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Beyond Comprehension fill the Torah, can come to a level of com-

plete purity.
The Gemara in Maseches Kiddushin re-
an act of dedication to his father, the Jewish
people were challenged in the heavens why
they were not moser nefesh for mitzvos like
counts the story of a famous non-Jew, Dama this non-Jew. The Almighty gave the Jew-
The Mitzvah of Parah Adumah ben Nesina. Chazal came to purchase pre- ish people an opportunity to prove their com-
further and seek a glimmer of understand- cious stones from him which they needed mitment, by paying a small fortune to pur-
By Rav Moshe Shternbuch for the Eifod of the Kohen Gadol. The keys chase a parah adumah to fulfill a mitzvah
ing about the nature of Hashem.
The following was writ- This is the deeper meaning behind our to the cabinet where they were stored were with no apparent reason.
ten by Rabbi Daniel Ya underneath his father’s pillow, but Dama ben “‘This is the chok of the Torah,’ I have
akov Travis based on a made My decree, and established My stat-
drasha given by Rav Mo ute, and you have no right to question it.”
she Shternbuch, Rosh Av Only a person who is moser nefesh, who Herein the Almighty lays down a funda-
mental principle of the Torah: His ways
Beis Din of the Eidah Ha
chareidis of Yerushalayim.
exerts himself to fulfill the Torah, can come are far beyond us and only by accepting
••••• to a level of complete purity. His absolute sovereignty can we succeed
DEEPER MEANING in serving Him.
“‘This is the chok [statute] of the To- May it be His will that His honor
rah.’ The nations of the world come to the proclamation at Har Sinai of “Na’aseh Nesina dared not wake him up to get them. should be revealed speedily in our days.
Jewish People saying, ‘What is this venishamh.” First we declared “na’aseh,” we He chose to miss out on earning riches •••••
mitzvah of parah adumah? What is the will do even if we do not understand. After- through the sale so as to avoid disturbing Rabbi Travis is a rosh kollel of Kollel
reason for it?’ Therefore, the Torah writes, wards, we said nishmah, we will try to un- his father. In the merit of his fulfillment of Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim, and is the
‘This is the chok of the Torah.’ You have derstand the Torah to the best of our ability. the mitzvah of honoring his father, Dama author of Shaylos U’Teshuvos Toras
no right to give a reason for it’’ (Rashi, Professors and philosophers cling to was rewarded generously. The next year, a Chaim and “Praying With Joy - A Daily
Bamidbar 19:2). the belief that their minds are capable of parah adumah was born to him. Chazal paid Tefilla Companion,” a practical daily
Rashi’s words are baffling. He starts grasping all wisdom. They spend their him thousands of gold coins in order to pur- guide to improving one’s prayers, avail-
off by explaining that one may not seek lives asking deep questions, in order to chase the parah. able from Feldheim Publishers. For more
explanations for the parah adumah, yet show that they are working towards com- The Chiddushei Harim explains the information about his work, contact
he concludes the perek (19:22) by quot- plete understanding. Their intellectual deeper meaning of this Gemara. After such
ing Rav Moshe Hadarshan, who offers a probing eventually leads their students to
reason for this mitzvah. How can we un-
derstand this apparent contradiction?
Although the Rambam, the Sefer
deny the existence of a Creator.
Klal Yisrael knows better.
Animals were given a certain amount
Protest in Yerushalayim
the city. Until now, they made their pa-
Hachinuch and other Rishonim seek to ex- of intellect. They instinctively know every- By Rav Moshe Shternbuch
rade in an outer corner of the city inside
plain the significance of each of the mitzvos, thing needed to survive in their environ-
The following was written by Rabbi an auditorium, and now he gives free reign
in truth the reasons are way beyond our com- ment and avoid danger. Man was also given
Daniel Yaakov Travis based on a drasha to the highest form of abomination. He
prehension. These great chachomim were a mind as a tool to navigate the challenges
given by Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rosh Av wants to contaminate the holy city of
merely offering us a glimpse of insight into of life in this world. But its purpose is not
Beis Din of the Eidah Hachareidis of Yerushalayim and make it like any other
the Torah’s commandments. Only after un- to understand the ways of Heaven. For this,
Yerushalayim, on 3 Tammuz in Geulah, city in the world.
conditionally accepting our obligation to we need the emunah that His thoughts are
Yerushalayim. When we make a macha’ah and protest
fulfill all the mitzvos may we explore the much deeper than ours.” Parah adumah
••••• what is taking place, we are doing what we
“reasons” for any given mitzvah. teaches us the fundamental concept that all
We have come here today to publicly can to show that we having nothing to do
This simple acceptance of Hashem’s of the Torah is a chok, and this emunah is
sanctify Hashem’s name, and to protest with this abomination. We turn to the Al-
Torah is epitomized by the parah adumah. the secret of the survival of the Jews
the desecration of the Almighty’s honor. mighty saying, “We have done what we can
After accepting the fundamental teaching throughout the generations.
In the parsha of arayos, the Torah re- and hope that You will respond.”
of the parah adumah, that the true rea-
lates that Hashem cannot bear this impurity. Some argued that we should not make
sons for the mitzvos are beyond our com- A COW FOR A COW
Especially in Eretz Yisroel, anyone who any protest, for negative ramifications
prehension, we are then permitted to make Rashi explains the reason for the choice
transgresses this prohibition will literally be could come about from it. Such calcula-
drashos to try and reach a deeper under- of a cow for the mitzvah of parah adumah.
spat out from the land. Such behavior tions are not in place while such a dis-
standing. Even after the explanation, it Klal Yisrael sinned with the cheit ha’eigel.
enflames Divine wrath, and we can not even grace is taking place around us. We can-
remains clear to us that the real reasons In order to atone for this transgression
speak about what can transpire as a result. not let this stop us from defending
are still unknown to us. measure for measure, the Almighty gave
In recent weeks, the newspapers have Hashem’s honor!
The nations of the world believe that they us the mitzvah of parah adumah.
been filled with articles describing the great The Torah instructs us to set up shoftim
should be able to grasp the logic behind any Rav Eliyahu Lopian offers a beautiful
threat that Eretz Yisroel faces from Iran and veshotrim, police and guards, during the
concept, and therefore demand the reason for explanation for this concept. The posuk in
the other countries surrounding Artzeinu Yomim Tovim. Shoftim are to ensure that there
the mitzvah. When they ask, we must answer, Yeshaya say, “The Almighty will clean away
Hakedosha. The whole world should know is no immorality during this time. However,
“This is the chok of the Torah.” Since they the filth of Tzion.” When a baby dirties his
that Iran does not present any danger to us! this is not sufficient. We also need shotrim to
are unwilling to subjugate their intellect to diaper, the smell is repulsive to those around
Hashem is Shomer Yisroel; He protects the strengthen the kedusha so that we should be
their Creator, we are forbidden to reveal rea- him. Yet the baby’s own parents readily and
Jewish people and we have nothing to fear. able to stand up to the challenges that we are
sons to them, for if the reasons do not satisfy lovingly clean their child. So too, when the
What should really arouse our fear is presented with during this time.
their limited powers of logic, they will de- Jewish people transgress, it is revolting to
learning the Torah’s parsha of tochacha. How hard the Soton will try to thwart
duce that the mitzvah is unreasonable. the malachim and they are unwilling to aid
When we see what enflaming the us from making a protest against these
in the process of purifying Klal Yisroel. Only
Almighty’s anger can cause, a great trepi- abominations that are taking place. Our
ACCEPTING LIMITATIONS the Almighty, our Father in Heaven, is will-
dation should overtake us. During the macha’ah is very dear in the Almighty’s
The Vilna Gaon compared this concept ing to clean up the mess Himself. For this
Holocaust, we saw devastation before our eyes, for we are here solely to defend His
to looking at a globe and seeing that one reason, He gave us the parah adumah, as a
eyes, and gedolei Yisroel attributed this to honor. Our actions envelop us with
tiny dot represents an entire country. Simi- loving gesture to help us clean up the mess
the lack of protest to the transgressions kedusha and can hold back the Divine fury
larly, every mitzvah we do has unfathom- we made with the chet ha’eigel.
that were taking place around us. that such actions stir up.
able ramifications in the Upper Heavens,
Standing by silently while abominations Lest one think that they should ignore
with infinite reward awaiting those who EFFORT AND REWARD
take place around us can cause us to be in- these actions and they will not affect us,
perform it faithfully. So too, each trans- Finding a parah adumah is no easy
cluded in the punishment for these acts. The this is a grave error. Tumah is very strong
gression causes untold damage to the spiri- task; even two black or white hairs dis-
Gemara in Nedarim says that someone who and can even enter through closed doors
tual worlds, and every effort must be made qualify the parah. Because of its rarity,
hears a bracha levatala and does not put the and windows. We must do what we can
to avoid even the slightest transgression. purchasing one could cost thousands of
person in nidui is also in nidii for his silence. and the Almighty will finish.
In tefillah, we say, “Ein K’Elokeinu - gold coins. This alludes to the great
What we are experiencing today is a much We are in the final epoch before the
No one is like the Almighty.” Immediately mesiras nefesh and dedication required to
more serious transgression. coming of Moshiach and the challenges
afterwards, we say, “Mi K’Elokeinu - Who purify oneself.
In Parshas Pinchos, Klal Yisroel’s ac- we face are very great, especially those
is like the Almighty?” If we have already Guarding the mitzvos of the Torah re-
tions aroused great Divine fury. Pinchos connected to Eretz Yisroel. During these
declared that there is no one like the Al- quires effort on our part. Someone who
stood up and protected the Almighty’s auspicious times, we must make extra ef-
mighty, why do we then ask who is like gets out of bed whenever they feel like it,
honor. When Pinchos defended Hashem’s forts to protect tznius in all areas, espe-
the Almighty? thereby missing minyan in shul, and learns
honor, an even greater punishment was cially in regards to clothing and
The answer is clear. First we accept that Torah only when it conveniently fits into
averted. shaitelach. When the Almighty sees all of
there is no one like the Almighty and that his schedule, is missing a crucial aspect
The new mayor of Yerushalayim wants our efforts, He will surely hasten the time
our intellect cannot grasp His greatness. of Divine service. Only a person who is
to uproot any vestiges of kedusha from for the final redemption.
Afterwards, we may pursue this concept moser nefesh, who exerts himself to ful-

11 Tammuz 5769 • July 3 2009 YATED NE’EMAN Page 41

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