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ARTIST: Outkast 1. Why did you choose the text you are analysing? It is a catchy song which I like; meanwhile I had seen the video before and thought it would be an interesting one to analyse. 2. In what context did you encounter it? I remember first seeing it on a music channel when I was younger, so searched it on YouTube when conducting this work. 3. What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text? I remembered it in high regard so was pleased I found the video, however I think I prefer the song more than the video. Which caused me to remember the video, as possibly being better than it is. 4. Which conventions of the genre do you recognize in the text? There are lots of editing techniques used and a variety of camera angles investigated. Whilst it is also a performance video, containing a narrative (at the start mainly). It also has features of amplification with backing singers dressed as jockeys, but this could be seen as Disjuncture depending on how open minded you are. 5. To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre? It stretches all sorts of conventions, as I have just explained by featuring elements of all the different genres, depending on which way you look at the video. 6. Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre? Billed as a performance video, it has features of Amplification and Disjuncture scattered across it, meaning the video is dynamic and diverse. For this reason it is very hard to categorise it into one stand alone genre category. 7. What sort of audience did you feel that the video was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre/style of music)? People who like the song, because if you dont like the song the video would be very off putting, I feel that liking the song is part way to liking the video. The combination of liking both parts makes the video very popular with a viewer. With it being a pop song this is quite typical of that genre, where often fans will like something just because its a product of their favourite artist, even if its not very good. 8. What sort of person does it assume you are? Someone that will like the video based us much on their likeness for the song, regardless of whether they think the video is that good.

9. What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity? It presumes you are of lower/middle class, because it is not classical or opera music, without being to stereotypical. Quite a young person, perhaps teenagers as it is a pop song. Gender would possibly be edged by females in terms of popularity as shown by the crowd in video, meanwhile ethnicity has no real clear group. 10. What interests does it assume you have? Interest in the song, the artist (who they really focus on, with lots of close ups) as well as the genre of pop music. 11. What relevance does the text actually have for you? Not a great deal really, I like the song more than the video and can enjoy the song without it, unlike some people. 12. What knowledge does it take for granted? That you like the song, if you didnt like the song I think you would be really turned against the video. 13. To what extent do you resemble the 'ideal reader' that the video seeks to position you as? I am not the ideal, I am not a massive fan wouldnt like the video if I didnt like the song. 14. Are there any notable shifts in the video's style (and if so, what do they involve)? It goes from full narrative at the start, to a performance mixed with narrative, at the same time containing elements of both amplification and disjuncture. Its a bit of everything really, with no authenticity and consistency. 15. What responses does the video seem to expect from you? It wants you to watch it more as a little film than juts a music video, hence the long narrative before the music has even begun. It tries to create a relationship with you through this, to get you to watch the video again and share it. 16. How open to negotiation is your response (are you invited, instructed or coerced to respond in particular ways)? The way the video is done with the narrative it somewhat forces/instructs you to keep watching because it is different and for that reason you keep watching as you want to know what is going to happen. 17. Is there any penalty for not responding in the expected ways? If you dont watch and listen to the narrative you are very unlikely to understand the context and idea of the music video. 18. To what extent do you find yourself 'reading against the grain' of the text and the genre? The genre isnt clear so this can be seen as the case and without concentrating the music video would be difficult to understand.

19. How typical do you think this video is of Music Videos? With the narrative somewhat taking centre stage this is very unique of the music videos that I have analysed.

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