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The Heart of the Law

O Esprito da Lei
Elias tugged thoughtfully at his beard and frowned at his son. I dont want you going off to see Jesus again. Hes a trouble-maker. Jeremias fidgeted. He didnt really understand why his father was so set against the rabbi Jesus. All the stories going around their community told of this teacher performing acts of great kindness. He healed the sick. He provided food for those who had followed Him into the Judean hills to listen through the day and into the evening hours. What could be intolerable in a rabbi such as this? The thoughts remained unspoken. Jeremiass head was bowed subserviently. Now go back to your studies and remember, do not meddle with those who disrespect our traditions! Elias was profoundly irritated at what he heard of Jesus teachings. He left the house, walking fast to the far corner of the village where several other elders were gathered, awaiting his arrival. Elias afagava pensativamente sua barba. Ele franziu as sobrancelhas para o filho. No quero que voc saia para ver a Jesus, disse sobriamente. Ele um encrenqueiro. Jeremias se remexeu. No entendia porque seu pai estava to determinado a se opor ao rabi Jesus. Todas as histrias que se ouviam na comunidade, relatavam que este mestre fazia atos de muita bondade. Curava os doentes, supria comida para os que O tinham seguido para os montes da Judia para escut-lo de manh noite. O que poderia haver de intolervel num rabi assim? Seus pensamentos ficaram sem resposta. Jeremias curvou a cabea em submisso. Agora volte para seus estudos, e lembre-se, no se misture com esses que desrespeitam as nossas tradies! Elias ficou profundamente irritado com as coisas que ouviu sobre os ensinamentos de Jesus. Saiu de casa e caminhou rapidamente para o extremo oposto da cidade, onde outros ancios estavam reunidos, esperando que ele chegasse.

We are glad you came, Elias. It is time to confront this preacher. He has been seen profaning the Sabbath!
*** The midday sun shone brightly, and the ripening stalks of corn swayed in the gentle breeze, giving an appearance of a field of gold. The sky was a beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight. At one corner of the field, a group of young men were gathered under the shade of a tree, munching hungrily on ears of grain as they talked. They stopped talking as the black-robed Pharisees approached. Polite greetings were interrupted by Elias. Take a look at this! he exclaimed. Theyre eating grain! Grain picked on the Sabbath!

Que bom que voc chegou, Elias. hora de confrontarmos esse pregador. Ele est profanando o Sbado! *** O sol do meio-dia brilhava forte, e as espigas de milho amadurecendo balanavam gentilmente ao sabor da brisa, que fazia com que parecesse um campo dourado. O cu estava de um azul lindo, e no se via uma nica nuvem. Numa das extremidades do campo, debaixo da sombra de uma rvore, encontrava-se um grupo de jovens, comendo com apetite espigas enquanto falavam. Pararam de falar quando os fariseus, com suas tnicas negras, se aproximaram. As educadas saudaes foram interrompidas por Elias. Vejam s, exclamou ele. Eles esto comendo gro! Gro colhido no Sbado!

Elias turned angrily to Jesus. Dont you know its against the law given to us by Moses? Why are they breaking the Sabbath by picking grain? The men standing before Jesus valued the letter of the law, not its heart. He replied with characteristic calmness, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Elias scowled at him and turned back to the other elders. They walked a few paces away, huddling together as they murmured amongst themselves, Who does this man think he is? Defiling the Sabbath! Not willing to subject themselves to further blasphemy, they walked back to the village synagogue, discussing as they went their outrage that Jesus did not accept the supremacy of the Law. Back in the synagogue, the congregation was gathering for prayer. Elias cast his eye over the crowd. Yes, there was his son. God be praised, Elias thought to himself. The small band from the grain field had also walked back to town and now entered the synagogue. Elias nudged one of the other elders. Look, hes here! Wed better keep close and listen to every word he says! Elias was greatly agitated.

Virou-se irado para o seu lder. No sabe que isso contra a lei que Moiss nos deu? Por que eles esto infringindo o Sbado e colhendo gro? Os homens que estavam ali diante de Jesus, valorizavam a letra da lei, no o seu esprito. Ele respondeu com a calma de costume, O Sbado foi feito por causa do homem, no o homem por causa do Sbado. Elias olhou furioso para ele e virou-se para os ancios. Eles afastaram-se alguns passos e depois se juntaram, enquanto murmuravam entre si Quem este homem acha que ? Desrespeitando o Sbado! No querendo se sujeitar a mais blasfmias, eles voltaram para a sinagoga da aldeia, discutindo enquanto caminhavam o seu horror por Jesus no aceitar a supremacia da Lei. De volta sinagoga, a congregao estava se reunindo para orar. Elias deu uma olhada na multido. L estava seu filho. Deus seja louvado pensou Elias consigo. O pequeno grupo do campo de gro, tambm tinha voltado para a cidade e estava agora entrando na sinagoga. Elias cutucou um dos outros ancies. Olhe, ele est aqui! melhor ficarmos por perto e escutarmos cada palavra que diz! Elias estava muito agitado.

It was Amoz that drew Jesus attention. Amoz was a gaunt man in his forties. He came from a family of farmers, but had struggled all his life due to his handicap. His right hand was withered and useless. There was no feeling in the fingers, no power of movement in his wrist, no strength whatsoever. His arm hung lifelessly at his side. This was no small problem. His left arm was unusually strong as it was used to doing the work of two; but still, the handicap hindered his labors on the land and Amoz and his family were desperately poor. Amoz turned as a stranger, who appeared by his bearing to be a teacher, moved in his direction. Stand over here, he asked.

Foi Ams que atraiu a ateno de Jesus. Ams era um homem muito magro, dos seus quarenta anos. Vinha de uma famlia de agricultores, mas lutou toda a vida com uma deficincia. Tinha a mo direita mirrada e intil. No sentia os dedos, no conseguia mover o pulso, e no tinha fora alguma. Seu brao ficava pendido do lado do seu corpo. Mas no era problema. Seu brao esquerdo era anormalmente forte e estava acostumado a fazer o trabalho de dois; mas mesmo assim, a deficincia atrapalhava o que precisava fazer na terra, e Ams e sua famlia eram desesperadamente pobres. Ams virou-se e viu um estranho, que pela aparncia parecia ser professor, vindo na sua direo. Fique aqui, disse ele.

It was a gentle but commanding voice. Amoz came over to Jesus. He had never seen him before and didnt know why he had been called out, but there was a strange feeling rising in his heart. Some indefinable expectation, some hope was leaping up inside. Jesus was well aware that everything He said and did was being scrutinized by the small group of Pharisees who were now pushing their way through the congregation. They wanted to hear and see everything that went on. Elias stood with the other elders. He glared at Jesus, ready to see what would follow.

Era uma voz gentil, mas com autoridade. Ams aproximou-se de Jesus. Nunca o tinha visto antes e no sabia por que o tinha chamado, mas sentia algo estranho em seu corao. Uma expectativa inexplicvel, uma esperana brotando l no fundo. Jesus sabia bem que o pequeno grupo de fariseus que estava abrindo caminho por entre a multido estava atento a tudo Ele dizia. Eles queriam ouvir e ver tudo que estava acontecendo. Elias ficou com os outros ancios. Ele olhava furiosamente para Jesus, pronto para ver o que viria a seguir.

Jeremias also edged his way closer. He had wanted to hear Jesus speak again, like he had on the hillside some months previously. He wanted to understand what was different about Jesus teaching, and why his father opposed him so vehemently. Jesus spoke again, this time directly to the Pharisees. Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? To save life, or to kill? There was an anger in His voice. He could see that their hearts were hard. They cared more about the days of the week than they did for those in need. Elias was silent. The other elders also held their peace, watching to see what would follow. Jeremias held his breath. Jesus turned back to Amoz. Stretch out your hand. Amoz could not do this; his hand was hanging limply. But that mysterious kindling of hope in his heart caused him to want to obey the teacher and he made the effort. As he did so, there came a tingling in his right arm that he had not felt since he could remember. His hand stretched out firmlyhe moved his fingershis hand was healed! It was a miracle!

Jeremias tambm conseguiu se aproximar. Ele queria ouvir Jesus falar de novo, como ouvira no monte alguns meses antes. Queria entender porque os ensinamentos de Jesus eram diferentes, e porque seu pai se opunha a ele com tanta veemncia. Jesus falou de novo, desta vez diretamente para os fariseus. lcito no Sbado fazer bem ou fazer mal? Salvar ou matar? Havia indignao em Sua voz. Podia ver que os coraes deles estavam endurecidos. Eles se importavam mais com os dias da semana do que com os necessitados. Elias ficou calado. Os outros ancies tambm ficaram quietos, esperando para ver o que viria a seguir. Jeremias prendeu a respirao. Dava para sentir a tenso reinante. Jesus virou-se de novo para Ams. Estende a mo. Ams no conseguia fazer isso; sua mo pendia inerte. Mas uma inexplicvel centelha de f em seu corao o fez querer obedecer ao mestre e fazer o esforo. Ao fazer isso, sentiu um formigamento no brao como no lembrava ter sentido alguma vez. Sua mo se esticou com firmeza moveu os dedos sua mo estava curada! Era um milagre!

He raised his right handthe hand that had been withered awayto his face in wonder. He put both hands together. They were of equal strength! He moved each finger in turn; he twisted his hand palm up, palm down. He flexed his hand. He made a fist, then stretched the fingers. Again he clenched, again he stretched. He stared at his hands, and then he looked at Jesus. Words could not express his thanks. Jesus smiled, and stepped back, as the crowd was now pressing forward to see Amoz closer. Jeremias peered over the heads of the throng to get a better view. Exclamations of astonishment could be heard throughout the congregation. His father had stormed out in a silent rage. The Sabbath had been defiled, again!

Ele levantou a mo direita, a mo que era mirrada, altura do rosto, maravilhado. Juntou ambas as mos. Tinham a mesma fora! Moveu cada dedo; virou a mo com a palma para cima, para baixo. Movimentou a mo. Fechou-a e depois esticou os dedos. Fechou e abriu a mo mais uma vez. Olhou maravilhado para as mos, e depois olhou para Jesus. Palavras no podiam expressar como estava agradecido. Jesus sorriu e deu um passo para trs, enquanto a multido agora empurrava para ver Ams mais de perto. Jeremias expiou por cima das cabeas de todos para ver melhor. Por todo lado se ouviam exclamaes de assombro. O pai tinha sado apressadamente numa raiva silenciosa. O Sbado tinha sido desrespeitado de novo!

Jesus and His followers had withdrawn from the synagogue. Jeremias also made his way outside. One of the followers of Jesus was standing quietly by the well, drinking water. This was a youth of about his ageyounger than the others. Jeremias approached him. Are you one of His followers? Yes, that is my privilege! I dont understand the conflict. Your rabbi seems to do good, but the elders are angry with him. Why doesnt He respect the Law? Couldnt He have waited until tomorrow to heal old Amoz? The young man looked closely at his questioner. But why should he suffer a day longer than needed? If you were in his place, wouldnt you want to be healed as soon as possible? I have heard Jesus speak before, and I hear the stories that people tell, but what does His message really mean? Jeremias burst out, giving voice to the anxiety and confusion that filled his mind. I saw His anger today, at my father among others, yet I also saw His compassion. Why does He defy the elders? His performance today aggravated them, but on the other hand, I cant help but see that He is working miracles. And I cannot

Jesus e Seus seguidores tinham sado da sinagoga. Jeremias tambm saiu. Um dos seguidores de Jesus estava tranquilamente bebendo gua perto do poo. Era um jovem mais ou menos da idade dele, mais novo que os outros. Jeremias aproximou-se dele acanhadamente. Voc um dos seguidores dEle? Sim, tenho esse privilgio! Eu no entendo o conflito. O seu rabi parece uma pessoa boa, mas os ancios esto furiosos com ele. Por que que Ele no respeita a Lei? Ser que no podia esperar at amanh para curar Ams? O jovem olhou com mais ateno para o seu inquiridor. Por que haveria ele de sofrer mais do que o necessrio? Se voc estivesse no lugar dele, no ia querer ser curado o mais rpido possvel? Eu j ouvi Jesus pregar outras vezes e tenho ouvido as histrias que as pessoas contam, mas o que significa realmente a mensagem dele?" Jeremias no parava de falar, colocando em palavras a ansiedade e confuso que atormentavam sua mente. Eu vi a ira dEle, com meu pai e os outros, mas tambm vi Sua compaixo. Por que que Ele desacata os ancies? O que Ele fez hoje os deixou irritados, mas por outro lado no posso deixar de ver que Ele est fazendo milagres. E no

understand how or why God would empower Him to perform miracles when he is obviously a lawbreaker! Jeremias, grace, mercy, love this is the heart of the law, not the dutiful keeping of every fine detail of the commandments. Isnt healing Amoz more important than keeping the jot and tittle of Sabbath day law? *** It was late in the evening, and Jeremias was breathless when he made it back to the door of his home. He had hurried over several miles of countryside. He didnt want his father to know where he had been. Elias jumped up when his son entered the room. He stared hard at him, as though the scrutiny would reveal his sons recent whereabouts. Well, what do you have to say for yourself? he demanded angrily. Jeremias adopted the meek pose of a dutiful son. But it was an outward show. On the inside, he no longer feared the wrath of his father. No, he would leave everything behind and follow the Great Teacher. He too would help the sick, feed the hungry, lift the

consigo entender como ou por que Deus lhe d poder para fazer milagres quando Ele , obviamente, um infrator da lei! "Jeremias, graa, misericrdia e amor so o esprito da lei, no a observncia obrigatria de cada detalhezinho dos mandamentos. Ser que curar Ams no mais importante do que observar cada til das proibies do Sbado? *** J era tarde da noite e Jeremias estava ofegante, quando chegou porta de casa. Tinha corrido vrios quilmetros pelos campos. No queria que seu pai soubesse onde estivera. Elias apareceu de um pulo quando o filho entrou no cmodo. Olhou para ele atentamente, como se isso fosse revelar onde o filho havia estado. Ento, o que voc tem a dizer? inquiriu zangado. Jeremias adotou a postura humilde de um filho obediente. Mais uma vez baixou a cabea como se estivesse envergonhado da repreenso do pai. De forma alguma, o que ele queria fazer era deixar tudo para trs e seguiria o Grande Mestre. Ele tambm ajudaria os pobres, alimentaria os famintos, levantaria os fardos dos

burdens of the downtrodden, and it wouldnt matter anymore if that care was bestowed on the Sabbath or any other day of the week. Mercy was more important than sacrificial keeping of ancient rituals and customs. The great commandments, he had learned from Jesus, were to love God and to love his neighbor. Love was the heart of the law, and the love he was learning from the Master would last today and forever!

oprimidos, e no importaria mais se isso fosse feito no Sbado ou em qualquer outro dia da semana. Misericrdia mais importante do que a observncia sacrificada dos antigos rituais e costumes. Os grandes mandamentos, que tinha aprendido com Jesus, eram amar a Deus e amar o prximo. O amor o esprito da lei, e o amor que estava aprendendo com o Mestre duraria hoje e para sempre!

Histrias bilnge para crianas -

Story by A.F. May, The Family International. Illustrations courtesy of

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