NBC Means Unity of Citizenship at Birth - 20090706 Issue Wash Times Natl Wkly - PG 11

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Obama is NOT an Article II Natural Born Citizen

and therefore is NOT Eligible to be President
The President and CINC of the USA Must be a “Natural Born” Citizen — U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5

No Person except a
The Law of Obama’s Father Was
natural born Citizen, or
a Citizen of the United Nations, Vattel, 1758, Not a U.S. Citizen, nor
States, at the time of Chapter 19, Section 212: Was He an Immigrant
the Adoption of this to the USA, nor Was
“natural-born citizens, are
Constitution, shall be He Even a Permanent
those born in the country,
eligible to the Office Resident of the USA
of parents who are citizens”
of President

Article II “Natural Born Citizen” Means Unity of Citizenship At Birth

Article II of our Constitution has a lot attachment for only the United States. becoming such must swear an oath that an Act of Congress and who can be but
to say about how a would-be President they renounce all other allegiances to not necessarily are also “natural born
is born. “Natural born Citizen” status Our Constitution requires unity of U.S. other nations. During the Washington Citizens”) except that they cannot be
requires not only birth on U.S. soil but also citizenship from birth only for the Office Administration, the First Congress President or Vice President, for they were
birth to parents who are both U.S. citizens of President and Commander in Chief of passed the Naturalization Act of 1795 in born with an allegiance not owing to the
by birth or naturalization. This unity of the Military, given the unique nature of which it provided that new citizens take United States and acquire that allegiance
jus soli (soil) and jus sanguinis (descent) the position, a position that empowers a solemn oath to support the Constitution only after birth. Surely, if a naturalized
in the child at the time of birth assures one person to decide whether our national and “renounce” all “allegiance” to citizen, even though having sole allegiance
that the child is born with sole allegiance survival requires the destruction of or a their former political regimes. This is to the United States, is not Constitutionally
(obligation of fidelity and obedience to nuclear attack on or some less military during the time that most of the Framers eligible to be President, we cannot expect
government in consideration for protection measure against another nation or group. were alive and still actively involved in any less of someone who we are willing
that government gives (U.S. v. Kuhn, 49 It is required of the President because such guiding and forming the new national to declare so Constitutionally eligible.
F.Supp.407, 414 (D.C.N.Y)) and loyalty to a status gives the American people the government and Constitutional Republic.
the United States and that no other nation best Constitutional chance that a would- Today, we still require that an alien upon The Founding Fathers emphasized
can lay any claim to the child’s (later an be President will not have any foreign being naturalized must give an oath that that, for the sake of the survival of the
adult) allegiance and loyalty. Indeed, influences which because of conflict of he/she renounces all former allegiances Constitutional Republic, the Office of
under such birth circumstances, no other conscience can most certainly taint his/ and that he/she will “support and defend President and Commander in Chief of the
nation can legally or morally demand her critical decisions made when leading the Constitution and laws of the United Military be free of foreign influence and
any military or political obligations from the nation. Hence, the special status is States of America against all enemies, intrigue. It is the “natural born Citizen”
that person. The child, as he/she grows, a Constitutional eligibility requirement foreign and domestic.” Hence, allegiance clause that gives the American people the
will also have a better chance of not to be President and thereby to be vested is not simply a thing of the past but very best fighting chance to keep it that way for
psychologically struggling with conflicted with the sole power to decide the fate much with us today. It is important to generations to come. American people do
allegiance and loyalty to any other nation. and survival of the American people. also understand that naturalization takes not have the Constitutional right to have
Of course, the status, being a minimum an alien back to the moment of birth and any certain person be President. But for
Unity of citizenship is based on the Constitutional requirement, does not by law changes that alien’s birth status. the reasons stated above, minimally they
teachings of the law of nature (natural law) guarantee that a would-be President will In other words, naturalization, which by do have a Constitutional right to protect


and the law of nations, as confirmed by have love and fealty only for the United legal definition requires sole allegiance to their liberty by knowing and assuring
ancient Greek and Roman law; American, States. Therefore, the final informed and the United States, re-creates the individual that their President is Constitutionally
European, and English constitutions, intelligent decision on who the President as though he were a born Citizen but only qualified to hold the Office of President
common and civil law, and statutes; will be is left to the voters, the Electors, does it by law and not by nature. This and Commander in Chief of the Military.
and Vattel’s, The Law of Nations, all of and Congress at the Joint Session, to is the reason that the 14th Amendment
which the Founding Fathers read and whom hopefully responsible media and considers a naturalized person to be a — Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
understood. These sources have taught political institutions will have provided “citizen” of the United States and not
civilizations from time immemorial that all the necessary vetting information a “natural born Citizen” of the United
a person gains allegiance and loyalty concerning the candidate’s character and States. This recreation of birth status If you would like to help with
and therefore attachment for a nation qualifications to be President. through naturalization which also existed this lawsuit, please contact
from either being born on the soil of the under English common law also probably
community defining that nation or from Through historical development, unity of explains why John Jay underlined the Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
being born to parents who were also born citizenship and sole allegiance at birth is word “born” when he recommended to
185 Gatzmer Avenue
on that same soil or who naturalized as not required for U.S. born citizen Senators, General Washington that only a “natural
though they were born on that soil. It is Representatives, and regular citizens under born Citizen” (as to say born in fact, by
Jamesburg NJ 08831
only by combining at birth in the child the 14th Amendment and Congressional nature, and not by law) be allowed to Email: apuzzo@erols.com
both means to inherit these two sources enactments. In contradiction and which be President. Consequently, naturalized TEL: 732-521-1900
of citizenship that the child by nature and confirms the Founding Fathers’ meaning citizens stand on an equal footing with FAX: 732-521-3906
therefore also by law is born with only one of what a “natural born Citizen” is, born Citizens (who are so recognized and BLOG: http://puzo1.blogspot.com
allegiance and loyalty to and consequently naturalized citizens, since 1795, before confirmed by the 14th Amendment or by

Paid for by: Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., CDR USNR Retired, Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner et al vs. Obama & Congress et al.

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