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The First World War

Adapted from McIntyre at

U.S. government WWI posters

The First World War:

War involving nearly all the nations of the world


The First World War:

Long term causes: 1. Militarism 2. Alliance system 3. Imperialism 4. Nationalism
(Memory tip: Think MAIN.)

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his Wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg one hour before their deaths, June 28, 1914. The assassination was the spark that ignited the war.

Short term cause: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand of the AustroHungarian Empire

The First World War:

Central Powers: Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Allies: Russia France Great Britain Italy Japan United States (1917)

Kaiser Wilhelm II, Mehmed V, Franz Joseph: The three emperors of the Central Powers in World War I

The First World War:


Map of Europe during WWI: Originally, Italy joined the Triple Alliance but after the war broke out, it switched sides and went to fight with the Triple Entente. Turkey later joined the Triple Alliance.

Why did it take so long for America to get involved in the war?

America was isolationist.

Why should I get involved in someone elses problems?

The Monroe Doctrine (1823) sought to isolate the American continents from European influences and problems.

In this cartoon, The Great Wall (1914), the Monroe Doctrine is shown as a protective shield for the United States.

Thinking Slide:
Is isolationism really an option for a country as powerful as the United States?

What are the disadvantages of isolationism? What are the advantages?


Which side should the U.S. pick?

Central Powers: Allies:

11 million GermanAmericans Irish-Americans hated Great Britain

Close cultural ties to other allies American, England, and Frances economies were increasingly interdependent.

US Exports to both sides:

Nations Britain France Germany 1914 1915 1916 $594,271,863 $911,794,954 $1,526,685,102 $159,818,924 $364,397,170 $628,851,988 $344,794,276 $28,863,354 $288,899

What did it take to get the U.S. involved?

1. Blockades
Britain blockaded (stopped) all German ships going to America.

HMS Renown seen from another British warship (circa 1917)


What did it take to get the U.S. involved?

1. Blockades
May, 1915: Germany told Americans to stay off British ships, and they could and would sink them. Germany torpedoed the Lusitania, sinking it with 1200 passengers and crew (including 128 Americans). It was eventually found to be carrying 4200 cases of ammunition.


The New York Times reports on the Lusitanias sinking.

What did it take to get the U.S. involved?

1. Blockades
The US sharply criticized Germany for its action.


Note in bottle after Lusitania disaster

Germany agreed not to sink passenger ships without warning in the future.

What did it take to get the U.S. involved?

2. Unlimited Submarine Warfare
In 1917, Germany announced unlimited submarine warfare in the war zone. Otherwise, Germanys blockade would not be successful.


A British ship torpedoed by a German U-boat

What did it take to get the U.S. involved?

3. Zimmerman Note
The U.S. intercepted a note from Germany to Mexico. It promised to give Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back to Mexico in return for an alliance and attacking the United States.


The decoded Zimmerman Telegram

What did it take to get the U.S. involved?

The Zimmerman Note and the sinking of four unarmed American ships led to a declaration of war.

New York Journal (4/7/1917) announcing the

declaration of war the previous day

How was the war looking for the allies?

Not Good...
Russia left the war after its communist revolution in 1917. Russias withdrawal allowed Germany to fight a onefront war with all its troops concentrated on France (remember this point when you study WWII!).

Calling for a Communist revolution, antiTsarist protesters gather outside the Winter Palace in Petrograd, Russia, February 1917.

Convincing the American People


How do you think these posters helped to convince the American people that the war was a good idea?


Convincing the American People

Idealism: 2 Goals For War
1. Wilson had to convince American that this would be the War to End All Wars. 2. He had to convince American that beating the Germans and its allies would make the world safe for democracy.
On Christmas Eve 1914, German and English soldiers stopped fighting to celebrate Christmas. It started when German troops decorated their trenches and began singing Christmas Carols, particularly Stille Nacth. British troops opposite them began singing English Christmas Carols. The singing soon turned to shouts of Christmas cheer across the lines, eventually causing the troops to cross the No Mans Land between the trenches. The two sides began to exchange small gifts between each other.


Convincing the American People

Idealism: Fourteen Points
President Wilsons Fourteen Points was his vision for the future after the war, including freedom of the seas and a League of Nations to work for world peace.

President Woodrow Wilson


What did the U.S. do to help?


The U.S. provided the food, money, and fresh troops needed to win the war.

American troops march through London.


How did the war affect the U.S.?

Women filled factory jobs

Womens war effort helped bring about passage of the 19th Amendment after the war giving women the right to vote.

African Americans
Black soldiers still served in segregated units. In the Great Migration thousands of African Americans moved to the North to work in factories.

How did the war affect the U.S.?

Enforcing Loyalty
Hatred of all things German spread across the U.S. For example sauerkraut was renamed Liberty Cabbage. The Espionage Act 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 punished those against the war, many of whom were labor leaders.


What ended the war?

The Treaty of Versailles
After the Central Powers were exhausted by the war, especially after the US began fighting, it sought an armistice (the end of fighting). The Treaty of Versailles (ver-sigh) was signed between the Allied powers and Germany.

It took land away from Germany.

It dismantled Germanys military. It forced Germany to make reparations (payments) to the countries it harmed in the war. This treaty so destroyed the German economy and the morale of the German people, that within 20 years, they would start another world war.


Extend your learning:

All Quiet on the Western Front A Farewell to Arms Gallipoli Paths of Glory Wings

All Quiet on the Western Front A Farewell to Arms Johnny Got His Gun Under Fire


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