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IS EASY ... South Ardmore Betterment Alliance ...
… your neighborhood civic association
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Subscribe to our
Email List — It’s
Fast and Easy.

If you are not on

4th of July … Saturday, 7/4/09
the list, it’s easy to
subscribe to stay SCHEDULE
informed about
neighborhood 10:00am Parade starts —
events and activi- Gather at Chestnutwold
ties. Elementary School for our
march to Elwell Park
Send an email with
“Subscribe” in the
10:20am Best Patriotic
subject line to
Volunteer Coordi- Decorated Wagon,
nator Bill Gardner Stroller, Bike, Scooter
at wingardner Contest begins at Elwell Park

11:00am National Anthem

and Flag Rasing
INSIDE 11:15am Field Games This is our version of the tra- think the weather is question-
THIS ISSUE: begin ditional neighborhood 4th of able, please check our web-
July Event. Please plan to site at to
List of Officers 2 Until 1pm Games, food, attend and bring your nieces, verify whether or not things
and Key music, face painting and nephews, grandkids, and of are a go. If you would like to
other fun activities course neighbors. The event help us in putting on this
Volunteers is on for the 4th of July only. event and volunteer, please
There is no rain date. If you see Page 3 for more details.
Volunteer 2

Events 2-4
New SABA Logo … Website Poll Results
Gift and Dona- 4
tion Form We were very fortunate to the top three, and posted a
have Ken Keagy, a resident of poll on our website. Voting
our neighborhood and graphic has since ended and the logo
SABA Notes 4 artist, develop several updated to the left came in with a
logo options for SABA. Dur- commanding lead.
ing our monthly meetings, we
could not reach a consensus If you would like to know
on which one would best rep- more about Ken Keagy’s
resent our Association. We company, you can visit his
elected to narrow the field to website at

Officers and Key Volunteers

Acting President, Ed Magargee, Haverford Township Civic Council Newsletter Coordinator/Contributors —
610.649.5946, 802 Cricket, Liaison, Bill Davis Develop our semi-annual newsletter 610.649.1603, 2909 Rising Sun, wcdav- The Green Thumb Team — Assist with
Treasurer, Nancy Telford, planting and garden maintenance at
610.649.1805, 805 Aubrey, Web Master, Douglas Muth, Normandy Park and spring/fall planting events

Assistant Treasurer, Katrine Sutton, Recording Secretary, Kristine Aylmer, Stream Clean-Up Coordinator — Two 610.212.2706, 942 Rising Sun, annual clean-ups at Pont Reading Creek
Volunteer Coordinator, Bill Gardner,
610.896.0774, 2938 Berkley, Current Vacancies: Special Events Coordinators — - President Annual events include 4th of July,
- Corresponding Secretary Luminaria Night, Easter Egg Hunt,
Public Relations Liaisons, Music in the Park, Yard Sale
610.642.2072, 840 Cricket, See for, Block Captains — Hand-deliver flyers details ... and newsletters (4 - 6 per year)

New this year:

Easter Egg
First Annual Easter Egg Hunt Hunt at

Kristine Aylmer was SABA’s son she went missing just

coordinator for our First An- prior to the arrival of Easter
nual Easter Egg Hunt at Nor- Bunny. Her husband Daniel
mandy Park. Kristine was did an excellent job
even able to make the right at hosting the actual event
connections to have the with megaphone in hand.
Easter Bunny himself make a
special appearance. While I The event was well attended
did see Kristine prior to the and served as an excellent
event, for some strange rea- model for future events.

SABA Monthly Meetings - 2nd Wednesdays

We attempt to maintain a wold Elementary School . members to keep the organi-
schedule of meeting the 2nd During times when the zation going strong. If you
Wednesday of each month, school is not available, we are not sure as to whether or
starting at 7:30 p.m. and either meet at the house in not a meeting is scheduled,
normally ending by 9:00 Normandy Park or Stoley’s check the Events Calendar
p.m. Tavern (Normandy Bar) on our website or look for
across the street. meeting announcements via
During the school year, we the e-mail list.
hold our meetings in the Everyone is welcome and
first room to the left of the encouraged to attend these
main entrance at Chestnut- meetings. We need active

Review - April 4th Normandy Park Cherry Tree Dedication

lege Arboretum, and Loomis 1970s with Ardmore Rotary
On Saturday, April 4th, the
Elementary School in Mar- establishing an American
community of South Ard-
ple-Newtown. Dogwood Park of 300 trees
more and Ardmore Rotari-
planted in the Imperial Gar-
ans met in Normandy Park
dens of Tokyo. In 2005,
for the dedication of three Rotarian Steve Shreiner and
Ardmore Rotary donated an
Kwanza cherry trees as a his staff from Shreiner Tree
additional 200 trees to the
gift from the People of Ja- Service donated their pro-
park in the spirit of interna-
pan, as a gesture of good- fessional services in obtain-
tional cooperation and re-
will from the Rotary Club of ing and planting the trees.
spect between the coun- We need
tries. The Japanese Rotari-
Rotarian Dr. Douglas Klepfer ans said that “The Spirit of more than 30
The other 22 trees received gave a presentation on the the Flower binds the world
were planted in the Garden history of the Rotary horti- together.”
for the Blind in Wynnewood cultural exchange program,
Valley Park, Haverford Col- which began in the early every year to

produce the

4th of July
4th of July Celebration - Call for Volunteers Event.

Elwell Field, 7/4/09 Please

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Volunteers are still much Volunteers can sign up for
needed for the following: specific time slots and will consider
This is the BIG neighborhood have plenty of support to
gathering! It takes about 30 • Judges for the always make their efforts a success. signing up
volunteers to make the day hotly contested “Best Please consider helping this
run smoothly. We start our year.
this year.
Decorated” competitions
parade promptly at 10:00am • Photographer
at Chestnutwold Elementary • Ticket Table To sign up, please contact :
School and march to Elwell • Treasure Table Ed Magargee at
Field. See Page 1 for a de- • Set-up/Clean-up or
tailed schedule of events. 610.649.5946

5K Run and 1 Mile Walk / Run Fundraiser

It was suggested that SABA would probably be held in the hood improvement, such as
consider organizing a 5k run fall. There will be plenty of possibly working on the
and 1 mile walk/run as a opportunities to help as we house at Normandy Park.
fundraiser after the Chestnut- begin to plan for the event.
wold PTO recently held the Even if you don't volunteer to With questions, suggestions
Chestnutwold Chase. It was help, get your walking/ or to volunteer, e-mail
both fun and very success- running shoes ready as this Kristine Aylmer at
ful. Several people in the promises to be fun for every-
neighborhood have ex- one. The funds raised will
pressed interest in helping support SABA activities and
organize this event, which plans for further neighbor-
SABA 2009 Membership & Gift Form
Please consider a gift this year.
$15 $25 $50 Other: $______

Name SABA greatly

appreciates your
financial assistance
to make our various
activities possible.

Phone Email Please fill out this

form and return it
I can volunteer. Contact me. to us at the address
as shown on the left.
I can distribute newsletters as block captain. Contact me.

Please add my e-mail address to the SABA e-mail list.

Please make check payable to SABA and mail to:

P.O. Box 772, Ardmore, PA 19003

SABA NOTES - Spring 2009:

Review - Yard Sale, Saturday, May 16

Plans were finalized and all was set but the weather was not great. The early morning drizzle seemed to keep many
shoppers and some sellers away from both the park and their front yards. As the weather cleared, the flow of people
picked up a bit but the turn out was lower than in previous years. We will have another yard sale again next spring. If
you have any feedback or suggestions, please share them.

Ongoing - Community Garden at Normandy Park

We hope to plant a small community vegetable garden at Normandy Park like last year for anyone to tend to or enjoy
through the summer. Feel free to stop by, pull a weed or two, and grab a quick bite to eat. In fact, any time you are at
Normandy Park, you are welcome to pull weeds from the garden beds. Remember, every little bit helps.

Coming up - Creek Clean-up with Chestnutwold PTO, Sunday, June 14, 3:30pm - 5:00pm

The first creek clean-up of the year will be led by the Chestnutwold PTO on Sunday June 14. Every year, the creek
looks a little better with less total trash and more signs of healthy life. Right now, the creek is in need of this cleaning so
this event will be very productive and satisfying. SABA will lead another clean-up in the summer and/or fall. Everyone is
welcome to help, but it is not recommended that younger children get into the creek because some of the rocks can be
slippery or have sharper edges. Gloves are a good idea, and you should wear appropriate shoes that can get really wet.

Important (see Page 2 for details) - Nominations for officers and other key volunteer positions

We are especially looking for individuals interested in becoming the next SABA President. Some individuals have of-
fered to help with the newsletter, and that is greatly appreciated. The newsletter is the one method we have to be as-
sured that we contact every house in the neighborhood. Many of our past block captains have confirmed their availabil-
ity for this year, but we do have some holes to fill for covering the entire neighborhood. We still have a need for help with
some key positions and always appreciate your efforts to support SABA activities. Please consider volunteering some of
your time, no matter if it's a little or a lot, to get involved in some of the many activities that make our community such a
great place.

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