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Page 10 - - THE SPECTATOR, Ozark, Ark.

, Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Notice of Annual School Election In Ozark School District No. 14 Of Franklin County, Arkansas In accordance with the requirements of Ark. Code Ann. 6-14109, notice is hereby given that the annual school election in the above named school district will be held on September 17, 2013, for the following purposes: To elect 1 member to the Board of Directors for a term of 5 years. To submit the question of voting a total school tax rate (state and local) of 33.0 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in this School district. The proposed tax includes the uniform rate of tax (the Statewide Uniform Rate) to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in the State. As provided in Amendment No. 74, the Statewide Uniform Rate replaces a portion of the existing rate of tax levied by this School District and available for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. The total proposed school tax levy of 33.0 mills includes 25.0 mills specifically voted for general maintenance and operation and 8.0 mills for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy pledged for the retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. The surplus revenues produced each year by debt service millage may be used by the District for the other school purposes. The total proposed school tax levy of 33.0 mills represents the same rate presently being collected. No polling places will be open on Election Day. Absentee and early voting will be in the County Clerks office. Board of Directors of Ozark School District No. 14 of Franklin County, Arkansas By: David Kinney, Secretary 8-28, 9-4 & 11 Notice of Annual School Election In County Line School District No. 1 Of Franklin County, Arkansas In accordance with the requirements of Ark. Code Ann. 6-14109, notice is hereby given that the annual school election in the above named school district will be held on September 17, 2013, for the following purposes: To elect 1 member to the Board of Directors for a term of 5 years. To submit the question of voting a total school tax rate (state and local) of 36.1 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in this School district. The proposed tax includes the uniform rate of tax (the Statewide Uniform Rate) to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in the State. As provided in Amendment No. 74, the Statewide Uniform Rate replaces a portion of the existing rate of tax levied by this School District and available for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. The total proposed school tax levy of 36.1 mills includes 25.0 mills specifically voted for general maintenance and operation and 11.1 mills for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy pledged for the retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. The surplus revenues produced each year by debt service millage may be used by the District for the other school purposes. The total proposed school tax levy of 36.1 mills represents the same rate presently being collected. No polling places will be open on Election Day. Absentee and early voting will be in the County Clerks office. Board of Directors of County Line School District No. 1 of Franklin County, Arkansas By: Joe Burtons, Secretary 8-28, 9-4 & 11 Notice In The Circuit Court Of Sebastian County, Arkansas Probate Division II In the matter of the estate of Lois Faye Patterson, deceased No. PR-2013-444 Last known address of decedent: 4919 South 32nd Street, Fort Smith, AR 72903 Date of death: January 31, 2013. On the 7th day of August, 2013, an Affidavit for Collection of Small Estate by distributes was filed with the Circuit Clerk of Sebastian County, Arkansas. The following real property is listed in the affidavit: Mineral interests located in McKenzie County, North Dakota, including but not limited to: Township 153 North, Range 94 West of the 5th PM, North Dakota. And North 15 of Lot 5 and South 45 of Lot 6; Block 8 Henry & Moore Addition; Also referred to as 4919 South 32 nd Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903. Subject to public streets, easements, rightsof-way, mineral exceptions and reservations, mineral leases, and other encumbrances of record. And All of the right, title and mineral interests of Lois Faye Patterson, deceased, in all land and mineral interests, situated in Franklin County, Arkansas. All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit in the estate. Provided, that claims for injury or death caused by the negligence of the decedent shall be filed within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of the notice, or they shall be f orever barred and precluded from any benefit in such estate. This notice first published on the 21st day of August, 2013. The name and address of the distributees and his/her attorney is stated below: James A. Patterson, Distributee John Bryant, Distributee Stacy L. Bryant, Distributee James A. Streett Streett law Firm, P.A. 107 West Main Street Russellville, AR 72801 479-968-2030 8-21 & 28 WARNING ORDER State of Arkansas County of Franklin Ozark District SS. In the Franklin Ozark District County Circuit Court In The Circuit Court of Franklin County, Arkansas Ozark District IV Division Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff VS. Case NO. CV-2013-70 Unknown Heirs of Wade Askins; Surviving Spouse of Wade Askins and Occupants of 1211 North 3 rd Street, Ozark, AR 72949 Defendants A description of the property or res to- be affected: Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 10 North, Range 27 West described as beginning at a point on a line that commenced 103.0 Feet East of the Center of said NW/4 SW/4 said line running South 82 Degrees 00 minutes East 314.0 Feet thence South 139.0 feet to a point that is the Northwest Corner of Lot 2 and the place of beginning for the description of this lot; thence running East 204.0 feet thence along a stone wall which is on the West side of the County

Candy Mud and Worms

by Clydene Overbey We grew up poor. We had most essentials, but shoes were not as essential as they are now. I looked out one day at the carpet of lush green
Notice of Annual School Election In Charleston School District No. 9 Of Franklin County, Arkansas In accordance with the requirements of Ark. Code Ann. 6-14109, notice is hereby given that the annual school election in the above named school district will be held on September 17, 2013, for the following purposes: To elect 1 member to the Board of Directors for a term of 5 years. To submit the question of voting a total school tax rate (state and local) of 37.5 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in this School district. The proposed tax includes the uniform rate of tax (the Statewide Uniform Rate) to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in the State. As provided in Amendment No. 74, the Statewide Uniform Rate replaces a portion of the existing rate of tax levied by this School District and available for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. The total proposed school tax levy of 37.5 mills includes 25.0 mills specifically voted for general maintenance and operation and 12.5 mills for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy pledged for the retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. The surplus revenues produced each year by debt service millage may be used by the District for the other school purposes. The total proposed school tax levy of 37.5 mills represents the same rate presently being collected. The polls will open at 7:30 a.m. and will close at 7:30 p.m. at the following polling places: Ward or Precinct: 7B, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8E, 8G, 9A, 9B, 9C Catholic Hall; 8D, 8F - Vesta Community Center; and 91C Sebastian County, First Baptist Church Bloomer. Board of Directors of Charleston School District No. 9 of Franklin County, Arkansas By: Jeff Hayes, Secretary 8-28, 9-4 & 11 Road South 01 degrees 00 minutes West 100.0 feet thence West 201.0 feet thence North 100.0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 2 and the Southwest corner of Lot 1 the place of beginning the same being Lot 2 of the Curtis Addition to the Town of Ozark, Arkansas. The Defendants, Unknown Heirs of Wade Askins, Surviving Spouse of Wade Askins, and Occupants of 1211 North 3 rd Street, Ozark, AR 72949, unserved, are warned to appear and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this warning order or face entry of judgment by default or be otherwise barred from asserting his or her or its interest. Failure of the Defendants to answer within 30 days from the date of first publication of this warning order could result in judgment against the Defendants. Dated: August 7, 2013. s/s Wilma Brushwood, Circuit Clerk Dyke, Goldsholl & Winzerling, P.L.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 415 North McKinley, Suite 1177 Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 661-1000 8-21 & 28

grass and thought to myself, wouldnt you just love to feel that green grass under your feet again? Yep, I sure would. The first thing I did wrong was step outside the door barefoot because right outside the door the ground is covered with gravel. Folks, not only does my mind not work well anymore, but my feet never will work well again after stepping down in that hard gravel. I wanted to wiggle my toes in that grass so bad that I just went on through the gravel to get to it. Stupid! And when my poor feet hit the grass what should I step on but a dadburned sharp rock. Ooohhh, gosh that hurt. No other open doors to get back in the house, so here I go back through the gravel to get inside. I can relate to anyone who says, oh, my poor aching feet, by golly. I said all that to come to this! We went bare foot all summer when we were growing up. We had a pair of church shoes that were white, always white. When school started we got a pair of school shoes which were always black. If you are thinkin, why just white or black, well, Ill tell ya. I dont really know. Anyway the rest of the time we were barefoot. Yep, even in the winter. And we were not always sick and snotty nosed either. Nope, we were tough, which brings me to the rest of the story. Brenda and I asked one day if we could walk over to Hall Parks Store. We each had a nickel to spend. Now that would buy a lot of candy. Penny candy to be exact. Hall would take a sack and put his big dirty hand in, not clean, down in that candy box and fill up that little sack and we would be on our way. Boy, howdy, now we were in hog heaven. On the way back one day we decided to wade the ditches. That ol dirt road, no gravel, just dirt, was kinda hot on our feet, even if they were
Notice Duerr Mini Storage will sell the property in unit #60 if rent is not paid in full by August 29, 2013. 8-28 Legal Notice Pursuant to the provisions of Probate Code, Sec. 152, notice is given that accounts of the administration of the estate listed below has been filed, on the dates shown, by the named personal representatives. All interested persons are called on to file objections to such accounts on or before the sixtieth day following the filing of the respective accounts, failing which they will be barred forever from excepting to the account. Name of Estate: Mary Dester Keck; Name of Personal Representative, S. Butler Bernard; Nature of Account, Decedent Estate; Date filed: 8/19/2013. 8-28

toughened to the consistency of leather. It was a dry summer and not much water in the ditch but it was pleasantly muddy. Only thing were that people littered and there was lots of thingies in that ditch. We got interested in what we might find, so we just decided to sit down there for a spell and explore. We would scoot along on our butts a ways and stop a bit. All this time we were dragging our candy sacks along in that muck. That candy was not wrapped nice and neat the way it is now, just a layin there in the sacks which were getting soggy. The bottoms finally drug outta them sacks and we strung our candy for a ways before we noticed it. I started to reach in to my sack and all that I came up with was air. Brendas was the same. BBRREENNDDAA, look! The candys gone. We looked and there was some of it behind us. So we turned around and started scooting the other way, picking up candy as we went. We were putting it in our mouths, no pockets and we sure werent gonna waste that candy. No sireee, we were gonna eat ever last bite of it. When we figured we had it all we got back on the road and happily skipped along with our mouths bulging like a squirrel with his jaws full of hickory nuts. We couldnt talk our mouths were too full. I looked over at Brenda and saw somethin hanging out of her mouth and it was wigglin at the end. Brenda, what is that? When I said that a bunch of my candy came out and landed on the road which I proceeded to pick up and put back in my mouth. Oh my, I can feel the grit in my teeth as I speak, yukky. It wasnt yukky then though. No telling when wed get another nickel. But back to Brenda. I got up close to her and saw that a big ol red worm was dangling outta her mouth. Breenda, spit it out, there

went my candy on the dirt again. No Cllllyyydddeeennneee, why? And there went her candy on the dirt. But that fat old red worm was still a hanging there. I slapped at it to get it off her mouth and she thought I was hitting her and she slapped me back. Down we went back in the mucky ditch just a clawing and a scratching like two wild cats. Brenda, quit! You quit first. Brenda, youve got a worm in your mouth! And by golly she did, half of one anyhow. Oh, good grief, Clydene, you made me spit my candy out. Well, heck fire, Brenda, I spit mine out too. We looked at each other and there we were in all our glory, black muck all over us, and a worm hanging outta Brendas mouth. We got so tickled we forgot about that candy and after ridding Brenda of the worm we started running home. We had a ball that day even if we fought like tigers and never did get to eat all our candy. And our feet were fine, at least they were after we got them clean. A few scratches didnt bother us. And it was okay for us to get mucky. Theyll clean up, my daddy said. The dirtll come off, but theyll never have these days again. He was so right. Those days are gone and Im so blessed that I could enjoy them so much. Also blessed that we didnt have persnickety parents. Such fond memories that I can relive in my memory. I just cant walk outside with such ease anymore. Darn it anyway! Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

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by John Brasseaux

Is Your Name Written There?

Is your name written there? In Gods registry? Members of the general assembly and church of the firstborn...are written in heaven (Heb. 12:23). This registry is known as the Lambs Book of Life (Rev. 21:27). This record book is an ancient book, dating back to the beginning. Scripture says that names have been written therein from the foundation of the world (Rev. 17:8). Moses knew about this book. And the LORD said unto Moses, whosoever hath sinned against Me, him will I blot out of My book (Ex. 32:33). Two things worth noting: 1. God Himself said He had such a book. 2. A name once entered can be blotted out. Jesus Himself said, He that overcometh, the same shall be cloth in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels (Rev. 3:5). Perseverance is essential for ones name to remain in the book. When does ones name get recorded? When one is born into the family of God, when added to the saved, the church (Jo. 3:5; Acts 2:47). Those saved have their citizen in heaven (Phi. 3:20). Paul mentions Euodias, Syntyche, Clement and others of his fellow-laborers whose names are in the book of life (Phi. 4:3). Zion, though often referring to literal Jerusalem, is also used figuratively to refer to the church, the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22). Psalm 87:5-6 speaks of those born in Zion and God registering their newbirth. The Book of Life will be opened on the Judgment Day. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:11-15). Only those whose names are in the Lambs book of life will be allowed to enter into the eternal city (Rev. 21:27). The lake of fire, Hell, was not initially prepared for mankind, but was prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41), Tragically, Hell will serve as the eternal abode of the lost. Hell must exist on account of Gods love (Jo. 3:16), and His righteousness (2 Thess. 1:3-7). Those whose names have never appeared in the book of life (those who do not know God, and have never obeyed the gospel) and those whose names have been blotted out, having at one time known Christ, but then turned from Him (Heb. 10:28-31; 6:4-12), will also be there. And so, we are given the sober admonition to give diligence to make your calling and election sure (2 Pet. 1:10). Otherwise, the possibility of falling exists. Only those who grow in their faith have the assurance of an entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 1:2-12). Will your name be written there? Sunday Bible Classes (for all ages) 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (for all ages) 7:00 p.m. Sunday Worship Services 10:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. You may also visit us at
Let the Bible Speak c/o Ozark Church of Christ, P.O. Box 302, Ozark, AR 72949 479-667-3602

Aug. 31-Sept. 2 ......State Horseshoe Pitching Tournament Ozarks Westside Park Sept. 1 W.A. and Mattie Dickerson Reunion 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Fair Building, Ozark Sept. 2,3,5 ....Hunter Education Course, 6-9 p.m. Extension Office, Airport Road Sept. 5 .......Ozark Community Blood Drive, 12-6 p.m. Gardner Center, 667-4641 for Appt. Sept. 7 .Annual Fisher Family Reunion, 11 a.m. Pleasant View R.C.I. Building Sept. 9,10,12 ...Hunter Education Course, 6-9 p.m. Extension Office, Airport Road Sept. 10 .North Franklin County Fair Board Meeting, Fair Building Sept. 11..Ozark Area C of C General Meeting 12 noon, El Puerto Restaurant Sept. 14..Young Eagles Fly-In Breakfast & Lunch 7 a.m. 2 p.m., Etna Airport Sept. 14 Rods-N-Ribs Car Show, Ozark Square Sponsored by Ozark Area C of C Sept. 19 ...Ozark Area C of C Business After Hours 5-7 p.m., Sponsored by Rick Parrish Sept. 21 .Beer & Brats Benefit for Community Service, Greenwood Community Bldg. Sept. 28 .... Annual Bluegrass in the Park Ozark Eastside Park, 6 p.m. Oct. 5.....Altus Area Sunset Rotary Wines & Vines Wine Pairing in the Vineyard Oct. 12 ..50th Annual Wiederkehr Village Weinfest Arts/Crafts, Grape Stomps, Music, etc. Oct. 12 ...Autumn Teacup Auction, Lawrence Hall Sponsored by Altus C of C Oct. 17-19 , Annual Yonder Mountain Harvest Fest Mulberry Mountain Events & Lodging

Promised Seed
(John 10:16) And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. (Ezekiel 38:7, of Isaiah 8:9 of Acts 28:28 and of Isa. 6:12-13 and also Lamentations 1:20 of Hosea 13:14-16, out of I Cor. 15:55-58, and out of Rev. 21:4 to Matt. 12:20 out of all of Psalm 18). (Psalm 18:49) Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name. (Hebrews 2:12, and Philp. 2:8-9, also of Isaiah 12:1, and of 2 Sam. 22:50 of the Psalm 22:25-31this to Gal. 3:29). I cant help myself when I read and study these holy passages. I wonder about the Apostle Peter and those of the scattered (the Jewish people). That beef he and the Apostle Paul had, did they ever settle it and get together again? I say they did, they just separated apart from one another. Well, if you cant get along you shouldnt stay together to fight with each other. Thats not like breaking up or anything like that, it means you know when to shut up or step back and listen. Dan had his ways, but he was a wise man. He had told me to let it ride. I knew he meant for me to shut up and to take it for what it was. By doing that we kept our friendship with that couple and from that angry mans wife. I found out why he almost belted me over that question he had asked concerning Adam and Eve and what I had said to him. Who would ever believe man would forbid their wife of reading the Bible? Sometimes I dont think they read either. How could they expect the sisters to teach their children and others if they dont study for themselves? I think they should remember who God put over all things in that garden and why he made woman, it wasnt to play patty cake. He did have pick over all the animals. Thats why God made the lady. (1 Cor. 11:8-10 of Gen. 2:21 and Pro. 28:21-23, out of Psalm 45:10). And shes his sister in the faith of the hope we share in Christ together. And in Faith and hope in Jesus, the Son of the Living God, your sister for the praises of God and glory in Jesus. Pat Singleton

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