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‘Commas gn Ranking and of oun 5000 Boies far the om Wlocumiend root gf fhe ‘ena sb.000 ‘SPIES ASF dete‘ fue document room of the Blouses “The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present cousidera- tion of this recolution? [After a pause.) ‘The Chair hears hone.” ‘The question 1s on concurring In the resolution. ‘Mr, MANN. Mr. Speaker, T notice that the resolution. pro- des’ for 80,000 eopies—85,000 for the use of the House and 6,000 for the use of the Senate. In all these resolutions tt 1s fexstomary, and T think entirely proper, to give the House twice sunny coples as ts glven to the Senate. I suggest to the gen ‘Geman from Virginia tat be have the resolution amended so a to make 1t 88,000 copies, of which 40,000 coples shall be for the tose of the House instend of 35,000 eoples. Mit. GLASS. Mr. Speaker, T move tat that amendment be Incorporated in the resolution. ‘The SPEAKER. “The gentleman trom Virginia moves to inend the resolution by making the whole number 85,000 copies, fof which 46,000 shall be for the use of the Fonse. ‘The amendment was agreed to. ‘The conenrtent resolution ae amended was agreed to. ‘CHANGE OF RFFEREXCE. By manimous consent, the Committee on Appropriations was ‘discharged from further consideration of the bill (E.R, 10405) to promote the erection of @ memorial in: conjunction with the celebration of the centenary of the Battle of Plattsburg during the year 1914, in commemoration of the one hundredth qnniver ssury of MeDonough's vietory in the naval battle fought in the War of 1812, the last naval engagement between English-speal- ing people, and the snine was referred to the Committee on the Library. Foose, a Mr. UNDERWOOD, "Mr, Speaker, T ask unshimous consent that hen the House adjourne today ie adjourmito meet at 230 Selock tomorsow afternoon. Min HZGERALD. “Why sot come tn at the usual hour? We want to finish the Distice bi Sim MANN, T bone the gentleman from Ney? York will not coject to tat, “We can of fish the District bil tomorrow. Memiers wil be getting rendy'to go home tormorrove and i wil toe impossible fo ‘Bnish tT do ‘not thu that we wil make fg progress by meeting at 12 cock ‘rt UNDERWOOD. “Afr. Speaker, T renew my request. Tho SPRARER, ‘he gentleman doom Alabama eke nnani- row consent that when the House adjouras today 1 dour {olmest at 290 p. m- tomareow. ia there objection? “There was no objection. ‘AOVOUANMIENT Oty THE MOLIDAXS, Mr, UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I desi to move the adop- tion of the privileged. resclution. whieh send 0” the Clete dene The Clerk rehd a fotlows: | uae concerent ressatien 2 soi 4GfSined Sat Sn eat Monde nancy AE, Mr. MANN, "Mr. Speaker, Tink that the date for the re- assoibling of Congress woud be altogether foo ate, except for Sno thing’ think we can afford, under the cigeuiatances, to {ike TM rong ndjourmment In ofder to give the Lresident 2 ‘Shnnee fo get'n rest, whieh T think he neti The SPEAKER, ‘The question is on agreeing to the concur- rent resolution “Tue concurrent resolution was agreed to “re care eenusiaranivB Pee ‘ Mr. HAUGEN. Afr. Speaker, { have the solemn duty 9 an none tothe House the death this morning of Ale. tS Dares, # Member of the Howse of Kepresentatives from he State ot Towa. ‘Thos ends the life of worfhy young rh, ‘ith sears of nsefa, patitle serve, nnd universal loved and espeete, “At some future tne Tsball ask that a day bo set oe ere T now oftde the following resolutions, whlch T send to the Gest’ and asl to have rea ‘Tho Clerk read a follows: "House resolution 259, Revoleed, ‘That the House, has heard "with profornd sorrow. of the ‘of Hon. 8 Pure a Representative thom thy State of lowes ‘etotecd, Hunt a ommites of 18 Members of the Howe, wey whch Métibers ot the ‘Senate aa my be flue, be appolated to’ attend the Hinerai evolved, That the Sergeant at Arm of the House be authored and aireted fo” take such ‘ay be ‘ection thereat be paid af te outingent fund ae te lout of the contingent fe Hous “epoleed, That the Clerk commumionte these resolutions fo the andTennsmit msopy thereot to the family of the acccnsed. aie SPEAKER the 0 "The resolutions 40, 4 lowing commition: Messrs. Zhe Chate anno he cox: Roux of lowa, Kinkeatmfic, L1o¥0, D0OLIEtEE, -ASHiROOR, Tavaxsen, Rossett, Lomcck ‘Taowas, Reouanas of Tl Haveex, Kesxeoy of To linols, ‘Goon, Taoctsy omen, Woon ‘Sloan, and SLEMP, po Rapes op ‘The’ Clerk read as fol | afigeied. That aa n-torter| mace of respect thi, Tome do now ‘Tho SPEAKER, ‘the ton ce "Tne resototion was and So migutes Tuestay, December tou ts on agreelng to the resotn- ind accordingly (at 10 o'clock ‘m)) the Hobse.adjouried untit to-morrow, 1918, at 2 o'dock and 30 mutnutes p,m; REPORTS OF COMMTREES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. eniudes, clause 2 of Halo XT, bis and resolutions were sx. iy Teported from jcominittecs, detlvered to the Clerk, aid Teferred to the savern{ calendars berein named as follows: Mr. WEBB, from the Conmitee on the Judllaey, {0 whlch vas referred the bin (Hi. I e148) relating to the malstonanee or actions for death od the high sexs ind other navigable waters, Feported the mime with aineidment, accompanied DY. feporE {Gke300y, ch gla Mab roort were fered (0 the Hse Mr. CLAYTON, fom the Comtiltiee' on the Judielary, to whch Wat reterroa the bill (He 4045) to amei hat ee Uulet “An et to codify revise, and amend te ws relating to the judiclaryy approved Mafel , 1911, reported the same one nena Accompany se gM 102), eh ‘Suld bland report svere referred to te Hone Catenday Mr. FRRRIS, from the Committer on the Publte taihds, to which was referred the Dill CH. Tt 10358) authorlaing the Bee etary of the Iotertor to sell (o the elty of Layrtobe OKI & ‘act of inhd {0 be use for watershed wad waeraGpDly PE: poses, Teported the same with mmendinent, accompanled OF & Foport (No. 150), whlch said bill and report were eternad (0 {ie Commitice of dhe Whole House on the sate of the lon. Me. RARER. from the Cotumitte onthe Buble Lands to whch was referred the bil CH. It. 11006) authorising the aise posal of « portion of the KUrt Bidwell Undian Schools City #6. Hert ae mune wit aendnety ceonpania by 8 report No. 161), wich sald bil and report were referred {0 the ome Initee of iNe Whole Howwe'on the state of the Walon. CHANGH OF REFERENCE, Under clause 2 of Rule XXU, thy Committee on Invalid Pen sions was discharged from the consideration of the Dill (HK, F. 45966), granting’ pension to Henry P. Niebuhr, aud the supe ‘was Feferred to the Committes on Heuston, PUDTIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MPMORLALS. Uniler slanse 3 o€ Ble XT, ts resototlons, and meiorals wor itfoducea dna Hovey reteftet an fallow By Ma HAMILAON of Mien Ml I, 2100), ye sili fir the erection ot a puble baiting at he ay oe SE Joven Sai; "0" the Opie on Fable, Bulag a iiomide : By Mr, HOWARD? A bil} (He R. 11170). to divest the ship. soent af gen, navies, grat nthe sae wed myccaltua! of horleutorn aly of thle, teria eoaras i or poorde ae dulteraton, ieee fraud in the sale thereof; to|the Committee on Agriculture, ‘By Mr, STEPHENS of Teas: A bill (H. T. 11171) to author. zo And empower the Secreétpry of the Interior to grunt rights of way, penmnits, oF ieenses! teross or on India reveryathons,, Sndian ands, ad Indian ahotments, and for other purposes lon, ‘Me, GOULDUN: A bil (H. It. 11278) to_ appropriate 000 for the Impreveineh of st Hiver, New ore Harbor, {tnd for the removal in ledges and shoals in std ut bor} to the Committee on livers and Harbors ‘by Me. LINTIUCUM: AML (LR, 1174) providing for the: appropriation of estar of, money. for the erection at Fort Metfenry of « mouument sid Hagstatt (9 Francis Scott Key aid 4 By

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