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Popular Culture Galore Part 2

Me exposing what popular culture actually is consisted of is popular on the Internet. Others have done
the same thing in their research as well. That's why it is vital to make manifest about more tidbits on
this subject, because individuals have a right to fulfill their inquiries on why things exist as they are
(especially in popular culture). Popular culture is now a mutli-billion dollar industry per year.
Certainly, this huge cultural revolution have changed the world culturally and economically. The reality
is that we should never let the world manipulate us into being something that we are not. We should
not confirm to the world, but we should allow God to make us what we ought to become. That's the
truth. Some point to entertainment elites believing in the concept of a Reptilian brain in order
to try to manipulate human responses to their mediums. What is the Reptilian brain? It's a
theory of the Reptilian Complex of the R-Complex. This theory views the brain as being consisted
of a triune brain model (as it was proposed by Paul D. MacLean). It wants to explain brain function
and the evolution of existing structures of the generic brain. This triune-brain is made up of the R-
Complex, the limbic system, and the neo-cortex. The brainstem and the older areas of the Central
Nervous System control all normal vertebrates' involuntary behavior (that includes cardiac and
respiratory functions). In between these 2 brains are the R-Complex. The R-Complex deals with
rage and basic survival fight or flight responses. It's the most advanced part of the brain that higher
mammals share with reptiles. Humans can act primitive sometimes since the R-Complex can
override the more rational functions of the brain. This can cause unpredictable behavior. A
well developed and healthy neo-cortex can monitor R-Complex activity in sentient beings. The
Reptilian complex is the most ancient part of a very successful brain scheme, evolutionarily
speaking. Mammalian brain structure exists in the outer areas of the brain — the Limbic system and
neo-cortex — which evolved more recently. The Limbic system, which was first introduced by
MacLean in a paper in 1952, is similar to the brain of the more primitive mammals and is the source of
emotions other than fear and anger, some aspects of personal identity, and some memory functions.
The Limbic system is composed of the amygdala and the hippocampus. The neo-cortex, also
known as the cerebral cortex, resembles the brain of more recent mammals in that it controls
more highly evolved mentation such as reason and speech. So, the big picture is that some
use propaganda in the media to control the actions of the human mind. One scheme related to
this is the Problem reaction solution plan. Now, this is about creating a problem, forcing
people to have a reaction, and offer a solution (even it's illegitimate). 9/11, wars, and other
events have dealt with problem-reaction-solution construct. Sigils (and sound waves in specific
frequencies) in commercials and other TV formats are other tactics in attempting to manipulating our
minds as well. The mainstream industry’s leaders use distractions like reality TV shows, etc. as an
apart of a means to get society at law (while stripping real morals) to not invest in finding solutions to
real issues (like poverty, our civil liberties, wars, abortion, etc.).

Celebrities dying in such bad circumstances are tragic and sad. Their deaths remind us
constantly that death can occur upon anyone. Another lesson here is that we have to get right
with God before we die since tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Ed MacMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Steve
McNair, and of course Michael Jackson all died recently. Michael Jackson has been called the
"King of Pop." Farrah Fawcett died and she was a member of the Roman Catholic Church (with
its false doctrines of calling Mary a Queen of Heaven, the Rosary, calling the Pope Holy Father
which is blasphemy, etc.). She even allowed a priest to give her the Last Rites since she was a
devout Catholic. On the other hand, Romans 3:23-25 says that, "For all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by His grace through
the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a
propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the
remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." Only God can
forgive our sins not a priest. She was a super model and a former Playboy celebrity. She used
to be on the 1970's hit television series of Charlie's Angels. She died of cancer at the age of 63.
Michael Jackson died mysteriously on June 25, 2009. He revolutionized culture and music with
his videos plus actions. Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958 and moved into
California during the 1970's. Michael Jackson inspired a lot of people and broke barriers
culturally and racially. He modernized music videos and gave money to charity. He was
controversial being accused of pedophilia and intentionally disfiguring his skin complexion
(plus face). The child in the first case (whose name was Jordan Chandler) said that he lied
about Michael Jackson sexually abusing him. The boy said that his family pressured him to
create these accusations for an economic motive. Sources in the Jackson family document
how Michael Jackson was mentally and physically abused by his father Joseph Jackson. That
is one of the many reasons why he lived such a troubled life. Michael Jackson never had a
normal childhood, which further explains some of his behavior. Joseph's own kids weren't
even allowed to play that much without children in their upbringing. Joseph's abuse was so
sophisticated at times, that some believe that his treatment relates to trauma-based mind
control. Fritz Springmeier wrote of Michael Jackson in these words:

"...For Mickey Mouse programming they came out with Thru the Mirror, where Mickey Mouse steps
through his bedroom mirror and ends up in another world (altered state). Not all of the Disney movies
that have mind-control programming themes got released to the public. One unreleased cartoon had
Penelope fleeing from a sinister looking Grandfather Clock which is carrying her to another world, and
has another scene where Penelope tries to hold onto someone who personifies the Wind. George
Lucas, who directed the movie Star Wars, which was a movie planned by the Illuminati & used for
Illuminati programming, also directed Disney’s movie "Captain EO". Captain EO (who looks like a
demonic entity) goes to rescue the Queen (who looks like the harlot describes as Mystery Babylon in
the Bible). The Queen is in captivity simply because she and her people believe in black and white
(which represent good and evil). When they renounce such a belief, they are saved by Michael
Jackson (in actual life a mind-controlled slave) playing Captain EO. It’s a New Age witchcraft film
through & through. By the way, Michael Jackson has gone to Disney amusement parks many
times, sometimes in disguise. It is public knowledge that his Jehovah’s Witness family has
been very abusive mentally and physically to their children. Disney has put out several movies on
how the mind works, such as the educational film The Brain & Nervous System in 1990..."

Trauma-based mind control is very common in the CIA's MK-ULTRA program. MK Ultra was
about the CIA using drugs and control techniques in order to brainwash plus control ordinary
citizens in America. Michael Jackson and his brother made music in the late 1960’s and in the
1970’s. The Jackson brothers worked with CBS to become the Jacksons by June of 1976.
Later, Michael Jackson decided to go strictly solo. The famous producer Quincy Jones helped
Michael Jackson to develop his own unique style in terms of his artistic voice (into an adult
artist). Off the Wall his Michael Jackson‘s album in August 10, 1979. Jackson's music had a
variety from attempting to have social commentary to sexual antics, and violence. The biggest
selling album in history is his own album of Thriller being released in November 30, 1982. It
sold over 50 million copies. The Guinness Book of World Records lists Thriller as having sold 65
million copies as of 2007. He is known for embracing some spiritualism (by believing that he
communicated with the spirit of Liberace in a secret room of mirrors, he claim that some lyrics
are channeled to him, and he was embracing of spirit communication). Aleister Crowley had a
secret room of mirrors to contact spirits and contact his sick rituals. Jackson wanted world
peace (as evident in his song “We are the World, We are the Children” from 1985. Other artists
were in the song as well from Lionel Ritchie to Tina Turner plus Billy Joel), but believed in an
one world philosophy like many artists before him. Michael Jackson used prescription drugs
and his temporary doctor isn't saying much to the police (Michael Jackson reportedly was in
millions of dollars in debt). The Pepsi commercial accident that happened toward Michael
Jackson might of caused him to have prescription drug problems. In the fire incident in
the Pepsi commercial, part of Jackson’s scalp was burned. He suffered pain in
his head potentially until he died (especially since he experienced an
abundant of surgeries to comfort his head). There is suspicion that this doctor knows
much than he is letting on. That is why the Jackson family desires a 2nd autopsy to discover
the real truth about why Jackson died. According to federal drug regulations, it’s illegal for
Jackson’s personal physician to prescribe even a powerful cough medicine to Michael
Jackson. This doctor’s name is Dr. Conrad Murray. Murray is not licensed to give certain
levels of controlled medications in the states. If he did give Demerol or Oxycotin to Michael
Jackson, he would be breaking the law. The reason it is illegal for a person to administer
drugs in California that other doctors had got from other states like Nevada or Texas. Also,
Murray has no registration number in CA to prescribe controlled substances. Murray’s lawyers
said that he didn’t do this. Murray would join Freemasonry 3 years ago. The doctor finding
Michael Jackson when he had a weak pulse. He attempted CPR for 30 minutes before telling
anyone else about Jackson’s condition.

Why would he not immediately call an ambulance or 911 instead of doing nothing but CPR for
30 minutes straight (when Michael Jackson experienced cardiac arrest)? Either he’s diabolical
or incompetent to do something like that. The media have had a love hate relationship with
Michael Jackson. The media genuflect him during the days of Thriller and abhorred him just
before he died. After his death, ironically, the mainstream media is giving him praise. Before
his death, Michael Jackson spoke out about the corrupt policies of some
music companies. He said that: “… I’m not just fighting for myself. I’m fighting
for all artists…They have been taken by the system and totally broken them
financially…This has to stop. This CONSPIRACY…” He gave another speech in
September 7, 2001 spoke about the manipulation of the press (plus lying history books) and
some in the music industry like those in Sony. This manipulation of the truth by the press is
easily proven and you can look at the Iraq War and Operation Mockingbird for simple
examples of that. Certainly, Michael Jackson before he died began to understand the
mainstream music enacted Satanic endeavors. One week after Los Angeles police confirmed
that investigators had not ruled out homicide in the death of Michael Jackson, the late singer's
older sister, La Toya Jackson, reveals that she suspects he was murdered, the U.K.'s Mail On
Sunday reports. La Toya Jackson commented that: "I believe Michael was murdered," she
said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of
people. He was surrounded by a bad circle. Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person.
People took advantage of that. People fought to be close to him, people who weren’t always
on his side." Many point to similarities on the popularity and lives of Elvis Presley and
Michael Jackson.

The sad, mourning memorial for Michael Jackson in the LA Staples Center was
witnessed by about a billion people worldwide.

Michael Jackson was once a Jehovah Witness (a false religion that denies that Jesus Christ is
Almighty God, they deny Jesus' bodily resurrection, and they even deny blood transfusions)
then changed reportedly into the religion of Islam according to rumors. After his death,
Jackson's brother Jermaine gave a press conference and wished that Allah would always be
with his deceased brother. The artist Prince is a Jehovah Witness. Islam denies that God has a
Son and Muslims praise the pagan sun god of Allah. Islam uses bondage against people to
follow the culture of the 7th century (via praying Mecca 5 times a day in accordance to the
cycle of the moon, doing zadat, doing hajj, etc.). You don't need these ceremonies to be saved.
The only thing you need is the grace of Jesus Christ that poured from his blood. There are
recent rumors that Michael Jackson converted to Christianity just before he died. This could
be true or false. Michael Jackson's life is as mysterious as his death. Now, people are
celebrating Michael Jackson's life. We shouldn't gloat over the death of Michael Jackson or
bash him unfairly. We should just tell the truth about his life and his life was a warning. It
warns us that we should appreciate our physical image, and never let past hurts ruin our
relationship with God. We should let the past become inspiration to fight evil, love God, and
live our lives better than the past. Michael Jackson and these other celebrities are victims of
the many evils in popular culture. Michael Jackson could be in Heaven and he could be Hell, so we
should be very careful in our we conduct our lives.

Lady Gaga is a famous female pop musician now. Her real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina
Germanotta. She was born in March 28, 1986 in Yonkers, New York. At Interscope Records, she
worked as a songwriter penning music for established artists, such as Akon. During the same time,
she began to play her music in clubs throughout New York City. Gaga is an Italian American. She
attended the private Catholic school Convent of the Sacred Heart. She learned how to play the piano
by ear at the age of 4. Her writing skills were improved by her creating papers in New York University
(these papers deal with the topics of art, religion, and socio-political information). She was signed to
Def Jam when she was 19 years old. LA Reid let her go in 3 months time from Def Jam. Akon
ultimately convinced Jimmy Iovine to sign her to a joint deal with his own label, Kon Live Distribution.
In 2007, she worked with female go-go performer Lady Starlight. Lady Gaga admits that she uses
influences from David Bowie (who is an innovator of rock music), pop, and Queen. Like many artists
in this generation, Lady Gaga calls herself bisexual in the May 2009 issue of Rolling Stone. In 2008,
her famous album "The Fame" came out. She made a video and Jonas Akerland (plus Eric Broms)
are key creators of it. Jonas Akerlun is the Director of the video called “Paparazzi.”
Jonas when talking about the video is wearing a shirt with an Upside Pentagram with a Baphomet
image on it. The name of Baphomet come from the 1250 Occitan poem bewailing the defeat of the
Seventh Crusade, Austorc d'Aorlharc refers to "Bafometz." Usually, people who wear such a shirt
either want to act rebellious or are really into the occult. You can make up your mind on what's true
pertaining to Jonas. Lady Gaga in the video wear costumes, rides horses, etc. Some Templars
claimed to have worship this Baphomet severed head image in their tortured confessions (These
claims were unique. According to Karen Ralls who write the "Knights Templar Encyclopedia says that
there is no mention of the Baphomet either in the Templar Rule or in other medieval period Templar
documents). Some modern scholars such as Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber agree that the name
of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name Muhammad, with the interpretation being that
some of the Templars, through their long military occupation of the Outremer, had begun
incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system, and that this was seen and documented by the
Inquisitors as heresy. Levi's popularized the Baphomet as an image of Mendez and other
components. The ancient Egyptian Mendes (which is also a city in ancient Egypt) was a ram deity
called Banedbdjed. Banebdjedet 's female consort was the fish goddess of Hatmehit and their child
was Har-pa-khered ("Horus the Child"). Levi reinterpretated Mendez as a goat (because he followed
the literature of Herodotus' History that made the mistake of equating a goat with Mendez) when it was
really a ram. One of Lady Gaga’s recent videos is called "Paparazzi." The video shows a man
throwing Lady Gaga off a balcony (after she defends herself with a bottle, etc.). Afterward, there is a
black and white hypnosis symbolism in the video. This signifies the magnitude of Lady Gaga being
thrown off the balcony. There might be a link between Lady Gaga's video and
Queen's "Radio Ga Ga" video. The video shows the life of fame as a star not being what it
cracked up to be. Paparazzi are seen in a negative light in the news in the video. In the video, she
shows hand sign of looking in one eye. There are a mannequin in the background. The mannequin in
the eyes of some represents the old human structure (or construct) being replaced by homo evolutis.
Homo Evolutis is the so-called Evoluted robotic man that is above the present Homo sapiens sapiens
(This is promoted in transhumanist circles). Lady Gaga is on crutches and tries to walk in a robot
outfit. The reason is that it promotes the robotic agenda. In the future, researchers want to
evolve man into Homo evolutis. Some researchers believe that our grandchildren will be see
this species arise (via self design instead of Darwinian Evolution). Juan Enquirez have talked
about this issue. Could the Lady gaga video talk about the death of homo sapiens into homo evolutis?
This is an interesting interpretation, especially with all of the mannequins around the video. Lady gaga
wears a white and black wedding dress. The video shows Lady Gaga as the new it girl after her
programming (when she started as down on her luck). Her actions are robotic in the video. She is
called innocent when she is guilty of doing evil in the music video. The video of the
boyfriend's death seems like a sacrifice. Ultimately, the video begins with Lady Gaga making
out with her boyfriend. When she refuses to look into a camera, the boyfriend throws her out
of the balcony. Then, Lady Gaga is injured and isn't famous anymore. So, she tried to kill her
maids. Models are in the video. That doesn't work, so he killed another boyfriend (with a
poison). Afterwards, she is famous again. The music video describes the obsession and the
extreme lengths (even doing things related to death) that some desire to be "famous" in
popular culture. Art imitates life sometimes. This video describes some of what goes on the celebrity
world in real life.

There is another movie deals with the agenda of transhumanism agenda. Transhumanism was
coined by evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley. That agenda dehumanizes man and humanizes robots.
It promotes the old New Age doctrine that man can achieve godhood with the aide of robotics. Today,
we have issues dealing with Transhumanism or bioethics questions like designer babies,
animal/human hybrids, etc. Now, there are transgenic animals. These are animal with unnatural
processes like spider silk in goat’s milk, tomato genes in salmon, cats that can glow in the dark, and
other genetically modified animals (via modifying the DNA of animals). These beings are being
created in labs worldwide. This is way beyond the cloning of a sheep into Dolly back in 1997. Some
are mixing animals and humans genetic material for discovering treatments, building up new
creatures, etc. Human/animal hybrids are legalized in the United Kingdom. Freemasons like W.L.
Wilmhurst wants mankind to evolve into gods like supermen from his words in the following:
"... This - the evolution of man into superman [emphasis - ADDED] - was always the purpose of
the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and
charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual
evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like
quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into
practice; whilst to join the Craft for any other purpose than to study and pursue this science is
to misunderstand its meaning (Wilmshurst, The Meaning of Masonry, p. 47, 1980). According to
this alchemical mandate, humanity is a gradually developing deity requiring scientific assistance in its
evolution. In Mystic Masonry, 32nd degree Mason J.D. Buck reiterates this theme
of man as a progressively apotheosizing organism: "Humanity, 'in-toto', then,
is the only Personal God" (Buck, p. 136, 1990). Biotechnology deals with using
living organisms or other biological systems in the manufacture of drugs or other
products. The theory of Darwinian Evolution is nothing more than a rehash of the Mystery Religions
involving the concept of life evolving into God status. Freemasonry is pro-rationalist, and pro-evolution
as Mason Erasmus Darwin subscribed to evolutionary teachings. Erasmus Darwin is Charles Darwin's
grandfather. Luciferianism and Gnosticism teach apotheosis or human godhood aims as well. That is
why transhumanists like Max More praise Lucifer as a heroic rebel (which is false) against a tyrannical
God (which is also false) in his own words:

"...The Devil—Lucifer—is a force for good (where I define 'good' simply as that which I value, not
wanting to imply any universal validity or necessity to the orientation). 'Lucifer' means 'light-bringer'
and this should begin to clue us in to his symbolic importance. The story is that God threw Lucifer out
of Heaven because Lucifer had started to question God and was spreading dissension among the
angels. We must remember that this story is told from the point of view of the Godists (if I may coin a
term) and not from that of the Luciferians (I will use this term to distinguish us from the official
Satanists with whom I have fundamental differences). The truth may just as easily be that Lucifer
resigned from heaven...Lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought. He
stands against the dogma of God and all other dogmas. He stands for the exploration of new ideas
and new perspectives in the pursuit of truth..."
More would continue to blasphemy God by calling Jehovah a cosmic sadist. Almighty God or Yahveh
is never a sadist. He loves all humans, but he allows judgment for those who refuse to repent and are
wicked. Now, the worship of Lucifer/Satan (including demonic spirits or fallen angels. The
investigation & worship of these evil spirits is one of the secrets of the occult Secret Societies like the
Golden Dawn, etc. Numerous Musical artists make pacts to the Devil literally in exchange for fame
and fortune) by the elite and other puppets isn’t unusual. Yet, we should worship God alone who is
Yeshua Messiah or the Lord Jesus Christ. It's very obvious that a Luciferian/Transhumanist
connection exists with the goal of Apotheosis. A movie shows people connecting to machines.
This film shows people controlling surrogates and it promotes the "new world" which is similar to the
concept of the new world order. The machines makes people have experience of different places with
sex, going out, etc. from the privacy of your own home. The FBI investigates the surrogates. Bruce
Willis is in the film trying to act as a hero to stop the surrogates. The movie is called "Surrogates."
Another film transforms humans into animals in a "New Moon." Even a commercial for America's Top
Model show humans transforming into robots in a fictional way. One of the easiest movies to see the
robotic agenda in full array is the film called “I Robot.” This movie was based on a collection of
nine science fiction short stories that were created by the late Isaac Asimov (I’ve read some of his
literature when I was a child). The stories deal with Dr. Susan working in the 21st century as the chief
of robopsychologist at the U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. This company is the major
manufacturer of the robots. The movie I Robot deals about how the robots at first work for the benefit
of man then they rebel against humankind. The movie’s leading character is Will Smith playing
Detective Del Spooner (a detective) who hates robots and doesn’t want them to integrate in human
life. In the movie, the robots are assigned some human qualities. One
women said that robots
can no more harm a human than a man walking on water (which is a
reference to Jesus Christ walking on water as a miracle. Hence, the film
mocks what Jesus did). In America, I Robot was released in July 16, 2004. Other actors
and actresses in I Robot include Shia La Beouf, Chi McBride, Bridget Moyanhan, Bruce
Greenwood, James Cromwell, and others. When the robots rebel in Chicago at 2035, Will’s
character of Del Spooner tries to fight against the robots. The robots are given 3 laws on how to
conduct themselves in the movie. Spooner uses his mechanical arm to break to land on VIKI’s brain,
injects the nanites to make the robots to act normally. The film opens up the questions of artificial
intelligence, robots, and future of humanity in the 21st century. Extremists in the robotics agenda love
these issues since they want to believe the lie that humans can be equal to robots in value. In other
words, some people want to use robotics as an excuse to try to play God. There are more examples
of the robotic agenda promoted in popular culture. In the May/April 2009 issue of Complex Magazine,
it has an image of Kanye West in a robot image (with a non-human and almost electricity face) that
calls Kanye the most influential band of the Universe (they call him beyond human meaning that man
can be a god and go beyond human. This is apart of the robotic/Transhumanist agenda). Robotic
rebellion against humans is very similar to man’s revolt against God and his authority. The
militarization agenda exists in popular culture as well. Constantly, we see the military illegally merging
with law enforcement police agencies nationwide. They are conducting searches against citizens and
doing drills, which violate the Posse Comitatus of 1878. Police are more militarized than even
15 years ago. The US Army has a combat video game about training (The Pentagon talks about high
tech weapons now. Some devices use an X-box controller. Murder can be done easier with these
simple controllers). There is a new G.I. Joe picture coming about. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a role in
GI Joe and Stop Loss.

The influence of the movie of Metropolis is more in a lot of videos. The rock music named
Queen has a video called "Radio Ga Ga." It pictures many of the same elements that were
found in the 1927 movie called Metropolis. It pictures the workers being bounded in a
dictatorial system. The video shows a radio and Freddie Mercury sings on a futuristic flying
ship. Mercury walks into a light imagery or the Nexus symbolism. He turn dials in the video.
The Queen group performs in the video in front of a building that looks like a ziggurat. A
ziggurat is ancient pyramidal Temple that was found in ancient Mesopotamia. They existed
thousands of years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Similar building exist in Egypt, ancient
America, China, etc. Queen made a record called "Bohemian Rhapsody" where they say that
Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard.." Beelzebub is of course a name of a demon and can be
used for a term for Satan (or Baal). Ba‘al Zebûb might mean 'Lord of Zebûb', referring to an
unknown place called Zebûb, or 'Lord of the Flies' (ba'al being Hebrew for owner or lord and zebûb
being a Hebrew collective noun for 'fly'). So, occultism consumes the mainstream music industry.
Mercury imposes himself in the Metropolis' film transformation from a robot into a human. Freddie
Mercury died of AIDS tragically. Whitney Houston wears the same costume as found in Metropolis. It
looks robotic.
Marilyn Monroe was a woman who had a lot of potential, but lost her way. Her story is a tragic case of
how we shouldn't live our lives. Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson (or baptized with the
surname of Baker). Her father was Edward Mortenson, who was a Norwegian man. Monroe denied
that he was her real biological father. She was born in June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. She
lived in foster homes in her early life. She began her career as a model, which led her to find a film
contract in 1946. Her early roles were minor, but her performances in The Asphalt Jungle and All
About Eve (both 1950) were well received. She was praised for her comedic ability in such films as
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire, and The Seven Year Itch, and became one of
Hollywood's most popular and glamorous performers. Marilyn Monroe expanded her acting range to
escape the persona and the stereotype of a "dumb blonde" character. She created Marilyn
Monroe Productions and studied after she studied at the Actors Studio.
Monroe in America took Hollywood's sex symbols to another nation. Women
like Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Hurley, Catherine Zeta Jones,
etc. have international success plus they have influences from Marilyn
Monroe's life (including her dispositions). TV shows and movies to this day depict her
acting skills. She used her sexuality a lot even beyond what Mae West did before her time.
Marilyn Monroe certainly attracted the lust of numerous men. Monroe’s Love Happy producer,
Lester Cowan, said, “It doesn’t matter about her face. Every man who wants to see her wants
to jump her.” Monroe's sexual roles and actions were cutting edge for the 1950's. She admits
herself that she had inner torment in her life. One of the many reasons was that she was insecure
in her personality was that too many people were controlling her activities. She was married and
divorced 3 times. She moved in with men in and out. Lee Strasberg, her ally, said that Hollywood often
though that she was a prostitute. Monroe knowingly or unknowingly took the sexual revolution into
new heights (with its common features of lust, adultery, and fornication). These 3 components were in
her films and in her real life. One example of these concepts is found in the movie "The Seven
Year Itch." Monroe in this film is a mistress to a married man. She does the deed while the man's
wife and children are away. In some scenes, she wore a clad slinky nightdress to see the married
man. She tells the man that she kept her underwear in the refrigerator (while she is nude). Monroe is
famous for the blowing skirt scene. Another motivation for acting in this fashion was her interest in the
occult like many Hollywood actors and actresses. Biographer Anthony Summers of Goddess: Secret
Lives of Marilyn Monroe, writes, “Marilyn had a lifelong interest in the occult, and she often visited
astrologers and psychics.” Case in point: Kenny Kingston, a psychic to Hollywood celebrities, wrote of
her as:

"…a dear friend and former client of mine, Marilyn Monroe. I became Marilyn’s psychic when she was
Mrs. Joe DiMaggio. She consulted me many times through the years and we stayed in touch until just
a few days before her passing.”

Kingston was a friend to Marilyn Monroe. Monroe wanted to contact the spirit world when the book of
Deuteronomy condemns consulting demons, mediums, etc. The Bible calls them detestable things.
Satanists love these activities as well. Monroe’s psychic, Kenny Kingston, helped to solidify the spirit
involvement in her life, which she thoroughly and completely embraced. Kingston touched on
Monroe’s sorcery: "We began with a visualization technique used many times
by those of us who believe in psychic phenomena. I asked Marilyn to see
herself surrounded by what is called the ‘white light of protection’-…light
which you can visualize as encompassing your entire body.” Monroe claimed to
embrace the white light of protection. In the occult and the New Age movement, the white light
technique is ambiguous in what it is. Yet, in reality this false light relates to demons. Satanist Anton
LaVey spoke of this white light practice in his writings and mocked those who hypocritically summon
Satan under some other name to keep them from the evil powers he represents. Marilyn Monroe
would try to contact spirits all of the time. She even had a séance in the memory of Clark Gable. Lying
spirits are common in using deception unto people. The Bible is clear in that we should test the spirit
to see if they are from God. If these entities act in contrary to the Holy Scriptures, we should reject
them outright. Monroe worked with Anton LaVey, who is the founder of the Church of Satan. LaVey
wanted to overthrow Christianity and establish Satanic power in the world. Marilyn was interesting in
occultism, Satanism, and bizarre aspects of life. Anton LaVey said that he had a sexual encounter
with Monroe when he was an organist in a club where she was a stripper. Some accuse
Monroe of experiencing demonic possession (one sign of this is uncontrollable anger,
tension, etc.). She described it as, “Jekyll and Hyde. Two in one. More than two. I’m so many
people. They shock me sometimes. I wish it was just me.” Marilyn Monroe's experience in the
occult complicated her problems and they didn't help her out. On many times, she went into
psychiatric institutions and hospitals. Marilyn Monroe was recommended by an acting coach in 1955
to use psyhoanalysis in order to tap into her "explosive energy." She did that her psychiatrist
Mariaanne Kris prescribed her with barbiturates that she abused until her death. Of the
psychoanalysis, Monroe said she felt "as if I were going around in circles. It was always…not
where I was going but where had I been?" In 1960, Monroe saw psychiatrist Ralph Greenson,
whose control over her was swift, severing all her close relationships. By 1962, she realized—
too late—that she must "disconnect from Greenson." After spending six hours with him, she
was found dead of a drug overdose. In the seven years prior to psychiatry’s influence, Monroe
had made 23 movies. In the seven years of her psychiatric "care," she only made six films. Her
life was so controlled that Fritz Springmeier wrote that Marilyn Monroe was a Monarch mind-
controlled slaves like Loretta Lynn. On a day in October, 1957, a woman named Lena Pepitone
was hired to take care of Marilyn Monroe. In 1979, she published her memories of the time she was
the primary person taking care of Marilyn Monroe. Mona was Marilyn's nickname. Monroe would lock
herself in rooms. Lena Pepitone's book called "Marilyn Monroe: Confidential An Intimate Personal
Account" from 1979 (which was published by NY: Simon and Schuster) exposed the truth about many
"programmers" or other people controlling her life too much. Monore had floor to ceiling mirrors
everywhere even at the rear of the living room (according to Fritz, Monarch programmed
slaves have mirrors around them. This is done to see mirrors everywhere in their mind to strip
her of her personal identity). She didn't have a television or listened to the radio according to Lena's
book. So, those around her treated her very badily and she didn't even visited her relatives on
numerous occasions. Marilyn Monroe in Lena's book accuses a doctors of stealing her healthy baby
from her. She suffered pain in the Polyclinic Hospital and denies the pain in order to adjust to it (which
is common features of Monarch victims). Marilyn ordered a $3,000 Emerald green dress to be made.
Emerald green is often the most favorite color of Monarch slaves because of their Wizard of Oz
programming which is usually the foundational programming. Monroe was tormented by the people
controlling her, the occult, and fear in her life. Marilyn Monroe died mysteriously in 1962. In 1973
Anton LaVey wrote in an article that Monroe would become the Satanic “Madonna” of the 21st
century. Some believe that she was murdered since she was about to reveal publicly her affairs with
the Kennedy brothers. Joe DiMaggio, who was Marilyn Monroe's last lover, accused JFK and RFK of
murdering Marilyn Monroe. DiMaggio is of course the baseball legend, who played for the New York
Yankees. A new book, written by his long-time lawyer and close companion Morris Engelberg, reveals
he really did believed that the Kennedy clan killed Monroe. "They murdered the one person I loved,"
DiMaggio confided to Mr Engelberg. His book called "DiMaggio: Setting the Record Straight" said that
Monroe's secret journal talked about Robert Kennedy telling her about the CIA plans to poison Fidel
Castro (with the aid of the Chicago gangster Sam Giancana plus about the government investigating
union leader Jimmy Hoffa's Mafia links). Monroe met the Kennedys through Peter Lawford, their
British brother-in-law, and is believed to have passed on Robert’s pillow talk to Frank Sinatra, who in
turn reported to Giancana. Joe DiMaggio believed that both Kennedy brothers got what they deserved
when they were assassinated. I don't agree with that obviously since you don't assassinate innocent
people. DiMaggio was one of the greatest baseball players of all time, but he rejected the spotlight.
Other don't accept a conspiracy involving Monroe’s death and believe she died of an accidental
overdose. She was only 36 years old when she passed away. That was sad. Her life is certainly a
lesson that we don't need mediums or satanic rituals to find fulfillment.
Here’s Jayne Mansfield with a man. Jayne Mansfield in some cases was more sexually
provocative than Marilyn Monroe. She was in the beginning of the Sexual Revolution of the
1960’s. Times were changing and the fruits of these new development (from recreational sex,
the promotion of the lies from Alfred Kinsey, and exploitation of human beings) are
evidently witnessed today in the 21st century. Kinsey used pedophilia to do sick experiments
on children to promote his libertine sexual agenda. He was a sado-masochist that hated
Judeo-Christian values. Kinsey and the Sexual Revolution were funded by the Ford &
Rockefeller Foundations. So, Alfred Kinsey was a liar by using false statistics in his books
and a pervert. Nothing is truly new under the sun.

Jayne Mansfield is a contemporary of Marilyn Monroe. Jayne is rumored to be allied with Anton La
Vey (but her eldest daughter Jayne Marie Mansfield denied that Jayne Mansfield was in the Church of
Satan) and even did more sexually risqué movies than Monroe did. Her movie career began with bit
parts at Warner Brothers. She was signed by the studio after one of its talent scouts discovered her in
a production at the Pasadena Playhouse. Mansfield had small roles in Female Jungle (1954), and in
Pete Kelly's Blues (1955) which starred Jack Webb. Although Mansfield was reluctant to appear in the
play, she received the Theatre World Award of 1956 for her performance in the Broadway production
of George Axelrod's comedy Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? In 1963, Tommy Noonan persuaded
Mansfield to become the first mainstream American actress to appear nude with a starring role in the
film Promises! Promises!. Photographs of a naked Mansfield on the set were published in Playboy. In
one notorious set of images, Mansfield stares at one of her breasts, as does her male secretary and a
hair stylist, then grasps it in one hand and lifts it high. The sold-out issue resulted in an obscenity
charge for Hugh Hefner, which was later dropped. Promises! Promises! was banned in Cleveland, but
it enjoyed box office success elsewhere. As a result of the film's success, Mansfield landed on the
Top 10 list of Box Office Attractions for that year. Jayne Mansfield's other daughter is named Mariska
Hargitay (or Magdolina). She is the actress of the show “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit“ (she
plays Olivia Benson). Jayne Mansfield died at only 34 in a car accident in June 19, 1967. We need to
live a clean life and follow the commandments of Almighty God. We need to escape silly lusts and
treat our fellow human beings with respect. We should respect legitimate sex, but not exploit our
sexuality for profit or evil.
In a response to a review of his book “Blood on the Altar: The Secret History of the World’s
Most Dangerous Secret Society,” by author Craig Heimbichner (who is a Traditionalist Roman
Catholic) mentions several prominent members of Ordo Templi Orientis, (the order of the
Temple of the East, or the Order of Oriental Templars), including John Carradine. John is the
father of the recently deceased David Carradine, who allegedly planned to investigate and
disclose secret societies. So, Craig believes that David Carradine's father was apart of the
OTO of the Ordo Templi Orientis. This accusation is claimed by Martin P. Starr. Starr is the
author of "The Unknown God: W. T. Smith and the Thelemites." John Carter and New Ager
Robert Anton Wilson wrote the book entitled, "In Sex and Rockets: The Occult World
or Jack Parsons." This book said that John Carradine used to read poetry at the opening
of the Agape Lodge of the TO in Pasedena, California. The OTO is a very occult group. It
merges concepts from Freemasonry Rosicurcianism, and some Illuminist movements. It even
looks up to research the teachings of the Knights Templars (of the Middle Ages), Gnosticism,
and the Mysteries. It was created in Germany or Austria from 1895 to 1906. Its founder was
Freemason Carl Kellner being a wealthy Austrian industralist. Later, Freemason and occultic
trantrist Theodor Reuss took over the OTO after Kellner's death. Reuss was the Grand Master
of the Swendenborgian Rite of Freemasonry in Germany. Reuss admitted that English
occultist Alesiter Crowley to the Order in 1910. Crowley was appointed by Reuss as the
National Grand Master General of the Great Britian and Ireland chapters. Crowley was a British
Intelligence agent, a Satanist, a Freemason, and a role model for numerous rock musicians
(other occultists and humanists). Penacoli said the death of John Carradine’s son David “was
abnormal, the death was not natural” and the actor “was very interested in investigating and
disclosing secret societies.” Carradine was found dead last week in a Bangkok luxury hotel
suite. Carradine’s brother Keith met with the FBI on Friday to encourage a federal probe,
according to family attorney Mark Geragos. He died as found with robe around his neck and
genitals. I don't believe this was a suicide, because there is no evidence for it. Also, David
Carradine never showed the signs of a suicide. Him in that position outlined that David might
of have a fetish for alternative sex acts. His body was found in a Bangkok, Thailand closet.
Divorce court filings from his most recent ex-wife said that the actor was involved in deviant
sexual behavior that was risk for his life. According to CNN, a hotel maid found the actor
sitting in a wardrobe with “a yellow nylon rope was tied around the actor’s neck and a black
rope was around his genitals.” Additionally, Marina Anderson alleged in a sworn declaration that
Carradine engaged in an "incestuous relationship with a very close family member." Thailand
is known place where the West and the global elite go for sexual favors from children,
prostitutes, and transgender people. CFR member Angelina Jolie is known for going into
Thailand herself. Anderson's declaration was filed in mid-2003 in Los Angeles Superior Court
(the document was supposed to be filed under seal but was mistakenly placed in the public
court file, where The Smoking Gun found it). Anderson accused Carradine of having a taboo
incest relationship. Carrardine refused counseling according to Anderson. David Carradine
approved of Scientology, but denied being a member of it. Carradine's present wife before he
died was Scientologist Anne Beirman. Scientology is known for its weird actions and strange
beliefs on the human body plus soul. In other words, it's most probably true that either David
Carradine died because of murder or an accidental death done by a sexual act (which is called
"erotic asphyxiation"). There are reports that Carradine wanted to expose a martial arts related
Secret Society. His relatives believed that a kung fu secret society (of assassins) killed David
Carradine, because he wanted to expose them. This relates to the Triads (which is a Chinese
Secret Society made up of peaceful and a more criminal Triad faction). David Carradine's
friends said that he wanted to expose Secret Societies in general. David Carradine was a
student of martial arts history. I don't believe that he killed himself.

Sacrifices in popular whether real or fiction are in popular culture. Health Ledger's last film
was The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is an
upcoming fantasy film directed by Terry Gilliam and written by Gilliam and Charles McKeown. The film
follows the leader of a traveling theatre troupe who, having made a deal with the Devil, takes audience
members through a magical mirror to explore their imaginations. It is a strange film with tons of
symbolism. One scene shows a Masonic checkered board that is found in Masonic Lodges worldwide.
Ledger's character wears a mask, which is similar to the Venetian's mask found in Stanley Kubrick's
movie Eyes Wide Shut. Ledger's character tries to support his Imaginarium in promoting dreams.
Behind the scenes of this movie, Director Terry Gilliam shows the horned Il Canuto hand sign. The
budget of the film was $30 million and production for the movie occurred in 2007. The mirror in the
film makes people to look beyond their present reality. There is an All Seeing Eye image in the
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus location (or the traveling theater and on a movie poster). The movie
was half way in production by the time Ledger died. Ironically, Ledger in the film is hanged. The
hanging scene has 3 occult symbols inscribed on Health Ledger's forehead. One is a triangle
with imagery in it. Rumors exist that Health Ledger was sacrificed. Health Ledger was used by
those in Hollywood (he was in the Celtic/Arthurian TV series of Roar). In Roar, Ledger played a
young Celtic man [the young apprentice again] Conor (Heath Ledger), who in 400 AD sets out
to rid his land of the invading Romans but in order to accomplish it, he must unite the Celtic
clans to fight back the invasion. It's the King Arthur legend all over again, re-packaged for a new
audience. Ledger of course went on to play "William" in A Knights Tale, as well as in the secret society
film, The Order.
Violent Gangs use Masonic and/or occult symbolism all of the time. We know that violent
gangs are wicked and evil. They cause crime and do damage to our society. Violent gang
initiation can include people getting beat up and commit crime. I want to mention the
following. These cowards (in these violent groups) use the excuse of physical
appearances, economics, and other reasons in trying to harm their fellow human
being. Only a coward would murder an innocent person. Only a coward would
gang up and beat up a person for no reason. Only a coward would go out and sell
poisons to harm their fellow human beings. Only a coward would hate their
fellow man by virtue of their background (regardless of what it is). These
cowardly traits are common among violent gangs. They exist in urban and rural
areas worldwide (not only in America). So, these gangs are fundamentally the
expressed definition of cowards. I believe in due process and civil liberties, so I
reject police brutality, which is an epidemic inside of America. In lower Secret
Societies, initiates have to experience pain to join (even Freemasons have a sharp object
placed on their chest walking around the Lodge before they become apart of the First Degree.
This rituals have the initiate being bear-chested and blindfolded with a noose around the
person's neck). Masonic-like gangs use various ceremonies and activities to prove they are
loyal to the organization. One of the most famous gangs in the world are the Crip. Many black
gang in the 1950's and 1960's were formulated to guard against police brutality and racism. In
December 1969, Raymond Washington invented the Crip Gang. Tookie Williams united with
Washington to co-head the Crips later on. Unjust violence and murder are a common
occurrence among these streets gangs like the Bloods, Latin Kings, Hells Angels,
Aryan Nation, the Mexican Mafia, Crips, Vice Lords, MS-13, and others. Many of these
groups adopt occult or Masonic symbolism. This logo above is from the Folks gang. It has a Masonic
"G" within a Hexagram. The Hexagram is found in the Gangster Disciple's logo as well. The
Hexagram is used in Witchcraft with many meanings (one is the merging of the opposites like
the active and passive, male and female, evil and good, the combination of elements, a
talisman of Saturn, etc.). Other gangs use Masonic seals and such. Some of these symbolism are
elaborate and there's no where they exist by chance. It could be the leaders of the gangs are copy
these images of the Secret societies. One smoking gun to prove that these violent gangs embrace
occult emblems is how their handsigns are very similar to Masonic or occult hand signals. One
handsign of the blood looks like the OK sign. Many gangs show the Il Canuto handsign (like the Latin
Kings, who use the crown) that relates to Witchcraft, rebellion, and some Satanists use it regularly.
George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, King Hussein, Pat Buchannan, and leaders globally use the handsign as
well and it doesn't to them describe the Texas Longhorns at all. Some Biker gangs use the Knights
Templar cross or the Cross of the Knights of Malta along with images of Skulls (plus death).

I never really discussed about Cartoon Network that much. During the morning and early
afternoon hours, it presents itself as a family orientated channel. If that's so, why do they have
adult swin. Adult Swin is a series of shows with "adult content" like Moral Orel and
Boondocks. These shows have extreme amounts of profanity and sexual content. Moral Orel
mocks conservative Christians as "intolerant" lacking common sense plus being stupid. It's
kind of deceptive to host Tom and Jerry, then offer "adult" filth at midnight. One of their shows
even talk about the "New World Order." It seems to mock it and present it as harmless fun. In
truth, the new world order (as said by Bush 41, Paul Warburg, David Rockefeller, Henry
Kissinger, Gary Hart, and others) is real and dangerous. The reason is that the new world
order is against our national sovereignty plus our cherished freedom found in the Bill of
Rights and Constitution. Recently, I've heard of these 2 new Neo Cons by the names of Glenn
Beck and Paul McGuire. John Conner from San Diego tried to wake up Paul, yet Paul mocked
his views. These Neo Cons are always forgetting that books, studies, mainstream news
articles, and other real research confirms our views. The Cartoon Network even showed a
movie recently called "Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost." The film shows 3 Wiccan/Gothic
female characters known as "The Hex Girls." They exist in a rock hand. One of the songs is
called "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air." People know that those elements are found in Witchcraft.
These Wiccans are portrayed in a positive light. These Witches help the Scooby Doo group to
solve a mystery in the movie. The Hex Girls are on another Sooby Doo DVD called "Scooby Doo
and the Legend of the Vampire." Their latest appearance was in the "What's New Scooby Doo"
episode "The Vampire Strikes Back." They also have 7 songs on the "Scooby Doo & the Witch's
Ghost" soundtrack. Obviously, the cartoon is trying to portray Witchcraft as harmless fun. Yet, it isn't
since people have experienced curses and other negative things from Wiccan ceremonies.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that witchcraft is being promoted even among our children by the
establishment. There are shows on TV and movies loving it like “Teen Witch”, “Harry
Potter” ,“Sabrina the Teenage Witch” ,“Escape from Witch Mountain by Walt
Disney”, “Disney’s Twitched Two” (Lord Willing in the near future, I will expose
more on the pervert Walt Disney and his agenda), “The Craft”, “Charmed (whose
logo is the occult triqueta symbol that some say looks similar to the number of 666)”,
and too numerous to name. Harry Potter especially has a new movie that came out
weeks ago. Harry Potter actually uses real names of sorcerers and mythological
creatures (plus demons according to Pastor David J. Meyer). For example, the
Medieval alchemist Nicholas Flamel is a figure in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‘s
Stone. He did exist as he was born in 1330. Fluffy looks like the 3 headed ancient
Greek mythical monster of Cerebus (he guarded Hades or Hell. He like Fluffy is
calmed by soft music). Even Scholastic Books promotes witchcraft literature not just
Harry Potter like “Midnight Magic“, “Circle of Three: Ring of Light“, “Goddess of
the Night“, “Fiona Horne’s Witchin’: A Handbook for Teen Witches“, etc. These
books have actual spells (along with questionable role models as parents) with
sexual innuendo plus activities. These are marketed to kids. Anti-Christ and pro-
witch propaganda is nothing new. The author Silver Ravenwolf writes witch spells
for kids and talismans for teenagers. 1st Samuel 15:23 condemns witchcraft as a great sin.
Galatians 5:19-21 lists witchcraft as a sin just like adultery and murder. The New Testament is quite
clear that those who follow witchcraft (if they don’t repent of it before they die) won't see the Kingdom
of God. The Hex Girls try to act innocent (in the cartoon, Sarah Ravencroft is described as using her
Wiccan healing power to help sick people), but the Witchcraft they promote is evil. It's not a secret
that some cartoon covertly promote satanic ceremonies from Witchcraft unto our youths. We have a
right to reject that propaganda. Wicca and Witchcraft worship false gods of Nature and reject solely
worshipping the one true God who created the Universe. It’s paganism 101.

*The links between Freemasonry and Witchcraft (or Wicca) is easy to point out. Freemasonry
have an outer face and an invisible face that hold numerous secrets. Freemasonry calls
themselves a system of morality. First, Masons goes through the Blue Lodge (which is
made up of 3 lower degrees of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master
Mason). Beyond the Blue Lodge are higher degrees of Masonry (which is found in the
Scottish Rite and the York Rite including others). Freemasonry in the modern era came
about in England in 1717 as promoting humanist, rationalist views. The speculative
stonemasons (or humanist thinkers who wanted a new age in the world) in Europe kept
secrets and promoted these views to be a foundation of modern Freemasonry. Freemasonry
spread globally by the mid to late 1700’s. Millions are members today in the world. Many
Masons join Masonry to experience not only the religious aims of the group, but embrace the
occult views of Freemasonry. Paganism relates to some parts of Masonry. One example is
how Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike admits that Freemasonry used some of the
paganism of ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, etc. (especially their symbolism. In various
high degrees of the Scottish Rite the Masons praise pagan gods from Greece, Egypt, Babylon,
etc. in rituals. Ex-Freemason David Didow admitted that the Blue Degree members are
initiated in the ancient pagan Egyptian Trinity. Didow said that masculine and feminine
principles are embraced in Masonry. Dualism, the worship of Nature, and the worship of the
reproductive organs are a key tenet of paganism. The Masons wear aprons and the Square and
Compass to represent their god as a generative principle of life via the sexual act) to develop
Masonry. The pagan obelisk is easily found in Masonry. The obelisk was a phallic symbolic
of reproduction and resurrection. Many Masons’ burial locations have obelisks on their
tombstones. The point in the circle as found in Masonry is related to sun worship according
to Albert Mackey (in his Symbolism of Freemasonry book on pg. 353). Albert Pike admits
in his Morals and Dogma book on pg. 13, 14 that: “..The Sun and Moon represent the
two grand principles of all generations, the active and passive, the male and
female…both shed their light upon their offspring, the Blazing star, or Horus…”
Witchcraft is paganism in the worship of the sun god plus the moon goddess. Here’s the links
between Wicca and Freemasonry. In both groups, they screen members to join, each are
blindfolded in a ritual with a sharp object in their chest (with a rope around their next), there
is an altar to bow to in front of a Worshipful Master or High Priest, each do a blood oath to
be faithful and not reveal secrets, the initiate is led around the Temple to claim to be led in
the “Light,” and each organization use the phrase “so mote it be” in the end of a spell or
“prayer.” Druidism is an ancestor of the Wiccan religion. Freemason William Hutchinson
wrote that: "... our mode of teaching the principles of our profession [Masonry] is derived
from the Druids ... and our chief emblems originally came from Egypt ..." [William
Hutchinson, Mason, The Spirit of Masonry, revised by George Oliver, New York, Bell
Publishing, originally published in 1775, p. 195]. Albert Churchward, another Masonic
writer, states that Masons are "our present Druids". [Albert Churchward, Signs and Symbols
of Primordial Man: the Evolution of Religious Doctrine from the Eschatology of the
Ancient Egyptians, London, England, George Allen and Company, Ltd. 1913, Second
Edition, p. 189. Here’s more of C.S. Lewis’s occult/witchcraft connections.

CS Lewis' whole name is Clive Staples Lewis. Many people think that he was a strong
Christian that wrote fictional literature for children. Yet, more evidence proves that he was a
modernist and he embraced things that no where relates to Biblical Christianity. He was an
Anglican, then an atheist, and then he was rumored to be a closet Catholic before he died. He
went to a priest regularly for confession. He received the sacrament of extreme unction on July 16,
1963. Only Catholics can receive this sacrament. Lewis studied on medieval literature, mythology, and
the occult. He claimed that paganism is the origin of religion when it's blasphemy to assume that
God's truth originated from paganism. Early man acknowledged the existence of an All Powerful
God. Surprised by Joy on pgs 176 and 177 claimed that CS Lewis believed that pagans (like
even a Buddhist) may belong to God without known it. The Bible says that salvation is done in
the name of Jesus Christ. He believes in salvation by works and a form of theistic evolution. Lewis
was apart of a group of writers called the Inklings (along with Charles Williams and J.R.R. Tolkien).
Charles Williams was apart of the occult Qabablistic Order of the Golden Dawn (they adhered
to communication with the spirit world, and some allied with Luciferian Madame HP
Blavatsky). The Chronicles of Naria is CS Lewis' famous work. The book obviously tries to
glorify occult ideas. Naria was based on a real town called Narni in Italy. Lewis wrote about
"All Narnians swear by him" when Jesus Christ taught us not to swear at all. In the Disney film
of NARIA, there is a man dressed up as Pan (which is a Nature god and is a well known
archetype of Satan) talking with a little girl in a suggestive way. Some interpret one scene as a
man acting as a pedophile in trying to lure a young girl into his home.

"You Don't Mess with the Zohan" is a comedy that came out in June 6, 2008. It was directed
by Dennis Dugan and it starred Adam Sandler. The story was written by Sandler, Judd Apatow, and
Robert Smigel. Sandler's production company is Happy Madison, which produced the film. It was
distributed by Columbia Pictures. The film fictionally described the story about a man named Zohan
Dvir (Hebrew: ‫)דביר זוהן‬, who was Israel's hero plus its greatest counter-terrorism army commando. He
gets tired of his Israeli post-draft's standing servitude, so he fake his own death in order to pursue his
real dream. His real dream is to be a hairstylist in New York City. Dvir is played by Adam Sandler (his
role is a disillusioned Israel Special Forces soldier). He fakes his own death when he was in pursuit of
a rival agent named “Phantom" (John Turturro). Zohan smuggles himself into a flight to New York City
and takes the name "Scrappy Coco", named after the dogs he shared the flight with. Zohan is at first
unsuccessful in getting hired at many salons. Zohan's military expertise gains him a new friend called
Michael. Michael given him a place to day. At a disco, Zohan meets a fellow Israeli name Oori (Ido
Mosseri). Oori knows Zohan's secret Israeli agent past, but they agree to keep his identity a secret.
Oori takes Zohan to a block in lower Manhattan. It's filled with Middle Eastern Americans that are split
among a Palestinian and Israeli side of the street. He tried to land a job in a struggling salon of a
Palestinian woman named Dalia (who is played in real life by a Sephradic Jewish woman named
Emmanuelle Chriqui). After first only allowing Zohan to sweep floors for free, she eventually allows
him to be a stylist after he pleases a senior lady with a satisfactory haircut and back room sexual
service. Zohan's reputation spreads instantly among the elder women of lower Manhattan. Of course,
the movie isn't for children. Dalia's business grows and this angers Grant Walbridge (who is played by
Michael Buffer). Grant has the "perfect wife." He wants to force out all of the local tenants on the
block, so that he can create a mall. Walbrige is unsuccessful, so he takes illegal measures.
Meanwhile, Zohan is eventually identified by a Palestinian cab driver named Salim (Rob Schneider),
who has a grudge again Zohan from taking away his goat and convinces his friends to help him get
revenge while being recognized as a hero. Salim fails to bomb Zohan. He ended up with Neosporin
instead of liquid nitrogen due to his accent. Salim contacts Phantom, who created a chain of
restaurants after Zohan faked his death. Phantom goes to New York to find Zohan (since he's
blackmailed into it, but he outwits Salim). Zohan soon falls in love with Dalia after spending a day at
the park with her. Dalia rejects Zohan's feelings for her after he reveals he was formerly an Israeli
counter-terrorist operative despite he shares he feelings towards the senseless fighting back in their
home country. Zohan finds out that Phanton is in New York. So, he confronts his nemesis at the
championship Hacky Sack game. It was sponsored by Walbridge. His fight is soon cut short. The
reason is that news transpire that the Middle Eastern block is being attacked. Zohan arrives and
calms the Israelis and Palestinians down (when they blame each other for the violence). The Phantom
then appears and confronts Zohan, but he refuses to fight back as Dalia appears, revealing that she is
the Phantom's sister and encourages both sides to make peace. By then, the actual arsonists, a
group of white supremacists hired by Walbridge to dress up as Arab and Jewish stereotypes and
instigate an inter-ethnic riot between the two sides, allowing him to take over their stores. Zohan and
Phantom soon work together and lead the united Israelis and Palestinians of the block to save their
shops. They defeat the racists. Walbridge is exposed and goes to jail after his wife's bust deflated to
his horror. However, Phantom accidentally destroy all of the shops on the block. The Israelis and the
Palestinians are united at this point, so the block is turned into a collectively owned mall. It's called the
Peace and Brotherhood Fire Insurance Mall. Phanton opens up a shoe store. Salim has a new goat
for his ride the goat business. Zohan and Dalia get married and open up a joint beauty parlor. Their
first set of customers are Zohan's parents who finally accepted their son's career choice.

So, this movie is a comedy with a message and twists plus turns. The film is supposed to be
humorous, but it presents the message about the real conflict going on in the Middle East
between Israelis and Palestinians. Symbolism is abundant in the film. Typically in occult
symbolism, there is a plan outward deceptive meaning masking the real esoteric meaning of
concepts. Zohan in the movie has a leach on a goat. Rob Schneider has a Riding the Goat
offer costing 5 dollars. Goat imagery is found in Masonic literature and other Secret Societies.
Eliphas Levi promoted the idea that the goat is the head of the Baphomet image. The
Baphomet is an image of the Devil with female breasts and a phallic, which looks like a
hermaphrodite (with wings and horns). Levi's rendition of the Baphomet has a Pentagram on
its forehead. Zohan wears a pentacle in the movie around his neck while he is walking in a
party. The Pentagram has many meanings like Nature, the Devil, the Perfected Man, and the 4
chambers of Tartaros or Hell (according to the Greek scholar Pythagoras). Master Mason
Eugene W. Plawiuk wrote an article entitled, "Liber Capricornus: The Symbolism of the Goat"
on September 3, 1991 about the goat issue. His research finds out that:

"...In fact the very same Babylonians who gave us this symbol of Capricorn and the science of
Astrology were the first Temple builders, and the goat for them symbolised the essence of the Temple
or Lodge. An animal usually found climbing in the mountains. Thus from the first ziggurats to the
Temple of Solomon even to later Churches the Goat was seen as symbol of Man striving to reach
God through his building of Temples that represented mountains. Since in all religions Gods abode is
symbolized by mountains...What a better symbol to attribute to our own striving to understand the
G.A.O.T.U. then a Goat. And here too we find an anagram for Goat. According to a research
monograph on the Dionysian Artificers and Early Masonry edited by Manly P. Hall, the symbolism of
the goat relates to the pre-Christian God Pan, Dionysius. The Goat-God was accepted by the later
Greek Mystery Schools as the symbol of the Temple Builders. In fact the Dionysian Artificers was
such a mystery school. They viewed practical Temple Construction as a source of understanding the
mystery of Nature and God; thus being one of the early esoteric schools from which Masonry has
inherited certain symbols and teachings. Most specifically this Greek Mystery School developed the
Ionic Column which are introduced to us in the Fellow Craft degree. Once again this column which
acted as the corner stone of Greek Architecture literally holds up the temple; the very support for the
Mountain or home of God. ..Besides representing the Temple or Home of the gods, the goat
represents the active male sexual or fertility aspect of nature. As Capricorn he rules the returning sun,
from the darkness of winter solstice. In the sign of the Goat/Capricorn the sun begins to resume its
ascent towards the spring Equinox. As well the goat horn is a hallow phallic symbol, represented even
today as the cup of plenty or cornucopia which we see represented in the Lodge..." He further writes

"...As I mentioned earlier the Boat and the Goat-God Pan became equated with the
devil in medieval christianity. But to medieval occultists especially Rosicrucians the
goat symbolized the elemental energies of the earth, the sign of Saturn and the
alchemical element derived therefrom. In the Tarat it is the Major Arcana card #15
the Devil, who shows a goat headed deity with a man and women chained to him.
The symbolism is that of people who strive for material rather than spiritual gain.
The Goat of Mendes or Baphomet whom the Templars were accused of worshipping
is a Goat Headed deity, being formed of both male and female principles, with a
Caduceus of Mercury for its phallus. One arm points up and one down , with the
latin ' Solve et Coagula' written on them. This is not the christian devil but a symbol
of the ancient alchemists representing the fact that nature and natures God is a
combination and balance of male and female forces, light and darkness, moisture
and dryness. The very principle of Hermes Trismegitus; As Above So Below" is what
is symbolized by Baphomet..." Manly P. Hall states that:

“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being
human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural
harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is
enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat” -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All

Saturn is a known code name for Satan in the occult world. So, according to Plawiuk, the goat
relates to Nature and the symbol of Capricorn of Astrology (and the essence of the Temple or
Lodge). While talking in the street, Zohan wears an orange shirt with the words of "Raven's
Lament." The image on the shirt is a winged bird. The film has the words of "Limit one per
customer. America is Satan." This outlines that many in the world view America in general with
great distain and disgust (over political and societal reasons). The Zohan and his ally wears
the Shirt called "Community Night Watch." This shirt looks like a Triangle with 2 houses
on it. The Triangle is arranged like a Pyramid, which occultists love to promote in architecture,
logos, etc. The logo of the OTO is a Triangle with the Eye of Horus inside of the Triangle.
Triangle with the All Seeing Eye is found in corporate logos, Freemasonry, and a host of other
Secret Societies. One scene shows a plane flying near the sun outlining sun symbolism (There
is another sun symbol on Zohan's shirt while he is doing his hair work). There are other sun
imagery in buildings of the film. Zohan wears a T-Shirt with Mariah Carey on it. A rainbow
cover her body on Zohan’s shirt. This is ironic since rumors abound that Mariah is a MK Ultra
or Monarch Programming victim (Fritz Springmeier writes about this issue). Mariah Carey
ironically is in the film. Mariah Carey wears the Butterfly necklace around her neck. The
butterfly is a key logo of Monarch Programming of the Illuminists. Mariah Carey in the film
signs an autograph while simultaneously gets her hair down in the movie. Mariah Carey says
that she is a religious Christian and calls her alter ego Mimi. Alter ego or new names are
common among musicians. There is TIP vs. TI, Jamito Jo for Janet Jackson, Chris
Gaines for Garth Brooks, Sasha for Beyonce, etc. They even change their
appearance from back then into now. In this generation, the secular music is
increasing spreading themes of skulls, death, and occult (not just typically in
heavy metal music). Her husband is Nick Cannon, who ironically claims to be religious as
well. The hair salon in the film has the floor pattern of the Masonic checkered board floor. The
checkered board floor gives a visual effect in Masonic Lodges worldwide. Zohan makes a child
cry since he tells the boy that the boy will bleed if the barber makes an accident in cutting the
child's hair. One person in the film shows the Il Canuto hand sign. This hand sign thousands
of years ago represented the false worship of Nature gods. Now, it has many meanings as well
from Devil worship to rebellion or embrace of the occult world. The former head of the Church
of Satan Anton La Vey loved to show the horned Il Canuto hand sign. One of the Israelis
arguing with the Arabs had a jacket with the word of Owl on it. The owl is the praised
idolatrous deity in the Bohemian Grove. It's called Minerva or the Goddess not Molech.
Another person wears an apron with a crown image. The new Peace and Brotherhood Fire
Insurance Mall is similar in its wording to the concept of the Brotherhood (as found in
Freemasonry). Stephen Knight exposed Freemasonry in his book ironically called, "The
Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons." The old buildings among Israelis and
Arabic people are destroyed in the film (representing the old world) and this is transformed
into the Peace and Brotherhood Fire Insurance Mall (establishing the new world). See, this is
similar to what is going on in the Middle East in real life. The West (i.e. the U.S., the U.N., the
Vatican, and the E.U.) want Israel and Palestinians to be stirred into their own Peace Plan in
order to promote the new world order. The film certainly does trivialize the Middle East
conflict. There are Palestinians being blown up (which is wicked and evil. In real life, the
Mossad, the IDF, the PLO, Hamas, and other groups have done real terrorism in that part of the
world more extensive than what's shown in this movie) and scapegoated (and their suffering
being minimized) to a degree and Israelis being stereotyped unfairly as well. Not to mention
that the leaders of the Israelis and Palestinians are Freemasons, Jesuit-trained
folks, they are funded by the Rothschilds (as evidence in the Israeli Supreme
Court Building), & members of Papal Knighthoods. In real life, some white
supremacist groups are heavily funded by intelligence agencies (like the FBI did in Elohim
City, like MI6 aided neo-Nazi groups, etc.). The truth is that peace should come in the Middle
East, but the Israelis and Palestinians should do that themselves without oppressive Western

There are much more information to be written about. Some music that's controlled by the
elite has been easily proven in history. America is being more government run with the
government takeover of General Motors and the corporate tax rate in the U.S. is even higher
than in Sweden, which is a very socialist nation. Music can have a key influence upon people.
Also, according to Oliver Stacks, some
Some music can calm people done.
music can actually trigger seizures. Sacks is the Professor of Neurology and
Psychiatry at Columbia Univerity Medical Center. Plato in his Republic stated that: “the
introduction of a new kind of music can alter the character of a nation.” It's doesn't take a
genius to decipher that manipulating can cause great change to the culture at large. Even in
the Roaring 20's, cultural changes in the modern era starting to fight against traditional U.S.
moral values. Cole Porter (he was a bisexual) in 1934 made a musical called "Anything Goes,"
which promote moral relativism. In 1936, Irving Berlin composed the music and lyrics for the
motion picture “Follow the Fleet” starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, in which she sang
“Let Yourself Go.” In that same movie, Harriet Hilliard (later to be Harriet Nelson of “Ozzie and
Harriet” TV fame) sang a song about accepting Satan's advances to submit to evil temptation.
In February of 1938, Theodor Adorno was the chief of the music division of Princeton's
University's Radio Project. This was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. He believed that
repetition in music and other areas can create popularity (which change from authoritarian
personality or a belief in traditional authority to a revolutionary thinking. He wanted the mass
media to be used for opinion management. He was once from the Frankfurt School in
Germany). In 1941, Adorno left the Radio Project and moved to the University of California in
Los Angeles where he taught for seven years. Adorno rejected the concept of family, nation, or
race as a psychiatric disorder in his 1950 book called "The Authoritarian Personality." He
worked with Max Horkheimer in 1947 to write the Dialetic of Enlightenment. In 1951, Ohio disc
jockey Alan Freed popularized the phrase of "rock and roll" which was an old code name for
sex. Fast paced music and fast beats have been exploited to create control over people and a
mob mentality according to conducter plus composer Dimitri Tiomkin and Aldous Huxley in
his 1952 book entitled, "The Devils of Loudun." In 1933 in The Shape of Things to Come, H.G.
Wells had foretold of growing criminally infected areas after WWII (he said the war would begin in
about seven years). Dr. William Sargent in 1957 (as a former President of the Section of Psychiatry in
the Royal Society of Medicine in London) proved that the human brain is sensitive to rhythmic
stimulation by bright lights and percussion. Certain people according to Sargeant are suggestable to
certain vibrations along with strong rhythms played in different tempos (as found in his book called,
"Battle for the Mind: The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing, and Thought
Control"). The 1960's had music that glorified drug use and was getting more Satanic. Some
overtly promoted rebellion against traditional values. “Jefferson Airplane” formed, and member Paul
Cantor revealed in 1965 that: “The new rock music is intended to broaden the generation gap, alienate
parents from their children, and prepare young people for revolution.” It's very easy to see that
Biblical values were attacked in a higher levels from the 1960's onward to be replaced with
more humanist or New Age ideas (or doing your own thing and the love of the Aquarian Age as
found in the lyrics of the song "Aquarius" form the musical Hair). In 1969, the singing group
“The Fifth Dimension” released this song as a single. And in the 1996 Theosophical/New Age
book The Light Shall Set You Free (Theosphists believe Lucifer, “The Light-Bearer,” sets one
free as opposed to the Biblical statement “the Truth (Jesus) will make you free”) by Norma
Milanovich and Shirley McCune, one reads: “The date for entry into the Fifth Dimension [when
the Piscean or Christian Age will end and the Age of Aquarius will begin] is scheduled for the
year 2012.” New Age propaganda is one key of Secret Societies and the new world order
agenda. The good news is that folks are waking up and aren't falling for the deception of the elite or
brainwashing music at all.
The film of Watchmen is based on the comic strip with the same title. The comic lasted from
1986 to 1987 and it was created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. People already realize
Alan Moore’s esoteric side in studying Crowleyian magic and praising the false Gnostic god
of the Roman snake false god of Glycon, which he even admits that it doesn‘t exist. Alan
Moore didn’t want to be apart of the film since they changed a lot in the movie that is
different from the comic. The comic book of Watchmen talk about Laetril (which is a
claimed alternative treatment fighting against cancer), they talk about eugenics in a positive
light, and these so-called heroes carrying out a false flag attack against New York City. It
kills half the city. They blame it on the terrorists, Nazis, a hate group, etc. The “heroes”
follow one world government in fighting against the manufactured enemy. The film of the
Watchmen took place in 2009. The movie is set in 1985 that describes about the Cold war.
The Watchmen are a collection of superheroes that manipulate events like the
assassination of John F. Kennedy (the Comedian in the film kills JFK from the Grassy
Noil) and the Vietnam War. The movie describes 2 sets of the Watchman fighting each
other over the accusation of who was behind the Comedian’s murder. He’s murdered,
because the Comedian doesn’t want to be apart of the false flag operation (by using a fusion
device to destroy much of New York, etc.) to unify Russia plus America to form the new
world order (or the new Kingdom on Earth thereby stopping nuclear war). The Comedian
was a Watchman that was an assassin. In the film, The Watchman Ozymandias admitted that
he is the mastermind behind the Comedian’s murder, Manhattan’s exile, and the framing of
Rorschach (Dr. Manhattan staged his own assassination as a means to rise above suspicion).
Rorschah is fighting against the Pyramid corporation. Rorschah is killed by Dr. Manhattan
for wanting to reveal the inside job. Rorschah in the film when he opposes police brutality,
opposes pedophilia, etc. Rorschah is the good guy. In the old Watchman comic book,
Ozymandias has an All Seeing Eye on his breastplate (plus an dote on his forehead that looks
like a Third eye. Ozymandias is called the smartest man in the world). Ozymandias in the
film wants to unify America and the Soviet Union even if false flag operations would be
executed in New York City. Ozymandias is even smarter than Dr. Manhattan. “Ozymandias”
is a real life sonnet that was created by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The central theme of
"Ozymandias" is the inevitable decline of all men, and of the empires they build, however
mighty in their own time.

The Jesuit Fellowship is mentioned in the Watchmen film. There isn’t a need
to explain further. Jesuit influence in society is heavily great from Hollywood,
theology, education, universities, etc.

Dr. Manhattan build locations in Mars. The movie ends with Manhattan killing Rorschah for
not compromising. Dr. Manhattan is portrayed as the new god-man with special powers. The
Watchmen Jupiter (who is a female) and Dreiberg return to New York City being rebuilt and
they begin a new life. Dr. Manhattan has supernatural powers in the comic. Manhattan goes
into another galaxy. Rorschah sent in his journal to the newspaper at the end which will
inevitably get published and expose Ozymandias's plot thus informing the world of the cover
up. The real bad guy in the film was Oyzmandias trying to kill people in order to try to create
his Utopia, while Dr. Manhattan was askance (or almost neutral) in his opinion on things.
Some believe that Watchmen tries to warn against the new world order and others
believes it promotes the new world order agenda. The comic and the film fundamentally
describes the ambiguous character of people who calls themselves heroes. Today,
globalists in the US-UK elite want to pacify Russia by encircling Russia, the Ossetia conflict,
etc. The movie discusses about mass death and unification of nations for our betterment,
which I don’t agree with.
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

-Mathew 7:15

Nowadays, there is a tidal wave of people embracing psychics. It's similar to an

explosion. One of the most famous psychics is Sylvia Browne. She readily appears on the
Montel Williams show. Now, tons of people are embracing her New Age ideology. Browne
is popular among millions of people in the world. She claims to represent Christian
values, but in 1986, she formed a new group called Society of Novus Spiritus. There own
sites believes in no sin, no guilt, and no Satan. The Society of Novus Spiritus is a pro-
Gnostic group. That’s a red flag right there. Novus Spiritus deny that Jesus Christ rose
from the dead. So, Sylvia Browne is not a Christian at all. She claims to understand God,
but she believes that no sin exists and there is no Satan or Hell. The Word of God
proclaims that Jesus Christ is God Almighty (John 1:1-3,14; John 10:33; Colossians
2:9; 1st Timothy 3:16; Revelation 1:8 --King James Bible). The Word of God
teaches that Jesus Christ arose from the dead (John 19:11-16), and was seen by
over 500 people (1st Corinthians 15:4-6). The Word of God clearly states that
Jesus came to die upon the cross, shedding His blood for our sins (Luke 1:77; John
3:16; Romans 5:8; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 1:14; Revelation 7:14). It is
clear that Sylvia Browne is an unbeliever who does NOT believe the Word of God.
In fact, 1st John 2:22 calls her an ANTI-Christ and a liar. This is mentioned in David
J. Stewart's article. I guess using that logic, Hitler wasn't evil. The truth is that Hitler
was evil and must be held into account by his cruel and degenerate acts unto millions of
human beings. Like New Agers, some Freemasons, and occultists, Sylvia Browne believe
that God has a male and female side. This is in spite of the fact that God is solely called
masculine throughout the Scripture. This doesn’t mean that the feminine aspect of
humanity isn’t valuable. It is. These physics and medium's popularity are global now. I
saw some of them on Larry King Live debates 2 skeptics. The most famous of Sylvia
Browne's false prophecies was her claiming that all 13 miners (from West Virginia in the
2006 Sago Mine disaster. She said this on "Coast to Coast" radio at around 3 a.m.) will
live. In truth, only 1 man survived. It isn't just Browne. John Edwards and van Praugh
are famous folks who claim to be medium. In other words, they believe that they can
contact the dead and give messages to people. Apparently, John Edward not only
supports Fatima, but he supports the Rosary. Historically, the Rosary was never
created by Christians thousands of years ago. It was actually a group of prayer
beads that was introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090 A.D.

Edwards believe that rosary can improve your prayer life, The Bible is rather
clear on mediums, physics, and the lie. The Bible forbids contacting familiar
spirit and contacting of the death (Leviticus 20:27, 1st Chronicles 10:13,14,
Deuteronomy 18:10-12) The Bible calls necromancy (contacting the dead) and
divination an abomination. The New Testament says point blank that anyone
using witchcraft (if they don’t repent before they die) will not inherit the
Kingdom of God. This is found in Revelation 21:8. I will resist the tactics of
these psychics.
Video games have talked about Secret Societies, the Illuminati, and the new world order as well.
Sometimes, video games even would project messages about scenarios in history (or certain possible
occurrences in our future) and other fictional events. EA is promoting the videogame called "Burnout
Paradise." Ironically, in a commercial promoting the game, they show a logo looking similar to the
occultic Great Seal of America. It has worlds on it relating to metal, etc. The game talks about
Paradise City. It has vehicles and talks about an urban setting. It talks about creating law and
order in the game by killing people and causing destruction against "criminals." The game
claims that these duties will give the people peace and tranquility. The game also mentions
that years of meticulous planning and cunning can cause the goal of defeating the "enemy." It
talks about supplying weapons, running organized law enforcement, and experiencing anarchy before
accepting the new world order. It's pretty clear what that game is promoting. The video game of
Crackdown 2 talks about quarantine and death. Hitman is another video game with the logo of MI5. It
has the Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye. The Max Payne video game has the All Seeing eye
as well. In Max Payne 2 talks about the Secret Society fomenting evil in the world (This society in the
video game is called the Circle. The game says that it goes back into Masonic cults doing
assassinations and corruption into the Presidential level). The World of War craft from 2004 has an All
Seeing Eye image on it. Guild Wars is a video game. has the Pyramid with one eye in the middle of it.
The Conduit Wii game has the eye. The Assassin's Creed game has the Pentagram and the Eye of
Horus in it. Playstation's Soviet Strike talks about a new world disorder and terrorism. It says that:
"Terrorists and madmen have created a whole new world disorder." One of the most overt video
games show this symbolism is called "Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines." It's a PC-CD Room
game. The game has the image of Ministry and other words in a Runic way. It has the Anarchy
logo transposed on the image of the Great seal of America. Deus Ex in 2000 talks about FEMA
and diseases. The game talks about vaccines, rioting, and whether people can contain it. It
talks about an engineered pandemic and evil people wanting people beg for a solution to it (similar to
order out of chaos). Deus Ex talks about the underclass. It is similar to eugenics and the government
trying to control opposition to the new world order. The video talks about people wanting a new age
and being gods (similar to the new world order). The video talks about them being the Illuminati.
The 911 Memorial has the occult eye of Horus. The new world order agenda isn't just political. It's
spiritual and relates to the occult as well. That is why the United Nations' Mediation room promotes the
unification of world religions. That is why the Bohemian Grove has images of the Papal
Saint of Nepomuk and Maitreya. The Bohemian Grove has occult rituals to praise the owl
statue of the Goddess (historically, it has been called Isis, Lilith, Minerva, etc.). This memorial was
built on ground zero. It's sick to see the victims of 9/11 being exploited by this occult symbol when
9/11 was an inside job. The people who achieved 9/11 were not Muslims per se as the Muslims were
used as puppets. The real doers of 9/11 were Jesuit-trained leaders of the Western governments (and
intelligence communities). This occult eye image is found beneath the Chambers Street/World Trade
Center subway. This satanic image is also known as the oculus. It was created by Kristin Jones and
Andrew Ginzel. It is made up of 300 different mosaic eyes. They are based on real human eyes taken
from photographs and they aren't computer generated. The Cult of Oc is derived from the ancient
symbols of the circular sun and the crescent moon, which when joined together form the word oc. Oc
is also the root of the Latin word for eye - oculus. So the occult symbolism here relates the celestial
sun, moon, and eye whose wink darkens the day. The All Seeing Eye relates to Horus or Osiris
according the Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma book. Pike wrote that: “… His [Osiris]
power was symbolized by an Eye over a Sceptre. The Sun was termed by the
Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing
Eye in our Lodges.” This eye is found on the One Dollar Bill as well to represent God, but God
in the Scriptures isn't referred to as an All Seeing Eye at all. The myth of Osiris was that he was killed
by his brother Seth to achieve Osiris' throne. Isis briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell
that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he
again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. Horus represents new beginning and some Christian
scholars believe that Horus is a representative of the Masonic Christ. Osiris ironically has been called
the false god of the underworld (this is a code name for Satan). Is the oculus underneath ground zero
a ritual sacrifice to the Devil? His eye, and a depiction of swirling fire are buried beneath the site where
this tragedy occurred, yet most Americans don’t even notice Satan’s very own fingerprint when they
see it. The All Seeing eye of Horus is found everywhere and it's an allegiance to the occult not to God
at all. The world is not what it seems.

In the final analysis, people like us know the truth. It’s important to
expose this information. Yet, we should do our part by helping people
following God, do the right thing in our lives, and get on the straight
plus narrow path. Waking others up is fine, but we should at the same
time become spiritually connected to God and his commandments. We
should fight evil and do the right thing.

By Timothy

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