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Esl classroom discipline

Ever walked into a classroom with 50 or more students, and they're literally all wild? Well if you take
up a teaching position in Thailand then odds are that you'll probably encounter something similar to
what I've just mentioned above.

How should we handle such a situation? How can we get control back in the classroom? and most of all
how can we maintain it!

There are many forms of discipline that we can use. One of the older forms which was very widely
used in the west up to 25 years ago was corporal punishment. This meant if a student stood out of line
he or she got whacked! Usually with a cane or a belt!

This was a very effective way of controlling 99% of the students 99% of the time. Unfortunately for the
teacher, the wishy washy loony leftie do gooder politically correct brigade got it banned. The results of
what happens when discipline is taken away are evident for all to see today, especially in western

Okay so we've established the above method is not for use. Even though the stick was banned 5 years
or more ago in Thailand, some Thai teachers still carry it and use it! You shouldn't! Period!

When you look at discipline it's all about control in many cases. If you can control the kids then you'll
have little or no problems! Right so how can we most easily control the kids in a way that will be
beneficial for all concerned?

1. When you enter the class, lay down some good classroom rules and stick to them!

2. Try not to raise your voice and shout all the time. This will initially work at first, but after a while
they will grow used to hearing you and ignore you.

3.Have a good plan for your lessons with no gaps here and there. For example a 10 minute gap at the
end of the class where you've run out of material will lead to a noisy and rowdy class.

4.Make sure your lessons are fun, plenty of games and activities. Nothing is worse than doing boring
book work for all of the lesson, chalk and talk.

5.Variety... variety is the spice of life and English teaching! More interesting topics will keep students
focused and engaged in the lesson.

6. Be firm but fair, becoming a tyrant will not help you and you'll become hated.

7.Do not sit friends together wherever possible! They will chat and lark around, split them up.

8. If you give lines to naughty students, make sure they do them! Chase them twice a day for them until
the lines have been completed. The message that will get around is that you mean business.

9.Instead of shouting when you want to get peoples attention. Why not just try this... stand in front of
the class quietly and stare at them. They'll eventually all become quiet, then you can start talking.

10. If the class gets too out of control and you get too stressed, just walk out for a few minutes compose
yourself and then go back in.

Good luck!


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