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Repeal of prior

Transfer of
Act effective,
H 912 A
May J. 1954.
Mount Hope
Bridge Au-
SEC. 20. Repeal.-Ohapter 2152 of the public laws,
1948, shall be and is hereby repealed. All property be
longing to the Narragansett Bay bridge authority,
created by said chapter 2152, including books, maps,
plans, papers and records of whatever description shall
be delivered to the authority created by this act which
is hereby authorized and empowered to take possession
thereof for the uses and purposes of this act, and all
obligations of said Narragansett Bay 'bridge authority
to repay any advances made to it by the Jamestown
bridge commission before January '1, 1954 shall be reo
linqnished. All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent
With the provisions of this act are hereby repealed to
the extent of such inconsistency.
SEC. 21. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
OHAP1'ER 3391.
It 'is enactecl by the Geneml fissembly as follows:
SEC1.'ION 1. 111.ount Hope B"'idge fiuthodty. Within
the department of public works there is hereby created
a body corporate and politic to be known as the
"Mount Hope bridge authority," which shall function
as a unit i n d e p e n ~ e n t of the director and shall not be
subject to his jurisdiction.
The authority shall consist of 5 members, one of
whom shall be the director of public works, ex,officio,
and 4 of wholll -ball
as herein prO\'ided.
Forthwilh upon lhe
shall appoint one Ille
of April, 1955, one III
of April, 1956, onc IllC
April, 1957 and onc n
of April, 1958 and
shall be duly appointc'
In the month of
March annually lber
one member of said l
4 years to succeed t
next expire. In the
said membership, tlle
for the unexpired t e ~
shall be eligible for I
Each appoin ted m
tering upon his duticl
the duties of his olli
such oath shall be fi]
The authority sha!
man and another as
a secretary and a 6
members of the aut
thority shall constitli
. members sball be n
the authority. No
anthority shall impa'
-CHAPTER 3391. JAXliARY SESSIOX, 195,!-CHAPTER 3391. 575
l52 of the public laws,
aledo All property be
3ay bridge. authority,
ncluding books, maps,
.tever description shall
ated by this act which
lred to take possession
es of this act, and all
. Bay bridge authority
it hy the Jamestown
ry 1, 1954 shall be reo
nts of acts inconsistent
are herehy repealed to
ffect upon its passage.
Illb!y as follows:
, ge Authority. Within
there is hereby created
to be known as the
, which shall function
ector and shall not be
f 5 members, one of
ublic works,,
and 4 of whom shall be appointed by the governor
as herein provided.
Forthwith upon the passage of this act, the governor
shall appoiut one member to serve until the first day
of April, 1955, one member to serve until the 1st day
of April, 1956, one member to serve until the 1st day of
April, 1957 and oue member to serve until the 1st day
of April, 1958 and until their respective successors
shall be duly appointed and qualified.
In the month of March, 1955, and in the month of
March annually thereafter, the governor shall appoint
one member of said authority to serve for a term of
,! years to succeed the member whose term will then
next expire. In the event of a vacancy occurring in
said membership, the governor shall appoint a member
for the unexpired term. Any member of the anthority
shall be eligible for reappointment.
Each appointed member of the authority before en
tering upon his duties shall take an oath to administer
the duties of his office faithfully and impartially, and
such oath shall be filed in the office of the secretary of
The authority shall elect oue of its members as chair-
man and another as vice chair-man and shall also elect
a secretary and a treasurer who may 01' may not be
members of the authoritJ'. Three members of the an
thority shall constitute a quorum and the vote of three
members shall be necessary for any action taken by
the authority. No vacancy in the membership of the
authority shall impair the right of a qnorum to exercise
i I
"Mount Hope
bridge' .
all the rights and perform all the duties of the au-
thority. The members of the authority shall not be
entitled to compensation for their services but shall
be reimbursed for their actual expenses necessarily in-
curred in the performance of their duties.
SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this act, the follow-
ing words and terms shall have the following mean
o ings, unless the context shall indicate another 01' differ-
ent meaning:
(a) The word "authority" shall mean the Mount
Hope bridge authority created by section 1 of this act,
or, if said authority shall be abolished, the board, body
01' commission succeeding to the principal functions
thereof 01' upon the powers given by tbis act to the
authority shall be given by law.
(b) The term "Mount Hope bridge" shall mean the
existing bridge between the towns of Bristol and Ports-
mouth acquired 01' constructed by the Mount Hope
Bridge Corporation under the provisions of an act en-
titled "Au act to incorporate Mount Hope Bridge Cor-
poration and to authorize said corporation to main-
tain and operate a bridge between the towns of Bristol
and Portsmouth," passed at the January session, 1932,
as amended, aud the approaches thereto, and shall em-
brace all toll-houses, administration and other build-
ings and structures used in connection therewith, to-
gether with all real and tangible personal property,
rights, easements and interests acquired by the Mount
Hope Bridge Corporation in connection with the con-
struction and operation of such bridge.
(c) 'l'he word
sary to provide
such purpose, for
SEC. 3. ACqUirii
the people of the
transportation ond
health and li"ing
authorized and em
bridge; to mainlain,
to issue I"evcnuc bODI
from revcnne, to fin
SEC. 4. Gred; t of
Not Pledged. Reveol
sions of this act shall
of the state or of ao,
a pledge of the faith
such political subdi .
from the fnnds prod
such revenue bonds
a statement tn the elfl
authority shnll be 0'
interest tbereon excep
Hope bridge on nccouo:
issued and that neitber
ta:-<ing power of tbe stu
thereof is pledged to
or the interest 00 sucb
All expenses incurred
of this act shall be para
under tbe provisions of l'
all the rights and perfol'm all the duties of the au-
thority. 'he members of the authority shall not be
entitled to compensation for their services but shall
be reimbursed for their actual expenses necessarily in-
curred in the performance of their duties.
SEC. 2. Defrnitions. As used in this act, the follow-
in" words and terms shall have the following mean-
in;., unless the context shall indicate another or differ-
ent meaning:
(a) The word "authority" shall mean the Mount
pe b,'idge autIlOrity created by section 1 of this act,
if aid authority shall be abolished, the board, body
mmi..ion succeeding to the principal functions
f or upou the powers given by this act to the
ty shall be given by law.
The term "Mount Hope bridge'; shall mean the
r 1 d ~ e hetween the towns of Bristol and Ports-
uirel! or constructed by the Mount Hope
ration under the provisions of an act en-
t to incorporate Mount Hope Bridge Cor-
to authorize said ccrporation to main-
a bridge between the towns of Bristol
" passed at the January session 1932
b ' ,
t e approaches thereto, and shall em-
, administration and other build-
u ed in connection therewith to-
aM tu. 'bl '
19J e personal property,
acqui"ed by the Mount
In conuection with the con-
01 auch bridge.
(c) The word "cost" shall mean the amouut neces-
sary to provide funds, with other moneys available for
such purpose, for the acquisition of the Mount Hope
SEC. 3. Acq1dsition of b,'idge. In order to benefit
the people of the state, to increase their commerce,
transportation and prosperity and to improve their
health and living conditions the authority is hereby
authorized and empowered t? acquire the Mount Hope
bridge; to maintain, repair and operate the same; and
to issue revenue bonds of the authority, payable solely
from revenue, to finance the same.
SEC. 4. C,'edit of State o.nd Politioal Subdivisions
Not Pledged. Revenue bonds issued under the provi
sions of this act shall not be deemed to constitute a debt
of the state or of any political suhdivision thereof or
a pledge of the faith and credit of the state or of any
such political subdivision, but shall be payable solely
from the funds provided therefor from revenues. All
such revenue bonds shall contain On the face thereof
a statement to the effect that neither the state uor the
authority shall be obligated to pay the same or the
interest thereon except from revenues of the Mount
Hope bridge on account of which such bonds shall be
issued and that neither the faith and credit nor the
taxing power of the state Or of any political subdivision
thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of
or the interest on such bonds.
All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions
of this act shall be payable solely from funds provided
under the provisions of this act and no liability 01' obli-
of bridge.
Credit of State
and Political
Not Pledged.
Powers of
gation shall be incurred by the authority hereunder
beyond the extent to which moneys shall have been
provided under the provisions of this act.
SEC. 5. Powe,'s of Authmity. The Mount Hope
bridge authority is hereby authorized and empowered:
(a) to issue l'evenue bonds of the authority for any
of its purposes, payable solely from the tolls and reve
nues pledged for their pl!-yment, and to refund its
bonds, all as provided in this act; provided, however,
that the initial issue of bonds under the provisions of
this act shall provide funds to pay the cost of the
Mount Hope bridge;
(b) to borrow money in anticipation of the issnance
of bonds for any of its purposes and to issue notes,
certificates, or otller evidences of such borrowing in
such form as may be authorized by resolution of the
authority, such notes, certificates, or other evidence of
such borrowing to be payable in the first instance from
the proceeds of any bonds issued under the provisions
of this act and to contain on their face a statement to
the effect that neither the state, the authority nor any
municipality 01' other political subdivision of the state
shall be obligated to pay the same or the interest there
on except from the proceeds of bonds in anticipation of
the issuance of which such notes, certificates, or other
evidences of borrowing shall have been issued, Or from
(c) to fix and revise from time to time, subject
to the provisions of this act, and to charge and collect
tolls for the use of the Mount Hope bridge;
(d) toa,
property in
ance of ita d'
(el toacq'
chase Or othe:
in such mann,
exercise of the
hereinafter pro'
(fl to employ"
neers, attorneys,
experts, superin
ploJees and agenll
ment, and to fix
(g) to enter into
puhlic works with
pair of said Mount
land state police wi'
Mount Hope bridge;
(h) to make and
ments necessarJ or in'
duties and the c.,ecuo
and I
(J) to do all othe:
cOll'venient to carry ot
in this act.
SEC. 6. Tbe author
powered to purchase, s
the authorit)' of this n'
gation shall be incurred by the authority hereunder
beyond 'the extent to which moneys shall have been
provided under the provisions of this act.
(d) to acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal
property in the exercise of its powers and the perform-
ance of its duties; ..
SEC. 5. Powel'S of Autholity. The Mount Hope
bridge authority is hereby authorized and empowered:
(a) to issue l'evenue bonds of the authority for any
of its purposes, payable solely from the tolls and reve
nues pledged for their p!!yment, and to refund its
bonds, all as provided in this act; pl'ovided, ho-wever,
tbat the initial issue of bonds under the provisions of
this act shall provide funds to pay the cost of the
Mount Hope bridge;
(b) to borrow money in anticipation of the issuance
bond for any of its purposes and to issue notes,
ficates, 01' other evidences of such borrowing in
form as may be authorized by resolution of the
r i t ~ , such notes, certificates, or other evidence of
rrowing to be payable in the first instance from
s of any bonds issued under the provisions
t and to contain on their face a statement to
that neither the state, the authority nor any
or other political subdivision of the state
ted to pay the same or the interest there-
the proceeds of bonds in anticipation of
which such notes, certificates or other
. ,
WlDg shall have been issued, or from
revise from t' .
lme to time subJ' ect
aet '
},( ,and to charge and collect
OUnt Hope bridge;
(e) to acquire in the name of the authority by pur
chase or otherwise, on sucli terms and conditions and
in such manner as it may deem proper, or by the
exercise of the rights of condemnation in the manner
hereinafter provided, the Mount Hope bridge;
(f) to employ, in its discretion, consulting engi-
neers, attorneys, accountants, construction and financial
experts, superintendents, managers, and such other em-
ployees and agents as may be necessary in its judg-
ment, and to fix their compensation;
(g) to enter into contracts with the department of
public works with respect to the maintenance and re-
pair of said iYIount Hope bridge and with the Rhode Is-
land state police with respect to the policing of the
Mount Hope bridge;
(h) to make and enter into all contracts and agree-
ments necessary or incidental to the performance of its
duties and the execution of its powers under this act
. ,
(i) to do all other acts and things necessary or
convenient to carry out the powers expressly granted
in this act.
SEC. 6. The authOl'ity is hereb:r authorized and em- P",h"".
powered to purchase, solely from funds provided under
the authority of this act, the Mount Hope bridge, upon
Exercise of
option under
prior law.
Eminent 1>0-
main Proceed-
such terms and conditions and at such price as may be
considered by it to be reasonable and can be agreed
upon between it and the owner thereof, and to take title
SEC. 7. In the event the authority shall not deem
it advisable to purchase said Mount Hope bridge by
negotiation as in section 6 of this act provided, or the
terms, conditions and price cannot be agreed upon,
then, and in such event, the authority may exercise
the option, in behalf of the state, pursuant to the pro
visions of section 6 of said act, entitled "An act to
incorporate Mount Hope Bridge Corporation and to
authorize said corporation to maintain and operate a
bridge between the towns of Bl'istol and Portsmouth,"
passed at the January session, A.D. 1932, by giving
formal notice thereof on or before October 24, 1958,
that it will acquire the same in the name and on behalf
of the state of Rhode Island on October 24, 1959, and
thereupon the authority shall purchase said bridge pur-
suant to said act.
SEC. 8. Eminent Domain Proceedlings. In addition
to the authority granted in sections 6 and 7 of this act,
the authority shall have the right to acquire the Mount
Hope bridge by the exercise of the power of eminent
(a) The necessity for such acquisition shall be con-
clusively presumed upon the adoption by the authol'ity
of a resolution declaring that the acquisition of the
Mount Hope bridge is necessary. Within six months
thereafter the authority shall cause to be filed in the
land evidence records of the towns of Bristol and
POItsmOuth e,
together ";th a
the authorit)',
pursuant to the
shall jl),
the county of P
money estimated by
tion for the bridge
(b) Upon the filin,
and statement in the
towns the filing in the
and the depositing in
the persons entitled tl>
shall determine to be
claims of all persons i
court may, in its diser
tion to determine the s
bridge shall vest in th
and the authority ther
(c) No sum so pa"
with clerk's fees of
statement, notice of t
served upon tbe attorn
Bridge Corporation
Providence county,
such statement with Sl
office in this state witJ
of. If the M:ount Hop'
with the authority fo
bridge, so taken, the c
parties in interest, ma;
such terms and conditions and at such price as may be
considered by it to be reasonable and can be agreed
upon between it and the owner thereof, and to take title
SEC. 7. In the event the authority shall not deem
it advisable to purchase said Mount Hope bridge by
as in section 6 of this act provided, or the
terms, conditions and price cannot be agreed upon,
then, and in such event, the authority maJ' exercise
the option, in behalf of the state, pursuant to the pro
visions of section 6 of said act, entitled "An act to
incorporate Mount Hope Bridge Corporation and to
authorize said corporation to maintain and operate a
bridge between the towns of Bl'istol and Portsmouth,"
passed at the January session, A.D. 1932, by giving
formal notice thereof on or before October 24, 1958,
that it will acquire the same in the name and on behalf
of the state of Rhode Island on October 24, 1959, and
thereupon the authority shall purchase said bridge pur
suant to said act.
SEC. 8. E",,inent Domain P,oceeiUngs. In addition
to the authority granted in sections 6 and 7 of this act,
the authority shall have the right to acquire the Mount
Bope bridge by the exercise of the power of eminent
) 'l'he necessity for such acquisition shall be con-
ely Upon the adoption by the authority
utlon declaring that the acquisition of the
ope .
th oe IS necessary. Within six months
e authority shall cause to be filed in the
e records f h
o t e towns of Bristol and
Portsmouth copies of such resolution of the authority,
together with a statement, signed by the chairman of
the authority, that said Mount Hope bridge is taken
pursuant to the provisions of this act. Thereupon the
authority sball file in the superior court in and for
the county of Providence a statement of the sum of
money estimated by the authority to be just compensa
tion for the bridge thus taken.
(b) Upon the filing of the copy of such resolution
and statement in the land evidence records of such
towns the filing in the superior court, of the statement,
and the depositing in the supel'ior court, to the use of
the persons entitled thereto, of such sum as the court
shall determine to be amply sufficient to satisfy the
claims of all persons interested in said bridge (and the
court may, in its discretion, take evidence on the ques
tion to determine the sum to be deposited), title to such
bl'idge shall vest in the authority in fee simple absolute
and the authority thereupon may take possession of said
(c) :No sum so paid into the court shall be charged
with clerk's fees of any nature. After the filing of such
statement, notice of the taking of said bridge shall be
sened upon the attorney for service of the Mount Hope
BI'idge Corporation by the sheriff Or his deputies of
Providence county, leaving a true and attested copy of
such statement with such attorney personally, or at his
office in this state with some person having charge there
of. If the Mount Hope Bridge Corporation shall agree
with the authority for the price of the Mount Hope
bridge, so taken, the court upon the application of the
parties in interest, may order that the sum agreed upon
be paid forthwith from the money deposited, as the just
compensation to be awarded in said proceeding.
(d) In the event said Mount Hope Bridge Corpora-
tion cannot agree with the authority for the price of the
bridge, so taken, it maJ', within three months after
notice of said taking, apply by petition to the snperior
court in and for Providence county, setting forth the
taking of tbe said bridge, and praying for an assess-
ment of damages by a jury. Upon filing of such petition
the said court -sball cause twenty days' notice of the
pendency thereof to be given to the authority by serving
the chairman or 'Vice chairman of the authority with a
certified copy thereof, and may proceed after such notice
to the trial thereof; and such trial shall determine all
questions of fact relating to the value of such bridge,
and the amount thereof, and judgment shall be entered
upon the verdict of such jury and execution shall be
issued therefor against the money so deposited in court
and in default thereof against any other property of the
authority, and all proceedings taken pursuant to the
provisions of this act shall take precedence over all
other civil matters then pending before said court.
(e) Whenever, from time to time the authority has
satisfied the court that the amount deposited with the
court is greater than is amply sufficient to satisfy the
claims of the Mount Hope Bridge Corporation, the court
may order that the amount of any such excess, includ-
ing any interest or increment on any sums so deposited,
shall be repaid to the authority. Whenever the au-
thority has satisfied the court tbat the claim of the
Mouut Hope Bridge Corporation has been satisfied,
the unexpended balance, including any interest or in-
crement On uny
with to the authOr!'
(a) SUbject to the
(c) of this section
to provide bS resoluti,
or f r ~ m time to time,
for the purpose of "a
the acquisition of the
pal of and the inleres
solely from the funds
The bonds of each issu
est at sucb rate or ra
(5%) per annum, sh
not exceeding fi[teen ~
may be determined h ~
redeemable befol'e ml\
thority, at sucb price!
and conditions as ma
to the issuance of tbe
mine the form of th
coupons to be attached
d - t' ~
na Ion or enonuna lQ
places of payment of
may be at any bank or
the state. The bonds s
the authority or shall
the official seal of the
shall be impressed or i
the secretary of the aU
to the bonds shall bel
chairman of the auth.
be paid fortbwith from the money deposited, as the just
compensation to be awarded in said proceeding.
SEC. 9. Revenue Bonds.
crement on any sums so deposited, shall be paid forth
with to the authority.
(a) Subject to tbe provisions of paragraphs (b) and
(c) of this section, tbe authority is hereby authorized
to provide by resolution for the issuance, at one time
or fr<!m time to time, of revenue bonds of the authority
for the purpose of paying all or a part of the cost of
the acquisition of the Mount Hope bridge. The princi
pal of and the interest on such bonds shall be payable
solely from the funds heI'ein provided for such payment.
Tbe bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall bear inter
est at such I'ate or rates not exceeding five per centulll
(5%) pel' annum, shall mature at such time 01' times
not exceeding fifteen years from their date 01' dates as ,
may be determined by the authority, and may be made
redeemable befOl:e maturity, at the option of the au
thority, at such price 01' prices and under such terms
and conditions as may be fixed by the authority prior
to the issuance of the bonds. The authority shall deter
mine tbe form of tbe bonds, including any interest
coupons to be attacbed tbereto, and shall fix the denomi
nation 01' denominations of the bonds and tbe place or
places of payment of tbe principal and interest, wbich
may be at any bank 01' trust company witbin or without
tbe state. l'he bonds shall be signed by the cbairman of
the authority 01' sball bear his facsimile signature, and
the official seal of the authority or a facsimile thereof
shall be impressed 01' imprinted tbereon and attested by
tbe secretary of the authority, and any coupons attached
to the bonds shall bear the facsimile signature of the
chairman of the authority. In case any officer whose
(d) In the event said Mount Hope Bridge COI'pora
tion cannot agree with the authority for the price of the
bridge, so taken, it may, within three months after
notice of said taking, apply by petition to the superior
court in and for Providence county, setting forth the
taking of tbe said bridge, and praying for an assess
ment of damages by a jury. Upon filing of sucb petition
the said court shall cause twenty days' notice of the
pendency thereof to be given to tbe autbority by serving
the chairman or -vice chairman of tbe authority ,vith a
certified copy thereof, and may proceed after such notice
to the trial thereof; and such trial shall determine all
questions of fact relating to the value of such bridge,
and the amount tbereof, and judgment shall be entered
upon the verdict of such jury and execution shall be
issued therefor against the money so deposited in court
aud in default tbereof against any other property of the
aulllo.-it)', and all proceedings taken pursuant to the
provisions of this act shall take precedence over all
other civil matters then pending before said court.
le) Whenever, from time to time the authority has
ed lhe cou.-t that the amount deposited with the
1& grealer tban is amply sufficient to satisfy the
I the Mount IT B'
ope rIdge CorpOl'ation, the court
r that the a
._ mount of any such excess includ
\ C r ~ l or . ,
. lllcrement on any sums so deposited
Idtoth '
tisfi e authority. Wbenever the au
ri: the court that the claim of the
~ c Co,-po' f
I. la IOn has been satisfied
. nee in 1 . '
c udmg any interest Or in.
signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appear
on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer
befol'e the delivery of such bonds, such signature or such
facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for
all purposes the same as if he had remained in office
until such delivery. The bonds may be issued in coupon
or in registered form, or both, as the authority may de-
termine, and provision may be made for the registra-
tion of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also
as to both principal and interest, for the reconversion
into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both
principal and interest, and for the interchange of reg-
istered and coupon bonds. The authority may sell such
bonds in such manner, either at public Or private sale,
and for such price, as it may determine will best effect
the purposes of this act,
The proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be used
solely for the payment of the cost of the Mount Hope
bridge and shall be disbursed in such manner and under
such restrictions, if any, as the authority may provide
in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds
or in the trust agreement, hereinafter mentioned, secur-
ing the same. If the proceeds of the bonds of any issue,
by error of estimates or otherwise, shall be less than such
cost, Rdditional bonds may in like manner be issued to
provide the amount of such deficit, and, unless other-
,vise provided in the resolution authorizing the issu-
ance of such bonds or in the trust agreement securing
the same, shall be deemed to be of the same issue and
shall be entitled to payment from the same fund with-
out preference or priority of the bonds first issued. If
the proceeds of the bonds of any issue shall exceed such
Prior to the pre!laraU
authority may, nnder like
ceipts Or temporary bon
exchangeable for definitive
have beeu executed and arel
mal' also provid
bonds which shall becolll
stroyed Or lost. Bonds Ill:
sions of this act withaut
department, division,
agency of the state, and w
or the happening of any at
those proceedings, conditic
fically required by this act
SEC. 10. Re've""es. T
ized to fix, revise, chaq
use of the Mount Hope
so fixed and adjusted as
with other revenues, if an:
taining, repairing and or
the principal of and the'
same shall become due a
serves for such purposes.
such tolls shall not be sui
tion by any commission, t
state or of any municipaj
sion of the state. The to
rived from the bridge, ex
be necessary to pay sucl
and operation and to pro
JANUARY SESSION, 1954-CHAP'rER 3391. 585
signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appear
on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer
before the delivery of such bonds, such signature or such
facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for
all purposes the same as if he had remained in office
until such delivery. The bonds may be issued in coupon
or in registered form, or both, as the authority may de-
termine, and provision may be made for the registra-
tion of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also
as to both principal and interest, for the reconversion
into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both
principal and interest, and for the interchauge of reg-
istered and coupon bonds. The authority may sell such
bonds in such m a n ~ e r , either at public or private sale,
and for such price, as it may determine will best effect
the purposes of this act.
'l'he proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be used
solely for the payment of the cost of the Mount Hope
bl'idge and shall be disbursed in such mannel' and under
such restrictions, if any, as the authority may provide
in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds
Or in the trust agreement, hereinafter- mentioned, secur-
ing the same. If the proceeds of the bonds of any issue,
error of estimates or otherwise, shall be less than such
l, additional bonds may in like manner be issued to
ide the an 0 t f .
1 un 0 such defiCIt and unless other-
prOVided i th .':. .
n e resolution authonzlUo- the ISSU-
8ucb bonds . h b
Or lU t e trust ao-reement securing
8ball b d b
. e cemed to be of the same issue and
lltled to
payment from the same fund with-
~ e 01" ll' .
or tb rlonty of the bonds first issued. If
e bonds of .
any Issue shall exceed such
cost, the surplus shall be deposited to the credit of the
sinking fund for such bonds.
Prior to the preparation of defiuitive bonds, the
authority may, under like restrictions, issue interim re-
ceipts or temporary bonds, with or without coupons,
exchangeable for definitive bonds when such bouds shall
have been executed and are available fOr delivery. The
authority may also provide for the replacement of any
bonds which shall become mutilated or shall be de-
stroyed or lost. Bonds may be issued under the provi-
sions of this act without obtaining the consent of any
department, division, commission, board, bureau or
agency of the state, and without any other proceedings
or the happening of any other conditions or things than
those proceedings, conditions or things which are speci-
fically required by this act.
SEC. 10. Revemws. The authority is hereby author-
ized to fix, revise, charge and collect tolls for the
use of the Mount Hope bridge. Such tolls shall be
so fixed and adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient
with other revenues, if any, to pay (a) the cost of main-
taining, repairing and operatinvnch bridge and (b)
the principal of and the interest on such bonds as the
same shall become due and payable, and to create re-
serves for such purposes. Except as otherwise provided
such tolls shall not be subject to supervision or regula-
tion by any commission, board, bureau or agency of the
state or of any municipality or other political subdivi-
sion of the state. The tolls and all other revennes de-
rived from the bridge, except such part thereof as may
be necessary to pay such cost of maintenance, repair
and operation and to provide such reserves therefor as
SEC. 11. T"ust Funds. All moneys received pursu
ant to the provisions of this act, whether as proceeds
from the sale of bonds or as revenues, shall be deemed
to be trust funds to be held and applied solely as 'Pro
vided in this act. The authority shall, in the resolution
may be provided for in the resolution authorizing the
issuance of such bonds, or in the trust ag'reement secm'-
ing the same, shall be set aside at such regular intervals
as may be provided in such resolution or snch trust
agreemen t in a sinking fund which is hereby pledged to,
and charged with, the payment of the principal of and
tbe interest on such bonds as the same shall become due,
and the redemption price or the purchase price of bonds
retired by call or purchase as therein provided. Snch
pledge shall be valid and binding from the time when
the pledge is made; the tolls and other revenues or
other moneys so pledged and thereafter received by the
authority shall immediately be subject to the lien of
such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or
further act, and the lien of any such pledge shall be
valid and binding -as against all parties having claims
of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the
authority, irrespective of whether such parties have no-
tice thereof. Neither the resolution nor any trust agree
ment by which a pledge is created need be filed or re-
corded except in the records of the authority. The use
and disposition of moneys to the credit of such sinking
fund shall be subject to the provisions of the resolution
authorizing the issuance of such bonds or of such trust
agreement. Except as may otherwise be provided in
such resolution or such trust agreement, such sinking
fund shall be a fund for all such bonds without dis
tinction or priority of one over another.
Trust Funds.
586 JANUARY 1954--CHAPTER 3391. JA:-<l:AHY
authoriZing the honds
ing such bonds, pro\'i,
ceeds of the sale of t
received to a trustee,
or bank having the p
or without the state,
funds, and hold and:
this act, subject to su
resolution or trust agi
SEC. 12. Remedies
del' the provisions ol
appertaining thereto;,
agreement, except to
may be restricted by
at law or in equity,
proceeding, protect a1
the laws of the stR
such trust agreemenl
issuance of such bon1
performance of all (
such trust agreemen
the authority or by
fixing, charging and (l
SEC. 13. EllJempti
of the powers gran
respects for the be
of Rhode Island, foi
transportation and
ment of their heali
the acquisition, ope
authority of the M,
the performance of
from Tallation.
SEC. 12. Remedies. Any holder of bonds issued un-
der the provisions of this act or any of the coupons
appertaining thereto, and the trustee under the trust
agreement, except to the extent the rights herein given
may be restricted by such trust agreement, may, either
at law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus Or other
proceeding, protect and enforce any and all rights under
the laws of the state or granted hereunder or under
such trust agreement or the resolution authorizing the
issuance of such bouds, and may enforce and compel the
performance of all duties required by this act or by
such trust agreement or resolution to be performed by
the authority or by any officer thereof, including the
fixing, charging and collecting of tolls.
authorizing the bonds or in the trust agreement secur-
ing such bonds, provide for the payment of the pro
ceeds of the sale of the bonds and the revenues to be
received to a trustee, which shall be any trust company
or bank having the powers of a trust company within
or without the state, who shall act as trustee of the
funds, and hold and apply the same to the purposes of
this act, subject to such regulations as this act and such
resolution or trust agreement may provide.
SEC. 13. Exemption trom Taxation. 'l'be exercise
of the powers granted by this act shall be in all
respects for tbe benefit of the people of tbe state
of Rbode Island, for the increase of their commerce
transportation and prosperity and for the improve-
ment of tbeir bealtb and living conditions, and as
the acquisition, operation and maintenance by the
authority of tbe Mount Hope bridge will constitute
the performance of essential gove,'nmentu] functions
may be provided for in the resolution authorizing the
issuance of such bonds, or in the trust agreement secUl'-
ing the same, shall be set aside at such regular intervals
as may be provided in such resolution Or such trust
agreement in a sinking fund which is hereby pledged to,
and cbarged with, the payment of the principal of and
the interest on such bonds as the same shall become due,
and the redemption price or the purchase price of bonds
retired by call or purchase as therein provided. Such
pledge shall be valid and binding from the time when
the pledge is made; the tolls and other revenues or
other moneys so pledged and thereafter received by the
authority shall immediately be subject to the lien of
such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or
further act, and the lien of any such pledge shall be
valid and binding as against all parties having claims
of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the
authol'ity, irrespective of whether such parties have no-
tice thereof. Neither the resolution nor any trust agree-
ment by which a pledge is created need be filed or re-
corded except in the records of the authority. The use
and disposition of moneys to the credit of such sinking
fuud shall he subject to the provisions of the resolution
authorizing the issuance of such bonds or of such trust
eemeut. Except as may otherwise be provided in
ell resolution or such trust agreement, such sinkinO'
d ahall be f d "
a un for all such bonds without dis-
on or priority of one over another.
Trust Fund All .
. . s. moneys received pursu-
provISIons of thi
,. s act, whether as proceeds
'" of bonds
fu d Or as revenues, shall be deemed
t ~ h b e held and applied solely as 'P
. e aut] .
lorlty Shall, in the resolution
the authority shall not be required to pay any taxes
or assessments upon such bridge '01' upon any prop-
erty acquired or used by the authority under the
provisions of this act or upon the income from such
bridge, and the bonds issued under the provisions of
this act, their transfer and the income therefrom (in-
eluding any profit made on the sale thereof) shall at
an times be free from taxation within the state of Rhode
SEC. 14. Bonds Eligible tor InVes.t71tent. Bonds is-
sued by the authority under the provisions of this act
are hereby made securities in which an public officers
and public bodies of the state' and its political sub-
divisions, all insurance companies, trust companies,
savings banks, banking associations, investment com-
panies, executors, administrators, trustees and other
fiduciaries may properly and legany invest funds, in-
cluding capital in their control or belonging to them.
Such bonds are hereby made securities which may prop-
erly and legally be deposited with and received by any
state or municipal officer 01' any agency or political sub-
division of the state for any purpose for which the
deposit of bonds or obligations is now or may hereafter
be authorized by law,
SEC. 15. Negotiable Instntments. Notwithstandin!!"
nstrumen . ......
any of the foregoing provisions of this act or any recitals
in any bonds issued under the provisions of this act, an
such bonds shan be deemed to be negotiable instruments
under the laws of this state.
R....''l. R.- SEC. 16. Reve11AJ,e Refunding Bonds. The authority
funding Bonds.
is hereby authorized to provide for the issuance of reve-

nue refunding bond

of refunding any bon,
have been issued undo
eluding the payment of
on or any interest acc
redemption of such bo:
the authority, for tbe a
improvements, extensio
Hope bridge in connee
refunded shall bave be,
ther authorized to
of its revenue bonds f
refunding any bonds lh
been issued unde,' thel
the payment of any 1',
any interest accrued
redemption of such h,
part of the cost of suc
largements. The issu
and other details th
thereof, and the righI
authority in respect 0
the provisions of this I
SEC. 17.
authority under
thorized by
ing, and each such rej
ately and need not he
Within the first nlQ
of the authority, the
report to the

Annual reports.
Action of au_
authority by
Within the first ninety (90) days of each fiscal year
of the authority, the authority shall make an annual
report to the governor of its activities for the preceding
SEC. 17. Miscellaneous. Any action taken by the
authority under the provisions of this act may be au-
thorized by resolution at any regular Or special meet-
ing, and each such resolution shan take effect immedi-
ately and need not be published or posted.
nue refunding bonds of the authority for the purpose
of refunding any bonds then outstanding which shall
have been issued under the provisions of this act, in-
cluding the payment of any redemption premium there-
on or any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of
redemption of such bonds, and, if deemed advisable by
the authority, for the additional purpose of constructing
improvements, extensions or enlargements of the Mount
Hope bridge in connection with which the bonds to be
l'efunded shall have been issued. The authority is fur-
ther authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance
of its revenue bonds for the combined purpose of (a)
refunding any bonds then outstanding which shall have
been issued under the provisions of this act, including
the payment of any redemption thereon and
any interest accrued on or to accrue to the date of
redemption of such bonds, and (b) paying all or any
part of the cost of such improvements, extensions or en-
largements. The issuance of such bonds, the maturities
and other details thereof, the rights of the holders
thereof, and the rights, duties and obligations of the
authority in respect of the same shall be governed by
the provisions of this act in so far as the same may be
eoell.," Ref di B
. un ng onds. The authority
o"zed to nr 'd
" 0"1 e for the issuance of reve-
. 15. Negotiable Inst1"1!'nents. Notwithstanding
or the foregoing provisions of this act or any recitals
bonds issued under the provisions of this act all
dB 8hall be deemed to be negotiable ts
law. of this state.
SEC. 14. Bonds Eligible fa" Invt1&t1nent. Bonds is-
sued bv tbe authority undel' the provisions of this act
are he;eby made securities in which all public officers
and public bodies of the state and its political sub-
divisions, all insurance companies, trust companies,
sa"ings banks, banking associations, investment com-
jlanies, executors, administrators, trustees and other
fiduciaries may properly and legally invest funds, in-
cluding capital in their control or belonging to them.
Such bouds are hereby made securities which may prop-
erl)' and legally be deposited with and received by any
state 01" municipal officer or any agency or political sub-
dh-ision of the state for any purpose for which the
deposi t of bonds or obligations is now or may hereafter
be authorized by law.
the authority shall not be required to pay any taxes
or assessments upon such bridge Dr upon any prop-
erty acquired or used by the authority under the
provisions of this act or upon the income from such
bridge, and the bonds issued under tbe provisions of
tbis act, their transfer and the income tberefrom (in-
cluding any profit made on the sale thereof) shall at
all times be free from taxation within the state of Rhode
I ~ '
Penally for
of tolls.
to State.
fiscal year. Each such report shal! set forth a com-
plete operating and financial statement covering its op-
erations during the year. The state director of admin-
istration shall cause an annual audit of the books, rec-
ords and accounts of the authority to be made and the
cost thereof shall be treated as a part of the cost of
Any person who uses the Mount Hope bridge and
wilfully refuses to pay the toll provided therefor shall
~ pnnished by a fine of not more than one hundred dol-
lars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days,
or both.
SEC. 18. Tmnsje.- to State. No tolls shall be charged
for traffic over the. Mount Hope bridge after December
31, 1969 and said bridge sball at that time become the
property of the state, free and clear of al! encumbrances
and tbereupon the authority shall be dissolved.
SEC. 19. App,opriation. To provide for the prelim-
inary expenses of the authority in carrying out the pro-
visions of this act, the sum of ten thousand dollars is
hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated; and the state controller is
hereby authorized and directed to draw his orders upon
the general treasurer for the payment of such sum, or so
much thereof as may be required from time to time,
upon receipt by him of proper vouchers, which sum or
sums so paid shall be reimbursed by the authority to the
state out of the proceeds of any revenue bonds which
may be issued under the provisions of this act.
SEC. 20. Const'it'l!tional Constnwtion. The provisions
of this act are severable, and if any of its provisions
shall be held unrons'
jurisdiction, the dee
or impair any of the
SEC. 21. ElJeclil!fl
upon its passage.
It is enacted by the G,
SECTION 1. The to
authorized and empo
previously granted, to
thau December 31, 19
seal, water supply sy
amount not exceeding
heretofore Issued by j-
Said bonds shall be 0
shall bear interest a
centum per annum P ,
thereof and interest 1
coin or currency of th,
at the time of payme:
private debts, and the
be obligatory on said
the same extent as of
said town. The date,
fiscal year. Each such report shall set forth a com-
plete operating and financial statement covering its op-
eratiOIis during the year. The state director of admin
istration shall cause an annual audit of the books, rec
ords and accounts of the authority to be made and the
cost thereof shall be treated as a part of the cost of
Any person who uses the Mount Hope bridge and
\Vil fully refuses to pay the toll provided therefor shall
be pnnished by a fine of not more than one hundred dol
lars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days,
01' both.
SEC. 18. Tntnsfer to State. No tolls shall be charged
for traffic over the. Mount Hope bridge after December
31, 1969 and said bridge shall at that time become the
propert)' of the state, free and clear of all encumbrances
and thereupon the authority shalJ be dissolved.
ilBc. 19. Appmpriation. To provide for the prelim.
expenses of the anthority in carrying out the pro-
of this act, the sum of ten thousand dollars is
ont of any money in the treasury
"180 appropriated; and the state controlJer is
tborized and directed to draw his orders upon
treasurer for the payment of such sum or 80
I as b' '
may e reqll1red from time to time
by b' ,
lin of propel' vouchers, which sum or
11 be reimbursed by the nuthority to the
prOceeds of any revenue bonds which
er tbe provisions of this act.
' The provisions
ble, and if any
of its prOvisions
shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect
or impair any of the remaining provisions.
SEC. 21. Effective Date. This act shall take effect
upon its passage.
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. The town of East Providence is hereby
authorized and empowered, in addition to authority
previously granted, to issue from time to time not later
than December 31, 1959 under its corporate name and
seal, water snpply system bonds in serial form to an
llmount not exceeding $50,000 in addition to the bonds
heretofore issued by said town llnd now outstanding.
Said bonds shall be of the denomination of 1,000 each,
shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding 4lf2 per
centum per annum payable semiannually, the principal
thereof and interest thereon shall be payable in any
coin 01' cnrrency of the United states of America which
at the time of payment is legal tender for pnblic and
private debts, and the debts secured by said bonds shall
be obligatory on said town in .the same manner and to
the same extent as other debts lawfully contracted by
said town. The dates of maturity of said bonds shall
Act effedive,
H 70S
Bonds au-

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