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Case 1:09-cv-02030-CKK Document 163-12 Filed 06/17/13 Page 81 of 185

Attachment to Form 1023 CAIR-Foundation, Inc. EIN: 77-0646756 P. 12 The Organization is submitting this application more than 27 months after the end of the month in which it was legally formed. This is an application for reinstatement after automatic revocation of Section 501(c)(3) status. As instructed in the IRS directions regarding applications for reinstatement, the Organization is not completing and attaching Schedule E.

2b. Have you made or are you making an election to have your legislative activities measured by expenditures by filing Form 5768? If "Yes," attach a copy of the Form 5768 that was already filed or attach a completed Form 5768 that you are filing with this application.
The Organization has attached a copy of Form 5768 which it is filing with this application.

4a. Do you or will you undertake fundraising? Attach a description of each fundraising program.
Email solicitations. The Organization will send email solicitations for donations to people in the community and local and national corporations identified by the Board as potential donors. Requests for donations would be primarily in the daily newsletter.



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Personal solicitations. The Organization will personally solicit donations from acquaintances of the board members and officers, as well as business associations, companies, and individuals identified by the Board as potential donors. Foundation grant solicitations. The Organization will apply for grants from various foundations.

Accept Donations on Your Website. The Organization may create a website in the future, which will accept donations.

Mail solicitations. The Organization will send mail solicitations for donations to people in the community and local and national corporations identified by the Board as potential donors.


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CAIR Foundation's Governmental Affairs Department conducts and organizes lobbying efforts on issues related to Islam, Muslims, and civil rights. The department is active in monitoring legislation and government activities and then, responding on behalf of the American Muslim community. CAIR Foundation representatives have testified before Congress and have sponsored a number of activities designed to bring Muslim concerns to Capitol Hill. CAIR Foundation representatives may lobby individual congressmen and officials on these issues.



2a. Do you attempt to influence legislation? If "Yes," explain how you attempt to influence legislation and complete line 2b.

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Case 1:09-cv-02030-CKK Document 163-12 Filed 06/17/13 Page 82 of 185

Attachment to Form 1023 CAIR-Foundation, Inc. EIN: 77-0646756 P. 13

The Organization makes occasional grants to its affiliated chapter organizations that are separate organizations. These chapters support the same mission and purpose of CAIR Foundation, but conduct locally-based activities.

Do you have written contracts with each of these organizations? If "Yes," attach a copy of each contract.



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d IdentifY each recipient organization and any relationship between you and the recipient organization.

The recipient organizations are considered CAIR Foundation chapters. The Council on American-Islamic Relations Action Network, Inc. ("CAIR Action Network"), with which CAIR Foundation is closely connected, owns various trademarks related to the name CAIR and Council on American-Islamic Relations. As noted in response to Question VIII, 10, the Organization has a license to use those trademarks from CAIR Action Network. The chapters also have licenses to use these trademarks from CAIR Action Network. CAIR Action Network does not charge a fee for these licenses.

The Organization does not have a formal written grant contract with any organization.


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13 a. Do you or will you make grants, loans, or other distributions to organization(s)? If "Yes," answer lines 13b through 13g. b. Describe how your grants, loans, or other distributions to organizations further your exempt purposes.



The Council on American-Islamic Relations Action Network, Inc. ("CAIR Action Network"), with which CAIR Foundation is closely connected, owns various trademarks related to the name CAIR and Council on American-Islamic Relations. The Organization has a license to use those trademarks from CAIR Action Network. The Organization does not pay any fee or royalty to CAIR Action Network for these licenses.




10. Do you or will you publish, own, or have rights in music, literature, tapes, artworks, choreography, scientific discoveries, or other intellectual property? If "Yes," explain. Describe who owns or will own any copyrights, patents, or trademarks, whether fees are or will be charged, how the fees are determined, and how any items are or will be produced, distributed, and marketed

The Organization intends to conduct fundraising in all of the 50 States and possibly the territories of the United States. The Organization will perform fundraising for itself.

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4d List all states and local jurisdictions in which you conductfundraising. For each state or local jurisdiction listed, specifY whether you fundraise for your own organization, you fundraise for another organization, or another organizationfundraisesfor you.

Case 1:09-cv-02030-CKK Document 163-12 Filed 06/17/13 Page 83 of 185

Attachment to Form 1023 CAIR-Foundation, Inc. EIN: 77-0646756 P. 14 CAIR Foundation regularly works with the CAIR Foundation chapters on certain programs and activities. CAIR Foundation is closely connected to the chapters as described below in response to Question VIII, 15.

The Secretary of the Organization maintains a record of all grants, loans, and distributions.

The Organization may request periodic and final reports from recipient organizations on the use of resources provided.


Do you have a close connection with any organizations? If "Yes, "explain.



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CAIR Foundation is closely connected to its local chapters through its National Council. CAIR Foundation has a National Council that provides guidance to the Organization and elects a portion ofits.board of directors. The National Council is comprised of the current board of directors and senior executive staffmembers ofCAIR Foundation, as well as two persons from each local chapter/office that is large enough to have a paid executive director (or one person from smaller chapters/offices), and one person from the board of directors of each state's local office. (Other persons on the National Council may be elected by the board of directors of CAIR Foundation.)

CAIR Foundation is closely connected to CAIR Action Network, a Section 501(c)(4) organization whose tax exempt status has been revoked as of the date of this filing. CAIR Action Network and CAIR Foundation have overlapping boards. CAIR Action Network donates office space to CAIR Foundation at no cost to CAIR Foundation.


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g. Describe your procedures for oversight of distributions that assure you the resources are used to further your exempt purposes, including whether you require periodic and final reports on the use ofresources.



The Organization does not have a grant application form, nor does it require a written grant proposal. However, the Organization reviews the activities and reputation of potential grantees through interviews and discussions with officers and employees of the Organization and discussions with members of the community focusing on these issues. The Organization also requests information from the chapters about the intended uses of the grant funds. The Organization works closely with the chapter Organizations, and is very familiar with their programs and activities. All grants will be made for purposes consistent with the Organization's exempt purposes.




Describe your selection process.


e. Describe the records you keep with respect to the grants, loans, or other distributions you make.

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Case 1:09-cv-02030-CKK Document 163-12 Filed 06/17/13 Page 84 of 185

Attachment to Form 1023 CAIR-Foundation, Inc. EIN: 77-0646756 P. 15

6.b.i.b. Attach a list showing the name and amount contributed by each person, company, or organization whose gifts totaled more than the 2% amount.



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Qatar is a foreign government whose support may be considered in determining an organization's qualification under Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (the "Code") as an organization described in Section 170(b)(l)(A)(vi) of the Code. Rev. Rul. 75-435.


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The Government of Qatar has contributed $405,000 over the five year period. 1

Council on American-Islamic Relations Action Network, Inc. has contributed $1,080,000 over the five year period.

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