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The Occult World

The occult world is a common figure of human existence. Presidents, royalty, politicians,
judges, teachers, Popes, and a wide spectrum of individuals participated in the occult before.
In this era, it has been exposed like in no other time in human history. Living in America,
you get see our country as immersed in occult symbolism. Certainly, times like
these call for more exposure on this key subject. People have talked about the film called the
"Alien Kabbalah," which was created by Chris Everard. Everard's video that he created and his
other works can be found at the link of: Now, it's time to show
what I agree and disagree with this documentary indeed (including exposing more information
pertaining to the occult world). Chris dedicated the film to the genius filmmaker Stanley
Kubrick. Kubrick exposed in his Eye Wide Shut film about how Illuminists and high level
occultists conduct their sick, sexual rituals in real life. The film was an expose of rituals going
around in American rich homes where a black mass was conducted (which goes on again in
real life). The rituals in Eyes Wide Shut have people dressed up as a Pope figure and other
characters. It's a ritual of sex magic done by the super wealthy people. Their masks in the film
are old Venetian masks from Europe. Sex magic proponents want to make tension in the
Temple to create "energy" to a spirit. This energy in black magic is given to a demon spirit
according to Chris Everard. The movie have women kissing each other and the high priest
welcoming the new initiate as played by Tom Cruise. Everard believed that the Knights
Templar participated in black magic, because many of them confessed to wicked ceremonies
(including there are accusations that the Knights Templar did sick sexual ceremonies among
the High Priest of the Knights Templar, necromancy, and invoking spirits unto dead bodies.
The Templars were definitely once powerful international bankers). Others deny the charges
that the Templars committed degenerate acts. The Eye Wide Shut movie star is Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise is a Scientologist. Scientology was invented by L. Ron Hubbard (who was another
occultist who worked with NASA occultist Jack Parsons to try to do magical ritual to herald the
coming of the Antichrist). L. Ron Hubbard wrote a book called Dianetics, which outlined
some of his personal belief system. Dianetics comes from the Greek words of dia
meaning through and nous meaning soul. So, Dianetics is a book that Hubbard
believed was to help get rid of unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears
plus psychosomatic illnesses. The book wants to describe what the soul is doing to
the body through the mind. The truth is that Dianetics is a brainwashing tool in
trying to get new members. This is why Hubbard falsely viewed religions as apart of
a “mental implant.” Scientology is definitely anti-Christianity. Scientology is about
teaching that an evil Creator being called Xenu created the Earth as a prison planet (among the
mest or Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. Scientology like Gnosticism bash the material
world). They deny much of mainstream medicine in order to incorporate vitamins (plus other
activities) to cure disease. There is nothing wrong with vitamins, but there is also nothing
wrong with legitimate mainstream medicine as well. Scientology is known to bash the disabled
and harbor cultic actions among its membership. NASA names their missions after occult
names. Hubbard followed the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Crowley ironically rejected
Hubbard as non-intelligent plus a radical. Hubbard was such an extremist and a fraud that he
said that: “…All men shall be my slaves! All women shall succumb to my charms! All
mankind shall grovel at my feet and not know why!..” [Corydon, p. 53] Today, Scientology is
very powerful in trying to infiltrate society. One example deals with Breeding. Dr. Breeding
is definitely affiliated with Scientology, which has enormous influence in the
New World Order network. Breeding quotes Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in
his book, The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses and his website links to the
Scientology front group, Citizens' Commission on Human Rights. Indeed, Dr. Breeding
calls this powerful force for Scientology "an awesome organization." Famous
Scientologists include Catherine Bell, Tom Cruise, Leah Remini, John Travolta,
Jenna Elfman, the late Isaac Hayes, Kelly Preston, Greta van Susteren, Nancy
Cartwright (who plays “Bart Simpson” on the Simpsons cartoon show), Kirstie
Alley, and many others. It's easy to see that the aristocracy and even some in the Papacy
perform black magic rituals covertly (as proven by Catholic Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo
and Malachi Martin. Martin wrote literatue about the Jesuits as well) through thousands of
years. The elite know that man isn't alone, so they use the spirit world to help get
their agendas done. One of the inner secrets of the Secret Societies is contacting
the spirit world (as found in the OTO, Freemasonry, etc.). A simple example of this
is how Satanist Aleister Crowley claimed to made contact with the
interdimensional being called "LAM" in New York City from 1918. Space isn't a
dead vacuum. Space has tons of energy. Occultists believe that the Ether is the
energy in Space (New Agers believe that elemental spirits are found in Nature),
which I don't believe in. It is true that our Planet has tons of living organisms
residing in it. Occultists like Crowley and Alice Bailey wanted New Age principles
to be promoted in order to create the new world order or the new Aquarian Age:
"...Marilyn Ferguson compiled and espoused a synthesis involving the theories of transformation and
the secret plan of the Aquarian Age. In her studies of the scientific advancements of this age involving
entropy and syntropy, holism, holographs, paradigm shifts, the uncertainty principle and evolution, she
discovered that, "for the first time an American renaissance is taking place in all disciplines, breaking
the boundaries between them, transforming them at their farthest reaches—where they all converge."
(From The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson on p.12)

Chris Everard says that the demonic regions of Hell have a hierarchy of evil spirits, which is
true (UFO research was done even by President Eisenhower in his program called “Project
Jehovah.” Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer were apart of this exercise). What is
strange is that Einstein and Oppenheimer wrote a 6 page Presidential memo entitled
"Relationship with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies." It's also true that when we die, we go into
the Spirit World. We go either into Heaven or Hell according to the Scriptures. The Kabbalah is
a group of texts that many Jewish people are forbidden to study until the age of 40. Kabbalist
texts call the spirit world as the Yenne Velt (or Yiddish for the Other word). The Kabbalah
believes in parallel universe that intersect our reality (Everard believes that the Manhattan
Project was inspired by Kabbalic rituals). Also, there is a photos of the Bohemian Grove where
men seem to enact an alchemical magical ceremony. Men there in the Grove also dressed as a
Pope figure praising Papal Saint John of Nepomuk. That is why a Mass is pictured in the
Bohemian Grove as well. This New Age/occult belief system extends into the belief of
reincarnation. Images of death and skulls are found in the Grove. So, the Alien Kabbalah
documentary even have information that I didn't know about previously.

According to Helena Blavatsky (who was an occultist who thought that Atlantis was destroyed by black
magicians), these magicians used demonic ceremonies. Helena Blavatasky was a co-founder of the
Theosophical Society. This Society advanced the idea of unifying religion and embracing the occult.
Helena loved pro-Gnostic teachings and praised Satan, especially in her infamous book entitled “The
Secret Doctrine.” Her literature influenced tons of people from Nicholas Roerich to Aleister Crowley
(including C.W. Leadbeater, Guido List, Alice Bailey, George W. Russell, etc). Some believe that
Atlantis was destroyed by crystal, electrical technology. Blavatsky said that the ancient Egyptians had
technology had been powered directly from the cosmos and the spirit world. Many people don’t realize
about how the physical world is being manipulated in violence, war, and chaos. If Atlantis did exist, it
was probably the pre-Flood world. The Bible says that the world was flooded with Noah and his family
as the sole survivors. Many rulers of the world are in Secret Societies use rituals to gain access of the
spirit world. The Kabbalah, the Mysteries, etc. influenced the Golden Dawn, the OTO and
Freemasonry. The royal political elite have plenty of libraries worldwide. One is the Binecki Library of
rare books at Yale University. This library is home to many alchemical and magical books. One such
book is called the Voynich Manuscript. Some of these book teach them how to summon and call forth
the negative forces of the Universe. The Skulls and Bones is home to Yale that have evil, occult
rituals. These rituals include mocking the Holy Communion, masturbating in a tomb, praising death,
etc. It's been nicknamed the Brotherhood of Death. Today, America is run by people using rituals and
privately summoning demons in numerous cases. Even Queen Elizabeth I used magicians to chose
the date of her coronation according to the time of the Zodiac. Elizabeth I's friend was occult magician
Dr. John Dee. Dee was the original 007 or British Intelligence. Dr. John Dee endorsed the concept of
a British Empire. Today, Temples globally are created to worship these spirits. Every continent have
giant Temples that are aligned with the stars of the Universe. They are calendars and relate to
magical rituals as well. They were built for similar reasons of summons spirits not just for ascetic
purposes or worshipping false gods. The Pyramids of Giza are astronomical calculators. They gauge
the times of stars, constellations, etc. Using magic to contact spirits is one of the core doctrines of
occult secret societies. ‘

Well, I've found new information about Freemasons in Virginia. 33° Mason L. L. Whitehead (a
Sovereign Grand Inspector General), 33° Freemason Esker Peacock, 33° William Hunter, 32°
Mason Douglas Richardson (a Grand Chaplin), and 33° Freemason Lee A. Keeley are
prominent Freemasons inside of Virginia. "Sister" Vernice Harrion is the Grand Matron of
Virginia. The Grand Matron is a powerful position of the Eastern Star (the female version of
Freemasonry, which was invented by Dr. Rob Morris). This is to show that Masons are all over
the place. I found other new things out. Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) wasn't a Freemason, but
his father Samuel and his brother Joseph E. were members. Davis publicly praised Masonry.
Robert E. Lee wasn't a Mason as well. Is Freemasonry scriptural? Masonry swear death oaths, yet
Jesus said these words: "...Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou
shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I say unto you,
Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his
footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by
thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication
be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." (Matthew 5:33-37).
Dr. Cathy Burns's books, Bill Schnoebelen, Fisher, and others wrote book that dissent with
Freemasonry. The New Age Movement is influenced heavily by Freemasonry. The Masonic tenet of
almost all monotheist religions having some truth and have a chance to go to Heaven is key New Age
doctrine. The Masonic O.T.O. (exposed by Craig Heimbacher's Blood on the Altar book) and the
Thule Society played a big role in leading the Nazis to power. The Theosophical Society and Lucis
Trust (Alice Bailey was a member. Her husband was a Mason) are some of the most powerful New
Age organizations in the world. Robert McNamara the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the
Rockefeller Foundation, and the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry are some of
many of Lucis Trust organizations. The originators of the Theosophical praised Satan (or Lucifer.
Satan and Lucifer are titles of the same evil being). Madame Blavastsky was a student of the Mason
Anton Mesner. Mesner taught her hypnotism (secretly practiced by the Mystery Religions for
thousands of years according to Fritz Springmeier). Moses Michael Hays was a founder of the
Scottish Rite in America and of the 33rd Degree in the USA. He lived in Virginia on Norfolk, VA's
Freemason Street. That's in Downtown. He was connected to the Rothschilds of London and the
Freemasons according to Fritz. The founder of The Muslim Brotherhood, Jamal al-Din al-
Afghani, was a Freemason and the Founder and Master of a Masonic Lodge in Cairo, Egypt.
The Muslim Brotherhood was also funded by British Intelligence. For decades now,
there has always been a strong Masonic Islamic influence in the Middle East in places
like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and even Israel. 33° Freemason Ronald A. Seale is one of
many famous Scottish Rite Freemasons. From my research, Freemasonry is not to be
blamed for all of the world's ills. On the other hand, Freemason possess evil, death
oaths to join with much secrecy. Many Masons have been involved in real conspiracies
to do evil. Many Masons in Congress are some of the most pro-abortion, anti-gun, and
anti-real freedom folks around like Chuck Schumer, Arlen Spector, 33° Robert Byrd,
etc. I just found out that Zell Miller is a Freemason. Other famous Freemasons from the
state of George include ex-Governor Lester Garfield Maddox (1915-2003), Jack Phillip Nix,
and John James Flynt, Jr.
Dr. Henry Makow (which I don’t agree with on every issue) wrote that a reader
said that Bill Gates has a link with Lucis Trust (it used to be called Lucifer Trust).
Lucis Trust was invented in 1922 by Alice Bailey, whose husband was Foster
Bailey (a 33° Freemason). Both of them accepted the dictates of the New Age
Movement (whose adherents include Jesuit priest Pierre de Chardin, Shirley
Maclaine, and Ted Turner). Alice Bailey was the leader of the Theosophical
Society (invented by Satanist Helena Blavatsky in 1875). Now, Alice was anti-
Semitic and said that Jews had bad karma for the reason of the Holocaust (in
1949 in her work called "Esoteric Healing" on p. 263). Many of these
philanthropists' organizations like the Gates Foundation seem like they want to
help the Third World. On the other hand, far too often, their monies fund
population control programs, vaccinations, and abortion throughout the Third
World. The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
almost $12.5 million since 1998. Warren Buffett even gave $31 billion to the Gates
Foundation. New Ages groups like Lucis Trust endorse globalists like George
Soros, Kofi Annan, and others to support New Age beliefs. It relates to Gnosticism
as well and this whole Babylonian Mystery Religion deal that many of the Elite
agree with. Gnosticism (whose belief bashes anything physical, calls man
basically good, wants man to learn knowledge to achieve "godhood", etc.) is
intertwined with the agenda of the New Age and the global religious movement.
In fact, a new film called "“The Da Vinci Con: Hollywood's War on God" exposes the Da
Vinci Code even further. The Da Vinci Code is already exposed already, but this film
devles deeper into the Gnostic connection of the agenda of many anti-
conservative Christian people in Hollywood and across the planet. Christians and
other researchers have proven this and outlined the New Age Movement's connection
to the United Nations. The goal is to fight back. I don't believe in fighting by
preemptive violence against the government. I believe in peaceful protest,
prayer, living a holy life, helping people, educating people, writing information
and showing it to people, and other forms of activism. We can't make a difference
without first being active in our own communities and across the Earth. Don't get
me wrong. I love my country, but one of the ways you show love of country is by
exposing the evils in the country and the world.
The United Nations is heavily New Age. That's the truth. The United Nations have
been ruled by people that agree with globalism or the power of a few people to
control the affairs of most of the world. The U.N. have an anti-Semite past. One of
the U.N. Secretary-Generals, Kurt Waldheim, was a former Nazi German officer
who committed crimes against the Jews and was listed by the War Crimes
Commission as a war criminal. The information about his past did not become
public until after his term as Secretary-General, but it is not surprising that
Waldheim condemned Israel’s dramatic rescue of Jewish hostages in Entebbe in
1976. He also was at the helm when the United Nations passed the “Zionism Is
Racism” resolution. They claim to care for the Third World, but did nothing to stop
the genocide going on in the nation of Rwanda (some Roman Catholic clergy were
war criminals in that affair). Sometimes, the United Nations don't make a
distinction between arming oneself for protection and using aggression in foreign
affairs unjustifiably. Robert Muller joined the U.N. in 1951 and has been a New
Age proponent. He supported the U.N. Mediation Room in 1977 that believes in a
cosmic unity of people. He believed that man can reach divinity. He of course
ecumenicalism and a new Age religious paradigm. In 1956-57 Hammarskjöld
completely remodeled the UN chapel. It had been opened in 1952 as a non-
denominational prayer room, the brainchild of a Christian lay organization whose
members included the department store millionaire J.C. Penney. Hammarskjold
turned it into a New Age Meditation Room. The arm chairs, flags of the nations,
draperies, and potted plants were removed, and a six-and-a-half ton block of iron
ore was deposited in the center of the room, the polished top of which is lit by a
single beam of light from the ceiling. The light depicts “divine wisdom,” and the
block depicts an empty altar representing “God worshipped in many forms”
( Hammarskjöld said, “It is the altar to
the God of all” (“A Room of Quiet,” U Thant was the UN
Secretary General from 1961 to 1971 and he supported the agenda of the New Age
Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin. He believed in tolerance and desire to use
philosophy to develop a new world. The Vatican have worked with the U.N. in
religious matters as well like promoting world unity at the expense of national
sovereignty. The Luciferian Lucis Trust is linked to the U.N. Alice Bailey was one
leader in it who hated nationalism, hate Israel, and wanted an universal world
religion. He was oppose to mainstream Christianity that denied the existence of Hell
(his husband was the 32nd Degree Freemason and occult proponent Foster Bailey).
From the Earth Charter to other groups, the New Age components to the United
Nations is easy to comprehend.

Le Cerle is an interesting powerful group that even some in the "alternative truth movement" refuse to
discuss. It is interrelated with the Vatican (i.e. the Sovereign Military of Malta) and Great Britain. It's a
privately funded group that meets across the world. They include military people, politicians, bankers,
oil men, and intelligence agents. What do they do? They were involved in anti-Communist
activities. Today, they desire European integration into a European Union if you will. Many British Le
Cerlers want Britain out of the EU. It was formulated in the early 1950's. Some of those in Le Cerle are
in the Pilgrim Society. Some of its members are George F. Baker Jr. (a billionaire), Eugene Robert
Black (ex-head of the World Bank and is connected to Planned Parenthood), Dwight Eisenhower (his
brothers were Freemasons, his father was a JW elder), George H. W. Bush, Thomas
Watson Jr., Knight of Malta Myron C. Talyor, and Peter F. Scott. The Pilgrim Society (Its members
are the FED, Federal Open Market Committee, Carnegie Institute executives, JP Morgan, Chase
Manhattan, and the World Bank) is one of the most powerful political groups in the world. The Pilgrim
Society, Le Cerle, and 1001 Club are interrelated. The Vatican and the Jesuit’s secret history have
been exposed by me and many other human beings. I will always write and talk about the Vatican,
Knights of Malta, the K of C, and the Jesuit connection to the new world order.
This image is found in the Library of Congress. John Donoghue (1853–1903) is the
sculptor of the woman representing Science. She holds in her left hand a globe of the
earth, surmounted by a triangle. In her right hand is a mirror, not, like History’s, but
held forward so that all may perceive the image of truth. This Building has many
occult imagery and concepts about Sir Francis Bacon (the inventor of the modern
scientific method). Paintings of Athena, satyrs, the Phrygian cap (which is found in
American logos and images of the ancient world that span thousands of years), and
phrases exist in the Library of Congress as well. There are words next to statues like
“The true Shekenah is Man.” That means that the Glory of God is Man, which is
false of course. Both pagan and Judeo-Christian words plus imagery are found in the
Library of Congress. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1) is a Biblical
verse that is engraved on a wall of the Library of Congress. So, religious and Hermetic
views are definitely found in the Library of Congress.
This is another interesting painting found in the Library of Congress. This is the image of the
Goddess Minerva (she is considered a patron of good government and representative of
Liberty. That is why she is shown so prominently in the Library of Congress). This painting is
found in the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library (of the Great Hall). Elihu Vedder was
the painter of this image called the “Minerva of Peace.” Elihu Vedder (1836 – 1923) was an
American symbolist painter, book illustrator, and poet, born in New York City. Vedder was
also influenced by occultist and Golden Dawn member William Bulter Yeats plus the mystic
William Blake. Vedder is famous for other paintings worldwide not just in the Library of
Congress. According to the Riddles of Stone DVD documentary, Vedder was apart of an
artistic movement that was traced to the Rosicuricans (via the La Rose Croix art house
promoting symbolic and bizarre art). One flyer of the La Rose Croix shows the Leonardo
da Vinci (dressed as Joseph of Arimathea) and Dante (dressed up as a Knight Templar)
with a Grail. The Holy Grail is an occult image with many meanings. They include of
wisdom, divine grace, and a mythological stone that fell from Heaven (called lapsit
exillis). Dante according to Michael Howard was a Rosicrucian Grand Master who used
Rosicrucian imagery (or philosophy) in his writings. Minerva in this building obviously
means wisdom. Minerva or Athena (a inspirational figure in the eyes of Sir Francis Bacon.
Athena is the ancient Greek version of the Roman Minerva) is a common motif of Secret
Societies. In mythology, Metis gave birth to Athena, and crafted for her daughter a helmet
and robe. Athena or Minerva is definitely known for wearing a helmet. Images of
Athena exist throughout Washington D.C. (even in the Seal of the state of Virginia
where she is crushing a tyrant. Sic Semper Tyrannis is the famous Latin motto meaning
thus always toward tyrants). Athena has her helmet at her feet and a spear near the sun in
the image above.
This image in the Library of Congress is strange. It shows a man crucified with a 2
headed-bird protecting him. This image is found in the ceiling. The words in Latin
comes from Psalm 17:8, which is found in Rosicrucian literature. The Scriptures in
this verse talks about David in fear of his life as is a common theme throughout the
Psalms. Joshua Sciarrino gave an interesting interpretation of this image. He
believes this verse talks about David fleeing from Saul as found in 1 Samuel 23:25-
26. He believes that the wings in the verse refer to the Ark of the Covenant, which
show images of a cherubim on top of the Ark. A cherubim are angels. The Ark of the
Covenant is a symbol of God’s presence with the children of Israel. So, David according to
Joshua wants to hide from Saul in the presence of the Ark of Covenant (and become
protected by God via extension). Yet, the 2 headed bird is very similar to the double-headed
eagle iconography (meaning the union of the masculine and feminine principles of the
individual plus authority or protection) found in Freemasonry, the Holy Roman Empire, the
Hittites, the ancient Babylonians, and other empires spanning human history.

WB Yeats even admits that: "...The Secret of all Magick Secret Societies is the summoning of
Spirits...Speaking with spirits is the core of all Secret Teachings...Summoning a Spirit into a
Temple is the root of all occult Knowledge..." W.B. Yeats was a member of the Golden Dawn. The
Golden Dawn was created in 1888 (as the Isis-Urania Temple) inside of London. The three founders,
William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were
Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.). The Golden Dawn expanded
witchcraft and Satanic teachings worldwide (This occult explosion from the Golden Dawn since the
late 19th century was admitted by world class witches Janet and Stewart Farrar). Even Satanist Anton
LaVey said that the Golden Dawn’s literature provided a great influence on his teachings. Some of
the rituals and ceremonies of the Isis-Urania (or the Golden Dawn) were
conducted at Mark Masons’ Hall in Great Queen Street (which is now
demolished). They went under the archway and down passage (which is the door on the right) not
in the front door of Mark Masons’ Hall. Freemason S. L. MacGregor Mathers wrote book that promote
the use of magical spells. They are the Key of Solomon the Key and the Book of the Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Magi. Alesiter Crowley learned from Mathers a lot about magic as well. The Bible of
course condemns the magical arts completely including witchcraft. Golden Dawn associates Mr. and
Mrs. Horos were accused of raping a person in 1901. They were jailed for fifteen and seven
years respectively. This proves that Freemasonry is tied to the Golden Dawn and the most
wicked occult in the world.
William Butler Yeats is a famous occultist of the 19th century and early 20th century. He lived
from June 13, 1865 to January 28, 1939. He was involved heavily in the occult and meet with
people on special meetings. She married the 24 year old girl Georgie Hayde-Lees. He was in
his 50s at the time. He became an Irish Senator, which his government was filled with Papists,
occultists, and Freemasons. He and his wife conducted "automatic writing." Automatic writing
is when demons or spirits manipulate various unconscious aspects of your mind to write
information for you. He wrote a book called: “A Vision: An Explanation of Life Founded upon
the Writings of Giraldus and upon Certain Doctrines Attributed to Kusta Ben Luka.” Aleister
Crowley also underwent “automatic handwriting” in which he wrote several books, except he
applied them to his life and lived by them. Yeats was involved with the Protestant Ascendancy
Movement not because he agreed with Protestantism or was pro-Jesus Christ (he wasn't since
he was an occultist). He used that status to dissent with Romanism, although Romanism
should be rejected indeed. Yeats had a love of writing and he was apart of the Order of the
Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn is a Masonic/Rosicrucian type group that love to use
Kabbalah and other occult rituals to try to contact the spirit world. Yeats wanted the synthesis
of religion, science, and philosophy, which is one essence of New Age thought. Yeats met with
Madame Helena Blavatsky and became a member of the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky
obliged with more questions about society, and formed an additional branch to the Society
called, "The Esoteric Section." This group done magic rituals. The Golden Dawn loved
astrology as well. So, William Bulter Yeats certainly influenced the world with his ideas. Of
course, we don't need mysticism to achieve real fulfillment in life. See, Yeats was constantly trying to
get knowledge, but he wasn't satisfied since the occult never truly fulfills the soul. Only God (Jesus
Christ) can fulfill the spiritual needs of man's soul. Many of Yeats' works inspired some architecture
(and paintings that are found in the Library of Congress) in Washington, D.C. according to the
Riddles of Stone film (which was narrated by Chris Pinto).
A lot of this information have been taboo for the general public until a few years ago.
I thank God that in this generation, the truth is coming out about these things.
Superman is filled with Symbolism. I've mentioned this before and now it's time to add more
information about this issue. Jewish people named Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster invented the
Superman comic book in 1933. The original inspiration for Superman (called also Kal-EL. Kal El
means the "Voice of God" in Hebrew. Superman's father was Jor-EL. His mother was named Lara)
was Adam Kadmon (meaning Primordial Man). Adam Kadman is the Superman of the Kabbalah
who according to some occultists would return in the Year 6000 of the Jewish calendar to cleanse the
evil in the world. According to the Kabbalah, Adam Kadmon, as the first being to emerge from the
infinite Godhead, Ein-sof. Both creators were aware of the Kabbala (a religious group believing that
create codes created by God via Moses unlock secrets for true enlightenment or "perfection." The
Kabbala is a mixture of Jewish mysticism and the Babylonian mysteries as explained by John Daniel).
There is a Saturn connection. Superman is pictured with Saturn in many
pictures. It's very ironic that Siegel and Schuster were anti-Nazi and promoted
Superman to dissent with them, yet Superman concepts existed for thousands
of years. Now, groups like the Theosophical Society and men like Aliester Crowley (he
believed in sexual magic. He claimed he contacted an interdimensional being named "Lam")
believed in the Superman concept in a sinister way. Madame Blavastsy (a Satanist who
praised Satan in her book "The Secret Doctrine") believed that the Supermen were White
Aryans who survived Atlantis that was superior to all mankind. Blavatsky was not only a co-
Freemason, but a member of the Theosophical Society. Hitler read Blavatsky's literature and
used the Superman concept as justification for his extremist, false views on race and the
Jewish people. Hitler and the Nazis were racist against Jewish, which is evil plus wrong of
course. Any form of bigotry is always unjustified. Crowley wanted the Supermen to rule the
world under the Antichrist according to the Da Vinci con film made by Fight the Good Fight
Ministries. Even Dr. Obadiah Harris (an occult follower of Freemason Manly P. Hall) desires the
Perfected Men to govern our world under the cloak of “democracy.” According to Matthew Delooze,
the Superman "S" symbol looks like a Serpent.

The highest secrets of Freemasonry, the Golden Dawn, the kabbalah, etc are
perverting things (including trying to contact the spirit world, the praise of the
Serpent, promoting the new age of the world, etc.) to promote their agenda.
These cults are summoning demons or even the Devil himself (according to
researchers like Fritz Springmeier). Manly P. Hall praised the Serpent (which is a
code name for Satan) by his own words in his “The Secret Teachings of All Ages
book” on pg. 1xxxviii. by writing that: “…The serpent is the symbol and prototype
of the Universal Savior, who redeems the world’s by Giving creation the
knowledge of itself and the Realization of God and Evil…” In actuality, the
serpent is not good nor a Savior at all. The highest secret of the Hebrew Kabbalah
according to Crowley and Hubbard, is that extraterrestrial spirits live in parts
of the Universe. Occultists believe in the astral world. You have to understand the
spirit world in order to understand the mentality of secret societies (even witch
covens). The Spirit World is just as real as the Physical. Magical rituals repeat the
names of spirits just like the Computer being functional by the usage of commands.
Occultists believe that rituals unlock the telepathic mind in order to make them have
access to the spirit world. Some occultists teach that there are 7 plans are in the
astral world. The lowest plane is the physical world we live in, the plane of forces (it
has the forces of Nature like electricity, heat, light, gravity, atomic forces, etc.), etc. In
1943, Oppenheimer's team calculated the forces needed to break up an atom. They
feared that doing this the wrong way could destroy the planet. They exploded the
first Atomic Bomb and broke down some of the forces of nature. The Cold War made
a psychological war on terror on humans. There was paranoia about it. The Cold War
was a contrived hoax when the international bankers (who are headed by the
Vatican, Pilgrims, high level Masonry, etc.) funded both sides of it. Oppenheimer read
the teachings of the Eastern world. The 4th plane is the mental plane. The other 3
planes are hard to understand. The higher planes according to occultists are what
Christians call Heaven. Yet, Heaven is not some plane of existence. It’s the
location of God and His Kingdom presently. In history, magicians, Freemasons,
Kabbalists, Satanists, Pope, etc. have engaged in magical rituals to contact
spirits, forces of Nature, etc. (in the astral plane). The New Agers believe that
the spirit world surround Planet Earth. Everard claims that Nostradamus used
powered nutmeg and hallucinogenic herbs to create “visions” of the Spirit world.
Nostradamus in a film swore to not reveal secrets or he would be killed (not by the
Inquisition, but by an occult person). The big picture is that Nostradamus used
scrying (this is crystal gazing in a magical way that relates to divination) and
other unbiblical practices to try to predict the future. The Bible is clear that:

"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who
practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts
spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does
these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the
LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.” (Deut. 18:10-12)

Nostradamus was a famous French apothecary and reputed seer. He was an

controversial figure of whom there is dispute on his views to this very day. Some in
his family converted to Roman Catholicism at an early age. The Queen Catherine de
Medici (whose consort was King Henri II) followed Nostradamus for advice. He is
famous in esoteric circles, yet there is no evidence that he dabbled in Rosicurcian
circles. The image on the right is a famous Rosicrucian symbol (Rosicrcuanism deals
with the study of Nature, alchemy, and embrace of many occult principles. They
regularly have literature discussing about questions pertaining to the Nature of
Man and the existence of God) of a Pelican feeding its children. There is also the
famous rose and cross symbol with the words of INRI. Now, the basic interpretation
of INRI is the description of the Latin words to outline Jesus Christ. These Latin
words are Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum or the Jesus The King of the Jews in Latin.
In Masonry and Rosicurcianism, they also have other meanings equaling the
following: Igne Natura Renovatur Integra (or Nature is completely renewed by fire
in Latin), Insingia Naturae Ratio Illustrat (or Reason illuminates the nature’s
symbols in Latin), In Neci Renascor Integer (or in death one is reborn intact and
pure), and so forth. INRI is another means to represent immorality of the human
soul according to Albert Pike. Now, Manly P. Hall in his “The Secret Teachings of
All Ages” book wrote that the Pelican to a “Christian” mystic represents Christ who
saved Humanity (as seen by sacrificing his own blood to feed the birds). He said it
could represent the sun and resurrection of the candidate from the dead. The mother
bird pelican to Hall outlines the transformation of man from the lower self to the
higher self (in the realm of love or affection). Rosicrucianism is known for using
Christian imagery to represent their philosophy even when it’s not apart of
Orthodox Christianity. This logo on the right is also found as a logo of the 18th
degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (which is called the Knight of the Rose
Croix). Albert Pike gives his interpretation of the Rosy Cross symbolism in Masonry:
“…But [the cross's] peculiar meaning in this Degree, is that given to it by the Ancient
Egyptians. Thoth or Phtha is represented on the oldest monuments carrying in his hand
the Crux Ansata, or Ankh, (a Tau cross, with a ring or circle over it)…It was the
hieroglyphic for life, and with a triangle prefixed meant life-giving. To us therefore it is
the symbol of Life—of that life that emanated from the Deity, and of that Eternal Life
for which we all hope; through our faith in God's infinite goodness. "The ROSE, was
anciently sacred to Aurora and the Sun. It is a symbol of Dawn, of the resurrection of
Light and the renewal of life, and therefore of the dawn of the first day, and more
particularly of the resurrection: and the Cross and Rose together are therefore
hieroglyphically to be read, the Dawn of Eternal Life which all Nations have hoped for
by the advent of a Redeemer." (pgs. Pike [1871], pp. 290-291). Rosicrucian groups today
believe that the cross represents the human body and the rose means the individual’s
unfolding consciousness. In other words, the cross relates to what here on this Earth, while
the rose means love, perfection and mystery. Occultists believe that man can alchemically
achieve perfection using rituals and “love.”

The person in a movie about Nostradamus shows Nostradamus occult works like the Exiler of Bliss,
the Kabbalah, Solomon's Key, etc. He believes that many people have the power to see into the
future. Nostradamus does rituals to make his visions clearer. The film shows Leonardo's machine
underwater and the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima. Some mushrooms are common in N. Europe,
which Nordic shamans and Wiccans used in their ceremonies (even hashish). They use these
plants to see and they claim it allows them to witness the spirit world. The psychic oracles of ancient
Greece looked in bowls of water in claiming to attempt to see visions of the future. Beehives are
symbols of the Freemasonic order. The Mormons love the bee symbolism which is apart of the state
logo of Utah. According to Dr. Cathy Burns' "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated" book (along with
Texe Marrs' Mysterious Monument book from pgs. 145- 146), the bee is found in the Goddess Venus.
Later, the bee is related to the priestesses of Elusis and Epheus along with generative power. The
bees to to many occultists means the Goddess and to work toward a man-made Paradise on Earth.
Freemasonry hold the bee into the role of human industry. It was embraced by Mystery Religions for
thousands of years. Adam Weishaupt ate hashish in rituals just like the Alumbardos (some plants
related to occultism are similar to DMT plants). There is a lot of talk about Adam
Weishaupt. Few know that he was Jesuit trained, was a Freemason, and died in
good graces of the Catholic Church. Adam was born in February 6, 1748 in
Ingoldstadt, Bavaria. His Bavarian Illuminati group was formed in 1776. His code
name was Spartacus. He wanted enlightenment principles to spread across the
globe. It was not until 1777 that he was initiated in the Lodge Theodore of Good
Counsel, at Munich. Thenceforward, Weishaupt sought to incorporate his system
into that of Freemasonry, so that in times latter might become subservient to his
views and with the assistance of the Baron Knigge, (who brought his active energies
and genius to the aid of the cause). He succeeded in completing his system of
Illuminism. The Duke of Gotha protected Weishaupt after the Bavarian
government banned the Illuminati in 1784. He died in 1811. Some believe that
Napoleon Bonaparte was a Mason of The Rite of Memphis-Misraim in 1815 (after
he was first initiated in Cairo, Egypt). This Illuminati, Secret Societies influence is
being discussed in the film of Angels and Demons. Also, Dan Brown wants to write
a book about Freemasonry specifically. Brown's long-awaited follow-up, The Lost
Symbol, is to be released in September. So, Freemasonry and other Secret
Societies have worldwide influence in the world still. The veil is about reality changing
for people. Shamans and magicians use the DMT plants in order to claim to see spirits (they claim to
see this with their Third Eye). The Bible forbids using plants like DMT in an attempt to seek
"spiritual experiences." The Book of Revelation has the words sorceries which has a Greek
word meaning pharmakea or drugs. Drugs used for wicked purposes is always a sin. The Third
Eye is an occult/New Age belief of a secret eye in the middle of a human forehead that can
understand a high level of information plus spiritually. It's unbiblical of course. Sir Oliver Lodge (a
pioneer of Radio) said that the Ether is a spirit domain and interconnects with planet and star in the
Universe. The Ether to mystics is a life force. Lodge is the author of the Ether of Space from 1915.

There are blood rituals in the occult as well. Some in modern science falsely teach that the heart is
just a pump. Other literature believe that the heart is an emotional organ that beat faster in stress,
sexual excitement, etc. Some physical exercise can train the heart to respond better in stress. These
exercises are called Yoga. Aleister Crowley followed Yoga just like famous magicians. Yoga believes
it can unite mind, body, and spirit. Many conservative Christians reject yoga, because it comes from
Hindu ceremonies of praising false gods. The occult believes that gaining full activity of the heart can
unlock many realm of consciousness. The fact remains that even physical yoga is inextricably united
in the whole of Eastern metaphysics. Yoga follows the unbiblical action of using rituals to rise up the
kudalini or serpent power plus it invokes false Hindu gods. There are numerous exercise programs
that incorporate stretching that in no way relates to yoga (and its worldview) that one can substitute.
Blood is a medium for life. Life force itself has many names in different cultures globally. Chiprana is in
China as the life force. Fresh oxygen can improve the life force according to Chinese pagans. That is
why witches perform their rituals in woods since trees show oxygen in the world. Blood according to
occultists can pass emotional energy. Tree groves are chosen by Secret orders to have sacrificial
rituals. In the Bohemian Grove, there is a tree Grove with the spirit of Care or Compassion to be
sacrificed symbolism to the false god of an owl. Some believe that our heart can absorb and
remember our personality. Nexus Magazine believes in organ memory. Some doctors and patients
show that the heart personality of a patient reflect their original heart giver. Some question the total
mechanical aspect of the human heart. Ancient cultures have been using blood from animals, etc.
Blood ritual occurs globally. Black magicians who support blood sacrifice (like Crowley, who wanted a
9 year old child of above average intelligence to be the true sacrifice). Hot blood can have chi life force
according to occultists. Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Constant. Levi is an anagram of Evil) and Crowley
believe that the last blood of the victim.

Eliphas Levi was a famous character. Like many occultists, he was a prominent Freemason.
Freemasonry teaches Universalism (or that monotheistic religions are equivalent to each other). In
MACKEY'S JURISPRUDENCE, p.205, Mackey states:

"The Ten Commandments are not obligatory upon a Mason as a Mason,

because the institution is tolerant and cosmopolite (a citizen of the world),
and cannot require its members to give their adhesion to any religious
dogmas or precepts, excepting those which express belief in God and the
immortality of the soul."

His real name is Alphonse Louis Constant. He was educated at Saint Sulpice (he studied the
languages of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew). He even was a deacon of the Roman Catholic Church.
Levi’s 2 children died and his wife left him. This enabled him to go into the occult. Eliphas Levi would
praise Lucifer and pay people money get claim to get a prediction from Lucifer. 33rd Degree
Freemason Rex H. Hutchens admitted that Levi was into the occult. Some believed that in 1854,
Eliphas summoned up the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana in London. Apollonius was another famous
magician and a foe of Christianity according to Dr. Cathy Burns. Apollonius of Tyana (his Greek
name is equated to: Ἀπολλώνιος ὁ Τυανεύς; He lived from ca. 15 A.D. ?–ca. 100 AD) was a
Greek Neopythagorean philosopher and teacher. He hailed from the town of Tyana in the
Roman province of Cappadocia in Asia Minor. Some believed that Apollonius worked magical
acts unto people. Levi believes that the last beat of heart and the last blood carries the soul into the
spirit world. What is true is that Apollonius was a vegetarian and lived an ascetic lifestyle. The sick
blood rituals are glamorized in Hollywood of course. One film showing this is called the "The Devil
Rides Out" from Hammer films. It's based on an occult novel by Dennis Wheatley. The blood
ritual has a person on an altar with Zodiac signs. One person oversees the body with other
folks watching. One person wearing a black suit watches the proceedings as well. The victim is
a little girl. The character of Mercata is based on Aleister Crowley. Dennis Wheatley was initated into
Crowley's AA Secret Society. The Mercata character in the film talks with a deep British accent. He
says that souls transfers to other places. The high priest is a Satanist in the film. He praises the Rider
of the Beast and Chaos. Mercata tries to draws the child's blood. This form of black magic
circumvent the natural path of the victim's soul. Occultists claim that blood rituals allow the
soul of the victim unto them or demons (which I don't agree with). Icon Productions funded Mel
Gibson's Apocalypto Film that is consumed of blood rituals. The Native Americans back then would
get the person's heart of their bodies. Gibson is know for supporting the violence, unscriptural, and
occult inspired film of “The Passion.” The Passion even had pornographers as actresses in the movie.
The shape and color of the heart was studied for divinations. Tons of temples were set up to
investigate spirits called Oracles. The oracles of ancient Greece were female or androgynous
psychics who were bread from birth. They were in trances and claimed to receive info form the
spirit world. There are caves with oracles. One Baia Oracle Temple in Italy have a man-made
river Styx that represents the gap between the physical and spiritual world. When Freemasons
like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin found Washington, D.C. they oversaw the
necropolis that houses the White House, the Jefferson Memorial, etc. (D.C. is based in the
architectures of Temples worldwide). Some of these buildings were built with Masonic cornerstone
on them replete with Masonic rituals. Ironically, high level Masons call Freemasonry a religion or a
religious institution. ALBERT MACKEY, one of the best known Masonic authorities,
wrote in A LEXICON OF FREEMASONRY (pg. 402): "…The religion, then, masonry,
is pure theism…” J. S. M. WARD, a Masonic authority who has written several
important books on masonry, wrote in his book: FREEMASONRY: IT'S AIMS &
IDEALS. (pg. 185): "I consider freemasonry is a significant organized school of
mysticism to be entitled to be called a religion." He continues on page 187:
"Freemasonry ... taught that each man can, by himself, work out his own conception
of god and thereby achieve salvation." The Bible says that only God’s grace can give
man salvation not by what can he do by himself or herself. Some Freemasons reject the Deity
of the Lord Jesus Christ. J. D. BUCK, M.D., another Masonic writer of importance,
in his book SYMBOLISM OF MYSTIC MASONRY, wrote (pg. 57): "In the early
church as in the secret doctrine, there was not one Christ for the world but a
potential Christ in every man. Theologians first made a fetish of the impersonal,
omnipresent divinity,' and then tore the 'Christ is God' from the hearts of all
humanity in order to Deify Jesus; that they might have a God-Man particularly their
own." The Bible is clear from John 1:1 that the Word or Jesus Christ is God. The view of
man achieving godhood is a common them among Freemasonry. Freemason W. L.
Wilmhurst in his book entitled, the Meaning of Masonry wrote that:

“…A Master Mason, then, in the full sense of the term, is no longer an ordinary man, but a divinized
man; one in whom the Universal and the personal consciousness have come into union. Obviously the
quality of life and consciousness of such an one must differ vastly from that of other men. His whole
being is differently qualitated and geared upon another centre. That new centre is described as the
Grand Geometrician of man's personal universe, inasmuch as its action upon the organism of
whoever surrenders himself to its influence causes a redisposition of functional and conscious
faculty…He is in conscious sympathy and identity of feeling with all that lives and feels, in virtue of that
universal charity and limitless love which is the corollary of perceiving the unity of all in the Being of
Deity, and which at the outset of his progress he was told was the summit of the Mason's
profession…“ (on pages 146-147, 155).
The New Atlantis was an Utopian vision that was modernized by Rosicrucian Sir
Francis Bacon. Bacon supported the colonization of America by the British Empire.
Early Virginian colonists came about in Jamestown, VA in the early 1600's. Baconian
Philosophy is accepted by the esoteric crowd. The New Atlantis work was published
in 1627. This book described a future Atlantis with skyscrapers, aircraft, underwater
vehicles, and advanced scientists. These words describe America to a T. During the
1700’s, Christoph Nicolai began claiming that a grand, Anglo-American, cross-
Atlantic conspiracy was underway between American Freemasons and prominent
English Freemasonry and Rosicrucians in London to conceal secret political efforts
to restore the exiled Scottish House of Stuart, as well as rebuild the Temple of
Solomon in America (since there was no 'Kingdom of Israel' at that time). Ever since
when Modern Freemasonry came about in 1717, there has been an increase of Secret
Societies' role in trying to create the new world order under the guise of restoring Lost
Atlantis. Even the occult symbolism of the York/Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is similar to
the symbolism in the Bavarian Illuminati. The New Atlantis was an occult joint enterprise
among the US and the UK. This is why the Vatican (in conjunction with the Anglo-American
elite of the US and the UK) have been complicit in organizing major international
conspiracies plus wars spanning over 3 centuries. That is why American Presidents have been
related to the Royal bloodlines of France, Scotland, and England, especially in the
Merovingian bloodline. The American capital of Washington D.C. is of course filled with
Masonic and occult symbolism (from Owls, a Pentagram with one side missing, The Boaz
and Jachin imagery, the Triple Tau, etc.). Buildings like the White House and the Jefferson
Memorial had influence from the Greco-Roman architecture of the Ancient world. Some of
the builders of the structures in D.C. were Freemasons and probably had an understanding of
Sacred Geometry (which inspired the cathedrals to be built during the Middle Ages near Ley
Lines). Ultimately these Secret Societies want to build their utopia to welcome the Perfected
Man (as admitted by occult leader Dr. Obadiah Harris) headed by the Masonic Christ (or
what we call the Antichrist). The secret worship of the sun by the ancient was a veiled
worship of Lucifer/Satan (since Satan is equated with the sun back in the day). Lucifer has
been called Thoth and other names since he was the one who rebelled against God to
brainwash people. Now, Atlantis relates to this since Atlantis was probably the pre-Flood
World where Secret Societies claimed that they got their knowledge from. The good news is
that people have exposed the evil in the world for years. Folks in the 21st century have been
dedicated in following righteousness to wake up. More folks are following God instead of the
wiles of the world. Tons of people of many backgrounds are the exact, living proof of that

The Ancient Mysteries of false promises of human godhood still is going on today. This lie is the same
lie of Satan given unto Adam and Eve about being gods. The connections between Washington, D.C.
and ancient Rome are uncanny. Washington, D.C. like Rome was formed near a river called Tiber.
Washington, D.C. was even once called Rome in the late 1700’s. The fasces is an image of merged
rods that was found in the ancient Roman Senate and in the House chamber in the House of
Congress. Freemasonry and the Jesuits had a key role in Washington, D.C. as well. D.C. has a man-
made river like the Styx in Baia, Italy. John Daniel's book "Vatican Design Exposed"
mentioned that Roman Catholic Pierre L'Enfant was one of the planners of
Washington D.C. Charles Carrol (whose cousin was a Jesuit priest named John. John
invented Georgetown in 1789). Carroll was the richest man in that time and he was a
signer of the Declaration of Independence. Daniel wrote that Roman Catholic Robert Brent
was the first mayor of D.C. and Roman Catholic Constantino Drumidi (who restored
Vatican frescoes) painted the occult pictures in the Capitol Building (the frescoes had
frescos of George Washington [seated in the heavens flanked by ancient goddesses],
Benjamin Franklin [being instructed by Minerva, the goddess of war], and Robert Morris [the
financier of the American Revolution is shown being handed a bag of gold by Mercury, the
god of pick pockets and thieves)]. I guess that's why Washington D.C. is nicknamed "Rome
on the Potomac." Underground oracle temples were in the Mediterranean Sea on the Greek Island.
Even the Book of Revelation was created in the Island of Patmos by the Apostle of John in a Cave.
Yet, the difference between the Apostle John and other occult oracles is that John was moved by the
Holy Spirit to write down the visions God gave them:

"...I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the
kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the
word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the
Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 1:11 Saying, I am
Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book,
and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto
Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto
Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.." (Revelation 1:9-11).
These occult oracles used the occult and that inspired them to perform their duties. People listen to
oracles globally to this day. Minority Report was based on a Philip K. Dick novel. The film was directed
by Steven Spielberg (who is a Bilderberger). The movie talks about the pre-crime concept or
witnessing crimes before they occur. The film talks about the oracles and priests. Ancient Greek
philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates tried to contact spirits. Divination (which was
unbiblical) was done in ancient Greece as well. Socrates talked with the Oracle of Delphi. Divination
was done to study organs of sacrifice victims as well. There are books of dreams and soothsayers
predicts events as well. Saxe Coburg Gotha Victoria I collected deformed animals (the occult
teachings that these creatures represent good and bad omens). Some see bowls of water. This
was done by Nostradamus. He drugged himself with nutmeg, belladoma, and thorn apple in
order to see bowls (for years) of water to reveal the future. Nostradamus wrote the Prophecies
of Nostradamus. Nostradamus had many clients like Catherine De Medicini of France (a
Queen). He predicted the death of members of the French Royal Family. Nostradamus was rumored
to be involved in black magic. The most oracle Temples of the ancient world were in Delphi and
another place in Greece. The Ouija board have been outlawed in many countries because of claims of
spirit possession among people who wants to contact spirits. The oracle of Delphi go back as far back
as the Minonian civilization in the 12th century B.C. Cecrops was the Egyptian King and claimed to
found a Greek city called Athens. Dodaonna was another oracle Temple that tried to see the
planet Jupiter. The spirit of Jupiter was Zeus in the ancient Greek world. Zeus has been
worshipped then and today. Many of the spirits are worshipped as gods in the ancient world. Also, the
planet Saturn is worshipped as Lucifer or Satan as code in the occult world. The sun god of the
Romans was Sol Invictus, which was popularized by Roman Emperor Aurelian. The spirit of the Sun
was called the Solar Logos. The Romans had a festival in December 25 for Sun worship. Some
occultists believe that the Hebrew alphabet has special spiritual significance.
This is the Signature of the Reichskonkordat on July 20, 1933. From left to right, there are
the names of: German Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, representing Germany, Giuseppe
Pizzardo, Cardinal Pacelli, Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, and German ambassador Rudolf
Buttmann. It’s an apparent historical fact that the Vatican aided numerous fascist dictators
during World War II not just the Third Reich.

The symbols of the sun are in the Iron Cross of the Nazis. Some Freemasons
praise the sun. Even the Hitler and the Nazis had the order of the Black Sun, which
was filled with Occultists. Hitler based the SS after the Jesuit Order and the Vatican
funded Hitler and other Catholic dictators (like Ante Pavelic, Benito Mussolini,
Franco, Tiso, etc). A source speaks about Hitler’s views on the Catholic Church: "I
learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now, there has
never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical
organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my
own party... I am going to let you in on a secret... I am founding an Order... In my
"Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world
tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more…"
(Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig:
"Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss). In 1939,
Heinrich Himmler, (a godchild to Himmler of Bavarian) wanted to find Sambala
to serve the evil agenda of the Nazis. He wanted to find Tibetan black magicians
and Himmler was 2nd in command of the Nazis. The Nazis also wanted to discover
artifacts of Lost Atlantis. The reversed swastika relates to chaos and the sun symbol.
The Maharaia of Sikkim was questioned by the Nazis. Himmler recruited Black
yogis or black magicians. There were farms where the Nazis would try to conceive
blond haired, blue eyed people in sex, sacrificial experiments. Madame HP
Blavatsky inspired Himmler's quest. She was an expert on magic and Earth spirits.
Occultists believe that the Ether is strongest on certain parts of the Earth, which are
called Ley Lines (They are found in Australia, Stonehenge, etc.). Former Prime
Minister Winston Chruchill was apart of the Order of the Druids. There is a
megalithic site of tara. The Nazis studied megalithic sites and studied magicians.
They did rituals to try to gain power. Himmler stylized the SS on the strict
discipline of the Knights Templar. The Templar built Cathedrals or Kabbalic
building masquerading as Christian churches (where megalithic stones are
nearby). There was the Oracle of Tibet. Tibet is a theocracy where religious
teachings rule that nation. The Dalai Lama is a leader in Tibet who claimed to be
reincarnated from previous Buddhists leaders. The Panchen Lama is the 2nd most
important person in the hallucinogenic plants and use mantras. Tibet, Bhutan, and
India use tantras or sexual magic to please the spirits. The magicians wants to
communicate with the spirits at the point of orgasm. The Kama sutra are textbooks
showing the positions and techniques to allow human minds to get into the spirit
world. Crowley used black magic and sex magic to get the young people to join the

Even the Skulls and Bones secret society in Yale have sex magic among initiates.
This group has politicians as members. Undercover journalists recorded the
ceremonies. The sexual rituals have sexually trained prostitutes. The Good Shepherd
movie expose that the Skulls and Bones are recruited from top aristocratic families
to allow people to control the White House, the CIA, FBI, etc. The film was a 10 year
project of Robert DeNiro. Matt Damon played the role of James Jesus Angleton and
he had tie keys to the Vatican. Damon’s wife in the film is played by Council on
Foreign Relations member Angelina Jolie. In the movie "Tomb Raider" Jolie’s real-life
father Jon Voight plays a leader in the Illuminati. Jon Voight also played Papal Caesar JPII in
a made for TV movie. In 2009, Voight is famous for calling Barack Obama a false prophet,
because he disagrees with some of his policies. DeNiro plays the role of the Papal
Knight of St. Sylvester and Knight of Malta General “Wild” Bill Donovan (he was
one of the founders of the CIA). The movie accurately shows how the CIA (whom
Jesuit-trained Brocco in the film uses torture like water boarding against people. The
Jesuit-inspired SS and Gestapo did similar torture techniques back in WWII), British
Intelligence, and the KGB work together in promoting the hoax of the Cold War.
The ephod is a kind of garment mentioned in the O.T., which differed according to its use by the high-
priest, by other persons present at religious services, or as the object of idolatrous worship. Roman
historian Josephus talked about crystals and gold ephod used in religious ceremony. Chris Everard
believes that the ephod was used to contact the spiritual world. The crystal had a socket like an
electrical board today. I disagree with the Chris Everard's Alien Kabbalah film that all ephod, Unim,
and Thumim objects are used to contact the spiritual. Some was done in the OT for sincere, biblical
rituals. Josephus said that the Levi priesthood used the ephod. The color of the ephod crystals
glowed. Some onyx bottoms used yes and no answers from Spirits according to Chris. I don't believe
in this. Josephus said that the elite of the religious Hebrew world contacted spirits to make serious
decisions (This is similar to the oracle breastplate of ancient Greece). The jewels are found in occult
ceremonies. Some use the 12 stones as the 12 zodiac signs. Each constellations is believed to have
a spirit. These spirits are referred in the Zohar (or apart of the Kabbalah). Temples are found where
the Ark of the Covenant existed. Some compared the Ark to an electronic device, yet I believe it was
an important Old Testament Temple structure instead. There is the teraphim. The word teraphim
means disgraceful things. They are statues that show a image of a spirit. In the statue have helix
structure made of metal structures like a radio antennae. Teraphim existed in the Bible. The book of
Hosea talks about the teraphim. Urim and Thummim (meaning lights and accurate truth) were apart of
the ephod. It was made of magnetized stones. The Ark of the Covenant was a biblical image that
wasn't used for contact with demons or spirits at all. The Alien Kabbalah is wrong on that point.

Len Horowitz have been acting weird lately. Much of his information about viruses and the
Rockefellers funding evils are true. The Nazis were backed by the Knights of Malta and these
Nazis were involved in chemical experiments (with viruses, etc.). The title "Knight of Merit"
was bestowed upon Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz today by Grand Prior Prince Michael of Russia in
the company of a full regalia from the New York Priory of the Sovereign Orthodox Knights
Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem. In order words, he is apart of the Knights of St.
John of Jerusalem (whose members are heads of corporations and are involved in
globalization). Horowitz have talked with Alex Jones on many times about the swine flu. The
swine flu have been exaggerated, because the flu is affected a limited amount of people. Some
in the government want to fear monger this issue as an excuse to promote population control
and mandatory vaccinations of people (especially if the government declares an emergency).
Despite the fact that there are estimates of 36,000 people dying from the regular flu virus on a
year to year basis in the United States and as of this report only around at least 19 deaths
associated with the swine flu in Mexico, common sense has not prevailed and the promotion
of swine flu fear continues. Thus far there are only 286 confirmed cases of the swine flu and
one confirmed death associated with the swine flu in the United States. That death is
associated with a toddler that came here from Mexico. This fear mongering is similar to the
Y2K fear mongering. Horowitz is wearing a Maltese Cross. This Cross has been utilized by the
Knights of Malta, which is a military order of the Vatican. The Vatican is a false Christian
organization that is complicit in Ecumenicalism, occultism, pedophilia, etc. Len is pictured
with an owl (the owl has been used as an occult symbol for wisdom or Minerva. It's found in
the Bohemian Grove. The Grove has a yearly ritual where people praise a mock human
sacrifice along with other strange activities. They are held in Northern California with leading
businessmen, politicans, judges, etc. in America). Now, Dr. Len Horowitz wants a magic rituals
to be done in conjunction with the Summer solstice (From June 19th to June 21st, 2009).
Horowitz is actively promoting a new web site called in which he is asking people
to tune their musical instruments to play 528 hz sounds to generate what he claims is a love
vibration (in order to maximize the impact of the ritual). Horowitz appeared on the April 13th
2009 edition of the InfoWarrior program and discussed the ritual in depth. He confirmed that
the ritual was set to take place during the summer solstice and used curious language such as
“As Above – So Below” which is a teaching commonly associated with Hermeticism. As
above and so below relates to the concept that man is a reflection of the
Universe and vice versa. It's found in Freemasonry, Hermeticism, and the Golden Dawn.
He talks about the ritual relating to the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon (which looks
similar to the occult Hexagram). The Hexagram have been used in spirit ceremony and it
relates to the literature from the Goetia. Len believes in human divinity, which is unscriptural.
So, Horowitz isn't referring to Christianity, but a secret occult magical ceremony. He talks
about rainbows since occultists exploit rainbows for occult rituals as well. An archive of the
Global Reality Show w/ Josh Reeves for a full analysis of this insanity. It's wrong for a so-
called pro-Christian radio network to host this magical ritual. Josh Reeves recently have been
exposing the Vatican, the CNP, high level Freemasonry, etc. in real ways. I don't agree with
Reeves' anti-religious rhetoric of the Biblical Trinity relating to Horus, Isis, and Osiris. That's a
lie since God is different from Horus, etc. in many ways. The Trinity is one God not 2 gods and
a goddess like Horus, Isis, and Osiris. Also, Christianity rejected the Babylonian Mystery
Schools regardless of what Reeves said. There is good and evil as well regardless of what
Josh mentions.

The Jesuits connection to the Lord of the Rings book series is becoming more apparent.
J. R. R. Tolkein wrote of the Lord of the Rings series. It's popular among children and
its movie has sold heavily in the box office. Is their a bigger agenda behind it? There is.
Tolkien once told a Jesuit friend: "The Lord of the Rings is of course a
fundamentally religious and Catholic work... the religious element is
absorbed into the story and the symbolism." Tolkein was even a strict Roman
Catholic. "The Lord of the Rings" book was written in Stonyhurst College in England.
Stonyhurst is a notorious college of Jesuit people in them. His story talks about River
Shirebourn, when ironically the Shireburns built Stonyhurst. Jesuit Marquette
University has the collection of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's manuscripts. JRR Tolkien
was a well known professor of English Literature at Oxford from 1945-1959. His
literature was about many ideas, but he was most famous about describing fictional
stories (which dealt with wizards, elves, and other magical tales). Tolkien's eldest son was
trained to be Jesuit priest at Stonyhurst. Jesuit Robert Murray SJ was Tolkien's friend.
Tolkien has another Jesuit friend named David Kolb. Some place parallels between his
work and the writings of Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, and Aristotle. Sauron is of course
can be similar to Satan/Lucifer with his occult power. The Lord of the Rings’ Gandalf is apart of
Brotherhood called the “Wizard’s Council.” This group is like a secret society that deals with magical
rituals and esoteric information. There are wizards in his story portrayed almost in a positive light.
There are some strange and new information that I found out. It appears that JR Tolkien had a Jesuit
friend and that the Lord of the Rings was based on Catholic theology (according to a Berit Kjos
article that was written in December 2001). In the image of the logo of the Lord of the Rings, you see
the All Seeing Eye of Horus, the 2 pillars of Boaz and Jachin (these pillars according to Freemasonry
represents the gates of the Temple of Solomon. Masons are obsessed with the story of King
Solomon, which they implant in their rituals), and a wizard. Tolkein’s gate in the Lord of the Rings (or
the Door of Durin) is very similar to the Freemasonic “Royal Arch” image. Now historically, the Jesuits
were involved in such much evil intrigue that they were banned by Kings and One Pope. Could JRR
Tolkien be a closet Jesuit? It could be true. C.S. Lewis was a modernist or a man who denied much of
the foundational theology of Christianity. A male witch gave a letter to Wes Penre that Tolkien
and C.S. Lewis were initiated in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn
does black magic and other occult ceremonies. this male witch commented that "The Hobbit"
and the rest of the Middle-Earth series was merely an elementary 'primer' for witchcraft.
Tolkein is known to base some of his fictional works on Atlantis and he believed in
reincarnation. The Bible does not teach reincarnation and expressly
denies it in Hebrews 9:27: “it is appointed unto men once to die,
but after this the judgment.” Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were both Oxford
professors and members of a society among the University professors - "The Inklings.” The
point is that the Jesuits have heavy influence in the world. They have even now in the
21st century. Historically, one of their goals was to destroy the Protestant/Baptist
influence in society, because many Protestants plus Baptists have done many
contributions in the world (via inventions, the promotion of the freedom of conscience
that Jesuits hate, abolitionism, etc).
Freemason Joseph Smith was the Founder of Mormonism. He used symbols from the
Goetia Book of Magic. He claimed to own 2 Urim and thummim devices (This wasn't
for biblical purposes, but for occult purposes). His mother claimed that Joseph Smith
inscribed and invoked the spirit of Abraxas into a magic circle. Abraxas is Gnostic
demonic spirit with feets of snakes. Abraxas was the deity worshipped by Alan Moore
and he claimed that Abraxas inspired him to write literature like V for Vendetta. V for
Vendetta was turned into a movie years ago. It claims to promote liberty, but
terrorism is promoted. The film demonizes conservatives and Christians as blood
thirsty theocrats, which is definitely false. Hippolytus likewise makes Abraxas (or, in this
case, "Abrasax") out to be an Archon. An archon in Gnosticism is an angel or demon.
Abrasax is invoked in the The Gnostic Mass of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica/ Abracadabra
is an Arabic name of this demon of Abraxas. Smith claimed to have gold plates with Egyptian
hieroglyphics. He made tablets in images that usually done to contact spirits (His hand written
document uses the Maltese cross with a magical sigil symbol). These images look similar to
the Goetia book. Mormonism was a cult with mixed Freemasonry and spiritualism.
Mormonism believes in strange doctrines. Mormonism teaches that man can be a god after
death, prayer to the death, that Lucifer and Jesus are spirit brothers, and that Jesus was a
product of God having sexual relations with Mary. When Smith claimed that God supported
polygamy, his group split. He was killed by a mob in June 27, 1844. Brigham Young later
sent a group of Smith's followers into Utah. Even today, the Masonic 6-pointed star, the
Masonic Square and Compass, and the All Seeing Eyes are present in Mormon Temples
across America (especially in Utah's Mormon Tabernacle Choir). Today, Mormons
promote the Book of Mormon as equivalent to the Bible. Dr. Cathy Burns, Ed Decker,
William Schnoebelen, and James Spencer wrote great books exposing Mormonism. In 1844,
Joseph Smith tried to be President of America. He sent thousands of leaflets with occult
symbols in it. Here's more confirmation on Joseph Smith's ties to the occult:
"...The first faction that influenced Joseph Smith, Jr. was a fascination with the occult.
Mormon scholar D. Michael Quinn, has carefully documented that Smith was influenced
by the culture of his day and particularly by his immediate family. His father and uncle
both used divining rods.5 Luman Walters was likely the individual who introduced Joseph
Smith, Jr. to using the "seer stone" for the pretense of discovering treasure.6 The Palmyra
Reflector dubbed him as "Walters the Magician" who operated by the use of "familiar
spirits," using instruments of witchcraft such as a "stuffed toad," "an old sword," and a
"seer stone."7 Dr. Reed Durham, former president of the Mormon History Association,
and Professor of Religion at the University of Utah, in a 1974 lecture revealed that at the
time of his death Joseph Smith was wearing what was formerly thought to have been a
"Masonic jewel" was actually a "Jupiter talisman." This proves that Joseph Smith was
engaged in occult practices until the end of his life in 1844.8 A talisman is an object
engraved with astrological signs believed to have possessed power to avert evil and
bring good luck. Such pieces are clearly identified with occult magic. This lecture,
although true, brought the wrath of then President Spencer W. Kimbell down upon Dr.
Durham. The talisman is currently kept in the LDS Archives..." ("Joseph Smith and The
Occult: WHO WAS JOSEPH SMITH?" by Allen Harrod. From http://www.jesus-is-

To this day, occult technology is one of the highest secret of the Elite. The Pope is pictured wearing
an effigy of an ephod and a yalmuke. The royal political elite where crown with crystals and round
images. There is the Grimoire of Lucifer. The Grimoire was at first at Hebrew text used by black
magicians. The first grimoires appear in the High Middle Ages, growing out of earlier
traditions, notably of medieval Jewish mysticism, which continued traditions dating back to
Late Antiquity. Thus, the 13th century Sefer Raziel Ha-Malakh is significantly based on the
Sefer Ha-Razim (ca. 4th or 5th century), which is in turn influenced by Hellenistic Greek
magical papyri. The Grimoire was created in Italy, French, and English. A Dominican Jesuit
translated the Grimoire as well. Weishaupt was inspired by the Jesuits to form his Bavarian
Illuminati. The Grimoire shows the hierarchy of Demons. Abraham the Jew in 1377 wrote a book
of spells from a person in Egypt. This talks about vellum to write names of spirits. This book has been
banned in many countries, because of dangerous occurrences from instructions from the Grimoire
book. In 1920, the Pyschical Research found that a person found a big spiritual power.
Freemason S. L. MacGregor Mathers wrote a translation of a book called "The book of the
Sacred Magic of Abraham the Mabe." This book tries to summit the spirit of Lucifer or Devil. The
Golden Dawn used séances. A Grimoire in general is a textbook of black magic. A wizard uses such
books as advice and instruction on raising spirits. They are written in dead languages. The Sworn
Book of Honorius, or Liber Juratus is one of the most controversial and powerful books of
magic in existence. Its date of composition is unknown, but it was mentioned in the 13th
century. John Dee had this work. It was one of the oldest existing grimoires and one of the
most influential. It has 93 chapters talking about purgatory, conjuring demons, finding
treasures, catching thieves, magic, etc. It has use of many seals as it is called a Solominic
Grimoire which is similar to the Greater Key of Solomon. Johannes Hartlieb (1456) mentions
it as one of the books used in nigromancy. The oldest preserved manuscript dates to the 14th
century, Sloane MS 3854 (fol 117-144). The Grimoire of Pope Honorius III is attributed to
Pope Honorius III. He lived after Pope Innocent III in 1216. This grimier of Pope Honorius III
was called by occultist A. E. Waite as: “…Perhaps the most frankly diabolical of the rituals
connected with black magic..” It deals with Lucifer and demons like Astaroth. It mixes
works from the Key of Solomon, Grimorium Verum, and priestly Catholic rites. It requires
animal sacrifice and other sick things. It’s a blasphemous text. Eliphas Levi said that: “…The
book drove one Louis Verger mad enough to brutally murder the Archbishop of Paris!…”
French occultist Eliphas Levi, who described it as horrible, wicked, and profane. The
manuscript deals with spirit conjuration and contacting demons.

There is the subject of the Pictarix. The Picatrix was recently translated into English. It claimed to
contacts devils and demons. One of the most influential interpretations suggests it is to be
regarded as a "handbook of talismanic magic." Another researcher summarizes it as "the most
thorough exposition of celestial magic in Arabic", indicating the sources for the work as "Arabic texts
on Hermeticism, Sabianism, Ismailism, astrology, alchemy and magic produced in the Near East in
the ninth and tenth centuries A.D. King Alphonso studied the Picatrix. The Knights Templar excavated
under the Temple of King Solomon. The Picatrix was banned for centuries since it teaches spirit
summoning of a planet and put a spirit in a dead person. Dr. John Dee was employed by Queen
Elizabeth and Emperor Rudolph. The Testament of Solomon is a book of Demonology that tried to
contact Beelzebub. The Knights Templar went underground and some of their components
influenced the development of International Freemasonry. One of the "Sacred Words" in
the17th Degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is "Abaddon," (who allows demonic
creatures out in the world during the Time of the Tribulation) the angel of the bottomless pit,
mentioned in Revelation 9:11. Magicians used occult texts to advise royals. There are more things
in the Alien Kabbalah film. The truth is that the film is right that many elitists are occultists. The film is
wrong to assume that every single Jewish high priest in the OT days used the ephod and the Ark of
the Covenant to contact spirits when the OT forbids that activity. It is also wrong to assume that yoga
is fine or that Heaven is just a realm of spirits. Heaven is bigger than that. Heaven is the place where
God Almighty resides in with believers.
There are many people that you wouldn’t expect to be involved in the occult then
and now. For example, Sir Francis Bacon was a member of a secret society called
the Order of the Helmet. Bacon follow the occult, hermeticism, neo-Platonist
philosophy, and the Qabbalah. Paul and Philip Collins wrote eloquently that Bacon
and other Utopians followed the concept of Scientism. Scientism is the view that
science can explain all critical aspects of the Universe even philosophical or religious
issues. It’s almost the worship of science, which relates to empiricism (or the view
that only our experience can define all aspects of the Universe). Empiricism also
means that knowledge can only come by your personal experiences. Utopists and
occultists use concepts like scientism and empiricism as an excuse to promote the
ideal of human apotheosis (or human godhood, which is one secret of Secret
Societies even Gnostics). Hillary Clinton performed séances in claiming to contact
the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. Hillary as pictured above is trying to get advice from
the aid of a Native American shaman in another occult ritual. Life is indeed
stranger than fiction. Early
Hollywood Star Valentino was involved in
the occult and had films back in the 1920’s that showed sexual
scenes in them. Mae West was an actress who performed automatic writing and
believed that “the spirits” influenced her movie roles. Mae West was one of the
Hollywood agents changing America’s sexual mores as early as the 1930’s. Of her
extremist sexual image, West stated: "I had created a kind of Twentieth Century Sex
Goddess that mocked and delighted...I was their banner, their figurehead, an
articulate image, and I certainly enjoyed the work…" So, there is nothing new under
the sun. What we are seeing in Hollywood today have going on since Hollywood’s
inception. The actions you see by artists and demonized Hollywood celebrities have
been done before. It’s just that these things are more overt in the 21st century.
Nancy and Ronald Reagan used horoscopes in determining when to make a speech
or develop a critical meeting in Ronald Reagan’s Presidency. This was done in spite
of Reagan’s “conservative Christian” image, which was a mirage. Tony Blair once
did rituals in which he believed in contacted “the Light“ to help him make political
decisions. Today, he converted to Romanism to be one of the most famous advocates
of “Interfaith discussions.” Lord willing, I will continue to think and write for decades to come.
The occult is embraced by numerous personages, but not by me. See, you don’t need the occult to
enact personal fulfillment in our lives. The occult means secret and the occult is about restricting
information from the common man. God and His Word is ever clear and transparent for all people to
embrace. I respect transparency a whole lot more than secrecy.

Appendix A: Reiki

Reiki relates to the occult. Now, an article from the Reiki News recently said that 15 percent of
American hospitals are using the occult procedure of Reiki. Reiki deals with a type of
therapeutic touch and it is believed that the ki (chi) energy (or believed by occultists to be a
universal energy that flows through all things) can be used to heal people. This Reiki News
article was written by Reiki proponent William Lee Rand. Rand expressed a concern about US
Catholic bishops releasing a statement asking Catholic hospitals to not use Reiki, because of
it Buddhist roots. Rand believes that Reiki is a scientific method that corresponds with healing
results. Yet, Rand's own description of Reiki proves that it isn't scientific, but relates to a
spiritual approach. He even admits that: "Reiki healing energy directs itself." Author Ray
Yungen, who says there are now over one million Reiki channelers in the US alone (a million in
Germany also), explains this "energy" behind Reiki further as being a force. Reiki deals with
metaphysical issues. Some proponents even believe that a spirit guide guides themselves in
their life endeavors. The deal is that many nurses, counselors, and even massage therapists
believe in this stuff. Reiki is getting very popular. Dr. Mehmet Oz is "one of the most respected
cardiovascular surgeons in the US" who "uses Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart
transplants." According to Dr. Oz, "Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among
patients and mainstream medical professionals." Reiki book promotes the occult. In the "The
Everything Reiki Book", it admits that that psychic communication centers and channeled
communications with the spirit world relate to Reiki. We should ask a doctor not to perform
Reiki on us. The Bible is clear that sorceries and contacting the spirit world is forbidden in the
OT and the NT. The Universe is not held by a "life force" (which is being manipulated or sold
by human beings. This is very demonic) but by God Almighty himself.

A strange Reiki act taking place.

Stewart Best and Todd Bentley agree with the concept of the "White Light." Although, Best and
Bentley aren't affiliated with each other at all. In Chapter 6 of Stewart Best's Dark Light Series, he tried
to say that the Shekinah Glory has the presence of a white light. The Shekinah Glory is found in the
Holy of Holies of the Solomon's Temple. Masonic ritual mimic Solomon's Temple ironically. That is
why Masonic Lodges are based in architecture to the Temple of Solomon. Todd Bentley also believe
that when the Shekinah Glory comes the visible presence of God in a blinding "white light."
"You see, in a book by the New Age occultist, Alice Bailey, entitled A Treatise on White Magic, we are
told how to control the astral body. One way is by a 'direct method of relaxation, concentration,
stillness and flushing the entire personality with pure WHITE LIGHT.' " (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on
White Magic (or The Way of the Disciple) (New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1951), p. 345 as
quoted by Dr. Cathy Burns in Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked). Lucifer is represented by a white
light as well:

"The white light is an important symbol in the New Age. A former witch wrote: 'In the upper three
-Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, page 268

According to New Ager Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the white light is called kundalini (or the energy that
rises from the base of the spine to the brain). The kundalini is accepted in Hinduism and relates to
serpent powers. The serpent is an archetype or a symbol of Satan. Occultists in the Tara Center use
the Great Invocation in order to make the white light a reality. See, Satan and his devils appear as a
white light to deceive people. The Bible says that God is light (from 1 John 1:5), but Satan and his
devils acts as a white light to deceive human beings into following their agendas. We don't need
deception or falsehoods in our lives. I will follow God's agenda instead.

Now, new information from Liberty to Captives Ministries (with Lisa and Gary
Ruby) proved that Best is embracing false doctrine and New Age/occult concepts.
Most of what he discusses about the New World Order is true, but his secret
doctrines are so diabolical that a man must investigate his words closely to see his
deception. The Dark Light’s ideology is trying to find the Ultimate Reality (a New
Age term). In Stewart Best’s hardcopy of Dark Light, on chapter 12, pg. 6, he said
that to receive apage love or the Spirit of Christ (God) is to have unity or oneness
with Christ and God the Father. Best's quote from that source is found in the
following: "...The goal of the New Covenant then is the BESTOWMENT OF AGAPE
hardcopy Dark Light chapter 12, pg 6). Union means joining two or more things into
one and oneness is the quality or state of fact of being one. This is false, because
no man can be like God in oneness and merge with God at all. There is no
union between God and man. The New Age Movement indeed support the doctrine
that man can have union with God in oneness. Stewart said that most Christians
aren’t born again by not achieving “authentic union.” Best believes that salvation is
done by a seven step process in “The Way” (a New Age term) to meet “Christ” in
his inner man, and to come in union/oneness with God.
The apage flows with the Christian at last in his mind. Best continues to believe that union will receive
the “essence of Christ.” Stewart talks of the inner radiant essence (a theosophical phrase), which is a
term of the Luciferian false “Christ.” Sources proves that occultists and Luciferians call Lucifer as
“essence. Note that essence is not found in the Holy Bible, but in occult writings meaning Lucifer
(Satan). Jesus in John 17:26 described love among his disciples not mysticism. No “apage” love
spirit saves, but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12). According to Lisa and Gary
Ruby, apage is a name of the demon spirit (or goddess). Pagans accept apage. Alice Bailey’s
false “Christ” is the inner radiant reality. Best is using an occult representation of the Scriptures. The
smoking gun is that Libery to Captives Ministries reported that Best wrote in his Book of Zero
Options Part 2 that God doesn’t care about what you think or your opinion (he also uses the
New Age term of reality of existence). The truth is that Satan cares about nothing of men period.
God Almighty of the Holy Bible completely cares of our beliefs and who you are as a person. God
wants us to cast all beliefs aside that are contrary to the Word of God. God is still in authority, God
loves all men equally since he is no respecter of persons, and God wishes that no human would
perish in his or her sins but come into the knowledge of the truth. God is absolute with no human-like
opinions or viewpoints. God is not relative at all. Best uses the term truth behind the universe, which is
a Hindu term. The best policy toward Stewart Best is to let him be known of his errors and
hopefully he can wake up.What is the white light? The white light is actually found in New
Age/occult teachings. I heard Sylvia Browne praising the white light all of the time in the Montel
Williams show before. Witches, occultists, etc. believe in the white light concept. The New Agers
believe that white light energy enters the body of the Reiki healer (and travels through his or her body
and then it's channeled though his hands). The Reiki healer believes that the white light can open a
person's chakra. New Agers believe that the white light can heal people, but these entities that New
Agers embrace are actually devils. HP Blavatsky talked about an aura appearing as a white light.
Other occultists believe that a white light can control the astral body.
‘It is better to go to THE HOUSE OF MOURNING than
to go to the house of feasting: for that is the
end of all men; and the living will lay it to his
heart. Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the
sadness of the countenance the heart is made
better. The heart of the wise is in the house of
mourning; but the heart of fools is in THE
HOUSE OF MIRTH.’ (Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes 7:2-
Appendix B: The Royal Order of the Jesters
The Royal Order of Jesters is a strange Secret Society. Few people know about its existence
even to this day. Some accuse the Order of the Jesters of having control of leadership
positions in the Shrine Temples in America, Canada, and the Imperial Shrine leadership.
They are a fraternal group that is affiliated with Freemasonry and the Ancient Arabic Order
of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (or the Shiners). The Order of the Jesters want to
outline themselves as a fun degree (in other words they want to have fun which is
contrary to the overt charity aims of the Shriners). Their motto is "Mirth is King." Mirth
is a synonym for gladness and gaiety, especially when expressed by laughter. So, the Jesters
want to promote laughter in their clique. The Royal Order of Jesters feel that there are times,
after their hard work and dedication to family and mankind, everyone should remember to
laugh and appreciate the good work they have done. They were formed in a meeting which
was held in February 20, 1911 by Shriners. This was in the Captain's office of the S.S.
Wilhelmina on a pilgrimage to the Aloha Temple in Hawaii. Noble A.M. Ellison of San
Francisco, California, was responsible and the original cast included a Director and thirteen
members. It was organized June 25th, 1917, at an informal meeting. A high level of
Shriners are in the Jesters. They claim that members in good standing from the
Shriners can join the Order of the Jesters. They want peopel to laugh after hard work.
They even own a museum with items related to William Shakespeare. The Jesters claim
to desire mirth and merriment. Its members include movie stars, judge, businessmen, 2
Presidents, et. They are a tax-exempt organization as well. This group isn't without
controversy. People have accused the Order of the Jesters of being involved in sexual abuse
of people. There are testimonies from ex-Jesters about the Jesters sexually abusing women. “I
quit the Jesters more than 20 years ago, and this kind of thing has been going on at least 40 or
50 years,” said Malcolm “Mutt” Herring, 90, of Montgomery, Ala. “I quit because I don’t
drink, and I don’t mess around with other women, other than my wife. Going to one of their
events was like going to a whorehouse.”
Like in Freemasonry, the Jesters have a code of secrecy with rare exceptions. Buffalo
News from May 4, 2009 has an article from Dan Herbeck talking about how a federal
proble of the Jesters existing. The reason is that some Jesters are suspected of being
involved in human trafficking. The deal is that the Buffalo chapter of the Jesters were
on probation. The reason was that investigations (from a human trafficking task
force) learn that these Buffalo member took prostitutes (some of them are illegal
immigrants) to Jesters' weekend gatherings. They are called "books." 3 individuals
were implicated in the affair. Other accusations in the case include bizarre activities
including routinely hiring prostitutes for gatherings, sex competitions and
degrading initiation rites for new members — at many Jesters outings, with
off-duty police hired to keep nonmembers away. These are some sick actions.
The federal authorities are expanding their investigation and are looking into
allegations that illegal activities occurred at outings sponsored by more of the
Jesters’ 191 chapters. This is especially evident when the 3 accused people in Buffalo
have all pleaded guilty (and have cooperated with the feds by providing information
about the Jesters' events in other cities). The President of the 22,000 members Gary N.
Martin commented that he is disturbed by the allegation. Martin of course said that this
conduct was extremely isolated and was never condoned by the organization. Retired State
Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills; his former law clerk, Michael R. Stebick of Orchard
Park; and retired Lockport police Capt. John Trowbridge all pleaded guilty to transporting
prostitutes across state lines. A Jesters spokesman said a chapter in Big Sandy, Ky., also was
put on probation because of incidents uncovered in the same federal probe.

Appendix C: Other Examples of Occult infiltration in the World

Liberty to the Captives Ministries found that Michael Pearl’s “Eight Kingdoms: Masonic Symbolism”
book had the point in the circle symbolism on its front and back cover. Masonic scholars have found
that the point in the circle relates to sun worship. The point is the phallic image and the circle is the
feminine construct as found in the following source: “…The point within the circle is an
interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry. . . The SYMBOL IS REALLY A
introduces us for the first time to that modification of it, known among the ancients
as the WORSHIP OF THE PHALLUS…” (Quote source: Albert Mackey as quoted in
his book, A Manual of the Lodge, pg 56 by Dr. Cathy Burns in Masonic and
Occult Symbols Illustrated, page 27). The circle can mean the concept of the sun god Ra as
symbols have multiple levels of meaning (according to Freemason Albert Churchward. The Chinese
scholar and Freemason H. A. Giles called the point within the circle as representing the One Supreme
Court or the GOATU). Pearl on pg. 6 falsely called the sun as a symbol of God. It isn’t since the Bible
says not to compare the Godhead to an object or creation of God: “…Forasmuch then as we are the
offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone,
graven by art and man's device…” (Acts 17:29). Freemasons like Albert Chuchward or Albert
Pike may compare God to the sun, but No symbol of God exists. The sun in paganism refers to false
gods like Osiris and Surya or Aditya in Hinduism. Lucifer is compared to the sun as well. Liberty to
Captives Ministries also prove that the Michael Pearl made the error of portraying the 10
Commandments of having Rune letters. Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet that has been
utilized in the purposes of magic, writing, divination, etc. The No Greater Joy's logo has the
sunburst logo and the covert trident symbolism on the M of the word of “Ministries.” The
trident in the occult refers to the staff of Poseidon in Greece and the god Neptune for the
Romans. Wiccans use the trident as representative of sexual union between the male “god”
and the “Triple Goddess” (utilized in sex magic and other fertility rituals according to Gerina

This is the grave stone of the Freemason and Jesuit-trained man named FRANZ
ANTON MESMER. He is the father of modern hypnosis. He was a known follower
of the occult.

Back in the 1780’s, Marqis de Puysegur was putting people into deep hypnotic trances. Hypnosis uses
suggestion against people to make a person to be control, perform a task, create a habit, get rid of a
habit, and other purposes. Ancient Egypt (including pagans, Hindus, etc.) had a form of hypnosis and
even Nazi Germany performed hypnotic against human beings. It’s easy to see that hypnosis can be
dangerous, because sometimes folks hypnotize people against their will secretly. Also, hypnosis can
manipulate a human’s will to make certain decision. It can cause dissociation or a change a person’s
mind in a trance. Deep trances can deal with behavior modification. During hypnosis, a person's
critical abilities are reduced in such a way as to create what has been called a "trance logic"
that undiscerningly accepts what would normally seem irrational, illogical, and incompatible.
The occult world have used hypnosis covertly for centuries. It should come as no shock to people
that in the World Book Encyclopedia hypnosis is listed under Magic as a related article, but
not under Medicine. Some Christians class hypnosis as a form of divination and
enchantment. It certainly can be a form of control. In occultist William Bernard Crow’s
book Witchcraft, Magic & Occultism, it lists hypnotism as an occult science. Back in the
1950’s, the CIA used their programming system against people using hypnosis experiments.
It isn’t a secret that Masonic Lodge use electric shock, physical harm (in other words, in the
Blue Lodge, a potential member is pushed around by other Masons), and hypnosis like
actions in their rituals during various Degree ceremonies. Hypnosis claims to help people
with anxiety, pain, fears, and phobias, but it’s related to the occult rather blatantly. Hypnosis
proponents even admit that this procedure deal with the inner voice and the subconscious
mind. Some under hypnosis can develop false memories or false to distinguish between a true
recollection or what he or she imaged or created under the heightened suggestibility. The act
of hypnosis is very similar to the trances experienced in Eastern mysticism. In hypnotism,
faith is shifted from God and His Word to the hypnotist and his technique. God speaks to
people through the conscious, rational mind. He commands individuals as creatures who
make conscious, volitional choices. He sent His Holy Spirit to indwell Christians to enable
them to trust and obey Him through love and conscious choice. Hypnosis, on the other hand,
operates on the basis of imagination, illusion, hallucination, and deception. Jesus warned His
followers about deception. After a person has opened his mind to deception through
hypnosis, he may become even more vulnerable to other forms of spiritual deception. Some
believe that hypnosis can open one’s up for demonic influence. This is not scientific, but
enchantment. You don’t need hypnosis to see true help with phobias, fears, disorders, etc. We
don’t need our body, will, or spirit to be in subject to another person via hypnosis. Our will
should follow God’s will.

By Timothy



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