Rendell Budget 07-08-09

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2009-10 Budget

General Fund Tracking Run

(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Governor's Office
Governor's Office $7,104 $7,104
Governor's Office Total $7,104 $0 $7,104

Executive Offices
Office of Administration $9,816 $9,816
Unemployment Compensation Transition Costs 5,500 5,500
Medicare Part B Penalties 375 375
Commonwealth Technology Services 57,128 57,128
Public Television Technology 1,500 1,500
Statewide Public Safety Radio System 10,896 10,896
Office of Inspector General 2,869 2,869
Inspector General - Welfare Fraud 13,052 13,052
Office of the Budget 29,801 29,801
Office of Health Care Reform 1,561 1,561
Rx for PA - Chronic Care Management 1,492 1,492
Rx for PA - Health Information Exchange 3,000 3,000
Office of General Counsel 4,244 4,244
Governor's Advisory Council on Rural Affairs 151 151
Human Relations Commission 10,262 10,262
Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs 185 185
African-American Affairs Commission 250 250
Asian-American Affairs Commission 169 169
Council on the Arts 1,083 1,083
Commission for Women 240 240
Juvenile Court Judges Commission 2,320 2,320
Public Employee Retirement Commission 667 667
Commission on Crime and Delinquency 4,048 4,048
Victims of Juvenile Crime 3,002 3,002
Evidenced-Based Prevention (Safe Children) 3,404 3,404
Weed and Seed Program 2,506 2,506
Intermediate Punishment Programs 3,561 3,561
Intermediate Punishment Drug and Alcohol Treatment 17,574 17,574
Research-Based Violence Prevention 3,000 3,000
Improvement of Juvenile Probation Services 5,550 5,550
Specialized Probation Services 12,976 12,976
Grants to the Arts 14,000 14,000
Executive Offices Total $226,182 $0 $226,182

Lieutenant Governor
Lieutenant Governor's Office $884 $884
Board of Pardons 431 431
Lieutenant Governor Total $1,315 $0 $1,315

Attorney General
General Government Operations $40,418 $40,418
Drug Law Enforcement 25,694 25,694
Local Drug Task Forces 10,501 10,501
Drug Strike Task Force 2,185 2,185

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Joint Local-State Firearm Task Force 4,900 4,900

Witness Relocation Programs 428 428
Violence Reduction Witness Relocation 545 545
Child Predator Interception Unit 1,439 1,439
Capital Appeals Case Unit 634 634
Charitable Nonprofit Conversions 1,022 1,022
Tobacco Law Enforcement 769 769
County Trial Reimbursement 145 145
Transfer to Straw Purchase Prevention Education Program 100 100
Attorney General Total $88,780 $0 $88,780

Auditor General
Auditor General's Office $46,499 $46,499
Board of Claims 1,948 1,948
Auditor General Total $48,447 $0 $48,447

General Government Operations $23,207 $23,207
Escheats Administration 13,000 13,000
Board of Finance and Revenue 2,134 2,134
Intergovernmental Organizations 1,112 1,112
Publishing Monthly Statements 15 15
Replacement Checks (EA) 4,000 4,000
Law Enforcement/Emergency Personnel Death Benefits 1,362 1,362
Loan and Transfer Agents 70 70
General Obligation Debt Service 942,939 942,939
Treasury Total $987,839 $0 $987,839

Aging and Long Term Living

Long-Term Living - Administration $5,232 $5,232
Long-Term Care 638,182 $454,998 1,093,180
Services to Persons with Disabilities 93,692 27,505 121,197
Attendant Care 109,879 16,245 126,124
Aging and Long Term Living Total $846,985 $498,748 $1,345,733

General Government Operations $29,417 $29,417
Agricultural Excellence 600 600
Farmers' Market Food Coupons 2,226 2,226
Agricultural Conservation Easement Administration 283 283
Nutrient Management Administration 358 358
Animal Health Commission 4,850 4,850
Animal Indemnities 5 5
Transfer to State Farm Products Show Fund 3,419 3,419
State Food Purchase 18,000 18,000
Future Farmers 60 60
Transfer to Nutrient Management Fund 3,000 3,000
Transfer to Conservation District Fund 1,080 1,080
Crop Insurance 500 500

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Agriculture Total $63,798 $0 $63,798

Community and Economic Development

General Government Operations $19,015 $19,015
Office of Open Records 1,007 1,007
World Trade PA 8,891 8,891
Marketing to Attract Tourists 9,509 9,509
Marketing to Attract Business 1,790 1,790
Marketing to Attract Film Business 384 384
Business Retention and Expansion 1,948 1,948
PENNPORTS 9,405 9,405
Goods Movement and Intermodal Coordination 1,500 1,500
Land Use Planning Assistance 1,129 1,129
Transfer to Municipalities Financial Recovery Revolving Fund 1,480 1,480
Transfer to Ben Franklin Tech. Development Authority Fund 35,000 35,000
Transfer to Industrial Sites Environmental Assessment Fund 493 493
Transfer to Commonwealth Financing Authority 67,235 67,235
Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority-2nd Class Cities 500 500
Opportunity Grant Program 18,268 18,268
Customized Job Training 9,000 9,000
Keystone Innovation Zones 700 700
Infrastructure Development 17,500 17,500
Housing & Redevelopment Assistance 30,000 30,000
Accessible Housing 2,221 2,221
Shared Municipal Services 2,000 2,000
New Communities 10,000 10,000
Appalachian Regional Commission 859 859
Community Action Team (CAT) 309 309
Industrial Development Assistance 3,112 3,112
Local Development Districts 4,126 4,126
Small Business Development Centers 4,992 4,992
Tourist Promotion Assistance 9,500 9,500
Rural Leadership Training 250 250
Flood Plain Management 59 59
Community Conservation and Employment 20,913 20,913
Industrial Resource Centers 10,357 10,357
Early Intervention for Distressed Municipalities 740 740
Infrastructure & Facilities Improvement Grants 30,500 30,500
Economic Advancement 7,910 7,910
Community and Regional Development 10,570 10,570
Community and Economic Development Total $353,172 $0 $353,172

Conservation and Natural Resources

General Government Operations $20,850 $20,850
State Parks Operations 57,413 57,413
State Forests Operations 23,936 23,936
Forest Pest Management 4,154 4,154
Annual Fixed Charges - Flood Lands 65 65
Annual Fixed Charges - Project 70 35 35

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Annual Fixed Charges - Forest Lands 2,526 2,526

Annual Fixed Charges - Park Lands 400 400
Conservation and Natural Resources Total $109,379 $0 $109,379

General Government Operations $33,949 $33,949
Inmate Medical Care 230,576 230,576
Inmate Education and Training 47,287 47,287
State Correctional Institutions 1,315,372 $173,411 1,488,783
Corrections Total $1,627,184 $173,411 $1,800,595

General Government Operations $26,789 $26,789
Information and Technology Improvement 4,000 4,000
PA Assessment 54,400 54,400
State Library 2,396 2,396
Youth Development Centers - Education 11,155 11,155
Basic Education Funding 5,564,396 $418,000 5,982,396
Dual Enrollment Payments 10,000 10,000
School Improvement Grants 22,880 22,880
Pre-K Counts 95,053 95,053
Head Start Supplemental Assistance 39,480 39,480
Science: Its Elementary 13,625 13,625
Teacher Professional Development 36,000 36,000
Adult and Family Literacy 21,500 21,500
Career and Technical Education 63,314 63,314
Authority Rentals and Sinking Fund Requirements 330,000 330,000
Pupil Transportation 521,943 521,943
Nonpublic and Charter School Pupil Transportation 78,876 78,876
Special Education 1,026,815 1,026,815
Special Education Transition 5,497 5,497
Early Intervention 181,765 7,248 189,013
Tuition for Orphans and Children Placed in Private Homes 57,116 57,116
Payments in Lieu of Taxes 187 187
Education of Migrant Laborers' Children 1,149 1,149
PA Charter Schools for the Deaf and Blind 36,801 36,801
Special Education - Approved Private Schools 98,098 98,098
Intermediate Units 5,917 5,917
School Food Services 31,131 31,131
Rx for PA - School Food Services 3,000 3,000
School Employees' Social Security 523,613 523,613
School Employees' Retirement 334,476 334,476
High School Reform 10,734 10,734
Services to Nonpublic Schools 78,531 78,531
Textbooks, Materials and Equipment for Nonpublic Schools 23,889 23,889
Teen Pregnancy and Parenthood 1,533 1,533
Public Library Subsidy 66,500 66,500
Library Services for the Visually Impaired and Disabled 2,926 2,926
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic 69 69

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Library Access 7,774 7,774

Reimbursement of Charter Schools 253,906 253,906
Safe and Alternative Schools 17,023 17,023
Community Colleges 215,775 20,922 236,697
Transfer to Community College Capital Fund 46,369 46,369
Higher Education for the Disadvantaged 7,599 7,599
Subtotal $9,934,000 $446,170 $10,380,170

The Pennsylvania State University

General Support $277,467 $277,467
Subtotal $277,467 $0 $277,467
University of Pittsburgh
General Support $140,002 $140,002
Subtotal $140,002 $0 $140,002
Temple University
General Support $143,913 $143,913
Subtotal $143,913 $0 $143,913
Lincoln University
General Support $11,884 $11,884
Subtotal $11,884 $0 $11,884
Non-State Related Universities and Colleges
University of Pennsylvania - Veterinary Activities $32,510 32,510
Subtotal $32,510 $0 $32,510
Education Total $10,539,776 $446,170 $10,985,946

Environmental Protection
General Government Operations $15,345 $15,345
Environmental Program Management 38,270 38,270
Chesapeake Bay Pollution Abatement 3,102 3,102
Environmental Protection Operations 99,717 99,717
Black Fly Control 5,106 5,106
West Nile Virus Control 7,065 7,065
Flood Control Projects 5,475 5,475
Storm Water Management 2,079 2,079
Sewage Facilities Planning Grants 1,843 1,843
Sewage Facilities Enforcement Grants 4,935 4,935
Consumer Energy Program 15,000 15,000
Delaware River Master 94 94
Ohio River Basin Commission 14 14
Susquehanna River Basin Commission 701 701
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River 52 52
Delaware River Basin Commission 1,084 1,084
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission 170 170
Chesapeake Bay Commission 265 265
Transfer to Conservation District Fund 3,060 3,060
Interstate Mining Commission 37 37
Sea Grant Program 189 189
Environmental Protection Total $203,603 $0 $203,603

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

General Services
General Government Operations $75,631 $75,631
Rental and Municipal Charges 20,741 20,741
Utility Costs 26,450 26,450
Asbestos Response 148 148
Excess Insurance Coverage 1,367 1,367
Capitol Fire Protection 1,203 1,203
General Services Total $125,540 $0 $125,540

General Government Operations $25,743 $25,743
Organ Donation Awareness 53 53
Diabetes Programs 348 348
Quality Assurance 18,817 18,817
Smoke-Free PA Enforcement 1,567 1,567
Rx for PA - Health Care Associated Infections 2,467 2,467
Vital Statistics 6,814 6,814
State Laboratory 4,477 4,477
State Health Care Centers 23,878 23,878
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening and Treatment 2,403 2,403
Rx for PA - Health Equity Strategies 100 100
Primary Health Care Practitioner 4,376 4,376
Rx for PA - Primary Care Access 2,650 2,650
Newborn Screening 4,893 4,893
Expanded Cervical Cancer Screening 750 750
Cancer Control Programs 1,703 1,703
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening 1,678 1,678
AIDS Programs 9,000 9,000
School District Health Services 38,000 38,000
Local Health Departments 28,062 28,062
Local Health - Environmental 7,638 7,638
Maternal and Child Health 2,535 $258 2,793
Assistance to Drug and Alcohol Programs 41,750 41,750
Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment 996 996
Renal Dialysis 6,741 6,741
Services for Children with Special Needs 1,580 1,580
Adult Cystic Fibrosis 676 676
Cooley's Anemia 153 153
Hemophilia 1,409 1,409
Sickle Cell 1,784 1,784
Regional Poison Control Centers 1,007 1,007
Epilepsy Support Services 246 246
Newborn Hearing Screening 372 372
Health Total $244,666 $258 $244,924

General Government Operations $21,467 $21,467
Children's Health Insurance Administration 2,913 2,913
Adult Health Insurance Administration 3,078 3,078

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Children's Health Insurance 103,324 103,324

Insurance Total $130,782 $0 $130,782

Labor and Industry

General Government Operations $15,294 $15,294
Occupational and Industrial Safety 12,010 12,010
PENNSAFE 1,340 1,340
Pennsylvania Conservation Corps 6,371 6,371
Occupational Disease Payments 1,250 1,250
Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2,188 2,188
Transfer to Vocational Rehabilitation Fund 43,303 43,303
Supported Employment 975 975
Centers for Independent Living 2,176 2,176
Workers' Compensation Payments 1,500 1,500
Training Activities 12,754 12,754
Assistive Technology 1,291 1,291
Industry Partnerships 3,613 3,613
Labor and Industry Total $104,065 $0 $104,065

Military and Veterans Affairs

General Government Operations $20,203 $20,203
Facilities Management and Security 1,100 1,100
Supplement Life Insurance Premiums 772 772
Burial Detail Honor Guard 76 76
Special State Duty 36 36
Veterans Homes 82,039 82,039
Education of Veterans Children 103 103
Transfer to Educational Assistance Program Fund 6,995 6,995
Veterans Assistance 428 428
Blind Veterans Pension 306 306
Paralyzed Veterans Pension 419 419
National Guard Pension 5 5
Disabled American Veterans Transportation 350 350
Veteran's Outreach Services 1,678 1,678
Military and Veterans Affairs Total $114,510 $0 $114,510

Public Welfare
General Government Operations $61,184 $61,184
Information Systems 58,359 58,359
County Administration - Statewide 38,384 38,384
County Assistance Offices 267,148 267,148
Child Support Enforcement 13,668 $3,997 17,665
New Directions 54,684 54,684
Youth Development Institutions and Forestry Camps 74,637 74,637
Mental Health Services 731,315 4,500 735,815
State Centers for the Mentally Retarded 79,480 30,897 110,377
Cash Grants 268,579 268,579
Supplemental Grants - Aged, Blind and Disabled 169,786 169,786
Payment to Federal Government-Medicare Drug Program 458,594 458,594

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Medical Assistance - Outpatient 784,616 243,661 1,028,277

Medical Assistance - Inpatient 398,729 105,340 504,069
Medical Assistance - Capitation 2,196,847 662,809 2,859,656
Medical Assistance - Obstetrics and Neonatal 5,000 5,000
Trauma Centers 12,337 12,337
Medical Assistance - Academic Medical Centers 20,140 20,140
Medical Assistance - Physician Practice Plans 9,931 3,086 13,017
Medical Assistance - Transportation 70,301 2,591 72,892
Expanded Medical Services for Women 4,650 4,650
AIDS Special Pharmaceutical Services 16,267 16,267
Special Pharmaceutical Services 2,835 2,835
Behavioral Health Services 56,126 56,126
Intermediate Care Facilities - Mentally Retarded 103,012 37,772 140,784
Community Mental Retardation Base Services 161,647 2,202 163,849
Community Mental Retardation Waiver Services 628,305 174,311 802,616
Early Intervention 122,310 13,261 135,571
Autism Intervention and Services 20,497 3,405 23,902
MR Residential Services - Lansdowne 417 417
County Child Welfare 1,048,374 14,545 1,062,919
Community Based Family Centers 7,097 7,097
Child Care Services 171,720 171,720
Child Care Assistance 203,862 203,862
Nurse Family Partnership 13,805 13,805
Domestic Violence 12,487 12,487
Rape Crisis 7,146 7,146
Breast Cancer Screening 1,653 1,653
Human Services Development Fund 29,846 29,846
Legal Services 3,172 3,172
Homeless Assistance 23,023 23,023
Public Welfare Total $8,411,970 $1,302,377 $9,714,347

General Government Operations $136,602 $136,602
Commissions - Inheritance & Realty Transfer Taxes (EA) 7,937 7,937
Technology and Process Modernization 18,200 18,200
Revenue Enforcement 7,646 7,646
Distribution of Public Utility Realty Tax 30,525 30,525
Revenue Total $200,910 $0 $200,910

General Government Operations $4,102 $4,102
Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors 4,500 4,500
Voter Registration 493 493
Lobbying Disclosure 440 440
Voting of Citizens in Military Service 40 40
County Election Expenses (EA) 200 200
State Total $9,775 $0 $9,775


2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Rail Freight and Intermodal Coordination $1,089 1,089

Vehicle Sales Tax Collections 1,124 1,124
Voter Registration 360 360
Rail Freight Assistance 25,356 25,356
Transportation Total $27,929 $0 $27,929

State Police
General Government Operations $177,171 $177,171
Law Enforcement Information Technology 7,289 7,289
Municipal Police Training 1,028 1,028
Automated Fingerprint Identification System 937 937
Gun Checks 3,833 3,833
State Police Total $190,258 $0 $190,258

Civil Service Commission

General Government Operations $1 $1
Civil Service Commission Total $1 $0 $1

Emergency Management and Homeland Security

General Government Operations $6,609 $6,609
Information Systems Management 1,000 1,000
State Fire Commissioner 2,111 2,111
Security and Emergency Preparedness 1,171 1,171
Firefighters' Memorial Flag 10 10
Red Cross Extended Care Program 493 493
Regional Events Security 3,000 3,000
Emergency Management Agency Total $14,394 $0 $14,394

Fish and Boat Commission

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission $17 $17
Fish and Boat Commission Total $17 $0 $17

State System of Higher Education

State Universities $447,054 $54,039 $501,093
Recruitment of the Disadvantaged 430 430
PA Center for Environmental Education (PCEE) 350 350
McKeever Center 206 206
Affirmative Action 1,111 1,111
Program Initiatives 16,046 16,046
State System of Higher Education Total $465,197 $54,039 $519,236

Higher Education Assistance Agency

Grants to Students $407,413 $407,413
Matching Payments for Student Aid 13,938 13,938
Institutional Assistance Grants 30,250 30,250
Bond-Hill Scholarship 740 740
Agricultural Loan Forgiveness 84 84
SciTech Scholarships 4,293 4,293
Cheyney Keystone Academy 1,974 1,974

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Nursing Shortage Initiative 2,418 2,418

Higher Education Assistance Agency Total $461,110 $0 $461,110

Historical and Museum Commission

General Government Operations $23,554 $23,554
Historical and Museum Commission Total $23,554 $0 $23,554

Environmental Hearing Board

Environmental Hearing Board $1,708 $1,708
Environmental Hearing Board Total $1,708 $0 $1,708

Probation and Parole

General Government Operations $97,708 $97,708
Sexual Offenders Assessment Board 4,409 4,409
Improvement of Adult Probation Services 18,647 18,647
Probation and Parole Total $120,764 $0 $120,764

Public Television Network

General Government Operations $0 $0
Broadcast Standards and Datacasting Upgrade 0 0
Public Television Station Grants 0 0
Public Television Network Total $0 $0 $0

Securities Commission
General Government Operations $1,572 $1,572
Securities Commission Total $1,572 $0 $1,572

Tax Equalization Board

General Government Operations $1,177 $1,177
Tax Equalization Board Total $1,177 $0 $1,177

Health Care Cost Containment Council

Health Care Cost Containment Council $2,844 $2,844
Health Care Cost Containment Council Total $2,844 $0 $2,844

State Ethics Commission

State Ethics Commission $1,980 $1,980
State Ethics Commission Total $1,980 $0 $1,980

State Employees' Retirement System

National Guard - Employer Contribution $4 $4
State Employees' Retirement System Total $4 $0 $4

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology $8,550 $1,743 $10,293
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Total $8,550 $1,743 $10,293

Housing Finance Agency

PHFA - Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance $11,000 $11,000

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Housing Finance Agency Total $11,000 $0 $11,000

Salaries of Senators $5,288 $5,288
Senate President - Personnel Expenses 316 316
Employees of Chief Clerk 5,567 5,567
Salaried Officers and Employees 8,350 8,350
Incidental Expenses 2,993 2,993
Postage 1,359 1,359
President and President Pro Tempore 24 24
Mileage and Expenses - Senators 1,233 1,233
Legislative Printing and Expenses 15,216 15,216
Computer Services (R) and (D) 9,927 9,927
Committee on Appropriations (R) and (D) 9,093 9,093
Caucus Operations (R) and (D) 35,719 35,719
Committee and Contingent Expenses (R) and (D) 610 610
Senate Flag Purchase 23 23
Subtotal $95,718 $0 $95,718
House of Representatives
Members' Salaries, Speaker's Extra Compensation $17,834 $17,834
House Employees (D) 18,764 18,764
House Employees (R) 15,053 15,053
Speaker's Office 1,803 1,803
Bi-Partisan Committee, Chief Clerk, Comptroller & EMS 11,888 11,888
Mileage - Representatives, Officers and Employees 371 371
Postage - Chief Clerk and Legislative Journal 2,783 2,783
Contingent Expenses (R) and (D) 706 706
Legislative Office for Research Liaison 729 729
Incidental Expenses 8,207 8,207
Expenses - Representatives 4,762 4,762
Legislative Printing and Expenses 16,423 16,423
National Legislative Conference - Expenses 489 489
Committee on Appropriations (R) 5,316 5,316
Committee on Appropriations (D) 5,316 5,316
Special Leadership Account (R) 8,427 8,427
Special Leadership Account (D) 10,219 10,219
Legislative Management Committee (R) 19,166 19,166
Legislative Management Committee (D) 19,166 19,166
House Flag Purchase 23 23
Computer Services (R) 6,494 6,494
Computer Services (D) 6,494 6,494
School for New Members 14 14
Subtotal $180,447 $0 $180,447
Legislative Reference Bureau
Legislative Reference Bureau - Salaries & Expenses $7,049 $7,049
Contingent Expenses 19 19
Printing of PA Bulletin and PA Code 738 738
Subtotal $7,806 $0 $7,806

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Legislative Committees and Miscellaneous

Legislative Budget and Finance Committee $2,088 $2,088
Legislative Data Processing Center 3,480 3,480
Joint State Government Commission 1,666 1,666
Local Government Commission 1,263 1,263
Local Government Codes 26 26
Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control Committee 462 462
Legislative Audit Advisory Commission 165 165
Independent Regulatory Review Commission 1,996 1,996
Capitol Preservation Committee 835 835
Capitol Restoration 3,850 3,850
Flag Conservation 55 55
Colonial History 182 182
Rare Books Conservation 371 371
Commission on Sentencing 1,364 1,364
Center For Rural Pennsylvania 1,034 1,034
Commonwealth Mail Processing Center 1,206 1,206
Host State Committee Expenses 49 49
Pennsylvania Policy Database 204 204
Subtotal $20,296 $0 $20,296
Legislature Total $304,267 $0 $304,267

Supreme Court
Supreme Court $13,983 $13,983
Justices Expenses 120 120
Judicial Center Operations 1,310 1,310
Judicial Council 143 143
District Court Administrators 17,472 17,472
Interbranch Commission 411 411
Court Management Education 84 84
Civil Procedural Rules Committee 342 342
Appellate/Orphans Rules Committee 176 176
Rules of Evidence Committee 185 185
Minor Court Rules Committee 164 164
Criminal Procedural Rules Committee 441 441
Domestic Relations Committee 198 198
Juvenile Court Rules Committee 198 198
Court Administrator 10,066 10,066
Integrated Criminal Justice System 2,399 2,399
Unified Judicial System Security 1,994 1,994
Subtotal $49,686 $0 $49,686
Superior Court
Superior Court $26,809 $26,809
Judges Expenses 185 185
Subtotal $26,994 $0 $26,994
Commonwealth Court
Commonwealth Court $16,590 $16,590
Judges Expenses 133 133

2009-10 Budget
General Fund Tracking Run
(with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding)

(amounts in thousands)
Gov's Revised 2009-10 2009-10
Budget ARRA Total
Department / Appropriation 6/26/2009 Relief Budget

Subtotal $16,723 $0 $16,723

Courts of Common Pleas
Courts of Common Pleas $82,433 $82,433
Senior Judges 3,757 3,757
Judicial Education 1,151 1,151
Ethics Committee 55 55
Subtotal $87,396 $0 $87,396
Community Courts and Magisterial District Judges
Community Court and Magisterial District Judges $61,444 $61,444
Magisterial District Judges' Education 678 678
Subtotal $62,122 $0 $62,122
Philadelphia Courts
Traffic Court $950 $950
Municipal Court 5,777 5,777
Law Clerks 37 37
Domestic Violence Services 218 218
Subtotal $6,982 $0 $6,982

Judicial Conduct Board $1,182 $1,182

Court of Judicial Discipline 454 454
Subtotal $1,636 $0 $1,636
Reimbursement of County Costs
Juror Cost Reimbursement $1,085 $1,085
County Court Reimbursement 31,495 31,495
Senior Judge Reimbursement 1,391 1,391
Gun Court Reimbursements (06/10) 1,276 1,276
Court Consolidation 1,930 1,930
Subtotal $37,177 $0 $37,177
Judiciary Total $288,716 $0 $288,716

GRAND TOTAL $26,370,824 $2,476,746 $28,847,570

Source: Governor's Budget Office

July 8, 2009


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