic cleansing and massacres by those terrorist armed groups. These terrorist attacks on civilians, just for their ethnic identity is an act of ethnic cleansing of ethnic communities who have been co-existing peacefully together and to destabilises the Kurdish regions that have been relatively peaceful in an attempt to evict from the people and forcibly impose the rules of the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria. These armed terrorist groups which are a major threat to the regional and global stability and peace, have been militarily facilitated by Turkey and supplied by, the Gulf States. The recent intervention of six military tanks and hundreds of jihadists from Turkey into Tel-Abeyd, Syria, shows the Turkish involvement in the ongoing Syrian sectarian war which neither serves the interests of Syrians nor Turkey and its allies. The EU and the US should recognise the Kurdish democratic, secular struggle against the Jihadists Al-Qaida which is a major threat to both the US and the EU. The Kurds and the democratic movement in Syria have successfully managed to administer themselves democratically and peacefully and they have actively sought and contributed to democratic, peaceful change inside Syria. This successful model shows that Kurds are the major potential player for establishing stability and developing democracy in the region. We consider a comprehensive political

settlement to be an effective resolution to end the Syrian crisis and its brutal civil war. We, therefore urgently appeal to Amnesty International and all Defenders of human rights organisations to condemn these inhuman massacres on Kurdish civilians and call on the international community to protect civilians in Syria. The Foreign Affairs and media office of PYD, Email: BACKGROUND: Tel-Aran and Tel Hasel are two Kurdish towns 30 KM in East Aleppo, consisting of 40 thousand inhabitants where 90% are kurds, and geographically isolated from Kurdish areas and surrounded by Arab towns and villages. The most of residents are farmers and living peacefully with its neighbourhoods. Since 10 February 2013, armed groups Jabaht al-Nusra and Islamic state of Iraq and Syria occupied the West part of Telaran, as the clashes between regime forces and those armed groups occurred nearby the Military Research base al-Waha. Those armed groups forced thousands of civilians to leave their houses and properties in pretext that area is military and clashes zone and those thousands of civilians are displaced or fled to another neighbouring towns. On 29 July 2013, Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic state of Iraq and Syria jihadists publicly threaded both towns people to hand in their weapons and follow the Islamic rule or leave their houses after they gave one day ultimatum. When the ultimatum expired, these terrorist groups started brutally attacking civilians and declared publicly the brutal Jihad/ Islamic war, killing and beheading civilians and looting their houses and destroying all properties and insulting women and terrorising children and vulnerable civilians. As result hundreds innocent civilians have been killed and some beheaded publicly and their houses have been looted and destroyed and their families have been kidnapped and taken hostages. Now the both towns are controlled by those barbaric jihadists and those who escaped these inhuman massacres are displaced without any safe shelters. SUPPORTED EVIDENCE EVAILABLE Eye witnesses and survivors testimonies, confirming 30-40 civilians killed and hundreds wounded, 250 civilians kept hostages and their fate still unknown. Recorded videos of jihadist declaring publicly to kill civilians Kurds Creditable reports on the grounds.

Below we present a preliminary verified list of those who fallen victim to the massacre of Jabhat al Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. This massacre took place in the towns of Til Aran and Til Hasil since 29/7/2013. We also present images and video clips showing the brutal ways of the al Qaida affiliated groups. Many were brutally tortured, including women and children, as a method of terrorizing people to leave their homes. These actions constitute nothing less than ethnic cleansing, bordering on genocide. Names of the victims:

1. Martyr Nori Arjoon from (Tel Aran). 2. Martyr Hamood Haji Arjoon brother of Nori Arjoon (Tel Aran). 3. Martyr Ibrahem Ahmed Shammo (Tel Hasel). 4. Martyr Redwan Hamada Qasoo Kaloo (Tel Hasil). 5. Martyr Assaad Naasan Abu Naher (Tel Hasil). 6. Martyr Haj Adel Aato civilian from (Tel Eren). 7. Martyr Abdu Skaef (Tel Eran). 8. Martyr Rakan Skaef Alhomsi (Tel Aran). 9. Martyr Abdulsalam Bashar (Tel Aran). 10. Martyr AbdulRazaq Bashar (Tel Aran). 11. Martyr Ali Alhomsi civilian from (Tel Eren). 12. Martyr brother of Ali Alhomsi civilian from (Tel Eran). 13. Martyr Hamdo Qassab civilian from (Tel Eran). 14. Martyr Ali Aref Hawa civilian from (Tel Eran). 15. Martyr Housen Jamal Hamdo Tarboush civilian from (Tel Hasil). 16. Martyr Hamam Ahmed Hamam Tarboush civilian from (Tel Hasil). 17. child Martyr, daughter of Ali Bashar during the displacement process. 18. Martyr Abdu Salim Rahilo the Tel Hasil bakery owner from Tel Hasil. 19. Martyr Hamood Aato civilian from (Tel Hasil). 20. Martyr son of Ahmed Salim Rahilo civilian from Tel Hasil. 21. Martyr Hasan Abu Jaras civilian from (Tel Aran). 22. Martyr Mir Hasan Hawa civilian from (Tel Aran). 23. Martyr Housen Ramadan shammo civilian from (Tel Aran). 24. Martyr Hasan Ibrahem Khamis Haj Ibrahem civilian from (Tel Aran). 25. Martyr Ali Aref Hawa civilian from (Tel Aran). Injured victimes: - Abdullah Ibrahim Shammo under medical care in Afrin Hospital, tell how the son of Ramadan Hamo was beheaded after he was wounded and captured and can be reached by Mobile No: 00963966526462 - Mehdi Abdo Assaf under medical care in Afrin Hospital and can be reached by mobile no: 00963933012922 - Omar Hazin desplaced in Afrin and can be reached by mobile no: 00963930581786 or 00963969203361 - Mrs Noor Hamam Tarboush widow of Hamam, tell how her husband was brutally killed in front of their small children and she and her children took as hostage . She is refugee and displaced and can be reached via mobile No: 0035799875838

- Midhet Kasim, lawyer and town Councilor , telling the detailed brutal attacks on civilians and can be reached by Skype: midhet qasim
Eye Witnesses of survivors: Hawar News Agency ,Afrin 12 August 2013: with increasing numbers of displaced people coming from Tel Aran and Tel Hasel to the city of Afrin revealed new eye witnesses and evidence of massacres committed by the armed Islamic state in Iraq and AlSham / Jabhat Al Nusra and with clear support from the Free Syrian Army, as the number of displaced people settled in the city of Afrin, rise to more than 200 people, mostly women and children, and there are many of them on their way to Afrin and other areas that provide them with security and care. The Hawar Press reported from the camp where displaced people are temporarily settled in KAFR AL JANNAH and it was able to document the names of dozens of detainees held by the Islamic State in Irap and Al Sham, most of them are from Tel Aran. Most of the detainees are women and children. Some of the names we were able to obtain are: "Mariam Hassan Bashar aged 15 years, Hassan Hassan Bashar 9 years, Khalil Hassan Bashar 14-year-old, Omar Hassan al-Bashar 6 years, Chirwa Hassan Bashar aged 19 years, Bashar al-Hassan Bashar 33 years old, Khalil Hassan Bashir, Jafar Mamo Bashar, Zain Mahmoud Abdeen Bashar 15 years, Hassan Zine El Abidine Bashar 18 years, Osama F Atto, Ahmed Hammoud Atto, Hussein Mahmoud door ". Ahmed Haskawi: One of the arrivals eye wittness from Tel Aran stressed that Jihadist Armed groups carried out brutal killings, torture and beheaded civilians in public, he was indescribably shocked, he also named some of the injured civilians that are captured by the Jihadist groups, their names are: "Bahgat Abdullah Al-Assaf, Mehdi Abdullah Al-Assaf, Abdo Ibrahim al-Assaf, and Ismail Ali Bashar, who was severely tortured and caused a fracture in his back and permanent disability. Ali Qasso: From Tel Aran explained to Hawar reporter how armed groups barbarically practiced out of law and morality. After they stormed Tel Aran and killed many, then they looted homes publically. They stold estimated $35 and 5 million Syrian liras from himself. After Alakidi, attackers Commander of FSA visited the Tel Aran, he went to the Headquarter of Jabhat Al-Nusra to return his properties as well as to lodge a complaint against a number of gunmen who committed the theft of his money, but he was arrested and put in prison. Entire families are wanted by the Islamic State and Jabaht al-Nusra: A number of displaced people confirmed that there are entire families wanted by the Islamic State, including the families of Bashar, Atto and Tarboosh from Tel Hasil. Dozens of their children, women and relatives were killed as well as arrested in recent attacks Many of the displaced people are worried to talk or publish any details of the massacres committed in Tel Aran fearing the execution of their relatives and loved ones to get arrested or killed at the hands of armed groups Jabaht al Nusra where in the recent period they arrested some entire

families particularly the families of wounded ones that were captured by Jihadist groups in Tel Aran and Surroundings. Islamists Arrested wounded ones and beheaded them publicly: eyewitnesses explained about the merits of the crimes committed by the armed groups in Tel Aran by publicly executions, as Samir Hawa 20 year old was injured when he was arrested, then took him to mosque in Tel Aran where he was beheaded in front of his own family, same thing happened to Hassan Ramazan Shammo, whom story was recounted by his younger brother Shivan Shammo. Three young men, Rekan Skyfe, Mustafa Batoshi and Hussein Khamis who were all from Tel Aran were injured by the gun shots of Islamic State gunmen and all three were taken to a hospital outside of Tel Aran by others who run away from the conflict, but after the Jihadists armed groups found where all three were taken, the Jihadist attakers stormed the hospital, arrested all three of them in front of their parents and children. The Islamic state gunmen used toughest barbaric methods against injured by dragging Hussain Khamis with a rope around his neck, he was then dragged behind a car from the village of Bilat to Tel Aran(4KM) , where he was beheaded publicly in high street and Mustafa Batoshi was stoned to death before he was beheaded too. Another survivor man documented some of the crimes carried out by the armed group affiliated to the Islamic State; due to the safety of his family his name is not mentioned. He witnessed how Abdulsalam Bashar was brutally turtured to death in the main road in Tel Aran, one day after those Jihadists attacked his brother's house Arif Bashar where his hands and legs were cut off and killed in bed in front of his mother. Those returning to the town were also killed: Ahmed Darwish Atto, who fled from Tel Aran in the first days of attacks with a number of his relatives, and days later he wanted to return to Tel Aran to save some of his relatives and helping them to flee, but was arrested and they dragged him behind the car by rope around on his neck, he was dragged to the hospital field in Tel Aran which's turned into the headquarter of the Jabhat Al Nusra, where he was then beheaded.

The total estimated number of killed is between 30-40. Furthermore 300 civilians from Tel Aran an Tel hasel are currently held in captivity by these al Qaida affiliated groups. Meanwhile some sources claim that more than 500 Kurdish and Christian civilians have been kidnapped in the city of Til Ebyed and are being held in a Jabhat al Nusra prison. We will soon publish the names of these prisoners soon.

Pictorial documents, reports from media channels and reports of activists on the ground: Col. Abdul Jabbar Al Aqidi says we must exterminate Kurds and PYD. Bombing Kurdish houses: Citizen execution by al-Qaeda in Syria Til Hasil residents escape from the war on the Kurds Video -Jabhat Al Nusra bombing Kurdish people house in Tel Abyad: Report sees the devastation of these groups in SereKaniye: Execution of Syrian civilians: Demolition of Kurds houses in Tel Abyad 07/22/2013: Photographer report documented by pictures shows clashes that occurred between Islamic militants and Kurdish forces: Al-Jazeera report: Aljazeera channel coverage this groups crimes and try to legitimize the practice of AlQaida in Tel Abyad: Demolition Kurds houses , the houses are in Layl neighborhood:

Free Army battalion moving to Til Abyad, morning arrival to Til Abyad these groups with the Islamic state started to ethnic cleansing against the Kurds in the city: Orient News report on the clashes began against al-Qaida: The corporation with Jabhat Al Tawheed under the umbrella of al-Qaeda in Tel Abyad: Ibn Taymiya Brigade's which is belong to Al Qaida: Dissidence some militants from Jabhat Al Nusra they talk about how they arrived Tel Abyad: Battalions participating in the war against the movement with Jabhat Al Nusra and the Islamic state: Farouq Battalion came to help the Islamic state in Til Abyad and headed to Serrin town after clashes between them and the Kurdish protection units: One of the militant collaborating with Jabhat Al Nusra is a member of the Syrian National Council, shooting indiscriminate to SereKaniye: Bombing SereKaniye city by tanks by the Islamic groups which is cooperating with Jabhat Al Nusra: Turkish cooperation with militant groups fighting the Kurds: What did Islamist groups in SereKaniye: bombing Serekaniye city by the Syrian aviation: Al Qaida Members in SereKnaiye : free Serekaniye from Al Qaeda members : bombing SereKaniye by mortar by Islamic state and Jabhat Al Nusra: Jabhat Al Nusra was among battalions which executed soldiers when regime fall in SereKaniye: Islamic state of Iraq and Levant: The faithful prince Shareef al-Qurashi Abu Bakr al-Husseini al-Baghdadi and talking about the proclamation of the State of Islam: Documents : Three supporters of al-Qaeda was arrested by Kurdish forces: Personal documents obtained by Kurdish forces in the headquarters of the state of Iraq and the Levant in Ras Al Ain(SereKaniye):

Pictures from Til Abyad:

200 - - Aleppo province: Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq have taken over the town of Tal'eran, Reef Aleppo, and they are still surrounding the village of Tel Hasel. Activists report that ISIS and al-Nusra kidnapped so far more than 200 civilians from the two towns. They also went on looting and destruction of property in Tel'eran. 2 men and 6 rebels from Liwa' Jabhat al-Akrad were killed by the jihadists in Tel'eran.

US state department in a statement to Kurdish voice of America condemned attacks on kurdish civilians. We note reports of continued attacks by extremists on Kurdish civilians in the towns of Tal Aaran and Tal Hasel. This overtly sectarian provocation cannot be justified, and we condemn these attacks on civilians. From the beginning of this crisis, the United States has urged the Syrian people, and the Syrian opposition, to avoid ethnic and sectarian strife because sectarian reprisals play directly into the regimes hands and do not move the Syrian people closer to the inclusive, post-Assad future they deserve. The Syrian people have a long history of tolerance and co-existence, and we urge all groups to avoid any actions that would exacerbate tensions and help the regime to further exploit the situation. Protection of civilians during conflict is of paramount importance; they should not become targets or pawns of parties to the conflict. We call on all parties to protect and respect the rights of all civilians, regardless of ethnicity, gender, or religion. We have been absolutely clear that those responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law and serious human rights abuses must be held accountable. Dina Badawy | Deputy Spokesperson for Foreign Media | Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs | U.S. Department of State

We would be very happy to provide any information related to this issue. More Information: 1- French Langauge : Rodi Malak Brussels. 2- English Language : Alan Shemmo UK. 3- Arabic and Kurdish language: Ibrahem Ibrahem Brussels : Danmark: 4- Turkish language : Barzan Isso:

Diplomatic relations office of the Democratic Union Party in Europe PYD.

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