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United States Department of State

Telephone Directory


Organizational Directory

This customized report includes the following section(s):

Provided by Global Information Services, A/GIS UNCLASSIFIED


Organizational Directory
United States Department of State 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520
Office of the Secretary (S)
Secretary John Kerry 7th Floor Office Manager Claire L. Coleman 7226 Chief of Staff David Wade 7226/7234A Deputy Chief of Staff William Danvers 7226 Scheduling Julie Ann Wirkkala 7226 Scheduling John Natter 7226 Executive Assistant Jennifer Davis 7226 Special Assistant Megan Selmon 7226 Special Assistant Andrew Publicover 7226 Staff Assistant Mary L deBree 7226 Staff Assistant Jason Meininger 7226 Staff Assistant Matthew Summers 7226/7234A Staff Assistant Linda S. Landers 7226/7234A Senior Advisor Cindy Chang 7226 202-647-5291 202-647-7098 202-647-5548 202-647-9572 202-647-5106 202-647-5733 202-647-9572 202-647-9573 202-647-6822 202-647-9071 202-647-5601 202-647-8633 202-647-5548 202-647-9572 Emergency and Evacuations Planning 7516 Emergency Relocation 7516 Military Representative Lt. Col. Woody Peitz 7516 202-647-7640 202-647-7640 202-647-6097

Office of the Executive Director (S/ES-EX)

Executive Director, Deputy Executive Secretary G. Kathleen Hill 7507 Deputy Executive Director Gary D. Anderson 7507 Personnel Officer Cynthia J. Motley 7515 Budget Officer Reginald J. Green 7515 General Services Officer Sue E. Ostrem 7519 202-647-7457 202-647-5467 202-647-5638 202-647-9794 202-647-8647

Office of the Ombudsman (S/O)

Ombudsman Shireen Dodson 7330 202-647-9387

Executive Secretary of the Foreign Services Grievance Board (S/FSG)

Chair Garber A. Davidson 3100 S SA15 Executive Secretary Mark S. Johnsen 3100 S SA15 703-875-5161 703-875-5166

Executive Secretariat (S/ES)

Special Assistant to the Secretary and the Executive Secretary of the Department John R. Bass 7224 Deputy Executive Secretary Julieta Valls Noyes 7224 Deputy Executive Secretary Theodore Allegra 7224 Deputy Executive Secretary Francisco L. Palmieri 7224 Deputy Executive Secretary Elizabeth E Millard 7224

202-647-5301 202-647-8448 202-647-5302 202-647-5302 202-647-5302

Special Envoy for Climate Change (S/SECC)

Special Envoy Todd Stern 1427 Deputy Envoy Jonathan Pershing 1427 Chief of Staff Peter Ogden 1427 Special Assistant Daniel Rochberg 1427 Executive Assistant Marjorie Jackson 1427 202-647-9884 202-647-9816 202-647-9807 202-647-9874 202-647-9884

Executive Secretariat Staff (S/ES-S)

Director Paul Horowitz 7241 Deputy Correspondence, Records and Staffing Division Clarence N. Finney, Jr. 7241 Deputy Secretarial Advance and Staffing Division Mary K. Stana 7241 Interagency Coordinator Saadia E. Sarkis 7241 Correspondence and Records Supervisor Debra Keene 7512 Secretariat Advance and Staffing Division 7241 Correspondence, Records, and Staffing Division 7512

202-647-8879 202-647-3574 202-647-9936 202-647-6590 202-647-3889 202-647-8879 202-647-5292

Office of Information Resource Mangement

Director John A. Bentel 7528 Deputy Director Andrew Scott 7528 Deputy Director Kevin L. Wagganer 8th fl. POEMS Systems Administrator Cindy Trodden Almodovar 7528 IMO Mobile Communications I. Maribel Pulido 7528 202-647-2977 202-647-2977 202-647-8676 202-647-8328 202-647-4151

Operations Center (S/ES-O)

Director Julie Fisher 7516 Deputy Director for the Watch Harry Kamian 7516 Deputy Director for Crisis Management Support Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm 7516 Senior Watch Officer (24 Hours Per Day) 7516 Editor (24 Hours Per Day) Editor 7516 The Watch (24 Hours Per Day) The Watch (24 Hours Per Day) 7516 Crisis Management Staff 7516 202-647-2522 202-647-2522 202-647-7640 202-647-1512 202-647-1512 202-647-1512 202-647-7640

Deputy Secretary of State

Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns 7220 Chief of Staff John T. Godfrey 7220 Personal Assistant Mary L. Dubose 7220 Special Assistant Oni Blair 7220 Special Assistant Demitra M. Pappas 7220 Special Assistant Amy Archibald 7220 Special Assistant Edward D. Shin 7220 Special Assistant Anthony Renzulli 7220 Staff Assistant Patricia Kidd 7220 202-647-8636 202-647-8931 202-647-8636 202-647-8690 202-647-8198 202-647-5889 202-647-5290 202-647-5256 202-647-8931


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

Office of the Deputy Secretary (D(B))


Special Assistant Matthew Parker-Lavine 7220 Staff Assistant Anne Schroeder 7220

202-647-5888 202-647-9640

Office of the Deputy Secretary (D(N))

Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources
Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Vacant 7240 Chief of Staff Maya Seiden 7240 Personal Assistant Vacant 7240 Senior Advisor Abigail Rupp 7240 Senior Advisor Krishanti Vignarajah 7240 Senior Advisor Matthew Weiller 7240 Special Assistant Auden McKernan 7240 Special Assistant Constance Arvis 7240 Special Assistant Andrew O'Connell 7240 Staff Assistant Thi Nguyen 7240 Staff Assistant Vacant 7240 Staff Assistant Jared Goodman 7240 202-647-5073 202-647-5173 202-647-5073 202-647-5092 202-647-5228 202-647-5089 202-647-5094 202-647-5632 202-647-8384 202-647-5272 202-647-5084 202-647-5079

S/SECC] Dan Cintron 7246f Special Assistant [EUR | T | ISN | PM | AVC, START | DRZL, S/SACSED | QDDR, A, OIG, RM, IRM, DGHR] Cathy Westley 7246e Special Assistant [SCA | S/SRAP| S/CRS| CT | DS | CSO] Basant S. Sanghera 7250 Special Assistant [AF | L | J, J/TIP, J/GCJ | S/GC | PRM | AID, F, SGHFSI | S/GAC | S/GYI] Madeeha Ashraf 7246g Special Assistant [WHA| CA | S/HSC | S/SAIT | INL | PA | R | IIP | ECA | S/GPI, S/SRGIA] Barbara Williams 7244b Personal Assistant Brenda James 7250 Personal Assistant Solveig Reeker 7250 Staff Assistant Mavis Davis 7246 Staff Assistant Maggie Robinson 7246 Staff Assistant Cynthia Dial 7246


202-647-0994 202-647-5944


202-647-1598 202-647-1598 202-647-0995 202-647-1574 202-647-0192

Under Secretary

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)

Director Shapleigh C. Drisko L500 SA6 Procurement Analyst Nikki B. Burley L500 SA6 Procurement Analyst Richard B. Crum L500 SA6 Senior Procurement Analyst Shahrokh (Peter) Zahirieh L500 SA6 Senior Procurement Analyst Judith (Judy) E. Thomas L500 SA6 Construction Business Advocate/Contractor Thelma D. Edmonds L500 SA6 Admin. Support Specialist Omnia Frankiewicz L500 SA6

703-875-6823 703-875-6824 703-875-6881 703-875-4240 703-516-1953 703-875-6586 703-875-6822

Under Secretary Patrick F. Kennedy 7207 Executive Assistant Kathleen Austin-Ferguson 7207 Personal Assistant to the Under Secretary Kathleen Helton-Floyd 7207 Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant Shirley Purnell 7207 Special Assistant Sumreen Mirza 7207 Special Assistant Margaret MacCallum 7207 Special Assistant Lisa Gisvold 7207 Program Analyst Jessica Wallace 7207 Staff Assistant Brenda P. Harris 7207

Office of the Under Secretary for Management (M)

202-647-1500 202-647-1501 202-647-1500 202-647-1501 202-647-0188 202-647-1787 202-647-0728 202-647-0166 202-647-0167

Office of Management Policy, Rightsizing and Policy (M/PRI)

Director Alaina A. Teplitz 5214 Managing Director Susan Curley 5214 Staff Director Innovation Bruce G. Berton 5310 Staff Director Rightsizing Virginia Kenner 3822a 202-647-2177 202-647-0768 202-647-7997 202-647-6492

QDDR Office

Senior Advisor to the Secretary Vacant 3800 Deputy Director Harry Kamian 3800 USAID QDDR Rep. Vacant 3800 Policy Analyst Leslie Moeller 3800 Policy Analyst Adam Lusin 3800 Special Assistant Vacant 3800 Pathways Intern David MacDonald 3800

202-647-4516 202-647-4307 202-647-3619 202-647-4352 202-647-4504 202-647-4507 202-647-2308

Office of White House Liason (M/WHL)

Senior Advisor for Appointments/White House Liaison Alan O Fitts 7245 Deputy White House Liaison Kelly Mehlenbacher 7245 202-647-0646 202-647-0314

Counselor of the Department (C)

Counselor Heather A Higginbottom 7236 202-647-5109

Diplomatic Reception Rooms (M/FA)

Director and Curator Marcee F. Craighill 8th Fl. Registrar, Collections Manager Lynn M. Turner 8th Fl. Museum Specialist Virginia B. Hart 8th Fl. Project Coordinator Brianne E. Brophy 8th Fl. Curator, Blair House Candace S. Shireman 202-647-1990 202-647-1990 202-647-1990 202-647-1990 202-566-8009

Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P)

Under Secretary
Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy R. Sherman 7250 Personal Assistant Margo Morris 7250 Executive Assistant Kamala Lakhdhir 7250 Special Assistant [NEA | S/SRMC| INR] Ana Escrogima 7250 Special Assistant [IO | S/P | FSI] Shawn Gray 7246e Special Assistant [EAP | E| EB| H| ENR|OES, S/SECC] Dan Cintron 7246f 202-647-2471 202-647-2471 202-647-1598 202-647-4314 202-647-1973 202-647-4315

Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service (M/EDCS)

K Fund Manager/Gift Fund Coordinator Fran Z. Gidez 7427B K Fund Budget Officer Lisa Meterko 7427B Gift Fund Budget Officer Crystal Jobe 7427B Management Officer Ronda Harvey 7427B Program Assistant Chanel Wallace 7427B 202-647-6286 202-647-6484 202-647-8523 202-647-6009 202-647-8532


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of Major Events and Conferences Staff (M/MECS)

Director Laura Bowen Wills 7427B 202-647-7730

Office of the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security (T)
Under Secretary
Acting Under Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller 7208 Staff Assistant/Scheduler T Duty/Grant Schnieder 7208 Senior Advisor James Timbie 7208 Executive Assistant Wade Boese 7208 Senior Advisor Maureen Tucker 7208 Special Assistant Kevin Lawson 7208 Special Assistant Jonathan Kaplan 7208 Special Assistant Josh Kirshner 7208 Special Assistant Peter Crail 7208 Secretary Louise Archer 7208 202-647-1049 202-647-1522 202-647-4404 202-647-6634 202-647-0302 202-647-4226 202-736-7960 202-647-0071 202-647-4397 (202) 647-4226

Special Assistant Vishal P. Patel 7256 Special Assistant John H. Silson 7256 Staff Assistant Yvette Y. Jenkins 7256 OMS Hanna Tezera 7256 Special Assistant Jonathan A. Habjan 7256

202-647-7327 202-647-9038 202-647-8854 202-647-7688 202-647-8141

Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)

Chief Economist Heidi Crebo-Rediker 7427 Deputy Chief Economist Mark R. Stone 7427 Chief of Staff Mariana L. Neisuler 7427 Principal Assistant Kelsey C. Bacon 7427 Senior Economist Laurel Adams 6805 202-736-7427 202-736-7785 202-736-7579 202-736-7570 202-647-6053

Office of the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary (E/STAS)

Science and Technology Adviser E. William Colglazier 3240 Foreign Affairs Officer Lawrence C Lin 3240 Deputy Science and Technology Adviser Frances A Coln 3240 Staff Assistant Joyce A Brown 3240 Pathways Intern Daniel M Oates 3240 Counselor and Strategic Advisor Elizabeth Prescott SA-23, Suite 410 Franklin Fellow Alan J Hurd SA-23, Suite 410 Foreign Affairs Officer Nathaniel J Schaefle SA-23, Suite 410 Foreign Affairs Officer Kristina V Krasnov SA-23, Suite 410 Foreign Affairs Officer Franklin A Carrero-Martnez 202-647-9352 202-647-8939 202-647-8694 202-647-8725 202-647-0153 202-663-3243 202-663-3241 202-663-3240 202-663-3235 202-531-0930

International Security Advisory Board (ISAB)

Executive Director Chip Hartman 5443 Special Assistant to the ISAB Director Thelma Jenkins-Anthony 5443

Office of the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights (J)
Under Secretary
Under Secretary Vacant 7261 Personal Assistant Vacant 7261 Executive Assistant Kathleen M. Fitzpatrick 7261 Senior Adviser Heather D. Flynn 7261 Special Assistant Charlotte Oldham-Moore 7261 Special Assistant Tom O'Keeffe 7261 Special Assistant Douglas Grob 1818 Staff Assistant Laurie M. Mitchell 7261 Staff Assistant Agnes Liptak 7261 IEP Employee Anne F. Peacock 7261 Special Assistant Julia Fromholz 7261 Senior Military Adviser Greg S. Brinsfield 1818 Special Assistant Brooke Spelman 7261 Special Assistant Cynthia Irmer 1818 Special Assistant Terry Netos 7261

202-736-4290 202-647-8958 202-647-1189 202-647-1189 202-647-7818 202-647-1190 202-647-7556 202-647-7609 202-647-9795 202-647-8877 202-647-6205 202-647-7196 202-736-7256 202-647-9804 202-647-8703 202-647-9809 202-647-7512

Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R)
Under Secretary Vacant 5932 Executive Assistant Michelle Logsdon 5932 Senior Advisor/Chief of Staff Aviva Rosenthal 5932 Special Assistant Russell Brooks 5931 Special Assistant Jean B. Leedy 5931 Special Assistant Saad Bokhari 5931 Special Assistant Ari Baskey 5931 Senior Advisor, Content Development Desson Thomson 5931 Staff Assistant Ashley Garrigus 5932 Staff Assistant Solveig Reeker 5931 Office Management Specialist/Scheduler Kathy Pierre 5932 Special Initiatives Kim Feinstein 5931 OMS Tyesha Battle 5932 202-647-9199 202-647-7017 202-647-7062 202-647-9130 202-647-9905 202-647-3533 202-647-9901 202-647-4710 202-647-1038 202-647-9145 202-647-9199 202-647-6633 202-647-9148


Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment (E)
Under Secretary
Under Secretary Vacant D. 7256 Personal Assistant Ellen Y. Bero 7256 Executive Assistant William A. Heidt 7256 Senior Advisor John D. Duncan, Jr. 7256 Special Assistant Katherine A. Brucker 7256 Special Assistant Keri J. Holland 7256 Special Assistant Seneca E. Johnson 7256 Special Assistant Jeremy H. Beer 7256 Special Assistant Ellen Y. Wong 7256 202-647-7575 202-647-7575 202-647-7674 202-647-3393 202-647-9333 202-647-7449 202-647-7448 202-647-4092 202-647-7190

Office of Policy, Planning and Resources (R/PPR)

Resources Director Bruce Armstrong SA-5 05BB06 Policy & Strategic Planning Director Mariane Scott SA-5 5BB08 Financial Management Officer Rodney Reynolds SA-5 5Z04 Senior Advisor Lisa Davis SA-5 5Z02 Budget Analyst Carol Keith SA-5 5Z03 Strategic Advisor Lea Perez SA-5 5X02 202-632-9930 202-632-2990 202-632-2740 202-632-6359 202-632-3341 202-632-6063


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Strategic Advisor Amelia Broderick SA-5 5W04 Strategic Advisor Donna Woolf SA-5 5W04 Strategic Planning Officer Graham Lampa SA-5 5W02 Public Diplomacy Officer Jeremiah Knight SA-5 5W03 Staff Assistant (Resources) Alexandra Nemeth SA-5 5Z06 Staff Assistant (Policy) Claudia Valladolid SA-5 5X05

202-632-6164 202-632-6357 202-632-6432 202-632-6344 202-632-6027 202-632-9497

Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (R/CSCC)

Coordinator Alberto M. Fernandez HST, Rm 2429 Program Officer Omar Amach SA-05/05X11 Digital Outreach Team Director Brent Blaschke SA-05, 2V12 Strategic Planner Kirsten Fontenrose HST, Rm 2429 Junior Analyst Nejla Grabowski HST, Rm 2429 Coordination and Integration Michael Campbell HST, Rm 2429 Director for Arab World Engagement Jennifer Larson HST, Rm 2429 Group Director, Digital Outreach Daniel Kimmage HST, Rm 2429 SOCOM Operations Officer Sean Kunzler HST, Rm 2429 Plans and Operations Officer Stevie Hamilton HST, Rm 2429 Lead for Academic and NGO Information and Europe Todd Leventhal HST, Rm 2429 U.S. Army Fellow Stephan Ang HST, Rm 2429 Liaison for Intelligence and Community Members Adrian Kent HST, Rm 2429 Deputy Coordinaqtor for Integrated Analysis Matthew Smith HST, Rm 2429 Public Diplomacy Advisor Carolyn Glassman HST, Rm 2429 DOD Strategic Planner Chris Lowe HST, Rm 2429 DOT Deputy Director Daniel Schuman SA-05, 2X16 Deputy Coordinator for Plans and Operations James Gfrerer HST, Rm 2429 Junior Analyst Luwam Tesfaye HST, Rm 2429 DOD Strategic Planner Troy O'Donnell HST, RM 2429 Public Diplomacy Specialist (West Point) Cara Clark HST, Rm 2429 Liaison for DOD Intelligence Elements John Mowchan HST, Rm 2429 Plans and Operations Officer Pablo Rodriguez HST, Rm 2429 Plans and Operations Officer Katherine Sepponen HST, Rm 2429 Senior Advisor Daniel Sreebny HST, Rm 2429 202-736-7548 202-632-9927 202-632-2869

Assistant Chief of Protocol for Diplomatic Affairs Gladys Boluda 1238 Assistant Chief of Protocol /Executive Director Rosemarie Pauli 1238 Assistant Chief of Protocol for Visits Samantha Tubman 1238 Assistant Chief of Protocol for Ceremonials Jessica D. Zielke 1237 Assistant Chief /General Manager of Blair House Randell D. Bumgardner Blair House Assistant Chief of Protocol for Diplomatic Partnerships Nicholas Schmit 1238

202-647-1985 202-647-1700 202-647-2299 202-647-3064 202-566-8003 202 647-2649

Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR)

Director and Chief Diversity Officer John M. Robinson 7428 Deputy Director Gregory B. Smith 7428 Senior Attorney-Advisor (Acting) Jenniffer De Heer 7428 Chief Intake and Resolution Jacqueline A. Canton 7428 Senior Attorney-Advisor (Acting) David J. King 7428 OMS Ardis Ward-Stott 7428 202-647-9294 202-647-9294 202-647-9295 202-647-9295 202-647-9295 202-647-9294

202-736-7649 202-736-7649 202-736-7761 202-736-7536 202-736-7537 202-736-7547 202-736-7544 202-736-7639 202-736-7543 202-736-7546 202-736-7531 202-736-7958 202-736-7771 202-632-2868 202-736-7950 202-736-7535 202-736-7776 202-344-5279 202-736-7542 202-736-7285 202-736-7545 202-736-7288


Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources (F)

202-647-2608 202-647-2608 202-647-3690 202-647-2699 202-647-2877 202-647-2666 202-647-2734 202-736-4751 202-647-2646 202-647-2646 202-647-2660 202-736-4902 202-736-4740 202-647-2758 202-647-2605 202-647-2683 703-875-5471 202-647-1086 202-647-1086

Office of the Chief of Protocol (S/CPR)

Chief Of Protocol
Reception Desk - General Information 1238 Chief of Protocol Capricia Penavic Marshall 1232 Deputy Chief of Protocol Mark E. Walsh 1232 Deputy Chief of Protocol Natalie R. Jones 1232 Senior Advisor Lindsey K Jack 1238 202-647-2663 202-647-4543 202-647-4120 202-647-1144 202 647-4169

Director, Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources Robert H. Goldberg 5923 Personal Assistant Vacant 5923 Chief of Staff Lisa Greene 5927 Special Assistant Emily Waechter 5923 Managing Director, Regional and Global Issues Vacant 5480 Director, Functional Bureaus and Initiatives Lesley Ziman 5480 Managing Director, Planning Performance and Systems Vacant 5480 Regional Director; Africa Region Roberta Cavitt 1916 Regional Director; South Central Asia Region David Goldberg 5480 Regional Director, Europe & Eurasia Region David Goldberg 5480 Regional Director; East Asia & Pacific Region Ernesto Uribe 1916 Regional Director; Near East Asia Region Laura Hall 5480 Regional Director, Western Hemisphere Region George Rowland 1916 Managing Director, Policy Analysis Paula Reed Lynch 3953 Coordinator for Resources and Appropriations Pat Sommers 3871 Director, Planning & Performance Management Melissa Schild 5472 Director for Information Systems Michael Austin SA-15 200 Staff Assistant Avon Bowe 5927 Staff Assistant Frances Rogers 5927


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of the U.S. Global Aids Coordinator (S/GAC)

U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Ambassador Eric Goosby, M.D. Suite 200 SA-29 Principal Deputy Coordinator Deborah J. von Zinkernagel Suite 200 SA-29 Chief Operations Officer Julia C. Martin Suite 200 SA-29 Deputy Coordinator for Strategic Information Paul D. Bouey Suite 700 SA-44 Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Coordinator Research and Science Vacant B. Suite 200 SA-29 Deputy Coordinator for Technical Leadership Caroline A. Ryan Suite 200 SA-29 Acting Deputy Coordinator for External Relations Lorrie Mchugh Suite 200 SA-29 Director of Management and Budget Mark N. Brown Suite 200, SA-29 Senior Advisor for Policy Tracy L. Carson Suite 200 SA-29 Acting Director of Private Sector Engagement Jeffery M. Blander Suite 200 SA-29 Executive Director William E. Dilday Suite 200 SA-29 Director of Interdepartmental Cooperation Michael A. Feldman Suite 200 SA-29 Director of Congressional Relations Emily K. Gibbons Suite 200 SA-29 Director of Multilateral Diplomacy Jason N. Lawrence Suite 200 SA-29 Legal Advisor Sharla Draemel Suite 6420 HST Director of Country Support Vacant F. Suite 200 SA-29 Special Advisor for Global Health Partnerships John T. Monahan Suite 200 SA-29 Director of Sustainability and Integration Mamadi Yilla Suite 200 SA-29 Main Number/Reception Suite 200 SA-29 Unclassified Fax Suite 200 SA29 Senior Public Health Advisor Amy Dubois Suite 200 SA 29 Acting Head of Clinical Services Larissa L Stabiniski Suite 200 SA 29 202-663-2462

John Gardner Fellow Zarko Perovic 7419A Intern Vacant 7419A

202-647-8210 202-647-5074

Office of Global Food Security (S/GFS)


Office Staff:
202-663-2339 202-203-7484 202-663-2440 202-663-2684 202-663-2440 202-663-2464 202-663-2954 202-663-2572 202-663-2571 202-663-2593 202-663-1977 202-663-2577 202-647 4731 202-663-2440 202-663-2310 202-663-2727 202-663-2440 202-663-2979 202-203-7483 202-663 3416 office main number Acting Special Representative Jonathan Shrier 2328 Chief of Staff Kate Russell 2328 FtF Program Officer Caitlin Welsh 2328 Intern Elaine Clayton 2328 Office Management Specialist Steven Johnson 2328 PMF David Bargueno 2328 JSF Clyde Martin 2328 External Engagement Oliva Lopez 2328 Franklin Fellow Mark Rosmann 2328 PMF Liz Buckingham 2328 202-647-4027 202-647-2908 202-647-7618 202-647-4021 202-647-5545 202-647-4027 202-647-4137 202-647-0890 202-647-2911 202-647-5916 202-647-7604

Office of Global Women's Issues (S/GWI)

202 647-7283 202 647-6388 202 647-7280 202 647-2203 202 647-6019 202 647-8735 202 647-1757 202 647-3768 202 647-6093 202 647-3284 202 647-2015 202 647-1850 202 647-7285 202-647-4560 202 647-6012 202 647-4598 202 647-6036 202 647-6383 202 647-2355 202 647-6091 202 647-2047 202 647-4560 202 647-3962 202 647-1019 202 647-3493 202 647-2136

Office of Global Women's Issues

Ambassador-At-Large Vacant Room 7533 Acting Director June Shih Room 7533 Former Chief of Staff Anita Botti Room 7533 Senior Policy Advisor NEA Betty Bernstein Room 7533 Senior Public Diplomacy Advisor Irene Marr Room 7533 Senior Policy Advisor SCA Saba Ghori Room 7533 Director, Global Programs Natika Washington Room 7533 Senior Policy Advisor EAP Justin Sosne Room 7533 Womens Entrepreneurship Margareta Schettler Room 1802A Senior Policy Advisor Afghanistan Lida Noory Room 1802A Senior Policy Advisor Health Rachel Tulchin Room 7533 Deputy Director, Programs Sandrine Rukundo Room 1802A Executive Assistant Valerie Keitt Room 7533 Policy Advisor WHA Varina Winder Room 1802A Staff Assistant Shakyra McMillon Room 1802A Policy Advisor, Gender Katharyn Lindemann Room 1802A Policy Advisor, Caribbean Caryn Morrow Room 1802A Staff Assistant Lynette Young Room 7533 Senior Advisor, Technology Ann Mei Chang Room 1802A Senior Advisor, WPS Paula Taibi Room 7533 SCEP Renee Callender Room 1802A SCEP Jenny Jourdain Room 7533 Program Analysis Emily Kearney Room 1802A Program Analysis Pamela Kuemmerle Room 1802A Program Analysis Mark Murray Room 1802A Iraq, Program Officer Radhika Prabhu Room 1802A

Office of Global Criminal Justice (J/GCJ)

(J/GCJ) Ambassador-at-Large, Office of Global Criminal Justice Stephen Rapp 7419A Staff Assistant to Ambassador-at-Large Ceren Silva 7419A Deputy Beth Van Schaack 7419A Staff Assistant to Deputy Wendy Forbes 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Vacant 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Victoria Donovan 7419A Presidential Mgmt Fellow Ted Senasu 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Rachel Goldbrenner 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Vacant 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Carole Jackson 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Vacant 7419A Senior Military Advisor Natalie Kolb 7419A Franklin Fellow David Mandel- Anthony 7419A Senior Policy Advisor Blake Peterson 202-647-3579 202-647-6051 202-647-8218 202-647-9880 202-647-5072 202-647-5201 202-647-9620 202-647-5093 202-647-8172 202-647-5543 202-647-8219 202-647-8177 202-647-6751 202-647-5234 7419A


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of the Haiti Special Coordinator (S/HSC)

Office Staff:
Haiti Special Coordinator Thomas ADAMS 12B63 HST OMS, Coordinator Rocio SANIZ 12B63 HST Deputy Coordinator and Office Director Joel DANIES 12B63 HST Deputy Coordinator for Assistance Eileen SMITH 12B63 HST OMS, Deputy Coordinator Nicola TUCKER-BEY 12B63 HST Executive Secretary Stacy WILLIAMS 12B63 HST Haiti Desk, Political Affairs Heidy SERVIN-BAEZ 12B63 HST Haiti Desk, Multilateral Affairs Patricia AGUILO 12B63 HST Economics Officer Vacant 12B63 HST Health, Food and Economic Officer Astrid DORELIEN 12B63 HST Haiti Desk, Consular Affairs Rebecca ALVARADO 12B63 HST Public Affairs Officer James FENNELL 12B63 HST Congressional Affairs Officer John BORIS 12B63 HST Program and Budget Officer Holli BAKER 12B63 HST Senior Industrial Parks Advisor Mark D'SA 12B63 HST Energy Officer Ganapathisubramanian KRISHNAN 12B63 HST Justice Officer Sean HARRIS 12B63 HST Justice Liaison Officer Sarah MARTINEZ 12B63 HST Jr. Budget Officer Oluwaseun S. AYANLEYE HST 12B63 Intern Ariella PARK 12B63 HST 7-9510 7-9510 7-9510 7-9510 7-9471 7-1338 7-9375 7-9465 7-9510 7-9461 7-9338 7-9468 7-9477 7-9318 7-9510 7-0739 7-2429 7-8798 7-9215 7-9662

MERO Director, Washington, DC Office David (Sam) Bernet 720,SA39 Financial Management Director Gayle L. Voshell 720, SA39 Information Technology Director Jerry W. Rainwaters 720, SA39 Contracts and Grants Director Richard A. Astor 720, SA39 Audit Compliance & Follow-up Director Naomi A. Snell 720, SA39 Security and Intelligence Director Regina Meade 720, SA39 Human Capital and Infrastructure Director Denise M. Colchin 720, SA39 Audit Operations Director Kevin Hrynkow 720, SA39 MERO Director, Cairo Regional Office James B. Pollard Cairo

703-284-1868 703-284-2681 703-284-1841 703-284-2601 703-284-2685 703-284-1840 703-284-2708 703-284-2713 8-870-0000

Assistant Inspector General Robert B. Peterson 8100, SA3 Deputy Assistant Inspector General Chat Blakeman 930, SA39 Consular Evaluations James R. Pritchett 930, SA39 Quality, Management, and Compliance Sandra J. Lewis 930, SA39 Security and Intelligence Division William P. Urbanski 930, SA39 International Broadcasting Robert Torres 930, SA39 Information Technology Evaluations Matthew J. Ragnetti 930,SA39 Thematic and Special Reviews Kristene M. McMinn 930,SA39 Public Diplomacy Evaluations Michael Hurley 930, SA39 Political/Economic Evaluations Ken Hillas 930, SA39 Management Evaluations Ralph S. Kwong 930, SA39

Office of Inspections (OIG/ISP)

202-663-0373 703-284-1736 703-284-2752 703-284-2717 703-284-1893 703-284-2740 703-284-2644 703-284-2768 703-284-2764 703-284-2715 703-284-2756

Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Inspector General
Deputy Inspector General Harold W. Geisel 8100, SA-3 Executive Assistant Siobhan Hulihan 8100, SA3 Personal Assistant Sandra K. Jacobs 8100, SA3 Office of Inspector General Main Number 8100, SA3 Staff Assistant Marsha Taylor 8100, SA3 Director, Congressional & Public Affairs Erich O. Hart, Acting 8100, SA3 Public Affairs Liaison Douglas P. Welty 8100, SA-3 Inspector General Vacant Director, Congressional and Public Affairs Thomas F Burgess SA-3

Office of Investigations (OIG/INV)

Hotline 1800-409-9926 Assistant Inspector General Anna S. Gershman 202-663-0371 8100, SA-3 Deputy Assistant Inspector General Wesley T. 703-284-1913 Kilgore 800, SA39 SAC Operations Division Brian D. Rubendall 800, 703-284-1916 SA39 SAC General Investigations Division Ronald J. Koch 703-284-1942 800, SA39 SAC Fraud Division Karin M. Pacheco 800, SA39 703-284-1927

202-663-0361 202-663-0366 202-663-0339 202-663-0340 202-663-0387 202-663-0386 202-663-0377 202 663-0380

Office of Executive Director (OIG/EX)

Assistant Inspector General/Executive Director David M. Yeutter 8100, SA3 DAIG for Policy, Planning, and Reports Cynthia M. Saboe 810, SA3 DAIG for Management Services Carl L. Sublett, Sr. 840, SA39 Administrative Operations Angela B. Freeman 840, SA39 Budget and Fiscal Ovanda D. Rice 840, SA39 Human Resources Vonda L. Richardson 840, SA39 202-663-0364 703-284-1906 703-284-1861 703-284-1968 703-284-1807 703-284-1816

Office of Audits (OIG/AUD)

Assistant Inspector General Evelyn R. Klemstine 8100, SA3 Deputy AIG - Audit Directorate Norman P. Brown 720, SA39 Deputy AIG - Middle East Region Operations Directorate Carol N. Gorman 720, SA39 202-663-0372 703-284-2692 703-284-2690


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Information Technology Willie J. Thomas 840, SA-39 Outreach and Publications Elaine C. John 810, SA39 Policy and Planning Barry D. Thomas 810, SA39 Security Officer Theodore T. Aposporos 840, SA39

703-284-1825 703-284-1826 703-284-2619 703-284-1743

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Joyce Barr 6529 OMS Patricia Quinn 6529 Special Assistant Judy Johnson 6529 Special Assistant Richard Peterson 6529 Special Assistant Renee C. Bemish 6529 Interagency Liaison James Flynn 6529 Staff Assistant Yvonne Ingram 6529 Staff Assistant Angela Phillips-Tucker 6529 Intern seasonal 6529 DOS Interagency Liaison Dorothy Sarro 6529 Executive Assistant Vacant 6529 202-647-1492 202-647-1492 202-647-4470 202-647-3196 202-647-4461 202-647-0520 202-647-1492 202-647-1436 202-647-4438 202-482-7731 TBD

Office of General Counsel (OIG/OGC)

General Counsel Erich O. Hart 8100, SA3 Deputy General Counsel Karen J. Ouzts 8100, SA3 202-663-0386 202-663-0382

Ombudsman (S/O)
Office of the Ombudsman
Ombudsman Shireen Dodson 7330 202-736-7144

Office of the Executive Director (A/EX)

Receptionist Vacant Receptionist Desk Executive Director William S. Amoroso 5.112 SA17 Deputy Executive Director Vacant 5.114 SA17 Deputy Executive Director Janice deGarmo 5.116 SA17 Executive Assistant Christine Donley 5.108 SA17 Financial Management Division Chief Amelia Sligh 5.118 SA17 Working Capital Fund Manager Michael Capozzi 5.532 SA17 Procurement and Administrative Services Anthony McIntosh 5.325 SA17 Human Resources Division Chief Johnny McLean 5.102 SA17 Informational Resource Management Division Chief Duke Kelly 5.319 SA17 Commercial Services Management Division Chief Barry Thomas 5.410 SA17 202-485-7000 202-485-7002 202-485-7005 202-485-7004 202-485-7001 202-485-7029 202-485-7087 202-485-7045 202-485-7077 202-485-7139 202-485-7190

Director David McKean 7311 Principal Deputy Director Sheba N. Crocker 7311 Deputy Director Edward J. Lacey 7311 Chief of Staff Andrew McCracken 7311 Personal Assistant to the Director Samantha Raddatz 7311 Assistant to Principal Deputy Director Vacant 7311 202-647-2972 202-647-2372 202-647-3580 202-647-9842 202-647-2972 202-647-2372

Members of the Policy Planning Staff

Member Raymond V. Arnaudo 7311 Member Mira Patel 7312 Member Alex Bick 7312 Member Catherine Kay 7310 Member Jennifer Harris 7312 Member Michael Camilleri 7310 Member Helene Kessler 7312 Member Dick Sokolsky 7312 Member Johna Ohtagaki 7312 Member Ian Klaus 7312 Member Janey Wright 7312 Member Lauren Baer 7312 Member Jeremy Shapiro 7312 Member Anika Binnendijk 7312 Member Sumona Guha 7312 Member Sean Misko 7310 Member Miguel Rodrigues 7310 Member Perry Cammack 7310 Member Kurt Meppen 7310 Member Melanie Nakagawa 7312 Member Matthew Walsh 7312 Member Anthony Wier 7310

202-647-3490 202-647-2236 202-647-2781 202-647-1178 202-647-0531 202-647-4635 202-647-4967 202-647-2457 202-647-3541 202-647-7361 202-647-2289 202-647-8657 202-647-0724 202-647-8494 202-647-4293 202-647-3267 202-647-1709 202-647-4702 202-647-4697 202-647-4967 202-647-4487 202-647-4698

Office of Emergency Management (A/OEM)

Director Troy Taylor 2nd Fl SA4 East Diplomatic Continuity Programs Division Director Acting Art Mock 2nd Fl SA4 East Planning and Preparedness Division Director Acting Lynda Kasonde 1st Fl SA4 East 202-776-8603 202-776-8600 202-776-8956

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Logistics Management (A/LM)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Catherine I. Ebert-Gray 525 SA6 Senior Advisor Scott McDonald 525 SA6 Executive Assistant Robert Lower 528 SA6 Special Assistant Cliff Mauton 525 SA6 Special Assistant Phong Ngo 532 SA6 703-875-6956 703-875-6034 703-875-5822 703-875-5847 703-875-6399

Office of Acquisitions Management (A/LM/AQM)

Director Cathy J. Read 526 SA6 RPSO - Frankfurt Tandra Jones 49-69-7535-3300/3304 RPSO - Miami Vacant Worldwide Operations Division Chief Vince Chaverini, Jr. SA-06A, 445 Security Branch Sharon James 1604 SA20 Domestic Branch JoAnn Carroll SA-06A, 418 International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Raymond Bouford SA-06A, 451 WWD/Local Guard Branch Michele Hartigan SA-20 Information Technology Division Chief John Stever 512 SA6 703-875-6639 49-69-7535954-630-1146 703-875-6645 703-875-6645 703-875-6038 703-875-5429 571-345-9931 703-875-6845

Head Speechwriter Stephen Krupin 7311 Speechwriter W. Andrew Imbrie 7312 Speechwriter Max Bergmann 7312 Speechwriter Matan Chorev 7312 202-647-9841 202-647-8656 202-647-2706 202-647-8494

Bureau of Administration (A) 8/30/2013

Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

Office of Policy Planning (S/P)


512 SA6 Telecommunications Branch Reaver Clements SA-06A, 452 Information Systems Bob Wissman SA-06A, 451 Information Technology Commerce Branch Gary Clark 511 SA6 NEA/IRAQ Support Branch Bob Wissman SA-06A, 451 Facilities Design and Construction Division Chief Robert Powell SA-06A, 448 Architect and Engineering Branch Chief David Vivan SA-06A, 449 Construction Branch Chief James Thomas SA-06A, 440 Major Support Contracting Branch Timothy Farrell SA-06A, 414 Business Operations Division Chief Benita Williams 627 SA6 Special Projects Support Team Aimee Kobelka 522, SA6 Quality Assurance Branch Jan Mouzon SA-06A, 410 Contract Management Branch Veronique Clark 530 SA6 International Programs Division Chief Ann Truitt 512 SA6 International Affairs Branch Ed Baran 515 SA6 Grants Team Donald Hunter SA-06A, 416 Global Programs Branch Deborah Koplen SA-06A, 442

703-875-5077 703-875-6064 703-875-6748 703-875-6064 703-875-5164 703-875-6991 703-875-6016 703-875-4230 703-875-5230 703-875-6671 703-875-4676 703-875-4263 703-875-6040 703-516-1708 703-875-4655 703-875-6643

DeDomenic SA-32 Classified Pouch and Mail Branch John Brandt 100 SA-8 Mail Management Branch (DPO) Mike Francis 1200 SA15 Policy Branch Won Lee 250 SA15 Management Analysis and Planning Branch Christopher Bivens 250 SA-15 Deputy Director Wesley Green 1200 SA15 Policy and Management Analysis Division Chief Dorothy Jones 250 SA 15 Customer Support Branch Tammy Davis 250 SA15 Property Management Division Chief Joshua Mater 250 SA15 Logistics Systems Division Chief Vacant 3150 SA15 System Planning and Analysis Branch Robert Loveless, Acting 3150 SA-15 Systems Integration and Support Branch Fran Shepherd, Acting 3150 SA-15 Compliance and Oversight Branch Charles Chavez 250 SA-15

703-922-3080 703-812-2467 703-875-6287 703-875-4354 703-875-5623 703-875-6656 703-875-6415 703-875-4993 703-875-7084 703-875-4342 703-875-5856 703-875-4472

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations (A/OPR)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Keith D. Miller 1417 Special Assistant Birgitta Drewes 1417 Deputy Director Harry Mahar 1417 202-647-3427 202-647-4801 202-647-2082

Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS)

Director Don D. Curtis Sr. L314 SA1 Team Supervisor for East Asia and Pacific, Near East Asia, South Asia and Western Europe Isam M. Bebee L314 SA1 Team Supervisor for Africa, Central Asia, Europe and Western Hemisphere Cassie Y. Washington L314 SA1 Regulations Specialist Marco N. Cuniberti L314 SA1 202-261-8700 202-261-8717

Office of Logistics Operations (A/LM/OPS)

Director Steve Hartman 527 SA6 Regional Logistics Center Division Chief Robert Browning 508 SA6 Despatch Agency - Miami Maureen Gabbard Despatch Agency - New York Harold Price Despatch Agency - Seattle Ray Schoenberg Despatch Agency - Brownsville Luis Carpio Despatch Agency - Baltimore Nicky Frantz European Logistical Support Office Elizabeth Pratt European Logistical Support Office Charles Olden Transportation and Travel Management Division Chief Scott Tiedt 5100 SA3 Transportation Operations Charles Olden 5100 SA3 Transportation Management Branch Ann Gibson 5100 SA3 Travel Management and Transportation Analysis Mark Dellinger 5100 SA3 Transportation Management Claims Donna Williams 5100 SA3 Secure Logistics Division Chief Michael Carney SA-10A Motor Vehicle Branch Chief Russ Baum SA-10A Warehouse Branch Chief Vacant SA-10A Management Operations Branch Chief Stephanie Beal SA-10A

703-875-4269 703-875-4585


305-640-4574 732-855-8880 206-764-3805 956-982-3916 410-631-0044 32-3-540-2015 32-3-540-2016 202-663-0909 202-663-0903 202-663-0902 202-663-0987 202-663-0936 703-912-8527 703-644-3295 703-912-8527 703-912-8527


Office of Commissary and Recreation Staff (A/OPR/CR)

Director Annette Cocchiaro L304 SA1 202-663-1330

Office of Facilities Management Services (A/OPR/FMS)

Director Janice A. Smith B2A61 Facilities Maintenance Services Division Chief Byron Crenshaw B2A61 Administrative Officer Vacant B2A61 Domestic Environmental and Safety Division Chief Vacant B2A61 202-736-4038 202-736-5176

Office of General Services Management (A/OPR/GSM)

Director Barry K. Shpil B258 Art Bank Program Director Lisa Kuhn B258 Audiovisual Services Branch Chief Fredrick S. Edelkamp B258 Diplomatic Reception Rooms Manager Essandra Collins 8th Floor Employee Service Center Branch Chief Jacqueline Pridgen 1252 Fleet Management Operations Division Chief James Goodwin, Jr. B258 Operations Support Branch Chief Lisa Y. Brown B258 202-647-3695 202-647-1435 202-736-7959 202-647-2275 202-647-3432 202-647-3159 202-647-1666

Office of Program Management and Policy (A/LM/PMP)

Director Cecilia Coates 1200 SA15 Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Division Chief Jeff Meyer 1200 SA15 Mail Operations Branch Vacant 1200 SA15 Unclassified Pouch and Mail Branch Mark J. DeDomenic SA-32 703-875-6429 703-875-4333 202-663-1807 703-302-7751


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Scheduling of Conference Rooms Lisa Sellman B-258 Special Services Division Chief Tim Ten Pas B258 Media Services Division Chief Meg Ravnholt-Hankin B258

202-736-7772 202-647-1418 202-647-1426

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Information Services (A/GIS)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Margaret P. Grafeld SA2 8000 Administrative Assistant Vicki L. Dotson SA2 8000 Deputy GIS DAS Eric F. Stein SA2 8024 Staff Director Steven Rodriguez SA2 8025 Quality Control Auditing Specialist Angelico E. Jiongco SA2 8016 Financial Auditing Specialist Camilla Palmer Limes SA2 8024 202-261-8300 202-261-8049 202-663-2190 202-663-2222 202-663-2197 202-663-2221

Office of Language Services (A/OPR/LS)

Director Thomas Hufford H1400 SA1 Deputy Director Kate Yemelyanov H1400 SA1 Translating Division Chief Joseph Mazza H1400 SA1 Translation Coordinator - All Languages Jason Kopp H1400 SA1 Intake of Translations - Non-Romance Languages Rachel Polakoff H1400 SA1 Status of Translations Jackie Peterson H1400 SA1 Interpreting Division Chief Patricia Arizu H1400 SA1 Intake of Interpreting - European Languages Binh Akers H1400 SA1 Intake of Interpreting - Other Languages Jocelyn Rowe H1400 SA1 Assigning Unit - Int'l Visitors/ATA Program Marc Fallow H1400 SA1 Intake Program Support Zbigniew Ostrega H1400 SA1 202-261-8766 202-261-8811 202-261-8758 202-261-8785

Office of Directives Management (A/GIS/DIR)

202-663-1980 202-261-8823 202-261-8815 202-261-8752 202-261-8820 202-663-3992 202-261-8774 Office Director Janet Freer 2400 SA22 Supervisory Management Analyst Maureen Whitsett 2400 SA22 Supervisory Management Analyst Harold Greene 2400 SA22 202-312-9607 202-312-9605 202-312-9612

Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS)

Director Sheryl Walter 5073 SA-2 202-632-2071 Deputy Director John F Hackett 5021 SA-2 202-261-8328 Staff Assistant Olivia Woods 202-663-1012 Agency Records Officer, Records and Archives 202-261-8424 Management Division Tasha Thian 5009 SA-2 eRecords 5139 SA-2 202-261-8369 Records Program Manager Blane Kauthen 5117 703-261-8394 SA-2 Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy Division Christina 202-261-8407 Jones 5037 SA-2 Chief, Requester Liaison Division Rosemary Reid 202-261-1517 5029 SA-2 Requester Communications Branch Mary Casto 202-261-8345 1101 SA-2 Advocacy and Oversight Branch Eva Tyler 1139 202-261-8159 SA-2 Chief, Programs and Policies Division Karen M 202-261-8328 Finnegan 5021 SA-2 Information Access Branch Darlyce M. Eley 6073 202-261-8334 SA-2 Information Life Cycle Management Branch Vacant 202-261-8302 4073 SA-2 Chief, Statutory Compliance and Research Division 202-261-8322 Patrick Scholl 5001 SA-2 European, Africa, and Near Eastern Affairs Branch 202-261-8470 Terry Gordon 7004 SA-2 Western Hemisphere and East Asia & Pacific Affairs 202-663-2634 Geoffrey Hermesman 2073 SA-2 Management and Public Diplomacy Branch Melody 202-261-8312 Adams 8101 SA-2 Chief, Archiving and Access Systems Management (202) 261 8853 Division Andrew N. Blumenthal 5025 SA-2 State Archiving Systems Branch Lisa Haralampus 202-261-8037 3073 SA-2 FREEDOMS Branch Daniel L. Kiser 3077 SA-2 202-261-8405 Chief Librarian, Ralphe J. Bunche Library Hugh 202-647-3002 Howard 3239 HST Information Resources Branch Ned Kraft 3239 HST 202-647-2196 Information Services Branch Sara Schoo 3239 HST 202-647-0451 Chief, Resource Management Staff Crystal Abrams 202-261-8348 5033 SA-2 Chief, Systematic Review Programs Bill Fischer 202-261-8483 5049 SA-2 Paper Review Branch Jeffery Charlston 202 SA-13 703-923-6400

Office of Overseas Schools (A/OPR/OS)

Director Dr. Keith D. Miller H328 SA1 Africa Dr. David Cramer H328 SA1 East Asia and Pacific Dr. Constance W. Buford H328 SA1 Near East, South Asia, Canada and the Mediterranean Rim Countries Dr. Beatrice H. Cameron H328 SA1 American Republics Dr. William H. Scotti H328 SA1 Western Europe Vacant H328 SA1 Eastern Europe Vacant H328 SA-1 Administrative Support Division Ms. Wanda Lyles H328 SA1 Information Coordinator Kristin Grasso H328 SA1

Office of Real Property Management (A/OPR/RPM)

Director Adam Bodner 1264 Design and Construction Division Chief Orlando Miguel 1264 Assignment and Utilization Division Chief Howard Aldag 1264 Special Projects Division Chief Robert H. Sanders 1420 Project Management Support Services Division Chief Douglas Johnson 1264

Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE)

Procurement Executive Corey Rindner 900 SA-27 Policy Division Director Eric N. Moore 900 SA-27 Evaluation and Assistance Division Director Paulette V. Donnelly 900 SA-27 Federal Assistance Program Director Georgia K. Hubert 900 SA-27 Competition Advocate/Ombudsman Jan Visintainer 900 SA-27 703-516-1689 703-875-4079 703-516-1697 703-812-2526 703-516-1693


202-261-8201 202-261-8218 202-261-8226 202-261-8209 202-261-8221 202-261-8210 202-261-8213 202-261-8203 202-261-8215 202-647-0618 202-647-3860 202-647-3477 202-736-7827 202-736-7171

Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Electronic Review Branch Vacant 5049 SA-2 Litigation and Appeals Branch Susan Weetman 4139 SA-2 Privacy Program Manager Rachel Drucker 2121 SA-2 PII Program Manager David Roberts SA-2 FOIA Program Manager Marianne Manheim 4033 SA-2

202-261-8483 202-261-8420 202-261-8656 202-261-8370 202-261-8359

Office of Global Publishing Solutions (A/GIS/GPS)

Director, GPS (Acting) Eric Stein B926 202-647-1603 Director, GPS Cairo (Acting) Vacant American +20 2 Embassy Cairo Customer Service Manager, Vienna Maria Stephen +431-339-2974 American Embassy Vienna Director, GPS Manila David Ekeroth American +63-1-301-2000 Embassy Manila Printing Officer, GPS Raymond Poole B934 202-647-3835 Program Analyst Pamela G. Holton B934 202-647-2512 Printing Specialist, Supervisor Arthur Hampton 202-647-1107 B934 Chief of Graphic Services Regina T. Cross B934 202-647-1082 Director of Marketing Roberta Mather-Brown B926 TTY Operations/Process Director Frances Mari B931 202-647-3842

Bureau of African Affairs (AF)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Vacant 6234A Acting Assistant Secretary Donald Yamamoto 6234A Office Management Specialist Ruth Walker (Contractor) 6234A Deputy Assistant Secretary (AF/S, AF/RSA-security, Kimberly Process)) Reuben Brigety 6234A Deputy Assistant Secretary Cynthia Akuetta 6234A Office Management Specialist Courtney Preston-McLain 6234A Deputy Assistant Secretary Donald Teitelbaum 6234A Deputy Assistant Secretary, Acting David R Gilmour 6234A Staff Assistant Sybil Johnson 6234A Congressional Affairs Officer Kathleen Moody 5238 Senior Advisor Richard Roth 6234A Special Assistant Aaron Sampson 6234A Staff Assistant Janice Gross 6234A Staff Assistant Ruth Rudzinski 6234A Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Lynn A Nelson 6234A Special Advisor Tamara Klajn 6234A Deputy Assistant Secretary Shannon L Smith 4246

202-647-4440 202-647-4485 202-647-2447 202-647-2535 202-736-7023 202-647-2446 202-647-1819 202-647-2226 202-647-1818 202-647-5788 202-647-3356 202-647-6485 202-647-4424 202-647-3201 202-647-2530 202-647-3356 202-647-1597

Budget Analyst (ICASS) Aekyung Ripley 3519 Budget Analyst (Program) Hamza Girnary 3519 Budget Analyst (Domestic Travel Accounts) Lillie Patterson 3519 Budget Program Support Assistant Bernard Clair 3519 Financial Mgt Officer (Regional Support) Vacant 3519 Human Resources Division Chief Sonja Rix 3519 FS Assignments Officer (domestic AF, AF/E & AF/S) Elisa Greene 3519 FS Assignments Officer (AF/C & AF/W) Katherine McGowen 3519 HR Specialist (CS issues) Robin Avery-Barnard 3519 HR Specialist (CS issues) Marie Pyle 3519 HR Specialist (EFM/FMA) Njeri Moore 3519 Program Specialist (Awards) Theresa Crawford 3519 WAE/Rover Coordinator Kristin Orth 3519 Management Support Division Chief Sonja Wray-Brewer 3519 General Services Officer Phillip Miller 3519 General Services Officer - E2 Travel Orders Parish Mitchell (contractor) 3519 Receptionist Crystal Campbell (contractor) 3519 Supervisory Post Management Officer (Somalia) Kay Crawford 3519 Management Support Division Chief Sylvie Martinez 3519 Post Management Officer (East AF) Sue Ostrem 3519 Post Management Officer (Southern AF) Richard O'Shea 3519 Post Management Officer (West AF-Anglo/Lusophone) Clayton Bond 3519 Post Management Officer (West AF-Francophone) Erin Hamrick 3519 Systems Support Division Chief Steven Deutsch (contractor) 3519 Systems Analyst Jason Holden (contractor) 3519 Systems Analyst Thomas Scott (contractor) 3519 Systems Analyst Kenneth Whipple (contractor) 3519

202-647-1931 202-647-1203 202-647-4089 202-647-2104 202-647-2306 202-647-1467 202-736-7527 202-736-7584 202-647-0522 202-647-0980 202-647-1790 202-647-2775 202-647-1446 647-2118 202-647-1840 202-647-3993 202-736-4200 202-647-1351 202-647-1842 202-647-1409 202-647-1711 202-736-7490 202-647-0605 202-647-2774 202-647-2774 202-647-2774 202-647-0630

Office of Economic Policy Staff (AF/EPS)

Director Amy Holman 4248 Deputy Director David Young 4248 Secretary Verlene Brown 4248 Commercial and Business Affairs Officer Sarah Scarcelli SA-3, 8200 Economic Officer Peter Lossau 4248 Foreign Affairs Officer Gabrielle Mallory 4248 Foreign Affairs Officer Fonta Gilliam 4248 Foreign Affairs Officer Lauren Ziegler 4248 International Economist Nicole Johnson 4248 International Economist Jim Wilson SA-3, 8200 Life Science Specialist Catherine Picard 4248 Program Analyst Camille Jackson 4248 Program Specialist Tawanna Davidson 4248 202-647-4066 202-647-4067 202-647-3503 202-663-0539 202-647-3468 202-647-4033 202-647-4098 202-647-3502 202-647-4099 202-663-0521 202-647-4076 202-647-6724 202-647-5774

Office of Executive Director (AF/EX)

Executive Director Paul Folmsbee 3519 Deputy Executive Director Maria Brewer 3519 Bureau Security Officer Donna-Marie Spann 3519 Budget and Finance Division Chief Brian LaJuett 3519 Deputy Division Chief Fonda Taliaferro 3519 Budget Analyst (Rep, PD, ESF) Valerie Reynolds 3519 202-647-1298 202-647-4417 202-647-3429 202-647-1969 202-647-1941 202-647-3040

Office of Regional and Security Affairs (AF/RSA)

Director John Hoover 5238 202-647-6476


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Deputy Director, Regional Affairs Arlen Ferrill 5238 Congressional Affairs Officer Kathleen Moody 5238 African Union Desk Officer Elaine French 5238 Democracy & Human Rights Officer Learned Dees 5238 Strategic Planning Officer Lisbeth Thompson 5238 Foreign Affairs Officer Daniel Epstein 5238 Foreign Affairs Officer Patrick Neeley 5238 Foreign Affairs Officer Danielle Bayar 5238 Deputy Director, Security Affairs Michael Bittrick 5238 Military Advisor LTC Dan Moll 5238 Foreign Affairs Officer Susan McCarty 5238 Foreign Affairs Officer Agustine Fahey 5238 Financial Analyst Gary Simpson 5238 Special Assistant-LRA Issues Peter Quaranto 5238 Foreign Affairs Officer Chris Pommerer 5238 Contract & Program Assistant Chris Tringale 5238 AQM Contract Support Greg Pryor (contractor) 3519 Regional Affairs Officer Vacant 5238 Leahy Vetter Amelia Mitchell 5238 Contract & Program Assistant Jenel A. Williams (contractor) 5238 ACOTA Program Director Timothy Rainey SA-44 ACOTA Sr. Contract Specialist Joseph Noel SA-44 ACOTA Contract Specialist Jignasa Parikh SA-44 ACOTA Regional Manager, East I Scott Fisher (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Logistics Technician Kevin Gentry (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Regional Mgr, East II Hank Hance (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Regional Manager, South Patricia Jackson (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Operations Manager Victor John (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Office Manager Cooperine Keene (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Program Analyst Tom Pattison (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA POI Coordinator Palmer Phillips (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Logistics Manager Paige Puntso (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Regional Manager, West I Charles Vuckovic (contractor) SA-44 ACOTA Regional Manager, West II Francois-Xavier Yves SA-44

202-647-5772 202-647-5788 202-647-7373 202-647-5803 202-736-4094 202-736-4435 202-647-5781 202-647-1431 202-736-4097 202-647-7371 202-736-4096 202-647-7191 202-647-0558 202-647-1431 202-647-7158 202-647-1681 202-647-2206 202-647-0553 202-647-0759 202-647-6480 202-203-7272 202-203-7522 202-203-7464 202-203-7472 202-203-7517 202-203-7513 202-203-7515 202-203-7519 202-203-7300 202-203-7471 202-203-7518 202-203-7516 202-203-7514 202-203-7463

Desk Officer (Gabon, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome & Principe) Chinwe Obianwu 4244 Great Lakes Desk Officer (Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Uganda) Adam Keith 4244

202-647-3138 202-647-4966

Office of East African Affairs (AF/E)

Director Vacant 5238 Deputy Director Steven C. Walker 5238 OMS For Director and Deputy Vacant 5238 OMS for the Officers Vacant 5238 Desk Officer (Djibouti and Eritrea) Matthew Petit 5238 Desk Officer (Ethiopia) Laura Hruby 5238 Desk Officer (Ethiopia) Lauren Diekman 5238 Desk Officer (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles) Mark Carr 5238 Desk Officer (Kenya) Susan Driano 5238 Senior Desk Officer (Somalia) Pamela Fierst 5238 Desk Officer (Somalia) J. Rob Satrom 5238 Desk Officer (Somalia) Litah Miller 5238 Desk Officer (Tanzania) Ellen Peterson 5238 Desk Officer (Uganda) Jenny Orrico 5238 202-647-5242 202-647-5520 202-647-8852 202-647-8852 202-647-6453 202-647-6473 202-647-6473 202-647-5922 202-647-8913 202-647-5082 202-647-8284 202-647-5652 202-647-8295 202-647-5924

Office of Southern African Affairs (AF/S)

Director Stephen Nolan 4236 Deputy Director Madeline Seidenstricker 4236 OMS Thomascine Douglas 4236 PDPA Southern Africa Country Affairs Officer Denise Jobin-Welch 4236 Desk Officer (Lesotho, Mozambique, SADC) Kary Hintz-Tate 4236 Desk Officer (South Africia -Economic Officer) Eileen Higgins 4236 Desk Officer (Angola and Swaziland) Lance Kinne 4236 Desk Officer (Botswana, Malawi) Jed Dornburg 4236 Desk Officer (Zimbabwe) Kent May 4236 Desk Officer (Zambia and Namibia) Diane Whitten 4236 Desk Officer (South Africa OIC) Bruce Neuling 4236 OMS for South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho, Mozambique Raschelle Scheppman 4236 202-647-9834 202-647-9849 202-647-9836 202-647-8252 202-647-9857 202-647-9850 202-647-9858 202-647-9856 202-647-9852 202-647-9838 202-647-9862 202-647-8434

Office of West African Affairs (AF/W)

Director Steve Schwartz 4246 Deputy Director Jason Small 4246 OMS Adele Zwigaitis 4246 Desk Officer (Guinea & Ghana) Ken Reiman 4246 Desk Officer ( Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau & Cape Verde) Andrew Silski 4246 Desk Officer (Cote d'Ivoire,Togo & Benin) Christie Arendt 4246 Desk Officer (Mali) Libby Strait 4246 Desk Officer (Mauritania, Niger & Burkina Faso) Melissa Cline 4246 Desk Officer (Liberia & Mali) Ashley Stewart 4246 Desk Officer (Nigeria) & Nigeria (ECOWAS) Manoela Borges 4246 Receptionist Donna Patterson 4246 PDPA West Africa Country Affairs Officer Laneice Brooker 4246 202-647-3395 202-647-2214 202-647-3395 202-647-1540 202-647-0252 202-647-1658 202-647-3469 202-647-1755 202-647-1596 202-647-2637 202-647-2865 202-647-3407

Office of Central African Affairs (AF/C)

Director 4244 Deputy Director William Schofield 4244 Secretary Margaret Decquir 4244 Desk Officer (Burundi and Rwanda) Kelly Tucker 4244 Desk Officer (Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea) Pablo Rodriguez 4244 Desk Officer (Central African Republic and Chad) Maria Elliott 4244 Senior Desk Officer (Democratic Republic of Congo) E. Strother Murray 4244 Desk Officer (Democratic Republic of Congo) Joelle Bastien 4244 202-647-6491 202-647-6491 202-647-2080 202-647-4965 202-647-4514 202-647-2973 202-647-2216 202-647-3139


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Desk Officer (The Gambia) Sonya Weston 4246 Deputy Director James Loveland 4246 PDPA West Africa Country Affairs Officer(WAE) Daniel Whitman 4246 Desk Officer (Nigeria) Barbara Keary 4246

202-647-0033 202-647-1597 202-647-4567 202-647-2791

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Rose E. Gottemoeller 5950 Administrative Assistant Patricia (PJ) Moeller 5950 Special Assistant Michael Flores 5951 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Anita Friedt 5878 Secretary Michelle Martin 5878 Deputy Assistant Secretary Greg Delawie 5888 Secretary Vacant 5888 Deputy Assistant Secretary Frank A. Rose 5950 Secretary Annette Day 5950 Chief of Staff Eric Desautels 5751 Dir. of Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy John Herzberg 5844 Dep. Dir. of Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy Jamie Mannina 5844 Senior Advisor for Strategic Issues Richard (Chip) Hartman 5443 Administrative Assistant Thelma Jenkins-Anthony 5443 Senior Science Adviser Tawny (TR) Koncher 5751 Senior Advisor Suzanne Dalch 5751 Staff Assistant Sheila Price 5751 Staff Assistant Patricia Caul 5751 Security Manager Andre Bryant 5951 Security Officer Treveon Wheeler 5951 Advisor to Dir. of Communications and Public Diplomacy Alexandra Bell 5844 Senior Advisor Thomas Yehl 5888 Special Assistant Robert Nelson 5951 202-647-5315 202-647-9291 202-647-9056 202-647-6830 202-647-6830 202-647-5553 202-647-5553 202-647-7821 202-647-7821 202-647-7620 202-647-5479 202-647-7939 202-736-4290 202-647-8958 202-647-6092 202-647-6045 202-736-7180 202-647-5407 202-647-5460 202-647-5462 202-647-8843 202-647-8776 202-647-9056

Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (AF/PDPA)

Director Vacant SA3 8200 Deputy Director Joe Mellott SA3 8200 Public Affairs Officer Hillary Renner SA3 8206 Press and Public Affairs Officer Marissa Rollens HST 3519 Public Affairs Specialist Nicole Peacock SA3 8205 Program & Project Specialists, BN Terri Rookard SA3 8208 Administrative Officer Karen Coates SA3 8200 Office Management Specialist Michele Reamey SA3 8200 Cultural Coordinator Patricia Ehrman SA3 8207 Assistant Cultural Coordinator Jason Green SA3 8221 Country Affairs Officer (Central Africa) Tijen Aybar HST 4244 Country Affairs Officer (Southern Africa) Denise Jobin Welch HST 4208 Senior Country Affairs Officer (West Africa) Laneice Brooker HST 4246 Country Affairs Officer for East Africa Shirley Lisenby SA3 8200 Country Affairs Officer for East Africia Kim Hargan SA3 8200 Science and Technology Fellow Ruth Tennen SA3 8200 Planning and Coordination Officer Paul Patin SA3 8200 Senior Advisor Thomas Genton SA3, 8219 202-663-0501 202-663-0502 202-663-0529 202-647-0759 202-663-0519 202-663-0517 202-663-0505 202-663-0500 202-663-0523 202-663-0509 202-647-1637 202-647-9855 202-647-3407 202-663-8535 202-663-0511 202-663-0527 202-647-3407 202-663-0525

Office of the Executive Director (ISN-PM-AVC/EX)

Executive Director Sonna Stampone 1803 Deputy Executive Director--Human Resources Sheila T. Bruce 1819 Deputy Executive Director--Resource Management Rosetta L. Goode 1805 Deputy Executive Director--Budget and General Services 1809 202-647-3442 202-736-7006 202-647-1921 202-647-8666

Office of the Special Envoy for the Sudans and South Sudan (USSESSS)
Office Director Larry Andre 5819 Director of Program Coordination/Dep. Office Director David J. Young 5819 Public Affairs Officer Erin Rattazzi 5819 Internal Security Karim Smither 3817 Sr. Sudan Desk Officer Zachary Harkenrider 3817 Policy Coordination Andrew Burnett 5819 Program Lead Crystal Sheridan 5819 Darfur Team Julian Hadas 3817 Programs - Invoicing Kashfiya Hasan 5819 Sr. South Sudan Desk Officer Jessica Huaracayo 3817 UN - Security David Scott 3817 Management Analyst/Travel Arranger Wanda Curry 5819 CS/OMS Sheila A. Palmer 5819 Special Advisor - Darfur Colin Thomas-Jensen 5819 Security Michael Bailey 3817 Sudan Desk Sahar Hussain 3817 South Sudan Desk Officer Royce Branch 3817 Negotiations Levi Drake 3817

202-647-5066 202-647-4345 202-736-7043 202-647-6479 202-647-7491 202-647-4317 202-647-5796 202-647-3958 202-643-2348 202-647-7494 202-647-9778 202-647-4083 202-647-4531 202-647-4084 202-647-7524 202-647-1158 202-647-7491 202-647-7484

Office of Strategic Affairs (AVC/SA)

Director Jerry Taylor 5758 Deputy Director, Strategic Engagement Steve Tomchik 5758 Deputy Director, Treaty Implementation Neil Couch 5758 202-736-4467 202-647-7383 202-647-0902

Office of Technology and Assessments (VCI/TA)

Director Brian Nordmann 5871 Deputy Director David F. Smith 5871 202-647-2408 202-647-6262

Office of Nuclear Affairs (VCI/NA)

Director Jeffrey L. Eberhardt 5751 Deputy Director Gilbert Sateia 5751 Deputy Director Katharine Crittenberger 5669 202-647-2792 202-647-8685 202-647-3760

Office of Technology Development (ISN-PM-AVC/EX/TD)

Director David Round H1300 SA1

Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Deputy Director Peter T. DiMichele H1300 SA1 (AVC) 8/30/2013 Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

202-663-2290 202-663-2296


Office of Biological Weapons Affairs (VCI/BW)
Director Brian D. Nordmann 5669 Deputy Director David F. Smith 5669 202-647-2408 202-647-6262

Office of the Comptroller, Global Financial Services

Comptroller, Global Financial Services James L. Millette Charleston Office Administrator Erin W. Thomas Charleston Staff Assistant Manly H. Rush III Charleston Director, GAO Liaison Julianne Shinnick 1842 843-308-5578 843-308-5578 843-308-5608 202-647-8170

Office of Euro-Atlantic Security Affairs (AVC/ESA)

Director Richard Davis 5724 Deputy Director Donna Phelan 5724 Deputy Director Harry Heintzelman 5724 Secretary Elaine Wright 5724 202-647-9170 202-647-9645 202-647-9238 202-647-4153

Office of Global Financial Operations (CGFS/F)

Managing Director Shari P. Clark Charleston Director, Overseas Accounting & Systems Implementation Bret Green Charleston Director, Office of Reports and Reconciliation Ki H. Sung Charleston Director, Office of Claims Michael Washington Charleston Director, Domestic Accounting Operations Domestic Kevin L. Penick Charleston Director, GFS Washington Office Vacant 843-202-3849 843-308-5527 843-746-0587 843-202-3755 843-202-3875

Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance AVC/NRRC

Director Ned B. Williams, III 3828 Deputy Director Lt. Col Samuel McNiel, USAF 3828 202-647-0027 202-647-0998

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (VCI/OSCE)

Chief Arms Control Delegate Vienna, Austria Hugh M. Neighbour 43-1-369-2667

Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission, the Bilateral Implementation Commission, and the Special Verification Commission
U.S. Representative Jerry Taylor 5758

Office of Global Compensation (CGFS/C)

Managing Director Jeffrey C. Mounts Charleston Director, Office of American Payroll and Pension Operations Keith Koehler Charleston Director, Office of FSN Payroll Operations James A. Anderson Charleston 843-308-5301 843-308-5508 843-308-5393


Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP)

Director Barbara A. Retzlaff 2531 Office Manager for A/S Vickie Wilkins HST 2531 Secretary Doris R. Cooper 2634

Office of Principal Deputy Comptroller (CGFS/D)

Principal Deputy Comptroller Christopher H. Flaggs H1500 SA1 Senior Advisor Troy A. Scaptura H1500 SA1 Special Assistant Wardell J. Wanza H1500 SA1 Staff Assistant Esther C. Tompkins H 1500 SA1 Director Management Control Carole L. Clay H1100 SA1 Director Global Financial Support Systems Sally Zottnick 7000 SA15 202-261-8620 202-261-8629 202-261-8626 202-261-8620 202-663-2084 703-875-7393

202-647-8517 202-647-8517 202-647-9788

Office of Resource Planning and Budget Information

Managing Director Steve B. Dietz 2531 Director, Resource Strategy & Liaison John R. Zakrajsek 2531 Systems Resources and Operations Division Michael A. Carey 2634 Funds Control and Reimbursement Joseph 'Joe' Kouba 2634

202-647-5064 202-647-5917 202-647-7576 202-647-7729

Global Financial Management Systems (CGFS/GFMS)

Managing Director Alan K. Evans 4200 SA-15 703-875-6900

Office of Financial Policy, Reporting, and Analysis (CGFS/FPRA)

202-647-8515 202-647-6962 202-647-6983 202-647-5339 Managing Director Robert Timothy Macdonald H1500 SA1 Director, Financial Reporting and Analysis Carol A. Gower H1500 SA1 Director, Financial Policy Audrey L. Duchesne H-1100, SA1 Director, Federal Assistance Financial Management Mazhar Ahson H1502 SA1 202-663-1447 202-261-8631 202-663-2117 202-261-8647

Office of Budget Analysis

Managing Director Douglas A. Pitkin 2531 Director for Operating Accounts Sherry M. Hannah 2633 Director for Programs Accounts Adriel M. Bush 2634 Office of Budget Review & Concepts Director Richard Knowles 2531

Office of Performance and Planning

Managing Director, Office and Performance and Planning James Paravonian 2633 Director for Planning and Strategic Performance Robinson Rameriz 2633 Director for Performance and Evaluation Craig White 2633 202-647-6890 202-736-7805 202-647-2687

Office of the Executive Director (CGFS/EX)

Executive Director Philip J. Schlatter SA-15 Rm 6000 Staff Assistant Keron Adams SA-15 Rm 6000 Deputy Executive Director (Washington, DC Area) Valerie S. Dumas SA15 Rm 6000 Administrative Officer Vacant SA15 Rm 6900 Chief, Administrative Services Unit Shauntia H. Wright SA15 Rm 6000 703-875-6240 703-845-5532 703-875-5693 703-875-7146 703-875-6917

Bureau of Comptroller and Global Financial Service (CGFS) 8/30/2013 Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Chief, Human Resources Helen L. Driver SA-15 Rm 6900 Chief, Budget Officer John F. Kelley SA-15 Rm 6900 Deputy Executive Director (Charleston) Robert Nicolai Charleston 1c147

703-875-6591 703-875-6804 843-308-5302

Office of the Associate Comptroller (CGFS/S)

Associate Comptroller Marilyn Ferdinand Charleston FSTO Paris Director Phil Anstead Paris Director, Global Disbursing Richard Simpson Charleston Director, Post Support Unit Darcey Mercadante Charleston Director, Customer Support Training Richard Sizemore Charleston 843-308-5607

Staff Assistant Jim J Jay 6826 Staff Assistant Vacant 6826 Unclassified Fax Special Advisor for Childrens Issues Susan S Jacobs 9th Floor, SA-17 Special Assistant to Special Advisor S. Jacobs Kathleen C Sacco 9th Floor, SA-17

202-647-7948 202-647-7948 202-647-0791 202-485-6334 202-485-6236

Office of Executive Director (CA/EX)

33-1-43-127054 843-746-0578 843-746-0674 843-308-5391 Executive Director James Herman 7-200 SA17A Deputy Executive Director Denise Urs 7-200 SA17A Senior Management Advisor Mary Ellen Hickey 7-200 SA17A Special Assistant Yomaris Nunez 7-200 SA-17A Post Analysis Division Lynne Skeirik 7-200 SA17A General Services Division Director Greg Segas 7-100 SA17A Human Resources Division Director Sonia Crisp 7-100 SA17A 202-485-7400 202-485-6324 202-485-7357 202-485-7365 202-485-7360 202-485-7386 202-485-7302

Director Richard Boohaker H1504 SA1 Deputy Director Peter A. Hogan H1504 SA1

202-663-3883 202-663-3267

Consular Systems and Technology (CA/CST)

Director Greg D Ambrose SA-1 H901 Deputy Director Vacant SA-1 H901 Acting Division Director, Liaison James Strudwick SA-1 H901 Director, Program Management Office James W Smith SA-1 H901 Division Director, Enterprise Ops Support Michael Doctor SA-1 H901 Acting Division Director, Independent Operations Ngon T Tran SA-1 H901 Acting Division Director, Enterprise Systems Dana Henderson SA-1 H901 Division Director, Enterprise Systems Devlopment Gene Shuman SA-1 H901 Division Chief, Enterprise, Technology, Architecture and Process John Atkins SA-1 H907 CST Special Assistant Kimberly Milner SA-1 H901 Division Director, Program and Project Management Barbara Albin SA-1 H901 202-663-1101 202-663-1109 202-663-3223 202-663-3664 202-663-1505 202-663-2563 202-663-1450 202-663-2406 202-663-3220 202-663-3374 202-663-2407

Bureau of Conflict And Stabilization Operations (CSO)

Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization
Assistant Secretary Rick Barton 7100 SA3 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Pat Haslach 7100 SA3 Deputy Assistant Secretary CSO/MCR Dolores Brown 7100 SA3 Deputy Assistant Secretary PPL Jerry White 7100 SA3 Special Assistant Justin Tull 7100 SA3 Staff Assistant Emily Geise 7100 SA3 OMS Angela Wunderli 7100 SA3 Civilian Response Corps John Roberts SA-15 EX Wilna Ray SA-15 Public Affairs Raphael Carland 7100 SA-3 202-663-0807 202-663-0302 202-663-0309 202-663-0856 202-663-0846 202-663-0807 202-663-0807 703-875-6741 703-875-6693 202-663-0856

Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA)

Office of Public Affairs and Policy Coordination (CA/P)

Director Stuart M. Hatcher 4800 Deputy Director Robert F. Hannan, Jr. 4800 Special Assistant Kirsten E. Thompson 4800 Office Management Specialist Tamica Reaves 4800 Office Management Specialist Annabelle O. Nelson 4800 Outreach Unit Chief Kathryn L. Flachsbart 4800 Press Unit Chief John W. Whiteley 4800 Legislative Affairs Advisor Tanya Mazin 4800 Senate Liaison Officer Lisa C. Gisvold Rm 189 Russell Senate Office B House Liaison Officer Scott D. Boswell Rm B330 Rayburn House Office B New Media Unit Chief Corina L. DuBois 4800 Consular Notification and Access Wallis A. Doerge 4800 202-647-1489 202-647-2114 202-647-4744 202-647-1488 202-647-4110 202-647-2868 202-647-2979 202-647-6436 202-228-1605 202-226-4641 202-647-2598 202-647-2928

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary Janice L. Jacobs 6826 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Michele T. Bond 6826 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas Citizens Services Jim D. Pettit 6826 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Passport Services Brenda Sprague 6826 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services Ed Ramotowski 6826 Personal Assistant to A/S Jacobs Phuong Handler 6826 Office Management Specialist/PDAS Barbara Brawner 6826 Office Management Specialist/OCS DAS Vacant 6826 Executive Assistant Josh W. Glazeroff 6826 Staff Assistant Jennifer L Carter 6826 Staff Assistant Teresa Fergerson 6826

202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-9584 202-647-7948 202-647-9584

Office of Fraud Prevention Programs (CA/FPP)

Director David Schwartz 8-206 202-485-6754


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

Office of International Cooperative Administrative Support (CGFS/ICASS)


Team Leader Kurt Vicha 8-202 Team Leader Paula Ferguson 8-221 Team Leader John Ballard 8-219 Team Leader Adrienne Harchik 8-410 OMS Nicki King 8-200A Special Assistant Susan Randolph 8-208B

202-485-6751 202 485-6786 202 485-6791 202-485-6807 202 485-6750 202-485-6756

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Passport Services (CA/PPT)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Brenda Sprague 6826 Special Assistant Judy Penn SA-17A 4th FL Staff Assistant Zlatko Pasalic SA-17A 4th FL Managing Director, Issuance Operations Florence G. Fultz SA-17A 4th FL Director, Office of Management Analysis and Coordination William Wood SA-17A 4th FL Senior Advisor for International Affairs R. Michael Holly SA-17A 4th FL Managing Director, Support Operations Barry J. Conway SA-17A 4th FL Director, Office of Program Management and Operational Support Aileen D Smith SA-17A 4th FL Acting Director, Office of Planning and Program Support Winnie Fuentes SA-17A 4th FL Director, Office of Adjudication Don Simpkins SA-17A 4th FL Director, Office of Passport Integrity and Internal Controls Kelly Ozolek-Cella SA-17A 4th FL Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight Carmen Marrero SA-17A 4th FL Director, Office of Technical Operations Amanda Jones SA-17A Director, Office of Passport Legal Affairs and Law Enforcement Liaison Jonathan Rolbin SA-17A 4th FL 202-647-9584 202-485-6374 202-485-6375 202-485-6379 202-485-6386 202-485-6377 202-485-6372 202-485-6547 202-485-6604 202-485-6611 202-485-6649 202-485-6515 202-485-6511 202-485-6590

Policy Advisor/Domestic Operations Anne Simon L703G SA-1 Senior Coordinator Interagency Timothy W. Smith L703A Senior Analyst Jacquelyn Bednarz L415, SA-1 Special Projects Coordinator Vacant L703, SA-1 National Visa Center Director Kimberly Kelly NVC Public Inquiries NVC Public Inquiries Kentucky Consular Center Director Sarah Welbourne KCC Public Inquiries

202-663-1155 202-663-1160 202-663-1911 202-663-1156 603-334-0927 606-526-0700 606-526-7667 606-526-7500

Office of Field Support Liaison (CA/VO/F)

Director Patrick Walsh L703E SA1 Post Liaison Division Chief William Bent L703A SA1 IV Control and Reports Division Charles Oppenheim L415 SA1 202-663-1173 202-663-1120 202-663-1087

Office of Information Management and Liaison (CA/VO/I)

Director Margaret Cooperman L415 SA1 Deputy Dean Kaplan L415 SA1 202-663-1249 202-663-1616

Office of Legislation, Regulations and Advisory Assistance (CA/VO/L)

Director David Newman L603C SA1 Deputy Director Vincent Beirne L603D Legislation and Regulations Division Nancy J. Altman L603D SA1 Advisory Opinions Division Jeff Gorsky L603 SA1 Coordination Division Sean Cooper L603H SA1 Waiver Division Marcia Pryce L603A SA1 202-663-1184 202-663-2826 202-261-8040 202-663-1187 202-663-1246 202-663-2866

Office of Diplomatic and Public Liaison (CA/VO/P)

Director Karin King L703O SA1 Public Inquiries Division Chief Stephen Ashby L703M SA1 Diplomatic Liaison Division Chief John Oliver Kinder L703P SA1 Visa and Information Microlog Visa Priority Data Microlog Congressional Inquiries Web Content & Customer Svc Manager Karla Gentile L703 SA1 202-663-3579 202-663-1144 202-663-3211 202-663-1225 202-663-1541 202-663-1516 202-663-3889

Special Issuance Agency (CA/PPT/SIA)

Agency Director Michael D. Thomas SA-17, Suite 200 Assistant Director Daniel Alessandrini SA-17, Suite 200 Assistant Director Michael J Ma SA-17, Suite 200 Adjudication Manager Blanchie Gerald SA-17, Suite 200 Customer Service Manager Laura M Pascarella SA-17, Suite 200 Fraud Prevention Manager Kevin Spriggs SA-17, Suite 200 Customer Service Manager Paula Carter SA-17, Suite 200 Entitlement Manager Danny White SA-17, Suite 200 Official Passport Supervisor Battie Stewart SA-17, Suite 200 Visa Unit Chief Christopher Pressey SA-17, Suite 200 Congressional Passport Supervisor Patience Tait SA-17 Suite 200 Administrative Assistant Tinya Swanson SA-17, Suite 200

202-955-0202 202-955-0203 202-955-0576 202-955-0176 202-955-0581 202-955-0193 202-955-0501 202-955-0588 202-955-0502 202-955-0183 202-955-0211 202-955-0414

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas Citizens Services (CA/OCS)

Deputy Assistant Secretary James D. Pettit 6826 202-647-9584 Call Center 1-888-407-4747 Managing Director Michelle Bernier-Toth 10th Floor 202-485-6046 SA17 Special Assistant Shalan Obando 10th Floor SA17 202-485-6060 Office Management Specialist Rebecca Moore 10th 202-485-6246 Floor SA17 Special Assistant Margaret J Pride 10th Floor 202-485-6060 SA17

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services (CA/VO)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Edward J. Ramotowski 6811 Managing Director Donald Heflin L703H SA1 Special Assistant Gwendolyn Webb L703 SA1 202-647-9584 202-663-1153 202-663-1152

Office of American Citizens Services (CA/OCS/ACS)

Director Brendan O'Brien 10th Floor, SA-17 Division Chief (AF) Jack D. Markey 10th Floor, SA-17 Division Chief (WHA) Clay Adler 10th Floor, SA-17 202-485-6234 202-485-6358 202-485-6289


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Division Chief (EUR) Teresa Mendel 10th Floor, SA-17 Division Chief (NESCA) Viktoria Lopatkiewicz 10th Floor, SA-17 Division Chief (EAP) Brett Pomainville 10th Floor SA-17

202-485-6245 202-485-6186 202-485-6261

Office of Legal Affairs (CA/OCS/L)

Director Edward Betancourt 10th FL SA-17A Supervisory Attorney Corrin Ferber 10th FL SA-17A 202-485-6180 202-485-6098

Office Of Children's Issues (CA/OCS/CI)

Director Beth Payne 9th Floor SA-17 Division Chief - Eastern Hemisphere Stefanie Eye 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - SCA/EAP Adam Center 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - EUR/NEA Carolee Walker 9th Floor SA-17 Division Chief - Western Hemisphere and Africa Scott Renner 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - Africa and Mexico Ben Ousley 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - WHA Brigid Weiller 9th Floor SA-17 Division Chief - Incoming and Prevention Marco Tedesco 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - Abduction Prevention Rush Marburg 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief Incoming Abductions Beth Cooper 9th Floor SA-17 Division Chief - Adoptions David Mico 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - Atlantic Jill Larsen 9th Floor SA-17 Branch Chief - Pacific Marshall Derks 9th Floor SA-17 202-485-6262 202-485-6314 202-485-6039 202-485- 6182 202-485-6254 202-485- 6343

202-485-6065 202-485-6266 202-485-6342 202-485-6118 202-485-6024 202-485-6270 202-485-6174

Office of the Comptroller (C)

Acting Comptroller Rachel Arndt 8th Floor SA-17A Financial Management Division Chief Tracy Henderson 8th Floor SA-17A Procurement Policy and Oversight Division Chief Barnaby Walsh 8th Floor SA-17A Strategic Planning and Policy Division Chief Jonathan Parks 8th Floor SA-17A Office Management Specialist Aycee Zotter 8th Floor SA-17A Special Assistant Kate Leming 8th Floor SA-17A Special Assistant Celeste Tinari Scott 8th Floor SA-17A

202-485-6679 202-485-6684 202-485-6682 202-485-6675 202-485-6674 202-485-6699 202-485-6681

Acting 2509 Principal Deputy Coordinator Jerry P. Lanier 2509 Special Assistant Michael Sellitto 2509 Staff Assistant Molly Hayes 2509 Personal Assistant to Coordinator Gloria Hubbard 2509 Assistant to Principal Coordinator Antonia Marovic 2509 Deputy Coordinator for Regional and Regional Strategic Initiative Affairs Justin Siberell 2509 Assistant to Deputy Coordinator for Regionanl and Regional Strategic Initiative Affairs Audrey Pruitt 2509 Office Director for Asia, Pacific, and the Americas Daniel Rochman 2256 Office Director for Africa, Europe and the Near East Marc Norman 2250 Deputy Coordinator for Homeland Security & Multilateral Affairs Anne A. Witkowsky 2509 Assistant to the Deputy Coordinator for Homeland Security & Multilateral Affairs Sarah Gregory 2509 Office Director for4 Homeland Security Hillary Batjer-Johnson 2250 Office Director for Multilateral Affairs Darcy Anderson 2509 Office Director for Terrorist Screening & Interdiction Jeanne Maloney SA1 242 Office Director for Designations and Sanctions Jason Blazakis 2250 Deputy Coordinator for Operations Mark I. Thompson 2250 Assistant to the Deputy Coordinator for Operations Christy Roman 2250 Office Director for Operations Timothy Walsh 2250 Office Director for Programs and Policy Daniel Rosen 2509 Press and Public Affairs Advisor Rhonda Shore 2509 Legislative Affairs Advisor Jamal Jones 2509 Executive Director Jeffrey C. Lee 2509

202-647-9892 202-647-8827 202-647-3774 202-647-9892 202-647-7035 202-647-5810 202-647-8024

202-647-2184 202-647-8911 202-647-7223 202-647-7106 202-647-4106 202-647-1929 202-663-1708 202-647-5988 202-647-7856 202-647-3122 202-647-1947 202-647-8033 202-647-1845 202-647-1515 202-647-8944

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL)

Assistant Secretary (Acting) Uzra Zeya 7827 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting) Michael Kozak 5531 Deputy Assistant Secretary Daniel Baer 7827 Deputy Assistant Secretary Karen Hanrahan 7827 Deputy Assistant Secretary Tom Melia 7827 Deputy Assistant Secretary Jane Zimmerman 7802 Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Suzan Johnson Cook 5828 Special Advisor on International Disabilities Rights Judith Heumann 5828 Special Representative for International Labor Affairs Barbara Shailor 5828 Special Envoy to Combat and Monitor Anti-Semitism Mike Kozak (Acting) 5531 Senior Advisor Lynne Davidson 5828 Senior Advisor Mike Kozak 5531 Senior Policy Advisor to the Special Advisor for International Disability Rights Katherine Guernsey 7802 202-647-3273 202-647-3904 202-647-1577 202-647-1780 202-647-2590 202-647-4308 202-647-0798 202-647-4398 202-647-9723 202-647-3904 202-647-2551 202-647-3904 202-647-1677

1CA: The Consular Management Project (1CA)

Director Jayne Howell SA-1, L505 Deputy Director Nancy Abella SA-1, L505 Analyst Jean Akers SA-1, L505 Analyst Steven W. Anderson SA-1, L505 Analyst Heather S. Jordan SA-1, L505 202-663-3028 202-663-3022 202-663-1321 202-663-3019 202-663-3010

Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT)

Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Ambassador-at-Large & Coordinator Jerry P. Lanier, Acting 2509 202-647-9892


Assistant Secretary

Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Special Assistant Michael Ma 7827 Special Assistant Julie Short 7827 Staff Assistant Charmaine Coleman 7802 Staff Assistant Lynda Walker-Johnson 7802

202-647-7599 202-647-4648 202-647-1731 202-647-1024

Office of International Labor Affairs (DRL/ILA)

Special Representative for International Labor Affairs Barbara Shailor SA-22, 2422 Office Director Bruce Levine SA-22, 2422 Deputy Office Director Brian Walch SA-22, 2422 Special Assistant to Special Rep Shailor Chase Ballinger SA-22, 2422 Special Assistant Sarah Morgan SA-22, 2422 Foreign Affairs Officer Douglas S. (Somerville) Evans SA-22, 2422 Foreign Affairs Officer Caitlin Helfrich SA-22, 2422 Foreign Affairs Officer Mancharee (Mui) Junk SA-22, 2422 DOL Detailee Kristin Lipke SA-22, 2422 OMS Wendy Mazon SA-22, 2422 Foreign Affairs Officer Sarah Morgan SA-22, 2422 PMF - Foreign Affairs Officer Jessica Slattery-Karich SA-22, 2422 202-216-5886 202-312-9763 202-216-5894 202-312-9765 202-216-5881 202-216-5881 202-216-5885 202-216-5883 202-312-9757 202-216-5882 202-216-5887 202-261-5888

Office of International Religious Freedom (DRL/IRF)

Office Director Kari Johnstone 2426 Deputy Director Stephanie Bowers 2426 STEP - SCA Nida Ansari 2426 Foreign Affairs Officer Nasreen Badat 2426 NEA Team Leader IRF Kyle Ballard 2426 STEP- NEA Ryan Berney 2426 AF Team Leader IRF Sita Charkrawarti 2426 NEA Policy Analyst Warren Cofsky 2426 IRF Report Coordinator Mary Daly 2426 EAP Team Leader IRF Clara Davis 2426 SEAS Team Leader IRF Stacy Davis 2426 STEP- EAP Lauren Hays 2426 STEP- WHA Anjoly Ibrahim 2426 SEAS, Special Projects Director Olivia Hilton 2426 EUR Team Leader IRF Elizabeth Huse Neil 2426 STEP- EUR Eli Logsdon 2426 IRF OMS Gwendlolyn Mack 2426 EAP & AF Team Amber McIntyre 2426 SCA Team Leader Daniel Nadel 2426 PMF - NEA Rustum Nyqyust 2426 STEP- AF Deeksa Sharma 2426 Senior Advisor Marc Susser 2426 SEAS, EUR John Taylor 2426 Franklin Fellow - EUR Laurel Voloder 2426 EAP Rachel Washington 2426 WHA Team Leader, EUR Victoria Wolf 2426 202-647-0463 202-647-0348 202-647-0710 202-647-2517 202-647-3816 202-647-3816 202-647-1042 202-647-1441 202-647-0350 202-647-4329 202-547-1212 202-647-0710 202-647-0710 202-647-0352 202-736-7133 202-647-3816 202-547-1422 202-647-3218 202-647-1237 202-647-3865 202-647-3816 202-647-1434 202-647-1576 202-647-1008 202-647-1576 202-647-4097

Office of Policy, Planning and Public Diplomacy (DRL/PPD)

Director Anthony Pahigian 5531 Deputy Director Karen Zareski 5531 Deputy Director (Acting) Regina Waugh 5531 Congressional Liaison Carol Finerty 5531 Foreign Affairs Officer Susannah Cernojevich 5531 Human Rights.gov Adm Janine Czarnecki 5531 Media Strategist Matthew Miller 5531 Press Officer Evan Owens 5531 Press Officer Aaron Jenson 5531 Press Officer/FSO Helen Hudson 5531 Special Asst to DAS Bear Kim Shechtman 5531 Intern Natalie Martino 5531 Intern Kendra Poole 5531 Intern Josh Hutson 5531 OMS Eunice Johnson 5531 202-647-1495 202-647-4311 202-647-4311 202-647-1472 202-647-8307 202-647-1573 202-647-4127 202-647-4747 202-647-0516 202-647-8307 202-647-1543 202-647-9692 202-647-9692 202-647-0984 202-647-1783

Office of the Executive Director (OES-DRL/EX)

Executive Director Mary F. Martinez 2880 Deputy Director Ernestine M. Pierce 2880 Deputy Director Natalie Howard 2880 Information Management Division Chief Anthony D. Bell 2452 HR Liaison Hinda Mohammed 2880 Financial Division Chief Sharon Colbert 2880 Central Programming Division Chief Maria Urbina 2880 Bureau Security Officer McConnell Coleman 3916

202-647-4068 202-647-4539 202-736-7376 202-647-0751 202-647-6857 202-647-3623 202-647-4347 202-736-7835

Office of European Affairs (DRL/EUR)

Officer Director Michael Uyehara H-430 Deputy Director Jaroslaw Anders H-430 EUR OMS Linda C. Hayes H-430 EUR Officer Patrick J. Harvey H-430 EUR Officer Orly Keiner H-430 EUR Officer Peter P. Sawchyn SA-1, H-430 EUR Officer Wendy B. Silverman SA-1, H-430 Vetting Officer Yelipza Gutierrez SA-1 H-430 STEP Inna Pletukhina SA-1 H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Jeffery Zavadil SA-1 H-430 202-261-8025 202-663-2652 202-261-8000 202-261-8023 202-663-2900 202-261-8007 202-261-8019 202-261-8010 202-261-8002 202-261-8014

Office of Multilateral and Global Affairs (DRL/MLGA)

Director Lisa Peterson 7822 Deputy Director Lynn Sicade 7822 Senior Advisor for Multilateral Affairs Christopher Camponova 7822 OMS Sylvia Thomas 7822 OMS Robin Smith 7822 Program Analyst, Internet Freedom Katharine Kendrick L308 Program Analyst, Internet Freedom Stephen Morris L308 Foreign Affairs Officer Lea Rivera L308 Corporate Social Responsibility Justin Underwood L308 Foreign Affairs Officer Vivienne Wildes L308 202-647-4380 202-647-2362 202-647-4311 202-647-2264 202-647-1385 202-632-2046 202-632-2042 202-632-2041 202-632-2045 202-632-2037

Program Unit (DRL/P)

Director Patricia Davis H-430 Deputy Director Katrina Fotovat H-438 Deputy Director Jessica Lieberman H-438 Office Management Specialist Sylvia Thomas H-430 202-663-2689 202-632-2105 202-632-2104 202-663-2884

Western Hemisphere Affairs (DRL/WHA)

Director Robert W. Boehme 7818 Deputy Director Catherine Newling 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Cory Andrews 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Kimberly Holbrook 7817 202-647-8237 202-647-8257 202-647-1238 202-647-8242


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of Near East Affairs (DRL/NEA)

Office Director John Kincannon L-308 Deputy Director Daniel Mahanty L-308 Deputy Director Jason Wemhoener-Cuite L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Luke Falcon Sapp L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Matthew Hickey L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Scott Lueders L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer David Rosenblum L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Zachary Rothschild L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Jason Starr L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Elizabeth Streett L-308 Foreign Affairs Officer Helen Wong L-308 OMS Esther Zaiback L-308 202-632-2031 202-632-2054 202-632-2034 202-632-2044 202-632-2043 202-632-2038 202-632-2041 202-632-2036 202-632-2037 202-632-2046 202-632-2045 202-632-2035

Staff Assistant/Scheduler Pat MacKall 6316 Special Assistant TJ Lunardi 6316 Staff Assistant David Ring 6316 Sr. Legislative Affairs Advisor Katherine Harris 6316 Legislative Affairs Advisor Nicole Gallagher 6316 Executive Assistant Paul J Fiffick 6316 Staff Assistant Ezra A. Casteel 6316

202-647-1493 202-647-1479 202-647-2714 202-647-0147 202 647-1223 202-647-1496 202 647-1224

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Director, Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS)
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Director, Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS)S/DSS) Gregory B Starr 23rd Fl SA20 Office Management Specialist Pat Greeson 23rd Fl SA20 Special Assistant Mike Lydon 23rd Fl SA20 Special Assistant Robert (Eli) Whitney 23rd Fl SA20 Attorney Adviser (L/M/DS) Kevin Gleeson 13th Fl SA20 Public Affairs Grace Moe 21st Fl SA20 571-345-3815

571-345-3815 571-345-3811 571-345-3812 571-345-3006 571-345-2506

Office of South Central Asia (DRL/SCA)

Director James Bigus H-430 Deputy Director Laura Carey H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Yelda Kazimi H-430 Foreign Affairs Analyst Leslie Taylor H-430 Leahy Vetting Analyst/Desk Officer Alexandra Hoey H-430 202-261-8030 202-261-8105 202-663-2889 202-663-2697 202-663-1470

Diplomatic Security/Countermeasures (DS/C)

Deputy Asst. Secretary Gentry O. Smith 23L04SA-20 Special Assistant Robert McMurray 23J04- SA 20 Office Manager Regina "Genie" Hebron 23J06-SA 20 Sr. Mngt/Program Analyst Joseph M. Anthony 23I04 571-345-3836 571-345-3834 571-345-3835 571-345-7756

Office of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (DRL/EAP)

Office Director Susan O'Sullivan 7817 Deputy Director Michael Sessums 7817 OMS Justina Jordan 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Bob Bailey 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Ryan Fioresi 7817 Leahy Vetter David Guinn 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Stacy May 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Peter McSharry 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Laura Scheibe 7817 Foreign Affairs Officer Julie Turner 7817 Foreign Service Officer Micah Watson 7817

202-647-8271 202-647-8298 202-647-8123 202-647-8243 202-647-8213 202-647-8231 202-647-8260 202-647-8234 202-647-8254 202-647-8239 202-647-8288

Office of Physical Security Programs (DS/C/PSP)

Director Charlie Brandeis 10th Fl SA14 Facilities Security Division Joe Zaranka 10th Fl SA14 Physical Security Division Richard J. Ingram 10th Fl SA14 Weapons of Mass Destruction Countermeasures Division James W. Lannon 11th Fl SA14 Defensive Equipment & Armored Vehicles Division Julie S. Cabus SA7 703-312-3089 703-312-3104 703-312-3113 703-312-3936 703-644-3465

Office of African Affairs (DRL/AF)

Africa Office Director Randy Fleitman SA-1, H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Mollie X. Davis SA-1, H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Simone O. Joseph SA-1, H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Lisa Sherman SA-1 H-430 AF Leahy Vetting Officer Janie Pacheco SA-1 H-430 Deputy Office Director Mary Angelini SA-1, H-430 Foreign Service Officer Harold Bonacquist SA-1, H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Simone Joseph SA-1, H-430 Foreign Affairs Officer Douglas Padgett SA-1, H0430 Foreign Affairs Officer Emily Renard SA-1, H-430 Franklin Fellow Karen Smid SA-1, H-430 WAE Daniel Vernon SA-1, H-430 OMS Tanika Willis SA-1, H-430

202-261-8015 202-663-2707 202-261-8009 202-261-8017 202-261-8010 202-663-2906 202-261-8021 202-261-8009 202-261-8104 202-261-8024 202-261-8011 202-663-3800 202-663-2699

Office of Security Technology (DS/C/ST)

Director Wayne Ashbery 1st Fl SA14 Assistant Bert Blakeman 1st Fl SA14 Countermeasures Protection Division Michael Barela 4th Fl SA14 Office Manager Specialist Stephanie Latigona 4th Fl SA14 Security Technology Operations Division John Fitzsimmons 2nd Fl SA14 Office Manager Specialist Kendra Fletcher 2nd Fl SA14 Facility Security Engineering Division Stephen Klein 2nd Fl SA18 Management Analyst Marvine Panning 2nd Fl SA18 703-312-3667 703-312-3665 703-312-3482 703-312-3460 703-312-3607 703-312-3605 703-452-3679 703-452-8856

Office of Diplomatic Couriers (DS/C/DC)

Director Daniel J. Power 21L27 Deputy Director Dale P. Cazier 21J28 (571)345-9894 (571) 345-3884

Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary, Acting Gregory B. Starr 6316 202-647-6290

Assistant Director For Domestic Operations (DS/DSS/DO)

Assistant Director Barry Moore 23rd Fl SA20 571-345-3785


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Special Assistant Prestina Williams 23rd Fl SA20 Policy Advisor Elizabeth Twerdahl 23rd Fl SA20 Office Administrator Patricia Hemphill 23rd Fl SA20 Management & Program Analysis Officer Michael Heiserman 9th Fl SA-20 Resources Assistant Kimberly Batchellor 9th Fl SA20

571-345-3786 571-345-2187 571-345-3787 571-345-3002 571-345-2959

Office Management Secretary Doris Weaver HST 1214


Security Support Division (DS/DO/DFP/SSD)

Division Chief George Bailey SA-1 L309 Executive Assistant April Will SA-1 L309 Program Manager Frederick Chaney SA-1 L309 Policy and Planning Specialist - Program Manager Melanie Dugdale SA-1 L309 Operations and Special Access Program Manager Robert Serth HST B237 Access Control Supervisor Kenya Hairston HST B237 DS ID Media (Credentials) Edward Land SA-20 9G04 Identification Services (DSIS) Program Manager Carolyn Jackson SA-1 Columbia Plaza DSIS Gov James Makle HST B266 Resources and Budget Brandon Taing SA-1 L309 202-663-1676 202-663-1345 202-663-3993 202-663-1385 202-647-0511 202-647-3854 571-345-3745 202-663-1348 202-647-0078 202-663-3732

Office of Investigations and Counterintelligence (DS/DO/ICI)

Director Kimber Davidson 12th Fl SA20 Counterintelligence Division Chief Regis Sheehan 19th Fl SA20 Special Investigations Division Paul Houston 17th Fl SA20 Criminal Investigations Division David Zebley 12th Fl SA20 Field Office Manager Edward Fortney 12B06 SA20 Management Analyst Kevin Anderson 12C06 SA20 Boston Field Office Special Agent in Charge William Wommack Suite 1001 Chicago Field Office Special Agent in Charge Cornell Chasten Suite 2318 Houston Field Office Special Agent in Charge George Nutwell Suite 2100 Los Angeles Field Office Special Agent in Charge Wesley Weller Suite 1273 Miami Field Office Special Agent in Charge Wendy Bashnan Suite 404 New York Field Office Special Agent in Charge (Acting) Michael Fogarty Suite 500 San Francisco Special Agent in Charge Dean Shear Suite 900 Washington Field Office Special Agent in Charge Niall Meehan Suite 300 Computer Investigations and Forensics Division David E. Trosch 12th Fl SA14 CIF Forensics Lab Manager Shawn McConnell 12th FL SA14 CIF Operations Chief Ray Romano 2nd FL SA18 CIF Cyber Team Lead Brian Christin 12th FL SA14 CIF Tech Surveillance Team Lead Charles Cashion 2nd FL SA18 CIF Forensics Lab Team Lead John Young 12th FL SA14 ICI Special Assistant/Policy Advisor Victoria Anzaldua 12th FL SA20 Office Management Specialist Phil Walgreen 12th FL SA20 CCV - Unit Chief Seth J Lindenfeld 20th FL SA20 571-345-2945 571-345-7654 571-345-2277 571-345-2994 571-345-2904 571-345-2918 617-565-8200 321-353-6163 713-654-0444 213-894-3290 305-810-5850 201-346-8100 415-705-1176 571-226-9300 703-312-3501 703-312-3390 703-452-8827 703-312-3875 703-452-8753 703-312-3851 571-345-2948 571-345-2947 571-345-9836

Uniformed Protective Division (DS/DO/DFP/UPD)

Division Chief Bill Evans HST B235 Administrative Assistant Betsy Cosgrove HST B235 Special Events Program Manager Liz Wood HST 1214 DSO Program Manager Kenneth Perry HST B235 DSO Program Manager Roger Mencl HST B235 DSO Program Manager Patrick Smalling SA-14 3rd floor Uniform Operations Russell Brigham HST B235 202-647-0613 202-647-0777 202-647-5925 202-647-0776 202-647-0783 703-312-3427 202-647-0772

Assistant Director for Training (DS/DSS/T)

Assistant Director for Training Jeffrey C. Breed SA11B Special Assistant Craig Mattei SA11B Senior Legal Advisor William Clancy SA11B Office Administrator Lydia Hickey SA11B FASTC Operations & Program Manager Charlie Sparks SA11B 571-226-9761 571-226-9762 571-226-9727 571-226-9760 571-226-9729

Office of Antiterrorism Assistance Program (DS/T/ATA)

Director - Acting Lynnda Tibbetts SA11B Deputy Director Lynnda Tibbetts SA11B Executive Assistant Ann Marie Schubert SA11B Special Assistant Benjamin Eisele SA11B 571-226-9631 571-226-9630 571-226-9630 571-226-9632

Office of Mobile Security Deployment (DS/T/MSD) Office for Protection (DS/DO/P)

Director Richard Ingram 5th Fl SA14 Chief, Dignitary Protection Steve Rice 5th Fl SA-14 Special Agent in Charge, Secretary's Detail Scott Moretti HST 2248 Special Agent in Charge, Protective Liaison Michael VanBuskirk SA-33 Special Agent in Charge, Major Event Coordination Unit Michael Bishop SA-14 703-312-3322 703-312-3352 202-647-8627 202-895-3644 703-312-3874 Director Timothy Riley 3rd Fl SA11 Deputy Director Christopher Jones 3rd FL SA11 OMS Tara Houser 3rd FL SA11 Admin Support Specialist Allison Williams 3rd Fl SA11 703-204-6246 703-204-6245 703-204-6243 703-204-6212

Office of Training and Performance Support (DS/T/TPS)

Director Kevin Bauer 3rd Fl SA11 Senior Training Advisor Nancy Stout 3rd Fl SA11 Special Assistant Kathryn Kettering 3rd Fl SA11 Security Engineering & Computer Security Training Division Rob Hollingsworth SA11 Security & Law Enforcement Training Division Dan Cronin 3rd Fl SA11 703-204-6205 703-204-6182 703-204-6203 703-204-6221 703-204-6188

Office of Domestic Facilities Protection (DS/DO/DFP)

Director Jan D. Abbott HST 1214 Special Assistant Sandra Gust HST 1214 202-647-0032 202-647-9738


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Cronin 3rd Fl SA11

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Division Chief Kathy Siljegovic 14th Fl SA20


Assistant Director for International Programs (DS/DSS/IP)

Deputy Assistant Secretary 23rd Fl SA20 Deputy Assistant Director Carol Gallo 22nd Fl SA20 Special Assistant Dennis LeBow 23rd Fl SA20 Office Manager Rebecca Drilling Jones 23rd Fl SA20 571-345-3841 571-345-3458 571-345-3826 571-345-3842

Chief of the Technology Officer (DS/EX/CTO)

Chief Technology Officer Bryce Bhatnagar 17th Fl SA20 Executive Assistant Colette Tokarz 17th Fl SA20 Deputy Chief Technology Officer John Clynch 18th Fl SA20 Capital Planning and Architecture Division Chief James C. Johnson 17H04 SA-20 Systems Management Division Chief William Freestone 17L27 571-345-2243 571-345-2338 571-345-2098 571-345=2326 571-345-2306

Office of Regional Directors (DS/IP/RD)

African Affairs Regional Director of Operations George Frederick 22nd Fl SA20 East Asian and Pacific Affairs Regional Director of Operations David Lyons 22nd Fl SA20 European Affairs Regional Director of Operations Arthur Balek 22nd Fl SA20 South Central Asian Affairs and Near Eastern Affairs Regional Director of Operations Edwin Guard 22nd Fl SA20 Western Hemisphere and Canada Affairs Regional Director of Operations Michael Olson 22nd Fl SA20 571-345-3455 571-345-3459 571-345-3435 571-345-3467

Office of Chief Financial Officer (DS/EX/CFO)

Chief Financial Officer Robert J. Baldre 11th Floor SA-15 Office Manager Alyssa Katz 11th Floor SA-15 Financial Planning Division Chief Daniel A. Mencher 11th Floor SA-15 Financial Execution Division Chief Liliana Silva-Castellanos 11th Floor SA-15 703-875-5400 703-875-4125 703-875-7428 703-875-5675


Office of Overseas Protective Operations (DS/IP/OPO)

Director Douglas Allison 16th Fl SA20


Deputy Assistant Secretary for Foreign Missions (DS/OFM)

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Acting Bruce R. Matthews HST 2236 202-647-3417

Office of Special Programs & Coordination (DS/IP/SPC)

Director John M. Davis 21st Fl SA20


Office of Property, Tax, Services and Benefits (DS/OFM/PTSB)

Office Director Cliff Seagroves 2236 Senior Program Officer (Property) Melissa Morgante 2236 Senior Program Officer (Customs) Terry V. Davis SA-33 Senior Program Officer (Tax) Irina Kolb 2236 Program Manager Cheryl Edson 2236 Program Specialist Jessica Bryant 2236 Program Specialist Dan DiLeo SA-33 Program Manager Suzanne McPartland 2236 Program Specialist Christine Kwon 2236 Program Analyst Dina Moussa 2236 202-647-1395 202-736-7173 202-895-3540 202-736-7182 202-647-0530 202-647-0325 202-895-3570 202-647-3986 202-736-7168 202-647-3417

Executive Director for Diplomatic Security (DS/EX)

Executive Director Tracy Hitt Mahaffey 23rd Fl SA20 Office Management Specialist Anne C. Amussen 23rd Fl SA20 Special Assistant Clint C. Boushell 23rd Fl SA20 Special Assistant Clifton W. Flowers 23rd Fl SA20 Deputy Executive Director William R. Terrini 23rd Fl SA20 Office Management Specialist Vacant 23rd Fl SA20 Management Analyst Erin E. Dillenbeck 23rd Fl SA20 Human Resources Management T.J Shelton 9th FL SA20

571-345-3816 571-345-3816 571-345-3820 571-345-3821 571-345-2726 571-345-2727 571-345-3803 571-345-3768

Office of Management Services (DS/EX/MGT)

Director Jackee Schools 14th FL SA20 Special Assistant Dan Pappas 14th FL SA20 Administrative Assistant Amanda Santiago 14th FL SA20 Sr. Management Analyst Deborah Patterson 14th FL SA20 Sr. Technical Management Analyst Mel Roper 14th FL SA20 Contracting and Procurement Division Chief Bill Black 11th Fl SA15 Logistics Services Division Chief Pat Hasiak 8th Fl SA20 Administrative Operations Chief Yolanda Atkins 10th Fl SA15 Policy and Planning Division Chief Vacant 14th Fl SA20 Policy Analysis Chief Julie Stewart 14th Fl SA20 Strategic Planning Chief Carly Smith 14th Fl SA20 571-345-3830 571-345-2744 571-345-3833 571-345-2747 571-345-2730 703-875-5534 571-345-2151 703-875-5600 571-345-2694 571-345-2738 571-345-2729

Office of Diplomatic Vehicles, Enforcement, and Outreach (DS/OFM/DMV)

Office Director Joan Morningstar 246 SA33 Special Agent Chuck Lisenbee SA-33 Senior Program Officer (Enforcement and Outreach) Gerry Maynard SA-33 Senior Program Officer (Customer Service Center) Betty Wilson SA-33 Senior Program Officer (Vehicle Documentation) Steve Mitchell SA-33 Program Officer (Enforcement and Outreach) Amanda Keene SA-33 Program Officer Kiona Henderson SA-33 Program Officer (Compliance and Parking) Derek Gates SA-33 Program Specialist (Insurance Compliance) LaVerne Minter SA-33 Program Specialist (Vehicle Documentation) Fatma Hashmi SA-33 Program Specialist (Vehicle Documentation) Johanna Bajc SA-33 202-895-3528 202-895-3526 202-895-3577 202-895-3640 202-895-3527 202-895-3641 202-895-3645 202-895-3624 202-895-3513 202-895-3549 202-895-3652


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Program Specialist (Vehicle Documentation) Raj Bhandari SA-33 Program Specialist (Driver Services) Myrna Aoelua SA-33 Program Specialist (Driver Services) Leah Gomez SA-33 Program Specialist (Customer Service) Goda Dovydenas SA-33

202-895-3648 202-895-3539 202-274-1227 202-895-3682

Floor AF/SA/EAP Division Chief Stephen Capelli SA20, 20th Floor


Office of Protective Intelligence Investigations (DS/TIA/PII)

Director Carlos Matus SA20, 20th Floor Rewards for Justice Program Rachel Schindel-Gombis SA20, 20th Floor Deputy Director Michael Vannett SA-20, 20th Floor 571-345-3863 571-345-2952 571-345-7572

Regional Offices
Chicago Director Denise Duclon Houston Director Allen Greenberg Los Angeles Director Shelley Pate (Acting) Miami Director Catherine Rodriquez New York Director Thomas Gallo San Francisco Director Patricia Hayes 312-353-5762 713-272-2871 310-235-6292m 305-442-4943, 646-282-2811 415-744-2910,

Office of High Threat Posts

Deputy Assistant Secretary for High Threat Posts Bill A Miller SA-20, Room 22C21 Special Assisant Richard Wade SA-20, Room 22E20 Office Director Kevin Bauer SA-20, Room 22C16 Officer Director Paul Brown SA-20, Room 22C20 571-345-3492 571-345-3464 571-345-3386 571-345-3388

Senior Coordinator for Security Infastructure (DS/SI)

Senior Coordinator Donald Reid 23rd Fl SA20 Special Assistant Jacqueline Atiles 23rd Fl SA20 Office Manager Specialist Kimberly Battistone 23rd FL SA-20 571-345-3788 571-345-3790 571-345-3791

Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP)

Assistant Secretary
Acting Assistant Secretary Joseph Yun 6205 Office Management Specialist Gina Miller 6205 Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary James Zumwalt 6205 Office Management Specialist Ana Maria Prieto-Danaher 6205 Deputy Assistant Secretary Kin W. Moy 6205 Deputy Assistant Secretary Edgard D. Kagan 6205 Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Fuchs 6205 Deputy Assistant Secretary Susan Stevenson 6205 Office Management Specialist Twana Robinson 6205 Office Management Specialist Renee Carson 6205 APEC and Economic Coordinator Atul Keshap 5317 Office Management Specialist Agita Knudsen 5317 Special Assistant Joshua Huck 6205 Receptionist Dominiece Reynolds 6205 Staff Assistant Laura Anderson 6205 Staff Assistant Jamie Ravetz 6205 Staff Assistant Matthew Ference 6205 NSC Director Danny Russel EEOB 312 Office Management Specialist Kelly Taylor 6205 202-647-6904 202-647-6904 202-736-4393 202-736-4393 202-647-6910 202-647-8929 202-647-8929 202-647-7234 202-647-6910 202-647-7234 202-647-2020 202-647-8816 202-736-4161 202-647-6600 202-647-6916 202-647-6921 202-647-6921 202-456-9245 647-8929

Office of Computer Security

Director Mary Stone Holland 15th Fl SA20

Office of Information Security Programs

Director Dan Simpson 13th Fl SA20

Office of Personnel Security and Suitability

Director James Onusko 11th FL SA20

Assistant Director for Threat Investigations and Analysis (DS/DSS/TIA)

Assistant Director Robert A. Hartung SA-20, 23rd Floor Special Assistant Patrick Mills SA-20, 23rd Floor Sr. Management and Program Officer Christopher Broadway SA-20, 23rd Floor Office Management Specialist Cornell Parker SA-20, 23rd Floor Program Analyst vacant SA-20 23rd Floor 23A23

Overseas Security Advisory Council (DS/TIA/OSAC)

Executive Director David Schnorbus SA20, 24th Floor Deputy Executive Director Peter Ford SA20, 24th Floor 571-345-2216 571-345-2218

571-345-2589 571-345-3080 571-345-3219 571 345- 3809 571-345-3813 571-345-3805 571-345-3807 571-345-3804

Office of the Executive Director (EAP/EX)

Executive Director Karen Stanton 4313A OMS for Executive Director Jennie Bono 4313A Deputy Executive Director Dan Christenson 4313A Administrative Officer Jane Kim 4313A Special Advisor Larry Baer 4313A Supervisory Post Management Officer (Korea, Japan, AIT) Andrew Hogenboom 4313A Post Management Officer (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Timor Leste, Hong Kong) Matthew Austin 4313A Post Management Officer (Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea) John Moppert 4313A Post Management Officer (China, Hong Kong, Mongolia ) Maureen O'Neill 4313A 202-647-9054 202-647-9054 202-647-9054 202-647-6218 202-647-6220 202-647-6223 202-647-7654

Diplomatic Security Command Center (DS/TIA/DSCC)

Director Todd Ziccarelli SA20, 19th Floor Deputy Director Nathan Al-Khazraji SA20, 19th Floor 571-345-3132 571-345-3134

Office of Intelligence and Threat Analysis (DS/TIA/ITA)

Director Kurt Rice SA20, 20th Floor EUR/WHA Division Chief Jennifer Mack SA20, 20th Floor NEA Division Chief Katherine Parkin SA20, 20th Floor 571-345-3936 571-345-3934 571-345-3939




Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Program Specialist Helga Lumpkin 4313A Post Management Officer (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia) Gretchen Cureton 4313A OMS Kathleen Ebert 4313A Assignments Officer Jonathan Floss 4313A Assistant Assignments Officer Edward Burleson 4313A Awards Coordinator Jessica Haynie 4313A Chief Financial Management Officer C.T. Forrester III 4313A Financial Management Officer Phyllis Mead 4313A Financial Management Officer Vickie Hart 4313A Financial Management Officer Danielle Wood 4313A Travel/Budget Ondine Hassan 4313A Budget Assistant Adaisha Garrison 4313A IT Assignments and Systems Officer John Nave 6310 Information Technology Specialist William Carter 6310 Web Developer Liliana Freedman 6310 Information Technology Assistant James Gant 6310 General Services Officer Miguel Danzot 4313A General Services Officer Matilda Gawf 4313A Customer Service Liaison Kim Gooden 4313A General Services Assistant Dee Brabham 4313A General Services Officer Eila Sepulveda 4313A Supervisory HR Hofficer Lisa Johnson 4313A Human Resources Specialist Gail Lawrence 4313A Human Resources Specialist John Stanley 4313A Human Resources Assistant Gabrielle Summa 4313A General Services Officer Scott McDow 4313A

202-647-6893 202-647-6219

202-647-5581 202-736-4634 202-647-6457 202-647-6153 202-647-6217 202-647-7502 202-647-6200 202-647-5579 202-647-9052 202-647-8610 202-647-8592 202-647-5534 202-647-8553 202-647-7681 202-647-6222 202-647-8617 202-647-8643 202-647-8616 202-647-7187 202-647-8611 202-647-7320 202-647-6139 202-647-8146 202-647-6141

Lehouz 4318 Program Assistant Matthew Hellman 4318 Officer for Public Diplomacy Della Hareland 4318 Office Management Asst. to the Director Katherine Ravetz 4318 Office Management Specialist Asst. to the Deputy Director Paige Scholes 4318 Bilateral Political Affairs Unit Chief Deji Okediji 4318 Officer for Human Rights and Consular Affairs Linda Johnson 4318 Officer for Human Rights Jami Thompson 4318 Officer for Pol-Mil Affairs Joshua Goldberg 4318 External Political Chief Christian Marchant 4318 Officer for Mongolia Denise Shen 4318 Desk Officer Sarah Case 4318 Desk Officer Joel Wiegert 4318 Economic Unit Chief Gwen Cardno 4318 Deputy Economic Unit Chief, Trade Officer Andrew Covington 4318 Economic Officer Meghan Crossin 4318 Economic Officer Dave Hillon 4318 Office Management Specialist for External and S&ED Ryan Allen 4318 Northeast Asia Desk Officer Frances Chang 4318 ESTH Officer Bridget Dolan 4318

202-647-8329 202-647-8775 202-647-6796 202-647-9141 202-647-8880 202-647-6803 202-647-6772 202-647-6782 202-647-7628 202-647-6819 202-647-4829 202-647-8839 202-647-6813 202-647-6789 202-647-7357 202-647-7358 202-647-8997 202-647-6789 202-647-4832

Office of Economic Policy (EAP/EP)

Director Raymond Greene 5317 Deputy Director Janice Fair 5317 PMF Fellow Jennifer White 5317 PMF Fellow Deanne DeLima 5317 AAAS Fellow Ryan MacFarlane 5317 Jefferson Fellow Raj Kosla 5317 Jefferson Fellow Maureene Goodenow 5317 APEC Program Director Natalie Nii Singapore OMS Robbie Morton 5317 202-647-2001 202-647-3487 202-647-2011 202-647-4806 202-647-2025 202-647-4787 202-647-1937 65-67322503 202-647-4835

Office of Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island Affairs (EAP/ANP)

Director Dan J. Larsen 4318 Deputy Director David R. Atkinson 4318 Senior Country Officer (Australia) S. Tovan McDaniel 4318 Country Officer (Australia) Christina Cheshier 4318 Country Officer (New Zealand, Samoa) Lynda Hinds 4318 Country Officer (Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands) Anusha E. Seneviratne 4318 Country Officer (Kirbati, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Vanuatu) Mollie J. Jackson 4318 Country Officer (Fiji, Tuvalu, Naura, Solomon Islands) Mollie J. Jackson 4318 Country Officer Mathew Hellman 4318 Military Advisor LtCol Damien M. Marsh 4318 Foreign Affairs Officer Jenny Wright 4318 Science Fellow Ellen Connorton 4318 Office Manager Margaret S. Benson 4318 Office Manager Carolyn M. Pollard-Ford 4318

202-736-4659 202-647-9990 202-647-2341 202-736-4712 202-736-4745 202-647-5156 202-647-2349 202-647-2349 202-647-8329 202-647-9866 202-647-9827 202-736-4675 202-736-4741 202-647-9690

Office of Japanese Affairs (EAP/J)

Director Marc Knapper 4206 Deputy Director Karin Lang 4206 OMS Gladys Williams 4206 Economic Affairs Chief Michael Pignatello 4206 Economic Officer Jenae Johnson 4206 Political Security Officer JoEllen Gorg 4206 Political Officer John Morgan 4206 Political Officer Anne Debevoise 4206 Trade Affairs Officer Emily Hicks 4206 Global Issues Officer Jordan Heiber 4206 202-647-1311 202-647-3154 202-647-2913 202-647-4741 202-736-7233 202-647-2914 202-647-5239 202-647-3155 202-647-4428 202-647-4459

Office of Korean Affairs

Director Robert Rapson 4206 Deputy Director Mary Kay Carlson 4206 ROK Unit Chief Nancy Leou 4206 DPRK Unit Chief Scott Urbom 4206 ROK Political Officer David Muehlke 4206 ROK Economic Officer Deena Magnall 4206 ROK POL-MIL Affairs Officer Donny Yoo 4206 Intl Relations Officer General Jacob Choi 4206 DPRK Human Rights/Refugees Officer Jamie Oberlander 4206 DPRK Desk Officer Adam Hantman 4206 202-647-7717 202-647-7700 202-647-4316 202-647-5727 202-647-6706 202-647-1039 202-647-0333 202-647-6727 202-647-0081 202-647-5961

Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs (EAP/CM)

Director Aubrey Carlson 4318 Deputy Director Steve Lang 4318 Senior Coordinator, U.S.-China S&ED Julie Petruzzi 4318 Assistant Coordinator, U.S.-China S&ED Janette Lehouz 4318 202-647-6787 202-647-6774 202-647-9956 202-647-8675


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


DPRK Non-Proliferation Kate Rebholz 4206 Public Diplomacy Coordinator Selim Ariturk 4206 KEDO, FOIA Al O'Neill 4206 Office Management Specialist Roberta T. Cooper 4206 Office Management Specialist LaKeia Vanzego 4206

202-647-0176 202-647-4743 202-647-7869 202-647-7717 202-647-7700

Office of Public Affairs (EAP/P)

Director Jason Rebholz 5312 Deputy Director Kelly McKellogg 5312 Information Officer Maren Payne-Holmes 5312 Information Officer Katina Adams 5312 Office Management Specialist Crystal Long 5312 202-647-2149 202-647-1028 202-647-2539 202-647-1029 202-647-2538

Office of Regional and Security Policy Affairs (EAP/RSP)

Director Mark D. Clark 5313 Deputy Director Dana M. Linnet 5313 Office Manager Florence Mwela 5313 Planning & Budget Advisor Brian Levis 5313 Budget Analysis and Grants Ariel Wyckoff 5313 Global Affairs Officer Heather Shkliarova 5313 Global Affairs Officer Benny Padilla 5313 Counterterrorism Coordinator Katie Ward-Waller 5313 Senior Science Advisor (Jefferson Science Fellow) Dr. Richard Matzner 5313 Political Military Advisor Vacant 5313 Leahy Vetting Coordinator (Rangel Fellow) Nicole Baden 5313 Political Military Affairs Vacant 5313 5313 202-647-4406 202-647-2313 202-647-2343 202-647-2031 202-647-9446 202-647-2389 202-647-3547 202-647-1184 202-647-6192 202-647-6192 202-646-7707 202-647-8883 202-647-2389

Director Judy Moon 5318 Deputy Director Jane Carpenter-Rock 5318 Policy & Coordination Officer Alys Spensley 5318 Cultural Coordinator Marcia Anglarill 5318 Country Officer (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam) Acacia Clark 5318 Country Officer (Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands) HAN Wooyong 5318 Country Officer (China, Hong Kong, AIT Taipei, Mongolia) Della Hareland 4318 Country Officer ( Japan and Korea) Selim Ariturk 4206 Country Officer (Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Timor-Leste, Malaysa, Singapore) Drake Weisert 5318 Public Diplomacy Advisor for PACOM Karen Grissette HI OMS Tanesha Dillard 5318

202-736-4598 202-647-7263 202-647-7122 202-736-4524 202-647-7059 202-736-7755 202-647-8775 202-647-4743 202-647-7292

808-477-0111 202-647-7180

Office of the Foreign Policy Advisor (USPACOM)

Foreign Policy Advisor Marc Wall Deputy Foreign Policy Advisor Joseph Young Program Manager Sharon Gouveia Deputy Foreign Policy Advisor Jessica Megill Public Diplomacy Advisor Karen Grissette Program Development Specialist Candice Matsunaga Deputy Public Diplomacy Advisor Jonathan Smith 808-477-7603 808-477-7617 808-477-7601 808-477-9542 808-477-8841 808-477-0110 808-477-7609

Office of Maritime Southeast Asia (EAP/MTS)

Office Director Susan M. Sutton 5210 Deputy Director Sherri Holiday-Sklar 5210 Office Manager Ruby Thomas 5210 Senior Country Officer Indonesia Bridgette L. Walker 5210 Country Officer Indonesia Paul Guertin 5210 Country Officer Malaysia David C. Turnbull 5210 Senior Country Officer Philippines Aliistair "Ali" Baskey 5210 Country Officer Singapore and Brunei Phillip L. Loosli 5210 Country Officer Timor-Leste Katie M. Adamson 5210 Country Officer Philippines David Arulanantham 5210 202-647-2143 202-647-0097 202-647-1221 202-647-2301 202-647-4393 202-647-4932 202-647-2927 202-647-2769 202-736-7056 202-647-1823

Office of Multilateral Affairs (EAP/MLA)

Director Christian Castro 5315 Office Manager Geneva Hart 5315 Maritime Security & Multilateral Affairs Coordinator Brian Andrews 5315 Regional Affairs Officer Suraj Mungara 5315 Military Advisor, Navy LCDR Constantine Panayiotou 5315 ASEAN Affairs Officer Benjamin Parisi 5315 Foreign Affairs Officer Jocelyn Roberts 5315 Foreign Affairs Officer William Tarver 5315 Foreign Service Liaison Officer for Pacific Partnership Thomas Weinz 5315 Australian Diplomatic Exchange Officer Michael Kachel 5315 Political-Military Advisor Tharon Sperry 5315 Vacant 5315

202-647-3612 202-647-1260 202-647-1217 202-647-2345 202-647-8815 202-647-2347 202-647-2989 202-647-6939 202-647-1260 202-647-6094 202-647-2399 202-647-8894

Office of Mainland Southeast Asia (EAP/MLS)

Director Ike Reed 5206 Office Manager Carolyn Hodges 5206 Deputy Director Eric Barboriak 5206 Country Officer Burma Heather Rogers 5206 Country Officer Cambodia Margaret Hsiang 5206 Country Officer Laos Darby Parliament 5206 Country Officer Thailand Scott Sommers 5206 Country Officer Vietnam (POL/MIL) Gregory May 5206 Country Officer Vietnam (Econ/Comm) Eric Jordan 5206 Office Manager Alice Greene 5206 Country Officer Laos Pauletta M. Walsh Room 5206 202-647-4495 202-647-4988 202-647-3065 202-647-0056 202-647-3095 202-647-2036 202-647-2036 202-647-4023 202-647-1699 202-647-0064 202-647-2459

Office of Taiwan Coordination (EAP/TC)

Director Christopher J. Beede 4312-MS Office Manager Cynthia R. Miles 4312-MS Deputy Director Jeffrey D. Horowitz 4312-MS Political Military Officer Russell J. Westergard 4312-MS International Relations Officer Daniel C. Holtrop 4312-MS 202 647-7712 202-647-7711 202-647-7713 202-647-7706 202-647-0206

Office for North Korea Affairs (S/NKP) Office of Public Diplomacy (EAP/PD)


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Special Representative for North Korea Policy Amb. Glyn Davies Room 5209 Special Envoy for the Six Party Talks Amb. Clifford A. Hart Room 5209 Special Envoy for North Korea Human Rights Issues Amb. Robert R. King Room 5209 Special Assistant Mr. Ed Shin Room 5209 Executive Assistant & Scheduler Ms. Frances Rauland Room 5209

202-647-4611 202-647-4611 202-647-4568 202-647-4599 202-647-4611

Executive Director Suneta Halliburton 4480 Deputy Executive Director Diane Castiglione 4480 Staff Assistant Sharon Miles Bell 4480

202-647-2720 202-647-3248 202-647-1949

Front Office (EB/FO)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Deborah McCarthy 4950 Personal Assistant Ardelia Johnson 4950 202-647-9496 202-647-9496

Office of Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma

Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma W. Patrick Murphy 5206 Special Assistant Morgan Courtney 5206 Staff Assistant 5206 202-647-4700 202-2566 202-647-4700

Office of Development Finance (EB/IFD/ODF)

Director Robin Matthewman 4871 Deputy Director Roland DeMarcellus 4953 202-647-9426 202-647-9154

Office of Investment Affairs (EB/IFD/OIA)

Director Michael Tracton 4669 Secretary Kimberly Butler 4669 Deputy Director Todd Kushner 4669 202-736-4188 202-736-4907 202-736-4365

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez 4932 Personal Assistant Andrea Barkley 4932 Executive Assistant Thomas Reott 4932 Senior Advisor Michael L. Szymanski 4934 202-647-7971 202-647-7971 202-647-6985 202-647-5881

Office of Monetary Affairs (EB/IFD/OMA)

Office of Commercial and Business Affairs (EB/CBA)

Special Representative Lorraine Hariton 5820 Deputy Special Representative Todd Schwartz 5820 Program Specialist Olivette Smith 5820

Director Andrew Haviland 4880 Secretary JoAnn Hinton 4880 Deputy Director Robert Garverick 4880

Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB)

202-647-5935 202-647-9497 202-647-9792

Trade Policy and Programs (EB/TPP)

Deputy Assistant Secretary William Craft 4652 Secretary Mary Lee 4652 202-647-5991 202-647-5968

202-647-1625 202-647-2615 202-647-4109

Office of Agricultural, Biotechnology and Textile Trade Affairs (EB/TPP/ABT)

Director Edward Kaska 4470 Office Management Specialist Harold Slaughter 4470 Senior Advisor for Biotechnology Jack Bobo 4470 202-647-0133 202-647-3090 202-647-1647

International Communications and Information Policy (EEB/CIP)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Philip Verveer 6820 Secretary Avis Alston 6820

202-647-5212 202-647-5212

Office of Bilateral and Regional Affairs (EB/CIP/BA)

Deputy US Coordinator John Spilsbury 5806 Secretary Delores Justice 5806

Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs (EB/TPP/BTA)

Director Robert Manogue 4658 Secretary Amanda Newman 4658 Deputy Director Patrick Chow 4725 202-647-4017 202-647-3784 202-647-1983

202-647-6842 202-647-8345

Senior Deputy US Coordinator Richard Beaird 6820 Secretary Evelyn Cook 6820

Office of Multilateral Affairs (EB/CIP/MA)

202-647-5832 202-647-5832

Office of International Intellectual Property Enforcement (EB/TPP/IPE)

Director Jean Bonilla 4931 Secretary Juan Leos 4931 Deputy Director Ann Low 4452 202-647-3985 202-647-3251 202-647-2324

Office of Strategic Planning/Satellites (EB/CIP/TS)

Deputy US Coodinator Douglas May 3843 Secretary Lynnette Jackson 3843 202-647-5832 202-647-8344

Office of Multilateral Trade Affairs (EB/TPP/MTA) Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy (EB/EPPD)
Director Laura Kirkconnell 3844 Secretary Ronelle Jackson 3741 Senior Coordinator Nancy Smith-Nissley 3741 Deputy Director/Policy Analysis Team David Birdsey 3844 Deputy Director/PA Advisor Public Diplomacy Team Shawn Flatt 3741 202-647-1936 202-647-9204 202-647-1682 202-647-1808 202-647-4864 Director Whitney Baird 4452 Secretary Katie Dewey 4452 Deputy Director Carol Henniger 4452 202-647-6324 202-647-6956 202-647-4108

Transportation Affairs (EB/TRA)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Kris R. Urs 3425 Secretary Tucker Richmond Stewart 3425 202-647-4045 202-647-4045

Office of Aviation Negotiations (EB/TRA/AN) Executive Staff (EB-ENR/EX)

Director Wendell Albright 3425 202-647-5843


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Secretary Linda Sweikhart 3425 Deputy Director Matt Finston 3425

202-647-5865 202-647-9797

Office of Transportation Policy (EB/TRA/OTP)

Director Jerrold L. Mallory 3425 Secretary Donna V. White 3425 202-647-5844 202-647-8001

Energy, Sanctions and Commodities (EB/ESC)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Cekuta 4843 Secretary Syeda Chowdhury 4843 202-647-1498 202-647-1498

European Programs Branch Chief Mary Ellen Koenig 4-B08 / SA-5 East Asian Programs Branch Chief Matt McMahon 4-K06 / SA-5 Western Hemisphere Programs Branch Chief Jenny Verdaguer 4-M06 / SA-5 Near Eastern Programs Branch Chief Donna Ives 4-B09 / SA-5 Study of the US Branch Chief Britta Bjornlund 4-N06 / SA-5 South Asian Programs Branch Chief Sue Borja 4-B12 / SA-5

202-632-9443 202-632-9432 202-632-6047 202-632-6050 202-632-3342 202-632-3264

Office of Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions (EB/TFS)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Peter Harrell 4844 Staff Assistant Jessica McBroom 4844 202-647-2547 202-647-2586

Office of the English Language Programs (ECA/A/L)

Office Director Lawrence Corwin 4-B16 / SA-5 Office Deputy Director Caryn Danz 4-B14/SA-5 Materials Development and Review Branch Chief Rick Rosenberg 4-B13 / SA-5 Programs Branch Chief Craig Dicker 4-B15 / SA-5 202-632-9281 202-632-9412 202-632-9279 202-632-9277

Director Darnall Steuart 4657 Secretary Jeanie Anklewich 4657

202-647-7677 202-647-7489

Office of Global Educational Programs (ECA/A/S)

Office Director Paul A. Hiemstra 4-CC17 / SA-5 Educational Information and Resources Branch Chief Caryn Danz 4-CC16 / SA-5 Humphrey Fellowships and Institutional Linkages Branch Chief John Sedlins 4-CC13 / SA-5 Teacher Exchange Branch Chief Jennifer M. Gibson 4-CC14 / SA-5 202-632-6345 202-632-6353 202-632-6328 202-632-6343

Office of Threat Finance Countermeasures (EB/TFS/TFC)

Director Andrew Weinschenk 4657 Secretary Caleb Mak 4657

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Ann Stock 5-BB17/SA--5 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Adam Ereli 5-Z17/SA-5 Senior Advisor to A/S Rick Ruth 5-N17/SA-5 Staff Assistant to A/S Ashley Eisenman 5AA15/SA-5 Special Assistant to PDAS William Stevens 5-X15/ SA-5 Secretary to PDAS Anna Inglis 5-Z15/SA-5 Executive Assistant and Director, Executive Secretariat Sharon Cooke 5-R17/SA-5 Special Assistant Alesia Carter 5-J15/SA-5 Staff Assistant Julie McClanaham 5-R15/SA-5 Chief of Staff Sarah King 05CC15/SA-5

202-647-5763 202-647-1925 202-632-6445 202-632-9444 202-632-6442 202-632-6445 202-632-9325 202-632-9447 202-632-3345 202-632-3292 202-632-6453 202-632-9289

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange (ECA/EC)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Robin Lerner 5-BB11/SA-5 Senior Advisor Thomas Burgess 5-T06/SA-5 Director, Office of Exchange Coordination and Compliance Susan Geary C2-BB02/SA-5 Director, Office of Private Sector Designation David Eckenrode 5-CC14/SA-5 Acting Chief, Academic and Government Programs Designation Division Tammie King 5-X12/SA-5 Policy Advisor Daniel McCartney 5-CC13/SA-5 Chief, Private Sector Programs Division Maha Ammar 5-Z14/SA-5 202-632-9386 202-632-9313 202-632-9297 202-632-9290 202-632-9314 202-632-9292 202-632-9293

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional and Cultural Exchanges (ECA/PE)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Lee Satterfield 5-W17/SA-5 Managing Director Chris Miner 5-R17/SA-5 202-632-3346 202-632-6446

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Academic Programs (ECA/A)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Meghann Curtis 5-U17/SA-5 Managing Director Marianne Craven 5-X17/SA-5 Special Assistant for Policy Paul Kruchoski 5-P14/SA-5 Special Assistant Kevin Olbrysh 5-Q15/SA-5 Senior Policy Advisor David Plack 5-Q14/SA-5 Staff Assistant Sarah Thompson 5-S15/SA-5 Special Assistant for Policy Lisa Kraus 5-K15/SA-5 202-632-9331 202-632-9331 202-632-3294 202-632-9330 202-632-9331 202-632-9331 202-632-2906

Office of Citizen Exchanges (ECA/PE/C)

Director, Office of Citizen Exchanges Mary Deane Conners 3-B16 / SA-5 Deputy Director Sheila Casey 3-B15 / SA-5 Professional Fellows Division Michael Stanton 3-B14 / SA-5 SportsUnited Division Chief Cynthia Gire 3-B10 / SA-5 Cultural Programs Division Chief Stacy White B11 / SA-5 Youth Programs Division Chief Ereney Hadjigeorgalis 3-B13 / SA-5 Strategic Outreach and Planning Officer Nicole Callahan 3-D16 / SA-5 202-632-6062 202-632-6070 202-632-9370 202-632-6438 202-632-6415 202-632-6411 202-632-9372

Office of the Academic Exchange Programs (ECA/A/E)

Office Director Rosalind Swenson 4-B06 / SA-5 Deputy Director Michelle Johnson 4-B07 / SA-5 African Programs Branch Chief Robin Bradley 4-B11 / SA-5 202-632-3234 202-632-3233 202-632-3223


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation (EB/TFS/SPI)


Callahan 3-D16 / SA-5

Office of International Visitors (ECA/PE/V)

Director Alma R. Candelaria 3-B06/SA-5 Deputy Director Carol Grabauskas 3-B07 / SA-5 Community Relations Division Chief Aisha Tyus 3-B06/SA-5 New York Program Branch Chief Donna Shirreffs 601 USUN Building Community Relations Division Chief Diane Crow 03-U06/SA-5 Voluntary Visitors Division Chief Alison Moylan C2-019/SA-5 Western Hemisphere Affairs, East Asia, Near East/South Asia (Voluntary Visitors) Branch Chief Chris Mrozowski C2-E20/SA-5 Africa/Europe (Voluntary Visitors) Branch Chief Robin Neilson C2-G20/SA-5 Africa Branch Chief Chris McShane 03-K06/ SA-5 East Asia and Pacific Branch Chief Terry Blatt 3-Q06 / SA-5 North Africa, Near East/South and Central Asia Branch Chief Colleen Fleming 3-N06/SA-5 Europe and Eurasia Branch Chief Charlotte Titus 3-T06 / SA-5 Western Hemisphere Branch Chief Catherine Jazynka 3-R06/SA-5 Regional Programs Division Chief Sana Abed-Kotab 3B-B05/SA-5 Multi-Regional Programs Division Chief Vacant 3-B08 / SA-5 Special Assistant Michelle A. Lee 03S06 202-632-6383 202-632- 6382 202-632-9381 646-282-2850 202-632-6162 202-632-6166 202-632-3221

Senior Policy Officer Tania Chomiak-Salvi 5-B06 / SA-5 Director of Inter-Agency Working Group Erik Anderson C2-V20

202-632-6326 202-632-9306

J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (ECA/FFSB)

Chairman Thomas P. Healy New York, NY Vice Chair Susan Ness Washington, DC Mark C. Alexander Monclair, NJ Rye Barcott Charlotte, NC Lisa Caputo New York, NY Betty Castor Tampa, FL Christie Gilson Bethlehem, PA Gabriel Guerra- Mondragon New York, NY Shelby Lewis Atlanta, GA Anita McBride Washington, DC Executive Director Lisa L. Helling 664/SA 44 Senior Educational and Cultural Exchange Specialist Lana S. Muck 664/SA 44

202-632-6091 202-632-9338 202-632-3319 202-632-9357 202-632-9390 202-632-3303 202-632-9380 202-632-6166 202-632-9448

202-203-7010 202-203-7010

Cultural Property Advisory Committee (ECA/P/C)

Chair Patty Gerstenblith IL Nina M. Archabal MN Barbara Bluhm-Kaul IL Rosemary Joyce CA Jane A. Levine NY Katherine L. Reid NC Marta de la Torre FL Lothar von Falkenhausen CA Nancy Wilkie MN James Willis CA vacant na Designated Federal Official Maria P. Kouroupas 5-E02/SA-5 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202 632 6301 202-632-6301 000 000 0000 202-632-6197

Office of the Executive Director (ECA-IIP/EX)

Executive Director Carmen Cantor 4-BB06/SA-5 Deputy Executive Director Jacqueline Jones 4-BB07/SA-5 Deputy Executive Director Paula Goode 4-BB08/SA-5 Human Resources Division Chief Felicia Gibson C2--P19/SA-5 HR Operations Branch Leader (ECA) Joyce Mondy C2-S11/SA-5 HR Operations Branch Leader (IIP) Lucy Evans C2-R11/SA-5 Training Officer Yolanda Johnson C2-U15/SA-5 Support Services Division Chief Tony Bennett 4-BB08/SA-5 Resource Management Division (ECA) Chief, Acting Yolanda Robinson 4-Q06/SA-5 Resource Management Division (IIP) Chief Loretta Gentry Milburn 4-BB10/SA-5 Grants Division Chief Kerry Neal C2-CC17/SA-5 Program Management Staff Chief Michael E. Weider 4-BB11/SA-5

202-632-6376 202-632-6378 202-632-6447 202-632-6025 202-632-3259 202-632-6022 202-632-6005 202-632-6393 202-632-3358 202-632-6014 202-632-6360 202-632-6375

Office of Public Affairs and Strategic Communications (ECA/PASC)

Director, Public Affairs Marthena Cowart 5-Q17/SA-5 Director, Media Relations Susan Pittman 5-M17/SA-5 Staff Assistant Lucia Curtis 5-S14/SA-5 Public Affairs Specialist Anna Griffin 5-J14/SA-5 Public Affairs Specialist Katie Leasor 5-L14/SA-5 Visual Information Specialist Caesar Jackson 4-T01/SA-5 Digital Communications Director Hilary Brandt 4-S06/SA-5 Web Producer Kate Henderson 4-Z11/SA-5 Web Producer Stephanie Sharpe 4-X06/SA-5 Web Producer Nathan Kleekamp 4-X06/SA-5 Web Producer Ayaan Carter 4-R04/SA-5 Web Writer/Editor Ursula Lauriston 4-S04/SA-5 Video Producer Oliver Mertz 4-R03/SA-5 Video & Social Media Assistant Andrea Keating 4-Y09/SA-5 Social Media Producer Melissa Dilber 4-R02/SA-5 Social Media Producer Michelle Neyland 4-R01/SA-5 202-632-6042 202-632-6373 202-632-6448 202-632-6452 202-632-3356 202-632-6403 202-632-6460 202-632-9474 202-632-3357 202-632-3357 202-632-6461 202-632-9467 202-632-6465 202-632-6401 202-632-6464 202-632-9455

Office of Policy and Evaluation (ECA/P)

Director of Policy and Evaluation Matthew Lussenhop 5-B05 / SA-5 Director of Alumni Affairs Karen Robblee C2-A19/SA-5 Chief of Evaluation Staff Robin Silver 5-J06 / SA-5 Director, Cultural Heritage Center Maria Kouroupas 5-E02 /A-5 202-632-6311 202-632-6177 202-632-6319 202-632-6197


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR)

Bureau of Energy Resources
Special Envoy & Coordinator Carlos Pascual 4428 Personal Assistant Gina Amos 4428 Special Assistant Lauren Culver 4428 PDAS & DAS for Energy Governance & Access Robert F. Cekuta 4428 Administrative Assistant to PDAS Cekuta Syeda Chowdhury 4428 DAS for Energy Diplomacy Amos Hochstein 4428 Staff Assistant to DAS Hochstein Andrea Richter 4428 DAS for Implementation Julia Nesheiwat 4428 Special Assistant to DAS Nesheiwat Bradford Simmons 4428 DAS for Energy Transformation Robert Ichord 4428 Administrative Assistant to DAS Ichord Janice Dawkins 4428 Staff Assistant Matthew Beh 4428 Staff Assistant Charles Reynolds 4428 Travel Coordinator Lisa Wright 4428 202-647-8543 202-647-8543 202-647-7387 202-647-1498 202-647-1498 202-736-7873 202-736-7873 202-736-4852 202-647-7921 202-647-4534 202-647-4537 202-647-4884 202-736-4855 202-647-7960

Office of Central European Affairs (EUR/CE)

Director Vacant K. 4230 Acting Director Sigrid Emrich 4230 Austria Desk Officer Lindsey Zuluaga 4230 Romania Desk Officer Nicole E. Gallagher 4230 Czech Republic Desk Officer Lillian Wahl-Tuco 4230 Hungary Desk Officer Rich Hinman 4230 Slovakia Desk Officer Matthew Singer 4230 Slovenia Desk Officer Lindsey Zuluaga 4230 Unit Chief, Poland Desk Officer Catherine McGeary 4230 Bulgaria Desk Officer Nicole E. Gallagher 4230 Unit Chief, Switzerland Desk Officer Ivan Weinstein 4230 PD Officer Jason Khile 4230 PD Officer Victoria O'Connell 4230 OMS Eleanor Chamberlin 4230 OMS Parichat Hines 4230 PD Officer Stephanie Kang 4230 202-647-1484 202-647-4577 202-647-4782 202-647-1457 202-647-3191 202-647-3238 202-647-3238 202-647-4782 202-647-4139 202-736-7152 202-647-0425 202-647-0127 202-647-4272 202-647-1484 202-647-2005 202-647-4272

Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR)

Office of the Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Vacant H. 6226 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Paul W Jones 6226 Deputy Assistant Secretary Philip T. Reeker 6226 Deputy Assistant Secretary Eric S. Rubin 6227 Deputy Assistant Secretary Brent R. Hartley 6226 Deputy Assistant Secretary Vacant 6227 Deputy Assistant Secretary Vacant A. 6226 Deputy Assistant Secretary Julieta V. Noyes 6227 Special Assistant Christopher M Rendo 6226

Office of European Union and Regional Affairs (EUR/ERA)

Director, Acting Liam Wasley 5424 Acting Deputy Director (POL) Joe Wierichs 5424 Deputy Director (ECON) Amy Westling 5424 USEU Desk Officer Stephanie Espinal 5424 Political Officer James Tira 5424 Political Officer Andrea Gorog 5424 Political/Military Officer Joe Wang 5424 Political Officer Alessandro Nardi 5424 Economic Officer Anne Coleman-Honn 5424 Economic Officer Alicia Romano 5424 Economic Officer Dan Froats 5424 Economic Officer Carolina Hidea 5424 Economic Officer Leslie Freriksen 5424 TEC Coordiator Kim Tuminaro 5424 OMS Shonta Diggs 5424 202-647-3474 202-647-3246 202-647-3206 202-736-7540 202-647-3913 202-647-1708 202-647-2839 202-647-3843 202-647-1820 202-647-1606 202-647-1605 202-647-3082 202-647-4174 202-647-1688 202-647-2469

202-647-9626 202-647-5146 202-647-6415 202-647-5447 202-647-6233 202-647-6402 202-647-5174 202-647-9373 202-647-6285

Office for US Assistance to Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ACE)

Coordinator for US Assistance to Europe and Eurasia Daniel Rosenblum HST 4227 Deputy Coordinator for US Assistance to Europe and Eurasia Sandra E. Clark HST 4227 Division Chief for Europe Programs Phillip Linderman HST 4227 Division Chief for Eurasia and Central Asia Programs Maria A. Longi HST 4227 Division Chief for Budget Program and Planning Lucy M. Jilka HST 4227

202-647-5102 202-647-5222 202-776-8262 202-647-7404 202-647-5103

Office of the Executive Director (EUR-IO/EX)

Executive Director Margaret A. Uyehara 12A35 Deputy Director Francisca Thomas Helmer 12A35 Deputy Director Jeffrey A. VanDreal 12A35 Deputy Director and Director, Regional Service Center Helen H. Hahn Frankfurt, Germany Supervisory Post Management Officer, Acting Juliana K. Ballard 12A35 Human Resources Chief Alison M. Shorter-Lawrence 12A35 Supervisory Administrative Officer Tiye C. Ray 1517 Financial Management Chief Jody Buckneberg 12A44 Information Management Division Chief Jon S. Arbin 12A35 Bureau Security Officer Cristobal Romero 12A35 202-647-7519 202-647-7519 202-647-5979 49-69-7535202-647-0230 202-647-8404 202-647-9744 202-647-3437 202-647-5831 202-647-5716

Office of Caucasus Affairs and Regional Conflicts (EUR/CARC)

Director Justin Friedman 4220 Deputy Director Alan Purcell 4220 Conflict Advisor Jeffrey Hulse 4220 Azerbaijan Desk Officer Chris McCabe 4220 Armenia Desk Officer Trina Saha 4220 Senior Georgia Desk Officer Heidi Evans 4220 OMS Abigail Unger 4220 Minsk Group Co-Chair Robert A. Bradtke 4220 Georgia Desk Officer Laura Hammond 4220 Public Diplomacy Officer Molly Stephenson 5511 Intern Deborah Allison 4220 202-647-9116 202-736-6795 202-647-6758 202-647-9677 202-647-6576 202-647-6048 202-647-8741 202-647-0713 202-647-0346 202-647-6976 202-647-9381

Office of Nordic and Baltic Affairs (EUR/NB)

Director Tara Erath 5428 Deputy Director David Muniz 5428 Iceland/Denmark Desk Officer Michael Kelly 5428 202-647-6556 202-647-8908 202-647-8431


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Norway/Sweden Desk Officer Valerie Bilgri 5428 Lithuania Desk Officer Carol Werner 5428 Estonia/Finland Desk Officer Paul Martinek 5428 PPD Officer Brian Beckmann 5428 Latvia Desk Officer Zach Abramovitz 5428 OMS Chantel Holston 5428 Norway/Sweden Desk Officer John Lathers 5428 Intern Max Luken 5428

202-647-8178 202-647-8378 202-647-6582 202-647-8606 202-647-9980 202-647-5669 202-647-8179 202-647-8446

Office of European Security and Political Affairs (EUR/RPM)

Director Richard Holtzapple 6511 OMS Michael Lee 6511 Principal Deputy Director Marie Richards 6511 NATO Documents, Clearances Judith Martin 6511 Deputy Director, OSCE Susan Ball 6229 Program Assistant Pam Montgomery 6229 Deputy OSCE Coordinator Joseph Farrelly 6229 OSCE Desk Officer Aqueelah Torrance 6229 Foreign Affairs Officer (NATO/OSCE) Richard Prosen 6229 Deputy Director, NATO Defense Policy Jennifer Laurendeau 6511 NATO Defense Policy Shawn Waddoups 6513 Intern N/A 6513 Air Force Fellow N/A 6511 NATO Defense Policy Bethany Bernzen 6511 Fax 6511 Deputy Director, NATO Policy Pamela Tremont 6513 OMS Jennie Joyner 6513 NATO Defense Policy Eva Shinagel 6511 NATO Policy Erik Holmgren 6513 NATO Policy Lynette Behnke 6513 Fax 6513 Deputy Director, NATO Operations Nancy Cooper 6513 NATO Ops Operations Robert Thompson 6511 NATO Ops Operations Claire Smolik 6511 NATO Operations Vaida Vidugiris 6511 EUR Senior Military Advisor Col. Darlene Roquemore 6513 Intern Evan Gieselman 6511 NATO Operations Michael Rosenthal 6513 Intern Joseph Semrad 6513 202-647-1626 202-647-1626 202-647-1358 202-647-1358 202-736-7290 202-736-7445 202-647-2128 202-736-7291 202-647-0282 202-647-1308 202-647-0797 202-647-2097 202-736-7298 202-647-1328 202-647-1369 202-736-7297 202-736-7299 202-647-1602 202-647-3405 202-647-7296 202-647-0985 202-736-7292 202-647-2078 202-647-2127 202-647-1691 202-647-3374 202-647-1135 202-736-7013 202-647-1003

Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues (EUR/SEHI)

Special Envoy Douglas Davidson 4230 Deputy Director Elizabeth Nakian 4230 Foreign Affairs Officer Susan Sandler 4230 OMS Eleanor Chamberlin 4230 Fax 202-647-8047 202-647-8287 202-647-8597 202-647-2005 202-647-1960

Office of Policy and Global Issues (EUR/PGI)

Director Marc Ostfield 6219 Deputy Director and Senior Advisor for Congressional Relations Steve Adams-Smith 6219 Congressional (CODELs, Correspondence, LRMs, Reports), Conference Logistics Johnnetta Abbey 6219 Democracy, Labor Issues, Trafficking in Persons, Human Rights, International Religious Freedom, Internet Freedom Rebecca Buchanan 6219 Rule of Law, Crime, Corruption, Narcotics, Women's Issues, Leahy Vetting Mary Stickles 6219 Food Security, UN/Multilateral Issues, COM Conference, Congressional CODELs, Correspondence, LRMs, Reports Sarah Pierson 6219 Environment, Climate Change, Health Issues (HIV/AIDS/Influenza/ TB/ Polio), LGBT Issues, S&T Ken Kero-Mentz 6219 Wikileaks/WPAR, Strategic Planning, JSB, War Crimes, ICC, Black Sea Region Vacant 6219 Counterterrorism, Countering Violent Extremism, Radicalization, Cyber Issues, Refugees, Office Security Lonni Reasor 6219 OMS, Travel, TATEL, Floor Warden James Tate 6219 Muslim Engagement, NGOs/Diaspora, Consular Affairs, Homeland Security Ivan Weinstein 6219 202-647-6984 202-647-7334 202-647-8720

202-647-7117 202-647-8826 202-647-8820 202-647-5965 202-647-7465 202-647-6736

Office of Russian Affairs (EUR/RUS)

Director David Kostelancik 4417 Deputy Director Michael Carpenter 4417 OMS Carolyn Murphy 4417 OMS/Visa Specialist Calvin Chase 4417 Pol Chief Peter Andreoli 4417 Bilat Chief Daphne Stavropoulos 4417 Bilat-TIP, ACS issues Lisa Gambone 4417 Econ Chief Judy Kuo 4417 Econ, energy, EST Laura Hochla 4417 Pol, External, Pol-Mil Silvana Rodriguez 4417 Pol, Int, Human Rights Megan Tetrick 4417 BPC, Senior Advisor Tracy Perrelli 4427A BPC, Advisor David Epstein 4427A Econ Officer Claude Veron- Reville 4417 202-647-9806 202-647-6743 202-647-9806 202-647-6150 202-647-6763 202-647-4262 202-647-6749 202-736-4441 202-647-6770 202-647-6734 202-647-6756 202-647-4464 202-647-1304 202-647-5747

202-647-7111 202-647-7321

Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (EUR/PPD)

Director Gloria F Berbena 3249 Deputy Director Mark M Cameron 3249 Senior Deputy Director Stephanie Syptak 3249 202-647-6380 202-647-6933 202-647-7308

Office of Policy and Regional Affairs (EUR/PRA)

Director Anita E. Friedt 6519 Deputy Director Matthew X. Hardiman 6519 202-647-9903 202-647-5994

Office of South Central European Affairs (EUR/SCE) Office of Press and Policy Outreach (EUR/Press)
Director Athena Katsoulos 4515 Deputy Director Marc Nordberg 4515 Press Officer Aaron Honn 4515 Press Officer Amy Dahm 4515 Outreach Officer Michael Cavey 4515 Outreach Officer Jane Daly 4515 202-647-6975 202-647-6291 202-647-8602 202-647-9754 202-647-9752 202-647-8341 Director Jonathan Moore 5219 Deputy Director Steve Banks 5219 Assistant to the Director Jonathan Gallant 5219 Senior Desk Officer (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Michael Fooks 5219 Senior Desk Officer (Kosovo) Paul Pfeuffer 5219 Senior Desk Officer (Serbia) Gregory Naarden 5219 202-647-0608 202-736-1072 202 647-0608 202-647-4775 202-647-2452 202-647-0310


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Regional Coordinator Peter Zirnite 5219 Desk Officer (Croatia) Vacant 5219 Desk Officer (Kosovo) Marianne Toussaint 5219 Desk Officer (Kosovo) Vacant 5219 Desk Officer (Macedonia, Montenegro) Anne Braghetta 5219 Regional Economic Officer Shannon Runyon 5219 Desk Officer (Albania) Chris Carver 5219 Program Support Assistant Lisa Marshall 5219 OMS Monika Colon 5219 OMS Roscoe Jackson 5219 Desk Officer (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Kelly LaPier 5219 Desk Officer (Serbia) Sammie Smith 5219 Intern Naomi Lee 5219 Intern Jennifer Ham 5219

202-647-7660 202-647-4987 202 647-9173 202 736-7012 202-647-4330 202 647-2276 202-647-3747 202 647-1829 202 647-1880 202 736-7478 202 647-4277 202 736-7479 202-647-4781 202-736-7729

PD Officer (UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland/Northern Ireland, Germany) Aroosha Rana 5218 Intern Megan E Levanduski 5218 Deputy Director (UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland/Northern Ireland, Germany) Jason Donovan 5218 Director Nancy Pettit 5218 Germany Benedict Wolf 5218 Spain/Andorra Mary-Elizabeth Madden 5218 Italy/San Marino David Mosby 5218 Belgium/Netherlands/Luxembourg Nicholas Hilgert 5218


202-647-5687 202-647-6587

202-647-1469 202-647-2448 202-647-3151 202-647-4395 202-647-6555

Foreign Service Institute (FSI)

Director Nancy McEldowney F2102 SA42 Assistant to the Director Dianne Wampler F2102 SA42 Deputy Director Marc L. Ostfield F2102 SA42 Secretary to Deputy Director Regina Wiener F2102 SA42 Special Assistant Mary L. Bothwell F2102 SA42 Staff Assistant Lori A. Renner F2102 SA42 703-302-6703 703-302-6703 703-302-6707 703-302-6707 703-302-6704 703-302-6708

Office of Southern European Affairs (EUR/SE)

Director Maryruth Coleman 5511 OMS Heather Pishko 5511 Deputy Director James Merz 5511 Greece Desk Officer Davida Baxter 5511 Turkey Desk Officer Theresa Matthews 5511 Cyprus Desk Officer Lindsay Coffey 5511 Sr. Turkey Desk Officer Christina Agor 5511 Turkey Desk Officer Daniel Langenkamp 5511 Turkey Desk Officer Stephanie Hutchison 5511 Public Diplomacy Officer Molly Stephenson 5511 Political Military Officer Felipe Zuluaga 5511 Intern Abigail Fabick 5511 Fax 202 647-6994 202-647-6112 202-647-5120 202-647-6760 202-647-7581 202 647-6948 202-647-9749 202 736-4051 202-647-6934 202-647-6976 202-647-5972 202-647-6114 202-647-5087

Executive Director for Management (FSI/EX)

Executive Director Catherine J. Russell F2205 SA42 Deputy Executive Director Gelinda M. Giacomin F2205 SA42 Management Analyst Wayne Oshima F2205.1 SA42 Management Analyst Coreen Brown F2205.1 SA-42 Management Analyst Arline Hetland F2205 SA-42 Acquisitions Martin T. Regan F2131 SA42 General Services Keith Williamson F2131 SA42 Audio-Visual Dennis L. Raulin F1320 SA42 Budget Victor Munoz F2130 SA42 Information Resources Manager Hassan Gharekhanloo F2208 SA42 Information Management Systems Linda Coble F1304 SA42 Corporate Systems Douglas Arterburn F2206 SA42 Instructional Support Division Karen Audant F1415 SA42 Human Resources Deborah A. Duckett F2210 SA42 Registrar Laura D. Bravery F1245 SA42 Student Messages FSI Registrar F1245 SA42 703-302-6729 703-302-6835 703-302-6730 703-302-6731 703-302-3012 703-302-7233 703-302-7411 703-302-6786 703-302-7283 703-302-6732 703-302-7201 703-302-6732 703-302-7154 703-302-6813 703-302-7144 703-302-7144

Office of Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus Affairs (EUR/UMB)

Director Baxter Hunt 4427 Deputy Director Craig Conway 4427 Moldova Desk Officer Wendy Stancer 4427 Ukraine Desk Officer Ernest Abisellan 4427 Ukraine Desk Officer Anthony Pirnot 4427 Belarus Desk Officer Sean Greenley 4427 Manager Specialist Florence Allen 4427 Program Assistant Wilma Horton 4427

Office of Western European Affairs (EUR/WE)

Deputy Director (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Vatican, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino) Gregory Macris 5218 Belgium/Netherlands/Luxembourg Todd Crawford 5218 Ireland/Northern Ireland/Bermuda Barbara Cordero 5218 PD Officer (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Vatican, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino) Michele Petersen 5218 Portugal/Spain Carey Rudell 5218 France/Malta/Monaco Chris McHone 5218 Vatican/San Marino/Italy Sheila Carey 5218 OMS Bentley T. Bottrell 5218 Germany Tim Huson 5218 France/Malta/Monaco Benjamin Canavan 5218 United Kingdom Patrick Connell 5218 United Kingdom Ellen Colleran 5218 202-647-3063

202-647-6750 202-647-9049 202-647-6733 202-647-5998 202-647-6799 202-736-4443 202-647-8761 202-647-8303

202-647-5674 202-647-6591 202-647-1100

School of Language Studies (FSI/SLS)

Dean William Haugh F4415 SA42 Associate Dean for Instruction James North F4416 SA42 Associate Dean for Management Debra Smoker-Ali F4417 SA42 Cirriculum and Staff Development David Red F4514 SA42 Continuing Training and Testing Christina Hoffman F4236 SA42 External Programs Candice Hunt F4418 SA42 Near East, Central and South Asian Languages James E. Bernhardt F2277 SA42 703-302-7242 703-302-7242 703-302-7242 703-746-2382 703-302-7125 703-302-7244 703-302-7291

202-647-2632 202-647-4361 202-647-1419 202-647-3746 202-647-5020 202-647-4372 202-647-2441 202-647-6585


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Slavic, Persian and Pashto Languages Marsha Kaplan F4628 SA42 European and African Languages Georgia DeBell, Acting F3628 SA42 Romance Languages Alfred Carter F3628 SA42 East Asian and Pacific Languages W. Charles Miracle F3261SA42

703-302-7061 703-302-7013 703-302-7066 703-302-7297

Bureau of Human Resources (DGHR)

Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resouces
Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources Linda Thomas-Greenfield 6218 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Hans Klemm 6218 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Linda S. Taglialatela 6218 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Marcia S. Bernicat 6218 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Philippe A. Lussier 6218 Staff Assistant Adrienne Washington 6218 Special Assistant Frederica Eatmon 6218 Chief of Staff Karen Y Keshap 6218 202-647-9898

202-647-5942 202-647-5152 202-647-9438 202-647-5152 202-647-9280 202-647-5275 202-647-5112

Leadership and Management School (FSI/LMS)

DEAN Carol Rodley E4114 SA42 Associate Dean Gail Neelon E4114 SA42 Policy Leadership Division Damian Leader E4114 SA42 Executive Development Division Geraldine Kam E4121 SA42 Leadership Training Division Margaret McLaughlin E3128 SA42 Crisis Management Training Sarah Drew E4116.1 SA42 703-302-7178 703-302-6743 703-302-7136 703-302-7197 703-302-7016 703-302-7369

Policy Coordination Staff (M/DGHR/PC) School of Professional and Area Studies (FSI/SPAS)
Dean Patricia Butenis F4101 SA42 Associate Dean Nazih Y. Daher F4101 SA42 Associate Dean Mirembe Nantongo F4101 SA42 Area Studies Anne Imamura F4316 SA42 Consular Training Jill Esposito F3116 SA42 Curriculum and Staff Development Richard Welebir F3327 SA42 Economic/Commercial Training Nicolas Noyes F3327 SA42 Management Tradecraft Training Gary D. Anderson F4144 SA42 Office Management Training Judith Filip F3108 SA42 Orientation Division Elise Kleinwaks F2315 SA42 Political Training David Henifin F4312 SA42 Public Diplomacy Robert Hilton F3104 SA42 Stability Operations Stacy Nichols F4106 SA-42 703-302-6940 703-302-6940 703-302-6940 703-302-6875 703-302-7161 703-302-7256 703-302-7256 703-302-6973 703-302-6920 703-302-6993 703-302-7182 703-302-7454 703-302-6954

Director Karen Krueger 6217 Chief, Labor Management Relations Steven Polson 6217 Public Affairs Officer Brenda Greenberg 6217 Program Analysis Officer Jeannette Juricic 1333 HR Specialist (Policy) Bert Curtis 6217 Program Analyst Officer Seth Vaughn 1333 Staff Assistant Carol Kohan 5217

202-647-2609 202-647-4285 202-647-4282 202-736-4889 202-647-2655 202-647-6302 202-647-2675

Family Liaison Office (M/DGHR/FLO)

Director Susan Frost 1239 Deputy Director vacant 1239 CLO Program Officer vacant 1239 Education and Youth Officer Leah Wallace 1248 Division Chief Marti Doggett 1248 Employment Program Officer (Outside the Mission) Suzanne Jessop 1239 Naturalization Program Specialist Anna Lane 1239 Communications and Outreach Coordinator Gabrielle Hampson 1239 Crisis Management and Support Services Officer Charles Roe 1239 Unaccompanied Tours Support Officer Sherri Rhoades 1239 CLO Program Specialist Kathy Loken 1239 Communications & Outreach Specialist Thomas Cumbow 1248 Executive Assistant Snezhina Sandlin 1239 Crisis Management Program Specialist Dianna Rooney 1239 Database Manager Officer Louis Wells 1239 Employment Program Officer (Inside the Mission) Melissa Sagun 1239 Employment Coordinator Bethanne Cellars 1239 Employment & Training Specialist Jim Ziomek Data Management Specialist Nina Miller Program Assistant/Receptionist Juliet Gomez Khile Employment Specialist Renae Shreve Unaccompanied Tours Specialist Margaret Bunton Training Specialist Karlene Abrams EPAP Coordinator Lycia Coble Sibilla 1239 Education Specialist Jody Chritton 1248 202-647-1077 202-647-1077 202-647-1067 202-647-8962 202-647-8973 202-647-2334 202-647-2356 202-647-1065 202-647-4626 202-647-1786 202-736-4781 202-736-4783 202-647-4625 202-647-2987 268 202-647-4826 202-647-2315 202-647-1066 202-736-4786 202-647-1076 202-647-1785 202-647-3179 202-736-4778 202-647-4782 202-736-4782

School of Applied Information Technology (FSI/SAIT)

Dean Michael Bretz K3101 SA42 Associate Dean Tin Cao K3103 SA42 Business Applications David Rowles K3119 SA-42 Research Learning and Development James Barclay K3115 SA-42 Enterprise Technology Peter Butler K3106 SA-42

703-302-6957 703-302-7381 703-302-6750 703-302-6757 703-302-9001

Transition Center (FSI/TC)

Director Ray Leki E2122 SA42 Deputy Director Sharon Hardy E2115 SA-42 Career Transition Center Catherine McCormick E2101 SA42 Overseas Briefing Information Center Sarah Genton E2123 SA42 Training Division Archana Dheer E2116 SA42 703-302-7266 703-302-7270 703-302-7409 703-302-7275 703-302-7267

Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training (M/FSI/ADST)

President Kenneth L. Brown I Building SA42 Administrative Officer Marilyn Bentley I Building SA42 703-302-6992 703-302-6990


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of Casualty Assistance (M/DGHR/OCA)

Director Kirk A. Leach 1241 Deputy Director Virginia Boncy 1241 Program Assistant Tonyia Warren 1241 202-736-4302 202-736-4302 202-736-4302

Executive Office for the Bureau of Human Resources (HR/EX)

Executive Director William E. Schaal, Jr. H1103 SA1 Records Information Management Division Chief Pamela Bundy H804 SA1 Systems Development Division Chief Douglas Townsend H808 SA1 Systems Oversight Division Chief Barbara Dauphin H800 SA1 Enterprise Systems Division Chief Lisa M. Chichester H722 SA-1 Personnel, Human Resources Officer Sharyn Jordan H1103 SA1 Lead General Services Officer Ryszard Olewnik H726SA1 Assignment Support Division Chief Angela E. White SA3 Post Assignment Travel Cynthia Davis H515 SA1 Resource Management Division Chief Ben Lam H515 SA1 202-663-2375 202-663-1870 202-261-8266 202-261-8286 202-663-2024 202-663-2379 202-663-2367 202-663-0405 202-632-2079 202-632-2073

Grievance Staff (HR/G)

Director Melinda Chandler H523 SA1


Office of Civil Service Human Resources Management (HR/CSRM)

Director Raymond Limon H1104 SA1 Accountability, Oversight, & Evaluation Division Chief Kim R. Bruner H1104 SA1 Career Development Division Chief Jason Nelson H1104 SA1 Career Development Resource Center Katrina Crosby L321 SA1 Executive Resources & Performance Management Division Chief Patricia Wai H1104 SA1 Policy, Planning, & Program Development Division Chief Vacant H1104 SA1

202-663-2127 202-663-2147 202-663-2134 202-663-3042 202-663-2164 202-663-2173

Office of Shared Services HR/SS

Director Melissa D. Lytell 4100 Deputy Director Lisa Burridge Charleston 202-663-0043 843-952-0163

Office of Retirement (HR/RET)

Director John K. Naland H620 SA1 Deputy Director Edward Capers, Jr. H620 SA1 Chief, Retirement Operations Rhonda M. Cummings H620 SA1 Senior Policy Analyst Jacqueline Long H620 SA1 202-261-8964 202-261-8960 202-261-8967 202-261-8965

Office of Employee Relations (HR/ER)

Director John Bernlohr H236 SA1 Work/Life Division Chief Judy Goodman Ikels H236 SA1 3 FAM Regulations Coordinator Interim Elizabeth Royal H236 SA1 Workers Compensation/OWCP Debora Ellis H236 SA1 202-261-8175 202-261-8161 202-261-8181 202-261-8176

SA1 Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) Carol Jackson H236 SA1 Disability/Reasonable Accommodation Division Director Patricia Pittarelli H236 SA1 Sign Language Interpreter Jeffrey Bowden/Chari Tamashiro H236 SA1 Child Care/Subsidy Programs Carol Jackson H236 SA1 Conduct, Suitability and Discipline Program Manager Vacant H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) Joanne Armor H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) Mary Murray H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) Sheri Parker H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) Deborah McDonald H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS &FS) Gale Smith H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) Yvette Banker H236 SA1 Employee Relations Officer (FS) Elizabeth Sewall H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) WAE Part Time Penny McMurtry H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (CS & FS) WAE Part Time Julee Brand H236 SA1 Employee Relations Specialist (SCEP) Antonia Blair H236 SA1 E-transit Coordinator Jamila Gantenbein H236 SA1 Take Your Child to Work Day Jamila Gantenbein H236 SA1 State Magazine Editor-In-Chief Isaac Pacheco SA44 Eldercare/EVT, Information Quest Elizabeth Royal H236 SA1 Leave, Travel Regulations, Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) Specialist Martha Netherton H236 SA1 Reasonable Accommodations and Disability Services Program Coordinator Eliza Bethune-King H236 SA1 Disability Resource Analyst Carlynn Marsh H236 SA1 Health, Life and Long Term Care Insurances/Flexible Spending Account/Campaigns (CFC/Savings Bonds) Coordinator Shelly Kornegay H236 SA1 State Magazine Editor-In-Chief Isaac Pacheco SA44 Writer/Editor Ed Warner SA44 Art Director David Johnston SA44 Writer/Editor Officer Bill Palmer SA44 Telework Coordinator Judy Goodman Ikels H236 SA1 TTY Telephone Unit Human Resources Assistant Karen Grimes SA1 H236 Program Specialist Emmie Hoover H236 SA 1 Selective Placement & Schedule A Recruiter Michael Wolfe H236 SA1 Paralegal Specialist Kristin Giuiliano H236 SA1 Disability Resource Analyst Scott Duncan H236 SA1 Disability Resource Analyst Mark Mckay H236 SA1

202-261-8178 202-261-8174 202-261-8145 202-261-8180 202-261-8169 202-261-8172 202-261-8179 202-663-2224 202-261-8165 202-261-8168 202-663-2229 202-261-8170 202-663-1688 202-261-8169 202-663-3552 202-663-1686 202-663-1686 202-203-7118 202-261-8181 202-261-8171


202-663-1714 202-261-8166

202-203-7118 202-203-7115 202-203-7120 202-203-7114 202-261-8861 202-663-3509 202-261-8163 202-663-2230 202-663-1700 202-261-8850 202-261-8278 202-261-8163


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Disability Resource Analyst Marjorie Stern H236 SA1 Staff Accommodation Assistant Mark Bisson H236 SA1 3 FAM Regulations Elizabeth Royal interim H236 SA1 Office Management Specialist Cozetta Johnson H236 SA1

202-663-1699 202-663-2999 202-261-8164 202-261-8079

Office of Resource Management and Organization Analysis (HR/RMA)

Acting Office Director Jeffrey D. Miller H1301 SA1 Classification and Compensation Policy Division Chief Jeffrey D. Miller H1301 SA1 Resource Planning and Allocation Division Chief Eugene Batt H1301 SA1 Workforce Planning and Analysis Division Chief Chet Phillips H1301 SA1 202-663-2309 202-663-3032 202-663-2309 202-663-2321

Office of Career Development and Assignments (HR/CDA)

Director Mary D. Draper 2328 Deputy Director Kenneth E. Gross 2328 Continuity Counselor Staff Division Chief Bernadette Cole-Byrd 2328 Senior Level Division Director Suzanne Lawrence 2332A Presidential Appointments Staff Section Chief Sharon Hardy 2423 Chief of the Overseas Civil Service Assignments Unit (OCSA) Joann G. Alba 3031, SA-3 Career Development and Training Section Chief Maryanne Thomas 2419 Mid-Level Division Director Patricia "Tri" McCarthy 3100 SA3 Mid-Level DCO Steve Widenhouse 3100 SA3 Deputy Division Director/Section Chief (Generalist) Grace Shelton 3100 SA3 Entry Level Division Director J. Paul Reid 3200 SA3 Deputy Division Director/Section Chief (Specialist) Therese Leasburg 3200 SA3 Deputy Division Director/Section Chief (Generalist) Jennifer Noronha 3200 SA3 Assignments Division Director Richard Nelson 4200 SA3 Assignments Division Deputy Director Elenita Shorter 4200 SA3 Assignments Division FSBid Administrator Guirlhene Giordani 4200 SA3 Career Development Assistant Danae V. Green 3135 SA3 Career Development Officer Teril W. Morton 3142 SA3 Career Development Officer Harry R. Smith 3126 SA3 202-647-1692 202-647-1692 202-647-4049 202-647-3334 202-647-9731 202-663-0461 202-647-3822 202-663-0630 202-663-0613 202-663-0612 202-663-0656 202-663-0490 202-663-0657 202-663-0420 202-663-0450 202-663-0442 202-663-0622 202-663-0603 202-663-0639

Office of Recruitment, Examination and Employment (HR/REE)

Director Kaara Ettesvold H518 SA1 Deputy Director Michelle Arias H518 SA1 Examination Division Staff Director Derwood Staeben RM 324 SA44 Recruitment Outreach Division Chief Terry Davidson H518 SA1 Registrar Division Chief Patricia Evans H518 SA 1 Student Programs Division Chief, Acting Nakita Smith H518 SA1 Application Evaluation Branch Chief Darlene Whitlock RM 314 SA44 202-261-8849 202-261-8921 202-203-5117 202-261-8898 202-261-8897 202-261-8921 202-203-5173

Office of Human Resources Shared Services Provider (HR/SP)

Director Paul A Gilmore H615 Chief, Staffing Division Barbara Moy H615 Chief, Classification Services Division Jasmine Westfield H615 (202) 261-8133 (202) 261-8134 (202) 261-8135

Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM)

Chief Information Officer Steven Taylor 6311 Personal Assistant Shari Wagner 6311 Executive Assistant Joel Wisner 6311 Special Assistant Joseph Yanci 6311 Staff Assistant Nichelle Thomas 6311 Office Assistant (vacant) 6311 202-647-2889 202-647-2889 202-647-2933 202-647-5730 202-647-2144 202-647-2947

Chief Information Officer

Business Management and Planning (IRM/BMP)

Deputy Chief Information Officer Patricia Lacina NW6096 Personal Assistant Lynette G Skipwith NW6095 Special Assisant Neeru Lal NW6088 202-634-3081 202-634-3083 202-634-3485

Office of Overseas Employment (HR/OE)

Director John M. Kuschner SA-44 Rm 368 Deputy Director Corinne Thornton SA-44 Rm 368 Human Resources Management Division Chief Michelle S. Long 202-203-3744 Policy Coordination Division Chief Deborah A. Hunsley SA-44 Rm 368 Compensation Management Division Chief Kumiah N. Harrison SA-44 Rm 368 202-203-7433 202-203-7408 SA-44 Rm 368 202-203-7379 202-203-7424

Office of eDiplomacy (IRM/BMP/EDIP)

Staff Assistant Lorrell Doughty NE-6154, SA-9 Director Eric G. Nelson NE 6091 202-634-3621 202-634-3098

Executive Office (IRM/EX)

Executive Director William S. Amoroso 1219 SA27 202-663-2060 202-663-2060 202-663-2042 202-663-2060 202-875-6000

Office of Perfomance Evaluation (HR/PE)

Director Lawrence C. Mandel H720 SA1 Deputy Director for Operations Calli Fuller H720 SA1 Deputy Director for Policy Bruce L. Cole H720 SA1 Program Operations Division Chief Jacqueline R. Smith H720 SA1

Customer Service Office (IRM/BMP/EDIP/CLD)

Liaison Division Chief Diane B. Peterson NW6-135 202-634-3718

Information Resource Management Business Management and Planning Strategic Planning Office ( IRM/BMP/SPO)
Office Director Kenneth Rogers NW5127 202 634-0405


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Division Chief Dean Ergenbright NW5111 Division Chief Clara Boykin NW5096 Division Chief Robert Glunt NW5099 Division Chief Shaun Blakely NW5131 Division Chief Ronald G Lay NW5102 Division Chief (Acting) Kenneth D Rogers Nw5127

202 634-0421 202 634-0414 202 634-0416 202 634-0391 202 634-0416 202 634-0405

Messaging Design Division Kevin A. Gatlin SA-28 1290C Messaging Test Division Chief Ernest R. Milner SA-28 104 E Mail Division Chief Trey H Jammes SA-9 Division Chief Haar Sandhu SA-9 LL 2-096

703-746-2113 703-746-2115 202-634-0257 202-453-9407

Goverance, Resource, and Performance Management Office (IRM/BMP/GRP)

Office Director Wade Martin SA-9, NE 4075 Performance Management Division Chief Michael R. Wheeler SA-9, NW6115 Process Management Division Chief Carey L. Moore SA-9 NW6111 Sourcing Management Division Chief Anne Marie Sheppard SA-9, NE4025 Governance and Policy Division Chief, Acting Alison M. Bowling SA-9, NE4031 202-634-0288 202-453-9089 202-634-3642 202-634-3055 202-634-0292

Systems and Integration (IRM/OPS/SIO)

Applications Programming Division Chief Michelle Sparrow-Walker SA9 NE7038 Collaboration and Compensation Services Division Chief Penny Duncan SA9 NW7098 Business Engagement Center Division Chief Catherine Walker SA9 NW7123 Data Center Consolidation Chief Raymond A. Brow SA9 NW7081 Enterprise Server Operations Center Division Chief C.Melonie Parker-Hill SA9 NW7080 Process Improvement Chief Earl D. Underwood SA9 NW7099 Director, Acting Jasper R. Daniels SA9 NW7068 Executive Assistant Colisha S. Freeman SA9 NW7134A 202-634-3802 202-634-3913 202-634-3951 202-634-3976 202-634-3975 202-453-9415 202-634-3877 202-634-3859

Deputy Chief Information Officer for Operations (IRM/OPS)

Deputy Chief Information Officer Glen Johnson NW 6094 Administrative Assistant Vacant NW 6095 Special Assistant Tim Hinman NW 6089 Special Assistant Vacant NW 6089 Special Advisor Michael S. Poliachik NW 6089 202-634-3084 202-634-3084 202-634-3683 202-634-3684 202-634-3071

Information Assurance Office (IRM/IA)

Director Chief Information Security Officer William Lay, 1426 Deputy Director Gary R Galloway 1432 Systems Authorization Division Chief Charles R Johnson 1499 D Global Oversight Division Chief Will Sorrell, Acting 1403 Policy, Liaison, Reporting Chief Vacant 1402 703-812-2500 703-812-2413 703-812-2461 703-812-2251 703-516-1539

Enterprise Network Management Office (IRM/OPS/ENM)

Director Al Bowden SA9 Network Engineering and Design Division Chief Gerald Caron SA9 Enterprise Operations Division Chief Jamie Esquivel SA34 Perimeter Security Division Chief Larry McElroy SA9 Global Telecom Services Division Chief Mary Carroll (acting) SA26 Telecom, Wireless, & Data Services Division Chief Terri Staub SA9

202-634-3690 202-453-9719 703-912-8087 202-634-0255 301-985-8371 202-453-9050

Goverance and Policy Division (IRM/BMP/GRP/GP)

Division Chief Tanya M. Williams SA-9, Floor 4, NE4029 202-634-3056

Performance Management Division (IRM/BMP/GRP/PFM)

Division Chief Michael R Wheeler SA-9, NW6115 202-453-9089

Information Technology Infrastructure (IRM/OPS/ITI)

Director Craig Specht SA-9 NE 6063 LAN and WAN Service Division Chief Christopher Gustavus SA-21 212 Systems Integrity Division Chief Al Herto SA44 Technical Security and Safeguards Division Chief Gary Rosiecki SA-9 NE 6038 GITM Kathleen Lively SA-34 Division Chief (Lan/Wan)(Acting) Christopher Gustavus SA-12 212 Deputy Director Leigh Ann Kidd SA-9 NE 6064

202 634-3630 703-912-8599 202-203-5000 202-634-3752 703-912-8649 703 912-8599 202 634-3631

Process Management Division (IRM/BMP/GRP/PMD)

Division Chief Carey Moore 202-634-3642 Floor 6,

Sourcing Management Division (IRM/BMP/GRP/SM)

Division Chief Anne Marie Sheppard Floor 4, NE4025 202-634-3055

Project Services Office (IRM/BMP/PSO)

Office Director Claire Votaw SA27,1479 Division Chief (Acting) Blair Townsend SA27,1493 Methods and Processes (MAP) Karen Derringer SA27, 1469 703-812-2216 703-812-2451 202-812-2460

Messaging Systems (IRM/OPS/MSO)

Acting Director Robert L Adams SA-9 NE6075 Main State Messaging Center Division Chief Margaret A. Johnson SA-9 NW 6076 Management Analysis Staff Chief Patsy Butler SA-9 NW4127 Special Messaging Operation Division Chief Danny Branch SA-9 NE6074 Beltsville Messaging Center Division Chief John Cabral SA-26 Beltsville 202-634-0206 202-634-0204 202-634-0190 202-634-0208 301-985-8005

Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Philip S. Goldberg 6468 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Daniel Rubenstein 6468 202-647-9177 202-647-7826


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Rubenstein 6468 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Analysis and Production James Buchanan 6468 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Policy and Coordination Catherine Brown 6468 Special Assistant Christopher Grossman 6468 Special Assistant Chad Wykle 6468 Senior Advisor for Security Darrell McDaniel 6953 Training and Professional Development Julie Johnson 6468

202-647-9633 202-647-7825 202-647-8933 202-647-7346 202-647-9613 202-647-6936

Director William Meara 2908 Northern Europe and Regional Analysis Division Chief Steve Burant 2908 Southern Europe Division Chief Robert Nash 2908

202-647-8052 202-647-8457 202-647-9222

Office of The Geographer and Global Issues (INR/GGI)

Director Lee R. Schwartz 6722 Multilateral and Transnational Issues Division Chief C. Sherry Hong 6722 War Crimes, Democracy, and Human Rights Acting Division Chief Michael Morin 6722 Geographic Information Unit Chief Leo Dillon 6741 Humanitarian Information Unit Acting Chief Dennis King SA-44 202-647-1988 202-647-1935 202-647-6615 202-647-2156 202-634-0340


Chief Sarah Takats 6510 Watch Officer on Duty 6510 202-647-6955 202-647-2728

Office of the Executive Director (INR/EX)

Director Leona Coulombe 6880 Deputy Director Jeffrey Spence 6880 Budget and Fiscal Unit Chief Vacant 6880 Information Systems Division Chief Juan Conde 6510 Human Resources Unit Chief Eric Johansen 6880 202-647-1080 202-647-2084 202-647-4558 202-647-6481 202-647-7333

Office of Analysis for Near East and South Asia (INR/NESA)

Director Alan Misenheimer 8731 Arab-Israel States Acting Division Chief David Hertzberg 8731 North Africa and Arabian Peninsula Division Chief Tom King 8731 Analyst for Iraq Affairs Steven Feinberg 8731 Analyst for Iraq Affairs Jim Hunter 8731 South Asia Division Chief Steve Ghitelman 8741

202-647-8660 202-647-6840 202-647-8413 202-647-6841 202-647-9987 202-647-78660

Office of Administrative Liaison (INR/AL)

Director Lawanda Maxwell 2247 Deputy Director vacant 2247

202-647-9012 202-647-6912

Office of Opinion Research (INR/OPN)

Director Julianne Paunescu 2911 Deputy Director Regina Faranda 2911 East Asia, Pacific, Africa and American Republics Division Chief Shawn Bird 2916 Europe - Eurasia Acting Division Chief Erin CarriereKretschmer 2911 Near East and South Asia Division Chief Timothy Gembicki 2916 202 -736-4279 202-736-4286 202-736-4638 202-736-4352 202-736-4645

Office of Analysis for Africa (INR/AF)

Director Matthew Harrington 6725 Central and East Africa Division Chief Frederick Ehrenreich 6725 West and Southern Africa Division Chief Richard Kaminski 6725

202-647-7339 202-647-7675 202-647-6130

Office of Counter-Intelligence and Consular Support (INR/CCS)

Director Carl Cockburn 6931 Deputy Director Daniel Wilhelm 6931 Foreign Disclosure and Demarche Rhonda Blair 6931 Consular Intelligence Coordinator Marilyn Rowdybush 6931

Office of Intelligence Operations (INR/OPS)

Director Elissa Pitterle 8860 Deputy Director Lisa Wenger 8860 Biographic Requests Jason Lee 8860 Foreign Maps Procurement Program Staff Coordinator Jane Kuhar SA19 202-647-1463 202-647-1505 202-647-3827 703-746-2400

202-647-7679 202-647-8357 202-647-7418 202-647-6416

Office of Cyber Affairs (INR/CYBER)

Director Judith Strotz 8722 202-647-5574

Office of Outreach (INR/OTR)

Director Susan Nelson 2251 202-736-4610

Office of Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific (INR/EAP)

Director Victor Raphael 2912 China Division Chief Gregory Knight 2912 NE Asia Division Chief John Merrill 2912 SE Asia/Pacific Division Chief Andrew Vincent 2912 202-647-4650 202-647-3999 202-647-4767 202-647-4671

Office of Publications (INR/PUB)

Director John Harms 6844 202-647-5923

Office of Analysis for Russia and Eurasia (INR/REA)

Director Wayne Limberg 2254 Regional Analysis and Eastern Republics Division Chief John P. Williams 2254 Russia Domestic Affairs Division Chief (Acting) Robert Otto 2254 Foreign Policy and Western Republics Division Chief Eugene Fishel 2254 202-647-5642 202-647-9186 202-647-0497 202-647-9213

Office of Economic Analysis (INR/EC)

Director David R. Konkel 8682 Economic Security and Trade Division Chief William Miller 8682 Economies in Transition Division Chief Priscilla Hoffman-Stowe 8682 202-647-3317 202-647-3317 202-736-7917

Office of Analysis for Strategic, Proliferation, and Military Issues (INR/SPM)

Office of Analysis for Europe (INR/EUR)


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Director Andrew Chritton 6675 Proliferation Division Chief Beth Frisa 6675 Military Forces and Technologies Division Chief Stewart Eales 6675 Strategic and Proliferation Issues Division Chief Joshua Handler 6675

202-647-8550 202-647-8230 202-647-9760 202-647-7103

Program Analyst Erin Hart Managing Editor (INFOCENTRAL) Sophie Folly 3BB08 / SA-5 Program Analyst Nichole Allem 5E10/SA-5

202-632-9257 202-632-9963

Office of Regional Programs (IIP/R)

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Programs Catherine Jarvis (Acting) 5G17 / SA-5 Secretary Martha Alston 2CC14 SA5 Senior Advisor Marcia Bosshardt (Acting) 2CC13 / SA-5 202-632-9932 202-632-2814 202-632-6596

Office of Technical Collection Affairs (INR/TCA)

Director Judson Barnes 8722 Administrative Assistant Vedrana Mandic 8722 Imagery Center (INR/TCA/IMC) Chief Lisa Dyer 6510 202-647-4318 202-647-1344 202-647-9030

Global Programs (IIP/G) Office of Analysis for Terrorism, Narcotics and Crime (INR/TNC)
Director Suzanne McCormick 6510 Deputy Director and Near East and South Asian Terrorism Division Chief Michael Evans 6510 Radicalization and Region Terrorism Division Chief Heidi Panetta 6510 Narcotics and Crime Division Chief Jennifer McElveen 6510 202-647-9035 202-647-7539 202-647-6860 202-647-9879 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Programs Jonathan Margolis 5J17 / SA-5 Program Coordinator Tracey Newman 2-G04 / SA-5 Senior Advisor Berta Gomez 2-B05 / SA-5 202-632-9934 202-632-2716 202-632-2813

Office of Information Technology Services (IIP-ECA/IT)

Managing Director of InformationTechnology Services Victor Riche C1-C11/SA-5 Secretary Michelle Alami C1-D11/ SA-5 Chief of Staff Laura Shane C1-C08 / SA-5 Officer Director, Network & User Support Craig Stewart C1-O5/SA-5 Officer Director, Application Development Shawn Hopson C1-O13/SA-5 202-632-2889 202-632-2891 202-632-2890 202-632-2958 202-632-2908

Office of Analysis for Western Hemisphere Affairs (INR/WHA)

Director Howard Davis 6781 Middle American-Caribbean Division Chief Catherine Salcedo 6932 South American Division Chief James McElveen 6940

Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP)

International Information Programs Coordinator
Coordinator Vacant L. 5B17 / SA-5 Secretary Deborah Jackson 5E15 / SA-5 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Maureen Cormack 5E17 / SA-5 Secretary Renita Johnson 5F14 / SA-5 Senior Advisor Nicholas Namba 5G17/SA-5 Management Analyst Laura Hesselton 5B12 / SA-5 Staff Assistant April Gascon 5E14 / SA-5 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Programs SA-5 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Programs Michelle Logsdon 5J17 / SA-5 Outreach Coordinator Lori B. Brutten SA-5 Staff Assistant Alicia van der Veen 5D14/SA-5 Director of Audience Research Dina Suggs 5B10/SA-5

202-647-3555 202-647-2367 202-647-2242 202-632-9942 202-632-9942 202-632-9942 202-632-9942 202-632-9932 202-632-9933 202-632-6585 202-632-9942 202-632-9934 202-632-9935 202-632-6171 202-632-9957

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

202-647-8464 202-647-8464 202-647-6642 202-647-6642 202-647-6054 202-647-6054 202-647-9822 202-647-9822 202-647-9822 202-647-9635 202-647-7399 202-647-0198 202-736-4143

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary William R. Brownfield 7333 HST Personal Assistant Joel Burger 7333 HST Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brian A. Nichols 7333 HST Secretary Sharayah Gant 7333 HST Deputy Assistant Secretary Carol Z. Perez 7333 HST Secretary Eileen Biernacki 7333HST Deputy Assistant Secretary Todd D. Robinson 7333 HST Deputy Assistant Secretary M. Brooke Darby 7333 HST Secretary Christine Samuels 7333 HST Staff Assistant Ardenia "Dee" Nash 7334 HST Staff Assistant Bonita James 7334 HST Special Assistant Todd A. Levett 7334 HST Special Assistant (FO) Christopher L. Andino 7333 HST

Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (IIP/P)

Director John A. Matel 5B09 / SA-5 Staff Assistant Jacqueline Ball-Gull Jee 5F15 / SA-5 Deputy Director Joel Anthony Fischman 5B08 / SA-5 Senior Policy and Planning Officer Todd Leventhal 5Z11/ SA-5 Policy and Planning Officer Molly Kress 5E07 / SA-5 Policy and Planning Officer Shannon Swanson 5F10/ SA-5 Program Analyst Christina Hedges 3Y11 / SA-5 Program Analyst Katie Ron C1R02 / SA-5 202-632-9954 202-632-9937 202-632-9955 202-632-3300 202-632-9959 202-632-9960 202-632-9405 202-632-2907

Office of the Controller/Executive Director (INL/RM)

Controller/Executive Director James A. Walsh 115; SA-4S Deputy Executive Director Rajesh Rajadhyaksha 105; SA-4S Deputy Executive Director Mary Pat Hayes-Crow 103; SA-4S Deputy Executive Director Vacant Executive Assistant Anne Lyons 115; SA-4S OMS Vacant 115; SA-4S 202-776-8750 202-776-8754 202-776-8373



Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Administrative Officer Barbara Stevenson B3; SA-4S Audit & Overisght Offiicer Patricia Thomas 600; SA-44 Chief, Budget Execution Division Cheryl Williams 138; SA-4S Chief, Budget Planning, Formulation & Presentation Division Anthony W. Mazzoccoli 129; SA-4S Chief, Contract Administration & Procurement Policy Division Michael J. Perez 604; SA-44 Chief, Grants, Acquisition & Procurement Policy Division Christopher P. Sager 106; SA-4S Chief, Information Management Division Robert D. Fuentes 2321A; SA-22 Chief, Program Assistance & Evaluation Division Mark B. Giroux 2300; SA-22

202-776-8735 202-453-8036 202-776-8756 202-776-8519 202-203-7311 202-776-8748 202-216-5813 202-312-9883

Director INL/AP Steven Kraft B-16 SA-4S Deputy Director INL/AP Al Matano B-6 SA-4S Office Management Specialist Lisa Simon B-14 SA-4S

202-776-8877 202-776-8499 202-776-8790

Office of Europe and Asia (INL/EA)

Director George Kent 139 SA4-S OMS Stephanie Lake SA-4S 202-776-8704 202-776-8581

Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Esther D. Brimmer 6323 Executive Assistant Colleen Greer 6323 Special Assistant Courtney L. Gibson 6323 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary H. Dean Pittman 6323 OMS to PDAS Elizabeth L. Soderholm 6323 Deputy Assistant Secretary Nerissa J. Cook 6323 OMS to DAS Susan A. Harrell 6323 Deputy Assistant Secretary Paula G. Schriefer 6319 OMS to DAS Melissa Sheow 6319 Deputy Assistant Secretary Victoria K. Holt 6323 OMS to DAS Marketta M. Nelson 6323 Senior Advisor Jonathan D. Katz 6517 Senior Advisor Christopher J. LeMon 6323 Effectiveness Advisor Laure D. Platukis 6517 Effectiveness Advisor Christina L. Van Fossen 6517 Staff Assistant Benjamin D. Mossberg 6323 Staff Assistant Haley Rice 6323 Staff Assistant Vanessa H. Riley 6323 202-647-9600 202-647-9600 202-736-4348 202-647-9602 202-647-9602 202-647-5798 202-647 5798 202-647-9431 202-647-9431 202-647-9604 202-647-9604 202-647-9906 202-736-7143 202-647-7919 202-647-7086 202-647-5153 202-647-6256 202-647-9490

Office of Aviation (INL/A)

Acting Director Ralph Frank PAFB Fl Secretary Cecille Washington PAFB Fl Deputy Director Paul O'Sullivan PAFB Fl 321-783-9821 321-783-9821 321-783-9821

Western Hemisphere Programs (INL/WHP)

Director Mark Wells SA-1 H334 Deputy Director Susan Snyder SA-1 H334 Assistant to the Director Frances Goodfriend SA-1 H334 OMS Lisa Baker SA-1 H334

Office of Criminal Justice Assistance and Partnership (INL/CAP)

Director Erin Barclay 5811 Office Management Specialist Lisa Hillman 5811 Deputy Director Michele Greenstein 5811

Office of Iraq Programs (INL/I)

202-663-2944 202-663-1410 202-663-1452 202-663-1060 202-647-0454 202-647-6108 202-647-0918

Office of UN Political Affairs (IO/UNP)

Director Marc L. Desjardins 6334 Deputy Director Reece Smyth 6334 202-647-2393 202-647-0043

Office Director Dan Sainz 7811 Deputy Director Amy Coletta Kirshner 7811 Office Management Specialist Daphne McCants 7811

202-647-0401 202-647-6046 202-736-4950

Office of Peacekeeping, Sanctions and Counter-Terrorism (IO/PSC)

Director Annie Pforzheimer 5323 Deputy Director Williams S. Martin 5323 Senior Military Advisor COL Howard Gray 5323 Deputy Director Erin C. Flaherty 5323 202-736-7733 202-736-7739 202-736-7788 202-736-7847

Director Nancy Pettit 7334 Office Management Specialist Vacant 7334 Deputy Director John Bargeron 7334

Office of Policy, Planning and Coordination (INL/PC)

202-647-0396 202-647-0457 202-647--2827

Office of the Executive Director (EUR-IO/EX) Office of Crime Programs (INL/C)

Director John Brandolino 2107, SA22 Office Management Specialist Catherine Jones 2107, SA22 Chief, Crime Programs Division David Luna 2107, SA22 Chief, Criminal Justice Program Division Thomas Browne 2107, SA22 202-312-9633 202-312-9711 202-312-9712 202-312-9692 Executive Director Margaret A. Uyehara 12A35 Deputy Director Francisca Thomas Helmer 12A35 Deputy Director, Acting Jeffrey VanDreal 12A35 Deputy Director and Director, Regional Service Center Michael S. Tulley Frankfurt, Germany Supervisory Post Management Officer, Acting Cash Herbolich 12A35 Human Resources Chief Margaret Kurtz-Randall 12A35 Supervisory Administrative Officer Tiye Ray 1517 Financial Management Chief Jody Buckneberg 12A44 Information Management Division Chief Jon Arbin 12A35 Bureau Security Officer Cristobal Romero 5219 202-647-7519 202-647-7519 202-647-5979 49-69-7535202-736-7512 202-647-8404 202-647-9744 202-647-3437 202-647-5831 202-647-5716

Office of Africa and Middle East (INL/AME)

Director Lisa Johnson 137 SA4-S OMS Thakia Hill 144 SA4-S 202-776-8404 202-776-8746

Office of Afghanistan & Pakistan (INL/AP)


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of Human Rights, Humanitarian, and Social Affairs (IO/RHS)

Director Atul Keshap 5336 Deputy Director Cari Enav 5336 202-736-7791 202-647-5070

Office of Specialized Agencies (IO/GS)

Director Patricia Lacina 5333 Deputy Director Joseph P. Murphy 5333 202-647-3049 202-647-1045

Office of Human Security (IO/HS)

Director Eric V. Gaudiosi 5328 Deputy Director John Q. Adams 5328 202-647-1280 202-647-1545

Nonproliferation Programs Simon Limage 3932 Secretary to A/S Countryman Amanda Frantz 3932 Secretary to PDAS Van Diepen Cheryl Williams 3931 Secretary to DAS King Patrick Fogarty 3932 Secretary to DAS Limage Pamela Stewart 3931 Special Representative of the President for Nuclear Nonproliferation Amb. Susan Burk 3310 Coordinator for Threat Reductions Programs Amb. Bonnie Jenkins 3310 Special Assistant to Amb. Jenkins Steve Lynagh 3310 Staff Assistant Angela Barber-Wilson 3931 Staff Assistant Alesia Thompson 3931 Staff Assistant Patrice Watford 3931

202-647-9612 202-647-5122 202-647-5999 202-647-6977 202-647-6643 202-647-6643 202-647-6294 202-647-9868 202-647-9868 202-647-9868

Office of Public Affairs and Outreach (IO/PAO)

Director Donna Roginski 1318 Deputy Director and Planning Chief Susan Poulin 1318 Press and Public Diplomacy Chief Mark Schlachter 1318 202-647-7857 202-647-6888 202-647-6393

Office of the Executive Director (ISN-PM-VCI/EX)

Executive Director Sonna Stampone 3837 Deputy Executive Director--Human Resources Sheila T. Bruce 3634 Deputy Executive Director--Resource Management Rosetta Goode 3531 Deputy Executive Director--Budget Formulation & Support Services 1809 Deputy Executive Director--General Services Robert Peck 3531

202-647-3442 202-736-7006 202-647-4336 202-736-7366 202-736-7366

Office of Management, Policy, and Resources (IO/MPR)

Director George M. Abrahams 4808 Deputy Director Mary Wong 4808 UN Employment Information and Assistance Lynette M. Podolsky 4808 UN System Coordination/Policy Lynette M. Podolsky 4808

Office of International Conferences (IO/C)

Director Richard C. Weston SA-1, Rm H436 Deputy Director Olivette M. Hooks SA-1, Rm H436 Chief, Conference Administration Tess Moore SA-1, Rm H436 Chief, Program and Budget Debbie Short SA-1, Rm H436

202-647-6424 202-647-8270 202-736-6396 202-647-6396 202-663-1024 202-663-1026 202-663-1014 202-663-1894

U.S. Alternate Rep. to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty U.S. Alternative Representative to the Conference on Disarmament and Special Representative for Nonproliferation Treaty
US Representative to the Conference on Disarmament and the Biological Weapons Convention Amb. Laura Kennedy (Geneva) 9-0-11-41-22-

Special Negotiator for Chemical and Biological Weapons U.S. Rep. to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Special Negotiator for Fissile Material and Senior Cutoff Coordinator Multilateral Nuclear and Security Affairs (ISN/MNSA)

Office of UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (IO/UNESCO)

Organization of Islamic Conference (IO/OIC) Office of Policy and Regional and Functional Organizations (IO/PRF)
Director Joseph P. Cassidy 3428 Deputy Director Maria L. Germano 4524 202-736-4819 202-736-4815 Director John Fox 2139 Deputy Director Scott Davis 2139 Office Manager Mindy Covington 2139 Physical Scientist Steve Adams 2139 Foreign Affairs Officer Judee Allen Close 2139 Foreign Affairs Specialist Rob Cockerham 2139 Clerical Interin Demetrius Davis 2139 Foreign Affairs Officer Jennie Gromoll 2139 Foreign Affairs Officer Mark Goodman 3417A Detailed to SANAC Foreign Affairs Officer Buzz Menold 2139 Physical Scientist Peter Sprunger 2139 Franklin Fellow Nina Tannenwald 2139 Foreign Affairs Consultant Beth Weithman 2139 Foreign Affairs Officer Kevin Wickel 2139 202-647-9644 202-647-1141 202-647-7326 202-647-3302 202-647-8136 202-647-9679 202-647-7961 202-647-8778 202-736-7945 202-647-7662 202-647-9730 202-736-7179 202-647-3765 202-736-4368

Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Thomas M. Countryman 3932 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Vann H. Van Diepen 3932 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Affairs C.S. Eliot Kang 3932 Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation Programs Simon Limage 3932 202-647-9612 202-647-5122 202-647-5999 202-647-6977


Office Director Kelly O. Siekman SA3, 6200 Deputy Office Director Jennifer Eldridge SA3,6200

202-663-0034 202-663-0033

Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of Regional Affairs (ISN/RA)

Director Robert Gromoll 3480 Deputy Director Terry Godby 3480 Secretary Barbara Harris 3480 Foreign Service Officer Michael Bedke 3480 Foreign Service Officer Randall Beisecker 3690 Military Adviser Matthew Brechwald 3480 Foreign Service Officer Jody Daniel 3480 Analyst Andrew Demkee 3480 Foreign Service Officer Krista Fisher 3690 Foreign Service Officer Shaun Hayeslip 3480 Foreign Service Officer Breck Heidlberg 3480 Foreign Service Officer Tracy Lochbryn 3690 East Asia Team Chief Charles Mahaffey 3480 Foreign Service Officer Erik Quam 3480 Foreign Service Officer Sara Raheb 3480 Physical Scientist Lubna Rana 3690 South Asia Team Chief Kathryn Schultz 3480 Foreign Srvice Officer Ariel Stukalin 3480 202-647-7131 202-736-4241 202-647-7537 202-736-4241 202-736-4231 202-647-6598 202-647-7680 202-647-7374 202-647-6793 202-736-4686 202-647-9486 202-736-4277 202-647-6620 202-647-3348 202-647-7544 202-736-4194 202-647-9751 202-736-4730

Foreign Affairs Officer James Mayes 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Sean Monogue 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Howard Shores 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Andrew Souza 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Tim Watkins 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Kennedy Wilson 3758

202-647-3185 202-736-7716 202-647-8681 202-647-8580 202-647-1142 202-647-3176

Office of Conventional Arms Threat Reduction (CATR)

Office Director, Acting Ann K. Ganzer 3328 Deputy Director, Acting John F. Erath 3328 202-647-2718 202-647-3937

Office of Export Control Cooperation (ISN/ECC)

Office Director Elizabeth Rood 3317 Deputy Office Director Andrew Church 3317 202-647-1966 647-2870

Office of Nuclear Energy, Safety, and Security (NESS)

Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR)

Office of Counterproliferation Initiatives (ISN/CPI)

Office Director Tony Foley, Acting 3331 Deputy Office Director Caroline Russell 3470

202-647-6140 647-1296

Office Director Phillip Dolliff 3327 Acting Deputy Office Director Kathryn Insley 3327

Office Director Richard K. Stratford 3320


202-736-6990 647-2056

Office of Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund (ISN/NDF)

Office Director Steven Saboe 3208 Deputy Robert Paulson 3208 Comptroller Linda F. Morgan 3208 202-647-0094 202-647-0919 202-647-3938

Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism (ISN/WMDT)

Director Mary H. Witt 3733 Deputy Director Renee P. Sonderman 3733 Senior Advisor, WMD Terrorism Dexter Ingram 3733 Nuclear Security Outreach Initiative (NSOI) Team Leader Michael F. Stafford 3336 Foreign Consequence Management Program (FCMP) Team Leader Thomas J. Lowe SA-27 Room 1500 Preventing Nuclear Smuggling Program (PNSP) Team Leader Michael R. Curry 3332 Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) Team Leader Christine R. Martin 202-647-8229 Financial Management Specialist Gale C. Holmes 3733

202-647-4170 202-647-7515 (202) 647-2650 (202) 647-0258 (703) 875-4900

Office of Missile Defense and Space Policy (MDSP)

Office Director David E. Hoppler 5725 Deputy Office Director Shobert 5725 Deputy Office Director Buenneke 5725 William R. Richard H. 647-9325 736-4344 647-3731

(202) 736-4098


Office of the Executive Director (ISN-PM-AVC/EX)

Executive Director Sonna Stampone 3827 Deputy Executive Director--Human Resources Division Sheila Bruce 3634 Deputy Executive Director--Resource Management Division Rosetta Goode 3531 Deputy Executive Division--General Services Division Robert Peck 3531 Chief Technology Officer--Technology Division David Round 202-647-3442 202-736-7006 202-647-4366 202-736-7366 202-663-2290

(202) 647-2650

Office of Strategic Communications and Outreach (ISN/SCO)

Office Director Margo Squire 3209 Deputy Office Director Gonzalo Suarez 3209 202-647-5824 202-647-4651

Office of Missile, Biological, and Chemical Nonproliferation (ISN/MBC)

Office Director Pam Durham 3758 Deputy Office Director Ralph Palmiero 3758 Secretary Lynn Koloditch 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Sarah Ayers 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Samantha Boyer 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer John (Grayson) Cochran 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Rodger Deuerlein 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Ruchi Gugliana 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer John Paul Hermann 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer David Johnston 3758 Foreign Affairs Officer Odin Klug 3758 202-647-4931 202-647-3737 202-647-4930 202-647-8655 202-736-7176 202-647-1747 202-647-8590 202-647-8695 202-647-1430 202-647-4019 202-647-5409

Office of the Legal Adviser (L)

Legal Adviser
Legal Adviser (Acting) & Principal Deputy Legal Adviser Mary E. McLeod 6421 HST Deputy Legal Adviser Richard C. Visek 6421 HST Deputy Legal Adviser Susan Biniaz 6421 HST Deputy Legal Adviser Jonathan B. Schwartz 6421 HST Counselor on International Law Geoffrey M. Klineberg 6421 HST Senior Adviser for Treaty Practice Robert E. Dalton SA-4 336 202-647-5036 202-647-7942 202-647-7942 202-647-5036 202-647-9077 202-776-8446


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Staff Assistant Veronica Williams 6419 HST Personal Assistant Lydia Cost 6421 HST Personal Assistant Marianne J. Hata 6421 HST Personal Assistant to the Legal Adviser Joann Rice 6421 HST Special Assistant Theresa A. Bridgeman 6421 HST Attorney Adviser Carrielyn Guymon

202-647-9417 202-647-5036 202-647-7942 202-647-9598 202-647-7970 925-376-7113

Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H)

Assistant Secretary
Acting Assistant Secretary Thomas B. Gibbons 7531 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Thomas B. Gibbons 7531 Principal Administrative Assistant Marjorie Jackson 7531 OMS Paula J. Hart 7531 Staff Assistant Claire Nicely 7531 Staff Assistant Yvonne Wells 7531 Executive Assistant Cynthia Plath 7531 Administrative Assitant Vacant 7531 202-647-4204 202-647-1050 202-647-4204 202-647-1050 202-647-1712 202-647-1807 202-647-1890 202-647-1048

Office of the Executive Director (L/EX)

Executive Director Alicia A. Frechette 4330 HST Information Resources Manager Ronald D. Corbin 6428 HST Attorney Recruitment Coordinator Mary T. Reddy 4330 HST Bureau Liaison/HR Specialist Barbara Barrett-Spencer 4330 HST Administrative Officer Alvin K. Fink 4330 HST Records Manager/FOIA Coordinator Jerry C. Drake 5328 HST Budget Analyst Diana L. Lyons 4330 HST 202-647-7591 202-647-6273 202-647-9638 202-647-8050 202-647-6814 202-647-1234 202-647-7395

Office of the Exective Director

Executive Director Thomas F. Gray 7325 Administrative Support Specialist Sandra Penoyar 7325 Administrative Specialist Debbie Ferguson 7325 Budget Analyst Kathy Quirk 7325 Administrative Officer Linda Barnett 7325 Information Management Officer Roy Williams 7325 General Services Officer Jerome Jackson 7325 Congressional Correspondence Unit, Chief Cynthia Andrews 7325 Congressional Relations Specialist Roxanne Reed 7325 Congressional Relations Specialist Amanda Harris 7325 Congressional Travel Office, Director Barbara Fleck SA-44 Legislative Management Officer Quin Lewis SA-44 Congresional Travel Unit, Chief Pat Diggs SA-44 Budget Analyst John Carter SA-44 Congressional Travel Specialist Constance Austin SA-44 Congressional Travel Specialist Cela Williams SA-44 Congressional Travel Specialist Tyrea Lonon SA-44 Congressional Travel Specialist Hazel Thomas SA-44 Congressional Travel Specialist Adoma Adae SA-44 Congressional Liaison Offices, Director Vacant RHOB-B330 Deputy Director Congressional Liaison Offices Nick Psyhos RHOB-B330 Senate Liaison Office Nick Psyhos 189 RSOB Legislative Reference Analyst (QRFs) Kem Anderson 7325 Legislative Reference Analyst (QRFs) Kaye Littlejohn 7325 Assistant GSO Ernesto Rivera 7418

202-647-1714 202-647-2589 202-647-2253 202-647-2899 202-647-2642 202-647-1794 202-647-9290 202-647-1882 202-647-2163 202-647-1882 202-203-8506 202-453-7475 202-203-7703 202-453-8788 202-203-7701 202-203-7704 202-203-7797 202-203-7705 202-647-8789 202-226-4644 202-226-4642 202-228-1603 202-647-5420 202-647-2137 202-647-9774

Assistant Legal Advisers (L/*)

African and Near Eastern Affairs (L/AN) Linda Jacobson 1336 HST Building and Acquisitions (L/BA) Dennis J. Gallagher 610 SA6 Consular Affairs (L/CA) Kathleen H. Hooke 4325 HST Diplomatic Law and Litigation (L/DL) Mary Catherine Malin 5420 HST Economic and Business Affairs (L/EB) Wynne M. Teel 6429 HST Employment Law (L/EMP) Anne Joyce 5425 HST Legislation and Foreign Assistance (L/LFA) Katherine D. McManus 6420 HST (Acting) Human Rights and Refugees (L/HRR) Margaret S. Pickering 3422 HST Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (L/OES) Clifton M. Johnson 6420 HST (Acting) Private International Law (L/PIL) Michael S. Coffee 356 SA-4 United Nations Affairs (L/UNA) Todd F. Buchwald 3422 HST Afghanistan South Central Asia Affairs (L/ASCA) Mary T. Mitchell 4219 HST European Affairs (L/EUR) David J. Sullivan 4219 HST East Asian and Pacific Affairs (L/EAP) Robert K. Harris 4219 HST Management (L/M) Joshua L. Dorosin 3422 HST Non-Proliferation & Verification (L/NPV) Newell L. Highsmith 4531 HST Treaty Affairs (L/T) Paul B. Dean 5420 HST International Claims and Investment Dispute (L/CID) Lisa J. Grosh 207 SA-4 Public Diplomacy & Public Affairs (L/PD) Maegan L. Conklin 5HY03 SA-5 Western Hemispheric Affairs (L/WHA) Jeffrey D. Kovar 4534 HST (Acting) Political-Military Affairs (L/PM) Alexandra H. Perina 6420 HST Ethics and Financial Disclosure (L/EFD) Kathryn A. Youel Page H228 SA-1 Law Enforcement & Intelligence (L/LEI) Thomas B. Heinemann 5419 HST

202-647-9791 703-516-1543 202-647-0899 202-647-1440 202-647-0486 202-647-3203 202-647-5613 202-736-7082 202-647-1660 202-776-8342 202-647-2732 202-647-1121 202-647-1270 202-647-4035 202-647-2193 202-647-3582 202-647-1092 202-776-8325 202-632-6472 202-647-7423 202-647-9288 202-663-3191 202-647-5654

Senate Affairs
Acting Deputy Assistant for Senate Affairs Thomas D. Sullivan 7531 Director of Senate Affairs Alexandria Costello 7531 Legislative Management Officer Amy L. Johnston 7418 Legislative Management Officer / Senate Nominations Robert Fallon 7531 202-647-8733 202-647-4463 202-647-8068 202-647-4243


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Nominations Robert Fallon 7531

McCartney 7418

House Affairs
Deputy Assistant Secretary of House Affairs Joy E. Drucker 7531 Director of House Affairs Nuku K. Ofori 7531 Legislative Management Officer Laura Rodriguez 7531 202-647-1050 202-647-9379 202-647-9379

Appropriations Affairs
Senior Congressional Advisor Jennifer Chartrand 7531 Senior Congressional Advisor Dorothy J. Rayburn 7531 Senior Congressional Advisor Paul Rademacher 7531 202-647-1902 202-647-0384 202-647-1963

Regional, Global, and Functional Affairs

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional, Global, and Functional Affairs Ur Mendoza Jaddou 7531 202-647-2623

Legislative Reference
Legislative Director Erik Pederson 7418 Legislative Reference Analyst (Reports) Toby Croll 7418 Legislative Reference Analyst (LRMs) Joseph Detellis 7418 202-647-2233 202-647-8025 202-647-2137

Regional Affairs
Director of Regional Affairs Jim Wayman 7418 African Affairs, Sudan (S/USSES) Brendon Burdette 7418 Consular Affairs, DHS Mary Avery 7418 Near East Asia Affairs - Syria, Iran, S/GWI Rebecca Brocato 7418 South & Central Asian Affairs Maria Trejo 7418 Western Hemisphere Affairs Leigh Anne DeWine 7418 Near East Asia Affairs - Iraq, Israel/Palestine, SEMEP, Jordan Taylor Dewey 7418 Near East Asia Affairs -North Africa Kristen Devine 7418 Near East Asia Affairs - Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon Tiernen Donald 7418 Unassigned David Searby 7418 S/SRAP Tom Sullivan 7418 East Asian and Pacific Affairs Karen Gatz 7418 European Affairs Katherine Ingmanson 7418 202-647-8134 202-647-8142 202-647-6678 202-647-8708 202-647-0609 202-647-8763 202-647-8744 202-647-1903 202-647-8744 202-647-8943 202-647-9702 202-647-8439 202-647-8118

Office of Medical Services

Medical Director Gary D. Penner, M.D. L218 SA1 Deputy Medical Director Charles H. Rosenfarb, M.D. L218 SA-1 Director, Designated Agency Safety and Health Official Wayne Quillin, M.D. L209 SA1 Clinical Director Michael Nesemann, M.D. H209 SA1 Medical Officer, Travel Medicine Monte P. Makous, M.D. L-209 SA-1 Director of Operational Medicine William A. Walters, M.D. L-209 SA-1 Clinical Director Mark J. Cohen H-209 SA-1 202-663-1649 202-663-1649 202-663-1518 202-663-1682 202-663-2976 703-957-9493 202-663-1682

Office of the Executive Director (MED/EX)

Executive Director Joseph A. Kenny L209 SA1 Deputy Executive Director Assefa Kidane L209 SA1 Chief, Medical Informatics Ermingarda D. Herring L213 SA1 Budget Officer Harold Hodges L217 SA1 Chief, Claims Division Michael B. Gonzalez L217 SA1 Human Resources Specialist Sandra L. Waters L217 SA1 Logistics Management Officer Karla M. Kornegay L101 SA1 202-663-3092 202-663-1751 202-663-1229 202-663-1744 202-663-3868 202-663-1746 202-663-1932

Global and Functional Affairs


Director, Global & Functional Affairs Alan Lang 7418 Arms Control and International Security / ISN Pranay Vaddi 7418 Intelligence & Research (INR), S/CCI, CT Pranay Vaddi 7418 S/GWI Rebecca Brocato 7418 Economics and Trade Vacant 7418 International Narcotics & Law Enforcement (INL) Brendan Burdette 7418 International Organizations/Legal Advisor Lynnea Shane 7418 Global Criminal Justice (J/GCJ) Lynnea Shane 7418 Management, Administration, Foreign Service Institute, Human Resources, Office of Inspector General, Office of Civil Rights / DS / Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP) Denese Canedo 7418 Ocean, Environment & Science (Special Envoy Stern) Vacant 7418 Unassigned Vacant 7418 Sudan (S/USSES) Brendan Burdette 7418 J, DRL, PRM Sharyn Magarian 7418 CSO, RM, OBO Dottie Rayburn 7418 Political Military Affairs, DS Gerald Santiago 7418 GHD/GGAC, CT, CSO / ENR Tiffany Reeser 7418 Public Diplomacy/ R, PA, ECA, IIP Daniel McCartney 7418

202-647-9037 202-647-8068 202-647-8068 202-647-8708 202-647-8118 202-647-8142 202-647-8129

Examination Clinic
202-647-8129 202-647-9702 Chief, Examination Clinic Sabrina R. Haas, M.D. L201 SA-1 Supervisor, Examination Clinic Vacant L201 SA-1 Chief, Laboratory Services Marilyn A. Kennedy L219 SA-1 Chief, Examination Clinic Andrew P. Hyatt L-201 SA-1 202-663-1681 202-663-1692 202-663-1724 202-663-1681

202-647-8118 202-647-0609 202-647-8142 202-647-8855 202-647-0384 202-647-8043 202-647-6470 202-647-7071

Foreign Service Health Practioners Program

Director, Foreign Service Health Practitioner Anne M. Saloom L209 SA-1 Deputy Foreign Service Health Practitioner Catherine Kazmin L209 SA-1 Director, Foreign Service Health Practitioner Jeri L. Lockman L-209 SA-1 202-663-1647 202-663-1646 202-663-1746

Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

Office of Medical Services (MED)


Lockman L-209 SA-1

Occupational Health Program

Chief, Office of Occupational Health Diane Ballerino-Regan, M.D. H230 SA-1 202-663-2517

Travel, Health & Immunization Program

Travel, Health & Immunization Program Manager Andrea Anderson L201 SA-1 Health Unit HST B-846 HST Health Unit NFATC E1114 SA-42 Health Unit SA-1 L201 SA-1 202-663-1114 202-647-2546 703-302-8122 202-663-3974

Foreign Programs
Chief, Foreign Programs Edward J. Miron, M.D. L209 SA-1 Deputy Foreign Programs Shane Pierce L209 SA-1 202-663-1662 202-663-1662

Schmierer 6242 Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (ELA) Lawrence Silverman 6242 Deputy Assistant Secretary (Iraq/Iran) Brett McGurk 6250 Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Ford 6242 Deputy Assistant Secretary (PPD) Richard Schmierer 6250 Staff Assistant Faith Myers 6242 Staff Assistant Kareem Jamjoom 6242 Staff Assistant Ann E. Gossett 6242 OMS DAS Leaf Virginia Burns 6242 OMS DAS McGurk Linda Clark 6250 OMS DAS PPD and MAG Andrea Wilson 6242 OMS DAS Ford Cornelia Garner 6242 Deputy Assistant Secretary (IPA)/SEMEP David Hale 6250 Special Assistant to Jones Jamie Miller 6250

202-647-7170 202-647-9547 202-647-7168 202-647-4447 202-647-7216 202-647-7215 202-647-7215 202-647-0554 202-647-9547 202-647-7166 202-647-7168 202-647-2026 202-647-6299

Domestic Programs
Medical Officer Ernest J. Davis, M.D. H230 SA-1 202-663-1687

Office of Egypt and Levant Affairs (NEA/ELA)

Director Joan Polaschik 2808 Deputy Director - Egypt, Jor., Leb., Econ. Daniel McNicholas 2808 Acting Deputy Director - Syria Peter Evans 2808 Senior Egypt Desk Officer/Team Lead Tejal Shah 2808 Egypt Desk Officer Andrew Clark 2808 Egypt Desk Officer Jonathan Rose 2808 Egypt Desk Officer Kaylea Happell 2808 Egypt Desk Officer Katie Kiser 2808 Senior Jordan Desk Officer/Team Lead Jerry Howard 2808 Jordan Desk Officer Kareema Dauod-Akguc 2808 Senior Lebanon Desk Officer/Team Lead hannah draper 2808 Syria Desk Officer/Team Lead Matthew Eussen 2808 Syria Desk Officer Matthew Irwin 2808 Syria Desk Officer Daniel McCandless 2808 Syria Desk Officer Daniel Schneiderman 2808 Syria Syria Desk Officer Yael Fischer 2808 Senior Opposition Outreach Desk Officer/Team Lead Wa'el Alzayat 2808 Syria Opposition Outreach Desk John Havasy 2808 Syria Opposition Outreach Desk Lisa Roman 2808 Administrative Staff - OMS David Carper 2808 Administrative -OMS Latoya Cook 2808

202-647-2670 202-647-2670 202-647-1091 202-736-7329 202-647-9129 202-647-1058 202-647-1022 202-647-4261 202-647-1286 202-647-4453 202-647-1030 202-647-2391 202-647-2261 202-647-9976 202-647-2077 202-647-1131 202-647-9769 202-647-0638 202-647-1096 202-647-1018 202-647-2525

Health Education Coordinator

Health Practitioner Susan J. Houck H230 SA-1


Medical Clearances

Chief, Medical Clearances Barbara Mahoney SA-15A Deputy Medical Clearances Amy J. Newby SA-15A Medical Records Division Supervisor Cecil Grandy SA-15A Chief, Medical Clearances Susan B. Summers SA-15A

703-875-5413 703-875-5412 202-875-4807 703-875-5413

Infectious Disease

Medical Officer Gregory Martin, M.D. L-209 SA-1


Mental Health Programs

Director, Mental Health Services Paul S. Beighley, M.D. L223 SA-1 Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program Manager Lorie Morris, PhD 202-663-1904 Chief, Employee Consultation Services Stanley S. Piotroski, PhD H246 SA-1 Deputy Mental Health Services Susan M. Welsby, M.D. L223 SA-1

202-663-1903 H-246 SA-1 202-663-1816 202-663-1903

Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs (NEA/ARP) Office of Emergency Medical Response

Chief, Emergency Medical Response Kathleen A. McCray, M.D. H230 SA-1 Medical Liaison Officer H230 SA-1 202-663-1687 202-663-1366 Director Vacant 4224 Deputy Director Natasha S. Franceschi 4224 Bahrain Desk Officer Laurel T. Rapp 4224 Kuwait Desk Officer Sam F. Rothenberg 4224 Oman and Qatar Desk Officer Rachel M. Smith-Levy 4224 Saudi Arabia Desk Officer Zainab Z. Zaid 4224 UAE Desk Officer Lourdes M. Lamela 4224 Yemen Desk Officer Abram W. Paley 4224 Yemen Desk Officer Mary Alexander 4224 Administrative Support Lakiya D. Culley 4224 Administrative Support Kevin S. Johnson 4224 202-647-6184 202-647-6563 202-647-8821 202-647-6572 202-647-6149 202-647-4709 202-647-6562 202-647-6571 202-647-6558 202-647-7521 202-647-6579

Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA)

Assistant Secretary
Acting Assistant Secretary Ambassador Beth Jones 6242 Personal Assistant Sandy Grigola 6242 Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard Schmierer 6242 202-647-7209 202-647-7209 202-647-7207


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Oman Desk Officer Ross G Taggart 4224


Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs (NEA/IPA)

Deputy Director Chris Hegadorn 6251 Sr. Economic Officer Kevin Kreutner 6251 Sr. Political Officer David Sohier 6251 Political Officer Colin Eilts 6251 Political Officer Chris Hattayer 6251 Program Specialist Margarita Pickett 6251 Acting Director Christopeher P Henzel 6251 Pol-Mil Desk Officer Monica Bland 6251 Pathways Intern Melissa Mayers 6251 202-647-3672 202-647-2268 202-647-4132 202-647-1481 202-647-3673 202-647-3930 202-647-3672 202-647-4386 202-647-2267

5256 Intern Vacant N 5256 Foreign Affairs Officer Michelle E Cloud 5256 Deputy Military Advisor Randal Allen 5256 Military Advisor David Brenner 5256

202-647-9441 202-647-4589 202-647-1552 202-647-4589

Office of the Executive Director (NEA/SCA/EX)

Executive Director Lee Lohman 4245 OMS (Executive Director) Claudia Shaw 4245 Deputy Executive Director Brian Wilson 4245 (Acting) Deputy Executive Director for NEA Georgina deBell 4245 Supervisory Post Management Officer (all NEA and SCA except AIP) John Kowalski 4245 Chief Budget Officer Vickie Lawrence 4241 Deputy FMO Vern Smith 4241 Director, Domestic Support Division Gina Scarsella 4241 Supervisor Foreign Service Assignments Rebecca Landis 4245 Domestic Personnel Officer Jae Chung 4245 Chief Human Resources Officer Paul Gilmer 4245 Dupty Executive Director of NEA/SCA/EX/IRAQ Paul Wedderien 4828 Supervisory Post Management Officer/IRAQ Theodore Lienhart 4828 Director, Office of Domestic Services Gina Scarsella 4241 Senior Regional Management Advisor Robert McKay 4828 SCA Staffing Christine Johnson 4241 Employee Programs Monica Mortimer 4241 Post Management Officer (India,Nepal,Bangladesh,Colombo,Madives) Peter Covington 4245 Post Management Officer (Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) Andrew Holtz 4245 Supervisory Post Management Officer (Afghanistan & Pakistan) Douglas Dykhouse 4245 Post Management Officer (Afghanistan) Jonathan Post 4245 Post Management Officer (Pakistan) Carolyn Cooley 4245 PMO Assistant Billy Variava 4245 IRM Liaison Francoise Blais 4245 NEA Staffing Paulette Waiters 4241 Post Management Officer (Egypt,Jordan,Libya) (Wendy Brayer back up) Vacant 4245 Post Management Officer (UAE,Oman,Yemen,Qatar) David Bouman 4245 Post Management Officer (Israel,Jerusalem,Morocco,Algeria,Tunis) D. Kip Francis 4245 PMO Assistant Nancy Dolyce 4245 NEA IRM Liaison Tom Kirk 4245 Post Management Officer (Lebanon,Syria,Saudi Arabia, Baharain) Wendy Brayer 4245 Post Management Officer (Afghanistan) G. Bart Stokes 4245 FS Assignments Officer Alison C Roberts 4245 Post Management Officer Allen DuBose 4245 Post Management Officer James Stang 4245 PSP EFM Employment Coordinator Honeylee Y Temblador 4245 202-647-3268 202-776-3268 202-647-4882 202-647-2904 202-647-6543 202-736-7155 202-736-7217 202-203-7741 202-647-7913 202-776-8631 202-647-2821 202-647-2577 202-647-2290 202-203-7369 202-647-2290 202-776-8596 202-736-7358 202-647-1482

Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (NEA/PPD)

Director (NEA/PI) Emilia A. Puma 6250 Deputy Director and Press Spokesperson Jennifer A Larson 6250 Senior Advisor for Press Edgar J. Vasquez 2234 Deputy Spokesperson Dina A Badawy 2234 OMS for NEA Press Cathy Dawson 2234 OMS for PPD Barbara Chapman Navy Hill PPD Desk Officer Syria and Egypt Catherine H Schweitzer Navy Hill Planning/Coord Officer Pendelton Agnew Navy Hill PPD Desk Officer (ARP and Iran) David Benze Navy Hill Higher Education Officer Lorna Middlebrough Navy Hill Program Analyst Lavenia Holland Navy Hill Speical Advisor for Youth Engagement/Country Affairs Officer (IPA) Andrew Rabens Navy Hill PPD Desk Officer (Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia) Helaena W. White Navy Hill Program Assistant Rachel Rubin Navy Hill PPD Officer (Iraq) Tina Ziegenhain Navy Hill PPD Officer Helen O. Lovejoy Navy Hill Social Media Analyst Hayder N. Hassein Navy Hill Public Outreach Officer David Staples 6250 Press Officer Dan Fogarty 2234 Press Officer Ambrose Sayles 2234 Press Officer Dean Lieberman 2234 Iraq Press Officer Mike Lavallee 6250 Web Engagement Specialist Arash Azma 2234 Web Engagement Specialist Kiarash Ehfad 2234 202-647-9555 202-647-9533 202-647-0426 202-647-4148 202-647-5150 202-776-8755 202-776-8715 202-776-8539 202-776-8685 202-776-8816 202-776-8728 202-776-8785 202-776-8488 202-776-8764 202-776-8816 202-776-8592 202-776-8930 202-647-4221 202-647-2658 202-647-4184 202-647-9454 202-647-5812 202-647-7673 202-647-6080


202-647-2181 202-736-7108 202-647-4777 202-647-4629 202-647-1519 202-776-8868 202-736-7096 202-647-7760 202-736-7096

Office of Regional Affairs (NEA/RA)

Director Vacant 5256 Acting Director David Berns 5256 Officer-in-Charge Multinational Force and Observers Affairs Michael Day 5256 Global Affairs Officer Joe Scovitch 5256 Regional Affairs Officer Caryl Tuma 5256 Regional Economic Officer Vacant 5256 Program Specialist Maria A. Dudding 5256 Science and Techonology Policy Advisor Jill Smail 5256 Strategic Analyst Peter Howard 5256 Strategic Planning Officer Alice Shukla 5256 Leahy Vetter Adnan Hurreh 5256 Foreign Affairs Officer Vacant J 5256 Regional Economic Officer Jessica "Annabel" E Lee 5256 202-647-1427 202-647-4505 202-647-3945 202-647-3691 202-647-6024 202-647-1378 202-647-3041 202-736-7370 202-647-3658 202-647-4761 202-647-3014 202-647-4506 202-647-5880

202-736-7760 202-736-7114 202-736-2824 202-647-3641 202-647-7913 202-647-2290 202-647-2846 202-647-0344


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


DAS for IRAQ and IRAN Brett H. McGurk 6250 Supervisory Post Management Officer/IRAQ Alfred T. Canahuate 4828 Program Assistant (to NEA and SCA Deputy Directors) Emily B Nolte 4245 Human Resources Specialist Andrea Ikenson 4241

202-647-9547 202-647-2290 202-647-2785 202-736-7312

Office of Maghreb Affairs (NEA/MAG)

Acting Director Evyenia Sidereas 2808 Acting Deputy Director Alyce Abdalla 2808 OMS Ida Marie Giusti 2808 Regional Issues Officer Philip A Koretz HST 2808 202-647-4675 202-647-4674 202-647-2365 202-647-6331

PD Team Head Gregg Sullivan 1058 Political Internal/Pol-Mil Officer Danusia Hubah 1058 Political- External Sahar Nowrouzzadeh 1058 Economic Officer Robert "Bo" Palmer 1058 Economic/Sanctions Officer Daniel McIntosh 1058 Consular Affairs Officer Loye Howell 1058 Public Diplomacy Officer Dew Tiantawach 1058 Program Officer Shervin Hadjilou 1245 Program Officer Ioanna Paraskevopoulos 1058 Political External/Non-Pro Officer Lindsay Coffey 1058

202-647-8951 202-647-2943 202-647-3665 202-647-2513 202-647-4499 202-647-2498 202-647-1425 202-647-2942 202-647-3366 202-647-2513

Office of Iraq Affairs (NEA/I)

Director Vacant 4827 Acting Director Mark Evans 4828 NEA/I/PM Unit Chief Dana Murray 4827 NEA/I/PM Deputy Unit Chief Bryan Payne 4827 NEA/I/PM Desk Officer Morgan Kennedy 4827 NEA/I/PM Desk Officer Lydia Jones 4827 NEA/I/PM Senior Military Advisor Raja Hussain 4827 NEA/I/POL Unit Chief Amy Norris 4828 NEA/I/POL Desk Officer Shaila Manyam 4828 NEA/I/POL Desk Officer Derrin Smith 4828 Senior Advisor, Rule of Law Susan A Notar 4827 NEA/I/EAA Unit Chief Tim O Hall 4827 NEA/I/EAA Desk Officer - Oil Matthew Amitrano 4827 NEA/I/EAA Desk Officer Christiaan DeLuigi 4827 NEA/I/EAA Senior Advisor John Higgins 4827 Lead Grant MGT Officer Darcy Ostrander-Damon 4827 Grants Specialist Donna Edmonds 4827 Grans Administrator Elizabeth Arkell 4827 Grants Administrator Patrick Egan 4827 Grants Officer Meryl Dolan 4827 OMS Hermenia McLaurin 4827 OMS Satie Londono 4828 OMS Terri Anderson 4827 Staff Assistant Beth Zentmeyer 4827 202-647-4149 202-647-8125 202-647-7642 202-647-9448 202-647-6346 202-647-2893 202-647-0560 202-736-4799 202-647-9001 202-647-5715 202-647-4112 202-647-4228 202-647-5690 202-647-6389 202-647-5202 202-647-4143 202-647-6172 202-736-4797 202-647-5411 202-736-4798 202-409-6388 202-647-0459 202-647-9885 202-647-9835

Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental Scientific Affairs (OES)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Kerri-Ann Jones, PhD 3880 Executive Assistant Sharon Schneider 3880 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Judith G. Garber 3880 Deputy Assistant Secretary, (OES/O) David A. Balton 3880 Deputy Assistant Secretary (OES/E) Daniel A. Reifsnyder 3880 Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Jonathan Margolis 3880 Policy Analyst Kimberly (Nicole) Gibson 3880 Senior Policy Advisor Susan Povenmire 4333 OES Special Assistant Kevin Murakami 3880 OES/Congressional Teresa Hobgood 3880 OES Congressional Margaux Herring 3880 Staff Assistant Sandra Pitts-Malone 3880 Staff Assistant Margarita Caraballo 3880 202-647-1554 202-647-1554 202-647-3004 202-647-2396 202-647-2232 202-647-3584 202-647-1470 202-647-3486 202-647-3966 202-647-3550 202-647-6958 202-647-0978 202-647-3004

Executive Director (OES-DRL/EX)

Executive Director Mary F. Martinez 2880 Deputy Director Ernestine M. Pierce 2880 Deputy Director Natalie Howard 2880 Information Management Division Chief Anthony D. Bell 2452 HR Specialist Hinda Mohammed 2880 Financial Division Chief Sharon Colbert 2880 Central Programming Division Chief Maria Urbina 2880 Bureau Security Officer McConnell Coleman 3916 202-647-4068 202-647-4539 202-736-7376 202-647-0751 202-647-6857 202-647-3623 202-647-4347 202-736-7835

Office of The Middle East Partnership Initiative (NEA/MEPI)

Director Tom Vajda SA4 Deputy Director Catherine Bourgeois SA4 vacant Vacant J SA4 Project Officer Rachel N Fredman SA4 Program Specialist Lisa J Sullivan-Mays SA4 Grants Officer David R Henry SA4 Division Chief Eddie H Whitehurst SA-4 Central 202-776-8367 202-776-8546 202-000000 2027768432 202-776-8500 202-776-8375 202-776-8627

International Health and Science (OES/S)

Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting) Jonathan Margolis 3880 202-647-3584

Office of Iranian Affairs (NEA/IR)

Director Leslie Tsou 1058 Deputy Director Holly Holzer 1058 Deputy Director for Resources and Sanctions Carlos DeJuana 1058 Office Management Specialist Whitney Noel 1058 Human Rights Officer Vacant 1058 Counterterrorism Officer Steve Epstein 1058 Program Director Danika Walters 1245 202-647-5544 202-647-0114 202-736-4192 202-647-2520 202-647-9579 202-647-2569 202-647-1347

Office of International Health and Biodefense (OES/IHB)

Director Laura Faux- Gable 2734 Deputy Director Robert Sorenson 2734 202-647-1318 202-647-3649

Office of Science and Technology Cooperation (OES/STC)

Director Jill Derderian 410 SA23 Deputy Director Susan Gardner 410 SA23 Program Analyst Selina Jenkins 410 SA23 Division Director Samuel Howerton, Ph.D. 410 SA23 202-663-2623 202-663-3217 202-663-3219 202-663-3233


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED



Office of Policy and Public Outreach (OES/PPO)

Director Earl (Jim) Steele 4333 Deputy Director Susan Ware Harris 4333 202-647-4658 202-647-1410

Staff Assistant Nancy Lora 1309A SA6 External Affairs Christy Foushee 1301 SA6 Deputy Director Heather Townsend 1308 SA6

703-875-5102 703-875-4131 703-875-6361

Program Development, Coordination and Support (OBO/PDCS)

Managing Director for Program Development, Coordination, and Support (PDCS) Joseph W. Toussaint 1311 SA6 Office of Project Development and Coordination (PDCS/PDC) Marcus Hebert 920 SA6 Office of Design and Engineering (PDCS/DE) William Miner 318 SA6 Office of Special Project Coordination (PDCS/SPC) Jaime Salcedo 1112 SA6 Office of Cost Management (PDCS/COST) Katherine Bethany 1001 SA6 703-875-6585

Environment (OES/E)
Deputy Assistant Secretary Daniel A. Reifsnyder 3880 Executive Assistant Marie Willadsen 3880 202-647-2232 202-647-2232

703-875-4097 703-875-6119 703-516-1994 703-875-6369

Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues (OES/EQT)

Director George Sibley 2726 Deputy Director John E. Thompson 2726 OMS Eunice Mourning 2726 OMS Francine Uzzell 2726 202-647-9831 202-647-9799 202-647-9266 202-647-9312

Construction, Facility and Security Management (OBO/CFSM)

Managing Director for Construction, Facility and Security Management (CFSM) Rodney Evans 1301 SA6 Office of Construction Management (CFSM/CM) Robert Browning 834 SA6 Office of Facility Management (CFSM/FM) Kenneth Schroeder 917A SA6 Office of Security Management (CFSM/SM) Donald Schenck 738B SA6


Office of Conservation and Water (OES/ECW)

Director Christine Dawson 2657 Deputy Director Margaret (Peg) Caton 2658 Senior Advisor Elizabeth (Libby) Lyons 2658 202-647-4683 202-647-4268 202-647-3367

703-875-6268 703-516-1578 703-516-1635

Office of Global Change (OES/EGC)

Director Trigg Talley 2480 Deputy Director Christo Artusio 2480 Special Assistant Julia Meisel 2480 OMS Denise Goode 2480

202-647-3984 202-647-4295 202-647-6741 202-647-4069

Operations (OBO/OPS)
Managing Director for Operations (OPS) Leo Hession 918 SA6 Office of Area Management (OPS/AM) Hallie Hahn 930 SA6 Office of Art in Embassies (OPS/ART) Beth Dozoretz 663 SA6 Office of Fire Protection (OPS/FIR) Bruce Sincox L307 SA6 Office of Residential Design and Cultural Heritage (OPS/RDCH) Randolph Bennett 1201 SA6 Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (OPS/SHEM) David Needham L318 SA6 703-875-5242 703-875-5756 703-875-4198 703-875-6983 703-875-6264 703-516-1934

Oceans and Fisheries (OES/O)

Deputy Assistant Secretary David A. Balton 3880 Executive Assistant Patricia Fendwick 3880

202-647-2396 202-647-2396

Office of Oceans and Polar Affairs (OES/OPA)

Director Evan T. Bloom 2665 Deputy Director Apar Sidhu 2665 Program Specialist Claudia T. Samson 2665

202-647-3925 202-647-3013 202-647-3262

Office of Marine Conservation (OES/OMC)

Director William Gibbons-Fly 2758 Deputy Director David F. Hogan 2758 Foreign Affairs Officer Adam Bloomquist 2758 202-647-2335 202-647-2337 202-647-3941

Planning and Real Estate (OBO/PRE)

Director for Planning and Real Estate (PRE) Alexander Kurien 1004 SA6 Office of Master Planning and Evaluations (PRE/MPE) Jason Dallara 10W25 SA6 Office of Real Property Leasing (PRE/RPL) Marion Ekpuk 910 SA6 Office of Strategic Planning (PRE/OSP) Alexander Kurien 1004 SA6 Office of Site Acquisitions and Disposals (PRE/OSD) Patrick McNamara 912 SA6 703-875-6976 703-875-7483 703-875-7031 703-875-6976 703-875-7198

Space and Advanced Technology (OES/SAT)

Director Kenneth D. Hodgkins 410 SA23 Deputy Director David Turner 410 SA23 Secretary Theresa Fitchett 410 SA23 202-663-2398 202-663-2397 202-663-2400

Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO)

OBO Front Office (OBO)
Director Lydia Muniz 1306 SA6 Executive Assistant Tomekah Burl 1303 SA6 Special Assistant Susan Tully 1302 SA6 Special Assistant Phyllis Patten-Breeding 1302 SA6 Special Assistant Janine Young 1302 SA6 703-875-7493 703-875-5036 703-875-7465 703-875-4053 202-875-7465

Resource Management Office (OBO/RM)

Deputy Director for Resource Management (RM) Jrg Hochuli 1307 SA6 Office of the Executive Director (RM/EX) Ramsay Stallman 1346 SA6 Office of Financial Management (RM/FM) Jeffrey Reba 1330 SA6 Office of Policy and Program Analysis (RM/P) Isaias (Cy) Alba III 1138 SA6 703-875-6352 703-875-6470 703-875-5723 703-875-5748


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


(Cy) Alba III 1138 SA6 Human Resources Division (RM/EX/HR) Jeannette Gray L200 SA6 Information Resource Management Division (RM/EX/IRM) Robert Clarke L100-8 SA6 Management Support Division (RM/EX/MSD) Connie Hines 1168 SA6

703-875-4150 703-875-6170 703-875-4320

Deputy Office Director (EAP/SCA, EUR/WHA Teams) Peter Hemsch 3811 Senior Team Leader (NEA/AF Team) Aaron Jost 3811

202-647-6391 202-647-9146

Directorate Defense Trade Controls (PM/DDTC)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Beth M. McCormick 6312A Senior Advisor David Quinn 1205 SA1 Executive Assistant Angela Cooper 6312A 202-647-0337 202-663-2799 202-647-0337

Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Vacant 6212 Chief of Staff Tom Mancinelli 6212 Special Assistant Julia Reed 6212 Secretary to the Assistant Secretary Simonette Clark 6212 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Tom Kelly 6212 Deputy Assistant Secretary Sam Perez 6212 Secretary to PDAS Kelly and DAS Perez Nadia Brown 6212 Deputy Assistant Secretary Beth M. McCormick 6312A Secretary to DAS McCormick Angela W. Cooper 6312A Staff Assistant Ethan Rinks 6312B Staff Assistant Engda Wubneh 6312B Acting Assistant Secretary Tom Kelly 6212 Deputy Assistant Secretary Greg Kausner 3331 Acting Assistant Secretary Tom Kelly 6212 202-647-9022 202-647-5039 202-647-8534 202-647-9022 202-663-9023 202-647-9023 202-647-9023 202-647-0337 202-647-0337 202-647-0561 202-647-6604 202-647-9022 202-736-4036 202-647-9022

Office on Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA)

Director Stan Brown 6114 SA3 Deputy Director Policy & Small Arms and Light Weapons Steve Costner 6108 SA3 Deputy Director for Programs Dennis Hadrick 6129 SA3 Deputy Director, U.S. MANPADS Task Force & Senior Advisor Mark Adams 6130 SA3 Resource Manager Gerald Guilbert 6100 SA3 202-663-0088 202-663-0095 202-663-0109 202-663-0111 202-663-0107

Office of Security Negotiations and Agreements (PM/SNA)

Senior Advisor Eric John 3242 Deputy Director / Senior Military Advisor Chris Spigelmire 3242 Military Advisor LTC Todd Dudley 3242 202-647-8343 202-647-0622 202-647-8334

Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy (DTCP)

Acting Office Director Sarah Heidema 1304 SA1 Deputy Director Kerem Bilge 1205 SA1 202-663-2809 202-663-2803

Office of the Executive Director (ISN-PM-AVC/EX)

Executive Director Sonna Stampone 3634 Deputy Executive Director for Human Resources Sheila T. Bruce 3634 Deputy Executive Director for Resource Management Rosetta Goode 3531 Deputy Executive Director for Budget and General Services Dennis Dorsey 3531 Deputy Executive Director for Technology David Round SA1/H1300

202-647-3442 202-736-7006 202-647-4366 202-736-7366 202-663-2290

Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (DTCC)

Office Director Lisa Aguire H-132 Deputy Director Daniel Buzby H132 202-632-2798 202-632-2872

Office of Defense Trade Controls Licensing (DTCL)

Office Director Kevin Maloney Deputy Director Terry Davis 1205 SA1 1205 SA1 202-663-2023 202-663-2739

Congressional and Public Affairs (PM/CPA)

Director Josh Paul HST 2422 Deputy Director David McKeeby HST 2424 Office Management Specialist David Cavey HST 2422 202-647-7878 202-647-8757 202-647-6968

Director of the Foreign Policy Advisor Program (POLAD)

POLAD Director Scott Rauland SA-9, NW8-093 Deputy Director Jerry Sullivan NW8095 SA-9 202-453-9321 202-453-9326

Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM)

Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis (PM/PPA)
Director Kevin O'Keefe 2811 Deputy Director Mick Hauser 2811 202-647-5876 202-647-0272

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Anne C. Richard HST 6825 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Simon A. Henshaw HST 6825 Secretary Jessica Blanche HST 6825 Deputy Assistant Secretary Kelly Clements HST 6825 Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Hopkins HST 6825 Secretary Nenita Knowlin HST 6825 Staff Assistant Trisha Presto HST 6825 Special Assistant Caroline Raclin HST 6825 202-647-7360 202-647-7360 202-647-7360 202-647-5822 202-647-5767 202-647-5822 202-647-8472 202-647-9775

Office of International Security Operations (PM/ISO)

Director Colonel Manson Morris, USAF 2422 Deputy Director Jim Flowers 2422 202-647-3136 202-736-7742

Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfer (PM/RSAT)

Office Director Vangala S. Ram 3811 Principal Deputy Office Director (Mgt, FMS, TPT Teams) Michael Miller 3811 202-647-9750 202-736-4035


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office of the Comptroller (PRM/C)

Comptroller Eric Hembree 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Comptroller Arlene Dyson 8th Flr., SA-9 202-453-9239 202-453-9232

Office Management Specialist Sylvia Gerukos 6634 Unclassified Fax Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki 6634

202-647-6088 202-647-3344 202-647-6088

Office of the Executive Director (PRM/EX)

Executive Director Nicholas Miscione 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Cynthia Talbert 8th Flr., SA-9 202-453-9358 202-453-9303

Office of Press Relations (PA/PRS)

Director Patrick H. Ventrell 2109 Deputy Director Katherine L. Starr 2109 Deputy Director Andy Laine 2109 Press Officer for T, G, AF, INL, INR, OES, S/SECC, ECA, IIP, PA/HO, M/OBO, S/CPR Nicole A. Thompson 2109 Press Officer for S/P, EAP, WHA, S/P, AID, L, MCC, PRM Drew Bailey 2109 Press Officer for E, EUR, DS, OIG, S/CCI, S/CT, CA, EEB, H, IO John Echard 2109 Press Officer for F, NEA, DRl, HIV/AIDS, S/GPI, S/GWI, S/OCR, S/WCI Beth D. Gosselin 2109 Press Officer D, R, SCA, DRL, HIV/AIDS, S/GPI, S/GWI, S/OCR, S/WCI Noel C. Clay 2109 Press Officer for M, AVC, ISN, PM Joanne C. Moore 2109 Media Coordinator Gladys D. Boggs 2109 202-647-2492 202-647-2492 202-647-2492 202-647-2492

Office of Multilateral Coordination and External Relations (PRM/MCE)

Director Margaret Pollack 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Barbara Thomas 8th Flr., SA-9 202-453-9296 202-453-9363

202-647-2492 202-647-2492 202-647-2492 202-647-2492 202-647-2492 202-647-2492

Office of Population and International Migration (PRM/PIM)

Director Suzanne Sheldon 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director David Foran 8th Flr., SA-9 202-453-9201 202-453-9388

Office of Policy and Resource Planning (PRM/PRP)

Director Nancy Izzo-Jackson 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Katherine Perkins 8th Flr., SA-9 202-453-9225 202-453-9365

Office of Assistance for Africa (PRM/AFR)

Director Margaret McKelvey 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Mary Lange 8th Flr., SA-9

Press at AID (PA/AID)

Press Director/Spokesman Kamyl Bazbaz RRB 202-712-4035

202-453-9304 202-453-9369

Foreign Press Centers (PA/FPC)

Director of the Foreign Press Center Dick Custin, Acting 898 SA16 Director of the New York Foreign Press Center Alyson Grunder NY 202-504-6320 646-282-2837

Office of Assistance for Asia and The Near East (PRM/ANE)

Director Dorothy Shea 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Monique Ramgoolie 8th Flr., SA-9

202-453-9271 202-453-9200

Assistance for Europe, Central Asia, & Americas (PRM/ECA)

Director John Underriner 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Nancy Iris 8th Flr., SA-9

Office of Regional Media Outreach (PA/RMO)

Director Rebecca Thompson 529, SA-16 202-504-6319

202-453-9277 202-453-9281

Office of Website Management (PA/WM)

Director Janice E. Clark 825, SA-15 Deputy Director Chris Macdonald 825, SA-15 703-875-5086 703-875-5087

Office of Admissions (PRM/A)

Director Lawrence Bartlett 8th Flr., SA-9 Deputy Director Kelly Gauger 8th Flr., SA-9

202-453-9270 202-453-9268

Office of Broadcasting Services (PA/OBS)

Director Martin Oppus 2313 Chief of Broadcast Support Branch Maurice Benjoar 898 SA16 Branch Chief George McNamara B238 HST 202-647-1977 202-504-6420 202-647-5361

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs and Department Spokesman

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Mike Hammer 6634 Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland 6634 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Dana S. Smith 6634 Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner 6634 Deputy Assistant Secretary Cheryl Benton 6634 Deputy Assistant Secretary Valerie Fowler 6634 Deputy Assistant Secretary Victoria Esser 6800 Special Assistant Erin Renner 6634 Special Assistant Amanda Mansour 6634 Special Assistant to the Spokesperson Jonathan Lalley 6634 Staff Assistant Brenda Smith 6634 Public Affiars Specialist Karlygash Faillace 6634 Staff Assistant - PA Clearances Tameka Posey 6634 202-647-6088 202-647-6088 202-647-6088 202-647-6088 202-647-6088 202-647-6088 202-647-6088 202-647-6066 202-647-6088 202-647-6230 202-647-9606 202-647-3329 202-647-3328

Bureau of Public Affairs (PA)

Office of the Historian (PA/HO)

The Historian Stephen Randolph L409 SA1 Deputy Historian David H. Herschler L409 SA1 General Editor Adam Howard L409 SA1 Chief, Africa & Americas Division David Nickles L409 SA1 Chief, Europe and General Division David C. Geyer L409 SA1 Chief, Global Issues & General Division Kathleen Rasmussen L409 SA1 Chief, Middle East & Asia Division Myra Burton L409 SA1 Chief, Declassification and Publishing Division Carl Ashley L409 SA1 Chief, Special Projects Division Amy Garrett L409 SA1 202-663-1123 202-663-1145 202-663-3956 202-663-3327 202-663-1135 202-663-3528 202-663-1141 202-663-1149 202-663-3415


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


SA1 Chief, Policy Studies Division William McAllister L409 SA1


Staff Assistant Charles Martin 6254 S/SRAP James F Dobbins 1517 PPD Deputy Assistant Secretary Vacant 6254

202-736-4486 202-647-4133 202-736-4331

Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs (PA/PL)

Director Rainy Young 2206 Deputy Director Elieen McCormick Place 2206 Regional Programs Chief Eileen McCormick Place 2206 Hometown Diplomatic Coordinator Angelena Alexander 2206 Public Information Line 202-647-7926 202-647-8948 202-647-8948 202-647-5879 202-647-6575

Office of the Executive Director (NEA/SCA/EX)

Executive Director Lee Lohman 4245 Deputy Executive Director Brian Wilson 4245 Supervisory Post Management Officer John Kowalski 4245 Chief Budget Officer Vickie Lawrence SA-44 Deputy FMO Vern Smith SA-44 Director, Domestic Support Divisioni Gina Scarselli 202-203-7741 Chief Human Resources Officer Paul Gilmer 4245 Supervisor Foreign Service Assignments Rebecca Landis 4245 Domestic Personnel Officer Jae Chung 4245 Human Resources Specialist Andrea Ikenson Employee Programs Administrative Assistant Claudia C Shaw 4245 HST 202-647-3268 202-647-4882 202-647-6543 202-203-5181 202-736-7649 4241 202-647-2821 202-647-7913 202-776-8631 202-736-7312 202-647-3268

International Media Engagement

Director Abigail Dressel 2105 Deputy Director Samuel Korman 2105 (202) 647-0419 (202)647-1007

Director David Ballard 535 SA29


Executive Office (PA/EX)

Executive Director Hattie O. Jones 2214 Deputy Director Kristin T. Bedi 2214 Supervisory Budget Officer Horace Johnson 2214 Supervisory Information Technology Specialist Carol A. Carter 2214 Supervisory HR Specialist John Brenner 2214 Supervisory General Services Officer Kevin Bradshaw 2214

202-736-4451 202-647-7555 202-736-4947 202-647-6011 202-647-5400 202-647-6816

Office of Afghanistan Affairs (SCA/A)

Director David Rank 1880 Deputy Director Ryan Campbell 1880 Deputy Director Tim Wilder 1880 Economics Team Lead Matthew Golden 1880 Economics Desk Officer Dean Fischer 1880 DoD Detail; Political-Military Desk Officer Joe Black 1880 Political Military Desk Officer Mary Frangakis 1880 Political Desk Officer, Rule of Law and Detentions Hawa Ghaus 1880 Economic Desk Officer Elizabeth Lawrence 1880 Politial-Military Desk Officer Stephen Manning 1880 Political Desk Officer Zahra Masumi 1880 Political Desk Officer Glen Davis 1880 Economics Senior Adviser Richard Ponzio 1880 Political-Military Team Leader Michael Sears 1880 Political-Military Team Leader Sangmin (Simon) Lee 1880 Economic Desk Officer Christopher Spitzer 1880 Political Desk Officer Elizabeth Timberlake 1880 Program Specialist Farren West 1880 Administrative Support Chelsey Stubbs 1880 Administrative Support Thusnia Ahmed 1880 Desk Officer Jack Nemceff 1880 202-647-6708 202-647-6144 202-647-5267 202-647-5562 202-647-3718 202-647-5511 202-647-5052 202-647-5311 202-647-7895 202-647-9574 202-647-5329 202-647-1113 202-647-5566 202-647-5525 202-647-5525 202-647-7088 202-647-6140 202-647-0343 202-647-5175 202-647-6757 202-647-5493

Digital Communications Center (PA/DCC)

Director, Acting Richard Buangan Room 2317


Rapid Response Unit (PA/RRU)

Director Rebecca Thompson 898, SA-16


Office of International Media Engagement (PA/IME)

Director Abigail Dressel 2105 Deputy Director Samuel Korman 2105

Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Robert O. Blake, Jr. 6254 OMS Rose Naputi 6254 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Vacant 6254 OMS Katherine McGifford 6254 Regional Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary Fatema Z Sumar 6254 CEN Deputy Assistant Secretary Lynne M. Tracy 6254 OMS Gina Cooper 6254 INSB Deputy Assistant Secretary Alyssa Ayres 6254 OMS Deborah Watson 6254 OMS Katherine McGifford 6254 Special Assistant Ningchuan Zhu 6254 Staff Assistant Opal Blackmon 6254 202-736-4325 202-736-4325 202-736-4328 202-736-4328 202-647-9505 202-647-9505 202-647-9505 202-736-4331 202-736-4331 202-736-4328 202-647-5495 202-736-4009

202-647-0419 202-647-1007

Office of Central Asian Affairs (SCA/CEN)

Director Lesslie Viguerie 1880 Deputy Director Derek Westfall 1880 Kazakhstan Desk Officer Martin O'Mara 1880 Kyrgyzstan Desk Officer Adam Packer 1880 Tajikistan Desk Officer Sarah Prescott 1880 Turkmenistan Desk Officer Thomas Katen 1880 Uzbekistan Desk Officer Alison Hannah 1880 Regional Desk Officer Michael Schwartz 1880 Program Specialist Rita Amin 1880 Kazakhstan Desk Officer Richard Payne- Holmes 1880 202-647-6745 202-736-4146 202-647-6859 202-647-9119 202-647-7644 202-647-9024 202-647-6765 202-647-6859 202-647-9370 202-647-9031


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

United States Diplomacy Center (USDC)


Regional Desk Officer Patrick Hamilton 1880 Regional Desk Officer Courtney Gaul 1880

202-647-6023 202-647-9499

Office of India Affairs (SCA/I)

Director John Fennerty 5251 Deputy Director Jai Nair 5251 India Desk Jason McClellan 5251 India Desk Forest Yang 5251 India Desk Anjana Modi 5251 India Desk Nasreen Badat 5251 India Desk Ryan Miller 5251 India Desk Lauren Diekman 5251 India Desk Uzma Bashir 5251 India Desk Dilpreet Sidhu 5251 India Desk Alexandra Matz 5251 India Desk Manmeet Thind 5251 India Desk Briana Jones 5251 OMS Veronica Hooks 5251 India Desk Neil Kromash 5251 India Desk Leah Castleberry 5251 India Desk Marielena Faria 5251 India Desk Elizabeth Martin 5251 India Desk Zachary Wohl 5251 202-647-1114 202-647-1112 202-647-4266 202-647-9541 202-647-1115 202-647-0707 202-647-2351 202-647-3876 202-647-4517 202-647-7189 202-647-5938 202-647-9512 202-647-770 202-647-1450 202-646-4334 202-647-9361 202-647-2141 202-647-2595 202-647-2580

Office of Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Maldives Affairs (SCA/NSB)
Director Heather Variava 5250 Deputy Director Daniel Kronenfeld 5250 Nepal Desk Nathan Hara 5250 Sri Lanka Desk Caitlin Gearen 5250 Sri Lanka Desk Jaz Azari 5250 Bangladesh Desk Aarti Shroff 5250 Bangladesh Desk Benjamin Barry 5250 OMS Veronica Hooks 5251

Social Media Advisor Joseph Witters 1860 Cultural Affiars Officer Joshua Kamp 1860 Afghanistan Desk Officer Glen Davis 1860 Pakistan Desk Officer Joseph Zilligen 1860 India Desk Officer Amy Steinmann 1860 NSB Desk Officer Sheela Krishnan 1860 Grant Program Specialist Andrew Bockover 1860 Univ. Partnership Richard Boyum 1860 Grant Officer Matthew Case 1860 Afghan/Pak Program Specialist Ellen Delage 1860 Grant Officer Grachel Humphries 1860 Cultural Heritage Program Dir. Laura Tedesco 1860 Program Analyst Jennifer Westervelt 1860 OSP Tracy Simmons 1860 OSP Wayne Dorsey 1860 CEN Desk Officer Meredith Gloger 1860 Afghan/Pak Program Coordinator Vitessa A Del Prete 1860 Pakistan Desk Officer Anne Simpkins 1860 Program Support Specialist Kim Fitzgerald 1860 Afghan/Pak Program Coordinator Vitessa Del Prete 1860 intern Afghan/Pak Michael Gladstone 1860 Outreach Coordinator Eric Eide 1860 Grant Program Analyst Celine Carbullido 1860 Intern Nursultan Eldosov 1860 Chief, Press Officer Mark Thornburg 1860

202-647-9546 202-647-8905 202-647-8124 202-647-7067 202-647-9051 202-647-9569 202-647-5891 202-647-9532 202-647-9544 202-647-9503 202-647-8667 202-647-7981 202-647-9580 202-647-7507 202-647-7507 202-647-9509 202-647-5337 202-647-9586 202-647-9588 202-647-5337 202-647-9521 202-647-8901 202-647-9580 202-647-9583 202-647-8914

202-647-1116 202-647-1078 202-647-2941 202-647-7483 202-647-1115 202-647-9515 202-647-9516 202-647-1450

Office of South Asian Regional Affairs (SCA/RA)

Director Theodore H. Andrews 5247 Deputy Director Melanie Bixby 5246 Economic Officer Greg M. Winstead 5247 Military Advisor Corey S. Johnston 5246 Foreign Affairs Officer Deepa Ghosh 5247 Science Advisor Douglas Walker 5247 Foreign Affairs Officer Amy McGann 5247 Foreign Affairs Officer Thomas C. Holt 5247 Foreign Affairs Officer Dan Forbes 5247 Economic Officer Partha Mazumdar 5247 Trans-Atlantic Fellow Vacant 5246 Foreign Affairs Officer Sharon Brown 5246 Foreign Affairs Officer Riju Srimal 5246 Foreign Affairs Officer Anna Mary Portz 4227 Foreign Affairs Officer Carla Bock 5247 Secretary Donna Rose 5247 Secretary Vanessa Thomas 5246 Economic Officer Vacant 5247 Intern Justina Towns 5247 Intern Vacant 5247 Program Officer Sheila Berry 5247 Senior Military Adviser Michael D Chandler 4227 202-736-4251 202-736-4253 202-647-4515 202-647-9569 202-647-8192 202-647-8080 202-736-4835 202-736-4254 202-647-1136 202-647-4521 202-647-2174 202-736-7473 202-736-4256 202-647-1152 202-647-8084 202-736-4255 202-647-4518 202-647-2192 202-647-1855 202-647-4768 202-647-2142 202-647-6344

Office of Pakistan Affairs (SCA/P)

Director Tim Lenderking 1861 Deputy Director Linda Specht 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Afreeen Akhter 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Jeremy Chen 1861 Deputy Director Courtenay Dunn 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Kristen Fiani 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Safiya Ghori-Ahmad 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Stephanie Gilbert 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Amy Lillis 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Robert Nelson 1861 Pakistan Country Officer David Nobles 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Susan Riggs 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Amy Flohr 1861 Senior Office Manager Dhyana Parker 1861 Office Manager Sherry Garner 1861 TDF Christina Georgiou 1861 Pakistan Country Officer Amanda Lorman 1861

202-647-6711 202-647-6728 202-736-7907 202-736-4972 202-647-5870 202-736-7417 202-647-9206 202-647-9819 202-736-7924 202-647-9434 202-647-9242 202-647-9198 202-647-5882 202-647-9823 202-647-7593 202-647-9552 202-736-7913

Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA)

Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary Roberta Jacobson 6262 Office Management Specialist Regina Lee 6262 Executive Assistant Rob Allison 6906 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary John Feeley 6262 202-647-5780 202-647-5780 202-647-5811 202-647-8387

Office of Press and Public Diplomacy (SCA/PPD)

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Jonathan Henick 6254 Acting Director Nicole Chulick 1860 Press Officer Margaret Young 1860 202-736-4331 202-647-7042 202-647-3532


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


Office Management Specialist Julie Alvarado- Ortiz 6262 Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Rooney 6262 Office Management Specialist Debra Grau 6262 Deputy Assistant Secretary Kevin Whitaker 6262 Office Management Specialist Mariana Nolan 6262 Deputy Assistant Secretary Liliana Ayalde 6262 Office Management Specialist Milder Cadet 6262 Deputy Assistant Secretary Fabiola RodriguezCiampoli 6253A Office Management Specialist Trilla Mangum 6253A Senior Advisor Daniel Erikson 6253A Senior Coordinator Giovanni Snidle 6913 Staff Assistant Mike Daschbach 6906 Staff Assistant Caitlin Kennel 6906 Staff Assistant Justen Thomas 6906

202-647-8387 202-647-6755 202-647-6755 202-647-8563 202-647-8563 202-647-7337 202-647-7337 202-647-1313 202-647-9921 202-647-1302 202-647-3799 202-647-8564 202-647-5195 202-647-9227

FS Assignments Officer (Specialists) Jeanette Hantke 3906 FS Information Management Specialist Ernesto Pizarro 3906 General Services Officer Donna Stroman 4912

202-647-1958 202-647-4357 202-647-4468

Office of Andean Affairs (WHA/AND)

Director Simon Henshaw 4915 Deputy Director Phillip Laidlaw 4915 Senior Desk Officer (Venezuela) John T. McNamera 4915 Desk Officer (Venezuela) Moises Behar 4915 Desk Officer (Venezuela) Robert Alter 4915 Senior Desk Officer (Colombia) Mary Brett Rogers-Springs 4915 Desk Officer (Colombia) Zachary Bedard 4915 Desk Officer (Colombia) Stuart Lippe 4915 Desk Officer (Colombia) Ann Hardman 4915 Desk Officer (Colombia) Olivian Franken 4915 Desk Officer (Colombia) Nick Kolman- Mandle 4915 Desk Officer (Peru) Timothy Peltier 4915 Desk Officer (Ecuador) Jennifer Brown 4915 Desk Officer (Bolivia) Andrew Hamrick 4915 Desk Officer (Public Diplomacy) Matt Keener 4915 Senior Office Management Specialist Nadia Doukkali-Kelley 4915 202-647-1715 202-647-3143 202-647-4984 202-647-1720 202-647-4984 202-647-4173 202-736-7318 202-647-4208 202-647-3142 202-647-0464 202-647-3076 202-647-4177 202-647-2807 202-647-4193 202-647-4176 202-647-1715

U.S. Permanent Representative Ambassador Carmen Lomellin 5914 Special Assistant Barbara Adair 5914 Executive Assistant Paula Monaghan 5914 Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative Lawrence J. Gumbiner 5914 Secretary C. Marianne Walter 5914 Counselor for Political Affairs Robert Copley 5914 Program Assistant (Summer Intern) K. Claire Beeuwkes 5914 Deputy Counselor for Political Affairs Daniel Cento 5914 Political Officer Andrew Stevenson 5914 Foreign Affairs Officer Rachel Owen 5914 Political Advisor Jonathan Mitchell 5914 Counselor for Cooperation & Development Margarita Riva-Geoghegan 5914 Deputy Counselor for Cooperation & Development Melissa Kopolow McCall 5914 Foreign Affairs Officer Andrew Griffin 5914 Foreign Affairs Officer Carla Menendez McManus 5914 WAE James Todd 5914 Senior Advisor Fernando Rojas 5914 Administrative Officer Deborah Diggs 5914 Program Assistant Valerie Smith 5914

202-647-9430 202-647-9912 202-647-9377 202-647-9422 202-647-9422 202-647-6375 202-647-9455 202-647-9378 202-647-6015 202-647-9907 202-647-9210 202-647-9913 202-647-9915 202-647-9908 202-647-9057 202-647-4764 202-647-9482 202-647-8650 202-647-9376

Office of Brazil and Southern Cone Affairs (WHA/BSC)

Director Richard Sanders 4258 Deputy Director Bruce W. Friedman 4258 Desk Officer (Argentina) Jennifer L. Showell 4258 Desk Officer (Chile) Jason Vorderstrasse 4258 Desk Officer (Paraguay, Uruguay) Johnathan A. Hilton 4258 Desk (Brazil Pol) Doreen Bailey 4258 Desk Officer (Brazil Econ) Jennifer Mergy 4258 Desk Officer (Brazil) Vacant 4258 Stay in School Gabriela Arias 4258 OMS M. Elaine Alexander 4258 Regional Officer Krista K. Fisher 4258 Public Diplomacy Advisor Shannon Hill 4258 Program Analyst Bojana Milojkovic 4258 202-647-3403 202-647-1774 202-647-2575 202-647-2575 202-647-1551 202-647-4994 202-647-2326 202-647-2296 202-647-2401 202-647-1926 202-647-3778 202-647-6537 202-647-2407

Office of Canadian Affairs (WHA/CAN)

Director Elizabeth Lee Martinez 3917 OMS Pamela Powell 3917 Deputy Director Michael Barkin 3917 Pol/Econ Officer John Kastning 3917 Political/Military Edith Backman 3917 EST Officer Tracey Newell 3917 Border/Law Officer Josh Rubin 3917 EST Coordinator Melissa Moreland 3917 North American Global Issues Blake Thorkelson 3917 North America Global Issues Blake Thorkleson 3917 202-647-2273 202-647-2170 202-647-2228 202-647-2244 202-647-2475 202-647-2185 202-647-2256 202-647-3030 202-647-3135 202-647-3135

Office of The Executive Director (WHA/EX)

Executive Director Christopher A. Lambert 3906 Office Management Specialist Althena Aikens 3906 Deputy Executive Director Kristen B. Skipper 3906 Chief Budget Officer Michael Cavey 3910 Administrative Officer Guy Mitchell 3906 Personnel Officer Vivian Harvey 3906 Supervisory Post Management Officer Karen Rodriguez 3906 Post Management Officer Joe Callahan 3906 Post Management Officer Jason Williams 3906 Post Management Officer Michael Aguilera 3906 Post Management Officer Calvin DuBose 3906 OMS, Management Lorna LeGrand 3906 FS Assignments Officer (Generalists) Antoinette Corbin-Taylor 3906 202-647-3319 202-647-3319 202-647-4456 202-647-7817 202-647-2794 202-647-3685 202-647-4436 202-647-3337 202-647-7828 202-736-7354 202-736-4473 202-647-4476 202-647-4458

Office of Caribbean Affairs (WHA/CAR)

Director Juan Alsace 4262 Deputy Director Silvia Eiriz 4262 202-736-4350 202-736-4766


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED

Permanent Mission Of The United States Of America To The Organization Of American States (WHA/USOAS)


OMS Monica Jackson 4262 Desk Officer (Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Eastern Caribbean) Katharine Beamer 4262 Desk Officer (Bahamas, Jamaica) Gianni Paz 4262 Desk Officer (Guyana, Suriname, Aruba, Curacao, St Maarten) Wendy Sneff 4262 Desk Officer (Human Rights, Gender, Migration) Stephanie Robinson 4262 Desk Officer (Dominican Republic) Alexis Sullivan 4262 Coordinator (Caribbean Basin Security Initiative) Erin Wilhelm 4262 Coordinator (Caribbean Basin Security Initiative) Anthony Eterno 4262 Desk Officer (Economics, Energy, Business, and Trade) Andres Delgado 4262 Intern Jose Ramirez-Rivera 4262 Intern Vacant 4262 Program Assistant Leila Binner 4262

202-736-4707 202-647-4384 202-736-4628 202-647-4719 202-647-4755 202-647-4757 202-647-4684

Assistant Summit Coordinator Brett Hamsik 3248 Trade Policy Officer Peter Newman 3248 Finance Officer Alisa Wong 3248 Energy Officer Amanda Kizer 3248 Program Officer Aaron Spencer 3248 Economic Officer Justin Kolbeck 3248 Pathways to Prosperity Coordinator Stefanie Fabrico 3248 OMS Veronica Turner 3248

202-647-3354 202-647-3341 202-647-4408 202-647-3710 202-647-8274 202-647-2323 202-736-7409 202-647-2079

Office of Mexican Affairs (WHA/MEX)

202-736-4708 202-736-4322 202-647-5711 202-647-8961 202-647-5088 Director Kevin O'Reilly 3909 Deputy Director Hugo Rodriguez 3909 U.S.-Mexico Border Coordinator Rachel Poynter 3908 Bridges and Border Crossings Officer Peter Mangliano 3908 Border Affairs Officer Angela Palazzolo 3909 IBWC Special Assistant Russell Frisbie 3909 Environment/Science Officer John Whittlesey 3909 Political Officer Daniel Kachur 3909 Merida Advisor Kiersten Stiansen 3909 Merida Reports Officer Greg Sprow 3909 Merida Program Assistant/Pol/Mil Evan Marsh 3909 Economics Officer Aldo Sirotic 3909 Human Rights Leahy Vetting Officer Michelle C. Cooper 3909 Immigration-Consular Officer Donald Locke 3909 PD Advisor (TBD) 3909 Stay-in-School Vacant 3909 202-647-8186 202-647-8113 202-647-6356 202-647-9895 202-647-1202 202-647-8106 202-647-9364 202-647-8529 202-647-9083 202-647-9292 202-647-8355 202-647-8112 202-647-8109 202-647-8107 202-647-7137 202-647-8808

Office of Central American Affairs (WHA/CEN)

Director Gonzalo Gallegos 5906 Deputy Director Karl Rios 5906 Desk Officer (Belize & Costa Rica) Frank DeParis 5906 CARSI and Regional Affairs Officer Christopher Ashe 5906 Regional Affairs Officer Adam Steckler 5906 Desk Officer (Guatemala) Siobhan Sheils 5906 Desk Officer (Honduras) Benjamin Gedan 5906 Desk Officer (El Salvador) Jonathan Nellis 5906 Desk Officer (Nicaragua) Stacie Hankins 5906 Desk Officer (Panama) Kelsey Cambronne 5906 OMS Esther Mayberry 5906 Program Assistant Keasha Harris 5906 Director of Special Projects Christopher Webster 5906 CARSI and Regional Affairs Emily Mendrala 5906 202-647-4087 202-647-3543 202-647-3519 202-736-7660 202-647-3518 202-647-3727 202-647-3482 202-647-4161 202-647-1510 202-647-3505 202-647-4292 202-647-4982 202-647-4961 202-736-7660

Office of Policy Planning and Coordination (WHA/PPC)

Director Vacant 6913 Deputy Director Brian Naranjo 6913 Planning Officer - Budget Teresa Fralish 6913 Planning Officer - Budget Jennifer Ceriale 6913 Democracy, Law Enforcement Programs Rachel Waldstein 6913 Congressional Affairs Jennie Munoz 6913 Democracy, Human Rights, and Justice Scott Miller 6913 Citizen Security Jeffery Bischoff 6913 Democracy Patrick Reilly 6913 Performance Management Melisa Doherty 6913 Strategic Planning Julie Grier 6913 Office Management Specialist Geucileia Jarvis 6913 Vetting Coordinator Jonathan Holmes 6913 Political Military Advisor Jenna Ben- Yehuda 6913 RESIU Zakiya Carr- Johnson 6913 REIUS Dep. Dir Paula Uribe 6913 202-647-9963 202-647-9964 202-647-5857 202-647-6898 202-647-6365 202-647-3749 202-647-5333 202-647-6373 202-647-8851 202-647-0746 202-647-5506 202-647-9192 202-647-9193 202-647-6365 202-647-7409 202-646-4655

Office of Cuban Affairs (WHA/CCA)

Director/Coordinator Raymond G McGrath 3234 Deputy Director/Coordinator Jeffery A Salaiz 3234 Senior Advisor Thomas Gerth 3234 Political Unit Chief Veronica Scarborough 3234 Public Diplomacy Officer Marion Ram 3234/5258 Economic Unit Chief Tim Hall 3234 Economic Officer Gilberto TorresVela 3234 Economic Officer Lianna Shannon 3234 Consular Unit Chief Julianna Aynes-Neville 3234 Foreign Affairs Officer Thomas Lee 3234 Special Advisor Brian Campbell 3234 Co-op, Consular Seth Wyngowski 3234 Program Assistant Vickie Alston 3234 Office Management Specialist Clarie Williams 3234

202-647-9273 202-647-7480 202-647-8691 202-647-7050 202-736-4018 202-647-5561 202-647-7488 202-647-5224 202-647-7479 202-647-9274 202-647-9670 202-647-9272 202-647-9273 202-736-4149

Office of Public Diplomacy (WHA/PDA)

Director Liza Davis 5258 Spokes Person/ WHA Press Angela Cervetti 6917 100,000 Strong Coordinator Hillary Quam 5258 Office Management Specialist Taressa Frazier 5258 Country Officer (AND) Matt Keener 4915 Program Specialist Laura Weber 5258 Country Officer (CAR) Christine Meyers 4262 Cultural Affairs Officer (E CAR) Blakeney Vasquez 5258 202-647-7440 202-647-0842 202-736-4653 202-647-7456 202-647-4176 202-647-7197 202-647-7195 202-647-7133

Office of Economic Policy and Summit Coordination (WHA/EPSC)

Director Kevin K. Sullivan 3248 Deputy Econ Karin B. Sullivan 3248 Deputy Summit Coordination Jose Santacana 3248 Assistant Summit Advisor David Silverman 3248 Assistant Summit Coordinator Amber Forbes 3248 202-736-7530 202-647-0614 202-647-6374 202-647-0615 202-647-0616


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


5258 Country Officer (Brazil/Southern Cone) Shannon Hill 4258 Senior Program Specialist Michele Proctor 5258 Country Officer (Cuba) Marion Ram 5258 Digital Media Officer Kristin Lundberg 5258 Public Affairs Specialist Caitlin Fogarty 6917 Digital Media Coordinator Chase Beamer 5258 Acting Deputy Director Liz Detmeister 5258 Country Officer (Mex/Can) Adelle Gillen 1329A A/DAS Edward (Alex) Lee 6253 Country Officer (CEN) Vickery Sanchez 5906 Outreach Coordinator Darla Jordan Deputy Director Dick Custin 5258

202-647-6537 202-647-7188 202-647-7179 202-647-6089 202-647-3296 202-647-7052 202-647-7164 202-647-7137 (202) 647 9921 202-647-3559 202-736-4655 202-647-7452

Office of the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, Washington Office (USUN/W)
U.S Permanent Representative
Secretary Cherise Reid 6317 202-736-7555


Organizational Directory UNCLASSIFIED


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