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independent reporting mechanism:

progress report
Joachim nahem, international Law and policy institute
christopher Wilson, the engine room
First progress report
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ExEcutivE summary ................................................................................... 3
i | Background ..................................................................................... 5
ii | ProcEss: dEvEloPmEnt of action Plan ................................ 7
iii | ProcEss: consultation during imPlEmEntation ............ 13
iv | imPlEmEntation of commitmEnts ........................................ 15
v | sElf-assEssmEnt chEcklist ....................................................... 17
vi | moving forward .......................................................................... 19
vii | annEx 1: mEthodology ............................................................. 23
viii | annEx 2: imPlEmEntation of
norways commitmEnts ............................................................ 27
independent reporting mechanism:
progress report 201113
Public comment version
eXeCUtIVe sUMMary
executive summary
the open government Partnership (ogP) is a voluntary international initiative
that aims to secure commitments from governments to their citizenry to promote
rransparency, empower cirizens, l_|r corruprion, and |arness new rec|nolo_ies
to strengthen governance. the irm carries out a biannual review of each ogP
participating countrys activities.
ne ol r|e ei_|r GF loundin_ counrries, Norway |e_an lormal parriciparion
in september 2011.
Ar r|e ourser, r|e Minisrry ol Governmenr, Adminisrrarion and C|urc| Allairs
(FAD), r|e Minisrry ol C|ildren, Equaliry and Social nclusion (BLD), and r|e
Minisrry ol Forei_n Allairs (MFA) were equal parrners coordinarin_ r|e acrion
plan. FAD _radually assumed r|e responsi|iliry ol lead coordinaror durin_
implemenrarion, alr|ou_| MFA conrinued ro lund Norway's GF acriviries.
Counrries parriciparin_ in GF are required ro lollow a process lor consulrarion durin_
developmenr and implemenrarion ol r|eir GF acrion plan. verall, Norway lell s|orr ol
GF's recommendarions, makin_ no consulrarion inlormarion availa|le online, providin_
inadequare lorewarnin_, and incorporarin_ lirrle srake|older leed|ack inro r|e plan.
Several srake|olders expressed lrusrrarion re_ardin_ r|e processes and lollowup
ro plan implemenrarion. T|e local researc|ers lound no evidence ol any ellorrs
ro en_a_e wir| civil sociery, r|e privare secror, or or|er srake|olders durin_ r|e
implemenrarion ol r|e acrion plan. Norway's sellassessmenr process was equally
limired in irs compliance wir| GF _uidelines, and r|e sellassessmenr documenr
did nor address many ol r|e c|allen_es apparenr in r|e acrion plan.
typical irm reports evaluate commitment-by-commitment ogP implementation.
T|is rype ol evaluarion proved c|allen_in_ in r|e Norwe_ian conrexr |ecause r|e
Norwe_ian acrion plan lacked clariry, a lorward orienrarion, relevance ro GF values,
and measura|le indicarors ol pro_ress. W|en commirmenrs do nor relare ro GF
values, or do nor represenr new acriviries, a derailed evaluarion ol r|eir implemenrarion
does nor lall wir|in r|e FM mandare.
n a series ol srake|older meerin_s,
individuals and or_anisarions lrom
civil sociery idenriled policy areas
nor addressed in r|e lrsr acrion plan,
r|ar would serve well as srarrin_
points for future action plans. several
represenr planned acriviries r|ar
could |e included, updared, or
relormed as parr ol Norway's
ogP participation.
Srren_r|en r|e 200o Freedom
of information legislation
install mechanisms for
accounra|iliry and
whistleblower protection
nclude penness and
Tec|nolo_y Awards in GF
Hold an nrernarional Convenrion
on Transparency and penness
Ensure corporations publish
w|ar r|ey pay in raxes
The Norwegian action plan focused on areas in which Norway has had much success. But the
IRM evaluation proved challenging in the Norwegian context because the Norwegian action
pIan Iacked cIarity on specic commitments, a forward orientation, reIevance to OGP vaIues,
and measurable indicators of progress.
This report was prepared by Christopher Wilson (The Engine Room)
and Joachim Nahem (International Law and Policy Institute).
indEPEndEnt rEPorting mEchanism (irm):
PPOGPE55 PEPOPT 2011-2013
two commitments were clearly assessable. the commitment to ensure greater
women's parriciparion in municipal _overnmenr and r|e commirmenr ro
srandardise user sarislacrion survey lormars wir|in _overnmenr a_encies
|ave seen considera|le pro_ress.
T|rou_|our r|e independenr review, consulrarion, awareness, and colla|orarion
consisrenrly surlaced as r|e mosr si_nilcanr c|allen_es ro r|e Norwe_ian GF
process. r is imperarive r|ar r|e nexr acrion plan address r|ese issues.
Norway will need ro ensure r|ar lurure plans are dralred in a more consulrarive
manner. Civil sociery did nor |ave a _enuine opporruniry ro provide inpur ro r|e
acrion plan currenrly under review. T|e Governmenr s|ould:
Ser a clear rimeline r|ar _ives civil sociery sullcienr norice ro parricipare in
deli|erarions. T|e Governmenr |ad already lnalized r|e lrsr acrion plan w|en
ir asked a limired num|er ol civil sociery or_anisarions (CSs) ro commenr.
Make r|e FM rimeline and r|e Norwe_ian acrion plan more complemenrary.
Norway will |ave already developed irs second acrion plan w|en r|e FM
publishes its report.
Fu|lically s|are r|e acrion plan dralr, r|e sc|edule lor r|e consulrarion
process, and r|e lisr ol invired or_anisarions.
Frovide lundin_ and or|er supporr ro improve CS involvemenr in consulrarions.
Paising Awareness
For FAD ro |e an ellecrive GF local poinr ir needs ro receive _rearer supporr
and colla|orarion lrom or|er _overnmenr enriries, in parricular r|e MFA and
r|e Frime Minisrer's llce. T|e Governmenr s|ould:
Take _rearer owners|ip ol narional consulrarion, w|ic| |as |een ad |oc
and lra_menred.
Clarily responsi|le a_encies and respecrive local poinrs lor specilc commirmenrs.
Foor communicarion ro porenrial srake|olders c|allen_ed r|e GF process.
Communicarion was neir|er precise a|our r|e purpose ol GF nor delivered
in a rimely manner. T|erelore, r|e Governmenr s|ould:
Esra|lis| a dedicared we|sire, in Norwe_ian, r|ar clearly explains r|e purpose
and process ol Norway's GF involvemenr. T|e sire s|ould provide key docu-
menrs and creare a dynamic plarlorm lor en_a_emenr.
5tretcbing Commitments
Since mosr commirmenr acriviries already exisred in areas w|ere Norway
perlorms well, r|e Governmenr s|ould:
denrily commirmenrs in r|e spirir ol r|e GF, r|ar are nor already implemenred
domesrically, and r|ar are c|allen_in_ in a Norwe_ian conrexr. T|ey s|ould in-
clude inlormarion and communicarion rec|nolo_y (CT) mana_emenr, implemen-
rarion ol r|e ri_|r ro inlormarion acr, addressin_ low vorer rurnour amon_ your|
(especially amon_ women), and pension lund rransparency.
Furure commirmenrs s|ould |e measura|le and provide clear |aselines,
indicarors, and rar_ers.
the engine room
supports innovation
in advocacy by
matchmaking in
existing support networks of
technologists, support organisations
and advocates.
the international Law
and policy institute
(iLpi) is an independent
institute focusing
on good governance, peace and
conIict, and international law. lLFl
provides research, analysis, process
support and training to clients
ranging from private companies
and institutions to governments
and international organisations.
ogp aims to secure
concrete commitments
from governments to
promote transparency,
empower citizens, Ight corruption,
and harness new technologies to
strengthen governance. ogps
independent reporting mechanism
assesses development and
implementation of national action
plans in order to foster dialogue
among stakeholders and improve
to participate in ogP, governments
musr demonsrrare commirmenr ro
open government by meeting minimum
crireria on key dimensions ol open
_overnmenr. T|irdparry indicarors
are used ro derermine counrry
pro_ress on eac| ol r|e dimensions.
for more information, visit:
4 out of 4
law EnactEd
4 out of 4
10 out of 10
i | Background
Tbe Open Government Partnersbip (OGP) is a voIuntary, muIti-stakeboIder internationaI
initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to their
citizenry to promote transparency, empower citizens, gbt corruption, and barness
new tecbnoIogies to strengtben governance. In pursuit of tbese goaIs, OGP provides
an internationaI forum for diaIogue and sbaring among governments, civiI society
organisations, and tbe private sector, aII of wbicb contribute to a common pursuit of
open government. OGP stakeboIders incIude participating governments as weII as civiI
society and private sector entities tbat support tbe principIes and mission of OGP.
Norway, one ol r|e ei_|r loundin_ counrries ol r|e
ogP, began its formal participation in september
2011, w|en Frime Minisrer Jens Srolren|er_ launc|ed
r|e iniriarive alon_ wir| or|er |eads ol srare and
Minisrers in New York.
To parricipare in GF, _overnmenrs musr ex|i|ir a
demonsrrared commirmenr ro open _overnmenr |y
meerin_ a ser ol (minimum) perlormance crireria on key
dimensions ol open _overnmenr r|ar are parricularly
consequenrial lor increasin_ _overnmenr responsiveness,
srren_r|enin_ cirizen en_a_emenr, and l_|rin_
corruprion. ndicarors produced |y or_anisarions or|er
r|an GF are used ro derermine r|e exrenr ol counrry
pro_ress on eac| ol r|e dimensions, wir| poinrs awarded
as descri|ed |elow. Norway enrered inro r|e parrners|ip
exceedin_ r|e minimal requiremenrs lor eli_i|iliry, wir| a
high score in each of the criteria. at the time of joining,
r|e counrry |ad r|e |i_|esr possi|le rankin_ lor r|e
care_ories ol "open |ud_ers" (4 our ol a possi|le 4),

an"access ro inlormarion law,"
the highest possible
rankin_s in "asser disclosure lor senior ollcials (4 our ol
a possi|le 4),"
and a score ol 10 our ol a possi|le 10 on
r|e Economisr nrelli_ence nir's Democracy ndex Civil
liberties subscore.
Alon_ wir| r|e or|er loundin_ mem|ers ol GF,
Norway developed irs narional acrion plan lrom June
through september 2011. the effective implementation
dares lor r|e acrion plan su|mirred in Seprem|er
were 1 January through 31 december 2012. norway
pu|lis|ed irs sellassessmenr durin_ April ol 2013. Ar
r|e rime ol wririn_, ollcials and civil sociery mem|ers
are workin_ on r|e second narional acrion plan.
Fursuanr ro GF requiremenrs, r|e ndependenr
Feporrin_ Mec|anism (FM) |as parrnered wir|
Norway|ased researc| or_anisarions, r|e En_ine
Foom and r|e nrernarional Law and Folicy nsrirure,
ro carry our an evaluarion ol r|e process and
implemenrarion ol Norway's lrsr acrion plan. r is
r|e aim ol r|e FM ro inlorm on_oin_ dialo_ue
around developmenr and implemenrarion ol lurure
commitments in each ogP participating country.
See Annex lor more derail on mer|odolo_y.
the ministry of foreign affairs (mfa) in cooperation
wir| r|e Frime Minisrer's llce coordinared Norway's
initial ogP involvement.
T|e Frime Minisrer and |is
llce |ave nor |een involved wir| GF since r|e
launc| meerin_ in Seprem|er 2011, and r|e MFA |as
_radually |anded over lollowup responsi|iliry ol GF
ro r|e Minisrry ol Governmenr, Adminisrrarion and
C|urc| Allairs (FAD). r s|ould |e nored, |owever,
that norways participation in ogP continues to
|e lunded |y r|e MFA. Given r|e |road r|emaric
focus of norways ogP commitments, especially
perrainin_ ro _ender equaliry, r|e Minisrry ol C|ildren,
Equaliry and Social nclusion (BLD) was invired ro |e
a key _overnmenr parrner in GF implemenrarion
and lollow up. r|er minisrries were also invired ro
parricipare in developin_ r|e acrion plan, |ur r|eir
involvemenr was limired, even lor minisrries direcrly
responsi|le lor providin_ inlormarion on specilc
commitments, such as the ministry of finance on
marrers perrainin_ ro lnancial rransparency.
norway progress report 2011-13
mfa was responsible for ogP until 25 January 2013,
and appears ro |ave |een involved in coordinarin_
input to the action plan from other ministries. thereafter,
FAD rook over r|e responsi|iliry as lead coordinaror
lor GF (excepr responsi|iliry lor r|e lundin_). T|is
c|an_e was nor ollcially communicared, |owever,
and creared some conlusion lor srake|olders.
communicarion ro Norwe_ian srake|olders re_ardin_
r|e GF and r|e GF acrion plan was conducred |y
FAD, w|ic| is also ollcially lisred as r|e conracr poinr
for norway on the ogP website.
r is nor clear ro Norwe_ian srake|olders (or r|e
irm researchers) to which ministry norways action
plan s|ould "|elon_," _iven irs |road scope and
vague commitments. fad is not obviously the most
appropriare minisrry, _iven r|ar ir |olds a mandare
lor only one ol r|e r|ree prioriry areas ourlined
in r|e acrion plan, and |y irs own admission
limired experience and capaciry lor addressin_ r|e
lundamenral issues ol democracy and _overnance
on w|ic| GF is lounded. Anor|er c|allen_e wir|
re_ard ro insrirurional owners|ip relares ro r|e
Norwe_ian Farliamenr, w|ic| was nor consulred on
r|e GF, a missed opporruniry. n addirion ro r|e
value of raising awareness among political parties, the
Farliamenrary commirrees responsi|le lor specilc GF
commirmenrs, suc| as _ender, pu|lic adminisrrarion,
and democracy ar r|e local level, could play an
invalua|le role in s|apin_ and providin_ inlormarion
on the commitments.
T|e FM reporr expands on exisrin_ work |y
_overnmenr and civil sociery in assessin_ and carryin_
our GF acriviries, arremprin_ ro _er as wide a ran_e
of relevant voices as possible.
as part of its role in gathering the voices of multiple
srake|olders, r|e FM researc|ers lor Norway carried
our inrerviews wir| ollcials and r|ree srake|older
forumsone for each of the three major themes
(pu|lic adminisrrarion, _ender, and exrracrive
indusrries/raxes). T|e lorums are relerred ro
r|rou_|our r|is reporr as "srake|older lorums."
T|e reader is encoura_ed ro review rwo key
documenrs prepared |y r|e _overnmenr ro pur r|is
reporr in conrexr: Norway's lrsr acrion plan
and r|e
sell assessmenr pu|lis|ed |y r|e _overnmenr in April
Numerous relerences will |e made ro eac| ol
r|ese documenrs r|rou_|our r|is reporr.
Mer|ods and sources are dealr wir| more complerely
in a mer|odolo_ical annex in r|is reporr.
open budget partnership, 2012, open budgets Change Lives (open budget partnership, washington, dC).
available at: |rrp://inrernarional|ud_er.or_/wpconrenr/uploads/BS2012inlo_rap|ic.pn_.
kingdom of norway, Freedom of Information act (University of oslo Library, 2006). available at |rrp://www.u||ur/ulovdara/lov200o0S101oen_.pdl.
s. djankov, r. La porta, F. Lopez-de-silanes, and a. shleifer, disclosure by politicians (dartmouth University, 2009). available at:; oeCd (organisation for economic
Cooperation and development), types of Information decision Makers are required to Formally disclose and Level of transparency in Government at a Glance 2009 (paris: oeCd, 2009).
available at: |rrp://|; ricard Messick, Income and asset disclosure by world bank Client Countries (world bank, washington, dC, 2009). available at: |rrp://|
economist Intelligence Unit, democracy Index 2010: democracy in retreat (economist, London, 2010). available at: |rrp://_rap||.pdl
Cdd Mogne Ruud, Dlrecfor Generol (Ekspedls|onss|el) of Frlme Mlnlsfer's Cllce (Sfofsmlnlsferenskonfor), lnfervlew, 1 June 2013.
stakeholder Forum, 8 May 2013; Interviews with Fad, MFa and two Csos consulted and one not consulted for the action plan; tom arne nygaard, senior executive adviser, Ministry of
government administration, reform and Church affairs, telephone interview, 4 april 2013.
nygaard, interview, 4 april 2013.
government of norway, Open Government Partnership (OGP) Government of Norway: Transparency and Inclusive (oslo: government of norway, 2011).
government of norway, Self Assessment Report April 2013 Norway (oslo: government of norway. 2013).
proCess: deVeLopMent oF aCtIon pLan
ii | ProcEss: dEvEloPmEnt of
action Plan
Countries participating in OGP are required to foIIow a process for consuItation during
development of their action plan.
countries must:
Make r|e derails ol r|eir pu|lic consulrarion process
and rimeline availa|le (online ar minimum) prior ro
the consultation.
Consulr widely wir| r|e narional communiry, includ-
in_ civil sociery and r|e privare secror, seek our a
diverse ran_e ol views and, make a summary ol r|e
pu|lic consulrarion and all individual wrirren com-
ment submissions available online.
nderrake GF awareness raisin_ acriviries ro
enhance public participation in the consultation.
Consulr r|e popularion wir| sullcienr lorewarnin_
and r|rou_| a variery ol mec|anismsincludin_ on-
line and inperson meerin_sro ensure r|e accessi-
bility of opportunities for citizens to engage.
A llr|, requiremenr, durin_ consulrarion, is ser
out in the ogP articles of governance, section c
"Consulrarion durin_ implemenrarion:"
Counrries are ro idenrily a lorum ro ena|le re_ular
mulrisrake|older consulrarion on GF implemen-
rarionr|is can |e an exisrin_ enriry or a new one.
T|e Governmenr |eld an orienrarion meerin_ in
Seprem|er 2011, ro inlorm Norwe_ian civil sociery and
the private sector about its membership of the ogP.
at this point, the action plan was largely complete.
Civil sociery provided some leed|ack, |ur ir is unclear
w|er|er r|is resulred in any c|an_es ro r|e acrion plan.

on 9 may 2012 the ministry of foreign affairs / ministry
ol Developmenr invired or|er minisrries ro a meerin_
lor discussin_ |ow ro lollow up r|e commirmenrs in
the action Plan.
No lurr|er meerin_s were |eld, eir|er
pu|lic or wir| selecr srake|olders. T|e researc|ers did
nor lnd any evidence ol awarenessraisin_ acriviries or
other efforts to engage citizens in the ogP process.
Farricipanrs in r|e srake|older lorums iniriared |y FM
narional researc|ers expressed lrusrrarion r|ar r|ese
meerin_s were |eld ro review rar|er r|an develop r|e
action plan.
until april 2013, information on the ogP action plan was
available only as an attachment to an email, which was
senr direcrly ro selecr parricipanrs. As ol Sprin_ 2013
some inlormarion was made availa|le on r|e
government web pages (|rrp://|, and
in the governments self-evaluation on the ogP
ollcial we|sire.
Counrries parriciparin_ in GF are expecred ro lollow
a ser process lor consulrarion durin_ developmenr
ol r|eir GF acrion plan. T|e GF provides specilc
recommendarions on |ow ro do r|is. verall, Norway
seems to have fallen short on implementing many of
r|e recommendarions ser |y r|e GF. T|e secrions
|elow address specilc poinrs and quesrions used
|y r|e GF ro _uide counrries in developin_ r|eir
national action plans.
Accordin_ ro GF _uidelines, counrries are ro make
r|e derails ol r|eir pu|lic consulrarion process and
timeline available (online at minimum) prior to
the consultation. As indicared, Norway |eld only a
single information meeting where the action plan was
presenred ro selecr srake|olders.
Norway did nor provide any online inlormarion
re_ardin_ r|e acrion plan's process or rimeline.
Moreover, ir did nor produce a summary of public
(or other) consultations and all individual wrirren
comment submissions available online.
norway progress report 2011-13
Counrries are also advised ro consulr r|e popularion
wir| sullcienr lorewarnin_ and r|rou_| a variery ol
mec|anismsincludin_ online and r|rou_| inperson
meetingsto ensure the accessibility of opportunities
lor cirizens ro en_a_e. T|e researc|ers did nor lnd any
evidence ol ourreac| or communicarion ro cirizens on
r|e GF, lor example, r|rou_| media ourlers. A quick
inrerner searc| resrricred ro r|e Norwe_ian lan_ua_e
resulred in a sin_le relerence ro r|e GF: a news srory
from september 2011 on the mfa site.
it is, therefore,
reasona|le ro say r|ar GF was nor communicared or
discussed in r|e pu|lic sp|ere. n addirion ro a sin_le
press statement in the governments web archives, a
sin_le pa_e lor r|e iniriarive |as now |een posred.
T|is pa_e is nor well posirioned or easy ro lnd wir|our
links, |owever, and does nor supporr or encoura_e
engagement or input.
Accordin_ ro srake|older leed|ack, Norway did nor
_enerally provide adequare warnin_ lor consulrarions.
Farricipanrs in srake|older lorums descri|ed r|e
c|allen_es r|ey lace in accommodarin_ addirional
processes inro overloaded worklows, and r|ar
this is especially challenging with short notice.
Addirional inlormarion and ourreac| would likely |ave
compensared lor s|orr norice, |ur ar leasr rwo weeks'
norice would |ave |een desira|le.
A key crirerion lor r|e GF process and consulrarion
is that countries are to consult widely with the
narional communiry, includin_ civil sociery and r|e
privare secror, seek our a diverse ran_e ol views." r is
lair ro say r|ar, especially wir| re_ard ro _ender, r|e
consulrarion was |road in quanrirarive rerms, wir| 32
civil sociery and privare secror enriries |ein_ invired
ro a meerin_ on 12 Seprem|er. T|e Governmenr (led
|y FAD) |as on a num|er ol occasions expressed r|e
desire ro consulr more widely, especially on r|e r|emes
ol r|e acrion plan, |ur |y irs own admission |as nor
|een a|le ro do so in a meanin_lul way.
T|e meerin_ ol 12 Seprem|er was nor documenred
|y MFA or or|er _overnmenr represenrarives, makin_
ir very dillculr ro evaluare r|e qualiry and ran_e ol
consulrarion. T|ere is no record ol w|o parricipared
|ur accordin_ ro r|e Governmenr sellassessmenr, 20
or_anisarions parricipared in r|e |rieln_. However,
ol r|e 1S civil sociery or_anisarions conracred |y
r|e narional researc|ers, only rwo reporred |avin_
parricipared, mosr |ad nor even |eard ol ir and only
rwo or_anisarions provided wrirren commenrs on
r|e dralr acrion plan. Wir|our minures or a summary
ol r|e meerin_, ir is dillculr ro ascerrain w|er|er
recommendarions made |y civil sociery and privare
secror were raken on |oard lor r|e lnal version.
However, in su|sequenr meerin_s and inrerviews
wir| srake|olders ir seems clear r|ar r|e dralr plan
presenred remained more or less r|e same as r|e plan
presenred ar r|e meerin_.
proCess: deVeLopMent oF aCtIon pLan
BOX 1 j CiviI 5ociety and Private 5ector Actors Invited to OGP BrieBng
12 September 2011
(Business associarion ol Norwe_ian knowled_e and rec|nolo_y |ased enrerprises,
(Federarion ol Norwe_ian Frolessional Associarions,
(A_ency lor Fu|lic Mana_emenr and eGovernmenr, |rrp://|ourdil)
Forum for Kvinner og UtvikIingssprsmI
(FKS, Forum lor Women and Developmenr, |rrp://|ourFKS)
FriviIIighet Norge
(the association of ngos in norway,
Funksjonshemmedes FeIIesorganisasjon
(FF, Norwe_ian Federarion ol r_anisarions ol Disa|led Feople,
Hovedorganisasjonen for universitets- og hyskoIeutdannede
(N, an independenr or_anisarion en_a_ed in la|our policy lor r|e academic secror,
(norwegian interest organisation for the ict sector, |rrp://
Juridisk rdgivning for kvinner
(JFK, an or_anisarion providin_ le_al council lor women, |rrp://www.|
Kvinnegruppa Ottar
(the feminist group ottar, |rrp://
Landsrdet for Norges Barne-og ungdomsorganisasjon
(LN, T|e Norwe_ian C|ildren and Your| Council,
Landsrdet for Norges Barne-og ungdomsorganisasjon
(LN, T|e Norwe_ian C|ildren and Your| Council,
Norsk kvinnesaksforening
(nkf, the norwegian association for womens rights, |rrp://|)
NringsIivets Hovedorganisasjon
(NH, Conlederarion ol Norwe_ian Enrerprise,
NringsIivets Hovedorganisasjon (NHO)
(Conlederarion ol Norwe_ian Enrerprise,
Norsk Pasientforening
(an independenr or_anisarion supporrin_ parienrs in r|eir inreracrion wir| r|e pu|lic |ealr| secror,
norway progress report 2011-13
BOX 1 j CiviI 5ociety and Private 5ector Actors Invited to OGP BrieBng
12 September 2011, continued
Norsk presseforbund
(the norwegian Press association,
Norwegian Association of LocaI and PegionaI Authorities
(ks, |rrp://|)
PEFOPM Pessurssenter for menn
(Felorm Fesource Cenrre lor Men, a polirically independenr norlorprolr or_anisarion,
Pde Kors
(T|e Norwe_ian Fed Cross, |rrp://
5amarbeidsforumet for funksjonshemmedes organisasjoner
(SAF, an um|rella or_anisarion lor _roups workin_ lor r|e inreresrs ol disa|led people,
Samisk KvinneForum
(Sarni NissonForum, Sami Women's Nerwork,
5amisk kvinneorganisasjon
(smi womens organisation, |rrps://nor__asara|
5enter for kunnskap og IikestiIIing
(KN, Kun Cenrre lor Gender Equaliry, |rrp://|/)
Tax Justice Network Norway
Transparency internationaI Norge
Universitetet i Agder, 5enter for IikestiIIing
(Cenrre lor Gender and Equaliry, |rrp://senrerlorlikesrillin_.or_/)
PubIish What You Pay Norway
Wikimedia Norge
Yrkesorganisasjonenes 5entraIforbund
(YS, Conlederarion ol vocarional nions, |rrp://|)
Nore: Alr|ou_| r|ese civil sociery and privare secror acrors were invired ro parricipare in a Seprem|er 2011 GF |rieln_,
ir is nor clear |ow many acrually parricipared |ecause no record was kepr ol r|e meerin_.
proCess: deVeLopMent oF aCtIon pLan
stakeholder forums; tom arne nygaard, senior executive adviser, Ministry of government administration, reform and Church affairs, telephone interview, 4 april 2013;
survey of norwegian Civil society.
government of norway, Self Assessment Report April 2013 Norway (oslo: government of norway. 2013), 2.
norway Ministry of Foreign affairs, norge tar sikte p delta i open government partnership, 7 september 2011.
available at: |rrp://www.re_||erer/2011/o_p_iniriariv.|rml?idoS4144
tom arne nygaard, senior executive adviser, Ministry of government administration, reform and Church affairs, telephone interview, 4 april 2013.
lnfervlews wlfh FAD conlrm fhof only mlnlmol chonges were mode bosed on consulfoflon wlfh clvll soclefy (Frlvlllghefssenfrolen's suggesflon on 'volunfeerlsm' wos porflolly foken on boord).
Interviews with Ikt norge indicate that several pertinent recommendations, especially relating to ICt, should have been taken into the action plan. Interview with Liv Freihow, director Ikt
Norge, 10 June 2013.
nygaard, interview, 4 april 2013.
stakeholder forums; ongoing discussions with the Ministry of government administration, reform and Church affairs.
l r|e srake|olders conracred |y r|e narional FM
researc|ers lor indepr| inrerviews, only rwo |ad
parricipared in r|e inlormarion meerin_, and |or|
were posirive a|our r|e iniriarive and r|e inlormarion
meerin_. Bor| expressed lrusrrarion, |owever, over
r|e lack ol lollowup or on_oin_ dialo_ue. T|ere
was, in any case, clearly little room for input at the
inlormarion meerin_, as r|e acrion plan was already
complere, and or_anisarions were lar_ely unlamiliar
wir| r|e iniriarive. Some parricipanrs ar r|e srake|older
meerin_ expressed r|e view r|ar r|e consulrarion was
more perfunctory than meaningful, given the timeline
and r|ar r|e r|emes |ad already |een idenriled.
Groups workin_ wir| _ender and women's ri_|rs
were ar_ua|ly overrepresenred in _overnmenr
consulrarions, compared ro or|er acrors, suc| as r|ose
represenrin_ r|e privare secror. Fe_ardin_ r|e larrer,
only ikt norge (a lobby organisation for norwegian
CT companies) seems ro |ave parricipared.
appears ro |ave |een no parriciparion ol acrors |ased
ourside slo (r|e capiral), w|ic| is encoura_ed |y
GF consulrarion _uidelines.
Alr|ou_| r|e selecr or_anisarions invired ro r|e
inlormarion meerin_ _enerally represenr a diversiry ol
views wir|in civil sociery, ir is nor possi|le ro derermine
w|ar views were excluded |y a closed consulrarive
process. it is also important to note that few of the
invired CSs were acrually a|le ro parricipare or
provide leed|ack ro r|e acrion plan, |ence r|e
ner ellecr ol srake|older leed|ack was nor
parricularly diverse.
norway progress report 2011-13
ConsULtatIon dUrIng IMpLeMentatIon
iii | consultation during
As indicared in r|e precedin_ secrion, r|e qualiry
ol consulrarion durin_ r|e developmenr ol r|e
Norwe_ian acrion plan did nor live up ro r|e qualiry
ol consulrarions ser lorr| in _uidelines lrom r|e GF.
Several srake|olders expressed lrusrrarion re_ardin_
these processes as well the follow-up to them. the
researc|ers lound no indicarion ol any ellorrs ro
engage with civil society, the private sector, or other
srake|olders durin_ r|e implemenrarion ol r|e acrion
plan or in relation to the ogP generally.
norway progress report 2011-13
IMpLeMentatIon oF CoMMItMents
iv | imPlEmEntation of
AII OGP participating governments are to deveIop OGP action pIans tbat eIaborate
concrete commitments over an initiaI two-year period.
Governmenrs s|ould |e_in r|eir GF counrry
acrion plans |y s|arin_ exisrin_ ellorrs relared ro
r|eir c|osen _rand c|allen_e(s), includin_ specilc
open _overnmenr srrare_ies and on_oin_ pro_rams.
Acrion plans s|ould r|en ser our _overnmenrs' GF
commirmenrs r|ar srrerc| _overnmenr pracrice |eyond
irs currenr |aseline wir| respecr ro r|e relevanr _rand
c|allen_e. T|ese commirmenrs may |uild on exisrin_
ellorrs, idenrily new sreps ro complere on_oin_
reforms, or initiate action in an entirely new area.
GF commirmenrs are ro |e srrucrured around a ser ol
lve "_rand c|allen_es" r|ar _overnmenrs lace. GF
reco_nises r|ar all counrries are srarrin_ lrom dillerenr
|aselines. Counrries are c|ar_ed wir| selecrin_ r|e
_rand c|allen_es and relared concrere commirmenrs
r|ar mosr relare ro r|eir unique counrry conrexrs. No
acrion plan, srandard, or specilc commirmenrs are ro
|e lorced on any counrry.
T|e lve GF _rand c|allen_es are:
1. Improving PubIic 5ervicesmeasures r|ar ad-
dress r|e lull specrrum ol cirizen services includin_
|ealr|, educarion, criminal |usrice, warer, elecrriciry,
relecommunicarions, and any or|er relevanr service
areas by fostering public service improvement or
private sector innovation.
2. Increasing PubIic Integritymeasures r|ar address
corruprion and pu|lic er|ics, access ro inlormarion,
campai_n lnance relorm, and media and civil
sociery lreedom.
3. More EffectiveIy Managing PubIic Pesources
measures r|ar address |ud_ers, procuremenr,
narural resources, and lorei_n assisrance.
4. Creating 5afer Communitiesmeasures r|ar ad-
dress pu|lic salery, r|e securiry secror, disasrer and
crisis response, and environmenral r|rears.
5. Increasing Corporate AccountabiIitymeasures
r|ar address corporare responsi|iliry on issues suc|
as the environment, anti-corruption, consumer
prorecrion, and communiry en_a_emenr.
W|ile r|e narure ol concrere commirmenrs under
any _rand c|allen_e area s|ould |e lexi|le and
allow lor eac| counrry's unique circumsrances, all
GF commirmenrs s|ould relecr lour core open
government principles:
Transparencyinformation on government activi-
ries and decisions is open, compre|ensive, rimely,
lreely availa|le ro r|e pu|lic, and meer |asic open
dara srandards (e._. raw dara, mac|ine reada|iliry).
Citizen Participation_overnmenrs seek ro mo-
|ilise cirizens ro en_a_e in pu|lic de|are, provide
inpur, and make conrri|urions r|ar lead ro more
responsive, innovarive and ellecrive _overnance.
Accountabilityr|ere are rules, re_ularions, and
mechanisms in place that call upon government
actors to justify their actions, act upon criticisms
or requiremenrs made ol r|em, and accepr
responsibility for failure to perform with respect
to laws or commitments.
TechnoIogy and Innovationgovernments embrace
r|e imporrance ol providin_ cirizens wir| open
access to technology, the role of new technologies in
drivin_ innovarion, and r|e imporrance ol increasin_
the capacity of citizens to use technology.
countries may focus their commitments at the national,
local and/or su|narional levelw|erever r|ey |elieve r|eir
open government efforts are to have the greatest impact.
recognizing that achieving open government
commitments often involves a multi-year process,
_overnmenrs s|ould arrac| rimelrames and |enc|marks
ro r|eir commirmenrs r|ar indicare w|ar is ro |e
accomplis|ed eac| year, w|erever possi|le.
norway progress report 2011-13
ogp is supported by several institutional branches. a small support unit and a networking mechanism together carry out basic analysis and support on ogp action plans. the nongovern-
mental organization, global Integrity, serves as the networking mechanism until the end of 2013. during 2012, global Integrity analysed ogp action plans, including the norwegian action
plan, identifying the number of commitments and tagging commitments with subject headings.
irm reports aim to evaluate ogP implementation on
a commirmenr|ycommirmenr |asis. T|is |as proved
c|allen_in_ in r|e Norwe_ian conrexr. As a _eneral rule
the emphasis of most irm reports focus on the level
of completion of ogP action plans. this commitment-
|ycommirmenr approac| does nor, |owever, work
lor assessin_ r|e lrsr Norwe_ian acrion plan. As lar as
ir is possi|le ro evaluare (_iven r|e aloremenrioned
limirarions), none ol r|e commirmenrs idenriled in
r|e Norwe_ian acrion plan were lound ro |e |e|ind
sc|edule. All ol r|e nonspecilc commirmenrs, lor
example, "com|arin_ _ender srereorypes," were
clearly on sc|edule or addressed in some way |y r|e
norwegian government.
moreover, commitments in the norwegian action plan
were _enerally c|aracrerised |y r|e lollowin_ issues:
little clarity on what was a commitment
unambitious commitments
Lack ol lorwardlookin_ commirmenrs
Lack ol relevance ol commirmenrs ro GF values
Commirmenrs lor w|ic| pro_ress is dillculr ro measure
T|ese issues |ave made evaluarin_ r|e implemenrarion
ol individual commirmenrs c|allen_in_. W|en specilc
commirmenrs are nor direcrly relared ro GF values,
or do nor represenr new acriviries underraken under
GF, ir is nor clear r|ar a derailed evaluarion ol r|eir
implemenrarion s|ould lall wir|in r|e mandare ol
r|is review. As suc|, a derailed evaluarion ol eac|
commirmenr is annexed ro r|is reporr (Annex ), and
this section will treat general issues of clarity, ambition,
relevance, measura|iliry and r|e de_ree ro w|ic| r|e
acrion plan was lorward lookin_.
T|e FM researc|ers considered r|ar, |roadly, r|e
commitments fell into three major sections:
Transparency in r|e mana_emenr ol oil and _as
revenues, ellorrs lor lnancial rransparency,
pen pu|lic secror and inclusive _overnmenr, and
Measures ro promore _ender equaliry and women's
full participation in civic life, the private sector, the
pu|lic adminisrrarion and polirical processes.
T|e secrions, "open pu|lic secror and inclusive
_overnmenr" and "rransparency in r|e mana_emenr ol
oil and _as revenues, ellorrs lor lnancial rransparency,"
|ad r|e lollowin_ pro|lems:
little clarity on what was a commitment: the action
plan did nor provide clear, specilc acrions _oin_
lorward, and
Lack ol lorwardlookin_ commirmenrs: muc| ol r|e
rexr descri|ed acrions r|ar |ad already |een raken.
n r|e secrion, "measures ro promore _ender equaliry
and women's lull parriciparion in civic lile, r|e
privare secror, r|e pu|lic adminisrrarion and polirical
processes," many ol r|e commirmenrs |ad no
apparent relevance to ogP.
Mosr ol r|e issues and commirmenrs were nor p|rased
in a way r|ar made r|em verila|le.
W|ile r|e FM does nor assess w|er|er or nor commirmenrs
are new, srake|olders consisrenrly nored r|ar r|e
acrion plan only commirred ro preexisrin_ acriviries.
T|is com|inarion ol pro|lems led r|e FM researc|ers
to focus on the bigger pictures of action plan process,
lorm, and owners|ip.
However, ro documenr pro_ress on r|e issues in
r|e r|ree desi_nared acrion areas, FM researc|ers
assem|led r|e ra|le in Annex . Because r|e acrion
plan did nor |ave clearly srared commirmenrs, r|e
ra|le relies on r|e analysis carried our |y GF,
idenriled 18 "commirmenrs" wir|in r|e acrion plan
(lrsr column), and compared r|em wir| r|e ourcomes
reporred in r|e _overnmenr's sellassessmenr (second
column). To idenrily r|e work carried our |y r|e
norwegian government, the irm team in washington
and r|e FM researc|ers in Norway analysed r|ese 18
commitments in terms of (1) whether the commitment
was lorward lookin_, (2) w|er|er ir was GF relevanr,
and (3) w|er|er ir was specilc enou_| ro |e verila|le.
notably only three commitments met all three criteria.
Two were only ro |e implemenred ourside ol r|e
implemenrarion period.
seLF-assessMent CheCkLIst
v | sElf-assEssmEnt chEcklist
T|is secrion reviews r|e sellassessmenr process carried our |y r|e Norwe_ian _overnmenr. r includes crireria
raken direcrly lrom GF _uidelines, w|ic| are summarised in Box 2.
Norway's deadline lor deliverin_ a sellevaluarion ro r|e GF Supporr nir was exrended unril 30 April 2013,
and r|e reporr was delivered on 17 April. r was nor, |owever, su||ecred ro an open review. Selecred CSs
were requesred ro provide leed|ack direcrly ro r|e coordinarin_ minisrry, |ur ir is nor clear w|ic| or_anisarions
provided leed|ack or |ow r|is leed|ack was incorporared. nly "Frivilli_|er Nor_e" (Associarion ol NGs in
Norway) made wrirren commenrs ro r|e reporr. r said r|e plan pur roo muc| emp|asis on r|e individual cirizen
and nor enou_| on or_anised sociery.
T|e reporr descri|ed consulrarion ellorrs, |ur did nor review r|eir ellciency, resulrs, or w|ar mi_|r |ave |een
done dillerenrly. T|e nonspecilciry ol commirmenrs and dillerences in lormarrin_ make ir dillculr ro derermine
w|ere and |ow specilc commirmenrs are addressed. Some, |owever, are clearly missin_. See Annex .
As mosr ol r|e Norwe_ian commirmenrs were preexisrin_ and nonspecilc, ir is dillculr ro ascerrain rimelines.
Several pro|ecrs wir| mulriyear rime spans seem ro |e on rrack r|ou_| ir is unclear ro w|ar exrenr r|ese
sc|edules represenr GF commirmenrs. r is also pro|lemaric r|ar r|e sellassessmenr or_anises and relerences
commirmenrs dillerenrly r|an r|e acrion plan, and in a way r|ar makes ir dillculr ro marc| commirmenrs in one
documenr ro r|ose in r|e or|er.
T|e Norwe_ian sellassessmenr reporr _oes ro len_r|s ro asserr r|e Norwe_ian "culrure ol openness" |ur does
nor specilcally relerence _overnmenr o|li_arions, responsi|iliries, or acriviries ro lurr|er or lacilirare _overnmenr
openness writ large.
Was annuaI progress report pubIisbed?

yes no
Was it done according to scbeduIe?
Is tbe report avaiIabIe in tbe IocaI Ianguage(s)? According to stakeboIders, was tbis adequate?

yes no
Is tbe report avaiIabIe in EngIisb?
yes no
Did tbe government provide a two-week pubIic comment period on draft
seIf-assessment reports?
yes no
Were any pubIic comments received?
Is tbe report deposited in tbe OGP portaI?

yes no
Did tbe seIf-assessment report incIude review of consuItation efforts?
yes no
Did tbe report cover aII of tbe commitments?
yes no
Did it assess compIetion according to scbeduIe?
Does tbe report reafrm responsibiIity for openness?
Does tbe report describe tbe reIationsbip of tbe Action PIan witb Grand CbaIIenge Areas?

yes no

norway progress report 2011-13
MoVIng Forward
vi | moving forward
Norway is makin_ many lorward srrides in r|e areas
ol rransparency, parriciparion, and accounra|iliry. T|e
following section highlights areas or ongoing activities
r|ar |old promise lor r|e nexr version ol r|e narional
action plan.
Access to Information
Norwe_ian Freedom ol nlormarion le_islarion was
enacred in 200o. Alr|ou_| Norway's GF acrion
plan menrions r|e le_islarion, ir is nor included in any
commirmenr. Several media reporrs |ave descri|ed
dillculries and c|allen_es relarin_ ro |ow r|e access ro
information legislation functions in practice.
lor cirizens as well as _overnmenr ollcials mandared ro
provide inlormarion include:
Fequesrs lor inlormarion lrom |ournalisrs ro
minisrries |ave |een rurned down |y various
government entities.
T|ere are mulriple insrances ol concern re_ardin_
r|e ri_|r ol parienrs and r|eir access ro inlormarion
from the public health care system.
there have also been concerns that the right to
inlormarion law provides roo muc| inlormarion ro
commercial acrors. For example, universiries are
concerned a|our srudenrs' privacy ri_|rs w|en
commercial acrors elicir inlormarion a|our srudenrs
from them.
Civil servanrs |ave complained r|ar r|e acr is roo
onerous on the bureaucracy.
mplemenrarion c|allen_es and proposed solurions
ol r|e Norwe_ian inlormarion law could |e
included in r|e GF acrion plan as ir concerns a
key GF principle. More specilc c|allen_es and
recommendarions can |e lound in a Transparency
nrernarional srudy on Norway
and r|e Farliamenrary
m|udsman's annual reporr.
the norwegian association for Journalism has also
addressed many ol r|e issues associared wir| r|e ri_|r
ro inlormarion acr in irs penness ndex.
AccountabiIity Mecbanisms
No new or revised accounra|iliry mec|anisms |ave
|een iniriared since developmenr ol r|e acrion plan.
the government is, however, currently reviewing
several relevanr areas, includin_ r|e lreedom ol
inlormarion le_islarion and w|isrle|lower prorecrion.
Technology and Innovation
Two awards _iven |y FAD concern GF principles and
r|emes, |ur were nor included in r|e acrion plan. T|ey
include an award ro r|e mosr "open" _overnmenr
agency ( and an award lor r|e
mosr inluenrial woman in r|e rec|nolo_y leld
(|rrp://| T|ese awards and r|e
awardees could |e used as resources lor Norway's
ogP action plan.
FAD re_ularly discuss irs work on TC relared issues ar
a blog at |rrp://|lo__.re_|
InternationaI Actions
two actions are particularly relevant on the
international level:
norway is pushing for an international convention
on transparency-openness.
A recenrly passed European nion (E) law makes ir
mandarory lor companies re_isrered or connecred
ro E counrries ro pu|lis| w|ar r|ey pay in raxes ro
all counrries. Norway |as since proposed a law r|ar
would make ir mandarory lor Norwe_ian companies
or companies operating in norway to publish what
r|ey pay in raxes in all counrries.
Given r|e demonsrrared inreresr ol r|e Governmenr in
lurr|erin_ r|e inrernarional openness a_enda, concrere
commirmenrs around advocacy and implemenrarion ol
r|ese relorms would lr well in r|e nexr acrion plan.
Srake|olders see r|e lollowin_ commirmenrs as r|e
most important in the current action plan:
Financial rransparency relarin_ ro exrracrive indus-
rries and r|e Norwe_ian Fension Fund, as r|ese
represenr r|e lar_esr sources ol income and assers
norway progress report 2011-13
ro Norway and several developin_ counrries.
Exrracrive and lnancial rransparency are lar more
si_nilcanr r|an developmenr aid.
Equal pay lor work ol equal value, despire _enerally
_ood _ender equaliry, r|e pay _ap |erween men
and women, especially in r|e privare secror, remains
a concern.
digitising public services remains important so that
government can interact with increasingly ict-savvy
users w|ile nor mar_inalisin_ nonCT prolcienr
users suc| as pensioners and immi_ranr women.
Based on r|ese discussions, r|e lollowin_ acrions
or acriviries were idenriled as prioriries lor r|e nexr
iteration of the action plan:
Freedom ol nlormarion Acr, 200o: pracrical imple-
mentation challenges in responsible institutions;
Tax reporrin_ and evasion,
CT innovarion ro promore openness, and
norways proposal for an international convention
on openness.
n pursuin_ r|ese areas, ir was su__esred r|ar r|e
Norwe_ian Governmenr consulr wir| srake|olders
lrom r|e privare secror, and especially r|ose already
en_a_ed in crearin_ apps r|ar ena|le _rearer pu|lic
parriciparion and leed|ack on pu|lic services.
Srake|older leed|ack indicared r|ar r|e currenr
acrion plan is roo |road and imprecise. T|e _ender
locus does nor appear ro |e GFspecilc and
s|ould pro|a|ly |e replaced wir| more relevanr CT
and democracy iniriarives. Academia, researc|, and
university communities, who have been all but absent
as srake|olders, |ave an imporranr role ro play in r|e
developmenr ol r|e nexr acrion plan.
T|rou_|our r|e independenr review process, r|e FM
researc|ers consisrenrly encounrered issues re_ardin_
consulrarion, colla|orarion, and process as r|e mosr
important challenges to the norwegian ogP process.
r is imperarive r|ar r|ese issues |e addressed ro r|e
de_ree possi|le in r|e nexr irerarion ol r|e Norwe_ian
acrion plan, especially w|en lnalizin_ r|ar plan.
As suc|, recommendarions arisin_ lrom r|is review
process are srrucrured inro r|e areas ol consulrarion,
owners|ip, communicarion, and srrerc|in_ commirmenrs.
Norway will need ro ensure r|ar lurure plans are
dralred in a more consulrarive manner, especially
wir| re_ard ro civil sociery, w|ic| did nor |ave a
_enuine opporruniry ro provide inpur ro r|e acrion
plan currenrly under review. Grearer consulrarion is
also likely ro yield |errer resulrs lor implemenrarion
as relevanr srake|olders |ave an incenrive ro sray
en_a_ed. Several key lndin_s and lessons emer_ed
lrom r|e lrsr consulrarion process:
The Government should set a clear timeline
that gives civiI society actors sufBcient notice
to prepare and participate in the deliberations.
Several srake|older lorum mem|ers nored r|ar inpur
lor r|e second acrion plan was solicired ri_|r |elore
the summer recess, which will all but guarantee low
parriciparion and leed|ack.
The timeIines of the IPM review process and
deveIopment of the second Norwegian action pIan
are not complementary, as Norway will already |ave
developed irs second acrion plan w|en r|e FM rec-
ommendarions are made availa|le ro r|e _overnmenr.
Stakeholder Forum participants reported that
the Brst action pIan was aIready deveIoped and
adopted when it reached the limited number
of CSOs asked to provide comments. the list of
or_anisarions invired was relarively exrensive, |ur r|e
lisr ol CSs r|ar acrually parricipared or _enuinely
lelr involved was very low. Some CSs consulred ex-
pressed lrusrrarion r|ar r|eir inpur was nor included.
For example, KT Nor_e (CT Norway) said r|ar r|e
r|emes idenriled were nor |ased on consulrarion.
The OGP draft, the consuItation process, and
the Iist of invited organisations were not shared
publicly (contrary to the recommendations in
OGP guideIines). A key recommendarion made ar
r|e FM Srake|older Forum was r|ar civil sociery
needs lundin_ ro meanin_lully en_a_e in r|e GF
process and relared work. CSs are srrerc|ed r|in
and simply do nor |ave r|e capaciry ro en_a_e
pro|ono in a consulrarion process r|ar does nor
have the potential of programmatic support. fad
MoVIng Forward
s|ould consider lundin_ a civil sociery sreerin_ com-
mirree or secrerariar ro ensure |road and meanin_lul
parriciparion. Ar a relarively low cosr, FAD could in-
vire one or several CSs ro coordinare r|is ourreac|
acriviry ro ensure |road parriciparion and |i_|qual-
iry inpur lor r|e acrion plan. T|ere s|ould also |e
scope for csos to engage on implementation by
su|mirrin_ lundin_ proposals.
5takehoIders suggested creation of a Nordic OGP
partnership (the assumption being that the other
Scandinavian countries have a shared understand-
ing and practice on OGP principIes). this sugges-
rion is perrinenr |ur may |esr |e done r|rou_| a civil
sociery nerwork rar|er r|an r|rou_| r|e _overnmenr.
Some c|allen_es relare ro w|o owned and led r|e
ogP engagement from the norwegian government
side. Ar r|e ourser, Norway was represenred |y r|e
ministry of foreign affairs (mfa); the ministry of
C|ildren, Equaliry and Social nclusion (BLD), and r|e
Minisrry ol Governmenr, Adminisrrarion and C|urc|
Allairs (FAD). T|ese r|ree enriries were also dominanr in
s|apin_ r|e acrion plan. BLD and MFA |ave nor |een
active in following up or ensuring the buy-in of their
constituencies. fad has become the ministerial focal
poinr lor GF wir|our |ein_ a|le ro rake lull owners|ip
of the process. although fad has international
experience, irs remir lor dealin_ wir| open _overnmenr
issues |eyond pu|lic adminisrrarion ropics is limired.
if fad is to be an effective focal point for ogP, it will
need ro receive _rearer supporr and colla|orarion lrom
or|er _overnmenr enriries, in parricular r|e MFA and
r|e Frime Minisrer's llce (nrernarional Secrion), w|ic|
lacilirared Norway's enrry inro GF. T|e Governmenr
s|ould rake _rearer owners|ip in drivin_ r|e narional
consulrarion, w|ic| ro dare |as |een ad |oc and
lra_menred. r is also imperarive r|ar r|e Governmenr
clearly idenriles a responsi|le a_ency and local poinr ro
civil sociery and or|er srake|olders.
a challenge with the national process has been
poor communicarion ro porenrial srake|olders.
communication has neither been precise on the purpose
ol GF nor delivered in a rimely manner. A key prioriry
s|ould |e ro esra|lis| a dedicared we|sire and plarlorm,
in Norwe_ian, r|ar clearly explains r|e purpose and
process of norways engagement in ogP. though a new
we| pa_e |as recenrly |een esra|lis|ed lor r|e GF
on fads website (|rrp://|, this webpage is
neir|er well posirioned, nor easy ro en_a_e. Given r|e
|i_|ly wired narure ol Norwe_ian srake|olders, Norway's
GF we| presence s|ould lacilirare en_a_emenr, rar|er
r|an simply providin_ a link lor relerence. deally, suc|
a sire would inlorm and en_a_e or|er _overnmenr
a_encies, civil sociery, and r|e _eneral pu|lic. n r|e
spirir ol r|e GF, r|e sire s|ould nor only provide key
documenrs |ur creare a dynamic plarlorm w|ere various
acrors can en_a_e. T|e GF sire s|ould also make use
ol rec|nolo_y and innovarion as promored |y KT Nor_e
or even wir|in FAD, w|ic| annually awards prizes ro r|e
mosr "open" _overnmenr a_ency we|sire and ro r|e
most successful female ict entrepreneur.
Ambitious commitments
the evaluation of the initial action plan shows few
instances of norway stretching its commitments.
n mosr cases, r|e commirmenrs were preexisrin_,
and relared ro areas w|ere Norway is already a
rop perlormer (e._., _ender equaliry and narural
resource mana_emenr). Norway s|ould idenrily
GF commirmenrs r|ar srem direcrly lrom r|e spirir
and narure ol r|e pen Governmenr Farrners|ip
and w|ic| are nor already implemenred or planned
domesrically. Wir|our srrivin_ lor suc| commirmenrs,
ir is nor clear w|ar value r|e GF can add ro Norway's
open democraric pracrice. Norway s|ould srrive ro
selecr GFrelared ropics r|ar are |roadly re_arded
as c|allen_in_ in a Norwe_ian conrexr: lor example,
ict management, implementation of the right to
inlormarion acr, addressin_ low vorer rurnour amon_
your| (especially amon_ women), and rransparency
relarin_ ro invesrmenrs ol r|e Fension Fund. r is also
imperative that future action plans are measurable
and provide clear |aselines wir| associared indicarors
and rar_ers on w|ar is ro |e ac|ieved. T|is srrare_y
may enrail reducin_ r|e num|er ol commirmenrs, an
acrion r|ar would |e |enelcial lor srake|olders, FM,
and _overnmenr w|o all |ave a remir ro evaluare r|e
commirmenrs ar r|e end.
norway progress report 2011-13
E. Jorbekk ond T. Hosoos, "For mye ollenfllghef?" Aftenposten (Norweglon dolly), 10 Jonuory 2012. Descrlbes how some lnsflfuflons, lncludlng unlverslfles, ore concerned fhof fhe lnlormoflon
law is being exploited by commercial actors requesting information from universities on students. available at:; hanne
Mellingster, oslo fr kritikk for brudd p offentlighetsloven aftenposten, Aftenposten (norwegian daily), 17 april 2012. describes how the City of oslo was criticized by the
ombudsman for withholding information concerning the building of a new embassy in a residential area.
available at: |rrp://|ruddpaollenrli_|ersloveno80330o.|rml.
Tl Norwoy, "Tl Norwoy Lounches Reporf 'The Norweglon lnfegrlfy SysfemNof Enflrely Ferlecf?'" 14 June 2012.
available at:
the annual reports are available at |rrp://www.sivilom||likas|oner/.
norsk presseforbunds offentlighetsutvalg. penhetsindekskring, 2011. available at: |rrp://www.ollenrli_||ersindeksen 2011 Fapporr.pdl
Guro Sleffemork, heod ol Tronsporency lnfernoflonol Norwoy, lnfervlew, 11 June 2013.
even tmte, slik vil heikki dele for skape, Bistandsaktuelt, 11 June, 2013. Avolloble of: |rrp://www.||erero_reporras|er/arkivny|erero_reporras|er/sperrelrisrklok-
publish what you pay, european Union reaches deal on historic oil and Mining transparency Law, 10 april 2013. available at: |rrp://|esdeal|is-
Sfokeholder Forums, lnfervlews wlfh Guro Sleffemork, Tl Norwoy, 11 June 2013 ond Jonos Moberg, ElTl Secreforlof, 3 Moy 2013.
anneX 1: MethodoLogy
vii | annEx 1: mEthodology
Early in the planning process for the review of norways
ogP action plan, it became clear that norwegian
civil sociery was lirrle aware ol r|e GF process and
nor si_nilcanrly en_a_ed. T|is lack ol awareness was
partly because norwegian civil society is perhaps
less domesrically locused r|an civil sociery in or|er
counrries. However, a small |ur si_nilcanr num|er ol
or_anisarions work on r|e issues in Norway's acrion
plan, and r|eir lack ol lamiliariry wir| r|e GF process
indicares r|ar ourreac| |y r|e Norwe_ian Governmenr
was also quire limired. To reac| a si_nilcanr sample
ol relevanr civil sociery or_anisarions, |eyond r|e
s|orr lisr conracred |y r|e Norwe_ian Minisrry ol
Governmenr, Adminisrrarion and C|urc| Allairs (FAD),
r|e FM narional researc|ers decided ro parrner wir|
prominent civil society organisations in each of the
three thematic areas in the norwegian action plan.
after conversations with several potential partners,
r|e FM researc|ers selecred r|e lollowin_ Norwe_ian
civil society organisations as partners for the
consultation process:
slo|ased Secrerariar ol r|e Exrracrive ndusrries
transparency initiative (Eiti) for transparency in the
mana_emenr ol oil and _as revenues.
transparency international norway for open public
secror and inclusive _overnmenr.
T|e Norwe_ian nerwork or_anisarion, Forum lor
Women and Developmenr (FKS), lor measures
ro promore _ender equaliry and women's
full participation.
Eac| ol r|ese or_anisarions |osred a civil sociery
consultation in their thematic area, inviting the
or_anisarions conracred |y FAD, as well or|er
relevanr or_anisarions in r|eir nerworks. Minures and
descriprions ol r|e r|ree consulrarions may |e lound ar
Fewer or_anisarions parricipared in r|ese consulrarions
r|an r|e narional researc|ers |ad |oped. Farricipanrs
su__esred r|ar r|is lack ol inreresr was |ecause r|e
GF is lirrle known and lirrle undersrood amon_
Norwe_ian civil sociery, and r|ar r|e value ol
participating in the process was not clear. norwegian
civil sociery is _enerally srrerc|ed r|in and nor lunded
well enou_| ro parricipare in many exrraordinary
acriviries. As suc|, an invirarion lrom independenr
researc|ers reviewin_ an unknown process may nor
|ave provided a clear incenrive ro parricipare. T|is
asserrion is supporred |y a small survey circulared
after consultations.
To |errer undersrand civil sociery's inreresr and
engagement in the norwegian ogP process,
narional researc|ers circulared a s|orr survey
(|rrps:// of the 16
or_anisarions r|ar responded, 10 |ad |een involved
in r|e FM consulrarion process. T|eir resulrs inlormed
r|e FM researc|ers durin_ r|eir invesri_arion, |ur
were nor srarisrically si_nilcanr enou_| ro include in
r|e lnal version ol r|is reporr.
it is also worth noting that the thematic areas in
Norway's acrion plan are welldeveloped policy areas
in Norway, in w|ic| a |readr| ol insrirurions and
organisations are active. Because of the large number
ol acrors, a division ol la|our |as developed. For
many issues raised in consulrarions, parricipanrs said
they were not able to comment, but were able to
idenrily or|er responsi|le or_anisarions or insrirurions,
mosr w|ic| |ad |een invired ro consulrarions |ur
were una|le ro parricipare. T|ar insrirurions direcrly
responsible for ogP commitments chose not to
parricipare in r|ese consulrarions su__esrs a si_nilcanr
lack ol owners|ip, and coincides wir| concerns r|ar
the majority of commitments in the action plan
exisred prior ro r|e crearion ol r|e acrion plan. T|e
insrirurions responsi|le lor r|ese commirmenrs and r|e
or_anisarions workin_ direcrly wir| associared acriviries
may nor |e aware ol r|e GF quire simply |ecause
r|ese acriviries |ave an insrirurional lile independenr
ol r|e GF, and r|e exisrence ol r|e GF process
|as nor |een communicared. T|is siruarion also
raises r|e quesrion ol w|er|er r|e GF adds value
ro r|ese processes, or w|er|er exisrin_ polirical
processes are sullcienr lor srren_r|enin_ openness
and accounra|iliry mec|anisms lor civil sociery. T|is
quesrion did nor lall wir|in r|e remir ol r|e FM, |ur
merits further investigation.
norway progress report 2011-13
3 may 2013
5ynopsis of meeting
Farricipanrs discussed r|e role r|ar inrernarional
mec|anisms suc| as ET and GF could and s|ould
play in Norwe_ian _overnance ol r|e oil and _as
secrors. Farricipanrs r|en discussed pracrical, srrare_ic
and su|sranrive issues relarin_ ro rransparency in r|e
Norwe_ian mana_emenr ol oil and _as conrracrs.
Farricipanrs r|en discussed specilc issues and
opporruniries perrinenr ro eac| ol r|e individual
commitments in this section of the action plan.
minutes are at:
Heidi Jo|ansen (Bellona)
Anders Kraknes (Exrracrive ndusrries Transparency
initiative [Eiti])
Jonas moberg (Eiti)
Ter|e Dyrsrad (Fornynin_sadminisrras|onso_
kirkedeparremenrer [FAD)
Tom Arne Ny_aard (FAD)
geir srensen (norwegian foreign ministry)
Willy lsen (Norwe_ian il and Gas Farrners)
Julie Hass (Norwe_ian Srarisrical llce)
Geir vensen (Norwe_ian Srarisrical llce)
Joachim nahem (irm researcher)
christopher wilson (irm researcher)
8 may 2013
5ynopsis of meeting
Participants challenges in the consultative process
lor r|e acrion plan were discussed. Farricipanrs r|en
discussed principled rensions relevanr ro r|e acrion
plan, such as the tension between the principle of
rransparency and r|e principle ol privacy. T|ey r|en
discussed r|e individual commirmenrs, and made
specilc recommendarions. Minures are ar:
Ter|e Dyrsrad (Fornynin_sadminisrras|onso_
kirkedeparremenrer [FAD)
Arne Ny_aard (FAD)
Geir Leo Sedler (FAD)
asbjrn seim (fad)
Mari Sund Morken (Lovavdelin_en
Krisrine Foss (Norsk presselor|und)
Jr_en Juel Andersen (Norwe_ian Business Sc|ool)
Geir vensen (Norwe_ian Srarisrical llce)
Hakon Arald Gul|randsen (renriksdeparremenrer)
Arne Fliler (Sivilom|udsmannen)
Si_rid Kla|oe Jaco|sen (Tax Jusrice Nerwork)
Guro Slerremark (Transparency nrernarional)
Gro SkaarenFysrro (Transparency nrernarional)
Joachim nahem (irm researcher)
christopher wilson (irm researcher)
mari dahl schlanbusch (irm researcher)
13 may 2013
5ynopsis of meeting
Participants challenges in the consultative process
lor r|e acrion plan, and expecrarions lor lurure GF
processes were discussed. Farricipanrs r|en discussed
r|e individual commirmenrs, relerencin_ pro|lemaric
areas and insrirurional approac|es ro _ender equaliry
in Norwe_ian policy and pracrice. Several specilc
recommendarions were made. Farricipanrs r|en
discussed |ow FAD could lacilirare _rearer civil sociery
engagement in the process in the future. minutes are at:
anneX 1: MethodoLogy
Ter|e Dyrsrad (Fornynin_sadminisrras|onso_
kirkedeparremenrer [FAD)
Tom Arne Ny_aard (FAD)
helene langsether (fokus)
anton Popic (fokus)
Anira Sa| (Forum lor Women and Developmenr
Lone Alice Jo|ansen (Krisesenrersekrerariarer)
Elisa|er| Fusdal (Nor_es Kvinneo_ lamilielor|und)
Joachim nahem (irm researcher)
christopher wilson (irm researcher)
T|e GF FM is a key means |y w|ic| _overnmenr,
civil sociery, and r|e privare secror can rrack
_overnmenr developmenr and implemenrarion ol
GF acrion plans on a |iannual |asis. T|e desi_n ol
researc| and qualiry conrrol ol suc| reporrs is carried
our |y r|e nrernarional Experrs' Fanel, comprised ol
experrs in rransparency, parriciparion, accounra|iliry,
and social science researc| mer|ods.
T|e currenr mem|ers|ip ol r|e nrernarional Experrs'
Panel is:
yamini ayar
De||ie Budlender
Jonar|an Fox
rosemary mcgee
Gerardo Munck
A small FM srall |ased in Was|in_ron, DC, s|ep|erds
reporrs r|rou_| r|e FM process in close coordinarion
wir| r|e narional FM researc|er. uesrions and
commenrs a|our r|is reporr can |e direcred ro r|e
staff at
norway progress report 2011-13
anneX 2: IMpLeMentatIon oF norways CoMMItMents
norways ogp action plan
Commitments ldentiIed by OGF
partner global integrity
progress on commitments
ldentiIed in Norway's OGF
self-assessment report
Open Public Sector and Inclusive Government
T|e Governmenr aims ro provide di_iral
pu|lic services ro improve services and
ensure more ellecrive adminisrrarion. T|is
will require amendin_ le_islarion, purrin_
in place common T sysrems, and ensurin_
r|ar r|e pu|lic secror delivers _ood,
ellecrive, and predicra|le di_iral services ro
the general public.
the objectives of the government
are that:
the public sector is to be accessible
online ro r|e exrenr possi|le
We||ased services are ro |e r|e
general rule for the public sectors
communicarion wir| cirizens and
A di_iral pu|lic secror will resulr in
improved services
digitization of the public sector will
lree up resources lor areas in need
of more resources
yes yes no
the central government communication
Policy came into force on 16 october 2009,
and applies ro all minisrries and
government agencies.
the aim of the policy is to ensure that citizens:
Feceive correcr and clear inlormarion
about their rights, responsibilities,
and opporruniries
have access to information about the
governments activities
Are invired ro parricipare in r|e lormularion
ol policies, arran_emenrs, and services.
T|is policy is |ased on six principles:
openness, participation, access to relevant
information for all citizens, activeness,
co|erence, and line mana_emenr.
All srare enrerprises are required
ro make pu|lic dara availa|le so ir
can |e used |y or|ers, r|ar is, ir is
pu|lis|ed elecrronically in a user
lriendly lormar.
no yes no
viii | annEx 2: imPlEmEntation
of norways commitmEnts
Given tbe cbaIIenges mentioned above witb tbe Norwegian action pIan, tbis tabIe
summarizes wbicb commitments tbe OGP identied, bow tbose commitments were
identied in tbe government's seIf-assessment, and wbetber tbe commitment was
forward Iooking, was OGP reIevant, and bad veriabIe progress.
norway progress report 2011-13
norways ogp action plan
Commitments ldentiIed by OGF
partner global integrity
progress on commitments
ldentiIed in Norway's OGF
self-assessment report
Make use ol r|e pu|lic inlormarion resources
lnanced r|rou_| pu|lic lunds. n addirion
ro r|e democraric aspecr, lree access ro
pu|lic dara resources can srimulare r|e
developmenr ol new |usiness opporruniries
and innovarion. n r|is connecrion, all srare
enrerprises are required ro make pu|lic dara
availa|le so r|ar ir can |e used |y or|ers,
r|ar is, ir is pu|lis|ed elecrronically in a user
lriendly lormar.
All srare enrerprises are required ro
make pu|lic dara availa|le so r|ar
ir can |e used |y or|ers, r|ar is, ir is
pu|lis|ed elecrronically in a user
lriendly lormar.
yes yes no
develop a better system for the compilation
and disseminarion ol ollcial srarisrics on srare
resource use and resulrs, known as SrarFes.
the main objectives of statres are:
more openness on the level of resources the
srare uses and r|e ourcomes ol r|is inpur
a better basis for analyses, management,
and decisions, nor leasr across secrors
to motivate state enterprises to improve
their performance through greater visibility.
Fu|lic disclosure is a democraric ri_|r.
SrarFes is a democraric rool |ecause ir
demonsrrares r|e connecrion |erween
r|e level ol resources used and w|ar r|is
provides in r|e way ol pu|lic services and
results. statres is publicly accessible on the
nrerner. We are seekin_ ro make ir easier lor
users ro use r|ese dara, and new inlormarion
is pu|lis|ed on an on_oin_ |asis.
We are seekin_ ro make ir easier
lor users ro use r|ese dara, and
new inlormarion is pu|lis|ed on an
ongoing basis.
yes yes no
sers' opinions and experience ol pu|lic
services are important. therefore we have
iniriared a ma|or narional survey ro o|rain
open, accessi|le, and compara|le inlormarion
about the populations perception of public
services over a period ol rime.
T|e survey is adminisrered ro a sample ol
r|e popularion and includes |or| _eneral
quesrions and quesrions a|our specilc
pu|lic services suc| as educarion, culrure,
and r|e environmenr. Even r|ou_| 4%
responded r|ar r|ey are sarisled wir|
Norway as a place ro live and work, r|ere
are c|allen_es. For example, S8% are ol
the opinion that the public sector wastes
resources. the results of the survey are
made pu|lic, and r|e dara are lreely
available for further use.
A second survey was ro |e |e
carried our lor in aurumn 2012, ro
assess rrends over rime lor specilc
services and a_encies/enriries. We
|ave required all srare enrerprises
ro conducr user surveys ar re_ular
intervals. the results of these surveys
are ro |e made pu|lic. ne ol r|e
challenges is to get the agencies to
follow up the surveys, not least in
dialo_ue wir| users.
yes yes yes
anneX 2: IMpLeMentatIon oF norways CoMMItMents
norways ogp action plan
Commitments ldentiIed by OGF
partner global integrity
progress on commitments
ldentiIed in Norway's OGF
self-assessment report
Measures to Promote Gender Equality and Womens Full Participation
Follow up r|e recommendarions ol r|e
w|ire paper on equal pay lor men and
women (de|ared in r|e Farliamenr on 12
April 2011), lor example, ro ensure r|ar
the social partners responsible for value
crearion lollow up. Equal pay lor work ol
equal value is a lundamenral principle ol an
open democracy.
T|e pay _ap persisrs in a la|our marker
w|ere women and men are almosr
equally qualiled and educared. Today,
dillerences in len_r| ol work lorce
parriciparion, educarion, and a_e
explain a minor parr ol r|e pay _ap.
it is, therefore, an issue of political
concern that we still have a pay gap on
the average for the entire Eu area.
yes no no
Ensure that more women apply for top
posrs in r|e privare secror (r|e quora sysrem
cannor |e used w|en employin_ new
personnel), we musr make use ol everyone's
ralenrs, and r|is musr |e parr ol corporare
social responsibility (csr).
T|e sellassessmenr did nor include
information about this commitment.
yes no no
Ensure r|e lurr|er developmenr ol local
democracy w|ere r|ere are srill very
few women mayors or principal
municipal execurives.
T|e Governmenr |as developed
a special programme to increase
comperence on and ellorrs rowards r|e
inre_rarion ol r|e equaliry perspecrive
in municipal policies and services.
yes yes yes
Develop a _ender equaliry pro_ramme
together with all norwegian municipalities
as a measure in the forthcoming national,
crosssecroral _ender equaliry acrion plan
sc|eduled ro |e launc|ed in aurumn 2011.
Develop a _ender equaliry pro_ramme
together with all norwegian
municipalities as a measure in the
forthcoming national, cross-sectoral
_ender equaliry acrion plan sc|eduled
ro |e launc|ed in aurumn 2011.
yes no yes
nclude immi_ranr women in r|e la|our
marker |y _ivin_ r|em inlormarion
a|our r|eir ri_|rs and prequalilcarion
pro_rammes suc| as "Ny s|anse"
(a new chance).
in the summer of 2013 a new measure,
r|e Jo| C|ance, was ro |e iniriared.
the goal is to increase the employment
rare amon_ immi_ranrs, and r|e main
target group is women who stay at
|ome wir|our supplemenrary |enelrs,
and w|o are nor arrendin_ any
lan_ua_e or la|our marker rrainin_.
T|e Jo| C|ance iniriarive will |e |ased
on r|e experiences lrom r|e Second
chance project .
yes yes yes
Address unlorrunare _ender srereorypes
r|ar |ave a rendency ro spread. se
kinder_arrens, sc|ools, r|e volunrary
secror, r|e la|our marker and, nor leasr,
modern media.
T|e _overnmenr |as enrered inro
dialo_ue wir| r|e adverrisin_ indusrry
and r|e media ro reduce r|e level
ol adverrisin_ r|ar conrri|ures
ro unarraina|le |ody ideals lor
youn_ men and women, includin_
rerouc|ed adverrisemenrs. T|e
_overnmenr |as iniriared a pro|ecr
ro explore r|e need lor compulsory
la|ellin_ ol rerouc|ed adverrisemenrs
and r|e inluence ol suc| adverrisin_
compared wir| or|er "media."
yes no no
norway progress report 2011-13
norways ogp action plan
Commitments ldentiIed by OGF
partner global integrity
progress on commitments
ldentiIed in Norway's OGF
self-assessment report
Ensure r|ar youn_ people ol |or| sexes
|ave a _enuine opporruniry ro inluence
decisions r|ar allecr r|eir lives. T|is issue
is now |ein_ examined |y a _overnmenr
commission whose report was to be
pu|lis|ed in aurumn 2011.
T|e narional ollcial reporr (N
2011:20) "Your|, Fower and
Farriciparion," was delivered ro r|e
Minisrry ol C|ildren, Equaliry and Social
inclusion in december 2011. national
and local _overnmenr, researc|
insrirurions, your| or_anisarions, and
or|er parrs ol civil sociery were invired
to give statements at a public hearing.
Bld will continue follow up of the
suggestions from the report, in close
colla|orarion wir| or|er minisrries and
|odies ol _overnmenr.
yes no yes
Follow up narional and inrernarional acrion
plans ro com|ar domesric violence, wir|
a focus on the absence of violence as a
prerequisire lor women's ri_|rs and lull
parriciparion in civic lile and r|e
la|our marker.
T|e old acrion plan a_ainsr domesric
violence, Turnin_ Foinr, expired in
2011. in January 2012, the government
launc|ed a lourr| acrion plan a_ainsr
violence in close relationships. this
plan was prepared in colla|orarion wir|
four ministries. the 23 measures in the
plan are |ased on r|e need ro see r|e
work a_ainsr violence as an inre_rared,
cross-sector perspective. a white
paper on violence a_ainsr women and
domesric violence (r|e lrsr in Norway)
was ro |e presenred ro r|e Farliamenr
in march 2013. the white paper will
|e lollowed |y a new acrion plan lor
yes no yes
Transparency in the Management of Oil and Gas Revenues
T|e Governmenr will lollow up Exrracrive
ndusrries Transparency niriarive (ET)
implementation in years to come, in close
cooperarion wir| r|e mulrisrake|older
consultative group. we will continue to
supporr r|e slo|ased inrernarional ET
Secrerariar, and use developmenr lunds
ro supporr developin_ counrries' work in
various phases of their Eiti implementation.
Norway supporrs developin_ counrries'
efforts to increase transparency in the oil
and _as secror direcrly r|rou_| r|e ET
and via r|e World Bank, |y supporrin_
international ngos such as revenue
Warc| nsrirure (FW), and r|rou_| various
measures under r|e Norwe_ian il lor
development programme (ofd).
Transparency in r|e exrracrive secror
is important, not least in many natural-
resourceric| developin_ counrries,
but in principle the same transparency
s|ould apply ro all secrors. Norway
will conrinue ro pus| |ilarerally and
mulrilarerally lnancial rransparency
and r|e l_|r a_ainsr r|e secrecy
promored |y rax |avens and many
lnancial cenrres, so dama_in_ nor
only to poor countries with natural
resources |ur ro all counrries and ro
_ood _overnance _lo|ally.
yes yes no
anneX 2: IMpLeMentatIon oF norways CoMMItMents
norways ogp action plan
Commitments ldentiIed by OGF
partner global integrity
progress on commitments
ldentiIed in Norway's OGF
self-assessment report
the ministry of finance participates actively
in r|e MFcoordinared nrernarional Forum
on Soverei_n Wealr| Funds (FSWF),
w|ic| promores rransparency and _ood
_overnance in suc| lunds all over r|e world.
Transparency in r|e exrracrive secror is
important, not least in many natural-
resourceric| developin_ counrries,
but in principle the same transparency
s|ould apply ro all secrors. Norway
will conrinue ro pus| |ilarerally and
mulrilarerally lnancial rransparency
and r|e l_|r a_ainsr r|e secrecy
promored |y rax |avens and many
lnancial cenrres, so dama_in_ nor
only to poor countries with natural
resources |ur ro all counrries and ro
_ood _overnance _lo|ally.
no yes no
Norway will |old r|e Financial Acrion Task
Force presidency lrom July 2012 ro July 2013.
norway also participates actively in oEcd
ellorrs ro l_|r rax evasion, wir| a parricular
locus on r|e role played |y rax |avens. We
are also workin_ in many arenas ro promore
_rearer rransparency wir| re_ard ro lnancial
transactions as a means of combating illicit
lnancial lows/money launderin_.
Transparency in r|e exrracrive secror is
important, not least in many natural-
resourceric| developin_ counrries,
but in principle the same transparency
s|ould apply ro all secrors. Norway
will conrinue ro pus| |ilarerally and
mulrilarerally lnancial rransparency
and r|e l_|r a_ainsr r|e secrecy
promored |y rax |avens and many
lnancial cenrres, so dama_in_ nor
only to poor countries with natural
resources |ur ro all counrries and ro
_ood _overnance _lo|ally.
no yes no
Transparency is a key dimension ol r|e
Norwe_ian Governmenr's recenrly adopred
action Plan against Economic crime
(Marc| 2011). T|e acrion plan discusses
country-for-country reporting. this is a
measure desi_ned ro increase rransparency
and involves requirin_ r|ar mulrinarional
companies and enrerprises include rax
information when they publish their annual
accounrs. T|is measure could supplemenr
or|er, more specilc measures desi_ned
ro ensure r|ar correcr revenues are made
su||ecr ro raxarion in dillerenr counrries.
the commission of the European union
is currenrly considerin_ w|er|er suc| a
requiremenrs s|ould |e inrroduced in r|e
European union. as set out in the action
plan, r|e Governmenr is willin_ ro consider
inrroducin_ suc| requiremenrs in Norway,
either in connection with new Eu legislation
in r|is area, or on an independenr |asis.
Transparency in r|e exrracrive secror is
important, not least in many natural-
resourceric| developin_ counrries,
but in principle the same transparency
s|ould apply ro all secrors. Norway
will conrinue ro pus| |ilarerally and
mulrilarerally lnancial rransparency
and r|e l_|r a_ainsr r|e secrecy
promored |y rax |avens and many
lnancial cenrres, so dama_in_ nor
only to poor countries with natural
resources |ur ro all counrries and ro
_ood _overnance _lo|ally.
no yes yes
ogp is supported by several institutional branches. a small support unit and a networking mechanism together carry out basic analysis and support on ogp action plans. the nongovern-
mental organization, global Integrity, serves as the networking mechanism until the end of 2013. global Integrity analysed the norwegian ogp action plan identifying 18 commitments and
tagging them with subject headings.
the IrM team in washington and the IrM researchers in norway analysed these 18 commitments in terms of (1) whether the commitment was forward looking, (2) whether it was ogp
relevonf, ond (3) whefher lf wos specllc enough fo be verlloble.
the self-assessment marked this commitment as new even though the action plan included a similar commitment.
the self-assessment cited the same commitment to address implementation of both the plain Language project and the re-use of public sector information. (pp. 3-4)
this commitment is well underway. Information on the survey and survey results may be found at |rrp://|y__erundersokelsen2013ernaaollenrli_
Cl Norwoy's commlfmenfs, fhls one besf lulllled fhe CGF guldellnes. Sflll, os fhe sell-ossessmenf shows, ocflon on fhls commlfmenf ls pendlng.
the commitment implementation schedule falls outside of the assessment period for this IrM report.
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