AAF Battleground Survey On Congressional Staff Exemptions and The CR

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Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Doug Holtz-Eakin, American Action Forum Wes Anderson September 30, 2013

Battleground Survey Congressional Staff Exemptions & the CR

METHODOLOGY The following survey was commissioned by American Action Forum and conducted by OnMessage Inc. within 18 congressional districts. These districts were broken into three groups to gain an understanding of the views of different parts of the population. The groupings were as follows: conservative districts (PVI from R+6 to R+10), districts held by Republicans where Romney garnered less than 47% (R in D seats- PVI from D+1 to D+3), and pure swing districts (PVI from D+1 to R+1). Telephone interviews were conducted September 25-26, 2013. This survey consists of 1,200 likely voters. Interviews were stratified by previous election results to reflect historic voter trends. The margin of error for this survey is +/- 2.82%. Finding: Fifty-seven percent of respondents say they would favor Republican efforts to remove the special breaks to Congress and their congressional staff through the Continuing Resolution. The strength of this effort is broad, with 56% of the voters in swing districts favoring the removal of these special breaks to the very lawmakers that passed the law they are forcing every other American to abide by.
As you may know, the Obama Administration has given special breaks to Congress and their congressional staff by exempting them from Obamacare. Some Republican Congressmen want to include a provision in the government funding bill to remove the Obamacare exemption for Congress and their congressional staff. Do you favor or oppose Republican efforts to use the funding bill to remove Congresss exemption from Obamacare? (IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK: And would you say you strongly favor/oppose or just somewhat favor/oppose?) 57% 42% 15% 30% 22% 8% 13% TOTAL FAVOR Strongly Favor Somewhat Favor TOTAL OPPOSE Strongly Oppose Somewhat Oppose DK/Refused (DO NOT READ) GOP 78 14 Ind 61 26 Dem 31 53 Con Dist 59 28 GOP in D 57 29 Swing 56 34

Total Favor Total Oppose

Wes Anderson is a leading GOP pollster with 20 years of experience in opinion research. As a founding partner, Wes now leads the polling divisions of OnMessage Inc. and OnMessage Sports, providing political and corporate clients with a full spectrum of quantitative and qualitative opinion research products. You can read more about Wes Anderson at onmessageinc.com.

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