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Nancy Levant
June 13, 2005
Let’s imagine that we all live the Agenda 21 way.
We own no land. We have no guns. We have no vote. Our children are the property of a global
government taught by NGO agents called Career Certification Specialists, and God is outlawed
and a thing of the past.
We are assigned to employers who are assigned to our settlement territories. There is no local
government and there are no counties or cities. We are barred from large forests, natural fresh
waters, and beachfront properties, which are all owned by businesses and used, tax free, by
their families and friends.
The population of what was once American people, is now squeezed into settlement
communities in the center of the country. The wealthy live in mega-mansions, and
conservation easements, corridors, and buffer zones separate us from them. The mountains
and large forested areas of the country are strictly off limits to Mid-North American people
(M-NAPs), and corporate government owns all land and watershed systems.
We drive less and less as government security and the Real ID denies more and more driver’s
licenses for more and more reasons. The cut-off age for driver’s licenses is lowered to 60 and
the driving age is raised to following compulsory military service, but all driving is restricted
to 25 miles a week. Then 20. Then 15, and so forth.
Employers send trams to pick us up for work and drop us off. That will come out of our
paychecks, but enforced non-pollution is just that – enforced.
Via nano-technology and widespread RFID use, all pretense of privacy will leave our
imaginations, and we become a highly managed species to find, punish, eavesdrop upon, and
watch (Sub-dermal chipping was tested on grazing animals, then dogs, and chipping centers
are now open for business in Florida and being tested on senior citizens. Children will be next
under the guise of security/anti-kidnapping technology, and then banking rights will require
As we become ill more frequently, living in such close and small quarters, we are given the
medical care that the government deems appropriate, and NGO governing boards determine
the definition of human quality of life. Remember that human life is to be reduced by 40-75%
depending upon which U.N. conservation partners you listen to.
At least 50% of the North American continent is off limits to Homo Sapiens. Between the
government and large land trusts, more than half of American land is already in their hands.
Species of large mammals are repopulated. Wolves and cougars, mountain lions and bears
guard the wilderness areas to ensure that people keep away. All wilderness areas are now the
private property of corporate government. Watch for fencing.
International conglomerations, which are partnered with international conservation/land
trusts, and all partnered with the United Nations, are the holders and keepers of land stolen
by complex business schemes. Those conglomerations and their partnerships, which “control”
and “aid” and “create” the conservation strategy of all life on Earth and are the self-
proclaimed custodians of all living ecosystems, are historically, and remain the largest
polluters on Earth. Their leadership and their partners are all multi-millionaires and
All children, following 10-12 years of indoctrination, are soldiers. All women are rated for
limited reproductive rights and licenses will be issued for reproductive rights. The mentally or
physically damaged are eliminated. All income is reduced to under 20K per year, and
American suburbia is leveled and rebuilt into business and trade corridors.

The Mexican and Canadian borders are dissolved. Martial law is implemented to keep the
peace and to put down all attempted uprisings. Troublemakers will be killed or removed from
the general population and placed into determent camps, which are currently readied and
The sick, infirmed, and the children of troublemakers will become wards of the state. Some
will be re-engineered and some will be put down.

Now, why would all this happen to the human population? Why would big business and the
largest banks in the world ever conceive of such a plan? Why, to protect nature, of course!
That is what the U.N. has declared – and the World Bank and the World Trade Organization
and the American government. And if you believe that, I’ve got some swampland to sell you,
located in a U.N. Biosphere Reserve, which is surrounded by a conservation easement, which
is surrounded by a buffer zone (the politically correct term for de-militarized zone) in deed-
restricted Florida, which is actually owned by the corporation of Florida, under the CEO
Just keep telling yourselves – we elected them – we elected them.
Related Article:
Internationalizing America's Roads

Nancy Levant is a life-long writer, a believer of God, country, Constitutional and individual
rights. She resides in rural Southwestern Ohio. She has worked professionally with children
since 1974 and is an ardent supporter of home schooling.
Nancy Levant has done radio and television interviews, has been a guest speaker in many
venues including college campuses, schools, Indian reservations, human service
organizations, and has been the president of a youth sports organization.
Ms. Levant just completed 'The Collapse of Intuition', a non-fiction book about the decline of
instinctual and intuitive abilities in American women. Equally, she is a writer for freedom
and land rights issues and opposes the United Nation's Agenda 21 implementation in

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